boredjodyc · 7 years
Saito gave his blessing. Go get that gold Yuzu ;3
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boredjodyc · 7 years
i’m using Internet Explorer, i hope this posts quickly. happy new year 2011
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boredjodyc · 7 years
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Look at the League! The League of Gentlemen anniversary specials picture preview
Click here for more images
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boredjodyc · 7 years
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Got an ig for my ants (maybe some of you have seen them already) because I’m deleting photos on my phone
Feel free to check it out :)
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boredjodyc · 7 years
That Bye Bye to Christine though. I’m not even a POTO fan.
Also I would crazily add moments from Requiem and NS to this but the files are too large and I don’t wanna be rude ._.
Sorry for all the flak you have to deal with. Some people can be so rude! Anyway, as a bit of a change of pace, I was wondering, what is your favourite moment in any Hanyu program apart from his jumps? I’d personally have to say his choreographic sequences. They’re always so perfect and ind time with the music, not to mention beautiful!
Thank you for the change of pace :)
This might come out sounding odd, but the moments I enjoy most are when Yuzu does things that have very little to do with scoring or choreography, when he basically lets the music carry him away and does anything that feels natural.
Like this one, giving the judges some random sass at Sochi 2014 because why not:
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This one, Worlds 2015, clenching his fists in this gesture at the end of the final spin in what Kurt Browning called “forcing the audience into a standing ovation”:
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This one, WTT 2015, whispering goodbye to his Christine because obviously he was the Phantom and he just had to do it:
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This one, NHK 2015, when he brought his hand down and all of a sudden opened his fingers to perfectly accentuate the music phrase:
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This one time at SC 2016 too:
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This one, GPF 2016, he said after that he felt like doing that gesture at that moment because the lyric went “Instead of asking him how much of your time is left / Ask him how much of your mind, baby”:
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And here, just this season at CoR, that simple but so expressive motion in the middle of his step sequence:
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I don’t like talking about the too-vaguely defined “artistry” in skating, but if anyone insists on having a conversation with me about it, those moments are what I’d want to discuss :)
I miss him so much already .___.
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boredjodyc · 7 years
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Greetings friends❤️ Sending good vibes I gathered from a short trip to Kyoto earlier. Now I have to find a job after indulgences like that (I also went to see live figure skating at Cup of China aka Cup of Disaster... if you’re on twitter you’ll know how much I suffered emotionally because of poor event management (sort of) and a bad ankle*facedesk*) Because I want to focus at my Japanese/German/Latin learning and job hunting, I don’t think I could deliver as much creative outputs as last winter seasons. But my heart is yearning for writing again. A friend (you know who you are ;)) somehow make me reconsider the decision of quitting writing for good with nice crack fic ideas, after I debuted and failed to deliver a fic each to my expectations in two of the fandoms I hold dear (and had been intimidated by the talent in both). Anyways I want to find the sheer joy of writing alone and not caring about anything else again. I’m grateful I’m somehow nearly there. I’ve seen and read your messages and replies and I have to gather myself a bit before replying individually. But thank you so much for all your kindness and support despite my prolonged absence. I’m still clinging onto the lovely memories of meeting some of you this spring plus the interactions here with you all. -Jody x
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boredjodyc · 7 years
Sorry can’t be around again till further notice (hopefully in Nov!). Family stuff. But to lighten the mood and contribute something, allow me to present a very very promising FS (best programme with Craig!Bond era music to me! sorry Jason :3) by 16yo Japanese Wakaba Higuchi, titled Skyfall, choreographed by no one but the amazing Shae-Lynn Bourne.
Also I like how the costume looks a shoutout to Spectre :p
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boredjodyc · 7 years
Update: Planning to get out of semi-hiatus
STEP 1: URL CHANGE from boredpsychopath-jc
RL still sucks with all the uncertainty and low-key stress, but then I figure I should rejoin fandoms (which I didn’t quite leave, I still lurked) gradually :D Please resend me messages if I’ve missed any.
I’m afraid I can’t contribute much or spend as much as time I used to. I’ve got a new gif maker but Hanyu-senshu figure skating owns all my gif creativity currently (Yet still I’d love to take requests! Fuel my muses please.) Writing-wise, I’m currently polishing my old drafts, which could end up on AO3 soon. I’ve started two works (one of them already posted, another of them is from another fandom which I’ve resisted falling into and failed). Sadly, never has my own writing looked so ridiculous to me even objectively so tbh I don’t think I’d do more. 
Rather I’d stay to be your friendly Beta in the neighbourhood, despite my inability to do proper beta work (I have no excuse now at this stage of health recovery) earlier this year. My sincerest apology to @amarulasmile & @somedrunkpirate T~T
Last but not least, my deepest thanks to @a-forger-and-a-point-man @monologues91 @themuller13 @pigfarts23 (can’t tag your main!) @ciao-agnes for their kindness and support, plus lots of wonderful things I don’t deserve from them :’))) A shout-out to all my partners-in-crime on twitter <3
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boredjodyc · 7 years
URL change: boredpsychopath-jc >> boredjodyc
it’s still me :3 I’ve been under the pseud since I started tumblring 3 years ago. Time to move onto another stage x
Also my fish Artie and Eamsie say hi lol
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boredjodyc · 7 years
Hoping @therealpigfarts23 would check email today... 
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boredjodyc · 7 years
Reasons for my semi-hiatus^^” 
[Partial] 三宅星南 Sena Miyake - Asian Open Trophy 2017 - Junior Men SP
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boredjodyc · 7 years
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TFW famous blog finally reposted without credit a gif you made after the software crashed down 5 times I AM SO DONE WITH THIS SITE
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boredjodyc · 7 years
Tfw you’re writing something you wanna share with some people... Then, getting too carried away because you haven’t fangirled with them for some time, you might just have overstepped and crept them out (?) 
And now you’re beating yourself up for your stupidity ._. 
I must have been away from fangirling on Tumblr for too long oops.
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boredjodyc · 7 years
Welche Tomaten kann man nicht essen?
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boredjodyc · 7 years
It’s Tanabata (七夕) today so I’m hopping in briefly to wish y’all health and happiness xx
皆の願いが叶いますように =(^3^)= May your wishes come true~
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boredjodyc · 7 years
Sorry I went MIA for ages but just hopping in briefly to wish the Bond fandom and Inception fandom A VERY VERY HAPPY MONTH ❤️❤️
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boredjodyc · 7 years
I'm deaded andjqkdjskcj @therealpigfarts23
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“Fernandez. Javier Fernandez.”
“And I’m Yuzuru. Hanyu -”
“No; no, Yuzuru, you have to reverse your name. Surname first. That’s how it works.”
“But I did reverse the order; I put ‘Yuzuru’ firs-ohhhhh, I forgot that you Westerners do things weird.”
“…Whatever you say, hermano.”
–If Javi and Yuzu were part of the James Bond franchise
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