bridgetstandson · 3 years
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Stark Contrast - CAST (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1060446495-stark-contrast-cast?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Bridget808&wp_originator=WJ5DE6yxpSyJyt%2Fho5GMhUrjXZWdqpjPgT9gPLodzBpip2RBpvxDGvhoBDxh9760roNXzYXtj8aZpJbQhXsB0ahyBM3HeXJe7ijvwkQ8ql%2FLtZQFAgys7DuqEIbFZDmO Born the firstborn daughter of the firstborn son, Allura Stark, finds herself disinherited in favour of her uncle Eddard Stark. She returns to Westeros to rip apart those who wronged her. "You really should not have trusted me so easily. Sorry, it had to end this way." - A. Stark
Check out one of my Game of Thrones fanfic on Wattpad. Please read,add, follow, vote xxx
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bridgetstandson · 3 years
Wold Blood
Part 1
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Xavier Stark was always a smart boy, even as a child, his intelligence shone amongst those around him. By the age of two, Xavier was could form full constructed sentences and hold conversations with the adults around him.  By five he had mastered his lettering along with his reading, surpassing his older brother Robb who would still struggle to make sense of the letters in front of him. At ten Xavier had learned all that Winterfell could offer him, Maester Ludwig, seeing the potential with the boy pleaded to have him sent to a citadel where he would be able to learn far more. But alas, Catelyn Stark, unlike most mothers did not want for her son to reach his potential, believing her eldest to be far more intelligent than Xavier.
Catelyn like any mother loved and adored her second son, but had always found it difficult to bond with the boy. with all her other children the bond was instant, from the moment they were born and looked in her eyes they were bonded till death. but not Xavier.
No Xavier was stillborn. The Maester along with the people of Winterfell had declared him a miracle, a sign from the Old gods. He was born silent. No cry.
Catelyn remembered his birth so clearly, she remembered the cold. All her other children were summer children but Xavier he was a true child of winter, as Ned affectionately called him. The room was cold and Xavier body seemed to match. Catelyn gazed at her dead son and felt nothing. she remembered not feeling anything but coldness, and as the Maester took the boy to be readied for burial, she still felt nothing. Ned had let silent tears pass as he held her hand and still... Nothing. It must have been a few moments when the Maester came screaming down the halls with a babe scream following. the boy had come back to life.  The people celebrated his miraculous rebirth, word spread throughout the kingdoms, Xavier Stark was well known as the resurrected wolf.
" A boy to end winter" they whispered as he walked past. oh, how they adored Xavier. It didn't help that the Stark spend every minute he could in Wintertown, among the people.  Robb being the eldest caused a sore spot of contention among the two. Xavier seemed to have possessed the qualities that would make a great lord, whilst Robb seemed to be good. Just good, average. Never great. Xavier was a great, inventive, revolutionary thinker to change the North as the Northerns described him. People often remarked on Xavier being better qualified to follow as the Lord of Winterfell. Which Robb was well aware of, causing a further rift.
But that distance between the two never seemed to bother Xavier. No Xavier held no bonds with anyone. seeming to only enjoy Ned or little Rickon presence, Xavier barely tolerated the rest of the family and his indifference towards them could clearly be seen. He held no relationship with them.
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bridgetstandson · 3 years
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Wolf Blood (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/266224411-wolf-blood?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=Bridget808&wp_originator=Bo5%2FqEiyxb3yLJXzP%2BJjYxMDZ%2BCcQDzKSISuA04ne5PVm1zAK7svXnw2LPkGBMBxxKQevJLGRUs7lPyv6N4l7Pn78qiLyVD9x%2BDU5r3mVENOn0BrUflHjCf150aCigAZ Xavier Stark, second son of Eddard Stark. Taken after his father, Xavier was a quiet boy who always found himself ostracised from his family. With his father dead and his mother and brother calling for war, Xavier finds himself on a journey to Essos to find his own form of vengeance. Daenerys x OC and Margery x OC, OC x OC
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bridgetstandson · 3 years
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Check out my profile on Wattpad, I'm Bridget Standson https://www.wattpad.com/Bridget808?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_profile Live Life In The Present. Not The Past Or Future.
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bridgetstandson · 3 years
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Stark Contrast (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/265971826-stark-contrast?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=Bridget808&wp_originator=AWCXew5MMb%2BkkDRA6bhfwgUPpJMIfVUWXxvd6MyHO77hjNDns2xORsOGa0sMLOqYlEl78aq8Ivm%2FfwAd%2Bn0aov%2BuwRde5ee8Rb9RnoZdX1eoD0hoCJTuudUBJe32Forq Born the firstborn daughter of the firstborn son, Allura Stark, finds herself disinherited in favour of her uncle Eddard Stark. She returns to Westeros to rip apart those who wronged her. "You really should not have trusted me so easily. Sorry, it had to end this way." - A. Stark
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bridgetstandson · 3 years
Memento Mori
Story, Prologue I, Prologue II
Prologue III
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In a matter of seconds, her hands shot out. A burst of green pushed the approaching men back several feet.
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Before they even had a chance to stand another burst of green and flames slowly formed coiling around them.
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A roar of flames spread through the men. They didn't stand a chance. The bannerman held their breath as they watched thousands of men began to burn. A chorus of screams rang through the air. It was the kind of scream that bypasses the ears to go straight to the heart, as they screamed, the fire wrapped tighter around them, their bodies became swallowed by a luminous green fire. A fire that could only be found in the bowels of hell. In a matter of minutes, the destruction settled.
Then came the silence again.
Aadya grinned. Her lips pulled back, her canines gleamed in the light provided by the fire. She turned the bottom of her dress flared around her feet. She set her gaze on her husband. This was no longer Aadya Romulus, in front of them was Aadya Kcreden, the Wicca of old Valyria.
Words had left him. Never had Titus seen such a display of power from his wife. He knew who she was, he was not ignorant. Her family had a long sordid history with sorcery. The Wicca of the deserts. But the sorcery had long died out throughout the lands, Valyria was thought by many to be the heart of sorcery and when it was destroyed in the Doom, sorcery to was destroyed. But here she stood, able to conjure such feats of power. He had seen her make her remedies, little things like concoctions to help the gardens blossom during winter or teas for small ailments. But never this. Titus turned to her. Staring at her, his eyes set with disbelief. As if underwater his movements were slow, he grabbed her face his eyes desperately searched hers......... waiting.
" How could you?" He breathed out. She looked up at him, her hand reaching for his heart she placed it softly on his chest.
" How could I not Titus?" She asked softly. " You left me no choice. when I married you I took your name, your history and the responsibility of ensuring our legacy".
"A legacy that you and your father failed. Those scum would have never, NEVER had the courage to challenge us. But they did because your father didn't do what he was supposed to do- he failed to show them what happens when you cross us and you are failing too.
Someone had to do it. You were too weak"
Titus stared deeply at her. " Are you mad?" he let go of her face, staring between her and the ashes that were left behind. Giving her a final glance, he uttered to his king's guard. " Ser Linus, please escort Her grace to her chambers, she is to remain there until further notice".
There it was again.
No one moved, Linus didn't make a move to follow his order. Whether it be out of fear of the queen or disappointment. Instead, Linus stared at his king. A king he once admired, a king born into the great and formidable dynasty. A king who was about to throw Dormus into the hands of the usurper. A man that murdered innocent children and sort to kill every surviving dragon. a man that hated everything he and his children were. How disappointed he felt. It was clear Titus Romulus was not worthy of the name and so his time was over.
Titus moved to turn to Linus and in quick fluid movements, knife met flesh, soft flesh.
Titus gasped.
A blade was stuck deep in his chest. A hand twisted it, sinking it deeper and deeper. Until the metal had disappeared inside his heart. He released a cry, guttural chokes mixed with an agonising whine. The blade was pulled out, he sank to his knees and looked deep into the eyes of his killer.
And in that moment of betrayal, he forgave her.
Titus was dead, eyes fixed and vacant.
" Take his head, send it to his beloved stag" With that Aadya left swiftly, soft murmurs of " Your grace" followed her as the men bowed to their new Queen Dowager.
-Kings Landing-
In the throne room, Robert sat, a newly crowned king. By his side, his bride. Not Lyanna, no she was dead. His bride hailed from the west, the prettiest girl in Westeros they called her, the light of the West.  Cersei Lannister.
The court before him was full, the room crowded with nobility from all over Westeros, all chattering amounts themselves softly. All except the raging Martell, who still sat in Dorne still furious over the death of Elia. Had Robert had it his way her would have summoned them to court but was advised against it by his mentor, understand how volatile the tension was. The day instead was spent with houses pledging their loyalty and praising him for the freeing them from the dragon's tyranny. The dragons were gone, he made sure of that, well not all. West of West, housed another dragon, the shadow dragons. Filth the whole lot of them Robert thought bitterly.  He had wanted so desperately to go west and show them the same fury he showed the Targaryen's. In his eyes a dragon was a dragon, they were not different despite them trying to distance themselves from the Targaryen's. But of course Ned Stark and Jon Arryn fought against it, refusing to supply men to a 'pointless war' as they called it - " The war is won, Lyanna is avenged, It is done" Ned had told him. They didn't understand his need to get rid of them all. So he turned to the Romulus' enemies- the Juvient's and Lannister- none hated the Romulus more. Tywin a man of ambition, set to ensure that his legacy lived on. After the rebellion, no one would forget what it meant to be a Lannister. Pledging ten thousand men, Tywin was sure that Dormus would fall into the hands of his family. A land far richer than their own. The Juvients, a foolish house in his opinion, simply wanted the Romulus' death and claimed they were happy to bend the knee should Robert claim the country. Though Tywin doubted that all they wanted, but once the Romulus was removed, the Juvients could be easily handled. The country would be easy to take with how weak the current Romulus' had become.
So now they stood awaiting a word of their victory, awaiting the arrival of the Romulus on their knees. Robert was determined to not only destroy one dynasty but two.
It was at that moment the door slammed open, echoing through the room. Two men carried a chest, arriving dead centre of the room, they set the chest down. They stood proudly, trapped in their armour, red and black for all to see.
Their voices filled with amusement the first spoke. "Robert Baratheon a pleasure to meet you, Queen Aadya has sent us to congratulate you on obtaining the throne and wishes to give you a gift"
" I'm going to take that fact that you are here, that House Romulus is accepting of the negotiations " Robert utter, a sense of apprehension beginning to grow. Demanding the Romulus to bend the knee was risky, but it was a risk he would take. If there is one thing he knew about Titus was that he is naive and easily coerced. Titus would never wage war, just like his father he sorts out peace and resolution.
"No" the man Dormusian man stated.
"Dormus was built from the ground up by the Romulus, the great structures and lands were forged with the help of their shadow dragons. Dormus know no other king"
Slamming his hand down, Robert's grew instant frustrated. "Where is Titus!?"
Bending down the second man kneeled by the chest slowly opening it. As if carried by strong winds, a smell wafted into the room. The smell many recognised as burnt flesh. And there It was.
Nestled in a bed of ashes Titus Romulus head sat for all to see, a single rune carved onto his forehead. Silence.
The court stood in silence, each trying to understand the implications of the chest. Taking their leave the soldier walked out the throne. No one moved to stop them. Instead, they started at the rune.
At that moment a reminder rang out, death now loomed over them all.
The rest of the story found on WATTPAD
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bridgetstandson · 3 years
Prologue II
Prologue I
The winds were still, Titus and his bannermen stood in the ruins of the old Colosseum awaiting the arriving members of the House Juvient. The loyal bannerman would not dare to go against their King but were distraught at the prospect of losing their country and betrayed at the Juvient's for happily wanting to hand over their country to foreigners. So, with heavy hearts and anguish, the loyal bannerman of Dormus looked ahead.
Amongst them was the General. General Zhao, was a steely man in his late fifties born in Yi Ti, he had settled in Dormus twenty years ago along with a small army. Having faced and seen many wars, Zhao was always prepared. But here he sat, the king had ordered the men to come with as little a weeks notice. With recent events and knowing the King forgiving nature, the general had expected him to forget the transgression between the dragon houses, he had expected the king to call for war and avenge their fallen brothers. The general like most men had grown up, hearing the legends of House Romulus, the death bringers as they were often called. But today, he stood, next to Titus Romulus, this was not a man of legends, there was no greatness in his decisions and was a bitter disappointment to his predecessors. Like his father, Titus failed to grasp the power in which his family held and the acts which needed to be carried out in order to keep it.
In the distance, teal and gold banners began to approach, and amongst them banners belonging o the lions could be seen, of course, the Lion for years had their eyes on the riches of Dormus, they would jump at any given opportunity to grasp any semblance of power in the country.
Peace talks, moving forward, the words used by Titus to describe the events that would take place today. But as they approached the general's eyes grew. This was no peace talks. With great urgency, the general turned to the King, "Your grace, we should turn back and head to the keep, whilst we still have the chance". The king remained quiet.
"Your Grace, they are clad in amour, they are not here for peace". Another speaks up.
"Of course, they are, Why the hell would you think different, your grace, this is madness, you are damning us all!"
"They have Lannister's amongst them! they brought lions on our land"
" Why are we entertaining this, what right do they have to stand on our lands!"
"you grace let us leave we can make it back to the keep in time and call for reinforcement!" The general stern voice rang above the panicked men.
The king raised his arm, silencing his men. "Be calm, I would never place any of you in harm's way, we no longer stand with the Targaryen's, Robert promised peace. We are simply here to hear what else they have to offer and see how we can move forward - Together" he reassured, sharing a glance the men placed their hands on their sword, awaiting the worst.
"Your grace...." Estimating at least fifty- thousand men, the general tried to warn the king but was quickly interrupted.
"Let them come, General." A soft voice rang out.
There stood their Queen. Her gown, blood red, hugged her shapely figure tightly and flared at the feet. The sleeves, each an art piece were filled with black embroidery. The black tresses of her hair were pulled back and sat in an elegant bun that sat neatly onto her head. The men glanced at her. There was something different about her, perhaps it was the nature of her smile. Aadya Romulus was a serious woman, rarely seen so relaxed unless in the presence of her children. Yet here she was, her smile soft, like petals caught in a breeze. It was just wide enough to allow a gleam of white from the teeth below. Her eyes were a fire in water if you could imagine such a thing. From those eyes, however, came a sense of malice, malice that caused the mean to shift in their places, their hands instinctively gripping their swords tighter.
" My husband is right, no harm shall befall us today. Today is the day future generations look back and recognise a change. This day marks a new era, a new age for the Romulus dynasty. No one will ever forget what we are."
Titus sighed and smiled, fighting with Aadya was like going to war, a long difficult war. Mirroring her soft smile he stepped towards her, glad to have her in his presence. " I'm glad you came and see the importance of this and the importance of maintaining peace".
Aadya leaned forward, planting a sweet kiss to the corner of his lips. "I will do anything for my children" she whispered softly, her voice carrying into the wind her tone a sickly sweet.
The marching men approached closer.
And then just like that, something changed.
A new silence arrived, but it wasn't just silence, it was complete silence. No sound was present. It was and if nothing existed, the sound of the horses and the clank of armour was muted.
Just silence.
A silence that rang loud and ripped straight to the soul. With only a few feet of distance between them, their faces became clear.
Leading the men, Willem Juvient. He didn't seem to notice the lack of sound surrounding him. Instead, a smug look rested on his face, his shoulders pushed back and chest thrust forward. How victorious he looked. As he drew closer he opened his mouth to speak. Then nothing. He paused, his eyes were drawn to Aadya's. He immediately tensed, a sense of uneasiness filled him. As if sensing the uneasiness too, the horses went manic they began to move, attempting to unseat the riders. The men's faces grew alarmed.
But oddly enough it was still silent...
Then a sound resonated, cutting through the silence.
A crack. A crack sounded through the air. The air shifted.
Aadya's smile grew.
Her eyes turned a bright green.
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bridgetstandson · 3 years
Memento Mori
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Prologue I
281 AC (Roberts Rebellion)
-Dormus, the city of Acerrae, West of Westeros-
The Targaryen were no more. Robert has won. A dynasty that stood for thousands of years, destroyed in the matter of a year.
King Titus Romulus, sat in his study a letter in his hand, his wife Aadya Romulus sat across him. Her face blank as she stared at her husband.
"Well, what is it? You have been ever so secretive as of lately. Are you going to share your burden with your wife"? she said, her tone slightly teasing.
" The Targaryen's are gone" he began.
" So, that is not new news, Ragnar was foolish, his actions were bound to implode in his face" she supplied simply.
" No, the Targaryen's are dead, we must think of the future of our house. Robert is hurt and he is grieving, he loved Lyanna and h--" he was quickly interrupted,
"I don't understand what Robert Baratheon's pain has anything to do with us. We no longer associate with the Targaryen's, we haven’t for years. Why do we care about the matters of Westeros?" Aadya could feel her patience thinning, the mention of the stag had left a rather bad taste in her mouth and she hated how since Robert previous visit to Dormus, her husband continuously tried to form a relationship with him. She was surprised he had not dived straight to the rebellion for his new beloved friend.
" LISTEN!, Robert along with the Juvient's have been talking about the future of Dormus" Titus began to explain.
" and why the hell are our subjects talking to Westerosi rebels. More importantly, why do they believe it is their place to discuss our affairs?!"
Titus sigh, Aadya was fiery and quick to respond, it what he loved about her what attracted him to her, that and the dark mirth that was always seemed to lurk in her eyes.
" My love, Robert is still furious and is looking for blood, dragon blood. The Juvient's have always opposed and hated our rule since our house stepped foot on Dormus. Robert is giving us a choice, he wants us to step down and in return, he will be merciful or he and the Juvient's will wage war on us."
" excuse me" Aadya stared at her husband in disbelief, she chuckled
Titus took the moment to continue - " Our brothers are dead, their dynasty destroyed. This is the best option. Robert is a friend and is guaranteed to be merciful. We could be given Principality like the Martells"
" MERCY!? Robert is not our friend! He is an outsider, a Westorian." Aadya could feel her anger rise, it was never good for her to be angry and that moment she felt her blood burn a familiar tingle touched her fingertips.
" The Targaryen's are not our brothers anymore, not since Aerys failed to protect your mother  and  she burnt alive and your foolish father did nothing to avenge her!"
Titus' head snapped up. " It was an ACCIDENT!, my father did what was right, he chose forgiveness, he chose peace. Would you rather have another dance of the dragons? WAR"
"Peace? How can you have peace if there is no justice!?" Aadya stood and began to make her way to her husband. " Your father made a mockery of your family, his wife, the mother of his child died at the hand of Aerys silly games with fire. Accident or not there should have been retribution!."
" My father cut ties with them, he disowned them!"
"Cut ties? Yet moments ago you called them our brothers" She chuckled "I should have known someone would challenge us. You are your father's son. Weak and foolish. Your friend, your filthy stag is trying to take our right to rule, our land and our children's future. Whilst, those treacherous Juvient's are siding with him so they can so that they can watch us fall!"
"They won't TAKE our crown, We will meet to negotiate our future, nothing is decided yet. Its so our kingdoms can live in PEACE! Already from what they proposed it is not so bad, we will still be royal blood, our son will still be a prince!"
" Exactly that's all he will be; never a King. You wish to give up our throne and titles to play Robert's pretty little prince" Tears gathered in her eyes as her anger grew. " When the Romulus of old helped the Targaryen's conquer Westeros, they refused to bend the knee to them and they went to take Dormus instead. They wouldn't bow to another dragon but yet you mean to bow to a STAG! DRAGONS MAKE MEALS OUT OF STAGS!"
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"ENOUGH!!" He roared. A moment of silence passed between the two as their eyes continued to lock.
"I am doing what is right by us, instead of plunging our country into war. My word is final! In a weeks time, the Juvient's arrive to discuss the negotiations on behalf of Robert"
Another chuckle passed her lips, a look of amusement rested in her eyes" Fine but ask yourself why would they do that? Why would they hand our lands to a foreign king? They are either double-crossing us or Robert is. Something is not right about this. What do they get out of this??"
" I said enough.
It's done, let it be the last I hear of it"
She stared at him, her eyes turned cold, her blood continued to burn, the flames on the candles flickering. In a lifeless voice, she replied.
" Ok husband. You are the true Romulus here. This is YOUR choice but I will not let you make that choice for our children"
With that, she walked out of the room. Her dress trailing after her.
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