brunchspots · 8 months
Have lots of fun with Golmaal 3 at Watchparty Sit relax and have lots of laugh and fun with Golmaal 3 at watchparty
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brunchspots · 8 months
Stream the fate of the furious at Watchparty
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brunchspots · 8 months
Is Gen Z a depressed generation? 
Every generation has had a unique set of challenges and goals across the vast fabric of human history. Generation Y, sometimes known as Millennials, and Generation Z are two separate generations that emerged at the beginning of the twenty-first century. Even though they are only a few years apart, these two generations are experiencing life's rough patches in quite different ways. While Generation Y experienced relative economic stability and technical advancement as they grew up, Generation Z has been introduced to a world characterized by rapid change, uncertainty, the rise of social media, and a series of complicated global concerns. Gen Z is also known as the inactive and sad generation. But before moving on, let’s know about the generations. The first generation was the silent generation, next were the Baby Boomers, then Generation X, and after Gen X, there is Generation Y, also called the Millennials. Now there is Generation Z who were born with advanced technology and lots of opportunities. They are the ones who have got everything in hand, but despite this, they are drowning themselves in sadness and depression. There are many factors that led Gen Z into depression and sadness. Other reasons are they are mostly influenced by social media, and they are less involved in real interactions. That is one of the reasons they feel depressed or lonely. In this video, we have discussed all the factors that led Gen Z into depression.
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brunchspots · 8 months
How to use Artificial Intelligence in your Daily Life
Are you curious about how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can make a significant impact on your daily life? Ever wondered how you can harness the power of AI to enhance your productivity, streamline your routines, and make everyday tasks more efficient? AI seamlessly into your daily routines, from virtual assistants and personalized recommendations to smart home devices and AI-powered language translation.
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brunchspots · 8 months
Is Gen Z a depressed generation?
Every generation has had a unique set of challenges and goals across the vast fabric of human history. Generation Y, sometimes known as Millennials, and Generation Z are two separate generations that emerged at the beginning of the twenty-first century. Even though they are only a few years apart, these two generations are experiencing life's rough patches in quite different ways. While Generation Y experienced relative economic stability and technical advancement as they grew up, Generation Z has been introduced to a world characterized by rapid change, uncertainty, the rise of social media, and a series of complicated global concerns. Gen Z is also known as the inactive and sad generation. But before moving on, let’s know about the generations. The first generation was the silent generation, next were the Baby Boomers, then Generation X, and after Gen X, there is Generation Y, also called the Millennials. Now there is Generation Z who were born with advanced technology and lots of opportunities. They are the ones who have got everything in hand, but despite this, they are drowning themselves in sadness and depression. There are many factors that led Gen Z into depression and sadness. Other reasons are they are mostly influenced by social media, and they are less involved in real interactions. That is one of the reasons they feel depressed or lonely. In this video, we have discussed all the factors that led Gen Z into depression.
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brunchspots · 9 months
Things you can do instead of buying iPhone 15 | Pro max
Well, the iPhone 15 is on the way and we know that there are many who cannot wait to have the iPhone 15 in their hands. The latest version of iPhone 15 is going to be launched on 15th September 2023 and the whopping price is expected to be $1000 or above. Whereas the iPhone 15 pro, iPhone 15 pro max, and iPhone 15 pro max ultra are going to launch on 22 September 2023 and the cost is jaw-dropping up to $1500. Just think about the amount that you are going to spend on iPhone 15.  Although, the iPhone 15 pro max review is great is it worth to buy it? But do you know that at this price, you can do a lot of things like you can travel somewhere in this amount? You may not travel the whole world but you can travel to one of the best countries around the world. Or you can purchase some valuable things that will last long.  So, in this video, we are going to guide you about the things you can do instead of buying an iPhone 15.
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brunchspots · 9 months
Most dangerous drugs in the world | Drug addiction
There are many dangerous substances that are hidden in each and every corner of the world, slipping into new places and producing new addicts every day. Although the majority of them are illegal to serve, but they are still easily available in the markets. There are some hidden groups that are selling these drugs illegally and ruining many others' lives.
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brunchspots · 9 months
How To Install The Watch Party Extension | Ads free Extension
Watch Party is a fantastic browser extension that lets you watch movies and series in sync with your friends and loved ones. It supports popular streaming services and provides interactive features including chat, audio and video call while watching a show. Here, you can create your own watching room and enjoy the same content with your friends. It's perfect for long-distance relationships or having fun movie nights with family and buddies.
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brunchspots · 9 months
5 Extreme body modifications | Weird
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brunchspots · 9 months
5 Extreme body modifications | Weird
Throughout human history, people have always been fascinated by art. It all started with painting detailed pictures on cave walls and crafting small statues and symbols on rocks. As time went on, they also found ways to put art on their own bodies like they did a simple piercing or a tattoo on their body to look different from others. But now it has gone to extreme cases that leave many questioning the sanity and safety of these procedures.
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brunchspots · 9 months
Can apple survive without samsung?
 Do you know that Why does Apple gets so many of its products from Samsung? Apple is the company that designs iPhones, but they don't make all the parts themselves. Apple is a capitalist company that makes good products out of cheap resources and sells the products way over their production value. They get help from Samsung which specializes in producing different components. There are many people who often think Why is the iPhone behind Samsung? Apple has always been better at marketing than at technology. In terms of marketing, no one can beat Apple. Does Apple use Samsung batteries? Samsung does not provide batteries to Apple. You will be shocked to know that Apple sued Samsung in 2011, but wondering who won the Apple-Samsung lawsuit? then, On August 24, 2012, the jury favored Apple and rewarded  $1.049 billion in damages and Samsung zero damages in its countersuit. There are many questions as to why Apple does not manufacture its own parts and how much Apple pays Samsung for parts. for this, you need to watch the video.
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brunchspots · 9 months
8 Forbidden Places You’re Not Allowed to Visit
Throughout history, humans have explored various parts of our planet, discovering amazing landscapes, impressive structures, and ancient marvels. However, there are certain mysterious and fascinating places scattered around the world that people are not allowed to visit. These 8 Forbidden Places You’re Not Allowed to Visit have captured the world's interest, sparking questions about their histories, secrets, and the enigmas they may conceal.
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brunchspots · 9 months
The History of casteism in India The history of casteism in India has long roots, the system called caste emerged and it divides people according to their caste. The word caste is made up of just five characters but it has a huge impact on Indian society. As it is a complex structure that categorizes individuals into distinct groups or castes based on their birth, occupation, and social status. It is still highly active in the society. It was first mentioned in the Rig Veda which was written somewhere between 1500-1000 BCE,  and it was called the Varna system, not the caste system. At that time society was divided into four varnas that are Brahmins who are Priests, scholars, and teachers, Kshatriya that are kings, administrators, and warriors then Vaishya who are artists and traders and lastly, the Shudras who are laborers and service providers. It was mentioned in Manusmiriti which is an ancient text of Hinduism. Although, it is unclear which text was written at first, but these two ancient texts have a different meaning of the caste system. As, in Manusmiriti, it changed the whole concept of the varna system as per its text, Brahmins are the supreme lord with all the exclusive privileges, while Shudras were to serve them. When India was Colonized, the Bristishers had a mixed impact on the caste system. While they criticized some of its more oppressive aspects, they also used it as a means of social control and administration. They made the caste system, even more, worse and it is shown in their ten-year population count. After struggling a lot, the Indian constitution took major steps to abolish the caste system. As in 1955, the Hindu Marriage Act allowed inter-caste marriages. Then in 1989, there was a scheduled caste and scheduled tribes act, which aimed to prevent violence against Dalit people. Today many political parties have indulged in caste-based vote banks such as the Bahujan Samaj Party, Samajwadi Party, Janta Party, and many more. They claim that they represent these groups, but the reality is they use them to gain votes and win the election.
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brunchspots · 9 months
Narendra Modi vs Rahul Gandhi | Best Funny Clips
Welcome again to the ultimate political showdown. In this corner, we have the man who is known for his fiery speeches and a fashion icon, fashion icon, or fashion disaster! And on the other hand, we have Rahul Gandhi, who has a smile that never stops and a brain that never works.
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brunchspots · 9 months
The mystery of Indian temples will give you goosebumps, as the country is known for housing 330 million temples that will shock you with their secrets. So, be prepared to discover the most intriguing and mysterious temples of India, which are more mysterious than the Bermuda Triangle.
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brunchspots · 9 months
Winston Churchill born on 30 November 1874 was a British statesman, soldier, and writer. He had a fascinating family background. As his father Lord Randolph Churchill was a member of parliament and his mother Jennie was the daughter of a wealthy American businessman. In his childhood, he faced difficulties with his studies. But at the age of 13, somehow he managed to pass the entrance exam for Harrow School. His father wanted him to prepare for a military career and so his last three years at Harrow were in the army form. After two unsuccessful attempts to gain admittance to the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst, he succeeded on his third and was accepted as a cadet in the cavalry. Sadly, his father passed away in 1895, a month after Chruchill graduated. These early experiences played a significant role in shaping Churchill's character and setting the stage for his future as a renowned leader. In history, Winston Churchill was known as one of the iconic heroes of the 20th century as he was very loyal to his nation. But he had his dark side as he was very loyal to his country but he was very cruel to the colonised countries. He was responsible for the Bengal feminine, the Jalliawalah Bagh massacre, the Gallipoli Campaign, and many more. 
 Dark Side Of Winston Churchill
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brunchspots · 9 months
The Story of Adidas and Puma | Rivalry between two brothers changed the ..
Did you know the story of Adidas and Puma? It all started with two brothers, Rudolf and Adolf Dassler, who created these famous brands. They are also known as the Puma and Adidas brothers. Their story is famous for being one of the biggest cases of brothers competing in the business world. They are the iconic shoe brands that were founded by the Gebruder Dassler Schuhfabrik (Dassler Brothers Shoe Factory) in Germany by brothers Adolf "Adi" Dassler and Rudolf "Rudi" Dassler. They had a bitter rift in the aftermath of World War II.  In 1948, Gebrüder Dassler officially separated, and its assets and employees were divided between two rival companies located on different sides of the Aurach River in Herzogenaurach. Adi decided to change the name of his business to "Adidas," which was formed by combining the first three letters of his first name with the first two letters of his last name. Likewise, Rudi initially named his business "Ruda," incorporating his own name. However, he later changed it to "Puma." So this was the story of Adidas and Puma. .
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