bts-fanfic-excerpts · 6 years
They hinted making his and Jimin’s relationship something more... legally binding. 
They couldn’t really get more serious than they were.
Jimin already shared his fancy face-creams with him, and Taehyung saw that as a greater linking factor than any piece of paper could ever be.
Marry You by miniimin (AO3)
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bts-fanfic-excerpts · 6 years
The kind of love they shared was rare. It was the kind that comes unexpected and leaves you breathless - makes you see the good in everything no matter how prevalent the bad is.   It is the kind of love that is dangerous; that once you fall, there is no picking yourself back up. But Yoongi and Hoseok do not mind this in the slightest way because they are in too deep for each other to care.
the truth runs wild by sesquipedalia (AO3)
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bts-fanfic-excerpts · 6 years
He’s aiming for a more serious air, but he’s snapped so many photos of Jimin mid-laugh, Jimin mid-conversation, Jimin just being Jimin. He supposes that’s just a side effect of being in love.
As You Are by jonghyunslisterine (AO3)
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bts-fanfic-excerpts · 6 years
How can someone who named himself Rap Monster be so infuriatingly cute all the time?
Late Bloomer by LulaWrites (Ao3)
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bts-fanfic-excerpts · 6 years
Hoseok: Then stop fucking being repressed all the time.
Source: Three Is The Magic Number by Lydia130613 (ao3)
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bts-fanfic-excerpts · 6 years
Love truly is a terrible thing. Makes you want more and more, makes you want to own and claim, makes you as dangerous as it makes you weak. Love is a terrible, terrible thing.
浮世 U K I Y O by Sharleena (ao3)
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bts-fanfic-excerpts · 6 years
Jungkook doesn’t know anything about Jimin, but he wants to know everything.
 He wants to learn about the fragile parts, the lost parts, the ones he sees when Jimin retreats into himself. 
And he wants to learn about the good parts too - wants to memorize Jimin’s laugh and the way his eyes curve when he smiles.
Source: As You Are by jonghyunslisterine (ao3)
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bts-fanfic-excerpts · 6 years
Yoongi: I haven't seen your ugly face in way to long
Namjoon: I know you miss it
And I know you don't actually think my face is ugly
Yoongi: where does all that confidence come from?
Namjoon: I guess I just got tired of hating myself
Yoongi: deep
Namjoon: Fuck off
Source: Thank You for Letting me be me by Bambitae (ao3)
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bts-fanfic-excerpts · 6 years
Jungkook has stars in his eyes.  Seokjin wants to be the astronomer that charts every constellation.
How to Win a Guy in 7 Days by PrettyBoyKiller (aoo3)
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bts-fanfic-excerpts · 6 years
Yoongi: I'll fucking hit you, seriously.
Jin: Just remember, my face is a moneymaker—
Source: How to Win a Guy in 7 Days by PrettyBoyKiller (ao3)
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bts-fanfic-excerpts · 6 years
Yoongi: Fuck's sake… People who are smooth like that make me want to choke them. Are you on air right now? Filming? Who are you performing for, hyung?
Jin: I'm nothing if not consistent in my charisma. I'll take that as a compliment, Yoongi.
Yoongi: Don't. This ship will sink under the weight of your ego.
Jin: Is it ego if it's naturally a part of who I am?
Source: How to Win a Guy in 7 Days by PrettyBoyKiller (ao3)
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bts-fanfic-excerpts · 6 years
Before their hearts became so guarded off and closed and their bodies became something they could touch with more ease instead.
to the night, will you follow me? by nonheather (ao3)
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bts-fanfic-excerpts · 6 years
Perhaps he just enjoys looking at Taehyung. Perhaps it is as simple as that
Source:  Some Killer King You Are by lethallergic
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bts-fanfic-excerpts · 7 years
Psh. Hey. It’s still ‘hyung’ to you and no amount of kisses will change that.
Jin to Yoongi
Source:  i would be lonely (sleeping without you) by Chlexcer
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bts-fanfic-excerpts · 7 years
Jungkook can’t seem to pinpoint when it was that their dynamic changed so drastically.
When did, Taehyung, shut up, become Tae, come cuddle me.
Source:  but all your flaws and scars are mine by misanthrpic
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bts-fanfic-excerpts · 7 years
Seokjin will always be enough for him. Enough to break a rule or two for.
Laws of Love by odengiee (solipsistic)
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bts-fanfic-excerpts · 7 years
“You doughnut know what I’m capable of,” Seokjin says with zero hesitation. He sort of wants to kick himself for it. It comes out flirty, in that ultra-practiced tone of his that oozes charm like molten lava cake. “Guess I’ll have to find out, then,” Yoongi says 
Source: He'll Come Back for the Honey and You by sinkingmyships
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