breadbobsarmy · 3 years
Girls don’t want flowers 💐 they want leggings and round-trip plane tickets ✈️
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breadbobsarmy · 3 years
Everybody wants the tea ☕️ when the goal is to get the bread 🍞
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breadbobsarmy · 3 years
Dear Santa, I’ve been nice to everyone, well almost everyone, well on the weekend. Nevermind, I’ll buy it myself 🙄
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breadbobsarmy · 5 years
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breadbobsarmy · 5 years
Don’t quit....get fit ! !
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breadbobsarmy · 5 years
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We’re Just a Team Tryna build an army of Fit and Healthy individuals....Come on in.... You’re welcome to Join. Follow our instagram Page at @Breadbobsarmy 
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breadbobsarmy · 5 years
Simple Weight Loss Guide
Losing weight shouldn't be rocket science, but when hearing terms like tracking macros, counting calories, Keto, caloric defict and other fancy terms that all mean the same thing; Lose weight.  Most people like myself that love simplicity would just say F that and give up. 
Losing weight is Simple, as long as theres no health conditions limiting you like thyroid issues etc.  
Here’s a Simple Strategy for you to implement for your weight loss journey
Step 1: Limit Your Sugar intake: 
Your body needs sugar(glucose) to function, but luckily for us, your body has a way of turning foods into glucose and using it for energy.  When your body has the glucose it needs, it uses it for energy and the excess is stored in the liver and muscles but if you still have excess after that, its stored as fat.  Simply Said Drink more water and less Juice, More Solid Food and Less items from the vending machine. (Give Your Body 3 hrs to digest after your last meal before you go to bed)
Step 2: Exercise: 
Just being physically active helps your body’s overall health generally, but it works wonders where being fit and losing weight is concerned.  when you exercise the body has to use glucose as energy, so with that being said, the fat is what stores excess glucose, so you’ll break down fat when you exercise. Even if its once a week, trust me it helps, after all, you’ve got to start somewhere right. 
Step:3 Rest:
This is the final but the most important step in losing weight. Your body needs rest. without rest your body would not be able to repair itself from the workouts or the stress filled day you’ve had.  You’re body needs a minimum of 6hrs of rest especially if you're exercising and trying to lose weight. Trust me, a lot of people over look rest, but this is the single most important thing when taking care of you body. Even where your workouts are concerned.  The body part that you worked out needs 24-48hrs to fully Repair, so take a day atleast and work a different body part to avoid overworking a muscle group.
Follow this simple guide and you’ll be on your way to a sexier size.
This is a simple guide but it works, I just gave you bread! ! !  
Whats A Sandwich without Bread! 
Thats The most Important Part Bread! 
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