bookvisual · 2 years
no one loved each other more than rin and kitay. despite all the rinezhafication of tpw, the best love story was the platonic bond between rin and kitay. kitay never stopped loving rin even as her made her most selfish choices. rin stuck by kitay even when she felt most betrayed by him, they never let each other go. they couldn’t even practice with each other in sinegard because they couldn’t bear to see the other hurt by their hand even if it was pretend. and AT THE END OF TBG???? kitay would rather die hating rin than live in a world without her at all. THEIR LOVE FOR EACH OTHER ALWAYS OUTWEIGHED EVERYTHING, NOT EVEN IN DEATH COULD THEY BE TORN APART!!!
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bookvisual · 2 years
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kitay about rin
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bookvisual · 3 years
Religion: a different perspective
Religion: a different perspective
Lately, I have been thinking about religion and the impact it has made in my life. Religion is such a broad spectrum, we have different types of people believing in different ways, there are the ones who believe what they are taught and what they see and there are the other ones who believe based on how they feel. Firmly knowing which side you identify with is a blessing but constantly shuffling…
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bookvisual · 4 years
My Experience In China
My Experience In China
The day I had decided that I would be spending the next 5/6 years of my life away from home, had me both terrified and giddy, especially to a place like China, I was more of the later. Everything was sudden, at one point it seemed like my choice wasn’t even my choice but destiny itself had chosen my path. Nevertheless, on the 25th I set out to venture into a new life.
My first impression when…
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bookvisual · 4 years
Don't live in your future, be present.
Don’t live in your future, be present.
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The future is unpredictable, who has ever accurately known what would the future bring to them. Altering your present to such an extent that doesn’t resonate with you for a future you’re very uncertain about is as hopeless as wishing on shooting stars.
I believe everyone has a hurdle to deal with, a set of problems they have to overcome, a hope for something better is the only thing that keeps…
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bookvisual · 4 years
Oh, love isn’t there to make us happy. I believe it exists to show us how much we can endure.
Hermann Hesse (b. 2 July 1877)
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bookvisual · 4 years
Positive changes
It always baffles me how people can go back to their words. One moment they would say one thing the next they would turn back on you. It’s even more surprising to me when they readily lose something that they used to claim was the most important aspect for them. I do realize that circumstances and the environment play a large part in one’s actions and behaviors but it still doesn’t explain much,…
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bookvisual · 4 years
A Different Perspective.
All my life I’ve been trying to figure out how I want to live my life, I’ve been confused and skeptical in every decision I take, not because I am afraid to be judged or being criticized but because I once had to deal with an awful consequence of going after what my heart desired. For years that thought has haunted me, altered my perspective on everything, and to some extent held me back.
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bookvisual · 4 years
We need stressful days in order to be happy. We need days when we get zero sleep and are working tirelessly on a deadline. Because if we didn’t, the lazy days wouldn’t feel good … We need to always be working towards something in order to feel useful and have a sense of purpose
Ryan O’Connell (via perrfectly)
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bookvisual · 4 years
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the ghost bride is gorgeous | part 4/5
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bookvisual · 5 years
random judexcardan headcanons
cardan, much like jude, has a very light sleep
he wakes up at the smallest of movements from jude
and, at times, she feels him stir in the middle of the day
even with curtains fully drawn and the room etched in darkness and the warm body next to him-
cardan’s breathing changes
just with the flutter of a bird’s wings outside their window
and jude knows, she feels him wake, and that’s when she, herself, wakes, too
he turns to her, pulls her closer, and does not respond
he tucks her into him, his chin on top of her head, his arms snaking around her
they’ve learned to read each other by now
silence from him means he does not wish to speak of whatever it is troubling him 
jude watches his bare chest
feels the way his heart slows beneath her hand at her closeness
“Cardan,” she says again, softer this time, because her heart is filled with strange anxiousness, a sort of hopelessness, at seeing him like this
her smirky, snarky husband
now clinging to her
as if for dear life
“Sleep, Jude.” His tone is soft, layered with sleep
she feels his breath atop her head
“It is almost twilight,” she mumbles. “Will you look at me?”
he finds it a strange request, but does nonetheless
in the darkness, jude’s eyes seem ablaze
he watches her as she watches him
he wonders what she sees
at last, she whispers, quite sadly, “You’ve had dreams.”
silence, for he can’t lie
“Do you wish to speak of them?”
Jude nods, sighing softly. “It hurts to see you like this,” she admits. “And knowing I can do nothing to make it better.”
“You do,” he says, closing his eyes, nuzzling his face closer. “My Jude, my wife.”
Jude’s smile suddenly grows, her eyes fluttering shut as their noses touch. “You insist on calling me that.”
“Is that not what you are?”
“You’re distracting me. Avoiding this conversation.”
Cardan sighs, at last pulling away
but jude touches his arm, so gently, and says, “I thought you wanted me to let go of my shield. I did. Why don’t you drop yours?”
Cardan looks at her, sadness in his eyes
and the truth is - he wants to
but at the end of the day, some things just do not have an explanation
“You have been tense,” she murmurs, sitting up on the bed. “Nervous. Not sleeping. Sometimes I catch you looking at me as if you’re wondering if something is wrong-”
the orange tint of the skies, so strong in the twilight hour, manages to slip through the windows, and beneath the dark curtains. The breeze moves the fabric, making it sway, and the orange glint catches Jude’s eye for a moment, that blazing brown, and, for that second, as cardan looks at her, in that single moment-
he stops
jude blinks. “What?”
he freezes, moving slowly into a sitting position, as she is
and staring
and staring
“Jude,” he breathes
jude touches her face, her neck, her face growing worried. “What is it?”
he blinks then, cocking his head to the side
watching her
the glint he caught in her eye
that strange light-
“Cardan,” jude insists
his eyes travel down her body, the thin nightgown
the glow of her skin
down, and down - to her middle
“What are you looking at?” she breathes
he pauses, and his eyes meet hers
and then: “Do you have news?”
just that
Do you have news?
jude swallows hard, watching him with a mixture of bafflement and guilt
but there is not a whiff of anger or frustration in him
a hint of surprise
without saying a word, he touches her leg behind her knee, and pulls her body to him
jude’s breath hitches in surprise, her body half laying down, her legs on either side of his waist
and as cardan’s eyes skim every inch and corner of her-
she knows that he knows
“I was going to tell you.”
jude pauses, heart beating out of her chest, her mouth opening but her words failing her, always failing her
cardan leans over her, and jude’s breath comes out in shaky puffs
she’s smiling
cardan nears her, touches his nose to her jawline
he pauses, eyes closed, and takes a breath. slowly, he whispers, “I am not sure how I was able to miss it.”
jude bites her lip, fascinated with his behaviour
the way that he picked it up
the smallest, non-existing sign-
and he got it
“Of course,” he murmurs, pulling back
“I was going to tell you,” she murmurs again. “Tomorrow.”
“Why tomorrow?”
jude pauses, shrugging, “I… wanted to go to the human world. Be checked by a do- a healer. A human healer. Just to… just to be sure.”
cardan eyes her, moonlight dancing in his eyes. “Be sure, Jude,” he leans over her, touching his lips to her nose. “Be sure, it is our child you are carrying.”
jude breathes out, touching his cheeks. “How did you-?”
“So many signs,” he says, sighing. Shaking his head. “I should have known sooner. Your eyes, the way your breathing has changed. Your scent-”
“You can pick up those things,” she murmurs. It’s not a question - more like fact of wonder
he nods, touching her cheeks. “It all makes sense now.”
“Your anxiousness,” she completes, watching his eyes. “You knew before you knew. Even before I, myself, knew.”
cardan stays silent, watching her face. “It is soon.”
jude blinks. “For whom?”
cardan touches her bottom lip with the tip of his thumb. “For you, is it not? I heard… well, it came in conversation with oldest sister once, and she said humans have children when they are much older. I must inquire about your happiness, then. Did you expect…” there’s a fear to him now, just under the surface. “Did you expect it to happen so soon?”
“No,” she breathes, holding his hand to her cheek. “Not so soon. But I am not… sad. Nor was I angry or frightened when I discovered it yesterday. Surprised, yes. But-” Jude pauses. “If it makes you happy…”
Cardan smiles then, touching his nose to hers, “If it makes you happy…”
she smiles as his lips touch hers, “Yes,” she murmurs. “Yes, it makes me happy.”
cute898 iamthebonecarver   faerytalesfromtheabyss space-buns-arsinoe
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bookvisual · 5 years
cardan: “mock me all you like. whatever i imagined then, now it is i who would beg and grovel for a kind word from your lips.” his eyes are black with desire. “by you, i am forever undone.”
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bookvisual · 5 years
Apparently I do have a type. It’s the psychopaths
As an unapologetic Slytherin, I always enjoy more complex, anti-hero love interests(Kylo Ren, Darkling, Rhysand, Heathcliff, Kaz, Maven) and it’s so incredibly hard to find that right mix..but Cardan? Cardan might just be my favourite. He’s so unbelievably wicked, sexy, and unpredictable. 
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bookvisual · 5 years
one of my most fav part of the queen of nothing
is that hug. THE HUG. that mfing hug. Only the devil knows how long I've waited for this and how MUCH I wanted jude cardan to hug the hell out of each other. Yes ofcourse they've done alot more than hugging but they always brushed it off as attraction. But a hug? That's the softest.. no way you hug someone and say you did it to get them out of your system lol and we got it and I'm just—
because Jude REALLY said fuck everyone and everything and ran straight into cardan's arms. My girl followed her instinct and I'm so proud (all the more because entire elfhame witnessed it) like—
This is also the first and only hug my bby cardan ever got in the trilogy and it makes it all the more special my heart's in ruins.
I gave this book an extra star just for that hug hell yeah
PS - Hope they're cuddling as I type this 🤗
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bookvisual · 5 years
reasons to love cardan greenbriar:
does not know how to fight with a sword and this is never portrayed as a weakness.
dramatic as fuck.
turned on by knives.
wears makeup (and this is never thought of as weird). would probably buy out sephora given the chance.
would scorch you in a who wore it better contest.
he was raised by a cat who abandoned him and then he got exactly one (1) hug during the whole triology and we should all hug him now because he's starved for affection.
gave us "my sweet villain"
gave us "my darling god"
gave us "my sweet nemesis"
the best snusband.
light hair touches.
coronation dress.
tricky tongue.
tricky fingers.
sly feet.
*breaks crown in half like that scene from mean girls*
"my wIFE!"
"i would. and perhaps one day i will." (internal shrieking, you know the scene)
"the hospitality of knives"
always about that consent. concerned with jude's feelings and respectful of her boundaries (at least in most of twk and qon).
also a bit of a martyr for mortals. he saves all those mortals and i-.... he was a king before he was a king.
likes to wear his crown (and party hats) crooked which like.... adorable.
overcame his drinking problem to be worthy of jude. because he loved jude.
he loves jude.
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bookvisual · 5 years
Me, reading TWK: Cardan's a big fuckin snake.
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bookvisual · 5 years
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Friendly Reminder: Cardan is a bookworm. And he’s a mortal fable fanboy. Jude finding Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland in Cardan’s room was one of my favorite unsolved conundrums about him in the first book. Jude questioned its unusual appearance in his room, but got too distracted to look more into it. But there is definitely something about mortals that interests him. He makes another reference to a mortal fable, the Ant and the Grasshopper, in The Wicked King. I’m curious if he used these stories as a means to escape his reality in Faerie. He’s made it clear on several occasions that he’d prefer to be secluded from the court, whether by distance or drink. - I’ve used this as a sketch break between projects for the longest time, but finally polished it up last night. I’ve had many ask why I don’t draw Cardan’s tail, and that’s because it’s hinted quite often that he’s either ashamed or embarrassed by it. It’s the subject of gossip and Jude’s curiosity, so I keep it hidden when he’s in a public setting (which most of my drawings / crafts of him are - excluding baby Cardan). So here. Have a tail. 🧡
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