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I have a new Fanfiction out:) It’s about Kian Lawley and I finally write English, so y’all can read it internationaly :) Tell me what you think in the Comments !!
Unforgettable // a Kian Lawley Fanfiction (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/zQTIl6m47E 
Spring Break- probably the biggest Party Time for all Students. Alice River, a Dance Student, doesn't really go to Parties but her Roommate Emily brings her to one of the biggest Spring Break Parties in California. There she meets Kian, he isn't a Student. Everybody says that Kian is the biggest Player in California. The two of them get really close and Alice sees that Kian has two sides... (This is my first English Story so please have mercy on me [haha #MendesArmyAf this wasn't planned at all ] if I don't know all the words )
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One of the most epic Pictures ever!! Grethancarpendail is finally back together !! Anyone else here crying? (Okay the Video was epic!!)
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First Ethan cut his hair, then Grethancarpendail reunites…. what’s next, vine makes a return????
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A really Good Friend and I started this Blog together. It’s about our Relatioship with Ethan and Grayson Dolan. It’s about how it all started, some BTS Scenes and how it’s keep going. Just go and read what we have to say haha <3
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What kind of World are we living ?
Okay, I’m sorry that I have to talk about this in 2017, but I seems like some people are living a few years back. I know that we all are familiar with the 2. World War and what had been done to Jewish people, People of the LGBTQ+ Community and much more People. After that time everyone said: “We never can let that happen again”, and that’s righ. WE CAN’T LET THAT HAPPEN AGAIN. The People can’t change who they are. I say it like it is: Gays can’t change that they’re Gay and Jewish People can’t Change that they’re Jewish. (Okay they COULD Change it but that’s not the point). What I’m trying to say is that in Tschetschenien (a Russian Republic -Google says)  , they’ve openened “House” for People of the LGBTQ+ Community. In this House they Life like the People in 2nd World War. They are getting tortuned. And at this Point, we come to a point where it’s enough. I mean what kind of world are we living in? Are we really living in a World where people can’t be themself? Do we really wanna make the same mistakes again? We have had all that stuff before. I can’t handle thinking about the Fact that People are tortuning People for who they are. Why can’t we all just accept who we are and who others are? What is so bad about being Gay? or Lesbian? It’s okay. It’s amazing when people have the courage to show their Love for who they are. It shouldn’t matter anymore, It shouldn’t matter if you have black or white skin, it shouldn’t matter where you’re from, it should matter who you are and it shouldn’t matter who you love. Am I right?
I know that one person can’t really make a big change in this world, but if we all would stay together maybe we could? I don’t want another World War, I just want people to be accepted of who they are... Why do we have to talk about this in 2017?
**This is my personal Opinion, if you have another one ut’s okay. If you’re not a big fan of my opinion it fine too.But Hopefully there are some people who are the same opinion. I Personally think there is nothing bad about telling your opinion**
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Ouiiii I love @tyleroakley New Video :) When I think about the fact that he was in a neightboor Country of mine my heart is beating to my  eyes :D All the happy faces in this Video , so cute!! I hope Tyler will come to Germany soon and I’ll get the Chance to meet him in peraon <3 Thanks for everything Tyler :)
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PHOTOSESSION: “Brighter Night or a Brighter Day”
PHOTOS BY: broken billionare
TAKEN: March 26th, 2017
I hope you like the best Photos from my little Photosession?
Should I post more of my Photos?
xxx broken billionare
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Glossybox March 2017-Review, Unboxing, Opinions...
As you all have seen in a post a few Days ago: I ordered myself a Glossybox and it was finally delivered at Wednesday. I’m sorry I havn’t had the Time to do this Post earlier. So hear is my Post about the March Glossybox the “Beauty and the Beast- Special Edition”
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That’s the Box from the Outside haha- hard to regconize I know :P So It has the classic Rose from the Movie and the Movie Title on it. The whole Design is in a dark blue...
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...move on, when you open the Box you’ll find this cute little Magazine where all the products are listed in. The “Inside Packaging” is really cute to, you really can see who much love they but into every single Box.
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After I put away the Blue Paper all the Products showed themself to the Daylight :D (Okay I can’t take myself serious...), again you can see how much love they put into this... move on to the Products I got....
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Let’s Start with this Creme, its Hydrating Creme. I already tried this one. It’s very smooth and fills your Skin with a lot of hydration. The first Time I tried it I had the feeling of wearing a mask but I guess this was just because I used to much of it haha. But I’m about to use it everyday now an hopefully my skin will get waaay better :O (In this Magazine was written that a lot of Actors and Actresses are using this ...just saying). I recommend the Product :P
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Next I have this handcream, it’s for hands and nails. It smells like a Coconut Ice (which I reaaaallllllyyyyyyy love), so even if the people of the bos don’t know me: They know what I want !! I have had one of those before as Bodylotion and I love the brand so I recommend it <3 (Coconut-Power <3)
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3rd Product I wanna show you is this Mask. It’s one of these black masks, I never have had one before but I always wanted one. Which makes me very excited to try this one (I don’t know if it will help my skin or not....do you guys know? ) But I’m more than excited to try it!!
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Brow Wax Strips....I never used them and tbh I’m a bit scared of using them but I guess is will try them. I think it’s gonna hurt so bad haha...I can’t say anything about is yet so movvveee on...
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NAIL POLISH!!! I’m addicted to Nailpolish, there was a Time everytime I went to the Drugstore I bought a New Nailpolish, I think I got better...At the MOment I’m really into rose or nude colors, I always like keeing it natural and this color is a nude, rose, french look. I’m wearing it on my nails rn (&on the picture, even isf you can’t see anything). But I recommend this Nailpolish, I never have heard from the Brand before but it dries very fast (what I like), it’s “smooth” and the color is amazing oh and it says that it’s a caring one...
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A Shower thing i guess? Or is it more Bath salt? Idk...So this is my “Godie” and it should smell and feel good. I don’t really know what to say about it...but I can say something about the Brand: I have has some bathsalt of them before and it smelled amazing so I’m 100% sure I will like this one too...
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That’s a Trio-Highlighter, I only have had one Highlighter before which you can’t even see.... Those three colors are made for different Parts of your face...
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...the light color is for for cheekbones, your inereyecorner (i always don’t know how to write this), the part between nose and lips and your nose. The Rose color is for fresh Highlights on your cheeks and lips. The dark Color is for bringing out your cheekbones...
I never have heard about this Brand but the Magazine says that it seem like a expensive brand (this trio was around 20$). So I’m very happy to get the chance to try it...
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Yeah, here i just swatched the three colors, I haven’t tried them o my face yet but I will tell you my experience. 
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So that way my Glossybox Unboxing and Review of the March Box. I’m so thankful for all of the Products and all of the Cute Things. It opened my Heart for those boxes. I just can recommend them, I really like the fact that each Box is personal stuck together, so cute gosh...
Okay I hope you liked this (very long) post ?
xxx broken billionare
*this box is NOT sponsored, I bought it on my own and I just wanted to tell you my opinion. I don’t earn any money for posting this. All of those opinions are my own and if you have another I’m fine with it*
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Manchmal sagt ein Song mehr als 1000 Worte und eine Melodie macht einen tollen Moment erst zu einer unvergesslichen Erinnerung.
Wincent Weiss (Offizielle Seite, Bio)
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Sign Of The Times
As most of you might know, today is the Day. It’s April 7th, the Day Harry Styles officialy released his first Solo Single. I personallycan say that I love it,most of all I love the Last 1-1,5 Minutes, where he--- uhmm no i won’t say it. I hate spoilers and for those of you who hasn’t heared it yet: I won’t tell yu my favorite Part yet. I just can recommend the Song. Is it already on #1? I think so but idk...
Lets get back to the main point of this Post:
I think that with “Sign Of The Times” Harry wanna tell us something, I mean the Song is so emontional it can’t be without a message..but hey we will see.
I would like to read your opinions of the Song :)
If you haven’t heard it yet you can do it here:
So lets make our own singn of the Times...
Love you all, have a good night/ day whatever :P
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i don’t know how many of you like ariana and justin- i don’t really ship them but i think they’re cute together and i found this video…
does anyone else feels free while listening/ watching this?
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16 years...
as some of you may, or may not, know my birthday was past tuesday (march 28th) and as you’ve seen in this blog before i was questioning if i should make a party or not. i’ve made a desicion a few weeks ago...i decided that it would be the best when i would go out with my besties. so yesterday i went bowling with my two best friends. because is was saturday it was disco bowling time and the whole center was full of light and dj music (yep there was a dj). and trsut me or not it was the best thing i could have done. i realized that i don’t need a big sweet 16 party à la kylie jenner, i realized that i just need my best friends around me and everything is alright
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I’m proud to announce that I have ordered myself a Glossybox (I wanted those for sooo long) and they gave me this promotion code, when I have 1000 “dots” i will get a Box for free :) 
I really can recommend the Boxes, they are so pretty!! If you want one too just click the Link below, everything will be explained to you then :)
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To all of my woderful gleeks out there, i just found this Video and I cried.....to who ever made this: I love it <3 Gosh....how much I felt in love with this video :)
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This Song literally made me cry (It still makes me...everytime is see ths video), Jacob said that this was the hardest Song he has ever wrote,but this Song is EVERYTHING! It’s so powerful, but when I see how broken he is,I jsut wanna hug him and tell him everything I need to tell.This Song means a lot to Jacob and you really can hear that...
Can I come and hug you? 
What are your opinions on the Song (He has more Music coming up on 02/02/17)
As I lay in the bed we used to lay, I breathe broken breaths And think of the days when we had it all figured out Two kids in the house, two dogs in the fence I gambled your love, I lost all of it and now, I'm so sorry Baby, I love you, please come home
No one's got the answer to what I'm going through If you hear now, you know what to do, but I, yes, I'm on my own Baby, I love you, please come home
I've thrown away keys, I've locked all my doors Now I'm scared as hell that you love him more and he'll be perfect for you And you'll be perfect too
So to the next man, please handle with care She's a delicate soul, she's a breath of fresh air You won't deserve her love But give her all your love Baby, I love you, but I'm not in love Baby, I know you'll find your love
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In Love with this Song since I’ve first heared it :D
Do you know/ like Jack and Jack? 
"Bucket List" by Jack and Jack (with Wesley Stromberg)
Don't need a visa, when you're flyin' private, noooo Boats, planes, trains, yeah, man you know I'm on it, you know I'm on it New 458 dripping wet paint Ride down the interstate Money like trevi fountain Foreign money stay countin' Livin' life like a bucket list Livin' like I never miss House white with a picket fence Feelin' like the prince of egypt Showin' love at the kodak theater All the truest ones gonna be there Captain of the ship in the bay, Loatin' in the dead sea that's how we play
I live the dream you'll never see One kill the game quite like me I'll be livin' it up, fillin' my cup, yeah And I just got paid gonna go off Way I been livin' just ain't enough Imma start doin' me, yeah
This world is so beautiful Want to go see it all Come travel around with me, me Through the days and the nights We work to make it right Now come get lost with me, me
Ever since I was a kid When I grew up I knew I wanted a rolly on my wrist And a brand new whip, that I could show off to my friends But that's just how it is, when you're livin' life like a bucket list Overseas or domestic, it doesn't really matter Cuz wherever we go you know we impressin' And imma teach the world a lesson On what it means to be the person That goes beyond what's expected Achievin' new goals every week That's just how it goes we don't sleep We work around the clock all day Because we seek a future, where we can do just what we please And I need this, I want this, so imma make sure that I get it And when I'm dead and gone, I hope they singin' our songs And I'll be lookin' down like no way we did it, Like no way we did it, like no one has done it Changin' the world maybe bein' iconic What we've always wanted, but we ain't even gotten started, yeah So I mm a take it right back to my childhood I never knew I'd catch flame like I'm firewood But now I'm cracklin' and sizzlin' and even though it's December and imma kill it cold blood like a tiger would So let's get it now
I live the dream you'll never see One kill the game quite like me I'll be livin' it up, fillin' my cup, yeah And I just got paid gonna go off Way I been livin' just ain't enough Imma start doin' me, yeah
This world is so beautiful Want to go see it all Come travel around with me, me Through the days and the nights We work to make it right Now come get lost with me, me
So take all that passion Turn it into action Don't want no stress on tension You're gonna be a legend Will you open up your eyes, yeah
I live the dream you'll never see One kill the game quite like me I'll be livin' it up, fillin' my cup, yeah And I just got paid gonna go off Way I been livin' just ain't enough Imma start doin' me, yeah
This world is so beautiful Want to go see it all Come travel around with me, me Through the days and the nights We work to make it right Now come get lost with me, me
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