booyeahmusictheory · 5 years
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booyeahmusictheory · 6 years
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DÉTACHÉ  — smooth separate bow strokes for each note
COLLÉ  — short sharp pinch, lift bow to prepare for the next note
COL LEGNO — use the wood of the bow
LEGATO — smoothly connected notes in one or several bows
MARTELÉ — bite string with bow then release
PONTICELLO — bow near the bridge
RICOCHET — drop bow and rebound off string for several notes in the same direction
SPICCATO SAUTILLÉ — bouncing bow stroke
STACCATO — shortened detached notes, bow kept on string
TREMOLO — rapidly moving the bow back and forth for each single note
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booyeahmusictheory · 6 years
what your favourite classical composer says about you
j.s. bach: you know how to make your hustle work for you, and in high school you probably made money doing all the popular kids’ homework for them
vivaldi: you play support classes in all your RPGs but it’s because you know for a fact that the entire team would fall apart without you there to take care of them; it’s 2018 and you’ve still got a polyphonic ringtone
purcell: your perm is even bigger than your social media following, but it’s totally well-deserved because your brand™ is 100% wholesome
handel: you will fight l i t e r a l l y a n y o n e because they cut you in line at the supermarket checkout or just because they may possibly have looked at you funny in traffic, you don’t care
haydn: your entire snapchat story is just you in the green room before orchestra before performances; you started as first violin in your school’s string ensemble when you were eight
mozart: you’re a bit of a basic bitch but you were also super gifted in primary school and your inevitable early end though predictable self-destructive behaviours will be lowkey iconic
c.p.e. bach: middle child syndrome is your middle name but you’re actually more talented than people realise
tchaikovsky: a messy bitch who lives for drama but knows where all the best parties are and will get all their friends into the VIP
mahler: in an effort to salvage your reputation as a socialite, you have altered all of your personal stationery to read “from the desk of maris crané”
beethoven: moody, temperamental, has a poetry instagram that’s actually pretty good
wagner: your work uniform was made by hugo boss, if you know what I mean
rachmaninoff: writes a critically-acclaimed fanfic, gets seventy five-star reviews, one one-star review, obsesses over the one-star review for six months, starts a hate blog dedicated to the one-star reviewer and eventually retires from the fandom forever
berlioz: not only were you a scene kid in high school, you’re still a scene kid now
debussy: the guy in your MFA who thinks they’re a marxist because they read das kapital once and extremely overidentifies with at least one of the students in les mis
satie: the guy in your MFA who thinks he’s sensitive because he watches chick flicks sometimes and would absolutely write you bad anonymous love poetry and leave it in your bag for you to find after class on valentine’s day
saint-saëns: gifted kid with a fandom tumblr who reads reddit creepypasta at 3am, author of at least one iconic novel-length fanfic, has a devoted following who constantly pester them for updates, probably has an aesthetic blog
bartók: you submit subversive anti-colonialist short fiction to literature magazines and then give melancholic author interviews about reclaiming the motherland from the comfort of your pricey manhattan studio apartment that you moved into after your third poetry anthology made the new york times bestseller list
kodály: you get along really well with kids, but that might just be because you’re, like, weirdly obsessed with nursery rhymes
dvořák: president of your campus DSA chapter, leads a hell of a sit-in, actual woke bae, plays the ukelele
chopin: just so you know, everyone hates how perfect you are and they all talk about it behind your back
john cage: just so you know, everyone hates how quirky you are and they all talk about it behind your back
arnold schoenberg: you know people talk about how quirky you are behind your back and it’s what gives you strength tbh
prokofiev: you know exactly how perfect you are and you resent that regular people would even dare to expect you, an actual hero, to stoop to their level by doing regular person things like working for a living or participating in the social contract
grieg: you are probably re-reading the lord of the rings right now, you giant nerd
holst: you’re a frustrated schoolteacher who really and truly thinks that if you just try hard enough, your students will suddenly find classic literature interesting and fun (spoilers: they won’t, but you’ll be having too much fun to care)
shostakovich: relationship status permanently set to “it’s complicated” on facebook, can never pick the restaurant, but a sassy bitch who writes vicious yelp reviews when mad
sibelius: enthusiastic movember participant, unironically cries while singing the national anthem
arvo pärt: some people just want to watch the world burn
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booyeahmusictheory · 6 years
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Alto Bassoon, ca. 1830 Wood & Ivy (London, England 1837–1847)
- Materials: Boxwood, brass - Length: 54.2 cm - Other Notes: The shape of this instrument seems closer to the Dulcian, the Renaissance-era predecessor of the bassoon. You can watch a short video about it here. The range of the modern bassoon is so great that altos quickly became obsolete - save for highly specialized ensembles.
Source: Boston-MFA
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booyeahmusictheory · 6 years
have you ever messed up a fingering so badly that you want to go back in time 30 seconds to preemptively slap yourself
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booyeahmusictheory · 6 years
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booyeahmusictheory · 6 years
Which one is this? When I have time and peace of mind I can go throw myself into it and report back!
I’ve been reading analytical papers about the bach chorales and a lot of them say something about the chorales being a “continuing subject for extended discussion” which I think is a really classy way of expressing the thought “the FRICK is happenong here???”
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booyeahmusictheory · 6 years
phasing a dumb phrase
they did serialism on a rhythm heyd ids erialismo na r hythmt eydi dse rialismon ar h ythmth ydid ser ialismona rh y thmthe dids eri alismonar hy t hmthey idse ria lismonarh yt h mtheyd dser ial ismonarhy th m theydi seri ali smonarhyt hm t heydid eria lis monarhyth mt h eydids rial ism onarhythm th e ydidse iali smo narhythmt he y didser alis mon arhythmth ey d idseri lism ona rhythmthe yd i dseria ismo nar hythmthey di d serial smon arh ythmtheyd id s eriali mona rhy thmtheydi ds e rialis onar hyt hmtheydid se r ialism narh yth mtheydids er i alismo arhy thm theydidse ri a lismon rhyt hmt heydidser ia l ismona hyth mth eydidseri al i smonar ythm the ydidseria li s monarh thmt hey didserial is m onarhy hmth eyd idseriali sm o narhyt mthe ydi dserialis mo n arhyth they did serialism on a rhythm
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booyeahmusictheory · 6 years
it was a sad handsome man
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booyeahmusictheory · 6 years
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“Gould’s jottings, mostly in black felt-tip pen, are not always legible. They mostly appear to be notes he made to himself as he assembled takes of the recording. He calls for a “wee shade less” in one section, regularly marks the timings of various takes, and seems to refer to a film he was shooting at the time of himself playing the “Goldbergs.” There are few obvious interpretive notes, but he does circle the rests in one variation, as if for emphasis.” from Glenn Gould’s annotated score for the ninth and 10th variations of Bach’s Goldberg Variations
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booyeahmusictheory · 6 years
please. I need to follow more. my dash is severely lacking in musicy posts
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booyeahmusictheory · 6 years
Cadential extension
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booyeahmusictheory · 6 years
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star trek voyager + text posts
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booyeahmusictheory · 6 years
a thing about chords!
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booyeahmusictheory · 6 years
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A very useful instrument range sheet.
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booyeahmusictheory · 6 years
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378K notes · View notes
booyeahmusictheory · 6 years
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