bpftgods · 6 months
Crescent, having made a pile of potatoes and is now sitting in it: BEST DAY EVER!!
Swap: trying to figure out why the 'god' is so excited
Cross: Seriously, what the fuck are these???
Crescent: :0 Yay!!
Cross: What the fuck is that thing???
Swap: shrugs in response to Cross's question but is very interested
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bpftgods · 6 months
Crescent: :0 Yay!!
Cross: What the fuck is that thing???
Swap: shrugs in response to Cross's question but is very interested
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bpftgods · 7 months
Remind me never to try doing lighting again
Also, I didn't draw the background myself
That's from here
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K, now I'll ramble under the cut about context and tidbits about the bois
So this is like...
For a future installment in the series
They'll basically be fighting a bunch of rogue demons
The demons are gonna try to convince Cross to join them and he basically goes "No, fuck you."
And then they get pissed and attack
So in case, you've forgotten, Cross was raised in slavery
He was not the only demon with this upbringing
As you can imagine, some of these demons do not like serving mortals
Most of them really do not like the Gods
Cross, however, was saved by Crescent
Who he believes is a minor god
He did not take well to the insults against 'his god'
And thus, the fighting began :3
Cross is the only close range fighter
He has magic, but he never learned to use it beyond making things for himself
So magic sword it is
Crescent usually got that innocent look to him
But you have to remember that one of his parents is Killer and we all know how Killer is no matter the universe
Crescent likes fighting
He just doesn't do it often because the opportunity never comes up
He doesn't really understand what's happening in this scene but he's glad to be here
He mostly uses shadows and the fears of those around him to fight, just like Nightmare :D
(Pretend they look cool in the drawing, okay? Idk how to draw them the way I want)
He does have tentacles, he just doesn't use them for fighting
Nightmare went into detail about how hard it is to regrow limbs once
Swap has powerful magic
He just doesn't like using it to harm others
He will if he has to though
He's got all kinds of magic, and if he gets low, he has access to some of Dream's too
Hai, @its-paperd, want a Cross? /silly
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bpftgods · 7 months
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bpftgods · 7 months
Cross after that one ask
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bpftgods · 7 months
I technically finished this last night but I was sleepy so I didn't post it
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It's Nightmare!!
Oki, time to ramble about his backstory
So firstly, the twins don't guard a big tree
If they did, Adam and Eve wouldn't have been sent to Earth /j
Instead, their domains encircle Nim's resting place
She kinda just made two gods and then went to take the world's longest nap
Mortals can't go to the God's Realm (before death) so they don't gotta worry about that
They don't gotta worry about anything, actually
Nightmare's just paranoid and Dream does whatever he can to make him feel better
He's been paranoid since before the incident
He's the God of Fear and he believes that's enough reason for the other gods to want to plot against him
On bad days, he finds it difficult to trust Dream too
Only Killer (I still have no idea what to do with him, I just have a vague design) and Crescent get a pass, mostly because he thinks they're too weak to succeed if they really tried to kill him
When he was younger, he was slightly obsessed with his appearance
He kinda believed that if he looked presentable, other people would like him more
However, because of his paranoia, he still felt like the other gods were out to get him
This meant he tended to cause conflicts sometimes
Even though he believed it was in self-defence, he was usually the one initiating the fights
And one time, he made the mistake of messing with the God of Destruction
He lost
Very badly
Error was going easy on him, but his version of easy is very skewed
He took a hit to his right eye socket, which allowed his aura to begin leaking out of his body
He spent a while hiding, during which Dream was freaking out trying to find his brother
Eventually, Nightmare regained enough sense to go to Dream for help
However, by then, his aura had stained his bones and clothes, making them appear darker
It freaked out Dream even if he didn't say anything while he did his best to tend to his brother's injuries
Nowadays, Nightmare doesn't care much about his appearance
He is still paranoid though and doesn't want his weakness to be used against him so he uses his abilities to hide his injury
It's still there, you just can't see it
Also, Crescent doesn't know it exists
Since he spent so much time with him, Nightmare's aura stained his son's bones too, making them grey instead of white
The only reason that Crescent still has those stripes and the crescent shape on his forehead is because that's his magic manifesting onto his body and you can't stain magic without getting LV
Think of it like Ink's tattoos
The mug was a gift from Crescent
He kind of manifested it by using the magic in Nightmare's domain and then painting onto it
He practiced lots before giving the best one to his dad
Nightmare loves it and even though he doesn't need food/water, he fills it with lots of drinks so that he can stare at the drawing on the back
Also, he thinks that using it more often will make Crescent love him more, but he's being silly because Crescent loves him anyway
As one can imagine, Crescent going to the Mortal Realm is freaking him out
He has no idea why he'd go down there, especially when there's a prophecy that literally dictates he's going to interact with "a great evil"
...Not that Nightmare's told him about the prophecy
Nightmare has thrown hands with other gods multiple times for insulting his son because of this prophecy
He also would have done the same to Sci for revealing it in the first place, but Sci knew where to hide
Most of the gods fear Crescent as much as they fear Nightmare
Also, he has resting bitch face so sometimes he and someone else are staring at each other and both freaking out
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bpftgods · 8 months
WIP ^^
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bpftgods · 8 months
I want to draw so
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bpftgods · 8 months
I think that in response to Voltous's shrinking, my Crescent would think that was so cool and probably ramble about it, asking questions
Not that he thinks he'll understand him, but he'd be excited
Voltous will be his friend
This is a threat /j
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Unlike what one might believe, he'd seem to understand to some extent, and is willing to spend more time with this variant of Crescent
..GAH- his name is Vultous- the boi's gonna flip if he sees/hears his name being wrong again
Vultous, belongs to me (BunningChaos)
Goth/Fell!Goth belongs to nekophy, on Tumblr!
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bpftgods · 8 months
BPFT Swap's Expectations of his kids the C duo vs Reality
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He's cosplaying Dust
K, I'm gonna ramble under the cut now
When Swap first met Cross and Crescent, he really thought Crescent would be the easier one to deal with
And he is
Until you get him mad anyway lol
Doesnt matter if it's the middle of the day (when he's at his weakest), he will throw hands
He got those reckless genes from Killer hehe
Cross is actually happy about this
He didn't think anyone would care about him that much
But he also knows better than to let Crescent ruin his image by fighting random people
He still thinks Crescent is a minor god and doesn't want him to lose potential worshippers by harming them
Worshippers = Power for gods btw
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bpftgods · 8 months
So um, the response to the last ask I sent to Voltous said he enjoyed bothering other demi-gods and I like
Okay, so you don't have to do it if you don't want to because you said you're not taking requests
But I just wanna know how he'd react to my boi over here lol
I hope that link worked
He can't speak English but he's very silly
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He'd be rather.. intrigued, to say the least.
A language barrier wouldn't stop him from bothering others.
Vultous, belongs to me (BunningChaos)
Goth/Fell!Goth belongs to nekophy, on Tumblr!
The other boi belongs to the person that asked! Whom I can't tag for some reasons, Tumblr is weird sometimes.
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bpftgods · 8 months
You know, an interesting tumblr transformation that's happened gradually, and which I've seen no one talk about: ask-culture has essentially dropped off to nothing.
By which I mean, asks used to be WAY more of the tumblr economy. They used to be more common to send, and receive, and see. They were integral to the collaborative, forum-like behavior of old tumblr communities, not even to speak on the HUGE number of ask-blogs that used to exist to only be interacted with in ask-form.
I'm not saying this in a vying-for-attention way but instead in an observational way: I used to get way way more asks in like 2015, even with a fraction of my follower count. I wonder if it's due to the homogenization of social media sites? There's a lot more of this divide between "content creator" and "consumer" instead of just a bunch of peer blogs who would talk to each other. "Asks" aren't really a thing on twitter, are they? And as I understand it, the closest thing to an "ask" on instagram or tiktok would be a creator screenshotting some comment and responding to it in a new reel or video or whatever those content mediums are. Are asks just too tumblr-specific? Is that aspect of the site culture dying out as more and more people converge to using all their social media sites in the same way?
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bpftgods · 8 months
Do I or do I not have asks, TUMBLR?!?!
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bpftgods · 8 months
Swap, Have you ever tried just learning to write as an alternative since you cannot speak?
Swap: nod nod, writing in the dirt
Swap: I can write. That isn't the problem here
Cross: ...They never taught me how to read. I'm just supposed to serve people so it wasn't deemed necessary...
Crescent: I can read... Just not mortal words....
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bpftgods · 8 months
The bois are lonli
Send asks please :(
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bpftgods · 8 months
Nightmare is about to go batshit insane on the other gods :)
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bpftgods · 8 months
Fun fact, Nightmare, God of Fear is extremely paranoid
He is known for randomly starting fights with other gods because he was certain they were plotting against him
And yeah, this is what happened between him and Dream
Surely, his reaction to Crescent going missing will bring no harm to certain gods (Lust, Outer, TK, Sci)
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