boring-and-bored · 7 months
Bizarre things that happened because of everyone in China having WenZhou brainrot: (WEDDING EDITION)
1. Wu Yuheng, Zhang Zhehan's company junior and the "brother-in-law" from the infamous Chuang incident that led to non-fans thinking that Gong Jun was married to someone name "Zhang-Laoshi", was interviewed during an event.
Q: "Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan helped garner votes for you in Chuang. After seeing this exhibit today, did you think of asking them to come visit as well?"
Wu Yuheng: "They cheered me on, so I want to cheer them on as well! I think they'll really like this exhibit too, because it's very beautiful and romantic inside,"
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Fans, who couldn't believe they were hearing this shit: "THEY'LL LIKE IT BECAUSE IT'S ROMANTIC??? WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY?!!"
Alas, Wu Yuheng was not inclined to explain himself and moved on smoothly from the topic.
(There's a rumor that one of the Chuang contestants was caught breaking the "NO PHONES" rule just to watch WOH, and people suspect it's him because then it would at least explain the shipper brainrot)
2. Mobs of fans travelled to Suzhou for the concert to put up flower walls and other extravagant fan supports for Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan. It got to the point that random citizens of Suzhou who don't watch WOH, believed that a very popular LGBT couple was hosting their extravagant period-themed wedding in their city. The fact that hotels were, for some reason, giving out WenZhou posters to guests did not help curb this bizarre misunderstanding.
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Confused WOH fans took to weibo to share their encounters of having WenZhou posters given to them while checking in their hotels, and run-ins with random aunties and uncles with the general sentiment from them being "How nice that this couple chose Suzhou for their wedding! It really brought a lot of young tourists to the city!!"
It was apparent that in this situation, no one was truly in the same wavelength, with WOH fans coming to Suzhou for a concert and random Suzhou citizens believing there was a wedding of the century going on, and the confusion on both sides was, for once, equal.
3. Meanwhile, in Shanghai, someone commissioned a drone display for Gong Jun, Zhang Zhehan and WenZhou, drawing in an enormous crowd of fans and non-fans alike. In the midst of the audience, however, there were 2 men who had a completely different idea of what the drone display was supposed to be for.
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Their conversation, which was thankfully immortalized in a video:
"Zhou Zishu...Wen Kexing...these are celebrities? I thought this was for a marriage proposal?"
"Ah! These two are men?"
"Ohh two men,"
*WOH quotes flash in the sky*
"Ah? What does this mean? I haven't heard of this poem? I didn't learn this in highschool?"
"Aren't there any footnotes???"
*Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan's names appear*
"It's for these two men! Gong Jun.....and.....Zhang Zhehan......"
"Zhang Zhehan is a guy's name right?"
"Ohh so they're officially announcing??"
While innocent non-fans were brazenly discussing this so-called marriage, the actual fans looked on in both horror and fascination, and were left wondering whether they were living in an alternate timeline. They might be right.
4. And the final cherry on top of this very chaotic cake, was Mango Entertainment covering the post-concert banquet and posting this on their official weibo account:
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Zhang Zhehan Gong Jun, Shan He Ling celebratory banquet. Whispering into each other's ear, singing the song "Love to Fight If You Want to Win"
Fans: "....what's with this suspicious wording?? Why does this sound like an actual wedding banquet???!!"
The concert being a wedding started out as a dumb joke from the fans and cast members themselves (notably Huang Youming) but I doubt anybody actually expected this level of chaos and clownery. Chen Zihan's trending wedding edit, Gong Jun's infamous Chuang incident, and Huang Youming's wedding table jokes....all of it led to this final moment of sheer confusion and I feel incredibly lucky to have witnessed the madness go down. Hail the WOH fandom experience.
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boring-and-bored · 2 years
Heads up: If you consistently CANNOT do tasks unless they are at the “Must Happen Right Now” stage, then you have a disability. 
Most people CHOOSE to put stuff off sometimes, but abled people do not consistently feel UNABLE to complete tasks without threat of consequence.
Maybe it’s an executive dysfunction issue, maybe it’s fatigue, maybe it’s chronic pain– doesn’t matter why, what matters is acknowledging it so that you can move forward. Reach out to resources that are there to help disabled people! Ask for accommodations! They’re there FOR YOU, BECAUSE YOU NEED THEM! Understanding and accepting that you have the limitations you have, and learning what can be done about them, will lead to a much more fulfilling life which you absolutely deserve. 
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boring-and-bored · 2 years
Okay fuck it if this post reaches 666k notes by the end of 2023 I'll practise basic self care
Why 666k? Because it's funny and impossible so good fucking luck
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boring-and-bored · 5 years
Oofuri-Baka Recruiting!
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We are looking for proofreaders, redrawers and sfx typesetters!!
Please join us if you can help! Contact us on tumblr or on discord!
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boring-and-bored · 5 years
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Alright shitstains listen up because I just found god in a bottle.
If you’re a nerd like me your body’s probably riddled with a few nerd tattoos yeah? Some of ‘em in some pretty obvious places? Maybe you work in a professional environment that frowns upon body ink? Maybe you’re a cosplayer and you have some revealing outfits that you need to cover up for, yeah? Tattoos that you can’t afford that $30 Kat Von D Tattoo cover up because you’re a cheap broke shit?
Story of my life bud.
Now I have a pretty obvious Squad 11 tattoo, because I’m a Bleach nerd and Zaraki Kenpachi is my husband, and honestly it’s difficult to hide it in some of my cosplays because it’s bright and black and right smack dab on my shoulder. Poor planning on my part but hey, squad represent.
You see that glorious miracle up there? That’s Mehron Tattoo Cover. You see those pictures underneath it? Tattoo? What fucking tattoo?! It’s gone!!!! Vamoosed!!! Like I never got the ink in the first place!!!!
This shit is durable, and I mean durable. It’s completely waterproof and that first picture of my tattoo is actually what it looked like after scrubbing at it with two makeup wipes. TWO. It’s not going anywhere
And the best part? 
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I mean it’s not phenomenal but hey at least it’s not just “pale as fuck”.
And you wanna know the second best part?
It’s only 12 bucks on Amazon
Yeah. $12. Not $30. Because $12 is much more reasonable than $30.
As for size reference, that’s how big it is in that third picture right there. It’s honestly the best investment I could have made and everybody should know about it.
Go forth and conquer with your newfound knowledge. You’re all welcome.
170K notes · View notes
boring-and-bored · 5 years
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given names
17K notes · View notes
boring-and-bored · 5 years
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nobody was impressed with this cause they thought it was a photo so i spent like 50 hours painting it for nothing
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boring-and-bored · 5 years
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  New message from little Flint Princess!
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boring-and-bored · 5 years
what language do they speak at the center of the earth
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boring-and-bored · 5 years
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He’s also carrying the weight of a huge scandal, but you know… it’s cool. I think it’s cute how Mitsuki and Nagi always jumps him on stage when they perform, and he complains but catches them anyways LOL. Unauthorized use of my art is strictly prohibited. Please do not remove the artist’s comment
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boring-and-bored · 5 years
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Gaku returning to the Trigger dorm afterwards: Guys I think I'm—
Tenn: gay? about time you realize
Unauthorized use of my art is strictly prohibited. Please do not remove the artist’s comment.
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boring-and-bored · 5 years
Mihashi: 6 hours at school
4 hours at baseball practice
1 hour eating
10 hours pitching
2 hours sleeping
somebody who is good at time management please help me budget this. my body is dying
Abe: stop pitching so much
Mihashi: no
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boring-and-bored · 5 years
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I commissioned art of Oikawa and Iwaizumi’s daughter, Erina, from my IWAOI fic The Only Exception. Thank you @fejufej for bringing this scene from chapter 4 to ‘life’!! <3 
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boring-and-bored · 5 years
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266K notes · View notes
boring-and-bored · 5 years
Special: Sougo + Tenn Shuffle Talk 2019 Rabbit TV Part 1
Tenn: Good morning, Osaka Sougo.
Sougo: Good morning. Please take care of me at the meeting for the calendar shoot..!
Banri: Please take care of us today.
Anesagi: Us too.
Director: It’s a continuation of the previous calendar shoot but please take care of it everyone!
T: It’s amazing to do a shoot overseas huh.
D: Since last time’s calendar was really favorable, we aimed to make a better one.
D:IDOLiSH7, TRIGGER, and Re:vale have been split into teams of two, and will shoot each season in the various countries. 
Keep reading
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boring-and-bored · 5 years
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550K notes · View notes
boring-and-bored · 5 years
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This is why they have such a problem with plastic bags. It’s because the unique structure of their esophagus makes it so that they can’t get rid of them.
Other places to see my posts: INSTAGRAM / FACEBOOK / ETSY / KICKSTARTER
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