boomboiluvr · 2 years
boy im on team kacchan is not dead he's just meditating SO can hori make deku think kacchan is dead when deku arrives on the scene. i want deku to believe kacchan is dead (not simply hurt) even for a second bcs i wanna see deku's reaction to dead kacchan. go.
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boomboiluvr · 2 years
may the angst luvrs write a tonne of fics where katsuki does actually die and everyone else… just falls into a spiral, one way or another, due to unsalvageable grief. psychologically, emotionally, and physically.
AKA katsuki dies. and a part of the world dies with him.
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boomboiluvr · 2 years
my child. katsuki is my child. i will protect him like a heavy duty bubble wrap. he is so— so— good, too good for this world T___T BABY HE'S MY BABY. why is Katsuki Praise Galore not a tag on ao3? it will make it easier for authors to be /out there/ and easily made available for those who need a fix. like me, specifically i'm talking about me.
katsuki is such a brilliantly-made character. if i was mitsuki i would bite his cheeks, pet his head and squish his hair. i lov him so muhc. i exit out a fic if they don't compliment katsuki for at least 2 paragraphs. a pinch of katsuki berating? banned author for life. NO EXCUSES THATS MY BABIE URE TALKING ABOUT DONT B RUDE
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boomboiluvr · 2 years
full offence. bkdkbks on twitter... why are y'all so angry all the time 😭 i came to twitter in the morning to see discourse A then logged in again in the evening to see discourse B. how are y'all always finding new things to fight every second 😭 and why are y'all fighting among yourselves 😭 aren't you tired go to sleep ‼❕
im here to complain abt twitterians if ure a twitterian close ur eyes
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boomboiluvr · 2 years
u know that one theory where deku himself might not truly understand the magnitude of his adoration for kacchan? doesn't allow himself to prode into his feelings, prefers to let it linger at the back of his mind? he knows he loves kacchan, but how big is that love and to what extent?
yeah so. if any sort of revelations happen, i think it would be enormously relieving to deku than to anyone else. like, sure kacchan's reaction is vital too, but to deku?
i imagine it would be like completing a huge puzzle piece. it's when things are finally making sense. wouldn't that be nice, for something he holds onto since he was 4 years old to finally be resolved, even when it's years later?
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boomboiluvr · 2 years
MY toxic trait is that i absolutely think katsuki can never do any wrong. he's perfect. flawless and awesome. if something happens and everyone else thinks katsuki is at fault, then everyone else is wrong and a hater. go think again or whatever. i cannot be reasoned with. i will die on this hill, happily.
me to katsuki <3:
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boomboiluvr · 2 years
man... to have the privilege of feeling totally secure in someone's love for u must be nice. turn the world upside down and they'll still hang around by ur side. it's a dream come true.
[looks at kacchan] right??? it must be nice right kacchan?? u privileged gremlin??????
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boomboiluvr · 2 years
best part about izuku's birthday is we get new katsuki arts and best part about katsuki's birthday is we get new izuku arts
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boomboiluvr · 2 years
👤: he's a 10—
🥦: is he kacchan?
👤:—but he's not bakugo
🥦: oh.... zero.... 😔
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boomboiluvr · 2 years
if everyone just thinks of kacchan the way deku thinks of him we'd be achieving world peace rn but noooo yous wanna be different so bad
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