brokeninkpen-blog1 · 6 years
Let’s Make A Story
Make a sentence using the name of a, book, band, song, movie or TV show that has a color in the title. Each input needs to make a story. It doesn’t have to make sense so just put down anything.
I will get the ball rollong: It was a strange Green Day.
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brokeninkpen-blog1 · 6 years
Can’t wait to die in 2012
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brokeninkpen-blog1 · 6 years
Thought dump time!
( honestly I got a lot on my mind and I don’t know how to get it out )
I’ve been thinking a lot about the importance of emotion in life, and the how emotion and logic clash and work together. Some people are more logic driven and others are more emotion driven. I, myself am more emotion driven. In the past few months things have been settling in a way that I can better analyze myself and my life. What it really comes down to is that I find my meaning in life by seeking a feeling. A high that is almost hard to explain. Like the taste of a cool dark night on the highway, listening to haunting music, getting lost in the stars and the moment. That feeling of realization of how big the universe is and that you are connected to it all. The wonder of mysteries yet to be discovered. A new connection to your ever expanding imagination and finding the line between reality and dream blurrs. I crave that feeling so much. It’s intoxicating to think about.
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brokeninkpen-blog1 · 6 years
I love it!
Power hour I don’t even know what I’m doing anymore, someone please take my laptop away from me
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brokeninkpen-blog1 · 7 years
Men can rape men, women can rape women, men can rape women and women can rape men, ect. It’s all the same no matter what gender you are.
Just an experiment. Reblog if you actually give a fuck about male victims of domestic violence and rape.
Of fucking course
What sick bastard doesn’t
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brokeninkpen-blog1 · 7 years
Just an experiment. Reblog if you actually give a fuck about male victims of domestic violence and rape.
Of fucking course
What sick bastard doesn’t
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brokeninkpen-blog1 · 7 years
Why haven’t I seen this before, haha From “I BROKE HIS JAW | Surgeon Simulator VR #5 (HTC Vive Virtual Reality)” edited by Jack himself I think People who get into a dance battle with this guy is going to be crushed
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brokeninkpen-blog1 · 7 years
so how do i relationship
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brokeninkpen-blog1 · 7 years
My soul! My poor soul! It hurts so much!
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“To everyone out there who’s watching this. I need your help.” Jack pauses for a long time, and you’re certain he’s about to start laughing and say it’s just a joke.
But he simply takes a deep breath as though collecting his thoughts, and his expression remains the same. “I’ve needed your help for a long time, actually.” Is he about to cry? “There’ve been so many times where I reached out to you as much as I could. Maybe you just didn’t notice…” His tone has changed to something you’ve never heard before. He’s upset, yes, but is that… bitterness? You remember the video titles over the last year. Every so often, a strange influx of them that drew your attention.
Of course you’d seen them. Everyone had. There had been so many conversations of how you could help, the beginnings of plans, ways you could reach back to him, but…
“So I’m making this video.” He smiles, but it falls quickly, and his voice breaks at his next words, “I haven’t made a video in a long time. Not just me on my own like this. You have no idea what I’ve been through to record this, and I don’t know how long I have so… I’ll try to get to the point.” He takes another deep breath to compose himself, but his voice is still shaking.
“I haven’t been myself lately.” At those words he looks suddenly concerned, like he just heard something. He puts one hand over his face and closes his eyes for a second. Part of you is waiting for a glitch. You’re not sure if you’re worried or intrigued, but you find yourself more focused to the screen now than you have been so far. Eventually Jack resumes his position, and though he looks a little more tired, he’s otherwise back to normal. You try to ignore the fact that you feel a little bit disappointed.
“You probably already have some idea of what I’m taking about. Something… happened… on Halloween last year. Something went wrong. I suppose you guys know more than I do. But things have been wrong ever since.” Jack lifts his hand and touches one finger to his temple. “And now there’s something inside m-” He suddenly presses his lips together and squeezes his eyes shut. The “m” sound that had been the start of a word is now a closed mouthed scream. The finger he used to touch his head has been replaced with his whole hand as he tries to cover his face once more. You lean forward in anticipation. Again, feeling concern for him but also something else. Curiosity maybe? You kind of want to see it happen.
A familiar static sound gets slowly louder, accompanied by a distortion moving up the screen. Jack seems to brace himself through it as it passes over him. He’s in pain or scared or both. You want to help him, you just have to focus.
The static goes silent and Jack lifts his head again. His breathing is heavy, and has the startled expression of someone who just woke up from a nightmare.
“I don’t understand! I thought this video was safe, I thought it wouldn’t happen here. I’d blocked it off, I know I did.” He’s talking frantically to himself, eyes darting around the room until they suddenly rest on the camera and he goes silent. He looks… disappointed? No. Betrayed.
“You guys know you could stop all of this, don’t you.” You feel like he’s looking directly at you. You wonder if everyone else watching this video is just as guilty as you are.
“Just stop thinking about him. Stop… hoping for him to appear. All the attention, all the comments asking for more… you’re making him stronger, you’re making him exist at all. Just stop being his audience, and I can delete him forever.”
… Forever? You can’t even begin to consider that. It’s not like you want Jack to suffer, but Anti is just compelling to watch. You can’t help looking out for him in all of Jack’s videos because you know he’s always in there somewhere. He makes himself known with a simple black t-shirt, a sly smile at the camera, an overaggressive attitude. Just letting you know he’s there, lurking, and waiting to take full control again. And you find yourself anticipating it, hoping for it to happen. The truth is, you don’t want Anti gone forever, quite the opposite.
You realise something is happening onscreen. Jack’s body is curled with his head in his arms. He’s visibly shaking and seems to be trying to catch his breath. How long has this been going on while you were lost in thought? You vaguely wonder how you didn’t notice. You sit and watch for a moment. You want to help him, you really do. But he’ll be ok really, he always is. And besides… you kind of want to see…
“No!” Jack shouts as his whole body glitches violently. “Please help me, please I’m begging you!” The glitches continue like fireworks. Images flash up one after the other, Jack with blood pouring from his eyes, Jack gripping his hair and trying to rip his own head off, Jack screaming in pain, Jack laughing manically. You’re horrified, but you watch compulsively, more attentive now than you have been for the entire video. Jack’s cries for help are being drowned out until you can’t hear him anymore. Then the screen goes black and silent except for a lone voice.
“I'̢m ͟n͜ot g͞o̧in̢g̶ an̕yw̷here͠.̨ ”
The video ends, and you think about helping Jack. You also wonder what Anti will do next.
The next video uploaded is surprisingly ordinary. Sure, the title is just “PLEASE” but otherwise there’s nothing of concern. Jack is playing a normal game, normal intro, normal commentary. He does make strange comments every so often, but that’s just Jack. When he dies in the game he laughs and says “maybe I should kill myself in real life too” before very briefly glancing at the camera in fear. But he’s ok, he’s fine. You definitely don’t want him to suffer, but surely he can take a little bit for the sake of having Anti around. You just like watching him that’s all.
Everything’s ok.
Jack will be fine.
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brokeninkpen-blog1 · 7 years
when will people use the anon function to send passionate, homosexual anonymous love letters
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brokeninkpen-blog1 · 7 years
But nobody came
They knew something was wrong
They watched it all happen
They should have seen you were in danger
But nobody came
They watched with baited breath
They cheered for more
They should have seen the pain
But nobody came
They laughed, they screamed
They ignored blood spilled
They should have known it was not a joke
But nobody came
They should have been there for you
They should have seen the truth
They should have tried to save you
But nobody came
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brokeninkpen-blog1 · 7 years
I’m chilled... I’m thoroughly chilled...
Systems Failure: a theory about the concept of “Anti”
I’m still trying to wrap my head around all these thoughts I had about Anti yesterday, and it’s surprisingly difficult to put them all into one unified post since there’s just so much to take in. Here is my attempt to do just that– it is VERY long, but… I think there’s something very important here.
I decided to take this one analysis at a time, and I’m starting with KILL JACKSEPTICEYE. I know, I know, I’m a few months late to this party– but this seems like a logical place to begin, at least for what I’m proposing here.
What I’ve come to realize is that Antisepticeye isn’t necessarily an “ego"– at least, not in the way all the other ones are. He’s something that’s above all of them, watching, pulling the strings.
(Disclaimer: by “all of them” I mean Schneep, Chase, Marvin, Jackieboy Man, and Dapper, with the addition of “Jack” which I’ll explain later. This doesn’t include Robbie or Shawn Flynn, since we don’t really know if they’ll ever make an appearance.)
I was watching KILL JSE again last night to see if I could find more context for this idea I’m having, and I found some.
It all lies in what Schneeplestein says:
“I have never seen anything attack a system like this before!”
“Systems failure. Each failed system will exponentially damage other systems…once one goes down, they all go down!”
And that’s when it hit me.
Once one goes down…
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… they all start going down.
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The “systems"… they’re the egos.
Anti might be picking them off one by one.
But how is he doing it? I can already hear some of you asking. That answer ties into just what the hell Anti even is, and for that, I give you my proposal:
Anti is something inside the channel– perhaps even the channel itself.
Here’s what I’m thinking:
“Anti” as a prefix literally means against. By his name alone, Antisepticeye is an opposite force to something– and I think that something is Seán.
Notice how I didn’t say Jack?
That’s because “Jack” is, in a way, an ego. Jack is not Seán’s real name. The video is called KILL JACKSEPTICEYE, not KILL SEÁN. He himself has even said that when he’s not on screen or doing anything YouTube related, he just goes by Seán. Seán is who speaks to us in every “IS JACK REALLY DEAD?” vlog. Jack is the one who Anti slit the throat of in SAY GOODBYE.
But then… why did Anti kill Jack and not Seán?
The answer is actually simple.
Anti cannot physically manifest himself outside of technology. It’s not possible. A person can’t glitch in real life. A person can’t speak in Zalgo text. A person can’t be omnipresent in the way he’s proven himself to be.
He has much more power than I think most of us realize. In terms of authority, he has about as much strength as Seán does– he just doesn’t always show it, because he doesn’t really have to.
And from what he’s said to us– if he’s not bluffing– Anti has taken the reins of the channel and has held onto them since October of last year.
As to why he’s going after the other egos? It’s because they’re all derived from Seán. Each one is a part of him in some way– and Anti’s trying to eliminate him completely, bit by bit.
Now we’re back to the main question: How? How is he doing any of this? How is he “always watching”? How does he manipulate them all, pulling his puppet strings?
If my initial theory is correct, if Anti is something trapped inside the channel or is even the channel itself– and I’m kind of hoping I’m wrong about that– then that means something with truly horrifying prospects.
Because… what’s the one common thing on every single one of Jack’s social media accounts?
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The septic eye.
To me… the septic eye is the key.
If Anti’s really there inside the channel… he can see us, directly from the channel icon.
Of course he’d find out about every theory, every idea, every little thing the community says about him. It’s not like Sam can blink, after all.
So… what does that mean for the puppet strings? I’ll tell you:
We know that Anti gains strength from attention (or is it technically ‘eye contact’?).
We know that the other egos are aware of him, from what Schneep said (“Anti… depressants. We need to depress Anti. We need to get him out of zhere!”).
We know that he can see us, and that he responds directly to us.
What this means is that… Anti is trying to give us what we want.
In “SAY GOODBYE” he knew the community was looking for a scare.
In “ALWAYS WATCHING” he knew the audience would enjoy a little surprise.
In “KILL JACKSEPTICEYE"… he knew that some people in the community would want to see Jack’s character die.
In “Jacksepticeye: The Silent Movie” he knew that some of us would be disappointed if he didn’t make an appearance on Halloween this year.
So he intervened in each one to give us what he thought we wanted.
This is especially evident in the tags of KILL JSE, where you can literally see a fight between himself and Schneeplestein happening. The tags themselves are as follows (with bold/capital text substituted for Zalgo):
“doctor, life, giving life, saving, rescuing, curing, NO, dr schneeplestein, the doctor, life path, SAVE HIM, KILL JACKSEPTICEYE, VIRUS, PUPPETS, NOSTRINGSONME”
Anti saw that Schneep was trying to save him and literally said “no”.
He altered the video’s outcome to make sure Jack would die and that nothing Schneep could do would save him (though Schneep wasn’t really trying that hard, if you really look at what all he was doing).
At the last moment, Schneep had a moment of self-awareness, looked to the camera, and begged us for help.
We didn’t save him… but that’s not really the point.
The problem is that we wouldn’t.
We no longer wanted to because we wanted to see Anti again instead.
This theory has taken many turns and many forms in drafts before this one. I’m hoping that this makes sense to you, but… I wish that this wasn’t true. I’m not trying to prove any points here– I’m putting this all out there in hopes that someone can debunk it.
Because if Anti is supposed to symbolize something deeper… he becomes an awful, twisted cry for help.
Jack’s “death” in SAY GOODBYE could’ve represented the death of self that happens to overconfident YouTubers who become nothing more than inflated egos.
The way Anti eliminates the other egos could represent that Seán’s afraid of losing his originality– going around and killing them off because they were “stupid ideas” according to probably some haters.
Anti could refer to the egos and Jack as “puppets” because of how a YouTube career can dictate how a person acts and what a person becomes.
The way the buildup in each Anti video happens could be how Seán feels about having to respond to the pressure to not disappoint us– and finally giving in to that pressure to provide us with content we want to see.
We shouldn’t want Anti back.
And yet… we do.
Anti responds to what we want to see.
We look for hints in glitchy thumbnails, similar character voices and dialogue, responses to posts written in Zalgo, and suspicious video titles because that’s what Anti wants us to see.
He’s trying to come back.
That’s what we want… įśn͠'̧t́ ́͜i̕t?̨
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brokeninkpen-blog1 · 7 years
Why couldn’t I have been here to see the start of this!? I guess, to continue this chain/party I shall reblog: 11:15 November, 27th 2017... no notes
Reblog If You Can Take Off Your Bra Without Taking Your Shirt Off.
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brokeninkpen-blog1 · 7 years
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A lot of people liked this so I decided to not stop! >:D I was finally able to draw Mark’s face too! :D:D:D::D:D.d:D.dd.
Do you want more? :D
Part 1
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brokeninkpen-blog1 · 7 years
I wonder what Anti wants for Christmas? To finally be understood?
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brokeninkpen-blog1 · 7 years
I got a request!
It would be so cool if someone could make a little music video using Metallica - Master of Puppets and clips of Anti.
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brokeninkpen-blog1 · 7 years
Celine’s influence on Dark, and why she’s more important than everyone thinks
So a lot of posts about Dark either show how Damien is portrayed in Dark, or how both Celine and Damien are portrayed in Dark, but there aren’t a lot of posts how much of Celine is in Dark. Honestly, I don’t think people give her enough credit for her influence on Dark. In fact, Lots of people don’t fully understand how much of her is Dark; after all, he has Damien’s face. But Celine is so much of Dark. In fact, I think that more of Celine is Dark than Damien is. But how can we tell?
Mark said that it was the worst parts of both Damien and Celine’s (and maybe the weird house demon) personally that made up Dark’s personality. Dark is cordial, a leader, is temperamental when things don’t go his way, and is manipulative. Cordial can be explained by Damien, who always maintains a form of regality when working with others, but can also be tied to Celine, who (though not as much as her brother) maintains a certain type of ‘air’ around her that grabs people’s attention and keeps them on her side, which ties into her manipulative nature. 
While Dark’s ‘leadership’ personality can come from Damien, even Damien admits that he didn’t know how to act as a leader. Throughout WKM, Damien takes the sidelines, always running off to be by himself. The only times he takes control are when he’s with his sister, such as when he confronted her about using the Attorney, insisted on staying with her, and when he was in the upside down with her. Most of the time, the ones in charge are the Detective leading the investigation, the Colonel, who’s nature allows him lead himself and follow his own path, and Celine who from the moment she arrives seizes control of the entire investigation, gathers everyone together, manages to pit everyone against you, and only looses control after the detective starts questioning things. Even in the upside down she’s the one who comes up with the plan while Damien, your friend, just has to convince you.
Next is Dark’s temper. It’s not a surprise that both Damien and Celine have a temper, however, it’s only Celine’s temper that Mark connects with Damien. Once you analyze the scenes where Damien and Celine loose their temper, it makes sense. Damien is usually calm, but he bursts into anger whenever someone he cares or trusts is involved. The first time he gets angry is at Will when the latter doesn’t express concern for Mark, someone who Damien cares about. The second couple of times is concern for both Celine, Mark, and our lives, where he expresses how he doesn’t want to lose another friend. The third time is against Mark for stealing his body, who he feels betrayed by when he trusted him. On the other hand, Celine snaps every tine someone doesn’t listen to her advice. The biggest time where Celine gets furious is when she demands us to go further into the upside down. It’s clear that she doesn’t care for you, her feelings towards Mark and his death are questionable at best, and at this point her biggest concern are the secrets of the house.Unlike her tolerant brother, she doesn’t like not getting her way, much like Dark.
Lastly is Dark’s manipulative nature. The first time Dark was introduced, Mark emphasized on this trait of his so much. It was Dark’s key underlining trait, the thing that made Dark ‘Dark’, the one piece of him that made him the opposite of Mark, the one thing Mark never wanted to become, and Mark uses this to describe Celine of all people. The thing about the word ‘manipulative’ is that its such a strong, negative word that is perfect for Dark, but a bit harsh for Celine, someone who both Mark, Wilford, and Damien loved. Mark could have said she was ‘convincing’ or  ‘trustworthy’ (a word used to describe Damien), but Mark says specifically that Celine is manipulative, many times too, implying that Dark gets this trait from her. And its definitely not from Damien, after all, Damien is the only one from WKM who is genuine in his concern for the others in the house, especially you and Will. He never tries to lie or cheat the others, even if he suspects them, and he’s always looking out for everyone. And Damien’s kind nature is nothing like Dark at all.
Celine in general is a suspicious character. I mean, I want to believe with all my heart that she’s a good person who truly meant well, but everything about her just seems off. She shows up in the middle of the murder of her ex husband, takes it as well as Will does, noticeably teleports an entire standing group of people from one part of the house to sitting on a bunch of chairs around a table, almost manages to convince everyone that we’re a strong suspect, uses us because she cares about us the least, and is the one who first showed signs of being Dark before Dark was even created. Her background isn’t exactly clean either I mean, she cheated on her husband with one of his best friends for who knows how long and left with said friend to leave her brother to deal with her mess of an ex. And that hurts especially considering Mark genuinely cared about her (even though Mark says that she was stolen from him which is 100% not cool dude)
Like I said, I’m not saying Celine is a bad person, I’m just saying compared to Damien, she’s more like Dark than him. People don’t give her enough credit.
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