kinkystony ¡ 2 years
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“choke her with a sea view”
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kinkystony ¡ 3 years
Bro cannot believe AA got so good at roasting the MCU they did “Steve has the opportunity to go back in time with Peggy but doesn’t” before Endgame even came out like “we know what you’re going to do and we’re stopping you right there”
And it's not like AA shied away from exploring how much Steve mourned his past either—the show did a great job of showing how, even though Steve carried a lot of grief for what he lost, he also held an unwavering hope and conviction for his place in the future!!
For example, in the episode you mentioned (New Year’s Resolution, S4E14), Peggy crash lands in the future and reunites briefly with Steve, which re-opens old wounds as the two try to make up for lost time. This all comes to a head at the end of the episode, as Peggy is about to head back through the time portal:
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Notice how Peggy phrases this like an observation. Your home is here now, she tells Steve, because after spending a few hours with him, she’s noticed how much Steve’s acclimated to the 21st century—he has a new team, new friends, and a whole new life. Yes, he misses Peggy, and yes, he entertains the notion of returning with her, but he doesn’t actually argue the matter, or seem to be seriously conflicted about it. Deep down, Steve knows too that his place is in the future. 
In fact, we actually saw him come to terms with that a season ago, in Saving Captain Rogers (S3E3). In this ep, Baron Zemo has kidnapped and brainwashed Steve into thinking he’s back in 1940 and fighting alongside Bucky. Bucky, in this case, isn’t actually real; he’s just a figment of Steve’s imagination, and, arguably, acts as a conduit for his grief and conscience. As Steve himself starts to realize that he’s stuck in an illusion, we get this scene:
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This scene is essentially Steve fighting with himself. While part of him is not ready to let go of the people he loved and lost, he knows in his heart that he has to move on—not only to survive but to live. To enjoy what he has now to the fullest extent. With this realization, Steve is able to break free of Zemo’s control and returns home, sharing with Tony and Natasha:
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And isn’t it so telling that, in both instances where Steve has to confront his past, the episodes end with him celebrating all he’s found in the future? In Saving Captain Rogers, we’re left with the scene of Tony playfully ribbing Steve about his beloved butter pecan ice cream, while Natasha smiles at the photo of the team Steve has placed on his bedside table:
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And, as its name would suggest, New Year’s Resolution ends much the same way. Despite having to let Peggy go a second time, the night ends with Steve smiling wistfully as he watches the city celebrate the arrival of a bright and promising new year—arm in arm with the one person who helped him realize the 21st century was a home worth staying in after all.
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tldr; sorry MCU, but AA!Steve is just built different
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kinkystony ¡ 4 years
Ok but can we all agree that if Steve and Tony had a biological daughter in some way that is possible in some universe, she would look like Sabrina Carpenter?
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kinkystony ¡ 4 years
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so. i just read this manga called dare ga omae wo suki dato itta and of of the story trope is ‘you are my childhood crush i want to marry you’ (not exactly but you get the idea)
it was so adorable i had to stony it lol
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kinkystony ¡ 4 years
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a small stevetony superfamily comic because I missed seeing superfamily on the dashboard—but make it angst! 
When steve was on a mission, the tower was ambushed. The rescue arrived maybe a little too late
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kinkystony ¡ 4 years
if you’re taking prompts, tony noticing how lonely steve is? like steve is just ...lonely and sad and is scared to put himself out there bc he doesn’t think anyone will like him
Ahhh okay this…kind of got away from me! I hope you enjoy roughly ~4k words + some very lonely Steve, and very helpful, pining-y Tony Stark… 
Tony watches, half amused, half curious as the pretty blond shakes out her hair, gives Steve one last beatific smile, then turns on her heel and walks quickly towards the bathroom. He doesn’t miss the way her face falls as soon as her back is turned and Steve is out of sight. She really is gorgeous, well-dressed, too, and Tony had it on good authority that she’s basically an absolute saint. Her name’s Julia… something, and she works with low income schools to grow their arts programs; he knows because he’s made several large donations, and years ago, before a different blond waltzed into his life and rendered him blind to basically anyone else, Tony probably would’ve pursued her himself. 
But that was Pre-Steve Rogers. 
Steve Rogers who had just rejected a gorgeous, smart, friendly woman for no reason other than to stand, tight-lipped at the bar, alone. Tony can’t stand to watch that pinched look he always gets, worrying at his bottom lip with his teeth and picking at the label on his beer bottle to distract himself from the buzz of the party. These galas weren’t fun per se, but they could be tolerable, Tony knew, with the right surroundings. 
“What’s it like being the most eligible bachelor in New York, Captain Handsome?” Tony asks, striding over to Steve. He tries to stand a normal, friendly distance from him, but words like normal and friendly and all other societal norms typically went out the window where Steve was involved. 
Now, Steve turns to him, his smile loosening just a stitch, a question in his eyes. “I dunno, you tell me,” he says, raising an eyebrow. 
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kinkystony ¡ 4 years
10K follower celebration
Here’s a little Warlord Steve/Spoils of War snippet for you!  Thank you all for being here and enjoy.
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kinkystony ¡ 4 years
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The relationship between Tony and Howard Stark feat. Steve Rogers.
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kinkystony ¡ 4 years
apps that shut off your music when you open them just how fucking important do you think you are
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kinkystony ¡ 4 years
Hi, do you have anymore fics where Steve doesn’t have his powers but tony does??? Thanks ever so much!
Here are a few suggestions for you (hat tip to Discord for the help):
with a decent happiness by torigates:  Tony Stark is Iron Man. Steve Rogers isn't, and never was Captain America. Or, the one where everything is the same except Steve is a kindergarten teacher.
Coffee and Company, or Fate by kiminsocks: Tony ditches his New Year's party and stops for coffee, makes a friend, and thinks maybe he wants to take him home, just this once.
Throw a Little Hot Rod Red in There (series) by @festiveferret, @sirsapling: Tony Stark was pretty sure that the absolute worst time to get asked out by an incredibly talented, good-looking artist, who likes to paint - and defend - Iron Man, is when he's dying of palladium poisoning.
Two-Point Perspective by @festiveferret:  Dear omega,  Congratulations! You've been selected. Alpha #95847872 has been assigned as your pre-bondee. A group bonding ceremony will take place on the 14th, unless other arrangements have been made by your alpha or their family. A valid bonding license must be submitted to Omega Services within 45 days of this letter or all services will be cancelled and any transferable benefits will not be applied to your alpha's package.  If there is some reason why you cannot be bonded on this date, please apply for an extension by calling 1-800-555-6827 within 7 days of receiving this letter.  Sincerely, National Omega Services
Someone Reaching Back for Me by @festiveferret​: Steve is sickly, unemployed, broke, and homeless. All he has left is a business card with a rather hard to get phone number on it.
Blind Side Tackle by Longhornletters: Steve Rogers wants two things - for a team (preferably not Dallas) to draft him and to not make an absolute fool of himself on an NFL field.  He's trying to find his own way in a complicated system, but through the ups and downs of transitioning to the pros, he's got more help than he realizes.  Tony Stark wants two things also - a face of the franchise-quality quarterback and a bit of that "little life" he's always just kind of ignored up to now.  He's trying to find the work-life balance everyone keeps telling him he needs, but the things he wants can sometimes come from unexpected places.Slow-burn friends to lovers.Alternate Universe - Sports/Professional American Football
it takes a village (or so the saying goes) by soniclipstick: “Did… did you just hit on my mother and me at the same time?” Steve doesn’t know whether to be embarrassed or flattered. By the way his ears are burning, the latter seems more likely.“Yeah. Increases my chances of getting a date, don’t you think?” Tony replies with a conspiratorial wink.
Drawn Together by Lacerta: 'why America?'Steve was actually proud of the pseudonym's meaning, but whenever he tried to explain it out loud, it sounded infantile.'You're gonna laugh.' The response came faster than Steve managed to type his next message.'promise im not''It's because whole America, if not the world, should thank Tony Stark for what he did, and my graffiti is a way of showing him that America really is grateful.'
Not Trying to Make Headlines by RurouniHime: It's just an art show. No big deal if the rich and totally-out-of-his-league guy Steve slept with once a year ago shows up or not. Really.
We’re On the Edge Right Now by MassiveSpaceWren, Nixie_DeAngel: “Steve Rogers, at your service, Mister Stark.”Tony’s lips quirked up into a bright, almost teasing like grin, “I’m sure you are, Rogers, I’m sure you are.”Steve could feel a blush work its way up his neck to his face, but before he could even open his mouth to retort, Pepper jumped in, easily redirecting the conversation before insisting on escorting Steve back down to drop him off at HR.
Unwind by Corsets and Cardigans: He could see the dip of his husband's bare back, the sway of his spine and curve of his rear, laid out across his desk. It was Tony’s favorite way to unwind, to get away from all the stress and reconnect with his husband.
Wildfire by weethreequarter: When his friends sign him up for a dating app, Tony promises Pepper that he won’t even open it. A promise he fully intends to keep, until curiosity gets the better of him.
Altruistic by JuniperLemon:  Tony crash lands on Steve's roof. It's only polite for him to take care of the genius but neither were expecting it to turn into something more.
A Hero to a Fish by DepressingGreenie:  Tony was trying to destroy weapons of his that a weapons dealer has in their possession, and he finds him. A merman. Tony decided to free him and take him home.
What Could’ve Been by @itsallavengers: So. Tony's dying. Palladium poisoning is a shitty, painful way to go, but hey: at least it's his birthday party, right? A cool send off. Lots of alcohol and fun and girls and-...And all Tony wants is Steve Rogers, the stupid Art Professor who used Tony for a booty call now and again and whom Tony had stupidly decided to start falling in love with. Whilst in the middle of getting slowly poisoned to death. God, he wished his life was easier.
Last Stop Before Malibu by justanotherrollyingstony: Steve stands under the hot sun, hoping that the next trucker to roll in will bring him enough money to eat tonight, enough to save a little, to get out of this place and go somewhere new. What he doesn't expect, is to meet a man who changes everything. (pre-IM 1)
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kinkystony ¡ 4 years
Can you do and updated list of fics that are AUs where they’re both teachers/ or professors?
The first list is here.  Here are some more Professor or Teacher recs. Enjoy!
Pina Coladas by NotEvenClosetoStraight: Professor Steve Rogers and Grad Student Tony Stark are opposite as can be. Steve's steady and quiet, Tony's flighty and loud. Steve has wine occasionally, Tony can out drink a frat house. Steve struggles with public speaking, Tony considers the world his stage. Steve wears tweed and it’s a good day if Tony wears pants.When Tony’s Visa expires before a job opens at the University, the least likely person in the world suddenly holds the solution to his problem. What’s a green card marriage between soon-to-be coworkers, right?Steve and Tony mix like oil and water, like encyclopedias and nudie mags, like tweed jackets and neon pants. Therapy doesn’t help, living together through arguments suck, and faking it long enough for a green card to come seems impossible. Then one day Steve finds out Tony likes Pina Coladas, Tony realizes Steve loves getting caught in the rain, and like an old familiar song, life falls into place bit by bit. But after a dance that ends with a kiss, Tony abruptly vacates the city and Steve has to wonder if Tony really was only in it for the green card... ...or if the brilliant brunette had fallen for Steve, like Steve had inexplicably fallen for him.
What Could’ve Been by @itsallavengers: So. Tony's dying. Palladium poisoning is a shitty, painful way to go, but hey: at least it's his birthday party, right? A cool send off. Lots of alcohol and fun and girls and-...And all Tony wants is Steve Rogers, the stupid Art Professor who used Tony for a booty call now and again and whom Tony had stupidly decided to start falling in love with. Whilst in the middle of getting slowly poisoned to death. God, he wished his life was easier.
So Nice (I Get to Meet You Twice) by Heartithateyou: Tony meets a handsome blonde stranger and can't stop thinking about him.Peter has his dad come to the school to meet with his new teacher.Could this be coincidence or fate trying to get Tony a date?
Covered in Lines by @royal-chandler: He can’t lose sight of pale, deft hands that gesture on transitive verbs, an ink-stained thumb edging underneath Tony’s ribcage with an affection that can only be called dangerous.
Excuses, excuses by @s-horne: “It was just that last lecture, the one on Wednesday,” Steve started, plucking his notebook off the top of his book pile and flicking through it. “I left feeling a little confused. I understood it all, but it wasn’t my favourite one. Do we have to write the paper on that topic, or can I focus on something else?”Tony laughed as he pushed his chair backwards and stood. “That,” he said as he rounded the desk, “has got to be the worst excuse you’ve come up with yet. And I’m including the time that you came to tell me that the lights had been left on in my classroom.”
Do you hear my heartbeat? by @s-horne:  There were a lot of rules for being a teacher. Steve knew that and he knew the rules themselves. He wasn’t allowed to get too close to the kids in his class, wasn’t allowed to make it personal. He wasn’t allowed to hug the children or even give them bandaids anymore. But there were some days when Steve really couldn't care less, when those rules needed to be thrown out of the window.“Hey, Pete,” Steve whispered softly, gathering the small boy to his chest and pressing his lips to a sticky forehead. “You’re okay, sweetie, you’re okay.”Peter sniffed loudly and another few tears escaped his eyes, breath coming out in sharp pants. “Hurts, Mr. Rogers. M’hurtin’.”“Oh, I know it hurts. That was such a big fall.” Steve lifted his hand and wiped away some of the tears falling down Peter’s cheek. “But Daddy’s on his way and he’ll give you a big hug when he gets here. A nice, big cuddle, hey?”  OR National Teacher Appreciation Day
What are Friends For? by DepressingGreenie: Professor Stark has a crush on the University's new Professor.
Taking a Chance by DepressingGreenie: Steve likes the Science Professor who lives across the hall.
Earning the Grade by FreyaS: After missing one too many days of class, Steve Rogers is in danger of losing his good grade. Luckily, Professor Stark offers an extra credit opportunity.
professor hard-ass by mvrcredi: As there was in almost every post-secondary institute, ShieldU had a Professor Brick Wall (occasionally nicknamed “Professor Hard-Ass”), and a Professor Overshare.Based on the tweet from @verysmallriver that started the tumblr post: half of college professors are like "you can know nothing about me except my name" and the other half are like "and that's why my wife left me! anyway what's up with y'all"
Hot Professors and Underwear Models by @meshkol:  Darcy Lewis is a simple gal, and by simple gal, she means unapologetically thirsty.Nothing wrong with some eye-candy mixed in with classes, anyway.
The Ring of Fire by @serinah80:  Steve is 19 and has only had one girlfriend. He doesn’t like men, never has, so why the hell does Professor Stark make him feel this way? A story with a ridiculous amount of anger, internalized homophobia, sexual exploration, self-discovery and pining. In short: it's about how student Steve tries, fails and then tries again to understand what is going on with him while dealing with his crush on a professor.
Charcoal Dust in my Eyes by @betheflame, Nixie De_Angel: Dr. Tony Stark teaches engineering at Stonybrook University, so he assumed his son would attend there. Instead, Peter chooses nearby Fallwell State and gets assigned Art Professor Steve Rogers as an interdisciplinary advisor. If that wasn't annoying enough, Rogers' best friend Bucky happens to be the guy who Tony and his best friend Pepper have a bit of a history with and NO ONE holds a grudge like Tony Stark. But then... Pepper tells him to stand down and so does Peter and what if Bucky isn't the enemy... does that mean he can do something about this crush on Steve?
Lost My Mind in a Coffee Shop by @betheflame:  “Boyo,” Bucky muttered to his best friend. “I swear to God that if you don’t ask that man for his number soon, I will create a Grindr profile for you and you will not like it.”Steve rolled his eyes. “I am here to finish grading, not hit on men.”“Can you not do both?” Natasha smirked. “Nearly tenured, historical genius, feels like something you should be able to multitask.”&&&In which Steve is a history professor and Tony's an engineering one and Bucky owns the joint where they have their meet cute.
Hot for Teacher by ceealaina: Tony is the established physics teacher, Steve is the truly terrible new guidance counsellor. It's not quite love at first sight (but it's a pretty close thing).
Parent/Teacher Night by @capnshellhead: When Steve's best friend James Barnes died overseas, his son James was given to Steve to raise. Steve did the best he could, throwing himself into being a parent with the same focus he did everything else. So, when he showed up to Parent/Teacher night, he was determined to make a good impression on James' favorite teacher. Of course, like everything else in Steve's life, things didn't go according to plan.
boy next door by snarkstack: The room next door to Tony's classroom has been empty for the last fourteen years. And suddenly the day before the first day of school Tony has a new neighbour.
In Other Words: I Love You by fiftyshadesofstony: Steve Rogers was happy enough to have found his first big boy job after the Army: working as a P.E. teaching assistant at Midtown High School. The first person he meets on his first day ends up leading him to a robotics team assistant coach position, and the most unexpected love story of Steve's life.
In the midst of a heavy rain by @bladeofthenebula27:  “Do you know where Mr Rogers is?”  Peter hummed. “He took his refreshment with him. He said he was going for a walk and would return for our next lesson.”  That was very strange. If Peter was correct, then Mr Rogers had been on his walk for more than two hours. Tony couldn’t for the life of him work out why he would plan such a long constitutional when he knew Peter would be waiting for his afternoon lesson. He strode across to the window and looked out over the grounds. It looked like it might rain. Or Steve takes a walk that ends nearly in disaster and absolutely in a confession.
Waiting in the Wings by @bladeofthenebula27: Steve is excited when he finds out the school he teaches at is getting a million dollar upgrade to their theatre. Finally, he can put on the shows he wants - even if the whole thing is just some pompous alpha’s vanity project. But when the alpha takes his side in a meeting, Steve is left a bit off balance and as the play progresses, it only gets worse. Or better, if you believe in happily ever afters.
pure of heart, dumb of ass by ohjustpeachy: Mr. Stark thinks pretending to hate his fellow teacher, Mr. Rogers, is a smart way to keep their relationship under wraps. What he didn’t account for was Peter Parker.
Steve/Tony Teacher AU (series) by Mireille: The art room next to the auto shop has been empty since Tony started teaching here. That's about to change.
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kinkystony ¡ 4 years
Steve : A kid her age has needs and..and… boundaries for wealthy development and I’m worried, we can’t provide that for her.
Tony : Are you reading parenting books ?
Steve : One or… five.
Tony : You are such a Dad.
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kinkystony ¡ 4 years
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MCU + TAROT - part one (insp.)
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kinkystony ¡ 4 years
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Before summer ends
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kinkystony ¡ 4 years
Tony, looking around: Nat, have you seen my top?
Natasha: Uh, no. Hold on a sec [Pulls out phone] Hey Steve, Tony's looking for you-
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kinkystony ¡ 4 years
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Forgot to post this here.
Tumblr please dont block me. This is a safe censored joke.
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kinkystony ¡ 4 years
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part 2 of the pirate au ✨✨
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