brisugu · 1 year
MAJOR JJK SPOILERS 🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑
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brisugu · 2 years
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brisugu · 2 years
I’m CONVINCED that man acts like Gojo but looks like Nanami
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am I the only one that SEES THIS !?!? ^
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brisugu · 2 years
I love you bro
I love you too bro 🫶🏾
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brisugu · 2 years
Be the suga to my hobi
Ofc 🫶🏾💜
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brisugu · 2 years
He is soo beautiful
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i feel like whatever jack had in that box just made this guy go crazy and choose violence as his main personality trait | for @hobeah ♡︎ {cr. @heybaetae / theultimatedodo}
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brisugu · 2 years
Which JJK characters do you think would approach their crush first? And who do you think would be the other way round?🌹
I think Nobara seems the type of person to approach their crush first. She is very confident and very energetic.
As for the character who might be the other way round would be Megumi. He is very stoic the type of person who doesn’t want to approach his crush because he isn’t the sociable type.
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brisugu · 2 years
(S.Gojo x F!Reader x S.Geto)
Series Masterlist
Series Summary: Where she reminisce of the past. 
Chapter Title and summary : On the 3rd day--- “Time is a construct.”
Chapter: Twelve 
Warnings: Angst, Blood and Gore
Word count: 3,211
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They say when you die, you will have everlasting peace. That you will ascend into the afterlife and meet those you've lost. You will live forever surrounded with warmth and be rejoiced.
That is what you like to think, to believe.
There was no warmth, no light...nothing when you died. You felt as if you were drowning. The feeling of being sucked backward was extremely slow. It clogged your lungs and flooded your senses. Memories of your life came in all at once. The guilt and the overwhelming feeling of abandoning your loved ones were a lot to take in. It wasn't long before the darkness and the coldness sparked a state of panic in you. With no escape, this blackness faded in and out, and you succumbed to this.
But, just as all hope was lost, someone or something pulled you out of your suffering.
You gasped as a stinging feeling spread throughout your body. Your eyesight went blurry as you tried to focus on your savior. You expected a slender body with snowy hair or a raven-haired boy with a ponytail. But your heart sunk when you realized your savior...was a monster. He resembled a demon with four arms and two faces. He had unique markings on his forehead, nose, cheeks, and torso.
He also had a second pair of eyes under his eyes, but they looked closed. A sudden chill went up your spine, and hair quickly stuck up from the back of your neck. You were afraid to blink, speak, or even breathe.
"Well, speak, little girl." It wasn't a request... it was a command. You attempted to move your lips, but your body betrayed you as no sound came out. There was a foreign coiling feeling in the pit of your stomach. It wasn't haunting... it was sinister. Something you couldn't explain, something you wished could've stayed dead. "I said-" he leaned down, and his disturbing face hovered over you. "Speak."
Your lips quivered, "am I dead?"
The monster smiled. "No, something much worse."
Day 1
"Tell me again but keep it short and sweet."
"Sir, there is nothing sweet about this."
"You know what I mean, Satoru."
Gojo nodded before swallowing something hard down his throat as he hunched his shoulders back. "I-It happened so fast, and I couldn't even think." Yaga nodded and motioned for him. "She was losing so much blood a-and—"His mouth started to quiver, and his right leg began to bounce. He shifted his gaze to Shoko, asking her to continue for him, at least for your sake.
"And then I brought her here." Shoko interrupted. "Where she's stabilized but induced into a coma… w-we don't know when she'll wake up." It wasn't a lie. You were in a coma, but it was nothing that Shoko had ever seen. No heartbeat but curse energy still blossoming. It was a phenomenon—a confusing jigsaw puzzle. There was no explanation, no book or dictionary to answer your state. She lost sleep because of it, grew eyebags, and refused to eat in an attempt to solve this puzzle. Gojo was the one who looked after her—the one to pull her out of this state. He was the one who offered a shoulder to cry on. And in turn,  Shoko looked after Satoru. While Geto confided in his room, she was the one who comforted him. She knew the facade Gojo puts on to reassure everyone; he masks his feelings and pain to help others without helping himself. Shoko was the one to pull him out to the surface. She was another anchor he didn't know he had.
"Where's Suguru?" Yaga asked, pulling Shoko out of her thoughts. Gojo lowered his head and glanced at the empty seat to his left.
"Still in his room." It hurts seeing Geto like this. No communication, no contact. It's like he was treating them like a ghost. "Want me to get him?"
"No, let him be." Yaga sighed and turned away from his students, headed to the exit. "And another thing," he looked over his shoulder. He noticed the fatigue and miserable appearance of his students. He slowly removed his sunglasses from his face and frowned before saying, "It's not your fault."
"I'm not going to ask you again..." You shivered as a shiver ran up your spine. "How did you get here?" You shook your head, and your lips began to quiver.
"I-I told you. I don't know how I got here," you swallowed a hard lump down your throat. "Please, just let me-"
In an instant, blood spat out from your mouth. You whimpered as a familiar coldness wrapped around you. Your eyes begged the monster for mercy, but how could there be when your heart rested on his palm? "You are very annoying." He glowered as your body sank to the ground. He then carelessly threw your heart behind him like a useless toy. He sucked his teeth and rolled his eyes. He lifted three fingers and silently counted down to one. Instantaneous, your body suddenly sprang to life as he was about to burn your body. His eye twitched, "how many times do I have to kill you before you go away?" He grabbed your neck and lifted you off the ground. You could feel the air being sucked from your lungs, and you vigorously tapped on his arm. He squeezed your neck so tightly that you felt like your head was about to pop off.
Eyes were bulging out from your pocket, and you stuck out your tongue in an attempt to allow air to enter your lungs.  
This was your nightmare... your hell.
Suddenly you felt a slight release from your neck that allowed you to breathe. You coughed at first before taking a deep breath. At first, you thought it was a ploy, and he would go back in torturing you at any given moment, but he didn't. The demon grinned. There were glimpses of his teeth that resembled a human. "Why is it that you are the only one who is alive?"
"Fascinating, isn't it? I should've felt that some girl was siphoning my cursed energy."
"I-I don't understand. Does this mean you'll let me go?" The demon shook his head before laughing. The sounds rattled your ears and the burning feeling in the pit of your stomach intensified.
"Go?" He squeezed your neck, and fear made its way back to you again. "You stupid girl...you knew this would happen, didn't you?" He slightly shook you. "You knew you would come  here.  You knew what would happen." Tears began to stream down your face as you shook your head.
"I don't know-"
"You are as stupid as your ancestors... as my descendants." Your eyes widened. "Oh, don't act dumb with me, girl. You knew about this." he narrowed his gaze at you before releasing you from his hold.
When you fell to the ground, you couldn't muster up the strength to stand. You cupped your hand over your mouth and silently sobbed. The guilt of lying to your loved ones and yourself ate you apart. You couldn't face the truth. Slowly turning to your captor with eyes brimming with tears, you spat at him. "I won't do it! I'll never do-"
"You don't have a choice, my dear," one of his hands grabbed your face and pulled you close. The smell of rotten flesh burned your nostrils. "Now, I advise you to decide if you want to see your lover boys again." Your heart began to rise when he mentioned them. "But before we do that, I prefer you to call me by name." You gasped as his arm went through your chest. "Sukuna is just fine."
Day 2
Gojo sacrificed an arm and a leg in attempting to make soba...it was Geto's favorite. He'd always devour it every time you cooked. His smile was the highlight by the end of it.
Gojo strolled the boy's dormitory carrying a hot bowl of soba in his hands. As he reached Geto's door, he took a breath and knocked. "Suguru." No response. Gojo tapped his foot in irregular beats, "I made you soba." No response again, and Gojo started to lose patience. He knocked again. This time it was louder. "Listen, Su, I almost burned down the kitchen, so I'm not letting this go to waste." Another round of silence. That's it. "On the count of three, if you don't open this door, then I have no choice but to force my way in." Gojo set the bowl down and moved it a couple of inches back. "One," he got in a fighting stance. "Two..." He concentrated on his curse technique. "Thr—"
"Satoru? what are you doing at my front door?" Gojo instantly turned around to find Geto standing next to him. His appearance appeared to be messy. With wrinkled clothes, messy hair, and red eyes, Geto lacked motivation. "Did you forget your room is next to mine again," he chuckled dryly.
Gojo chewed the inside of his cheek and shook his head. He kneeled to grab the hot bowl, and when he stood straight up, he pushed it against his friend's chest. "It's yours."
"I'm not hungry," he pushed it back and shoved Gojo slightly. "Do you mind? I'm tired." As he twisted the doorknob and stepped into his room, it didn't take long for Gojo to follow right behind him.
"How long since you have eaten, Suguru?" The raven-haired shrugged as he made his way toward the futon. When he sat down, his body shuddered as he recalled the many memories he made with you—the time when you patched up his wounds and many other things .
"Why does it matter to you?" He snapped. He didn't want to display any weakness or the fact he was hurting. He hated how Gojo looked at him with pity as if he was a dying pup. "Why are you here?"
"Why did you let me in?" Geto held his breath. Maybe it was an impulse to let Gojo in. Perhaps he consciously desired Gojo's help. Maybe he wanted him to be his moral compass—to fix him.
Geto exhaled and took the warm bowl from Gojo's hands.
"See! I knew you wanted it." Gojo exclaimed. That irritating voice perked Geto's ears. Although he would not admit it, he misses his friend's usual childish behavior. His annoying personality makes him wonder how he fell for the white-haired sorcerer. It was something that drew him in.
As Geto ate, he felt strands of his hair getting played with. He turned to find Gojo hyper-fixated on his raven hair. He rubbed them against his fingers, then watched as he twirled them around it. "Satoru?" He asked.
He didn't answer; he continued playing with his hair as if it was his prized possession— like something delicate but beautiful. "You should wash your hair." He finally said.
Geto frowned. "What?" Gojo removed the bowl from his hands and set it aside before taking Geto's hands. "C-can I wash your hair?" What has gotten into him?
"Satoru is-"
"Please." It wasn't a request nor a demand. It was... something else . "Let me help you," Geto felt his heart clench. For a moment, he was about to say yes. Say "yes" and allow Gojo to help him, help him take away his pain and misery. He needs the touch of a god, the one sent from heaven, the one who is the righteous one.
But the other side of Geto crept from the back of his mind.
Why would he need help? He doesn't need fucking pity from him. These thoughts were slowly plaguing him. Who is he to judge? Just because he is the strongest, he doesn't need to be a martyr and go around saving everyone. He doesn't need to be saved.
"It's fine," Geto forced a smile. "I don't need your help."
You don't know if you are strong enough to face them again... you were going to be coward.
"Hey, brat! Have you chosen how you will serve me yet?" That voice rings your ears, and you turn in his direction.
Sukuna's malevolent shrine was as chilling as it appears in the history books. Skulls everywhere, which seems fitting for his character. You also later discovered that when you died, your consciousness had transported to his dominion expansion. "I have made my choice," you said monotonously.
"You poor thing," he slowly strolled towards you, and instantly your veins ran cold. Flashes of the horrific acts he committed against you flood your brain. You feared he would dismember you again or rip your heart out of your chest. "Such a shame for you to turn out like this," he smiled as he extended one of his arms to you.
"It's not like I had a choice."
"You should thank me. I'm saving your life."
"No, you're corrupting it," you clenched your fist before glaring at him. You were about to make a deal with the devil. You cautiously extend your forearm and grip his hand, your fist loosening as you do so. There was a warm feeling that washes over you.  This must be the binding vow; This is the feeling where you sell your soul. This wasn't a compromise. It was a sentence. "Don't make me hurt them, please."
He didn't answer; instead, he grinned. It was demonic and taunting; his forearm went straight through your chest, instantly blood pooled out of your mouth, and pain welcomed you. As he opened his mouth, you made out what he said before darkness consumed you. "See you on the other side."
Day 3
Time is a construct, its merely an illusion.
It's perceived as a simple motion through space. For example, the past is simply our memories. The future is our expectations of what will happen. And a photograph is called "a snapshot in time." Time has stopped in the photo.
Time is not a thing.
For 36 hours, Satoru Gojo sat in a chair staring at a photo of you and him. Nothing was changing. The photograph was stilled. He remembered as if it was yesterday the moment he took the photo. He can still feel your smile; it haunts him, your smile, your laughs.
Time is nothing.
"Are you going to eat something," said Shoko. She was tending to you, making sure you were comfortable and safe. A few days ago, the incident with her medical utensils floating above you was a phenomenon. It was strange and eerie; it still delivers chills. Today everything was quiet; the only thing that remained the same was your heart. Still no heartbeat.
"I've already eaten," he said quietly. It wasn't a lie; he had eaten something, but it was only a bowl of miso soup and nothing else. "What about you?"
"I'm fine," she was on her notepad, writing something. She had not once looked up at Gojo the moment he entered the infirmary. She was either adjusting your pillows or scribbling down on her notepad.
"Shoko, you look like you haven't eaten in days," she scoffed at his accusations. "You haven't slept either. For three days, you were here." Shoko deeply exhaled out of her nose, paused, then looked up. Gojo immediately noticed her blood-shot eyes and messy appearance.
"At least I'm trying to bring her back," she snarled. "At least I'm trying to do something."
" I am doing something," Gojo frowned. "I'm trying to find answers."
"That is not enough!" She slammed her hands on the desk. Her lips began to quiver, and she quickly turned her face away before the tears started to pour in. "I-It's just," she sniffed before resuming."I always have the answers to everything, a-and I can't come up with an answer as to why she is like this." She stifled a sob and wiped her tears with her shoulder."E-Everything has been so hard lately, a-and I don't know what to do."
Gojo nodded before standing up from his seat and heading toward her. He approached her and slowly wrapped his arm around her as she turned slightly, allowing her face to be buried in his chest. "We can help each other out," Gojo whispered while Shoko sniffed. "I promise you we will get her back. And I never break a promise," He placed his under-chin on top of her head and squeezed her body a little. "In the meantime, let's go-."
Gojo froze, and for a moment, he felt Time had stopped. His blood began to run cold but then switched to warmness. A feeling of panic and comfort had overwhelmed him. And there was something familiar about this sensation.
Gojo's eyes widened, and he immediately let go of Shoko.
It all happened so fast. One moment you were lying on a table, and the next, you were sitting up, screaming. Gojo noticed terror etched across your face as if something spooked you or if you were having a nightmare... a terrible nightmare.
Your screams were blood-hurling, and it was piercing through his ears. You were shaking non-stop, and Gojo didn't hesitate to rush toward you."H-Hey, you're okay (y/n), you are okay." He grabbed you and hugged you by his side before turning to Shoko, whose mouth was parted but faced slightly relieved. "Get Senesi." She nodded and looked at you before darting out the door.  
You stopped screaming not long after, and he felt your hand against his forehand. "S-Satoru?"
"Yea," he didn't want to take his eyes off you. He wanted to make sure he wasn't hallucinating, and this was real. That You were real. But before you could answer, he heard gagging noises coming from your mouth, and you tapped his arm to allow yourself to bend over. "Shit," he quickly looked around for a bucket, and he found one under the medical table, and he instantly bent down and grabbed it before you could vomit. You began to as soon as he placed it under your lap. Gojo stroked your hair as you did so. He felt a sharp stinging from the corner of his hair and bit his lip to stop it from quivering. His nose began to burn from the scent of vomit, but he wouldn't care less. He doesn't care how suddenly you awoke, at least not yet. All he cares, all that matters is you.
"I'm sorry."
"Huh?" He heard you give out your last spit as he gently removed the bucket from your lap and placed it under the table.
"I said I'm sorry," he heard you choke before bursting into tears. Gojo began to wipe your tears; he pulled you close to bury your face into his chest and sobbed. He didn't care if his shirt got ruined from your tears or if it smelled as you continued to mutter your apologies.
"It's okay," he whispered. "Don't apologize."
"I'm sorry for the pain I caused you, to all of you."
"You are all that matters now," He started to caress your hair. "you're the only person that matters to me right now. You're safe now. Stop apologizing."
Gojo Satoru believed Time to be nothing, to be an enemy.
Now Time is his divinity.
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brisugu · 2 years
The next chapter will be out later today!!
If you don’t want to wait, you can find the unedited version here
Carapherneila Masterlist
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Caraphernelia:A condition in which someone abandons you but leaves their belongings behind, including painful memories. (Gojo x Y/n x Geto)
Summary: When Y/N reminiscence of the past but also regrets what she could’ve done to make him stay.
Warnings for this fic: Future Smut, Violence, Mentions of blood, Gore, Misogyny, Assault, Manga Spoilers (Future details to come)
One, two ,three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
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brisugu · 2 years
Give me a JJK soulmate
Gojo and Geto😌
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brisugu · 2 years
Y’all if you saw this unsee it plz because I don’t remember doing this😭
I recently got my wisdom teeth removed and apparently I was going off on social media and i was sad because my cat went outside💀💀
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brisugu · 2 years
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brisugu · 2 years
I just finished watching the summer I turned pretty and one of the love interest reminds me of Gojo. Like his blue eyes are exactly what I imagined Gojo would have.😭
And not only that his personality is the same too💀
All he needs to do is dye his hair white 😍👆🏾
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brisugu · 2 years
Jjk x Phoebe Bridgers + Mitski are a triple threat
Tell me why I’m crying over two fiction men while listening to Georgia, Scott Street, and a pearl… I’m mentally exhausted right now
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brisugu · 2 years
Welcome to the party ♦
I Love You..〆(・∀・*)sket⸻
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Now Playing~ Carpherneila ✫*.(S.Gojo x F!Reader x S.Geto)✫*. Masterlist
~ Five Minutes ✫*. (S.Geto x F!Reader)
~ His One and Only ✫*. (S.Geto x S.Gojo) 
~ I Love You So ✫*. ( S. Geto X Gojo)
~Sign of the times✫*.(K. Nanami x F!Reader)
⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰
Upcoming Releases~ Forlesket✫*. (S.Geto x F! Reader)~more details to come✫*.
⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰
I Love You..〆(・∀・*)
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brisugu · 2 years
dishonorable masterlist | s. getou
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Suguru Getou is bad company. Even though he is of prestigious lineage, the ton do not welcome him. Because Suguru Getou is a rake, through and through. But then there’s you. The diamond of the season, so refined yet so quick witted. Born in a respectable family and raised to be well bred. And Suguru finds himself enamored with you and your hidden persona.
wc, 45.1k
includes, historical au, enemies to lovers (kinda?), kinda slow burn, eventual smut (it’s in chapter 5), fluff/angst, Getou x F! reader
MDNI + no ageless blogs 
status, complete!
I, shunned by the ton
II, a lesson in flowers
III, the most privileged man
IV, a walk to the countryside
V, it is in the little things
VI , getou’s pov
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brisugu · 2 years
( S.Gojo x F!Reader x S.Geto)
Series Masterlist
Series Summary: Where she reminisces of the past. 
Chapter: Eleven
Chapter title: Angel of death
Warning: Heavy Manga spoilers 65- 76(pg.112)
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The first time you met the Angel of death was almost two years ago. You carelessly stole from him, and as punishment, you suffered a scar on your left clavicle—a sign for him to recognize you and kill you before he offers you the gift of divinity.
You spent the rest of your life fearful of him. Afraid that he would collect your soul. He wanders throughout Tokyo searching for you, while you cowardly run and hide.
But not for long. Because today was a special day. Today was something that you will remember for as long as you are alive.
Today was your judgment day.
You had realized this after you came out of the public restroom and left Shoko waiting for you at the street corner. You walked along the alleyway. Focusing on the street light as you made your way down the darkened lane. In the corner of your eye, you saw a shadowy silhouette of an intimidatingly large frame that was concealed by a hooded sweatshirt. His footsteps neared you, and the sound of a gun loading had caused a burning sensation in your gut.
You frantically opened your purse and searched for your ring. Gojo and Getou were now helping you control your technique. They confiscated it and wouldn't let you use it until you learned how to control it. You could've sworn taking it from Getou's room just before you left to go downtown with Shoko.
"Damn it, Suguru," you whimpered. Death was approaching you, and without the ring, you were useless.
There were three possible options you had.
One, fight the man stalking you and hope you get out unscathed.
Two, call Gojo and Geto and let them handle the situation.
Three, accept death with open arms.
On the back of your neck, a stinging chill crept. The air felt thick, and dread had clogged your lungs. You froze in fear when you heard a beer bottle rolling on the ground. 'Run away' You began to jog, obeying the orders from the voice in your head. 'Don't turn around. Run away and don't look back.' The mysterious figure behind you mumbled something you couldn't understand, but the sounds of the revolver clicking led you to determine that the gun had jammed. 'Don't turn’
You collided with someone head first, and a familiar voice instantly comforted you.
"Ow, watch where you are going!" You took a step back as you found Shoko standing in front of you. Her palm was on her forehead. "Damn't it (y/n), I've been waiting for you for soo long. Did you fall down the toilet or something?" She snorted before punching you on the arm.
"Shoko," you muttered. When she noticed your wide-opened eyes, she softened her face.
"Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." You pursed your lips and contemplated whether or not you should tell her the man who stalked you in the alleyway. Hello, earth to, (y/n)," she waved her hand in front of your face.
"I-I, "you fidgeted your purse strap and grabbed her hand. "I'm fine," you forced a smile, hoping she would take the bait. "Let's go."
"Give me my ring," you rolled your tongue and spat a couple curses at Geto. You had found him leaning against a pole, smoking, with a group of people you suspected to be university students. And Shoko left to get a pack of cigarettes at the store
"No, and watch your tongue." The smell of cigarettes and his characteristic scent were distracting. You wanted to grab his face, kiss him firmly, and relish in his minty aroma, but you were also tempted to smack the shit out of him for thinking he could steal your ring from you and get away with it.
"You're such an asshole, Suguru, " his lips curled in unison with the cigarette in his mouth as you gave him a cold stare.
"Am I?" he puffed smoke to your face. He smirked as he watched your nostrils flare up. "Now, do you mind?" He slapped your forehead with the palm of his hand and brushed past you. As you looked past his direction and attempted to throw an insult at him, your own body betrayed when you couldn't help but blush at the sight of his figure.
The way his bagged clothes hugged his body and how he pulled his hair tie down to let his raven hair fall down his shoulders. He raised his head to puff out his cigarette to the sky as if he wanted them to taste. You bit your lips and scolded yourself for feeling infatuated with the raven-haired shaman. Fuck. Not before long, Gojo strolled towards him. You smiled as he showed Geto a bag of souvenirs he bought for everyone.
"Urgh!"You turned around and found Shoko with a disdainful look on her face. She approached you and wrapped her arm over yours, making a dry retching noise. "It's disgusting how you are in love with them." Your body tensed and froze. For a moment, you felt you had lost your will to breathe. For a moment, a shiver runs down your spine, and goosebumps creep along your skin. The four-letter word is instantly engraved in your brain. It was something you hadn't much thought about. After all, it is forbidden in jujutsu society, and besides, it's not like you love the two shaman boys, right? You are friends and only friends.
You clenched your teeth and swallowed."I don't know what you are talking about. I'm not in love with them." You bit the inside of your cheeks and turned your face away from her. Shoko stifled a laugh before poking your face.
"Yea, and I not addicted to nicotine," she softly laughed, and you rolled your eyes. Pinching her in the arm, you turned your head towards her and glowered.
"Sho, I'm serious. We are only friends."
"Yea, sure, whatever you say." Shoko sighed before digging into her pockets and bringing out a cigarette pack. She motioned for you to help her open her pack of cigarettes and select a cigarette to place in between her lips. "Anyway, enough on the boy-talk," you nodded in agreement as she pulled out a lighter from her pocket and ignited the cancer stick. "Have you heard from Iori or Mei Mei yet?" As she exhaled a puff of smoke, the smell of nicotine invaded your senses and burned your nostrils. It was ironic how you regularly smoke but despise the scent.
"No, I haven't, you?"
"Nope," You frowned. Utahime and Mei Mei haven't been seen or heard in over two days. They left after the first day of the exchange event for a mission and never reported back. "Weird, isn't it?"
"Yea, soo weird."
"You cryin'?"
"It's not nice to pick on the weak."
"Don't become trash like those two, okay?!"
You laughed and tightened your embrace. You were grateful Utahime turned out to be alive (not Mei Mei, of course). And she was relieved to find out you and Shoko came along. Her feeling of contempt for both Gojo and Geto was always amusing to you.
"Ha, no way I'll become trash like that."
"I would rather eat glass than be like them," as you let go of Utahime, you found Gojo and Geto with a scowled look. Your lips curled upwards as you smirked. You watched Gojo attempting to say something, but he held his tongue. It was entertaining to witness this. "Anyways," hiding your smile, you turned to Utahime. "You guys were missing for two days."
"Two days!?" exclaimed Utahime.
"Yup, something to do with the barrier messing with time." You said as you wrapped your arm around her shoulder.
"Yea," Mei Mei chimed in."Always, where's the curtain?"
"Someone here said they'd put up a curtain... and left the assistant manger behind...Fess up."
Instantly fingers were pointed in Gojo's direction.
Gojo's wide smile brightened as he raised his hand. "Sensei! we're better than pointing fingers at each other!" You snickered as you noticed a vein popping out on Yaga's forehead.
"So it's you!" Yaga approached Gojo and hit him in the head. "Guidance!"
"...Jujutsu exists to protect non-sorcerers."
They were arguing again. This time was about how Jujutsu sorcerers are responsible for protecting humanity. You remembered the first day when you came to the school Getou was the one to teach you about Jujutsu society and how it is their right and duty to protect the weak. Gojo... not so much.
"I hate that stuff..." He would always disagree with Geto's philosophy. 'it's not our fault they are weak.' or ‘ Do we really have to do this.'
Geto frowned as he tightened his lips. "Applying reasoning and responsibility to Jujutsu is what weak people do."
"Ha! Who are you trying to impress? (y/n)?" He stifled a laugh. "Don't get all proud of yourself for spouting that garage!" Dear God, no. Geto's hands were balled into a fist as he glowered at Gojo. You looked at Shoko and she gave you a sign that it was time to leave before things got worse, and you wasted no time removing your presence from Gojo and Geto. Sliding the door open, you hook your arm around her.
"They didn't notice me leaving!" You scoffed as you looked over your shoulder and back. "Both of them are obsessed with fighting each other. It's unbelievable!"
"Ha! That's what you get when you always neglect me!"
"It's not my fault they follow me like dogs."
"You just need to cage them."
"Tying them to a pole would be a better option." Shoko burst out in laughter and let go of her arm to clutch her stomach. You sniggered as tears started to prickle in the corner of her eyes. "Do you think they will stay if we distract them by giving them treats?" She laughs louder this time, and it causes her to fall to the ground. You chuckled as she tried to cover her mouth with her hand to muffle the sounds.
Finally, after a few moments, she said.
"Let's go buy dog treats for them and go to the city."
"Sounds like a plan to me."
"Don't make me repeat myself, please." Your exhausted teacher ran his hand down his face. "You are requested to go on a mission with Gojo and Geto." You groaned. "Listen, I know you don't like that, but this is an important mission, and I need my best students for the job."
"But Sensei," you whined. "I already have plans with Shoko," you pout your face. "I can't just call it off."
"Stop complaining (y/n). I reminded you a fortnight ago about this mission." You titled your head in confusion. You forced your mind to remember what Yaga had told you before.
"Sorry? What mission?" Blood rushed towards your cheeks in embarrassment as you saw your teacher display disappointment and annoyance.
"The star-plasma mission." You blinked and clicked your tongue.
"Which one?"
"The master Tengen one!"
"Oh." You nervously laughed as you rubbed the back of your neck with your hand...You were going to get detention after this.
"Tell him to shut up!"
"I'm trying!"
"Can you please let me go! I said I was sorry, please I didn't mean to slap her." You grimaced at the curse user as you touched your slightly swollen cheek, "I'll withdraw from the mission! I'll quit being a curse user!" His rambling caused you to rolled your eyes, and move closer to Geto as you laid your head on his lap, and exhaled.
The mission to escort the star plasma vessel was stressful enough. 'Escort the girl and bring her to master Tengen to complete the merger.' As Yaga put it. It was a bit of a struggle to save her from groups of curse users who were attempting to kill her and the woman she was with because of her existence. But thankfully, Geto defeated them and retrieved the girl.
"I'll move back to the countryside and grow rice." Geto chuckled as he cupped his ear and turned to the man.
"I know you can hear me!"
"A cursed user rice farmer? As if" Geto rolled his eyes, unbothered by the man as he pulled his phone out. You took a quick look at the captured man. As he pointed his finger at you two, his veins bulged, and his face turned scarlet red.
"I've had enough! What brats like you can do?!" You snickered as he ranted on how his team was the strongest. "We have Bayer! Q's strongest soldier! You're all-"
"Hey." Geto interrupted and he extended his arm to show him something on his phone. As you moved your head, you saw a picture and laughed.
Gojo had posed in front of a man who he defeated. "Is this Bayer?" You watched the cursed user's eyes widen, then slowly, his face turned to a frown.
"Yea, that's Bayer."
"Should we take her to the doctor?"
"If only Shoko was here," Geto said. You peered at the girl whom Gojo was currently holding. She had been unconscious for a while now, and it worried you that she may be more injured than you thought. You raised your head at Gojo.
"Should we try waking her up?" You chimed. "Just give her a-- oh, look, she's awake." The girl's eyes fluttered open, but the second she realized she was in Gojo's arms, she jumped out and screamed, then slapped him.
You and Getou quickly covered your mouths as you chortled. She pointed at Gojo and labeled him as a pervert.
"Hey, Riko." Geto stepped forward and gave her a friendly wave. "Don't worry, we aren't here to abduct you."
"Liar, you look like a liar!" She pointed. "And what's with those bangs!" Your burst out in laughter as Gojo and Geto grabbed Riko and tugged her by the arms and legs.
"Ha! I need to tell Shoko about this!" You quickly pulled out your phone and started to text Shoko. "She's gonna love this!"
"P-Please stop!" A woman to your right exclaimed. She sat on top of Geto's curses and attempted to intervene. Riko noticed and called out her name as Gojo and Geto let go of her.
"She's spunkier than I imagined," Gojo commented as he walked towards you and rested his arm against your shoulder. "Aren't you gonna be all sad because of the merger? Here I was, all worried about ya."
Riko grinned before lifting her head up high and placing a hand on her chest."I am Master Tengen and Master Tengen is me. You talk about merger and death like they're simple, but you're gravely mistaken. With the merger, I will become--" She stopped as she realized Gojo and Geto weren't listening to her. You slightly glanced at Gojo, watching him showing a new wallpaper on his phone.
"Did you change your wallpaper?"
"Yup, it's the new model Waka Inoue." Your right eyebrow agitatedly twitched.
"And not me!"
"Is that jealousy (y/n)?"
"Are you even listening to me?!" Riko exclaimed.
Her loud shriek caused all three of you to cover your ears as Gojo turned to Geto. "I figure it's gonna be a cinch to send the kid packing. Have you seen the way she talks? She's just like (y/n)." You indignantly kicked him in the shins.
"What the hell is that supposed to mean!"
"Ha, she even acts like her." Geto chimed. "You are so lucky you have us (y/n). Riko probably has no friends at school."
"I have friends at school!"
"Are you sure Sensei said it's okay to let her go to school?"
"He said it's Master Tengen's orders, and we must respect her wishes."
It was a turn of events when Gojo allowed Riko to go to school despite the fact she was due to be merged with Master Tengen.
"He was being all soft on her," Gojo scoffed.
"Don't be like that, Satoru," Geto urged. "She was saying all that stuff, but after the merger, she'll become Master Tengen down below Jujustu High and form the barrier. Friends, family, and everything she holds dear... She'll no longer be able to see them. Let her enjoy herself. That is part of the mission."You nodded in agreement. You wondered what was in her mind, with everything going on. The responsibility of merging with a higher entity, thus leaving the ones she loves. You felt sympathy for her, and if you were put in a similar position, you would've done the same.
To live life to the fullest.
Geto suddenly grabbed your uniform, which promptly pulled you out of your thoughts. "We have to go and get Riko now!"
"Two of my curses had been exorcised," your eyes widened.
The next thing you knew, You were running down the corridor as Geto told you that you would be teamed up with him to attack the intruders while the others would look for Riko.
As you both made it to the other end of the hall, a dark hole suddenly appeared on the ground, and you were grabbed by the foot and pulled down.
"Shit, (y/n)!" You saw him reach his hand out to grab you, but it was too late as you were submerged under a dark void.
This unknown substance you were immersed in felt cold and foreign. You found it hard to concrete what was happening around you. Then in a blink of an eye, you were released from the unknown substance and dropped from the ground out of nowhere. The katana strapped to your back is gone and must be somewhere around. You looked around the room, scanning every detail to where you might be. You noticed boxes that were filled with cleaning utilizes and towels. As you found the door, you forced yourself to stand up, but you couldn't, much to your dismay.
"Well, that was easier than I expected." said an unknown voice. You looked up and found a man standing before you. He wore a mask the covered the lower half of his face, and his weapon was out. He kneeled down and cocked his head to the side as he raised his blade and set its tip against your neck. You forced yourself to move again, but your body stayed frozen. You figured the substance you were submerged in paralyzed the lower half of your body. The man smirked, noticing the fear you had no chance of escaping. He began to playfully drag the blade's tip along your throat. Shuddering as he applied pressure hard enough, you could've sworn he drew blood.
"Such a shame a pretty girl like you has to die like this," you noted the fake sympathy in his voice. "Who would've thought I come across the one million dollar jackpot." What? Your eyes widened as your blood ran cold. For a moment, the air had sucked out of your lungs. "Oh? You don't know?" The man stifled a laugh. "Your worth over a million to be brought to the Zenin clan... or," he moved his blade from your neck to your head as he twirled strands of your hair." five hundred yen to bring your body to them." You bit your tongue. Do Gojo and Geto know about this? Did the higher-ups set this up? How long was this up for? "I thought why not kill you to earn the five hundred thousand yen, then bring you the Zenin clan and earn an extra million." Laughing as he grabbed a fistful of your hair with his free hand and yanked it back. He shifted his blade up against your neck. You whimpered as he applied even more pressure than last time. "I'll make it quick "Just as he was about to deliver a clean cut, he froze. You noticed his blank expression displayed on his face as though he had lost the ability to speak or even breathe. You saw his face later turn into fear as you soon realized your hand was on his bare shoulder.
You sensed his cursed energy draining from him. His energy giving you power was like an electric feeling that stimulated each and every core of your body. It was intensifying. "Heh," tugging the corners of your lips upwards, you clicked your tongue before activating your technique to forcefully get him off you. Blissfully sighing as you found your katana that was beneath your feet. Happily grabbing it, you looked at the man pinned against the wall. Stretching your mouth to a wide grin, you brandished your weapon. "Shall I teach you a lesson on how to treat a lady?"
Getou didn't feel a single ounce of sympathy for the old man.
Although he was taught to respect the elders no matter what, he felt he needed to break this unspoken rule. Beating up a poor fragile old man was utterly justified. It had to be done for this mission. "Tell me," he spoke softly despite the fact his actions...were not quite so soft. "Are you with Q or the time vessel association?"
"Neither," the man croaked. He cast his head down and sighed. "I just needed the money, so let me go."
"What money?" Confusion displayed on Geto's face. When the man didn't answer, Geto's impatience grew, and he would hate to repeat his criminal actions from before. " What money."
"The thirty million yen that Riko girl is worth." Geto cursed under his breath. "And," the man let out a small chuckle before raising his head. "Not to mention that hefty price on that girl's head."
"What girl?" Geto frowned. A terrible gut feeling began to boil in the pit of his stomach.
"That (l/n) girl." The man scoffed. "I was supposed to be rich!" He then raised his tabby finger at Geto. "If it weren't for you, I would've been rich! I would've gutted both girls-" Geto lets his anger consume him as he slammed the man's head into the wall rendering him unconscious. As Geto stood straight, fear began to plague his thoughts. It teased him, poked him, mocked him. Getou tried to shrug it off, but it lingered like a bug. He wondered where you were and if you were safe. He knew you were capable of handling things like these on your own, but it still troubled him.
Just as he was about to turn around, something or someone was caught from the corner of his eye. He quickly spun around, grabbed them by the collar, and slammed them against the wall.
His face fell as he soon recognized the person he pinned was you.
"What the hell, Su!" Geto immediately lets go, and relief washed over his face. "At least give me some kind of warning before you do such a stupid thing!" Before you had the chance to kick him, Geto pressed against you and wrapped his arms around you. "What are you-"
"You worried me," He muttered in your hair. "You fucking scared me, you idiot."
"Can you please stop suffocating me? I would like to have a natural death instead of hypoxia." He slightly released his hold on you. As he scanned your body, looking for any signs of injury. Just as he was about to let out another sigh of relief, his eyes locked on your throat.
A clean horizontal dark crimson mark was visible. Geto swallowed hard as he brought his fingers to it. He noticed you flinched, but he made sure to cup your cheek and brush his thumb against your skin with his free hand to reassure you that everything was alright and he was here. As his fingers softly grazed the fresh wound, he gazed at you.
"I-I don't know if you know this, but-" he licked his lips. His eyes were filled with panic. "There is a bounty on your head."
"Yea, I know," you muttered. "One million to bring me back alive to the Zenin clan or five hundred thousand to kill me." You sniffed and grabbed Geto's jacket tugging it and ignoring the fear and anger displayed on his face. "B-but let's not worry about me, okay. We finish this mission first, then deal with this later, kay?" He nodded before setting his chin against your shoulder.
"This time, I promise to keep you safe," you smiled.
"You're such the gentleman, aren't you?"
After the series of events, Misato gets kidnapped and is taken to Okinawa. Saving her from cursed users and finally relaxing on the beach. It was safe to say that it was long overdue for a mini holiday.
Gojo, Geto, and you did your best to let Riko enjoy her remaining days until the merger. Riko has also begun to like you and asked many questions about your life.
'Who do you like more? Bangs or pervert.'
'How did you get your hair to glow like that?'
'What do you do if someone likes you?'
'What is it like being a teenager? Will everyone look pretty like you?"
Who would've thought a couple of questions would lead you to tears. Your compassion and empathy for the small girl grew every hour. You felt sorry for her that she wouldn't experience what's it like to grow up.
"Satoru, it's time to go!" Geto yells.
You saw Riko's face drop as she stopped playing with Gojo. "It's time already? Aww..." Her pouted lips and her fallen shoulders had caught Gojo's attention. You noticed his expression softened before he walked toward you and Geto.
"Why don't we stay here until tomorrow morning instead?" He suggested. "The weather's great, y'know."
"If we're in Okinawa instead of Toyko... there'll be fewer curse users. It'll be better if the bounty is lifted on the way." Geto shook his head, and he leaned into Gojo's ear.
"Satoru. Since yesterday, you've been using your technique non-stop, haven't you? And what about sleep?" You shook your head in disapproval. You were so distracted by making Riko happy you hadn't realized Gojo was overexerting himself.
"Satoru, please, don't tell me you were planning to stay awake all night again, are you? Are you sure we shouldn't be heading back to Jujutsu High?" But Gojo only smiled as he grabbed the hem of your open button-up shirt with one hand and did the same to Geto with the other.
"I'm good. I think playing 99 years of Momotorio Dentsu is harder." Gojo pulls both you and Geto into him in the most unusual hug. "Besides, you're here too."
"Are you gonna go to sleep?"
"No. I won't go to sleep unless you do."
"Did Suguru put you up to this?" You rolled your eyes before letting out an exasperated sigh.
"No. This was of my own accord. I don't need him making decisions for me." You pinched his left thigh. Gojo jerked his leg back. Noticing the amused look on your face, he bit your bare shoulder. He laughed as you jumped from this action.
"Laying in between my legs while staring at the moon was your own accord?" He chuckled as he stroked your hair. "So cliche (y/n) you can do better."
"Aww, you don't like it," you faked pouted. "That hurts my feelings," you leaned your head to show him your puppy eyes and quivering lips.
"My poor sweetheart." Gojo cupped your cheek. "I didn't mean it like that. Whatever can I do to make it up to you?" You licked your lips before curling your lips upwards.
"You can start by kissing me." You lifted your chin and part your lips, waiting for him to ravish you, but Gojo had other ideas.
"How about I start by killing the higher-ups for setting that hefty bounty on your pretty head, yea?" You scoffed.
"And you ruined it." As you attempted to stand up and walk away, Gojo wrapped his arms around you, preventing you from leaving.
"Suguru told me."
"Yea, I know." You attempted again to escape from Gojo's grasp, but he tightened his grip.
"(y/n), please," his serious tone sent shivers down your spine. You looked up at him. His blue eyes tried comforting you, telling you that 'everything will be alright.' " We both will keep you safe and happy." As he leaned in, Gojo placed his lips on your shoulder. "You will make it through high school." He hummed a melody, and at the same time, you heard familiar footsteps walking toward you both. "We all will."
After a series of events( one of which you were forced to take pictures at a photo booth with Gojo and Geto). All good things must come to an end.
"This was the best 2 days I spent in my entire life!" You exclaimed as you turned to Riko and fist-bumped her.
"Satoru, thanks for all of your hard work." Geto complimented. You looked at Gojo and smiled. He had used up all of his energy for the past two days and didn't have the time to rest.
"No more." He huffed. You began to walk towards him, noticing the eye bags from under his eyes.
"No more what?" You teased. "Babysitting?" You stopped walking as soon as your shoes brushed against his. "I told you to rest and now look-"
Before you knew it, blood was dripping out of your mouth, and you were in excruciating pain. You looked past shoulder and froze. The man you once feared is back. The scar in the corner of his mouth was antagonizing. And that feeling was overwhelming. But not close enough when you soon realized that you shared this feeling when you realized Gojo was impaled on you
Your ears rang, and you couldn't understand what Gojo was saying. The next couple of moments were blurry, and you remembered that sword getting pulled out of you. Geto coming to your aid with bloodshot eyes. You remembered still having the will to fight. You wanted to persecute that man who stabbed both you and Gojo. You remembered wanting the pain to end.
But it only had gotten worse.
It wasn't the fact that you had gotten shot in the shoulder. Or the fact that you watched Geto get hurt. It was the fact that you failed Riko. The little girl you considered a little sister to you, who you promised would have a normal life away from everything, was murdered cold-bloodedly.
You now lay on the ground with your own blood, thinking about what you could've done. Your labored breaths made it difficult for you to control the bleeding. Then, goosebumps ran up your arm, and an ominous presence made your stomach drop.
"It's like hitting two...well, three birds with a stone." The man chuckled. "It's time I get my money."
"Did you really have to shoot and stab that poor girl?"
"I would do anything for the money."
"That's cruel, man."
You had been strapped on the back of a car. You paid no mind to the conversation the man had with the other. Why would it matter either way... you'd be dead by nightfall.
"Hey, kid!" you glanced at the man. Your head rested on the car seat as your body continued to leak out blood. There was also a worm wrapped around the man's shoulder that was constantly staring at you for the past thirty minutes...The one that had Riko's body inside it.
"Have I met you before?" You blinked at the dark-haired man. Is he being serious right now? "Ah," he snapped his fingers. "You're that brat who tried to steal my wallet," he laughed and turned to the driver. "You should've seen it. That kid got spunk." The driver didn't even react. His eyes were glued to the road. "shame this is how we meet again." He let out an exasperated sigh before placing both feet on the dashboard.
"...ame." The man turned back.
"Name?" The man scratched his nose. He wondered where this curiosity for his name came from. He looked at your wound then at you before humming and giving you a wicked grin.
"The name's Toji Fushiguro."
You'd always believed that sunsets were when the sky was the most beautiful.
You lay there on top of the glass, ignoring the pain in your hands and legs. You figured you escaped from the car by smashing the window. You didn't care if you remembered doing that or not; all you cared about was the beauty of the sunset. How the sky was painted red, purple, and many others. The sky was a symphony of colors, and you were captivated by its glow. You were overwhelmed from feeling a sense of relief and serenity. And you enjoyed it.
But to your dismay, someone was blocking the view in an instant.
At first, you thought it was an angel... the godly kind not the one who was sent out to kill you. You exhaled and gazed at Its ethereal figure. Their slender body and snowy hair that was painted in red were stunning. Their majestic blue eyes were captivating like the color of the sky but brighter and more beautiful. You forced your hand to lift off of the ground. You let your bloody red finger point at the being. Tears began to stream down, and you spoke to your savior, to your guardian angel.
A wave of emotions flooded him.
And guilt.
After perfecting and using the reverse curse technique, the only thing that was on Gojo Satoru's mind was finding Riko.
However, he did not expect to find you in a pool of your own blood.
"H-hey," He sank to his knees next to you. His hands shook as he placed them against your cheek, "You're g-gonna be okay. I'm h-here," Gojo felt your blood slowly soaking through his pants. The sensation was grim and dreadful. His lips quivered as he tried to find your injuries and prevent the bleeding (If he could). He tried to lift you to find an exit wound on your shoulder, but you winced and cried out in pain. Gojo sets you down, muttering his apologies.
"Sat-toru," you muttered. "I-I'm s-sorry." The burning pain that overwhelmed your body was excruciating. You forced yourself to talk, but you were only met with pain. Gojo assured you not to talk. He cupped your cheeks with both hands.
"It's okay. You did good (y/n). You were good." But you shook your head as you managed to lift your hands and grab both his wrists. Gojo watched you look up in the sky, and for a moment, he noticed your face rapidly changed, then relief washed over you; it was as if something was lifted on your shoulders. You then looked down, this time with a pained expression.
"I-I can't feel you."
"I can't feel you." Instantly your breathing picked up, and tears fell down your face. "Satoru, I-I can't feel you." With your right hand, you grab his grab biceps. "Am I- Sat-toru, I think-"
"N-No, don't say that." Gojo's heart started racing, and as he held your cheeks with his hands, blood spilled slowly. "Y-you're not going to die. You hear me! I'm not going to let that happen!" His hands trembled as they traveled down to your abdomen. He concentrated on releasing positive energy to use reverse manipulation technique on you, but all you felt was nothing. "W-Why, is it not working?" He tried again, ignoring the sting in his eyes. "C-Come on."
"I-I'm going to make this work." He covered your abdomen with his hand in hopes of stopping the bleeding.
"I-I'm going to call Shoko, kay? Y-You're gonna be okay."
"Satoru," you extended your hand and placed it on his chest. "I'm tired." Gojo shook his head, denying that you were on the brink of death. "I'm so t-tried." He gently shook your head with his left hand, hoping it would prevent you from closing your eyes.
"D-Don't close your eyes. P-Please, sweetheart, stay with a-alright." Gojo thought his own body betrayed him as he found tears streaming down his face. His heart was splitting itself in half, and his chest was pounding. That feeling of hope was burning, and there was only a brink of it left. Gojo was on the threshold of losing all of that hope.
"S-Satrou," you mustered out. You felt your eyelid growing heavy. The tempting feeling of letting it all go was insatiable.
"N-No, you're not dying."
"Don't say that. P-Please don't say that" he whispered.
"To sensei... t-the first years and-"
"S-Suguru," you gurgled out blood. It splattered on your clothes and Gojo's hand. "B-Be good to them for me, please?" He shook his head.
"Please don't make me."
"A-and promise me," you tapped on his chest. "P-promise me, you won't go out too soon, kay?"
"A-and I-I," Gojo's eyes widened. "I-I," your hands trembled, and an icy burning sensation spread throughout your body. "I-" He watched how your lips quivered, and your body shuddered. At that moment, he realized the words you were trying to say and why you were scared to let it all out? A single tear came out from his left eye. Gojo knew- knew your true feelings for him. But those words can be dangerous. "Satoru."
You smiled, "thank you."
A smile and a sharp pull. That was all it took for Satoru Gojo to lose all of his hope.
A pull and a snap were when he felt heartbreak. The string that kept his heart together had come apart. Your final smile was imprinted in his mind. Did you think it was a joke? Did you think it would make him feel better? Was this your last gift to him?
He watched as your skin was stripped from its color. How the blood stopped flowing. Your eyes were still opened, and your body grew cold. His own hands couldn't warm you up.
The angel of death had collected your soul.
'She's dead.'
Gojo stood ten feet apart from the angel of death.
He was cold. His skin was burning, and his clothes were covered in blood. But he didn't care about that because his heart had no purpose.T here was nothing for him there.
The Angel, however was delighted but alarmed at Gojo's presence. He wondered how he managed to cheat death.
Gojo noticed it's curiosity. He titled his head and led out a small laugh. " Don't blame me. Love made me crazy..."
The angel chuckled as he pulled out his sword from his worm's mouth. "I'm glad we have something in common."
The clapping was haunting and humiliating.
When Geto entered the large room, he was met with cheering and clapping. He casted his head down until he found Gojo, to whom he though was dead, he then saw him carrying the dead body of Riko and his heart breaks.
"Is that you, Satoru? What happened to you." The cheering and the clapping grew louder as he approached Gojo. He noticed his clothes and face were bloody.
"Looks like you saw Shoko?" He said wearily.
"Yeah, she fixed me up. I'm fine," Geto noticed his eyes were lifeless. It looked as though the light was stripped away from him. He couldn't stand it and looked down at the ground. "No, it doesn't matter if I'm fine..." Riko's limped hand swayed as her body was carried by Gojo. Guilt began to creep over him.
"No, I'm the one who messed up. If anything, blame me. So don't worry about it," Gojo reassured him, and Geto nodded as they turned around.
The cheering and the clapping grew louder.
"Suguru... Do you want to... kill them all..? Right now... I probably wouldn't even feel a thing?" Geto turned to Gojo, hoping what he saw in his eyes was a mere hallucinating. But to his disappointment, it was not because this time they were empty.
"It's pointless. Let's just go."
"Pointless, huh. Does there... need to be a reason?"
Geto frowned. "Of course, it's important. Especially as Jujutsu Sorcerers."
"Right," there was uncertainty laced in his voice. But they began to walk away from the room, ignoring the clapping and cheering that would soon haunt them in their sleep. As they reached the gates, Geto, something dawned on him, and he turned to his friend.
The cheering and the clapping grew louder.
"Where's (y/n)?"
When Shoko first met you, she immediately rejoiced. She thought,  'Finally, I wouldn't be alone to put up with those bastards.'  She liked you. Liked the way you did your hair, how you talked, and how you were the one to call out Gojo and Geto. The two of you were supposed to be 'best friends forever.' A cringe and cliche promise you'd both made for each other was one of the best things that happened to her.
However, nothing lasts forever.
When the assistant manager first brought your body to her, she denied it. She refused to believe it was you. Every fiber, every vein of her body refused it was you.  "Impossible,"  she said.  "It doesn't even look like her."  She screamed and cried. Not even her cigarette could calm her down. She couldn't go through the examination. Every time she tried to pick up a scalp or a wet towel to clean the body, her hands would shake, and her eyes would burn before they were brimmed with tears. There was nobody there for her. It was only her and the dead corpse of her best friend.
When Geto burst open the infirmary's door, he found her sitting on the ground, smoking a cigarette. His face was even worst than the last time she saw him. This was something she couldn't fix. "Get up." He said. "Get up and save her."
"I tired for the past hour. She's gone." Shoko was tired and her cigarette was not helping.
"No, she's not. She's-".
"Dead on the table." Geto looked at her with anger, but grief soon took over him. He looked at her with desperation. He was pleading with her to save you or do something. But Geto kept his mouth shut. He looked at her, then at you. His lips quivered, but he led out no sound. His eyes brimmed with tears before he looked at Shoko again.
"T-tell her I'm sorry." Before Shoko and a chance to respond, he turned his back to her and walked away. She sighed and bumped her head against the wall. Before she managed to get another go with her cigarette, she heard Gojo walk in. His shoulders were slumped, and she noticed his eyes were no longer bright as they were used to.
"I see you didn't examine her." Shoko chewed the inside of her cheek.
"I couldn't." Gojo nodded before leaning against the doorway. He set his eyes on the ground. Shoko led out a puff of smoke and rubbed the butt of the cigarette on the ground. "D-Did she has any last words?" Gojo rolled his tongue to the side of his cheek. He sighed before slowly looking up at her.
"No, she died before she could." She nodded. You didn't deserve this. You deserved to live, not lay dead on a cold metal table. Shoko bumped her head against a wall again, hard this time but not hard enough that would bash her skull. "Shoko?" She turned to him.
"Let me help you clean her up."
They decided to not burn your body.
"She doesn't deserve that. She deserves a proper burial... here where her home is." Gojo suggested you'd be buried under the tree at the front gate. It felt strange how you lay on the medal table with your eyes closed. You looked like you were sleeping, and Gojo could count the small details on your face that were beautiful to him...you were perfect, but it hurts like hell. He would never see you smile again, feel that electrifying touch or feel those soft lips again.
When he woke up in the middle of the night from the nightmares that haunted him, he walked outside to the terrace. He needed fresh air, something that would help him breathe again. But he did not expect to have company.
"Hey." Said the dark-haired shaman. Gojo glimpsed the dullness of his eyes and how they were red and puffy. He held his cigarette with his left, which was uncommon for Geto, but Gojo quickly noticed the knuckles of his right hand were bruised. He didn't ask what happened. After a few moments of silence, Geto cleared his throat. "I take it you didn't tell Yaga or the higher ups about what...happened." His voice was hoarse and faint.
"No, tomorrow, I will" Geto nodded as he took his cigarette between his lips and took a drag. He turned away from Gojo and looked up at the nightly sky. He squinted his eyes and realized something was missing, something that was lost. It felt weird and strange to be looking at it. Like the nightly sky, both boys had lost something dearest to them. Geto—his drug, and Gojo—his light.  
Gojo breaks the silence as it becomes too unbearably. "Do you...Do you want to stay in my room tonight?" Geto turned to him.
"What were her last words?" Gojo bit his tongue.
"She didn't have any." Geto rolled his tongue on the inside of his cheek.
"Bullshit. I heard what you said to Shoko," he slowly walked towards him. "You're lying."
"I'm not." He said calmly.
"Tell me the truth, Satoru, please." He clutched onto Gojo's shirt. "I knew her."
"So did I." It was stern, but dull. "Let's go back to sleep Suguru." He grabbed his wrist, but Geto slapped it away.
"Tell me the truth." Geto's eyes were pleading with him to say it or say something. Gojo opened his mouth but quickly closed it.
'What do you want me to say? how much she loved me but couldn't? say it. How she wanted me to be good for you and everyone else? Is that what you want me to say? So then you can criticize me for not saving her.'  This was what Gojo wanted to say. He tried to force himself to say it but couldn't.
"Satoru." Geto placed his hand on Gojo's shoulder.
"Suguru." At that moment, both sorcerers stared at each other eyes, trapped in each others gaze. Both either wanted to fight one another or embrace each other for comfort.
But the door swung open that interrupted their thoughts before they could decide.
"Where the hell were you two!" Shoko had a distressed look on her face. Both boys broke apart their distance before turning to her.
"What is it?" Gojo said. He ran his fingers through his hair and stepped toward the girl. "Is Yaga here?" Shoko shook her head. "Then what is it?" He watched as the blood drained from her face and her lips grew thin and firm.
"I think... she's still alive." The unsteady whisper made Gojo's blood run cold. His hands started to tremble on his side, and his head began to pound. The whisper alone made the world go quiet. The cicadas and the crickets stopped their loud hymns.
"W-what do you mean?"
"Stop fucking around, Shoko," Geto's booming voice rattled Gojo's ears. "You said it yourself. She's dead ."
"Until I went to the infirmary ten minutes ago, I saw her cursed energy increasing and her whole body surrounded by it." Gojo's eyes widened as he shook his head.
"Impossible. The body comes before curse energy."
"What if you're wrong. What if they are the same."
"I—." Gojo exhaled a shaky breath before glancing at Geto and then at Shoko. He wanted Shoko to be right and believe you were alive, but something weighed him down. Something he was afraid of. "Why couldn't I sense it with my six eyes." Shoko shrugged.
"Does it matter?" Gojo doesn't answer neither does Geto. "Right, then let's go get our girl."
"How is this possible?"
"I don't know."
"This is impossible. H-How can she... do  that."
Your three friends found themselves at the doorway of the infirmary with their mouths slightly opened. They watched as  scalpels, tweezers, and other medical utensils floated above your dead body in a circle. It looked like they were protecting you.
"Her curse energy is off the charts," Gojo scanned the room, trying to identify what was causing this phenomenon. Gojo took one step inside the room and found the back of his hair sticking up and goosebumps running down his arm as a chill went up to his spine. He gulped before stepping back and turning to Shoko and Geto. " That is not hers."
"What do you mean?" Geto asked.
"I could recognize her curse energy by touch, smell, alone. Even if I go blind." Gojo swallowed a hard lump down his throat. "I would know her." Gojo then cast his gaze at the ground. "I know she can mask her own cursed energy with someone else's, and I know what her real one feels like. So trust  me when I say this...  that is not hers." Geto placed his hand on Gojo's shoulder and made his friend lookup. He noticed a lint of light forming in his oceanic eyes.
"If it takes a week, a month, or a year, we will get her back." He looked past his shoulder and looked at your body on the table. "Whatever it takes."
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