brrrahoe · 5 years
the sun is going down - pt. 1
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Description: It all should have been different - you believed it’s impossible to be lonely when you’re with him, but you were wrong. That’s why the warm light of the fire was so tempting for you… will you touch it and not get burned?
Pairing: Hoseok x Reader / Jackson Wang x Reader
Words (for this chapter): 3,5k+
Genre: angst / fluff / smut
Warnings: explicit language / more of them later as the story continues
Summary: Your relationship with Hoseok is all you could ever dream of. Of course, it has its’ ups and downs and even though it hasn’t been all sunshine and rainbows lately, you know that together you can overcome every difficulty. Little did you know, the real problem is just about to come.
A/n: Hiya, this is the first chapter of a fanfiction I’m working on rn. It’s gonna be about 10+ parts long, as I plan the story to be pretty deep, developed and engaging. So, if you are one of those who likes to feel the connection and experience y/n’s adventures aren’t we all wanna be y/n, this might be something for you. Hope y’all like it! also sorry for my grammar english is not my mother tongue
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!“ you screamed inside of your head while rushing to get on a plane. You were almost late and there was not a chance that you won’t be there on time. You just had to, there was no other option. There was already one time when because of you stressy-messy life you suddenly happened to forgot, that the “am” hours are VERY different from the “pm” ones.  To no one’s but your surprise, when you came to the airport, your plane was already 12 hours away. Even though you started preparing for todays’ flight two days ago, you still managed to be almost too late. Probably a thing to get a stupidity award for.
As you glanced at your lock screen, you saw a few messages and like a freakin’ TENS missed calls. You quickly read some of these - almost all of them were from your boyfriend, Hoseok. ”Hey babe, u ok?“, ”Heeey, I’m starting to worry bout you, is all good?“, ”Y/n, if you won’t answer me in fifteen minutes, I’ll really send someone to find you somehow. It’s no fun you know???“. Shit! As for now, you had enough on your head to additionally be bothered by your - sometimes a little overprotective - boyfriend.
”I’m ok, leaving in 10 minutes“, you responded shortly, just after you got through the last security check and finally sat your exhausted self on a uncomfortable plane seat accompanied by a loud sigh coming from your mouth. “THANK GOD!! waiting for u babe~~~” Hobi answered a moment before you turned the airplane mode on. Only a few hours left and you will finally be in Korea again. Ah. You forgot to ask Hoseok if he’s going to be waiting for you at the airport when you land. But considering that you texted him that you’re ok, he propably would know that everything is going as planned and he should pick you up… Well, he always does that.
You looked  through the window next to you. The sun was slowly going down, making the world slightly orange hued. The plane was already filled with pretty decent amount of people. And you were sitting there, couldn’t focus on anything but the thought of the CHANCE you might be stinking from all of the earlier rush. Trying to discreetly look at your seat-neighbor you’ve searched for any signs of disgust on his face. Fortunately, he was almost asleep. After a quick instructions about eventual emergencies from the stewardess, your flight finally started.
Getting a little sleepy, you put your headphones in and played some chill music. Your mind started to let relaxing thoughts fly through your mind. You could almost already feel the familiar scent of your boyfriends’ perfume bumping to your nose when he hugged you tightly. The image of his comforting body warmness almost covered you like a blanket. You haven’t seen him in a three months, but that was more than enough to make you miss him like crazy. Though he was texting you almost every one hour and FaceTimed you when he could, almost all of these messages were about how bad he wants to touch you, feel you, smell you and all of that stuff. Hoseok is a extremely touchy person and he even makes sure to never let go of your hand when you meet each other. Unfortunately, he didn’t have much time for you these days. Of course you weren’t a stupid ass and you knew that he has to deal with shitload of things with his carrier, friendships and family on a daily basis. Still, it couldn’t stop you from being a little blue sometimes when you two were supposed to go on a date, which at the end never took place. Hobi was trying his best to make it up to you everytime that happened, but you also could notice that he is super exhausted and wanted to let him rest as often as he could. Even when it was only you reading a book and him sleeping with his head laying peacefully on your lap.
"Even a sunshine has to sleep sometimes” you thought sleepily, with your eyes slowly closing. Before you fell asleep, the last thing catching your eye was the warm color of the sky and a shy looking moon subtly showing on the evening sky.
As you wearily raised your eyelids, the only thing you could feel was the numbness of your neck. You woke up an hour before planned landing, but you weren’t able to go back to sleep again. You passed that time with listening to music and trying to make yourself looking somehow decent. It was pretty impossible though, considering that the last ten hours of your life were focusing only on sitting stiff in one position and having no more room to even straighten your legs out. It didn’t bother you as long as you were sleeping, but now you can feel that every part of your body is weak and slightly aching. You brushed your hair and put some mattifying powder on your face, but there was no way you could hide dark circles under your eyes. It didn’t stop your heart to bump stronger with every thought of the fact that you’re going to see your little sunshine in no time.
When you could finally turn the airplane mode off, the message notification popped up immediately. You didn’t even wonder who would that be from. “oh i forgot to say have a safe flight!! <3” A light smirk showed on your face. “I’m at the airport” - you typed lazily, sending a message, then started to write a second one  - “you here or I’m taking a cab home? :(“. It didn’t even last a ten seconds when Hoseok responded “u crazy or what, I’m waiting there with a huge sign for over an hour so COME FAAAASR” You laughed at his excitement caused typo as you were waiting for your luggage. Within five minutes you felt your phone vibrating again “how looooooong”. As you looked at the sliding bags, you finally saw yours. You went to pick it up and pulled out your phone one more time “already have my luggage, coming. wanna grab me a coffee? please I’m gonna faint???” you asked Hoseok. Again, he texted you back in no time “no way. it’s 6 am. I’m hungry and probably so do you so we’re going to have a proper breakfast”. You sighed quietly. It’s not that you didn’t wanted to have a breakfast, you just preferred to jump into bed with Hobi and sleep together till the afternoon. Unfortunately, your expectations missed Hoseok’s and you kind of felt the duty of fulfilling his wish. Also, with the somehow desperate sound of the message, you felt in your bones that you two won’t have much time to spend together in the upcoming week. “oh my, ok, but coffee first” you stated and walked down to the luggage drop exit.
“O, sesang-e, nae yeojaae ya, neomu jichyeo beolyeoseo yulyeong-eulbogoiss-eo?????” Hobi shouted in Korean and you understood only “Oh my God”, “exhausted” and “ghost”. Fuck, are you looking that bad?
“As far as I understand you just called me an exhausted ghost” you laughed as you came to him close enough so he was able to lift you up and make a few spins to make you even more dizzy than you already were.
“Nah, just told you how much I love you” he said while spinning you around. Few seconds more and you might seriously throw up. “I know you know saranghae but I wanted to emphasise it, you know. Better! The longer the phrase the bigger the love. You know that saying?”
You two bursted into laugh once again. God, he would always immediately cheer you up. His whole self just expressed happiness and you were sure that even though you were on the edge of tiredness your eyes sparkled exactly the same way as his when he looked at you.
“Where is that huge sign you fussed about?” you asked, pretending to be looking around.
As you couldn’t find the thing you were looking for, you theatrically made an angry pout with your lips. Seeing that, Hoseok’s face darkened a little. To be honest you couldn’t tell if his expression is fake or not, but he suddenly started to also look around and seek for the lost item.
“Oh nooo! Somebody must have took it away from me while I was unconsciously looking to spot you in this crowd.” he dropped his arms down, resignfully. “Guess we have to head for our breakfast without it. Ready?” he asked, reaching for your hand with his. You nodded and took his hand. Of course Hoseok was the one who took care of your huge ass luggage as long as you two walked to his car.
You fell asleep again when your boyfriend drove you to the cafe. The front seat of his car was much more comfortable and soft to be sitting in than the plane one, so it was extremely easy just to close your eyes and let the cozyness wrap you up. Hoseok, noticing your actions, played some quiet but bouncy music on his car radio and jammed subtly, letting his happiness and excitement lead his movements. He was so glad that he had you around again, so from time to time he just unintentionally touched your lap or glanced at your sleeping self. He decided you two shall go to a small coffee place nearby his practice hall. You still had about three hours left for his training to start, so there was no rush to bother you now. As you peacefully slept, he carefully parked his car, being aware not to wake you up accidentally. Before you finally woke up, he watched you for a few minutes with a huge smile on his face. Opening your eyes to that view made your heart bump a little faster. He giggled and bend his upper body to place a subtle kiss on your forehead, making you smile. Reaching for your bag, you opened the car door and walked outside. Hobi quickly walked up to you, pulling you into a hug again.
“Have I told you how much I missed you already?” he whispered to your ear and then kissed your neck tenderly. You felt a little shiver running through your spine, as your cheeks blushed. You started to count on your fingers, which he didn’t notice.
“Like a six times today. Yesterday propably around ten.” He laughed again. Actually, he laughed a lot, but he was the type of person to do so. It took him about thirty more seconds to realise that he should propably let you go and head to the intended destination. It was still really early in the morning, the air was cold and your breath made a steam coming out of your mouth. Snowflakes started to fall down to the ground, making the road slippy. Of course Hoseok had opened the door for you when you walked inside the cafe. Besides you two and staff, there were about five more people at the coffeehouse. Hobi sat you down and went to order something for you both. You followed him with your eyes, as he stood there, having a cheerful smalltalk with the barista. With the help of the employee, he took all the food and drinks he bought and walked over your table. He knew exactly what you like, so it was no surprise when you saw him placing steaming hot, tall latte and huge bagel with egg and veggies before you. You nodded to the waiter with a quiet “thank you” and waited for your boyfriend to sit at the opposite side of the table.
“Do you have work today?” you asked, holding a cup of coffee and sipping continuously. You wished you could just drink the whole liquid straight away, but it was too hot to even take a proper sip. Damn, this man really knew how to stop your stupid behaviour, even unintentionally.
“Yeah, unfortunately.”
"What time do you start?”
"10:30” he responded shortly, cutting off the work topic. You both didn’t like to talk too much about his responsibilities when you were together. Of course, sometimes you had to, but Hoseok always made sure to make this as short as possible. As much as he loved his job, he also loved you, and the carrieer of a k-pop idol wasn’t making it any easier. You took a bite of your bagel. From the slight sharpness of his answer you could deduce somthing wasn’t right.
“Is something bothering you?” You looked at him worried.
“Now? No, not really. I’m just little out of space ‘cause I’m trying to find the closest day when we could have an actual date. We have to celebrate that you came back.” His smile could seriously make the sun come out even on a rainy day. You nodded, and next you just had a casual conversation. There was no need for you to update him on anything, he knew all of what was happening to you during all this time you were gone and so did you about him. You laughed a lot and had a good time, but you still could somehow feel that even though he said everything is ok, it was not. Something in his behaviour was different, but maybe it was really just because of both yours and his exhaustment.
After you ate breakfast, your boyfriend drove you back to your place and walked you to the door. Still sad that he had to leave, you waved at him through the door when you walked into your apartment. Hoseok was still standing there, looking straight at you without even blinking, his arms crossed on his chest. His tender posture seemed like he was trying to hold off something, and you didn’t even know what. Did you do anything wrong? Was he about to tell you something that you thought bothered him in the morning? You furred your eyebrows, unsure what to think, and placed your bag on the luggage standing next to you.
“Hey, what?” you asked as Hobi started to walk towards you, leaving the front door open. You took a little step back, almost unnoticeable, astonished by his sudden determination. Within a few long steps, Hoseok was an inch from you, piercing you with his dark eyes. Suddenly, he made a final step and pinned your body to the wall behind. You gasped just before he pressed his lips on yours. You could feel the pressure of his heartbeat going through your winter jackets, that you didn’t even had time to take off. The kiss was passionate and rough, but still in a gentle way. Hoseok lips were soft, but the confidence pulsing from him made the moment extremely tense. He always expressed all of the emotions growing inside him with his touch. Even when he couldn’t say what he wanted to, at the end he just showed it with his actions, and this situation was the perfect example.
You kissed him back, placing your hands on his back and pressing his body even closer to yours, craving for him to stay longer. Because of your thick jacket, you were slowly getting really warmed up. As Hoseok’s skin got hot, his citrus perfume was even more noticeable. Hobi rushed his hand through your hair, grabbing your waist with the second one, his body trembling a little. You felt your cheeks getting more and more blushed as he was slowly rubbing your back, bottom, then going back to waist again. You were already turned on and your chest got heavy, but Hoseok didn’t even took his lips from yours, not allowing you to catch a single breath. You haven’t seen your boyfriend in such a long time and you also felt his hungriness for your body. His lips started travelling to your neck, leaving a delicately red marks on your skin. Your breath got sharper and you let a quiet moan come out of your mouth.
All of a sudden, Hoseok took back and looked straight into your eyes, both of your faces blushed, breath still heavy. God, he was so beautiful with his dark, dimmed expression.
“I’m sorry” he said, diving his face into your clavicle “I couldn’t just go leaving you here looking at me like that. I’m sorry, really I shouldn’t have done this now.”
"What?” you asked confused. Jesus, all of the words you said in the last half an hour was mostly “what?”. Well, actually, what else you could say after you were making out like crazy for the past three minutes and now he is like “oh sorry sorry we shouldn’t oh sorry sorry nothing happened”?
“Fuck, how do I even explain this to you” he said, shaking his head, with a guilty expression on his face. “Yeah, you better explain it somehow”, you thought “I shouldn’t, ‘cause I have to leave in, like-” he looked at his watch “five minutes, and we propably won’t be able to meet today, even tomorrow” as he counted, your face started to turn sad “I don’t know if even this week” he stated after a short pause. You felt like your heart stopped for a second, but it actually wasn’t anything surprising.
“Oh.” That was everything your smart mind could think of after his words. You weren’t disappointed, why would you be? You knew from the start how a relationship with a freakin’ worldwide k-pop idol would look like. “Hey, I’m not mad!” You felt like you should make it clear. “I’m sure we will have some time together. We can grab lunch or something, it doesn’t have to be long” your tone sounded pretty desperate. He twisted his mouth into a pout as he heard you saying that. He wasn’t irritated with you, just with the whole situation you two were in.
“I’ll try my best” he smiled lightly, then placed a soft kiss on your lips. "But now I really have to go.”
"Let me know when you get there” you said with a kinda sad smile on your face, ‘cause you actually didn’t know what else you could say. His arms let go of your body as he slowly headed back to the entrance. The front door was still opened.
“Love you” he said, blowing you a kiss with a smiling face, slowly disappearing in the corridor.
(if you’re curious what Hoseok said, according to our dear GoogleTranslate it’s “oh my god is this my girl or im so exhausted that i’m seeing a ghost???)
“I got there, boys are sending you their love <3” Hoseok texted you after half an hour. You smirked lightly to your phone screen “give them some love from me too” you replied and continued to unpack your stuff from the suitcase. The apartment was honestly still full of your belongings, you took only the most necessary stuff for your trip. You didn’t need much, considering that you were going to a dance camp, where you were a teacher. “Why three months?”, you could ask. Actually, there was a three camps in a row, all of them a month long. And, humbly saying, you were pretty popular as the choreographer, so everybody went over the moon after it was publicly said that you would be there. You also didn’t want to miss the chance to make your popularity grow even higher. The pressure of being an idols’ girlfriend was still on your mind, so you wanted everyone to think of you as high as possible.
When you unpacked all of your things, you fell onto the couch and turned the tv on. You didn’t really have any plans for the upcoming week, as long as the Hoseok said that he probably won’t have time to meet you. It’s not that you didn’t have any friends - they were not close enough to you to know that you’ve already came back to Korea. To be honest, you actually didn’t mind staying at home for a whole week, watching some tv shows and eating takeaway food and going to work only when you had to. Hobi would propably be agitated seeing this type of behaviour - he always took care of you, making sure you were in perfect health, with a balanced diet. He just wanted to see you happy and sometimes it leaded him to be kind of an overprotective boyfriend, but he was pure with his actions towards you and wanted only all of the best for you. Your pure sunshine.
It still couldn’t stop you from having a human feelings and being sad when your loved one was not around. Like the casual girlfriend, you wanted to do THINGS with your boyfriend, even a simple ones like grocery shopping. Hiya, stop that, what kind of a grocery shopping, when you knew pretty well he had everything that he needed to be done around him done by someone else. It wasn’t a bad thing, you just had a simple desires and a simple thoughts of a simple human being. Even though you sometimes acted like a luxurious bitch you were really down to earth and usually had wishes easy to fulfill. Unfortunately, although he really wanted to, your boyfriend didn’t have time for that. So, most of the time you just worked with different bands and built a choreographies for them at your small dancehall, then headed back to your flat to read some books or watch tv alone. Rarely, you hang out with friends, but as long as you were hanging around the k-pop industry, they also didn’t have much free time. Sounds like a life of a loser, but you actually were pretty happy with how things turned out. It wasn’t frequent that someone like you made such a successful career.
Suddenly, you felt your phone vibrating next to your ear. It was another message from Hoseok, which you didn’t expect, ‘cause you knew he was at the dance practice. You raised your eyebrows as you read “I have something to tell you. Lunch tomorrow?”. At one time you were suprised that he had some spare time, but also you were frightened of the message tone. Something to tell you? Like, what the fuck? He wanted to break up with you or something? No, it can’t be it, earlier today he was sorry for kissing you too passionately and now he would break up with you? No, no, no, it had to be something else. BUT WHAT? “can’t you tell me on the phone? I’ll be worried sick” you responded fast, but then you thought it sounded like you don’t want to have a lunch with him, so you started to quickly type another text “but tomorrow lunch is also ok. what hour?” you replied again. “around 2pm, is that ok with u?” he texted back, not mentioning anything about the previous message you’ve sent. “k, see you then, miss you already” you wanted to soften his heart a little. He messaged you back with just a simple heart and you let your mind make a lot of fucked up stories how tomorrow lunch might end.
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