#cardan is precious
cardudescrown · 1 year
“They’d go missing sometimes, and there were rumors that Cardan hurt them, but it wasn’t true.
He’d return them to the mortal world.”
- Princess Nicasia, revealing one of Cardan's hidden kindness
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introvertgoat · 2 months
hc that throughout the years, jude takes leaves of absences form being high queen to go spend a couple months w vivi heather n oak !!! madoc too ig while he’s still exiled lol. ( vehemently ignoring the stolen heir’s canon sorry not sorry.) family bonding time, far away from the hubbub n chaos of the folk, n also the realization that jude doesn’t mind the mortal world all that much. yes it’s not faerieland, but it’s smth alright n she finds it soothing at times. she’s less unhinged n paranoid compared to when she was younger n the ptsd from her past has decreased in its intensity thanks to heather-mandated therapy ( heather only had to hear a couple times abt the duarte sisters’ fucked up childhood for her to plead jude to go to therapy—vivi alrdy has— n jude relented after 5 yrs of honest-to-god begging. big slay heather our mental health queen 🫂) and so that’s why she can even leave faerieland in someone else’s hands. these visits aren’t too frequent but they r long in their duration. 3-4 months tops. sometimes cardan comes along bcs the bed feels empty w/o jude n— Okay he’s js lonely w/o his wife. sue him. some poor hapless councilor advisor is forced to be in charge in their place (they send letters weekly. ‘please your majesties, when will you be returning home ?’ #urgent LOL) one day jude (age:37) notices grey hairs appearing on her head n she sort of freaks out. not in an entirely vain way either. more like:. oh fuck aren’t i supposed to not age as long as im in faeirieland ?? 3 long discussions later w cardan n the royal folk-human specialist, the conclusion that is reached is that bcs of jude’s visits to the mortal word, as infrequent as they r, theyve seemed to affect the way her body ages. or more aptly put, doesn’t age lol. jude gets some grey hair n lines on her face while still technically NOT aging. n she feels less panicky abt it bcs hey she’s not aging. sort of. meanwhile, cardan finds himself deeply enamored w jude’s grey hair n the subtle creases on her face that multiply slowly. he tells jude js so n she’s like i am not susceptible to flattery cardan greenbriar. hes Serious abt it tho n tells her that he isn’t saying that bcs it’ll make her feel better or wtv but bcs her aging evidently is actually beautiful to him. cue jude sour pursed lips for a bit as she gets these days when it comes to cardan being unbearably earnest towards her but she feels less weird abt the hair n lines so :)
anyways this was a long-winded niche asf hc that appeals to exactly only 2 ppl on this site n im not even confident in THAT estimate lol
#notice there’s no mention of taryn here ? hc that they never rlly resolve their relantionship issues properly n taryn n jude plan their#trips months apart bcs SISTER ISSUES !!!! also taryn is lowkey bitter abt the fact jude forgave cardan for everything he did to her but not#her#hc that they eventually get their shit together n it’s a long sob-filled heartbreaking reunion bcs at the end of theh day the duarte twins#love each other to pieces no matter what n that’s probably the worst part of their fractured relationship LOL#me: i want to see jude happy n content n the long process to being better n— basically everything left in unacknowledged in canon#[dua lipa crying.gif]#she’s so precious to me#it won’t ever happen realistically bcs of magic n shit but my jude ages elegantly vision is so strong ive been POSSESED#jude duarte#madoc family#jurdan#tfota#also idk if i’ll ever read tsh/tpt it js isn’t appealing to me from what little i’ve heard abt it lol#suren seems miskiin but also we should’ve all saved ourselves the trouble n let oak grow up permanently in the mortal world …. 🧘‍♀️#vivi duarte#heather#i will always be annoying abt heather i need more of her need her own little story abt meeting vivi LIKEE#tell me how she brushed away vivi’s inherent folk weirdness TELL ME ABT IT..#healed jurdan n the duarte twins will HEAL ME#lol#btw when i say jude forgave cardan i mean that boy had to pull out all the stops LMAO they even had a not-break-up for a while
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cruelprincae · 1 year
I am sorry but at How the King of Elfhame learned to Hate stories, in The Prince of Elfhame gets a Moth drunk, Cardan sneaks out in the middle of the night to return Margaret, the human servant that Balekin had put in charge of TORTURING AND ABUSING HIM for majority of his life, to the human world and back to her family. And what did she say to him?
"You deserved everything that you got."
And Cardan's thoughts, as a 10 yo kid, was
yeah, I suppose I did.
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bookscorpion73 · 1 year
Anyone ever randomly remember Cardan smiles and laughs and tells jokes when he’s nervous? Yeah I just remembered to and now I’m dying
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jamcarven · 8 months
Cardan “Even now, it is a shabby, worm-eaten, and scabrous thing. But it is yours.” Greenbriar
Jacks “I am a monster, but whether you remember it or not, I’m your monster.” of the Hollow
Jameson “because damn it,—some things are too precious to gamble.” Hawthorne
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Something Precious | Jurdan Baby Fic
Chapter Two
Summary : After three years of exile, Cardan is determined to bring Jude back home with him. When he arrives, the last thing he expects to find is a dark-haired toddler looking up at him.
Tags: Jurdan baby, Jude’s exile, Dad!Cardan
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Cardan made good on his promise to assign more guards. They kept their distance, but Jude noted their presence. At first, it was bothersome, but with the reminder of how dangerous it could be for a king’s heir, it was nice to have additional eyes watching out for Everly. At least she no longer had to worry about hiding her from Cardan. 
Jude had replayed the entire conversation over and over in her head, trying to find any hint of a trick. But Cardan’s words left very little room for interpretation. There was still the matter of ruling together and returning to Elfhame, something she would deal with later. 
A week after Cardan’s unexpected visit, a number of packages with various faerie children’s toys, beautiful clothing, and food arrived on their front porch. Most of the presents were for Everly, but Jude found several boxes with her name on them too, including a new sword. The hilt was exquisitely decorated with tiny rubies, and the guard was made of golden twin snakes. After testing it out during one of Everly’s naps, Jude found the balance was equally extraordinary to the design. Beautiful gifts were not going to sway her decision to return, but she could appreciate them. At the very least, she could consider it child support and reparations for her loss of station after being exiled. 
A third week passed before Cardan sent a letter requesting to visit again. Jude considered the request. If she refused, Cardan could always show up anyway. It would be easier just to say yes, and truthfully, the little enjoyment she had found in her mundane human experience had dimmed since being granted an opportunity to go home. Grief that had subsided after so long ago came back and pitted in Jude’s stomach. If it were only her, she would have returned back with Cardan the night he showed up. She would have faced whatever difficulties that came with returning as they arose. 
Her sweet child changed everything, though. Jude had lived a childhood in Faerie, and it had been filled with too many close calls. Whether motivated by hatred, politics, or on a simple whim, the fae were ruthless. Vivi pointed out that Everly was half-faerie and, on top of that, would be a princess; she surely wouldn’t be as vulnerable as Taryn and Jude had been. Oak had nodded in agreement when she brought her dilemma to them. However, neither of them were present every time she had witnessed attempts on Cardan’s life in just a single year.
It was a battle between what she wanted and what she knew was best. A worrisome mother against the calculated crown’s strategist. Two roles that were entirely foreign to her just a few years prior, but both so ingrained in her personality now, that it was hard to separate the two. Jude didn’t want to make her final decision just yet. So, for now, she was content to let Cardan visit and see how their daughter would take to him a second time. 
Three days after she sent the letter, Cardan arrived around dawn, impeccably dressed but not entirely inconspicuous in his royal tunic and pants. By all accounts, he should look exhausted, given that it was well past sleeping hours in Elfhame. Yet, he greeted Jude at the door with a soft smile and another armful of gifts.
“Err.. Good morning.” 
The tension between them was palpable. Enemies. Schemers. Lovers. Husband and Wife.   They had been all of those things. After years of silence, they were … co-parenting?
Jude set the boxes down and led Cardan down the hall to the nursery. As they entered the room, Everly, awake and wearing her purple and black striped onesie, beamed up at them. She reached over to the bars and hauled herself up into a standing position.
“Hello, little one,” Jude cooed. She scooped the squirming child from the crib and held her out to Cardan, without second-guessing herself. He fumbled for a second as if he had been expecting only to watch, but quickly regained his composure and held her securely. 
“Hi! Hi!” The child chanted over and over, excited to see another face during the morning routine. Jude stood back and watched the look on his face, similar to the one when he first held her. It was impossible to pinpoint the exact emotion he was feeling, but he clearly wanted to be there. Cardan rocked her gently as she babbled some and then used her chubby little hand to pull on his curls again. The third yank was hard enough to jerk his head, but Cardan only laughed and twisted his hair out of her hand before opening his palm to reveal seeds in his hands. 
“Would you like to see a trick?” He asked. Slowly, the seeds began to bloom into vibrant wildflowers with an unnaturally strong perfume. The child’s eyes opened wide with amazement; her full attention turned to the magic at Cardan’s fingertips. His focus, however, remained on the child, taking in every detail. 
“Fwowers!” Everly said, reaching to touch them. Cardan repeated the trick once more before Jude gestured for Cardan to follow her into the kitchen. She grabbed ingredients from the fridge and cupboard and laid them all out on the counter. Cardan, with Everly still in his arms, took a seat on the barstool across from her. She began preparing breakfast, taking extra care to cut the fruit into bite-sized pieces. Cardan, who never cooked a meal in his life, nor likely ever would, watched intently and nodded every so often as if making mental notes. 
“For breakfast, she likes to eat strawberries and yogurt. I also give her some eggs that I make for myself.” 
“Is that what you are making now?” He asked as Jude moved back and forth from the oven to the plates. 
She nodded. “Sometimes, I give her a half piece of toast if she’s hungry. It all depends.”  
“Depends on what exactly?” Cardan asked, having switched his attention briefly back to Everly, who began blowing bubbles with her mouth. 
She shrugged, “I don’t know. Every day is different, but you just learn to read what she wants.” Jude moved around the kitchen bar and slid her arm around Everly, moving her into the highchair and placing the breakfast plate down. “Plus, she is talking so much more now, so it is easy enough just to ask.”
On cue, Everly said, “Tank youuu,” before shoving a berry into her mouth.
Upon making her own plate, Jude sat down next to Cardan, offering the carton of strawberries to him. They all ate in silence for a few moments, before Cardan spoke again. 
“I’d like…” he began, “...to learn to know what she needs… and wants.”
A twist of guilt formed in Jude’s stomach. Devastation was written in the hard lines of his face. It pained him to know he had a daughter, who he functionally knew nothing about. Jude let the silence grow for another minute before she began listing off things about their daughter; She was born on March 13th. Her favorite foods were grapes and cheese. She hated carrots and would throw them across the dining room if they were on her plate. Her favorite toys were blocks and a rainbow unicorn stuffed animal. She had a nap after lunch around 12:30, and dinner was at 5. She always fell asleep in the car after playing at the park and always played with other kids. Once she had started crawling, she discovered how to play hide-and-seek on her own, and frequently tried to scare Jude after finding it hilarious the first time Jude jumped in surprise. She had developed Cardan’s coy smirk, purely from genetics. Some “only magic could explain” events had happened in recent months, so it was very likely that she possessed her father’s fae gifts. 
The corners of Cardan’s beautiful mouth turned up with each tidbit he learned and was practically beaming when Jude started to tell stories about what it was like during the teething stages, when she took her first steps, and other moments where she acted so much like both of them. Jude let herself take in the small enjoyment of being able to share so many of the moments that she had experienced with their daughter alone. While she had often shared these things with her sister and little brother, it felt different sharing it with Cardan. Jude never planned to share Everly with Cardan, but things had changed dramatically over the last few weeks. The fact remained that she was their daughter, and it was something that would bond them forever. 
Before either of them realized it, it was almost dusk. Cardan had followed her around through a typical day at home routine with a trip to the park, a nap, and he even helped with potty training and preparing dinner. Cardan held her when she was fussy and didn’t mind the occasional smack to the face when she got too excited and threw her arms out. 
She shouldn’t be impressed. These were things she did every day, alone. If Cardan wanted to know his daughter, then he should have to participate in everything that went into being a parent.  But Cardan grew up in a palace. He had maids and cooks. He was king . Every need was taken care of at a single command. In the castle, Everly would likely have a maid tend to her. None of the skills she was teaching him really mattered, but he learned them anyway.
Unless he thought she would never allow Everly back to the castle, and this was the only way he would get to see her. The thought made her feel a flurry of emotions. 
Everly was fighting sleep as she watched Cardan’s magic light up and dissipate from his palm. As much as she was in awe of the colorful lights he created, her eyelids dropped lower and lower until she fell asleep in the crook of his arm. 
“She is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” Cardan murmured finally, brushing her dark bangs out of her eyes. 
Jude rolled her eyes and laughed, “Well, she is the spitting image of you, so of course you’d think that.” 
Cardan just shook his head, “I cannot deny we share the most obvious similarities, but when you look closely, she looks just like you.” He traced Everly’s tiny ear, much like he had with Jude’s that day lying in the grass. “She has your smile. Have you noticed?”  
He looked back to Jude, who shook her head slowly. She had never noticed before. All she saw was Cardan in her beautiful features. Some days it had been a painful reminder of the past that she could never entirely escape. Their eyes met, and Jude noted the way Cardan’s eyes dropped to her lips before returning again. She mimicked the motion herself. His lips were as perfect as the rest of his features.  Jude’s breath caught as she noticed Cardan had gone preternaturally still. Suddenly, the oxygen in the room had run out.  
Meeting Everly had stolen the focus of their reunion. Without a moment by themselves, the true reunion between the former lovers ( and enemies ) had not yet happened. They needed to talk. They needed to be at each other’s throats; in violence or want, Jude wasn’t sure. It was standing at a precipice, balancing before that falling sensation that would be the future neither of them knew the outcome of yet. A future as united rulers, raising Everly in a loving environment was still a fever dream Jude wouldn’t let herself believe in. 
Jude broke her eyes away first, jumping to her feet and walking over to the dresser to get her can of soda. The action gave her a moment to resume a normal breathing pattern again. When she returned, she reached for the baby, but Cardan pulled back ever so slightly. 
“Would it be alright to hold her a few minutes longer? I haven’t got much time before I must go.” 
Jude hesitated, shoving down the rage that boiled when he had moved away. She searched his face and found no malice in it, just a bit of exhaustion peeking up. A calming breath had her thinking rationally again. Nodding, Jude moved back to her original spot. 
The king and queen sat quietly, watching the sleeping child, all the while ignoring the almost moment they had. After a few minutes, Cardan rose gently from the couch and carried the child to the nursery. He returned to the living room a moment later. “May I return next week?” Cardan asked. 
“Next weekend is Halloween. We are going to be out for most of the day Sunday.” 
Cardan looked puzzled for a moment before recognition hit. “The mortal holiday of candy and tricks? Such a day does not seem suitable for a babe.” 
Jude laughed. Leave it to Cardan, who grew up in Faerie of all places, to think Halloween was dangerous. “It is hardly as dangerous as it sounds. It is mostly families who dress up in silly costumes and walk around the neighborhood getting candy.” 
A spark lit in Cardan’s gaze. “Families?” he asked softly, “So… you intend to wear a costume along with Everly?” 
Realization dawned on Jude, causing her to fidget. They still had not really established what type of dynamic they would have raising Everly. Being a “family” seemed too personal of a term, although they were bound together in more ways than one.  
“Everly is going as a pumpkin. Vivi bought her the costume last week. I can show it to you if you’d like.” Cardan nodded, and Jude retrieved the costume from the closet. She handed it to Cardan, who held it gingerly. It was utterly adorable with its puffy bottom and matching hat. “Oak insisted that I dress up too, but I will probably just put on a witch hat.” 
“Are you going with them?” Cardan set down the costume and walked to the door. He recognized her diversion for what it was. 
“Yeah. Neither Oak nor Vivi have to wear their glamour on Halloween. So Oak is going as a devil, Vivi as a cat, and I think Heather is going as a mad scientist.” She trailed off as guilt washed over her in waves. The entire conversation felt wrong, especially when she knew what Cardan wanted. A different Cardan would have made demands and threats, but the three years she had been gone had changed him. He was more patient, more willing to give her space. She was waiting for something… for the cruel young boy she had known to make an appearance, but he wasn’t there. 
Cardan took one look back towards Everly’s nursery door, before turning the handle and stepping out into the night. Sadness not well hidden on his face. Jude mentally berated him. He shouldn’t forget to wear a mask among his enemies otherwise they would take advantage of him and the kingdom. But... perhaps he didn’t bother because they weren’t enemies anymore. 
“I’ll send a letter next-”
“You should come,” she blurted out. 
Cardan turned to face her, equally shocked at her words. “I-” He starts, but Jude interrupts again. 
“We are leaving at 4. You can wear a costume or drop your glamour, whichever you prefer. But…” she swallowed. “It would be nice for you to be there. Everly would like it if you were there.” 
Heat burned across her cheeks. It was a silly thing to be embarrassed about. Cardan was Everly’s father. Parents go with their kids on Halloween. But the redness was not only from her words. Cardan was staring at her with an unrecognizable emotion. She met his gaze, and the intensity behind his eyes felt too intimate like it had on the couch. It brought up too many feelings that Jude had not allowed herself to feel in years. 
Her lips parted, attempting to fill the silence that had grown too long when Cardan bent down and placed a chaste kiss on her warm cheek before saying his goodbye and leaving. 
The spot where his lips had met her cheek continued to warm as she returned to the living room and threw herself face down on the couch. 
Jude walked through the door into Heather’s apartment and was overcome with a thick wall of fall scents. The entire apartment had been decorated with Halloween and fall decorations. It looked like Heather and Vivi had not decided on a cohesive theme, as each room appeared to be at war with each other. Dismembered bloody figures were wrapped in glitter pumpkin-themed garland. Skulls lined the shelves and were accompanied by “Friends Gather Here” signs. It was utterly horrifying and amusing at the same time. 
Everly didn’t mind and squealed at the string of purple and orange lights that covered the ceiling. She walked into the middle of the room where the lights were lowest and reached up for the lights. The child’s face exploded with joy when her little body was lifted into the air, close enough to the lights she could grasp them in her hands. Cardan had swooped into the room, drawn by the sound of Everly’s laughter, and lifted her above his head before Jude had a chance to track the movement. 
“Good afternoon, my loves,” Cardan said while bringing Everly back down into his arms.
She smiled up at him, “Daaa.” The word was still unfamiliar in her mouth. Cardan looked to Jude for help. Without meeting his eyes, Jude walked over to them and smiled encouragingly. 
“That’s right! This is Daddy.” 
Everly repeated the word over and over, still missing the second syllable, but Jude continued to praise her as she had over the last week teaching it. Finally, she glanced up to meet his eyes and felt butterflies in her own stomach. Cardan’s cheeks had reddened, and silver lined his eyes. He continued to bounce her lightly in his arms and nod encouragingly. Any words that he might have spoken were cut off by emotion. 
“I wanted to surprise you.” She said as a way of explanation. 
Cardan nodded again, eyes glistening. He leaned over and gently pressed a kiss to Jude’s cheek, making it her turn to blush. 
“Jude…” his voice came out hoarse. Before he could continue, the moment was interrupted by the rest of the house. 
Oak ran over and hugged Jude, “Can we play together now?” 
Jude looked to Cardan for the answer, and begrudgingly, he set her back on the ground. Taking her by the hand, Oak led Everly to his room, where the two often played together. Vivi had brought out two large steaming cups of cider and placed them in Jude and Cardan’s hands before Heather motioned for everyone to sit down in the living room. Heather took the beanbag chair and clasped her hands together. 
“So, look at you too. Co-parenting like pros. I wish my parents did holidays together. Instead, I just had to celebrate every holiday twice, which I suppose wasn’t the worst thing in the world.” 
A blush spread furiously across Jude’s face, and she refused to look in Cardan’s direction, but judging from his sudden stiffness, he too, was trying to process the comment. 
Two twenty-somethings. High King and Queen of Elfhame. Parents of a two-year-old. Their lives had never been simple, but their current circumstances were especially new territory. Halloween was not the time to talk, but Jude wondered how much longer she could find an excuse to delay a conversation. 
A half-hour later, the six of them left the apartment in search of candy. Cardan had managed to find a pumpkin costume himself in the short period he knew of their plans, but when he realized how unflattering he looked in it, he opted for an even more obnoxious orange suit instead, while Jude decided to wear a black skeleton costume. 
With the King of Elfhame walking around in the open, Jude made sure to keep an eye on each and every ghoul, zombie, and vampire that crossed their path. Liliver and the Court of Shadows lurked, undercover and from the unsuspecting places around them, but Jude still kept vigilant herself. It was a taste of what their future would look like. Even as queen, she would still look out for Cardan and now their child too. 
Everly didn’t make it long into Trick or Treating. Oak tried to walk with her up to each house, but her little steps made the process slow, and Oak’s excitement had him basically dragging her along after the first street. Eventually, Cardan swooped in and carried Everly up to each house, until her eyes dropped and she completely fell asleep. 
Oak’s energy, on the other hand, was limitless, and it wasn’t until his bag was so full he had to resort to dragging the bag that he agreed to go home. Once it was time, Heather, Vivi, and Oak said their goodbyes and headed toward their house. 
Cardan and Jude walked down the dark street and up to Jude’s apartment, remarking on the events of the evening. Once inside, Cardan helped remove the costume and wiped off the orange spots on Everly’s cheeks before laying her down in bed. She stirred for a moment before sleep took over once again. The two walked back to the entryway before Cardan interrupted the silence that had loomed over them. 
“Are you coming home?” 
There was no anger or sadness in his words. Rather, a carefully delivered question, not revealing any of his thoughts. 
She considered the question. Yes, she wanted to. No, it was dangerous.  How long before Cardan’s patience wore thin? How long before the desperation to return home would overtake her? How long before some enemy court found them here anyway with limited protection?  
“It can’t just be about what I want anymore.” 
A non-answer, but Cardan did not back down this time. “What does the mortal world have that makes it a better place to raise her?” 
Jude’s brow furrowed. “Less would-be assassins or kidnappers, happy to snatch a royal baby.” 
“I would like to remind you, that I survived a childhood in Elfhame utterly neglected and without any protection.” Jude started to object, but Cardan continued, “And that would not be the case with her. She will have all the protection our kingdom can offer.” 
Jude didn’t miss the emphasis he had placed on “our” kingdom. 
“Surely, someone will notice the rotation of spies and guards that are sent here, and our enemies will wonder why. We are being careful, but it is foolish to think someone won’t pick up on it. Not to mention, the risk we take with my absences.” 
“Then stop coming.” The venomous words slipped out of her before she could stop them. The anger rising in her was from the truth of his words She had been foolish to think there was a way to continue this inbetween situation. They would either have to disappear again and cut off the connection to Cardan and the court completely, or they would have to return. 
“I-” she began, wanting to take the words back. Cardan kept his features blank. His words were more clipped than before, the only reaction he would show to her words. 
“I said before I want to be in her life, and I mean it. I want to be in both your lives,” he stressed. “I will not miss this time with her. And if you continue to live in the mortal world, I will not miss the limited time we have together.” 
Jude flinched so violently that it was like an invisible blow struck her. He was right, though; she would keep aging in the mortal world, and Everly would only be a faction of the way through her long life before Jude passed from old age. The thought had her shaking slightly.
Her head emptied as he stalked up to her. It had her automatically stepping backward, pinning her back against the wall. His intensity didn’t waiver, but as he noted her body language, he took a small step back. 
His eyes searched hers, despair burning his features. “I will have you however you decide. Rule me again as you once did. Take a lover if you won’t have me. But know, I will bend to your will with or without a bargain. Name your price, and I will meet it; just don’t torture me with your absence or delay any longer.”
A sob built in her throat; her words came out with unexpected anguish, “Cardan, I don’t want a new lover. I don’t need another bargain.” 
This time, when he advanced, he did so slowly, and Jude didn’t move away. He brought his hand up to cup her cheek. It burned under his touch. Cardan gently tilted her head up until they were eye level, “Jude…” He closed his eyes in silent prayer before looking down at her again. Almost too quiet to hear, he whispered, “I just want you home.” 
Her resolve had melted, and she didn’t have the strength to fight the truth anymore. She wanted to go home too, with Cardan, with Everly. 
It was time to reclaim her throne and her life with the family she never could have imagined. 
“Take me home.” The words were barely off her lips before Cardan’s mouth was crashing over hers. He wrapped his free arm around her as they continued the kiss, her hands gripping his tunic. Before long, their cheeks were damp with tears of joy and release from all the years of waiting. 
"Take me home, Cardan," Jude murmured again, "Take us home."
Cardan only nodded before leaning in to kiss her again. 
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haveihitanerve · 3 months
Why do I love bromances so much? Platonic soulmates? Maybe because there is something so pure in having a friendship that strong. Because it makes me squeal aloud when they communicate with only a glance, a touch. When they have a language all their own, when they are able to be vulnerable with each other. A friendship that surpasses all hardships, that stays strong through all trials. Friends that know each other intimately, know each other's weaknesses, have seen the other at their lowest. And are still there. The one person who can talk back to the most powerful person in the room, the one who can drag them back from the pits of hell. The person that shares the others vibes and matches their energy, the person who compliments their craziness. I love platonic soulmates because they are pure. Because it is strong. Because the thought that there is one person out there in the world who will always stand by you, though it’s not romantic. 
Brian and dom.(F&F) Sam and Bucky.(MCU) Steve and tony.(MCU) Gregor and ares.(TUC) Kaz and Jesper.(SOC) Clint and Nat.(MCU) Inej and Nina.(SOC) Keefe and Fitz.(Kotlc) Cassian and Rhysand.(ACOTAR) Dorian and Aelin.(TOG) Cardan and his door.(TCP) Rolf and Pogue.(Tuesdays at the Castle) Carag and Holly.(Woodwalkers) Bryce and Danika.(CC) Bruce and Clark(DC)
There are so many more examples. But these are the ones most precious to me, the ones I cradle close to my heart.
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ameliawarnerr · 2 years
Remember when Cardan took Jude to a corner and told her this—
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Cuz he wanted to protected her from Locke’s stupid games AJDBISJDBEJENDJ this is so precious!
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faerieandstuff · 1 year
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jahayla-parker · 2 days
Cardan x reader on a date or yn showing the city she's from (mortal) doing human stuffs and showing him her fav movies or shows or favourite artists
His Dearest Human : Cardan Greenbriar x Reader
Descr: 3.5k wc, Cardan and y/n venture back to the mortal world so she can show him what her life was like before she moved to Elfhame. Fluff.
Warnings: One curse word.
Notes: No but just imagine, a boyfriend who you now literally is incapable of lying no matter how much he might want to and so when he is always complimenting you, you know it’s nothing but genuine 😭
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“Are you sure you know how to do this?” Cardan questioned nervously, eyes quickly taking in their environment.
“Excuse me?” Y/n remarked in offense, turning to face him.
Cardan bit the side of his bottom lip as he looked back her way. “This seems like a metal death trap on wheels,” he criticized.
“Because of me?” Y/n asked, narrowing her eyes. She wasn’t being reckless. And he’d been in a car before. They’d not even made it down the street yet. Why was he so scared of her driving?
“No, no,” Cardan reassured her as he shook his head. “Just in general appearance, but…”
Cardan once again analyzed the drivers of the other cars as they passed by. “They’re all older,” he observed. “Beautiful, you left here when you were young. Do they teach you to operate these… cars, that young?” He wondered aloud. “‘Cause I don’t see anyone nearly that young,” he commented as he yet again scanned the nearby cars.
Y/n giggled and felt the tension leave her body upon realizing what prompted Cardan’s worry. She moved one hand off the steering wheel and squeezed his hand. “Y/f/n taught me when I came back for a visit, I promise I won’t be killling either of us tonight,” she soothed, gazing over at him momentarily to check on him. She watched as he nodded silently before resuming his staring out the passenger window.
A few minutes later, y/n pulled up to a red light and looked over at him. She frowned lightly upon catching him having been staring at her as she drove. “Cardan, honey,” she cooed, taking his hand again. “Are you still worried? We can walk instead if-”.
Cardan quickly shook his head to dispel her doubts and concern. “You’re just amazing,” he confessed simply.
“You’re so exquisitely enchanting,” Cardan confessed. “Sure there are decently attractive women in Elfhame and here too,” he spoke candidly. “But, you’re far more beguiling,” he hummed. “And yet, you can also operate this thing safely and effortlessly”.
Y/n giggled and pulled his hand up to her lips, pressing a kiss to the back of it. “You’re so precious,” she hummed.
“Ooh, check this out,” y/n exclaimed with a smile as she turned on the radio on as the light in front of them changed to green. “Perfect timing,” she clapped before turning it up a bit as y/f/a played through the speakers.
Cardan’s eyes instinctively widened at the unexpected sound but listened carefully to the noises the car was now making. His head whipped away from the direction of the sound upon hearing y/n singing along.
“I’ve never heard you sing before,” Cardan realized.
“My mom and I used to sing each time we were in the car together,” y/n told him, recalling a cherished memory of her childhood in the mortal world.
“I can see why she’d want that,” Cardan acknowledged. “You have a majestic voice,” he complimented dazedly.
Y/n bashfully bit her lip. “Thank you Cardan, but the reason people do it is simply because it’s fun,” she explained. “I’m sure within the next few days, by the end of our trip, you’ll have heard one of the songs enough to be able to join along,” she thought out loud as she switched the stereo to CD instead of the radio so it gave Cardan the chance to participate by the end of the week since it would be the same set of songs he’d be hearing this way.
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“Teach me how to play?” Cardan asked as y/n finished explaining the childhood game she and her friends used to play before she moved to Elfhame. His eyes shone brightly with interest as he thought through her descriptions of the activity. His mind generated what he pictured she’d have looked like at that age and watched as the little girl ran through the field they were currently in as she played with her friends. Cardan desperately wanted to know everything about her life, especially her childhood and life before moving to Elfhame where they eventually met. Hopefully he could find ways to bring some of those joyful memories and activities back when they left the mortal world behind again for a bit.
Y/n smiled shyly over at Cardan and nodded. “Sure, but we’re going to need more people,” she explained. “You could technically play with just two, but it’s much more fun with others”.
Cardan hummed and nodded. “Well then, we’ll save that for later when your y/fam/member is done working. Where to now my love?”
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“We’re in the middle of a storm and you want to stop?” Cardan questioned with wide eyes as he spun to face y/n.
Y/n giggled and nodded. “Just trust me Cardan,” she ordered lightly as she pulled him out from under the minimal coverage the row of trees above them had been providing. She tugged him out into the empty street with her as a grin naturally took over her face. She adjusted her hold on his hands and spun around with him gleefully as the rain poured down on them.
Cardan once again found y/n’s grin to be infectious, as was her exuberant expression. He copied her grin as he moved closer to her to wrap his arms around her torso. He continued their spinning until the two of them were dizzy and drenched from the rain.
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“Would this be a something you’d do on a date?” Cardan asked thoughtfully as he examined the bookshelf in front of him, his hand resting on y/n’s lower back. He had to be annoying with how frequently he’d asked this same question. He had asked it about nearly every activity they’d done. But he wanted had to know. Especially if these were the kind of dates his queen possibly secretly wanted from him but didn’t know how to ask for.
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“Y/n?” Cardan inquired as he reached the small white table she was at in the food court, his eyes distant as he contemplated what he’d seen.
“Hmm?” Y/n hummed, grabbing his hand as he sat down beside her. She watched him closely. He was clearly thinking something over. She just didn’t know what.
Cardan briefly looked away from y/n and over to where the interaction had taken place. He shook his head in confusion and turned back to her. “This male mortal,” he whispered, having learned from y/n that most people in the mortal don’t know to make/of such a distinction. “Asked this female mortal if she came here often,” he explained slowly, still thinking it through in hopes he could understand it on his own. “I confess I am not certain if he meant the shopping mall in general or the dinning hall were in,” he admitted, lightly licking his lips. “But, the female mortal was visibly upset and even scoffed at the male before walking away.”
“Ahh,” y/n nodded, piecing together what Cardan had witnessed on his way back to her from getting their orders.
“Is that… normal? One would find that an easy enough question to answer, no?” Cardan questioned further.
Y/n giggled lightly as she smiled lovingly at him. “He wasn’t truly interested in how often she comes here,” she explained softly. As she watched his eyes narrow in further confusion, she squeezed his hand. “It’s a pickup line,” she informed him before taking a fry from his plate.
“A…… pickup… line..?” Cardan pondered aloud, her words not having cleared anything up for him. In fact, he’d argue he was even more confused now. What was a pickup line? Who was picking up what? What did a line have to do with it?
“A pickup line,” y/n echoed with an affirmative nod. “It’s…,” she paused as she contemplated the best way to explain the term, “a flirtation, so to speak”.
“Well I can see why she walked away,” Cardan huffed with a shake of his head. He took a sip of his… milkshake as he recalled the interaction he’d unintentionally witnessed. “What a pathetic attempt at flirting.” He scoffed and halfway rolled his eyes. “Come here often?” He mimicked with audible judgement.
Y/n giggled loudly, a wide grin on her face at his behavior. “It is a very over used and generic approach,” she agreed with a nod. “But, not everyone can be as adroitly flirtatious as you Cardan,” she winked. She leaned over the table to press a soft kiss to his cheek.
Cardan beamed at the action. “I mean, even this,” he said as he grabbed a flower from the nearby planters that surrounded the dinning hall. He tenderly passed it to her before kissing her hand. “Is better, no?” He concluded.
Y/n beamed admiringly at him and nodded. “Much,” she agreed. “But, I’m also biased,” she confessed with a flirtatious winked.
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“This is where I went to school last before moving to Elfhame,” y/n summarized as they stepped onto the school grounds.
Cardan looked around in silence for a few moments, taking everything in. “What’s that contraption?” He asked, pointing towards a metal stand a few yards away.
Y/n followed Cardan’s finger until her eyes found the swing set. Elfhame had swings of its own sort, of course. But, truthfully they were nothing compared to those in the mortal world. The Elfhame ones were far more beautiful, having usually been made from the trees and vines nearby, but more relaxing as well. As great as that was, they didn’t swing as high or fast, it was more of a swaying chair than anything. And for the life of her, she couldn’t recall what Elfhame referred to them as in this moment. It wasn’t swings or a swing set… In her defense, they weren’t found many places in Elfhame as there were far better options of things to do. Unable to find the Elfhame equivalent for it, she merely hummed and grabbed his hand. “Come here, I’ll show you”.
As they reached the swing set, she grabbed the chains supporting the seat and instructed, “sit here”.
Cardan couldn’t help but be skeptical. Whatever he was about to sit on was made of metal and plastic yet didn’t look very secure. But, he nevertheless did as she said. Just…, slowly.
“Okay, now hold onto these, I’m going to push you,” y/n explained as she moved to step behind him and the swing.
“Push me?!” Cardan echoed loudly.
Y/n giggled and realized in that moment that Cardan likely hadn’t even used the Elfhame equivalent either before. After all, when would he have? Before they met, he wasn’t exactly known for doing much relaxing or other calm behaviors. This was going to be fun. He’ll love this. Still giggling, she nodded and kissed his cheek before stepping away. “Yes handsome, that’s how these work. I’ll start slow,” she promised. “You’ll be fine, just keep your feet off the ground and hold on to the chains okay?”
Cardan nodded slowly and hesitantly turned back around, having moved to watch her make her way behind him. He nervously lifted his legs from the ground just as she lightly pressed her palms against his back. The seat he was on moved in response to her push, bringing him forward and up. “Oh!”
“You doing okay?” Y/n asked softly, slightly worried as she couldn’t see his face.
After a few more soft pushes, Cardan nodded.
“Want to go faster or higher?”
Cardan silently nodded again, his focus stuck on the weird floating sensation the movement was causing him to feel in his chest.
Y/n smiled to herself and pushed him a little more forcefully. “Just keep holding on Cardan, I don’t feel like watching you fly off,” she commented.
After several minutes of silent swinging, y/n slowed her pushes. Once it was swinging low and slow enough, she gently grabbed the chains and slowed it to a halt. “Well?” She asked, moving back to his front.
“It was fun,” Cardan grinned widely.
Y/n smiled happily and reached up to fix his wind blown hair. “I figured you’d enjoy it”.
Cardan hopped off the seat and turned to inspect it. “What is it called?” he asked.
“Swings, or swing set”.
“Because one swings on it?” Cardan asked rhetorically.
“Mhm,” y/n nodded.
“And you did this at school?” Cardan questioned as he spun back to face her.
Y/n bopped her head side to side. “We were given breaks a few times a day to play outside and this was one of the things we could do during that time”.
Cardan nodded in understanding. He glanced and at the area surrounding them. “Has it changed since you played here?” he wondered.
Y/n again tilted her head side to side. “Slightly, but nothing significant,” she observed.
Cardan lovingly gazed at y/n with a soft smile. “Take me through what a day at school looked like for you before?” He requested.
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“I can see why this was your favorite … restaurant?” Cardan trailed off in question, unsure if he got the term right.
Y/n nodded as she supportively squeezed his hand across the table.
“It’s very delectable,” Cardan complimented before taking another bite of his dinner.
Y/n grinned, “I’m pleased you like it!”
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Cardan silently scanned the empty field that stood in front of. After feeling like he’d memorized it enough, he gazed back at y/n. He waited patiently with a soft smile as he noticed she was seemingly recalling memories of the area.
Y/n blinked quickly upon coming back to the present moment and feeling Cardan’s eyes on her. He was waiting for an explanation or story as to why they were here. What this place meant to her. She hummed softly. “My mom used to take me here when I was little,” she began quietly. “It used to be full of little flowers,” she said with a disappointed sigh given the field was dried up now. “Well, weeds technically I suppose,” she shrugged, “but to a three year old who loved anything that resembled flowers, there wasn’t a difference.” Her eyes lit up as she suddenly had an idea. She quickly turned towards Cardan and tapped his arm. “Tag, you’re it,” she exclaimed, a childish grin forming as she ran a few steps away. She stopped nearby and faced him, knowing she’d have to explain how it worked and what to do.
“I’m what?” Cardan asked, befuddled.
“It’s a game called tag, the person who is it is the person having to chase the other person as that person runs away, the person who is it tries to tap the runner in order to turn the other person into the chaser, or, it,” she explained with air quotes.
Cardan nodded slowly as he absorbed the instructions. “And what do I win if I catch you?” He pondered.
“Technically the game goes on and on, usually it’s more than two people,” y/n shrugged carelessly. “But, either way, it just goes until you decide to stop”.
Cardan smirked wickedly, eyes glowing as he stepped towards her. “Hmmm, I have a better idea,” he taunted.
“What’s that?” She asked, easily seeing the glint in his eyes.
Cardan pursed his lips smugly. “You’ll see,” he answered vaguely. “You better start running, dear,” he advised as he started to jog closer to her. He smiled as she giggled and began to run.
Cardan chased her halfheartedly for a bit, letting her enjoy the moment. But when he caught her, he wrapped her in his arms and tickled her, causing her to squeal and squirm. Cardan then effortlessly lifted y/n over his shoulder and walked back to the basket she brought for their picnic. He carefully set her down and bent to her level to kiss her, “I win”.
Y/n bashfully bit her lip as she grinned up at him.
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“You can rest,” y/n commented as they rode in the back seat of her friend’s (who, like y/n, was mortal but also from Elfhame) car as y/f/n drove. They’d finished showing Cardan around downtown moments ago and were now headed back to where they had been staying during their trip.
“I thought we were going to,” Cardan began, stopping as a yawn rudely interrupted him. “Watch…something,” he trailed off shyly, having forgotten the term.
Y/n smiled lovingly and nodded, “we’re watching a movie”. “But, we cannot do that until we get back to the house,” she explained quietly as she played with his soft curls. “And you’ve already seen all the places we’ll be passing by,” she knowingly reassured him, “so sleep”.
Cardan nodded appreciatively and shifted in his seat. He moved so he could rest his head on her lap as he cuddled against her torso.
Y/n watched as Cardan effortlessly fell asleep. He was always so quick to fall asleep. No matter where. It wasn’t fair. She played tenderly with his hair as she too felt her eyes getting heavy. She was nearly about to doze off when she heard her friend comment about how sweet it was for Cardan to be so interested in her mortal life. Y/n grinned proudly, gazing down at him as he held her waist, his beautiful long eyelashes splashed across his sharp cheekbones. “He… He always adoringly calls me his dearest human,” she confessed quietly as she leaned onto his sleeping form and closed her eyes to rest after their busy day so she’d be ready for movie night later.
“Okay so, just get cozy and enjoy,” y/n beamed excitedly as she walked back to the couch to join Cardan after putting y/f/m into the DVD player. She pressed play and leaned against Cardan’s chest. She tilted her head to the side and watched as he intently focused on the television screen. She’d already explained the device, as well as TV shows and movies, including what they were and how they worked. So, she knew his visibly deep intrigue was simply because she’d mentioned they’d be watching her favorite movie tonight as opposed to a random show or film as they’d done in the past few days since arriving in the mortal world.
She cuddled up against Cardan further, leaning into his embrace, making him smile as his eyes briefly departed the screen to gaze down at her. As much as y/n tried to enjoy the movie while she and Cardan were wrapped up in each other’s arms, her focus was elsewhere. He was unfairly attractive when he wore comfy clothes like the sweats he currently had on. Although, he also was painfully gorgeous in the leather jacket he’d picked out their first day. And the plain t-shirts he’d tried on a few days ago. And in his normal silky and intricate clothing from Elfhame. What was she doing wasting her time trying to list these out? It was simple. Cardan was always just that beautiful.
“You’re not watching your favorite movie,” Cardan observed, sensing her gaze on him.
“Sorry,” she laughed shyly. “I was distracted”.
Cardan blushed at the implication and tickled her sides playfully. “Don’t distract me, I’m trying to watch the movie,” he scolded lovingly. “I’ll attend to you after”.
“Attend to me?” She chuckled and shook her head. She smiled to herself as she relaxed back into his arms. Damn he was adorable.
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“Thank you for teaching me so many things,” Cardan commented, watching y/n as she drove them back to the house. It was their last day. He’d learned so much. And had so many plans for when they returned to Elfhame.
Y/n smiled over at Cardan and nodded. “Thank you for coming with me, my King”.
Cardan nodded, an expression on his face that he hoped communicated to her how unnecessary he found her appreciation to be. “I wanted to,” he vowed.
“I know, but still,” she gazed over at him, her smile having grown with his reassurances. “I hope you had fun”.
“Undoubtedly, love,” Cardan said, answering her indirect question. “I was able to learn so much about you and your earlier life,” he said with a content smile. “Do you miss it?” he questioned hesitantly after a few seconds.
“Sometimes,” she admitted truthfully. “But I love our home more,” she promised squeezing his hand tightly.
Cardan hummed, looking around at the houses and buildings they were passing by. “We’ll be back to visit,” he vowed, “whenever you’d like”.
Y/n hummed as she formed an appreciative smile.
“Until then,” Cardan spoke, using the hand that wasn’t holding hers to reach for the stereo. He pinched the knob labeled ‘volume’ and rotated his fingers slowly, not having done this before and not wanting to mess it up. He had studied the way she’d done it each time before and evidently it paid off as the volume escalated with his touch. He grinned excitedly as she started to sing. When it reached the chorus, he joined in, earning a surprised but happy smile from y/n.
By the time they got to the house, they were both loudly singing along. Y/n was right, it was enjoyable. Though, this whole trip had been. And not just because he’d spent it with his dearest human.
Cardan Greenbriar Masterlist
Book Boyfriend(s) Masterlist
All Works/Main Masterlist
Taglist: @ell0ra-br3kk3r
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clockworkbee · 1 year
the way these two are so different and yet,
I'm putting these together because hey! those are my two precious boys, dreaming about and being in love with the only girls who hold the power to command them <3
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—Cardan Greenbriar, from The Queen of Nothing
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—Jesse Blackthorn, from Chain of Thorns
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Jude/Cardan Propaganda: “'The High King, well known for leaving the fighting to his wife.'"
Layclaire Propaganda: "THEY ARE SO- Ok first off their relationship is the first time in the series where we see Hershel in a state of emotional vulnerability. Usually he's cool and smart but in the scenes where he's with Claire he's just a blushing bashful mess oh mygoodness he's so precious. Claire in comparison is more outgoing and confident and it makes for a really cute dynamic. Also she's a phycisist who helped make a time machine what's more girlbossy than that. Anyway she deserved better. Layclaire deserved better. We need more Layclaire fluff in the world."
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cruelprincae · 11 months
"he understands everything and nothing he sees on the screen — just as he understands everything and nothing about being here with her family. He feels like a feral cat that might bite out of habit."
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many-names-yuna · 1 year
i just finished the cruel prince trilogy and cant stop crying. everyone is so precious to me and jude and cardan are the best and i want jude to step on me- sorry, sorry im affected. it was awesome.
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letmeliveinelfhame · 2 months
omg ok so im sending an ask so the comment thread doesn't get to long, pick a quote
lyhfml - aaron warner you're never getting away from me, never again - percy jackson some things are just too precious to gamble - jameson hawthorne kiss me again, kiss me until i am sick of it - cardan greenbriar
squealing because I got my first ask
ERMMM so I haven't read Shatter Me yet (I asked my dad for it for my birthday so I should have it soon) and I love the other 3 series but... My heart tells me to go with Cardan's quote because I'm obsessed with TFOTA more than the others 😭
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judeswife-panini · 6 months
fanfic friday: tfota edition
Something Precious by ironicallyanemic (@court-of-forever-undone)
Summary: After three years of exile, Cardan is determined to bring Jude back home with him. When he arrives, the last thing he expects to find is a dark-haired toddler looking up at him. Jurdan Baby Story!
Tags: jurdan - Freeform, Fluff, Jude's exile, jurdan baby, the cruel prince - Freeform, the wicked king, the queen of nothing, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Jude Duarte/Cardan Greenbriar Fluff, Soft Cardan Greenbriar
Words: 7,673 Chapters: 2/2 (...for now)
this is an amazing jurdan exile baby fic (which i've been reading a lot of lately...) and y'all should absolutely read it!! it features a little bit of angst, cardan learning how to dad, and absolutely adorable jurdan toddler <3
also make sure to check out the author (linked above) for an amazing tfota blog and more fics!!
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