catoakacato · 3 days
buying a tasty little treat but shaking my head as I buy it so my bank account knows I don't approve of such fiscally irresponsible decisions
Eating a tasty little treat but frowning as I eat it so my body knows I don't approve of deriving pleasure from worldly sensations
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catoakacato · 2 months
I got behind on skyjacks at the start of this arc and I've only just caught up and y'all? this is incredible!
this arc feels like everything they've been trying to build to over the whole show;
an anti-colonialist narrative which includes indigenous people who have been displaced and othered
body horror stuff with the butcher, the crimson and the various cures - the butcher's path and the church's, equally horrifying and terrible
the slow realisation of just how deep the whole system goes and how messed up it is
Two villains who embody these awful ideals and are actually smart and scary because we can see how much worse they'd get with the power to expand their range
I'm so impressed with the whole crew, they've just been getting better and better, if you've fallen off please catch up, I'm so hype for the conclusion of this arc and what comes next
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catoakacato · 3 months
been watching The Bear and I no longer think anyone should be allowed to do the haute cuisine thing, maybe run a restaurant at all. They should all be put in, an enclosure? for their own well being.
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catoakacato · 4 months
The train doors opened and the wizard stepped aboard.
He looked down the carriage with a sigh, taking in the rows of full seats, uninterested faces. Not one of these people wanted to give up their place for a tired old man, however extravagant and pointy a hat he wore.
He took a swig of the coffee from the platform, chewed the grounds, and marched up to the first row of seats.
“Excuse me, child,” he rasped, leaning over a man clearly in his thirties, who spent a gallant amount of time pretending not to notice he was being spoken to by the owner of the beard currently tangling itself in his own. “Where do you get off?”
The man frowned. “Doncaster.”
The wizard stood upright again and raised an incredulous eyebrow. “Really?”
“Change trains to Leeds.”
“Ah,” the wizard said sagely. “So it is not Doncaster you want to be in but Leeds.”
“I guess?”
“Splendid.” The wizard threw his empty cup over his shoulder where it fizzled out of existence, threw wide his arms, and brought them together with an almighty clap – right where the Leeds-bound man would have been, had he not in that instant been replaced with a sprinkling of purplish glitter.
The wizard eased himself into the now vacant seat. His new seat-mate took an earbud from her ear, staring in shock at what had just happened beside her.
“What just happened?”
“I sent him to Leeds,” the wizard said levelly. “I’ve done worse.”
“You teleported him?”
“I wanted a seat, he wanted to be in Leeds, it worked out best for both of us.”
“But if you can teleport people why didn’t you just teleport yourself?”
You can hide a lot of things in a beard. A smug smirk, a thoughtful curl of the lip, a scowl – but like a tiger in the long grass, it’s the movement from one to the other that gives them away.
“Look I paid a lot for this ticket,” he muttered at length. “And I can only do that once a day so we’re stuck together until one of us gets off, so just put that thing back in your ear and let me have this one.”
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catoakacato · 5 months
wenis comp
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catoakacato · 8 months
Installation art piece where I sit on a tennis umpire's chair in the middle of a baggage carousel and use a megaphone and a system of spotlights to shame people for standing too close to the carousel before they've seen their bag
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catoakacato · 8 months
No I’m not attracted to you. Quit your evil putting your finger under my chin to make me look up at you. I know I’m your nemesis and all but we really need to set some boundaries when you’ve got me tied up like this.
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catoakacato · 9 months
So my sister just pointed out to me that Zac Efron was 'Singing in the Rained' during High School Musical because he's a baritone and his part was written for a tenor (what isn't these days?)
Which means the funniest thing he could do today is produce a combo HSM reunion/Singing in the Rain remake with himself as Lina Lamont
Ashley Tisdale (Sharpay) and Lucas Grabeel (Ryan) should be Cosmo Brown and Don Lockwood respectively - Tisdale has more charisma and Grabeel's the better dancer. Tell me Tisdale couldn't do Make 'Em Laugh, I dare ya. Together they would nail Moses Supposes with Ms Darbus in the role of the elocutionist.
That puts Corbin Bleu (Chad) in the Cathy role, which I'm trusting him to carry mainly on the strength of his chemistry with Grabeel in HSM2
Vanessa Hudgens should play the vamp in the green dress during the Broadway Melody dream sequence.
...and Olesya Rulin (Kelsi) could be that poor director who has to tell Lina to talk into a bush and Taylor McKessie could be Zelda, a Real Pal, I guess (Stretching things now)
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catoakacato · 1 year
millennial nerd bertie wooster for some reason
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catoakacato · 1 year
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catoakacato · 1 year
Wearing Tang dynasty style hanfu and playing a Phantom of the Opera medley on traditional Chinese instruments.
Instrument labels added by me :)
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catoakacato · 1 year
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hey folks,,,,,... glad 2 b here on tubblr . here's a little self-portrait of me,, a human male
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catoakacato · 1 year
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This is my primary ds9 takeaway
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catoakacato · 1 year
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he thinks he's being so smooth with his little face on my leg. i SEE you, villain
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catoakacato · 1 year
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catoakacato · 1 year
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catoakacato · 1 year
legitimately crying over pictures of baby andean spectacled bears
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