boosterrs Ā· 17 days
"I'M FINE, JUST GO ON WITHOUT ME!" PROMPTS * Ā assorted dialogue, adjust as necessary
i can handle this myself.
you go on ahead. i'll catch up in a minute.
it's just a flesh wound. nothing major.
am i bleeding? is that my blood?
well, that complicates things just a bit.
i think it's better if i stay here.
i'll just hold you back.
i'm not leaving without you.
just go on without me!
i'll catch up with you! keep going!
it's not worth it! i won't make it in time!
i'll hold them off!
get out of here now!
you promised we'd do this together.
keep moving! i'll cover you!
if you leave now, i can hold them off!
i don't think we're both getting out of this alive.
you know what you have to do.
i'll find another way out!
i'm not leaving you to die!
i think i'm stuck down here!
the door's jammed! i can't get it open!
can you hear me? you need to keep moving!
don't waste your time with me!
get up! on your feet! i'm not leaving without you!
we always knew this was a one way trip.
i'll get them back to the ship. you go on ahead.
i won't be much use to you up there. might as well stay here.
i'll just rest here.
you don't have time to patch me up.
i don't think i can walk anymore.
i'll come back for you. i promise.
this isn't how we planned it.
this never should have happened.
we should have been smarter about this.
i don't want to do this without you.
you have to get up. please get up.
we're supposed to finish this together.
i promised [name] i wouldn't leave you here.
i need you to stay strong for me.
stay here and hide. i'll be back for you.
i'll carry you if i have to.
i'm only going to slow you down. it's not worth it.
listen to me. you have to do this without me.
i'll meet you there. i promise.
one of us has to survive this! might as well be you!
if you stay, we'll both die. do you understand?
they need you more than they need me.
no matter what happens... know that i love you.
this isn't goodbye.
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boosterrs Ā· 26 days
@vitrumbra ( ray! ) / ā› this is not a debate ! āœ
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ā€œ Yes it is! I don't take orders from you! I'm not even supposed to be here right now. ā€ The tone in his voice was one of strained annoyance, Booster had run himself ragged with cleaning up all sorts of messes in the timestream of late, he just wanted to find somewhere safe to lie down and sleep for a few days.. This guy however, seemed to be just as stubborn as he was, and wouldn't let him work in peace.
He's beginning to understand why Rip tells him to be lowkey with time business.
He lets out an exasperated sigh, blue and gold covered hand pushing through his hair as he tries to not snap and lose his temper. ā€œ Look--, I know I'm dressed like some sorta weird, shiny cosplayer but this is my work uniform and right now I'm supposed to be working! Whatever you're here for can wait for five minutes, the world won't end. Trust me, I'm an expert when it comes to that. ā€ Expert was pushing it, but he did know what he was talking about. ā€œ Hell, if you just let me do my thing I'll handle whatever you're panicking about for free! ā€
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boosterrs Ā· 26 days
hi hello holy moly i've been gone a while but look!!! i bring you prompts! and these are MONTHS old according to my notes app! but basically i'm two weeks and four days away from returning to my home country, and my mother sent me some tea from home, and i just got thinking about the sheer power of a cup of tea, yk? anyway! here it is! and here are my conditions! DO NOT ADD OR CHANGE THIS LIST! and also feel free to add "REVERSE" if you want to switch the rolls, i suppose!
[ COLD ]: With a notable drop in temperatures, the sender makes some tea for themself and the receiver, if not for drinking then for the warmth and comfort of holding the mugs in their chilled hands.
[ SHOCK ]: Having found a most-definitely-in-shock receiver, the sender makes a big, strong, and immensely sweet cup of tea for them in order to restore them a little bit.
[ ANOTHER ]: While preparing a cup for themself, the sender makes a second cup for the receiver in a polite and low-effort gesture towards them.
[ FIX ]: The sender, realizing the receiver is genuinely upset about something, comforts them and makes some tea in the hopes of lifting their spirits some bit.
[ WEARY ]: After a mutually extensive day, the sender and receiver return home, and the sender prepares some tea as a soothing introduction to their bedtime routine.
[ BETTER? ]: The sender, at a loss for how to approach the receiver who has clearly endured a very difficult time, decides to make some tea in an effort to console them and possibly encourage them to talk about it.
[ GUEST ]: The sender welcomes the receiver into their home with open arms and two strong mugs of tea. (There may also be food of some kind, that's for you to decide!)
[ WHY NOT? ]: The sender prepares some tea for both themself and the receiver, not out of any great need or want, but because their default setting is making tea and frankly they can't see any harm in it either way.
[ DECAF ]: The sender subtly intervenes in the receiver's sleep schedule by bringing them a cup of tea rather than a cup of coffee in the hopes that they might get some sleep that night.
[ TRY ]: The sender just received a new kind of tea, and prepares some for themself and the receiver because who better to share the experience with than the receiver?
[ COPING ]: In the aftermath of some terrible and life-changing news, the sender busies their self with preparing some tea to give themselves something to do other than think about what's just happened.
[ INSTINCT ]: Something isn't quite right with the receiver, and the sender knows it. In order to get them to open up, the sender prepares some tea.
[ REFRESHMENT ]: Someone made cookies, and what is a cookie without a cup of tea? The receiver won't need to find out; the sender is already making a cup as we speak.
[ TEA ]: The receiver has just arrived with some particularly excellent and scandalous gossip; the sender, unwilling to let the receiver's voice dry out during the revelation, prepares some tea to go with it.
[ RELAX ]: After a particularly stressful day, the sender prepares some tea so that they can finally begin to relax and unwind in the evening.
[ OLIVE BRANCH ]: The receiver is angry with the sender; the cup of tea is just the sender's cautious attempts to heal the relationship.
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boosterrs Ā· 28 days
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nigh1nvulnerable is a personal interp of MARVEL'S SAM GUTHRIE a.k.a CANNONBALL from the X-MEN'S NEW MUTANTS and other related titles! written by owen ( 25, they/he ). 18+ . minors & personals do not interact!
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boosterrs Ā· 28 days
š‘»š‘Æš‘¬š‘¹š‘¬'š‘ŗ š‘Øš‘³š‘¾š‘Øš’€š‘ŗ š‘Ø š‘«š‘¶š‘¾š‘µš‘ŗš‘°š‘«š‘¬ . Ā  Ā ( Ā  sentence Ā starters Ā originating Ā from Ā the fourthĀ  season Ā of Ā syfyā€™s ā€˜ warehouse 13 ā€² .Ā  Ā changeĀ  pronounsĀ  asĀ  needed !Ā Ā )
ā›Ā  whatĀ  isĀ  it ?Ā  whatā€™sĀ  happening ? Ā āœ ā›Ā  areĀ  youĀ  alright ? Ā āœ ā›Ā  thisĀ  isĀ  wrong . Ā āœ ā›Ā  youā€™reĀ  puttingĀ  yourĀ  lifeĀ  onĀ  theĀ  line . Ā āœ ā›Ā  youĀ  donā€™tĀ  haveĀ  toĀ  holdĀ  myĀ  hand . Ā āœ ā›Ā  closeĀ  yourĀ  eyes ,Ā  [ name ] . Ā āœ ā›Ā  thereĀ  hasĀ  toĀ  beĀ  anotherĀ  way . Ā āœ ā›Ā  guessĀ  iā€™mĀ  notĀ  muchĀ  ofĀ  aĀ  hero ,Ā  huh ? Ā āœ ā›Ā  whatĀ  arenā€™tĀ  youĀ  tellingĀ  me ? Ā āœ ā›Ā  iĀ  guessĀ  iĀ  shouldā€™veĀ  toldĀ  you . Ā āœ ā›Ā  iĀ  reallyĀ  hopeĀ  youĀ  canĀ  forgiveĀ  me . Ā āœ ā›Ā  iĀ  wouldĀ  doĀ  itĀ  allĀ  again . Ā āœ ā›Ā  theĀ  worldĀ  isĀ  aĀ  betterĀ  placeĀ  withĀ  youĀ  inĀ  it ,Ā  [ name ] . Ā āœ ā›Ā  youĀ  didnā€™tĀ  getĀ  permission .Ā  you rebel ! Ā āœ ā›Ā  thereĀ  areĀ  consequences . Ā āœ ā›Ā  rightĀ  nowĀ  iĀ  wishĀ  iĀ  wasĀ  dead . Ā āœ ā›Ā  thongsĀ  giveĀ  meĀ  aĀ  rash . Ā āœ ā› Ā whoĀ  diedĀ  andĀ  madeĀ  youĀ  bossĀ  ofĀ  me ? Ā āœ ā› Ā areĀ  youĀ  protectingĀ  me ? Ā āœ ā› Ā [ name ]Ā  saidĀ  heĀ  wasĀ  gonnaĀ  tellĀ  youĀ  ā€¦ Ā āœ ā› Ā youĀ  oweĀ  meĀ  aĀ  dinner .Ā  Ā aĀ  veryĀ  niceĀ  dinner . Ā āœ ā› Ā whenĀ  wasĀ  theĀ  lastĀ  timeĀ  youĀ  slept ? Ā āœ ā›Ā  whatĀ  areĀ  youĀ  keepingĀ  fromĀ  me ?Ā  Ā spill . Ā āœ ā›Ā  ifĀ  youĀ  needĀ  meĀ  forĀ  ANYĀ  reasonĀ  whatsoever ,Ā  Ā callĀ  me .Ā  Ā butĀ  onlyĀ  ifĀ  itā€™sĀ  important . Ā āœ ā›Ā  weā€™veĀ  beenĀ  throughĀ  aĀ  lot .Ā  iĀ  thinkĀ  weĀ  shouldĀ  justĀ  layĀ  lowĀ  Ā &Ā  Ā takeĀ  itĀ  easy . Ā āœ ā›Ā  OKAY ,Ā  Ā soĀ  manyĀ  questions ā€¦ Ā āœ ā›Ā  lookĀ  atĀ  you ,Ā  Ā havingĀ  ideas ! Ā āœ ā›Ā  iĀ  haveĀ  ideas !Ā  Ā mostĀ  ofĀ  themĀ  areĀ  illegal . Ā āœ ā›Ā  weĀ  bothĀ  knowĀ  thisĀ  isĀ  aboutĀ  soĀ  muchĀ  moreĀ  thanĀ  that . Ā āœ ā›Ā  realĀ  sufferingĀ  isĀ  knowingĀ  whatĀ  laysĀ  justĀ  beyondĀ  yourĀ  graspĀ  andĀ  neverĀ  beingĀ  ableĀ  toĀ  reachĀ  it . Ā āœ ā›Ā  someĀ  risksĀ  areĀ  worthĀ  taking . Ā āœ ā›Ā  no .Ā  youĀ  donā€™tĀ  getĀ  toĀ  justĀ  quitĀ  onĀ  us . Ā āœ ā›Ā  thisĀ  isĀ  notĀ  aĀ  debate ! Ā āœ ā›Ā  youĀ  sleptĀ  withĀ  her ,Ā  didnā€™tĀ  you ?Ā  āœ ā›Ā  canĀ  weĀ  justĀ  doĀ  thisĀ  &Ā  goĀ  home ? Ā āœ ā›Ā  forĀ  theĀ  record ,Ā  iĀ  donā€™tĀ  wantĀ  youĀ  outĀ  ofĀ  myĀ  hair . Ā āœ ā›Ā  thisĀ  isĀ  notĀ  howĀ  iĀ  wantedĀ  toĀ  handleĀ  this ,Ā  &Ā  youĀ  knowĀ  it . Ā āœ ā›Ā  thereā€™sĀ  noĀ  turningĀ  back ,Ā  Ā now . Ā āœ ā›Ā  iā€™mĀ  notĀ  evenĀ  goingĀ  toĀ  pretendĀ  toĀ  understandĀ  whatĀ  youā€™reĀ  talkingĀ  about . Ā āœ ā›Ā  canĀ  iĀ  askĀ  ā€¦Ā  Ā whatĀ  happened ? Ā āœ ā›Ā  areĀ  youĀ  sureĀ  youā€™reĀ  okay ?Ā  Ā youĀ  stillĀ  lookĀ  aĀ  littleĀ  woozy . Ā āœ ā›Ā  itĀ  wentĀ  byĀ  soĀ  fast ,Ā  Ā iĀ  justĀ  ā€¦Ā  iĀ  honestlyĀ  donā€™tĀ  know . Ā āœ ā›Ā  iĀ  triedĀ  toĀ  tellĀ  you ,Ā  Ā butĀ  youĀ  didnā€™tĀ  wantĀ  toĀ  hearĀ  it . Ā āœ ā›Ā  allĀ  thisĀ  angerĀ  &Ā  hate ,Ā  Ā itā€™sĀ  notĀ  goodĀ  forĀ  you . Ā āœ ā›Ā  howĀ  couldĀ  youĀ  sayĀ  that ? Ā āœ ā›Ā  [ name ] ,Ā  stop .Ā  lookĀ  atĀ  me . Ā āœ ā›Ā  iĀ  wantĀ  toĀ  letĀ  itĀ  go .Ā  Ā iĀ  reallyĀ  do ,Ā  Ā butĀ  iĀ  donā€™tĀ  knowĀ  how . Ā āœ ā›Ā  canĀ  youĀ  feelĀ  myĀ  heartĀ  beating ? Ā āœ ā›Ā  whatĀ  didĀ  youĀ  doĀ  toĀ  him ?? Ā āœ ā›Ā  doĀ  youĀ  haveĀ  aĀ  betterĀ  idea ? Ā āœ ā›Ā  forgetĀ  aboutĀ  me ,Ā  justĀ  saveĀ  them . Ā āœ ā›Ā  whyĀ  donā€™tĀ  youĀ  justĀ  killĀ  me ? Ā āœĀ Ā  ā›Ā  takeĀ  this ,Ā  &Ā  disappear . Ā āœ ā›Ā  [ name ]Ā  wouldnā€™tĀ  doĀ  that . Ā āœ ā›Ā  iĀ  donā€™tĀ  seeĀ  aĀ  wayĀ  outĀ  thisĀ  time . Ā āœ ā›Ā  iĀ  justĀ  needĀ  youĀ  toĀ  trustĀ  me . Ā āœ ā›Ā  thereā€™sĀ  thatĀ  smileĀ  ā€¦Ā  Ā iā€™mĀ  gladĀ  itā€™sĀ  theĀ  lastĀ  thingĀ  iā€™llĀ  see . Ā āœ ā›Ā  [ name ]Ā  ā€¦Ā  iĀ  neverĀ  stoppedĀ  lovingĀ  you . Ā āœ ā›Ā  donā€™tĀ  doĀ  this ,Ā  Ā [ name ] . Ā āœ ā›Ā  thereā€™sĀ  nobodyĀ  there !Ā  itā€™sĀ  justĀ  you ,Ā  Ā itā€™sĀ  justĀ  you . Ā āœ ā›Ā  itā€™sĀ  gonnaĀ  beĀ  okay ,Ā  Ā okay ?Ā  weā€™reĀ  gonnaĀ  figureĀ  thisĀ  out . Ā āœ ā›Ā  iĀ  wantĀ  youĀ  toĀ  leave .Ā  go .Ā  go ,Ā  now . Ā āœ ā›Ā  letĀ  meĀ  helpĀ  you . Ā āœ ā›Ā  youā€™reĀ  inĀ  myĀ  way . Ā āœ ā›Ā  [ name ] ,Ā  canĀ  youĀ  hearĀ  me ? Ā āœ ā›Ā  whatĀ  isĀ  it ?Ā  areĀ  youĀ  okay ? Ā āœ ā›Ā  noĀ  oneĀ  isĀ  givingĀ  up . Ā āœ ā›Ā  iā€™mĀ  sorry ,Ā  [ name ] ,Ā  butĀ  thatā€™sĀ  notĀ  gonnaĀ  happen . Ā āœ ā›Ā  justĀ  forĀ  once ,Ā  Ā willĀ  youĀ  pleaseĀ  listenĀ  toĀ  meĀ  &Ā  doĀ  asĀ  youĀ  areĀ  told ? Ā āœ ā›Ā  youĀ  canĀ  tellĀ  meĀ  whereĀ  itĀ  is ,Ā  orĀ  iĀ  canĀ  findĀ  itĀ  myself .Ā  Ā tellingĀ  meĀ  whereĀ  itĀ  isĀ  isĀ  theĀ  saferĀ  choice . Ā āœ ā›Ā  donā€™tĀ  doĀ  anythingĀ  foolish ,Ā  Ā [ name ] . Ā āœ ā›Ā  listenĀ  toĀ  me .Ā  weĀ  canĀ  helpĀ  you . Ā āœ ā›Ā  noĀ  matterĀ  whatĀ  theyĀ  say ,Ā  Ā itā€™sĀ  aĀ  lie . Ā āœ ā›Ā  youā€™veĀ  alreadyĀ  lostĀ  thisĀ  battle . Ā āœ ā›Ā  iĀ  knowĀ  youā€™reĀ  inĀ  there .Ā  iĀ  knowĀ  youĀ  canĀ  hearĀ  me ,Ā  Ā soĀ  pleaseĀ  -Ā  beforeĀ  anyoneĀ  elseĀ  getsĀ  hurt ,Ā  Ā letĀ  meĀ  helpĀ  you .Ā  Ā āœ ā›Ā  youĀ  knowĀ  iā€™mĀ  capableĀ  ofĀ  this . Ā āœ ā›Ā  [ name ] ,Ā  look ,Ā  itā€™sĀ  over ! Ā āœ ā›Ā  thisĀ  isĀ  overĀ  whenĀ  iĀ  sayĀ  itā€™sĀ  over . Ā āœ ā›Ā  iĀ  thinkĀ  thisĀ  mightĀ  beĀ  theĀ  end . Ā āœ ā›Ā  iĀ  killedĀ  someoneĀ  iĀ  love . Ā āœ ā›Ā  iā€™mĀ  tryingĀ  somethingĀ  different . Ā āœ ā›Ā  iĀ  askedĀ  youĀ  toĀ  leaveĀ  meĀ  outĀ  ofĀ  this . Ā āœ ā›Ā  maybeĀ  just ā€¦Ā  coffee ,Ā  nextĀ  time ? Ā āœ ā›Ā  youĀ  willĀ  neverĀ  loseĀ  thisĀ  friend . Ā āœ ā›Ā  anotherĀ  stereotypeĀ  shattered . Ā āœ ā›Ā  doesĀ  [ name ]Ā  knowĀ  whoĀ  youĀ  reallyĀ  are ? Ā āœ ā›Ā  iĀ  knowĀ  whatĀ  iĀ  haveĀ  toĀ  do . Ā āœ ā›Ā  youĀ  warnedĀ  me . Ā āœ ā›Ā  ohĀ  myĀ  god ,Ā  heā€™sĀ  yourĀ  ex - Ā āœ ā›Ā  iĀ  donā€™tĀ  thinkĀ  thatĀ  thatā€™sĀ  relevant . Ā āœ ā›Ā  iĀ  thinkĀ  iā€™veĀ  hadĀ  thisĀ  exactĀ  nightmareĀ  before . Ā āœ ā›Ā  doĀ  youĀ  needĀ  usĀ  toĀ  hateĀ  him ?Ā  becauseĀ  weĀ  canĀ  hateĀ  him . Ā āœ ā›Ā  iā€™dĀ  reallyĀ  ratherĀ  talkĀ  aboutĀ  thisĀ  atĀ  anotherĀ  timeĀ  thatā€™sĀ  notĀ  now . Ā āœ ā›Ā  iā€™mĀ  notĀ  hereĀ  toĀ  talkĀ  aboutĀ  myĀ  feelings . Ā āœ ā›Ā  youĀ  wereĀ  always ,Ā  alwaysĀ  lyingĀ  toĀ  me ! Ā āœ ā›Ā  whyĀ  doĀ  iĀ  suddenlyĀ  wantĀ  vodka ?Ā  Ā āœ ā›Ā  weĀ  canĀ  talkĀ  aboutĀ  itĀ  whenĀ  iā€™mĀ  dead ! Ā āœ ā›Ā  iĀ  knewĀ  iĀ  wasĀ  yourĀ  type ! Ā āœ ā›Ā  iĀ  knowĀ  youĀ  canĀ  doĀ  this ,Ā  comeĀ  on - Ā āœ ā›Ā  whateverĀ  itĀ  is ,Ā  justĀ  trustĀ  me ,Ā  tellĀ  me .Ā  āœ ā›Ā  theĀ  problemĀ  withĀ  hidingĀ  thingsĀ  behindĀ  glassĀ  doorsĀ  isĀ  youĀ  canĀ  seeĀ  throughĀ  them . Ā āœ ā›Ā  iĀ  guessĀ  youĀ  neverĀ  reallyĀ  knewĀ  [ name ] . Ā āœ ā›Ā  youĀ  reallyĀ  wannaĀ  talkĀ  aboutĀ  this ? Ā āœ ā›Ā  iā€™veĀ  beenĀ  gettingĀ  inĀ  touchĀ  withĀ  myĀ  sensitiveĀ  side .Ā  Ā knock ,Ā  knock ,Ā  [ name ] .Ā  iā€™mĀ  home . Ā āœ ā›Ā  poetryĀ  sucks ,Ā  becauseĀ  itĀ  doesnā€™tĀ  makeĀ  anyĀ  sense . Ā āœ ā›Ā  itĀ  wouldĀ  beĀ  aĀ  lotĀ  easierĀ  forĀ  bothĀ  ofĀ  usĀ  ifĀ  youĀ  werenā€™tĀ  here . Ā āœ ā›Ā  myĀ  personalĀ  stuffĀ  cannotĀ  getĀ  inĀ  theĀ  wayĀ  ofĀ  thisĀ  job . Ā āœ ā›Ā  thisĀ  isĀ  cuttingĀ  itĀ  aĀ  littleĀ  tooĀ  close . Ā āœ ā›Ā  iā€™mĀ  aĀ  liabilityĀ  ā€¦Ā  Ā youĀ  canĀ  finishĀ  itĀ  up ,Ā  iā€™llĀ  waitĀ  inĀ  theĀ  car . Ā āœ ā›Ā  thatā€™sĀ  notĀ  evenĀ  remotelyĀ  funny . Ā āœ ā›Ā  thereĀ  areĀ  thingsĀ  thatĀ  iĀ  canā€™tĀ  tellĀ  you . Ā āœ ā›Ā  iā€™mĀ  tryingĀ  toĀ  protectĀ  you . Ā āœ ā›Ā  [ name ] ,Ā  youĀ  neverĀ  evenĀ  saidĀ  goodbye . Ā āœ ā›Ā  youĀ  reallyĀ  wantĀ  theĀ  truthĀ  allĀ  theĀ  time ? Ā āœ ā›Ā  iĀ  wasĀ  alwaysĀ  scaredĀ  iā€™dĀ  screwĀ  up ,Ā  &Ā  itĀ  madeĀ  meĀ  screwĀ  upĀ  evenĀ  more . Ā āœ ā›Ā  ifĀ  iĀ  couldnā€™tĀ  makeĀ  itĀ  workĀ  withĀ  you ,Ā  thenĀ  iĀ  couldnā€™tĀ  makeĀ  itĀ  workĀ  withĀ  anyone . Ā āœ ā›Ā  trustĀ  me ,Ā  theseĀ  peopleĀ  areĀ  notĀ  yourĀ  friends . Ā āœ ā›Ā  iĀ  couldnā€™tĀ  leaveĀ  withoutĀ  sayingĀ  goodbye ,Ā  youā€™dĀ  neverĀ  letĀ  meĀ  hearĀ  theĀ  endĀ  ofĀ  it . Ā āœ ā›Ā  whyĀ  doesĀ  everyoneĀ  wantĀ  toĀ  talkĀ  today ? Ā āœ ā›Ā  youā€™reĀ  notĀ  thinkingĀ  whatĀ  iĀ  thinkĀ  youā€™reĀ  thinking ,Ā  Ā areĀ  you ? Ā āœ ā›Ā  weĀ  needĀ  toĀ  stopĀ  cuttingĀ  theseĀ  thingsĀ  soĀ  close . Ā āœ ā›Ā  youā€™reĀ  notĀ  listeningĀ  toĀ  aĀ  wordĀ  iā€™mĀ  saying ,Ā  areĀ  you ? Ā āœ ā›Ā  youā€™reĀ  relentless . Ā āœ ā›Ā  howĀ  doĀ  youĀ  knowĀ  [ name ] ? Ā āœ ā›Ā  itā€™sĀ  late ,Ā  youĀ  lookĀ  tired . Ā āœ ā›Ā  killedĀ  byĀ  aĀ  pirate ?Ā  thatā€™sĀ  howĀ  iĀ  wannaĀ  goĀ  out . Ā āœ ā›Ā  ifĀ  iĀ  wasĀ  stalkingĀ  you ,Ā  iĀ  wouldā€™veĀ  knownĀ  whereĀ  youĀ  wereĀ  atĀ  oneĀ  oā€™clockĀ  inĀ  theĀ  morning . Ā āœ ā›Ā  whatĀ  wouldĀ  iĀ  doĀ  withoutĀ  you ? Ā āœ ā›Ā  thisĀ  provesĀ  nothing . Ā āœ ā›Ā  youĀ  rememberĀ  me .Ā  thatā€™sĀ  good . Ā āœ ā›Ā  iĀ  amĀ  wayĀ  pastĀ  believingĀ  anythingĀ  youĀ  haveĀ  toĀ  say . Ā āœ ā›Ā  iĀ  wishĀ  iĀ  didnā€™tĀ  haveĀ  toĀ  lieĀ  toĀ  you . Ā āœ ā›Ā  iĀ  wantĀ  toĀ  beĀ  mortal . Ā āœ ā›Ā  whatĀ  didĀ  youĀ  do ? Ā āœ ā›Ā  youĀ  tookĀ  everythingĀ  fromĀ  me .Ā  now ,Ā  iā€™llĀ  takeĀ  somethingĀ  fromĀ  you . Ā āœ ā›Ā  iĀ  wonā€™tĀ  leaveĀ  youĀ  here ! Ā āœ ā›Ā  [ name ]Ā  knowsĀ  whatĀ  iĀ  want . Ā āœ ā›Ā  iĀ  haveĀ  aĀ  scoreĀ  toĀ  settle . Ā āœ ā›Ā  youĀ  haveĀ  toĀ  goĀ  somewhereĀ  safe . Ā āœ ā›Ā  [ name ] ,Ā  beĀ  careful .Ā  iā€™veĀ  alreadyĀ  lostĀ  enoughĀ  peopleĀ  thatĀ  iĀ  careĀ  about . Ā āœ ā›Ā  doĀ  youĀ  haveĀ  anythingĀ  elseĀ  toĀ  doĀ  butĀ  lookĀ  doubtful ? Ā āœ ā›Ā  look ,Ā  iĀ  knowĀ  thatĀ  youā€™reĀ  worried . Ā āœ ā›Ā  i justĀ  ā€¦Ā  iĀ  needĀ  help . Ā āœ ā›Ā  iā€™mĀ  notĀ  gonnaĀ  letĀ  youĀ  ignoreĀ  this . Ā āœ ā›Ā  iĀ  donā€™tĀ  rememberĀ  much . Ā āœ ā›Ā  thereā€™sĀ  noĀ  time . Ā āœ ā›Ā  howĀ  longĀ  haveĀ  youĀ  known ? Ā āœ ā›Ā  youā€™veĀ  beenĀ  lyingĀ  toĀ  meĀ  forĀ  asĀ  longĀ  asĀ  iā€™veĀ  knownĀ  you . Ā āœ ā›Ā  iĀ  canā€™tĀ  justĀ  leaveĀ  youĀ  here . Ā āœ ā›Ā  youĀ  haveĀ  toĀ  go . Ā āœ
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boosterrs Ā· 1 month
ā€œš™š™Š š˜½š™€ š™ˆš™„š™Žš™Žš™€š˜æā€ š™‹š™š™Šš™ˆš™‹š™š™Ž.
basically i was rewatching a load of shows while i was sick for the last two weeks, and it just dawned on me how beautiful a notion it is to miss someone, or miss something? so before i go headfirst into the emotional motivation behind these prompts, iā€™ll post them, and hope youā€™re all having a fantastic week, and that you enjoy these prompts as much as i enjoyed writing them!
ā€œ i miss you.Ā ā€œ
ā€œ iā€™ve missed you.Ā ā€œ
ā€œ iā€™ll miss you.Ā ā€œ
ā€œ youā€™re coming back, right?Ā ā€œ
ā€œ when will i see you again?Ā ā€œ
ā€œ please donā€™t goā€¦Ā ā€œ
ā€œ i could go with you! ā€œ
ā€œ when will you be back?Ā ā€œ
ā€œ you know you canā€™t come with meā€¦Ā ā€œ
ā€œ i didnā€™t wanna leave without saying goodbye.Ā ā€œ
ā€œ i hate goodbyesā€¦Ā ā€œ
ā€œ iā€™ll always find my way back to you.Ā ā€œ
ā€œ heyā€¦ no tears, alright? this isnā€™t goodbye.Ā ā€œ
ā€œ donā€™t leave me.Ā ā€œ
ā€œ iā€™ll see you soon, okay? i promise.Ā ā€œ
ā€œ this isnā€™t goodbye, you know.Ā ā€œ
ā€œ this isnā€™t goodbye. this isā€¦ until we meet again.ļæ½ļæ½ā€œ
ā€œ i have to go nowā€¦Ā ā€œ
ā€œ were you really about to leave without saying goodbye?Ā ā€œ
ā€œ i donā€™t think iā€™ve ever missed anyone, or anything, the way that i miss you right now.Ā ā€œ
ā€œ hey, whereā€™d you go? i was starting to miss you!Ā ā€œ
ā€œ why? do you miss me?Ā ā€œ
ā€œ stay with meā€¦Ā ā€œ
ā€œ you know that i canā€™t stay hereā€¦Ā ā€œ
ā€œ what will i do without you?Ā ā€œ
ā€œ look outside your windowā€¦ you see the sky? good. so do i. because weā€™re looking at the exact same sky right now, okay? so no matter where we are, or how far apart we areā€¦ weā€™ll always be underneath the same sky. so weā€™re not that far apart at all.Ā ā€œ
ā€œ iā€™m gonna miss you, you know.Ā ā€œ
ā€œ i didnā€™t expect myself to miss you as much as i do/did.Ā ā€œ
ā€œ i wish you were here. or i was there. justā€¦ i wish we were back together again.Ā ā€œ
ā€œ whatā€™s it like over there?Ā ā€œ
ā€œ i couldnā€™t leave without seeing you again.Ā ā€œ
ā€œ ifā€¦ if this is the last time iā€™ll ever see you, i need you to knowā€¦ i have loved, and will never stop loving, you. you hear me? i love you. beyond whatever happens next. i love you.Ā ā€œ
ā€œ no matter where you are, where you go, where they take youā€¦ i will always find my way back to you. i promise.Ā ā€œ
ā€œ stop! stop lying! you left, and youā€™ve taken a part of me with you, so i want to know! i wantā€¦ i deserve an answer. i deserve the truth! where are you? and why did you have to go there?Ā ā€œ
ā€œ iā€™ll hold you in my heart, until i can hold you in my arms.Ā ā€œ
ā€œ in case you ever foolishly forget; i am never not thinking of you.Ā ā€œ
ā€œ my heart never knew loneliness until you went away. i am missing you.Ā ā€œ
and a few ACTION PROMPTS !
[ HUG ]:Ā  Ā  Ā sender, upon reuniting with the receiver after being apart for a lengthy duration of time, rushes over to them and pulls them into a tight, desperate, emotional embrace.
[ KISS ]:Ā  Ā  Ā sender, having just reunited with the receiver after being apart for a lengthy duration of time, catches them and pulls them in for a passionate, long-awaited kiss that tells all the things theyā€™ve been bottling up in their absence.
[ FOREHEAD ]:Ā  Ā  Ā before parting ways, sender rests their forehead against the receiverā€™s, a possible final touch as they go their separate ways.
[ BURY ]:Ā  Ā  Ā before parting ways, sender pulls the receiver in for what they privately believe to be their final hug, giving them an embrace filled with heartache, desperation, and unspoken apologies.
[ GRAVE ]:Ā  Ā  Ā after going their separate ways, the receiver learns that the sender has died. upon travelling to their graveside, how do they respond to this tragedy?
[ COLLECT ]:Ā  Ā  Ā  sender arrives at the airport/docks/other location to collect the receiver after being apart for a considerable length of time.
[ INTERVENE ]:Ā  Ā  Ā sender surprises the departing receiver by intervening before they leave, in the hopes of changing their mind.
[ REUNITE ]:Ā  Ā  Ā sender and receiver reunite after being apart for a long length of time.
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boosterrs Ā· 1 month
send in " nodding off... " for the exhausted sender to fall asleep against the receiver's shoulder, and for the receiver's response to this.
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boosterrs Ā· 1 month
&. ššš§ ššš¬š¬šØš«š­š¦šžš§š­ šØšŸ šš¢ššš„šØš š®šž š©š«šØš¦š©š­š¬.
( this is basically just a very self indulgent list of various fluff, angst, and suggestive themed dialogue sentence starters. )
ā› i could keep you safe. theyā€™re all afraid of me. āœ
ā› iā€™m trying to fix your hair, so hold still. āœ
ā› your heart is beating so fast right now. āœ
ā› promise me youā€™ll still be here when i wake up. āœ
ā› youā€™re not as bad as everyone says you are. āœ
ā› i thought youā€™d like some company. āœĀ 
ā› clean yourself up. you're getting blood all over the place. āœ
ā› here, give this a try and tell me what you think. āœ
ā› you can kiss me, you know. āœ
ā› come back to bed. āœ
ā› you look good like this. āœ
ā› working together again, itā€™s just like old times. āœ
ā› how is it you always know what i need, huh? āœ
ā› youā€™re lucky you got away with only a scratch. āœĀ 
ā› i canā€™t imagine losing someone like that. iā€™m sorry. āœ
ā› you know you can always talk to me. āœ
ā› the only one who gets to kill you, is me. āœ
ā› so, what do i owe this pleasure? āœ
ā› ah, so you arenā€™t heartless after all. āœ
ā› may i have this dance? āœĀ 
ā› itā€™s okay, you can touch me. i won't break. āœ
ā› enemies make the best lovers, you know. āœ
ā› hold still. this might sting a little. āœ
ā› we can't keep doing this. āœĀ 
ā› you look like you've got something to say. āœ
ā› just relax and let me take care of you. āœ
ā› thought youā€™d be lighter without all that blood. āœ
ā› i had it under control. you didnā€™t need to do that. āœ
ā› everything looks so beautiful from up here. āœ
ā› you treat all your ladies like this? āœ
ā› well? how do i look? āœ
ā› canā€™t sleep? āœ
ā› do you mind if i smoke? āœ
ā› iā€™m scared of ending up alone. āœ
ā› i donā€™t think iā€™ve ever seen you smile. āœ
ā› how long has it been since you've slept? āœ
ā› you are losing my interest, and thatā€™s very dangerous. āœ
ā› iā€™d suffer hell if youā€™d tell me what youā€™d do to me tonight. āœ
ā› you look really pretty right now. āœ
ā› iā€™ve never cared for anyone the way i care for you. āœ
ā› iā€™m not wearing any underwear. thought youā€™d like to know. āœ
ā› just a few more stitches and youā€™ll be as good as new. āœ
ā› iā€™d say we make a pretty good team. āœ
ā› i want you to forget this ever happened. āœ
ā› i'm here for business ā€” not pleasure. āœ
ā› if i didn't know any better, i'd say you were jealous. āœ
ā› you'd look better down on your knees. āœ
ā› fine, keep acting like you hate me. āœ
ā› kiss me again. āœ
ā› are you asking me out on a date? āœ
ā› just sit there and look pretty and let me handle this. āœ
ā› you okay? caught you staring off into space again.Ā āœ
ā› well, i do feel better now that you're here. āœ
ā› i'm not drunk enough for this. āœĀ 
ā› why is it whenever we see each other, youā€™re covered in blood? āœ
ā› i was wrong about you. āœĀ 
ā› the first time i met you, i had no idea you'd mean this much. āœ
ā› you gonna be a good girl / boy for me? āœ
ā› iā€™m not afraid of you. āœ
ā› books mean more to me than people anyway. āœ
ā› i just wanted to say thank you for protecting me. āœ
ā› how about a kiss goodnight? āœ
ā› i donā€™t have time for distractions right now. āœ
ā› you shouldnā€™t be out here by yourself. āœĀ 
ā› if i have to think about one more thing today, my head will explode. āœ
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boosterrs Ā· 1 month
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here are some booster & rani hugs for a serotonin rush!!
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boosterrs Ā· 1 month
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Batman: The Brave & the Bold #14 - "Time Jerks II" (2024)
written by Mark Russell art by Jon Mikel & Mike Spicer
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boosterrs Ā· 1 month
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your honor that is my skrunkly lil fella and he's never done anything wrong in his life, please do not fact check that statement and trust me--
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boosterrs Ā· 2 months
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ā€œcall it nostalgia, but i know in my heart that it must be more than that.ā€
ā€” unknown
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boosterrs Ā· 2 months
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Blue Beetle & Booster Gold By Jamal CampbellĀ ā€¢Ā In Superman (2023) #16
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boosterrs Ā· 3 months
happy fathers day to booster, dc might not remember that you're a single father working two jobs but i do buddy šŸ’›
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boosterrs Ā· 4 months
send meĀ  Ā ā€˜Ā blanket burritoĀ ā€˜Ā  Ā for your muse to tightly wrap up my sick / exhausted muse in blankets to keep them in bed, resting, so they can recover
sendĀ  Ā ā€˜ burrito reverseĀ ā€˜Ā  Ā for my muse to wrap yours up
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boosterrs Ā· 4 months
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"I'm busy fighting evil monsters and the occasional alien, channelling it into making the world a better place, y'know?" A click of his tongue and a wink sent Soap's way let him know that Booster was very proud of himself for having such a smart thought. "You know how tired I'd be if I fought every day at work, then spent my downtime fighting? I'd have no time for anything."
He was going to continue his smart thoughts with a good counter argument as to how, though he might only just be tall, it allows him to be intimidating, when he isn't wearing shiny gold and blue trimmings, but the provided mental image of Soap dangling from a lamp post by his underwear hits him harder than he'd anticipated and he borderline cackles, covering his mouth for a moment as he recovers. "I can definitely think of worse ways to go, and I could probably spin it in a way to make all the other ghosts jealous." Not that he believes in such things, despite everything he's seen. Ghosts? Absolutely not.
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ā€œOh yeah? Whatā€™s your excuse nowadays then?ā€ Nowadays now? Actually, how did insulting a time traveler based on their age work? Eh, maybe heā€™ll figure that one out if he was a lot drunker. ā€œAnd we both know beinā€™ tallā€™s nae where it counts, mate, but Iā€™ll be sure tā€™ keep you as mā€™ backup if they needa put me on a lamp outside.ā€Ā 
Of course, Soap canā€™t help the way heā€™s laughing about it now that the image was in his head. Sure, it was probably impossible, but for some reason it included a hilariously comedic cartoon wedgie off a flagpole... ā€œCan see it now, just danglinā€™ in me pants and youā€™re doinā€™ your best to not get crossed by mā€™ fat arse.ā€ He motioned with his free hand. ā€œCan yā€™ imagine explaining how thatā€™s the way you died?ā€Ā 
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boosterrs Ā· 4 months
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"I went to college, I've been to plenty bars thank you very much." And has been kicked out of a small handful of them during that time out of fear of getting into too much trouble. Didn't quite work out the way he wanted it too. "I was young and foolish once too, y'know." It's accompanied by a playful roll of his eyes as he lightly nudges the other with his elbow.
And well, as much as he'd like to be surprised that Soap was apparently a bit of a trouble maker, but he can't. It was the first thing they started to get along over. "Well don't you worry, with me around you don't need to worry about being the biggest guy in the room, maybe muscle wise, but I got you covered." The blonde grinned and shot him a wink and he was right in a way, extra long limbs make wonderful melee weapons. "I mean, not saying I came out on top on the few fights I got into.. but it'll be a lot easier if there's two of us."
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i cannot count the number of times i've been ripped off a barstool & thrown into a cage. || @boosterrs
ā€œYā€™ even been in enough pubs for that to happen?ā€ Accent a bit thick, he laughs with the way he bumps into the other man with a wide grin and a clank of the beer bottle. ā€œDoubt it, mean look at ye Mr. Genuine Superhero Man, you pickinā€™ bar fights?ā€Ā 
As for Soap? Well... that was a different story entirely. Not that he wasnā€™t bad at holding his alcohol or anything, he just had a bad habit of causing problems while under the influence. ā€œThink me recordā€™s ā€˜bout five now... last one guy thought tā€™ punch the bigggest bloody bastart in the room.ā€Ā 
He laughed, loudly, and slapped Booster on the back. ā€œDidnā€™ end well for ā€˜im Iā€™ll say!ā€Ā 
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