My Friend
I have a friend, well, he’s not really a friend. Sometimes he just appears and doesn’t go away and truth be told I’m okay with that. Really. But on some days I’m just too tired to deal with him. Who is he..? It’s a little black figure that whispers some nonesense into my ears, talks about all the things that could be, things that might happen, things I could’ve changed if I wasn’t so stupid. Depression. Or, as I like to call him, Negative. You see, Negative reminds me of all the shit that happend, the things I said or I could’ve said. He slows me down, he chains me to my bed, he makes me want to dissapear. Negative doesn’t let me open up or leave my back open. The only times, that I can ignore his terrible voice is when I’m with my friends. That’s the only time I can’t hear him. But I learned how to deal with him, really, I did. He hates when I’m doing fine, doing the things I love, when I’m singing my heart out, when I’m drawing what he whispers. You could say he’s my inspiration for everything and everything I don’t want to be. I learned, that when I label him as a ‘friend’, he’s useless. It’s okay to be depressed, to be down, to be not okay. It’s just a matter of getting out there and fighting that son of a bitch. I know, noone really reads the shit I write, but it’s a good way to vent or get things outta my head.
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The Rainy Road Home
I don't remember the countless nights I walked home from the busstation, thinking about her. I deteste the fact that I'm still having thoughts about her. Whenever I walk that long road, smoke a cigarette and listen to music, my thoughts just take off to somewhere else and I hate that fact. I tell myself that's okay. Everyone's doing it right? Just being out on the weekend, spending time with friends, doint things we shouldn't, et cetera, et cetera.. When I'm home, I take my clothes off and go to bed and fall into my bed. It's quiet, but my brain won't stop thinking about all those useless things. I roll over and fall asleep. Too tired. Tired of thinking. Sunday 01:48 21may Lund - Broken
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Lone Night
i never thought that i'd get tumblr.. but here i am. this is just a space to breathe, to vent, to ponder, to write...
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