bteamzine · 29 days
The B Team Zine comes to a close...
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Annnnd there's the final donation proof + gumroad payout! Thank you all for working on, talking about, and reading this little passion project, and I wish you all luck on your future endeavors. -moashley
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bteamzine · 2 months
Hi I’m attempting to purchase the zine but each amount I type in gets removed at the checkout the total remains at zero
is there a specific way to enter an amount?
Oh no! Unfortunately that sounds like an issue on Gumroad's end rather than our end, which is trickier to navigate. I tested it as recently as last night and successfully paid $10 for my own copy. Perhaps refreshing the page/restarting the browser would help? If you continue to have issues, please feel free to reach out again and we can figure something out. Thank you for your interest in the zine!! moashley
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bteamzine · 2 months
2 Weeks Left for B TEAM ZINE!!
Hi all-- I am thrilled to share that B TEAM ZINE has raised 80 DOLLARS for CARE!!! I plan on keeping the download page up for another 2 weeks and closing it on August 15th-- hurry and grab a copy before then!! link: https://bteamzine.gumroad.com/l/zinedownload
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bteamzine · 2 months
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The B TEAM ZINE is OUT!!!!! Take a moment to look at some wonderful art and donate to a great cause: CARE and their work in Palestine! #TMNT https://bteamzine.gumroad.com/l/zinedownload
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bteamzine · 3 months
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The B TEAM ZINE is OUT!!!!! Take a moment to look at some wonderful art and donate to a great cause: CARE and their work in Palestine! #TMNT https://bteamzine.gumroad.com/l/zinedownload
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bteamzine · 3 months
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my sneak peek for the @bteamzine! find more information on this post :)
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bteamzine · 3 months
In case you lost it - a link to the eSIM donation guide. Even if you feel sick and powerless, you can at least do this. And even if you really, really can't donate, you can always at least share this and remind others.
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bteamzine · 3 months
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Oh yey, by the by the @bteamzine should be coming your way soon! Here's a preview of the fic I wrote for it (starring Draxum)
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bteamzine · 3 months
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Hi all! After a wonderful (albeit crazy busy) creation period, B TEAM ZINE is ready to be let out into the world! I'm so excited to share what this incredible group of artists writers, and crafters have made for this zine. The zine will be hosted on Gumroad as a digital PDF file alongside a shimeji asset file. It will be listed as pay what you want, and 100% of profits will be donated to CARE, a humanitarian organization that does work in Palestine/Gaza (https://www.care.org/our-work/where-we-work/palestine/).  The Gumroad page will go live this upcoming Monday, July 8th. Previews of contributor's pages should be popping up for y'all to see!
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bteamzine · 7 months
Application Result Emails
Alright, all emails should be sent. All applicants should have recieved an email-- if you can't find it, please reach out and I will re-send it.
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bteamzine · 7 months
Hey, I was wondering if you already know who got accepted into the zine? No rush if you're still going through the applications, I'm just curious👀
Application results are actually going out right now! It took me a little longer than expected to get through everyone's applications (thank you so so much for applying!) so I'm a little behind schedule. Everyone please keep an eye on your email inboxes!
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bteamzine · 8 months
B TEAM ZINE Info Masterpost
I realized I should really put this zine's important info into one big pinned post. I'll try and go over everything I can think of, but I might add stuff as time goes on.
WHO I AM: Hi! I'm Moashley (https://mogosketchpad.tumblr.com) and am solo modding this zine. I am a studio art student studying online art, digital media, and fandom communities. SOCIALS: https://twitter.com/BTeamZine and this blog EMAIL: [email protected] APPLICATION FORM: https://forms.gle/dDBurx6VtBhKdHMa9 PRICING / DELIVERY OF PRODUCT: This is a digital-only zine. Since we're not physically manufacturing anything, I want the final zine to be cheap if not completely free. I'm considering making it a "donate what you'd like" situation, and donating any profits to a charity of the contributors' choice. MEDIUMS: The digital medium allows for some cool stuff that isn't possible in physical zines. Music, animations, and other digital-only art are absolutely welcomed. ZINE CONTENT: This zine welcomes any and all iterations of TMNT! Any official TMNT release is fair game. THE RESEARCH PART: My undergrad thesis project is made up of the production of this zine and a research paper detailing the zine creation process, the effect modern fanzines have on online fandom communities, and artists’ personal relationships with the creation of fanzines. This will, for the most part, be a pretty normal zine experience for contributors. Contributors will pitch ideas for their pieces for the zine, create said piece, and can volunteer to participate in surveys or interviews regarding my research topics. Surveys and interviews will function on an opt-in system. Surveys/interviews are NOT required, and contributors can just create their pieces for the zine without participating in them. EXTREMELY TENTATIVE SCHEDULE THAT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE (updated 2/17/24): November - December 2023: Interest Check + project setup January 12 - Feb 9: Contributor applications open February 25: Pitches due March 5: Check in 1 (just a sketch/proof that you've started the project) March 20: Check in 2 (most of the way done with your pieces) April 1: Final Check in May at some point: I complete and release my research. June 1: Zine is fully formatted and completed. Copies of the zine will be available for purchase on Gumroad, probably. This schedule is a bit more fast-paced than most zines, and that is because I graduate in May, haha (and, as you can see, I don't even plan on fully finishing the project before then without rushing y'all unfairly.) Because of this, I don't want anyone to feel pressured to make some incredibly high-effort craziness for this zine. This is just for fun, and to study the relationship we as online creatives have with fanzines. If you end up a contributor, make something that is enjoyable, relaxing, and comfortably completable for you.
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bteamzine · 8 months
Hey, are you looking for any kind of specific examples for the application? (Specifically for writers) Like, word count, does it have to be a standalone piece or can it be part of a bigger thing, do all examples have to feature bteam characters?😅 (I'm VERY excited for this zine btw!!)
omg i'm so sorry I didn't give enough info for writers!!! I'm super lax with the application pieces. It can be standalone, part of a bigger thing; you can even submit WIPs if you'd like. While it would be great if it featured TMNT side characters, if you have something else that you feel better displays your abilities as a writer, please go for it! For word count, I'd like AT LEAST 500 words per example. All of this is pretty relaxed, though, so if you have something that you're afraid won't fit or doesn't exactly fit the criteria, don't worry. I will be overjoyed to read whatever you'd like to submit to me.
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bteamzine · 8 months
Contributor applications are OPEN!!!!!!!
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Thank you all so much for filling out the interest form!! Contributor applications are now OPEN! Artists, writers, musicians, and anything in bewteen are all welcome to apply! Reminder that this is a small, digital-only zine run by one person, so there won't be any merch artists. All the notes/reblogs on the interest check post legit made me emotional. This zine is part of a researh project studying online collaborative art and fan communities, so I'm really passionate about making this a reality and making fanzines a better understood concept within the academic sphere. Y'all are too kind, and I can't wait to do this along with you. If you have any questions about the or just want to say hello, feel free to drop it in my inbox. I'll be sure to keep an eye on anything that comes in!
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bteamzine · 9 months
Interested in a zine all about TMNT side characters? Interested in contributing to said zine? Fill out this short interest check! Any and all responses appreciated!
Welcome to the B-Team Zine! This is a multimedia, non-profit, digital-only zine focused on the secondary (non-turtle) characters in the TMNT series. This includes any iteration of TMNT. Because this is a digital-only zine, the artistic scope of the zine is truly up to you contributors. Art, Writing, Music, and other interactive digital elements are all welcome. This zine is for people wanting to see/create content about any character that you feel got left on the sidelines. I personally love Angel from the early TMNT IDW's, who's only in like.... 3 panels. Do you like that silly worm from ROTTMNT? Leatherhead? Honeycutt? April and Casey? This zine is for you!
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