bowwielding-blog · 7 years
<<Stop calling me that,>> he grumbles, choosing to focus on that rather than the almost compliment. Easier this way. He side-eyes her when she asks him to trust her; that doesn’t really com easily with him, especially being a mutant around an Avenger, but he doesn’t immediately bolt for the door. That’s progress. 
The first few spoken lines start up, and his side-eye turns into an incredulous stare at Kate’s phone. Had he been able to, he would have let his mouth drop open just for extra effect. 
<<This is…this is so much worse than anything I could have imagined. Jesus Christ. Thanks for dredging up nightmares from my childhood.>>
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He knows–just as he knows she knows–this godawful song is going to be stuck on loop in his head the rest of the day–a realisation that makes him rub his temples and squeeze his eyes shut. 
<<I will get you back for this. I hope you know that.>>
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Kate Bishop everyone! The biggest little shit this side of New York. She bumps up against Jono’s side, grinning, amusement making those baby blues of hers dance in the overly bright room. She can’t help but feel a bit of an accomplishment with his reaction. 
“ Oh don’t be like that, Jono, you know you love me despite this.” 
Turning off the super catchy tune she turns back to the mutant. She eyes him over, taking in the fact that her friends is hot despite the fact that half of his body is a gaping hole of fire. Or whatever. 
“ What are you gonna do? Rick Roll me? That’s the softest meme there is in this day and age. ”
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bowwielding-blog · 7 years
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a pause, drinking in her words &&. nodding to himself before rubbing his chin. ❛ Ah, so they DO want to stab me. But in the sexy way. ❜
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          She squints at him, “ Did you just-- how old are you again? ”
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bowwielding-blog · 7 years
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          never asked for no one's philosophy          it's obvious i'm proud of me
     - Superhero OC                      - Does mostly script; prose      - OC and crossover friendly       when plotted      - Agender mun prefers           - Multiverse        hue/huer pronouns
                                             [home] [rules] [ask]                                                              written by hnak
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bowwielding-blog · 7 years
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❛ Someone said they wanted to bone me. Are they… gonna stab me…??? ❜
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         “ Okay I’m just --, ” a very long pause as she tries not to laugh. “ I’m really... OKAY! They want to have sex with you. S-E-X. With you. Probably in various positions. ”
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bowwielding-blog · 7 years
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                                              GIRL IS STRONGER THAN STEEL. 
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bowwielding-blog · 7 years
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bowwielding-blog · 7 years
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I been waitin’ all my  l i f e . 
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bowwielding-blog · 7 years
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<<Papa Bear?>> Jono scoffs, rolling his eyes. <<More like referee. Remind me sometime to show you the picture from a couple years back when I got punched in the face whilst trying to break up a fight. Not the first time a pissed off sixteen-year-old gave me a black eye, but the last time it happened, I’m pretty sure I was sixteen too.>>
He raises an eyebrow at her but says nothing as he’s pulled into another room. A quick glance around confirms they’re in one of the science labs, and Jono just has to hope Hank doesn’t wander by and catch them. It’s less for fear of getting in trouble and more concern Hank might mistake that as Jono suddenly expressing an interest and recruit him as a lab assistant. The last thing Jono wants to is to be around a bunch of angry, super-powered teenagers armed with dangerous chemicals. 
He eyes Kate with open suspicion, eyebrows lifting even higher.
<<Please tell me you’re not about to make me listen to some Vine or YouTube kid. I will actually throw you out the window.>>
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        “ Papa Bear looks good on you,” she jokes, only half serious, as she settles them by one of the desks. Bringing out her phone from her pocket to switch the music, she looks up the most ridiculous song she can think of off the top of her head. ( It was just Barbie Girl, but who cares, she just wants to see him groan with frustration. ) 
           She pouts lightly as the tune starts up in the background. “ Could you trust me for once? Like jeeze, Jono! ”
            As it plays she starts to look around the room. It was just like every other classroom she’s been in. Huh. Weird that she thought it could be different. She really must be dumb to think they would do anything else to it. Patiently she waits for her friends reaction. 
            “ Besides this isn’t so bad, right? ”
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bowwielding-blog · 7 years
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                                         TROUBLE NEVER LOOKED SO GOOD !
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bowwielding-blog · 7 years
There are some things you cannot control, and I am at least three of them.
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bowwielding-blog · 7 years
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                      ❝ Go out, fight hard, screw up. Save the world a                                           few times … Just keep taking the shots, okay? ❞
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bowwielding-blog · 7 years
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He tugs her over to the side to help her avoid a sudden stampede of students rushing by, waving at one student in particular when she throws a hand up at him while passing. 
<<There are worse ways to spend your time. I get it. S’why I’m here. My powers aren’t good for much besides wrecking everything, but maybe I can at least use ‘em to help keep these mingy little bastards safe until they leave the nest, you know?>>
His nose wrinkles a bit in response to both the pat to his shoulder and Kate’s words, but he doesn’t bother trying to shrug her off. That only ever seems to encourage the perky sorts like her anyway. 
<<I don’t hate everything happy. Just happy shit that sucks. Like…whatever the hell it is you’re listening to. Sounds like summat even the Kids Bop people would reject for being too sugary.>>
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She allows him to tug her, easily accepting the help since she hadn’t been paying attention. Kate was more into the fact that she was making him grumpy with her music choice. That Poppy was a weird artist and she enjoyed the way she sang. It just made her weirdly happy. 
“ Aw, so you’re playing papa bear to these kids? That’s sweet, Jono, I didn’t know you had a dad gene in there.”  
Leaning up against the wall she watches the kids go past them. It was nuts to think she was only a few years older than them. 
“ Okay you keep saying this is bad but I can show you bad.” 
She grabs his hand suddenly and starts to pull him towards a classroom that looked empty. 
“ Like it’s really bad. Like, you’ll want to wish you couldn’t hear anything but static.”
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bowwielding-blog · 7 years
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       “I guess you’ll have to. And so will I, so be ready for it.”
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          “ Then I guess we need to go to the mall, Clint. Or I can just go - you can stay and deal with the gang calling you Mr. Hawkeye.  ”
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bowwielding-blog · 7 years
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<<A P.I.? No shit? That’s…huh. Any interesting stories?>>
He trails off and reaches up to scratch at the back of his head, further messing up his already tangled mop that’s meant to be hair. 
<<Been all right, I guess. School ain’t burnt down or transported into another dimension yet–not for lack of various people trying, including some of the students.>>
He winces as whatever she’s listening to transcends goofy and cliche and lands straight in trite and awful. 
<<Jesus. S’like a fuckin’ unicorn stuck in a blender and spewing rainbow blood all over the gaff.>>
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“ Yeah, I know, I’m surprised I decided to take it up too. I genuinely enjoy helping people out and trying to help them solve issues that can’t.” 
Kate can’t help but snort at that. The X-Men school always seemed to be either under attack or in just a general disarray. It seemed like an interesting place to be. She snorts again as she notices him finally wince to the crescendo of the song. She laughs, patting at his shoulder. 
“ Ah man, I adore you and your hatred for anything happy. ”
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bowwielding-blog · 7 years
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       “Well, I’m biased but I’ll say showy.”
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         “ I guess I’ll just have to surprise you in the end, eh? ”
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bowwielding-blog · 7 years
kate is constantly breaking her phone because of how reckless she is. she usually ends up buying the cheapest of the cheap androids because of this. her latest is the first version of the samsung galaxy. 
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bowwielding-blog · 7 years
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<<And shallow and stupid and cliche,>> he adds, even though it’s fairly clear by now he’s exaggerating his scorn just to mess with her. <<Been a while, love, ain’t it? How’ve you been?>>
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           Her scowl turns into a fond smile in a heartbeat. “ It’s been way too long. Sorry I can’t seem to come up your way too often these days. Being a P.I. is a lot of work. But enough about me, how have you been, eh? ”
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