booksbyintisar · 2 years
Welcome twitter users fleeing the absolute cesspool that twitter is going to become as Musk gets his way with his awful ideas! Things are better here, and hey, if you're an old user coming back, they've actually improved shit!
Here's a list of important notes for tumblr usage:
Don't censor words, particularly trigger warnings. Tumblr has a very functional blacklist (found in your settings) that can filter by post content and/or tags. But the word needs to actually be present for the filter to work. Censoring words like r*pe is actively harmful to people attempting to avoid those topics.
Use tags liberally, you have as many as you want, but don't tag unrelated shit. You'll get reported for spam really fast if you do.
Set an avatar and reblog things, otherwise you look like a bot.
You are not obligated to have your real name anywhere in your blog/bio/etc. Most people here use handles.
You can turn your ask box & anons on or off if you are experiencing any kind of harassment. You can also turn off replies on your posts, and turn off reblogs if you need to.
Tumblr has keyboard shortcuts on desktop. You can find them listed under the blog/account menu. Go learn them, they make life so much easier.
Reblog things. Seriously. Also set your dash in chronological order. You can maintain several blogs if need be, but reblogging things is normal, expected, and how you pass along stuff you enjoy.
The majority of people aren't reading your card/dni/blog bio before they reblog stuff. Posts get passed around and the OP often isn't the focal point of the post. Learn to live with it.
Fic writers: you have unlimited words, do not post fics as images.
Reblogs with comments/tags are encouraged. It's not like twitter's QRTs. The OP will see everything there. Know that before you comment.
You have a queue. This means you can set posts up ahead of time to run while you're busy. You can also completely ignore this and just spam your follows whenever you're online. Both are very commonplace
It's not weird to go through someone's blog and reblog old posts. That's actually very normal. If you add /chrono to the end of a tumblr tab then you can view an
"Spam" liking and reblogging isn't a thing that is a problem. This is invented by people I do not understand. If someone claims this is a problem, they can learn how to turn off or manage their notifications.
The only form of promotional posts that tumblr has is "blaze". There is no ad targeting or any kind of invasions of privacy with blaze. You just get subjected to w/e someone wants to show you. If you want to give tumblr some money to help the company keep going and provided an alternative to twitter, it's not a bad way to do it. You can make people look at cat photos.
Also, we have fun colors here. Plus actual formatting ability. Use it!
People lie on here for fun. Don't accept everything you see at face value, check the reblogs/replies or google something if you're skeptical! Critical thinking is good!
Above all else, be chill, use your block button if you need to, and have fun.
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booksbyintisar · 2 years
Love this so much!
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I cannot yet tell him I love him, because we need more time without games or deceit between us to find such love. Intisar Khanani, Thorn
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booksbyintisar · 2 years
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He looks up, blinking as he focuses on me, and smiles. There is neither mockery nor flattery nor cruelty in it. It is the quick, instinctive smile of a man whose gaze alights on something he likes. It shocks me to my core.
Alyrra & Kestrin | Thorn, Intisar Khanani (underappreciated book 16/?)
This one is for @brambleberrycottage, who introduced me to this series. ^^
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booksbyintisar · 7 years
I keep hitting refresh in the hopes that the next page will come up, because I’m tired enough that it feels like Friday even though it isn’t... yet. Maybe if I hit refresh again...
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booksbyintisar · 7 years
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booksbyintisar · 7 years
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booksbyintisar · 7 years
Author Interview + LUMINOUS Giveaway: Christopher Bunn
Author Interview + LUMINOUS Giveaway: Meet Christopher Bunn and win a LOTR Tote + HP journal + swag!
Today I’m excited to welcome Christopher Bunn to the blog as part of the LUMINOUS Blog Hop and Giveaway. Christopher will be chatting with us about writing noblebright fantasy (including what the heck that is), his own contribution to LUMINOUS, and his favorite re-reads.  To wrap it all up, we have an awesome giveawayof a “Not All Those Who Wander…” LOTR tote bag + an “I Solemnly Swear I Am Up To…
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booksbyintisar · 7 years
Cover Reveal: Lies of Light by Melissa Sasina
Today I’m excited to bring you the cover reveal for the first book in fantasy author Melissa Sasina’s Darker Shade of Light series. Without further ado, here it is…
Skin black as pitch, nails like talons…
A mysterious illness creeps through Acantha’s people—one that even the most powerful healers’ magic cannot touch. When the affliction proves to be something far more sinister and a family…
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booksbyintisar · 7 years
New Release: LUMINOUS Boxed Set of Noblebright Fantasy!
Late last year, I agreed to be part of a boxed set of Noblebright stories being put together by author CJ Brightley. That set, LUMINOUS, releases this week! I haven’t yet finished reading all the books in it, but the ones I have read are fantastic. My SUNBOLT is included, as is W.R Gingell’s WOLFSKIN and Lea Doue’s THE FIRETHORN CROWN, which should give you a feel for this particular Noblebright…
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booksbyintisar · 7 years
Three Sunbolt Giveaways!
Three Sunbolt Giveaways! This weekend only.
When it rains, it pours!
Next week I’ll be updating Sunbolt‘s cover as well as uploading a slightly updated text. What? Don’t worry, the cover is really the same cover with improved color and contrast. Sunbolt’s cover was actually the very first cover that Jenny at Seedlings Design designed on commission. It was super exciting to work with Jenny on it, and now, four years later, we decided to…
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booksbyintisar · 7 years
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Like Wheel of Time, but darker. An epic novel of vengeance, betrayal and self-discovery! Now available! http://thndr.me/GQeXT5
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booksbyintisar · 7 years
Here's what I'm reading for the #RamadanReadathon!
Well, okay, the readathon’s already been here for over a week, which means I’m already behind in my reading. Eep! But better late than never, right? This readathon is all about centering Muslim voices and their stories, in a similar vein to #MuslimShelfSpace, where folks took pictures of the books they owned by Muslims. That one raised awareness of how far we have to go, this readathon gets us…
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booksbyintisar · 7 years
Writing Beneath A Glass Ceiling: A Guest Post by SFF Author Anela Deen
Writing Beneath a Glass Ceiling: A Guest Post by SFF Author Anela Deen
Today I’m happy to welcome Speculative Fiction author (and friend!) Anela Deen to the blog. You may remember Anela’s name from my review of her fantasy novel A Ransom of Flames, which I quite enjoyed. Today, Anela joins us to reflect on her experiences–and the experiences of women generally–when writing or working in a field dominated by men. Be sure to scroll all the way down to nab a free copy…
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booksbyintisar · 7 years
Fantasy Book Bundle Giveaway!
11 Free Fantasy Reads - It's a Fantasy Book Bundle Giveaway!
When it rains, it pours! Here’s another fantastic bundle of free fantasy reads (including Sunbolt, of course!). This giveaway is through BookFunnel, so many of the books do require you to sign up for the author’s mailing list to receive it. If you’re already subscribed (hint hint), you’re gold!
Check out the books here: https://books.bookfunnel.com/fantasyreads
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booksbyintisar · 7 years
A Heritage of Seeking Refuge
A Heritage of Seeking Refuge: Reflections on my family's past
These last few months have really brought home to me a few things about my family. We are privileged, so, so privileged and I feel both grateful and slightly guilty for that reality. We also have a recent memory of being refugees. I am grateful for this as well, even as it changes my lived experience in ways I am still coming to understand.
Both my grandparents on either side of my family were…
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booksbyintisar · 7 years
18 Awesome & Free YA Reads
Today I’ve got 18 free reads from all across YA, including a good bit of fantasy! This giveaway is hosted on BookFunnel (kind of like Instafreebie, but with the added benefit that if you have your e-reader handy, you can do a direct download to it instead of messing with conversion through your e-mail.) And like Instafreebie… most of these books will ask you to opt-in to the author’s newsletter…
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booksbyintisar · 7 years
Sunbolt Goodreads Giveaway!
Sunbolt Goodreads Giveaway! Street thieves, magic, and monsters--nab your signed copy now!
I’m giving away three signed copies of Sunbolt on Goodreads! Street thieves, magic, and monsters (both human and not) — what’s not to enjoy?
Already read it? These will make great gifts as well! This giveaway is US only–but I will do a worldwide one later this summer.
The Blurb:
The winding streets and narrow alleys of Karolene hide many secrets, and Hitomi is one of them. Orphaned at a young…
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