k-drabblebabbles · 6 years
hello~ are you okay? it's just that you havent been seen for months so i wonder if you're too busy or if you decided not to continue Program Me to Love You 🙁 either way, i hope you're doing great~ have a nice day ❤️
Hello! Thank you for your message, I'm so sorry to have worried you~ I have been extremely busy, and I feel so bad for neglecting PMTLY. I was going to make a post about the extremely long hiatus, but I thought who ever read this story lost interest by now. Your message surprised me, honestly, I really thought the readers of my story gave up on my unreliable, lack of updates. Hopefully in the near future, I will make a post explaining why PMTLY has been put on an extended pause, and I really do wish for my schedule to free up so I can update the chapters! I hope you're doing great as well, have a wonderful day!
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k-drabblebabbles · 7 years
Program Me To Love You (Pt. 9)
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Program Me To Love You: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 (Coming soon!)
❥ Fandom: Seventeen
❥ Pairing: Joshua x Reader
❥ Genre: Fluff, slight angst (Warning: a littttttllleeee suggestive, this one)
❥ Word Count: 2,125
❥ Synopsis: It’s been five years since the passing of your first love. Can the government’s newest technology and your advanced skills in computer science and engineering bring him back?
❥ A/N: Sorry I’ve been MIA T_T The timing of the story is way behind, please bear with me and thank you for your patience~ 
“How about now?” Joshua pouted, wiggling the mistletoe attached to his headband in front of you.
“Josh, Christmas was three days ago. It’s not going to happen,” You stated as you sealed the final box of decorations. Joshua picked the box up before you could carry it and faced you with a look of unjust. 
“But you didn’t tell me about the mistletoe myth on Christmas! I’m being punished for your lack of input, that hardly seems fair,” Joshua whined with a shake of his head, resulting in another wiggle of the mistletoe. 
“Not my lack of input, my intended withholding of information. Now, I want the pathway cleared before Seungcheol gets here, so make sure this box goes into the closet upstairs. Oh, we shouldn’t forget this,” You plucked the headband off Joshua’s head and placed it on top of the box. “Seriously, where does Seungcheol get this stuff?”
“Fine... But I’ll have you know that there’s no escaping a New Year’s kiss,” Joshua grumbled. 
“Sure, sure,” You laughed and headed to the kitchen as Joshua went to put the box away. “I really should work on his hormone software... before it becomes hardware.” A reminder of what happened when Joshua got to low battery made you shiver. 
“Ding dong~” A deep voice called from the front door. 
“Ah, Seungcheol! Good morning!” You replied from the kitchen, taking out various breakfast ingredients. “We haven’t started cooking yet, so you’ll probably need to wait a bit before eating.”
“No worries, take your time. I’m just thankful you let me come here for every meal. The big guys want me to cover my own meals, so you’re saving me tons of trouble. Anything I can help with?” Seungcheol offered as he shrugged off his coat. 
“Hm... Mind getting the toast ready?” You said, holding up a loaf of bread. 
“You got it,” Seungcheol took the loaf from you and got to work as you prepared some eggs. A moment later, Joshua entered.
“Seungcheol, good morning!” Joshua greeted with a grin.
“Aye, Josh, what’s up!” The two exchanged an extremely complicated handshake you couldn’t keep up with before Joshua reached for dishes to set the table. 
“Actually, there’s something I want to talk to the two of you about,” Seungcheol announced. “You know how there’s this annual New Year’s ball thing our division holds. Giving out awards, making honorable mentions, all that jazz.”
“Yup. Don’t our bosses go every year?” You replied. 
“That’s right, but this year, the invitation extends to us too. In fact... If you feel that you’re ready... The big guys want you to make a formal presentation about Joshua.” 
You almost dropped an eggshell into the frying pan. 
“R-Really? So soon? But Joshua’s not-” You began, but Seungcheol shook his head. 
“After spending the last few days with you guys, I think Joshua’s more than ready. At least, that’s what I reported this morning. You created something amazing,” Seungcheol faced Joshua. “And Joshua, you’re amazing period. Way better than what I expected. Our division has huge plans for the new year, and we want you to be part of it.”
You gulped. 
Joshua set the final plate down and looked over at Seungcheol. “If Y/N feels that I’m not ready, then that means I still have a long way to go. I only know how to serve her, and at the moment, my best performance is displayed when I’m with her. Besides,” Joshua turned his gaze to you, “I like being with Y/N.” 
Your heart warmed at his words. 
“Hm... How about you two just come, have a little fun, and go back. I’m pretty sure they just want to meet Joshua, that’s all.”  
You kept your eyes to the frying pan as you responded with a tone of unease, “I mean... We can’t really say no, can we...”
“If you’re bored and want to go home, I’ll escort you myself,” Seungcheol looked at you, then at Joshua. “The both of you. You have my word.” 
You gave Seungcheol an appreciative smile, but Joshua couldn’t help but notice the anxious glint still in your eyes. “Thank you.”
After an hour of eating, chatting, and cleaning up afterward - Seungcheol reported that he had some more work to do and soon headed back to his hotel. With a new presentation now on your agenda, you made your way down to your lab....
And was immediately halted by a lean, artificially muscular arm blocking the doorway. “Everything alright, Joshua?” You asked, looking up at the glass orbs narrowing down at you with suspicion. 
“Not according to you. Do you not want us to go the New Year’s Ball?” Joshua inquired, retracting his arm to instead lean against the doorframe. 
You sighed, “It’s not that. I’m just not looking forward to what comes afterward. After my boss sees you, he’ll start making arrangements to have you move to our lab’s headquarters.” You shrugged, then added, “What can we say? It’s not like they won’t be impressed by you. You’re too perfect.”
You carefully step-sided the boy-bot and disappeared into your lab, not realizing that Joshua was frozen in place. 
‘I’m... too perfect?’ Joshua closed his eyes as formulas and equations sprinted past his eyelids. Once he came up with a solution, his eyes shot open. With a determined nod, he headed back upstairs. 
“And that is why Joshua will be... No, is... Ugh, that doesn’t sound right either,” You deleted the sentence you had just typed onto your computer and saved the document with a frustrated groan. “I’m a show, don’t tell kinda gal. Why do I need write a speech?!” 
You shut the computer down and stretched your arms over your head. With a quick glance at the clock, you realized two hours had passed since you planted yourself on your desk. “Guess now’s a good time for lunch.” With that, you kicked your chair back and began making your way upstairs. 
“Josh~ Let’s have lunch,” You called out, curiously looking around for the android. When you were met with no response, your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Josh?”
“In here!” Joshua’s familiar voice called from the living room. 
You steered your way in and was about to open your mouth until your foot stomped on something made of cardboard. Eyes traveling down, you tilted your head at the now-bent, empty ramen cup. 
Your gaze trailed up, examining the rest of the carpeted floor. Crumpled bags of chips, various food crumbs, opened and abandoned notebooks and textbooks, and random clothing items all littered the premise. Across from the blaring TV playing Spongebob Squarepants, you saw Joshua sprawled on the couch. His hair was disheveled, his white T-shirt was tie-dyed with stains, his pajamas hung loosely around his waist, and his socks were mismatched. 
When he saw your jaw dropped expression, he simply raised up a peace sign and greeted, “Yo!” 
“Seungcheol, are you back?!” You yelled out, walking over the scattered trash and checking the different doors in your living room. “I know you are not this gross, clean this mess up before I drown you in it!”
Joshua sat up and yawned. “Seungcheol isn’t here.”
You whipped your head back and narrowed your eyes, “Did you let someone else in?” 
Joshua gave a boyish grin, “It’s just me.”
You blinked. “Y-You made this mess?” Joshua nodded like it was his proudest achievement. “Well, then hurry and clean it up.”
“Hm...” Joshua looked up at the ceiling in a thoughtful manner. He then looked back at you with a wide grin and shook his head. “Nope.” 
“Did you just-” You rubbed your ears. “Can you please repeat that? I don’t think I heard you properly.”
Joshua sat back, his expression relaxed. “I said ‘nope’ as in ‘I will not clean up this mess’.” 
“And why not?” You replied, appall being an understatement to describe your expression.
Joshua rested his elbow on the couch and picked up a bag of chips from the floor. “I don’t wanna.” He held the bag over his mouth and emptied its contents, then crumbled the bag and threw it over his head. 
You marched over to Joshua, concern now written on your face. “Joshua, let’s go downstairs. Something must’ve gone wrong while- AH!” 
Joshua grabbed your unguarded wrist and pulled you to lay down beside him. To make sure you didn’t roll off the already skinny couch, he clung onto you tight and rested his cheek over your temple. “After this episode. It’s a funny one,” He whispered, his attention gearing towards the TV screen. 
“Joshua, let go of me this instant,” You tried wiggling your way out, but there was no escaping his iron grip. You turned your head back to face him and squinted your eyes. ‘The color of his eyes are still bright, so he should still be high on battery.’ 
“Okay, I’m bored,” Joshua shut the TV off and loosened his grip. However, before you could even breathe, he was on top of you in one swift movement and had his arms caged around you. “Let’s do something.” 
With his face so close to yours, you gulped and looked up. ‘He actually suits this hairstyle.... Y/N! WHAT THE HECK?!’ That stupid little voice tried to (and actually succeeded in getting) you to notice how cute Joshua looked with the birdnest his hair became, how his tongue stuck out just a little from the corner of his lips, and how you were slightly thrilled by the mischevious glint his eyes directed towards you. 
Joshua leaned in just an inch, enough for his nose to barely press yours. He moved his gaze up to your hairline, his fingers toying with the loose strands that fell over your shoulders. “We could go out... Do something wild... Get into a little trouble...” His eyes fell back down to meet yours. “Or I could keep you trapped here. Or maybe take you far, far away. Someplace where no one will find us, just us two...” 
The distance between you two became dangerously thin. ‘Nope, nope, nOPE, NOPE!’ You cleared your throat and glared up at the rebelling robot. “Move any closer, and I will reset you faster than you can compute the Pythagorean Theorem.”
The threat worked instantly. Joshua released you and sat up immediately, his head cast down with guilt. If you hadn’t just been pinned by him, you would’ve awed at how much he resembled a puppy about to be punished.  
You fixed your shirt and sat up with another clear of your throat. “Are you going to tell me why you’re behaving this way, or do I really need to hook you up downstairs?” You asked sternly, crossing your arms for emphasis. 
Joshua kept his eyes down and played with his fingers. “No... There’s no need for that...” Joshua sighed and looked up at you with a pout. “You said it yourself, I’m too perfect. And because I’m too perfect, I made you upset. According to my calculations, if I were imperfect, you wouldn’t be able to present me to your boss, which would make you happier and less stressed.” 
Joshua scooted closer to you and took your hands in his. “My most basic function is to take care of you, so I spent the last two hours researching on how to be a ‘bad boy’. Whatever I did went against the training we’ve done, and even though I can’t un-learn everything you taught me, I wanted to at least have the skill to switch behaviors. A more versatile ‘Joshua’ can possibly serve you better.” He bashfully chuckled, then added, “I didn’t have enough time to find a leather jacket, though.”
Instinctively, you leaned forward and placed an affectionate kiss on Joshua’s forehead. His cheeks automatically heated and revealed a pink glow. “It’s ridiculous how cute you can be sometimes.”
“You’re not mad?” Joshua asked, eyes widened in surprise.
You shook your head. “You’ve explained yourself, so there’s no reason to. And don’t worry about the presentation - I’m actually looking forward to showing you off. But first...” You glanced around the room and clucked your tongue disapprovingly. “This all needs to be cleaned.”
“Of course!” Within three seconds, Joshua was off the couch and zooming around the room. He rarely displayed his speed at its highest setting, but using it now, the living room was squeaky clean before you could even turn your head. Once the job was complete, Joshua stood in front of you - wearing a cleaner, neater outfit.
“Do I get another kiss for my dramatically improved behavior?” Joshua grinned enthusiastically.
You stood up with a joking scoff and ruffled his head. “Maybe if you stay on your best behavior until the ball is over.”
(A/N: The episode of Spongebob that Joshua was watching :3)
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k-drabblebabbles · 7 years
Program Me To Love You (Pt. 8)
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Program Me To Love You: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 (Coming soon!)
❥ Fandom: Seventeen
❥ Pairing: Joshua x Reader
❥ Genre: Fluff overload
❥ Word Count: 1,927
❥ Synopsis: It’s been five years since the passing of your first love. Can the government’s newest technology and your advanced skills in computer science and engineering bring him back?
He wasn’t a captain for no reason. 
Twenty minutes later, Seungcheol hauled you and Joshua onto the main entrance of your town’s local mall. Upon your first step inside, you were instantly greeted by a building-tall tree, drowned in ornaments and lights as grand as can be. ‘All I Want For Christmas’ floated through the air as adults and children alike flocked from store to store, arms stacking up with boxes and bags. 
All you could think of was how the music’s volume somehow beat the ringing of wailing kids, how you were getting just a tinge claustrophobic from the shoves you were getting as people streamed in and out of the mall, and how your eyes were slightly irritated by the obnoxiously bright lights. But all those grinchy thoughts melted away as soon as you looked over at Joshua...
“It’s just like in the movies,” He whispered in wonder, his glass orbs reflecting the image of the treetop’s twinkling star. His eyes wandered around the festive area, absorbing everything with fascination. The greens, reds, and golds of each wreath and garland, the majestic nutcracker statues standing by each store, the hanging snowflakes that sparkled as they turned... His lips pulled back into a smile as he focused on a little boy laughing at a cookie vendor with a Santa hat playing ‘peek-a-boo’ with him. 
A smile on Josh’s face meant a smile on yours as well.   
“Alright, let’s get to business! First thing’s first, the uniform.” Seungcheol’s commander voice pulled you out of your admiration of Joshua’s fascination. Before you knew it, a reindeer headband was plopped onto your head and a red ball with a slit was smashed onto your nose. 
“What the-” Seconds later, Seungcheol planted a Santa hat with a fake white beard on Joshua. You couldn’t help the burst of laughter that came out when Joshua faced you with wide, confused eyes. He petted the beard thoughtfully and fixed the hat over his hair.  
“Can’t forget the commanding officer,” Seungcheol snugged on an elf hat with plastic, pointed ears. 
“Are these really necessary? And when did you get the time to buy these?” You asked, shaking your head at the ridiculousness the three of you became. 
“No time for questions! We’ve got work to do!” Seungcheol hooked his arms with you and Joshua, then dragged you two to the nearest store.    
“I don’t know... The multi-color ones have that classic touch, but the silver ones’ got that elegant feel, ya know?” Seungcheol said as he stared long and hard between two boxed sets of ornaments. 
“Seungcheol, we don’t even have a tree,” You stated boredly.
“Where’d you think our last stop was?” Seungcheol grinned before going back to the boxes. “Hey, Joshua, what do you think?”
Joshua analyzed the two boxes, then turned to Seungcheol. “The multi-color one is made of plastic, meaning that if it falls from the tree, it wouldn’t break. It also means that it lasts longer and is cheaper than the silver ones. However, even though the silver ones are made of glass and are thus more expensive and easier to break, it’s rated as a best seller and comes with a ‘buy-one-get-one-half-off’ deal. Knowing how Y/N is like, the multi-colored set is a more feasible option since she will most likely store these ornaments away after the holidays and not touch these decorations for a year or two. However, if-”
“Oh, come on! We’ve been here for two hours, and we already bought three sets of ornaments! Can’t we just-” Your outburst was shortly cut off by Seungcheol.
“You know what, you’re right. Good thinking, Josh,” Seungcheol nodded and tossed the multi-colored set into your already mountain-like shopping cart. “To the gingerbread houses!” Seungcheol grabbed the shopping cart from you with a cheesy grin, then marched towards the cookie section. 
“If he isn’t going to use his own card, I’m going to-” You began mumbling under you felt a tap on your shoulder. You looked over to see it was just Joshua. “You’re no help either, coupon culprit. It’s a good thing there are no soccer moms here to snatch you up.”
“I wouldn’t let them take you away from me,” Joshua replied, a heart-melting smile peeking through his fluffy beard. “I wanted to ask you if I could add something to our cart.”
“Oh, um, sure. What is it?” You looked up at him curiously. Joshua held up two small items, and with a closer look, you awed. 
Being held on either sides of his head were two ornaments: one of a guitar and one of a computer. “This one is mine,” He said as he wiggled the guitar ornament. “And this one is yours,” He wiggled the mini-computer.  
You covered your mouth as a chuckle escaped your lips. “They’re so cute. We’ll take ‘em.”
Another ear-to-ear grin was covered by his beard, but you could feel the excitement he was resonating. 
After another hour and a half of making rounds around the mall, the three of you were finally back in your home. At the moment, Seungcheol and Joshua were hanging up garlands while you were hooking ornaments onto the tree. You were relieved that the small tree was the perfect fit for your tiny living room - you and Seungcheol had a lengthy back and forth between the small one and one ten times its size. Even though Seungcheol’s motto of ‘go big or go home’ transformed your house from mundane to marvelous, you were the practical one for a reason. 
Soon enough, you were up to the last two ornaments that needed to be hung: the guitar and computer. With a quiet giggle, you hung them next to each other in a visible spot. 
“Hey, Seungcheol, how come you’re not back home with your family for the holidays?” You inquired as the two boys finished up their hanging.   
“My mom’s spending it with my sister’s in-laws this year. They’re great people, but I didn’t want to intrude,” Seungcheol revealed. “Besides, it’s way better reviving the holiday spirit to those deprived of it,” He added with a grin.
“And aren’t I grateful you did,” You replied sarcastically, though you couldn’t deny that it was true. 
Seungcheol walked over to you and looked up at the tree. “Whoa, awesome job. But where’s the star?” 
“Oh, right here,” You picked up the star tree-topper. “I actually couldn’t reaCH-” Your voice went up a pitch when you were suddenly lifted up in the air. You clung onto the star so that it wouldn’t fall from your hands and looked down at a smiling Joshua - who sat you on his shoulder.
“You could’ve asked me for help,” Joshua reminded. 
“Y-Yeah, I know,” You quickly turned your crimson face away from him and stuck the star on top of the tree. “There. Done. Now put me doWN!” Joshua swiftly swung you into his arms, then gracefully put you back on your feet. 
“Ahh, perfect!” Seungcheol held up two thumbs up. Once you were able to reclaim your wits, you looked around the completely decorated house with a growing sense of awe. 
“Thank you, Seungcheol, for all of this.” You smiled and faced Joshua. “And thanks for helping out.” 
“Aye, what are friends for? Though we’re not done yet. Josh, unleash the strings!” Seungcheol raised his hands up for dramatics. 
Joshua picked up his guitar, “I downloaded around twenty different holiday songs as soon as we got home.” Seungcheol held up a fist and Joshua bumped it with a nod.   
“Let it rip,” Seungcheol fell back on a pillow by the fireplace and cozied up next to the warm flames. You picked up the cup of hot cocoa you made earlier and did the same.
“First up, Jingle Bell Rock,” Joshua sat down and positioned the guitar over his lap. After quickly tuning, he began.  
♫ Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock... ♫
Without surprise, Joshua’s honey-like voice warmed your insides faster than the cocoa in your hands. You swayed side to side along to Joshua’s slow strumming. As he sang, Joshua looked up from his guitar and to you. The flickering flames beside you reflected in his eyes, making it seem like he was the one melting any ice in the area. 
You closed your eyes and let the nostalgic lyrics bring you back to a younger, happier self. Soon enough, you and Seungcheol were singing and clapping along. One song, two songs, several songs later...  
“Hey Y/N, don’t you play the guitar too?” Seungcheol suddenly asked in-between songs. 
“Oh? Y/N, do you?” Joshua piqued up with interest. Of course he didn’t know, you purposefully kept that info out of his system. 
“I mean, I haven’t played in years. And I only know the basics,” You revealed bashfully. 
“Solo! Solo! Solo!” Seungcheol cheered. 
“No way, I’m probably horrible! Can you serve the military with bleeding ears?” You protested. 
Joshua scooted over to you and held out his guitar. “Just one song? Please?”
Darn those puppy eyes. Darn you for building those puppy eyes. 
“Fine, just one song.” You carefully, hesitantly, took the guitar from Joshua. “I barely even remember how to hold this-” Before you knew it, Joshua’s arms were around you, guiding your fingers to the strings. 
“Helpful?” He asked, his face only inches away from you.
“Um-hmm,” You hummed in response, then gulped. With his hand over yours, your fingers brushed over the strings, which resulted in a tender purr. However, it was difficult to hear it over the thrumming of your heart. “I-I think I got it. Thanks, Josh,” You stuttered. When Joshua moved back, you breathed a silent sigh of relief as your racing pulse slowed.
 You glanced over at Seungcheol and shrugged. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
Seungcheol tapped his ears, “They were good while they lasted.”
With a deep breath, you began to perform. 
♫ Last Christmas, I gave you my heart... ♫
You could feel the weight of Seungcheol and Joshua’s gazes. Seungcheol smiled at you, encouraging you with a little dance. 
♫ But the very next day, you gave it away. This year, to save me from tears, I’ll give it to someone... ♫  
Unconsciously, you met eyes with Joshua.  ♫ ...special. ♫
Joshua gave you a soft, touched smile. Although your voice was shaky and you were clumsy with your playing, he watched you as if you were an angel serenading him from the clouds. 
When the song was over, the boys erupted in cheers and shouts. “ENCORE! ENCORE! ENCORE!” 
You laughed and shook them off, “I did my one and that’s all you’re getting. Maybe next year, guys.” 
The rest of the night consisted of last-minute gift exchanging, building then devouring an overpriced gingerbread house, then lazing around by the fireplace. 
You didn’t even realize how exhausted you all were until two hours later, when you drowsily opened your eyes to the slowly-dying fire. On the couch a few feet away, Seungcheol cuddled with a pillow, deep in snoozeland. You turned over to your side and snuggled closer to the room’s second source of heat. With a lazy blink of your eyes, you mumbled an ‘of course’.
His arm being your pillow, Joshua stared down at you with a glint you couldn’t really describe in words, but completely understood in your heart. He gently tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear, but left his fingers to linger over your cheek. “Merry Christmas, Y/N.” 
Your lips stretched into a smile. “Merry Christmas, Joshua.” 
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k-drabblebabbles · 7 years
Program Me To Love You (Pt. 7)
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Program Me To Love You: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 (Coming soon!)
❥ Fandom: Seventeen
❥ Pairing: Joshua x Reader
❥ Genre: Fluff, slight angst (Warnings: Mentions of death)
❥ Word Count: 908
❥ Synopsis: It’s been five years since the passing of your first love. Can the government’s newest technology and your advanced skills in computer science and engineering bring him back?
“Are you going to sulk all day?” You asked the pouting boy-bot beside you.
“... Maybe,” Joshua grumbled, kicking the snow in front of him. You couldn’t help but chuckle at his childish, yet adorable behavior. Though it did worry you a bit that Joshua was advanced enough to understand and present emotions you couldn’t control or easily appease, you were proud that he was more human than machine - well, as much as he could be. 
“Seungcheol will be here any minute, so I’ll expect you to be on your very best behavior,” You reminded.
"Of course, I was not built any other way,” Joshua replied, sounding more disappointed than snappish. 
“Y/N!” A familiar voice called out, immediately directing your attention to the two-way in front of your house. A man with the most charming gummy-smile waved at you as a yellow cab behind him drove away. He swung the duffel bag he was holding over his shoulder, then opened his arms out. 
“Seungcheol!!” You laughed and ran towards his welcoming arms for a warm, bear hug. You didn’t see it, but Joshua stared at the interaction with wide, flabbergasted eyes. 
“Do you get shorter every time I see you, or is it just me?” Seungcheol asked as he teasingly messed up your hair. 
“Must be you. With all that time spent in the training camp, all that brain power must’ve sacrificed itself to your meaty limbs,” You teased back. 
“And that’s why you’ll need to restore it for me. Now, where’s Y/N’s great invention, the cyborg of the century?” 
“Joshua,” You lightly corrected, “Is right here.” You turned around and gestured to Joshua, who - upon meeting eyes with Seungcheol - pulled his blank expression up into a smile. 
“Holy sh-” Seungcheol stared at Joshua with wide eyes. “I didn’t think it - he? Would look so...”
“Human?” You completed his sentence for him. “Just treat him as you would with anyone else, Josh will do the same. From conversations to personal connections, Joshua is as realistic as can be. He’s more human than most people on the planet, if you ask me.”
“Hello, I’m Joshua. Nice to meet you,” Joshua extended his hand out. 
Seungcheol’s gummy-smile made a return as he took Joshua’s hand and gave it a firm shake. “On the job, I’m Captain S.Coups. Off it, I’m Seungcheol. Pleased to meet ya.”  
After a quick tour of your house and lab, the three of you sat down for brunch. While you and Seungcheol caught up and reminisced old, trainee days, Joshua quietly ate his food and kept his eyes to his plate. Occasionally, Seungcheol would peek over at him, the surprise and fascination apparent in his eyes. 
“So, um, Joshua - what do you do all day? Tests with Y/N?” Seungcheol initiated a conversation with the quiet one of your trio. Joshua finally looked up and nodded.   
“When we’re not doing tests, I play my guitar, read, watch T.V., or help Y/N with whatever she’s doing in the lab.” 
“Whoa, you can play guitar? Alright man, you have got to show me something,” Seungcheol grinned. Joshua looked to you with slight hesitation, but you nodded with encouragement.
“Joshua’s the best at the guitar. Prepare to be amazed,” You boasted.
Joshua pushed his chair back, got up, and disappeared from the kitchen. Moments later, he returned with his guitar. “Any requests?” He asked, settling back in his chair and positioning the instrument over his lap.
“How about...” Seungcheol hummed in thought. “Ah! Jingle Bell Rock! Tonight’s Christmas Eve, best to get in the spi-” At the self-reminder, Seungcheol took another around the kitchen. “Wait a second... Y/N? No decorations?”
You blinked your eyes and turned to the calendar hanging on the wall. “Oh... I guess I forgot.” Your eyes narrowed at the red ‘25′ on the month’s calendar with a heavy gulp.
You had seen the faux reindeers and bright lights whenever you and Joshua went out, but you never thought to buy or put up your own. The last time you celebrated Christmas with vigor was two years ago when you visited your family, but it was an awkward occasion of fake smiles and blind date suggestions. Growing up with Jisoo, ‘the most wonderful time of the year’ only meant bittersweet memories with him - and no amount of time with your own friends and family after his death could change that. 
Once you became too busy planning and building Joshua, the seasons - including the holiday one - melted as quickly as snow in the summer. You were honestly more comfortable with shipping presents attached to briefly written holiday cards than physically standing in the same space you and Jisoo used to celebrate in. The living room where you two sang carols in, the kitchen where you two helped your mothers cook while sneakily eating all the ingredients, the doorway with the mistletoe where he’d always somehow trick you to walk under...
You shook your head and returned to the two beings in front of you. “Yeah, kind of slipped my mind.”
“Well then, it’s a good thing I’m here,” Seungcheol got up, reached for his coat, then turned to Joshua and his guitar. “Hold those strings, we’ve got a whole playlist tonight.” 
“You’re leaving already?” You asked, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 
“We are leaving.” Seungcheol stated matter-of-factly. “Y/N, Joshua, you two are in desperate need of some holiday spirit. To the mall!”  
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k-drabblebabbles · 7 years
Merry Christmas! well, I don't even know if you celebrate christmas or not, but I hope you have a great time. I love (like, LOVE love, lol) Program Me to Love You, and I can't wait for the next part! Thank you for providing us with such high quality works, dear~
Merry Christmas! Haha, even though I don't really celebrate, I can't deny the uplifting joy and spirit in the air~ Hope you have a wonderful holiday with many loved ones! And thank you so much for loving Program Me To Love You! Your words are too kind. It's been busy lately, but the next part should be coming soon! Thank you for your support ♡
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k-drabblebabbles · 7 years
Program Me To Love You (Pt. 6)
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Program Me To Love You: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 (Coming soon!)
❥ Fandom: Seventeen
❥ Pairing: Joshua x Reader
❥ Genre: Fluff, slight angst 
❥ Word Count: 927
❥ Synopsis: It’s been five years since the passing of your first love. Can the government’s newest technology and your advanced skills in computer science and engineering bring him back?
Once you and Joshua finally woke up, you cautiously maintained a safe distance from him to see if he fully recovered.
Judging by the way you two ate breakfast peacefully, Joshua was back to his usual, polite self. He poured both your bowls of cereal, sat quietly on the table, and proceeded to eat.
You took a sideways glance at his eyes - the color was back to normal. You sighed in relief.
“Is everything alright?” Joshua asked as he took a bite.
“Uh- Y-Yes! Everything’s fine,” You quickly began scarfing down your own bowl.
As soon as you two were done, you reached to pick up both bowls of cereal, but Joshua beat you to it. “Oh, I can wash-” You began, but Joshua stopped you with a shake of his head.
“You were doing something important last night, but I disturbed your focus. I’ll wash the dishes so you can head back to work,” Joshua smiled.
Your face instantly turned crimson, but you weren’t going to back down. “No, it’s fine. You’ve been doing pretty much every chore since your activation.” You got up and reached for the bowls in his hand, but he moved them out of your grasp. You reached for them again, but he held them over his head. You narrowed your eyes as he smiled down at you.
“I don’t mind. I like making life easier for you,” Keeping the bowls away from you, Joshua walked over to the sink and set them down. You were about to bump him away from the sink, but he stood solidly in his place and turned on the faucet.
“But that’s the thing, you shouldn’t.” You sidestepped to his other side, but he continued to effectively block you as he washed the dishes.
“And why not?” He asked.
“Because I don’t want to depend on you. Especially knowing that I’ll be by myself again,” You responded unknowingly, more focused on trying to get your hand into the sink than on the words that left your mouth.
Joshua turned the faucet off and faced up with a serious and confused expression. You glanced down at the sink - the dishes were already done and set to dry on the rack beside it. “What do you mean you’ll be by yourself again? I’m here for as long as you need me.”
You looked at him with slightly widened eyes. ‘I never told him…’
“Um… Joshua… You know how the military supplied me with all the parts I used to build you, right?” You slowly began, each word being harder to say.
“Yes. That’s why you perform all the tests on me and send reports to them.” Joshua replied, his naivety preventing him from realizing where you were going with this.
“Yes, that’s true. But… Once the tests are done… I need to bring you to the military’s headquarters. After we do their own set of tests, you’re going to stay there while I come back here, by myself.”
Joshua’s face remained the same as he processed your words. Then, his eyebrows furrowed. “But why? You’ve programmed me to specifically respond and serve you.”
“Well, yeah, but only because that was the easiest way to start your programming. After we go to headquarters, they’ll update you to cater to whoever else you’ll need to assist in the future, then apply that programming to any android that’ll come after you.”
“I don’t want that update,” Joshua stated coldly.
You were taken aback, “Joshua, you don’t have a choice-” The blaring ringtone of your phone cut through the growing tension in the air. As you moved to retrieve it from the table, Joshua stormed out of the kitchen. You stared at him as he left - your own head a mess of confusion - then answered your phone.
“Y/N! It’s been so long, I almost forgot your voice.”
You covered your mouth with surprise, then laughed, “Seungcheol?”
“The one and only. How ya been?”
You and Seungcheol had met when you began your work with the military. He was one of the few soldiers you were able to know personally, and the last you heard from him, he climbed his rank up to Captain. “Good, good. How about you? As nice as it is to hear from you, it’s also pretty random. Is everything alright?”
“Ah, you caught me too quickly. I heard about how you finally activated the ‘bot. The big guys wanted to send someone to your place and see your progress so far. Not that they don’t trust your reports, but they want to add another voice to the mix. I thought it’d be better to have a familiar face so I volunteered, and you still haven’t sent me an invite to your place. Unless… You don’t want to come.”
You sat down with a wary look.”N-No, that’s not the case at all. You’re more than welcomed, especially if you’re under orders. You’ll be treated like a respected guest nonetheless. When will you be coming?”
“Probably tomorrow morning, and I’ll leave a few days after. I’ll be staying at a hotel down the street from you. Sorry to spring this on ya, I know it’s super last minute.”
“No worries, isn’t that what we signed up for?”
“Haha, you’re right. Alrightie, just wanted to let you know. See you soon!” He hung up, and you set the phone down on the table.
You sighed and rested your head in your hands. Whether Joshua liked it or not, you two may be going back to headquarters sooner than you anticipated.
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k-drabblebabbles · 7 years
Program Me To Love You (Pt. 5)
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Program Me To Love You: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 (Coming soon!)
❥ Fandom: Seventeen
❥ Pairing: Joshua x Reader
❥ Genre: Fluff, slight angst (Warnings: Mentions of death, this chapter is a taaaaddd suggestive)
❥ Word Count: 1,325
❥ Synopsis: It’s been five years since the passing of your first love. Can the government’s newest technology and your advanced skills in computer science and engineering bring him back?
A cool breeze swung your bedroom curtains open, letting the morning rays peek in all directions. Your drowsy eyelids fluttered open, your blurry vision adjusting to the serene setting.
The exposed skin of your hand felt chilly from the breeze, so you tucked it back into the safe warmth of your blanket. You couldn't help but feel extra cozy this particular morning. It wasn’t hard to convince yourself to stay in bed longer.
You closed your eyes again and turned to your side, finding more reassuring warmth. The blanket felt like a loving embrace, especially around your waist. Though your pillow felt a little bumpy....
You forced yourself to open your eyes again. The idea of feeling this relaxed every time you fell asleep cushioned your heart with comfort, so you needed to know the source of such serenity if you were to use it again.
A smile tugged at the corner of your sleepy lips when a beautifully slumbering face welcomed your sight. “Jisoo,” You thought to yourself with a drowsy smile. “It’s one of those nice dreams.” The sun leaking into the room made a halo behind him, emphasizing his sharp features but soft expression. Some of his hair fell over his eyelids, and you instinctively reached to push it back.
He stirred from the gentle touch, but then resumed his peaceful hum of breath and pulled you closer. You willingly snuggled closer, readjusting yourself on his arm and burying your face into his chest.  
His heartbeat lulled you back to sleep. You were almost deeply asleep until…
Tick. Boom-boom. Tock. Boom-boom.
A low sound of moving gears, something no one would be able to hear unless they were as close as you were, disturbed the lullaby of intertwining breaths. Your eyes shot open and you looked up at the peacefully sleeping boy.
“AH! Josh, what are you doing up here?!” You pushed yourself away, but his iron-grip kept you in place.
“It's cold downstairs,” Joshua mumbled drowsily with a deep, husky voice.
“Of course it is. Any warmer than that and we'll end up with a lab fire. Aren't you supposed to be charging?” You pushed yourself away again.
“I am. I got off my charging port when I was seventy-five percent, and now I'm charging with this,” He pointed at a metal band wrapped around his arm.
“Joshua, that's for emergencies only!” You scolded.
“It is an emergency.” He snuggled closer to you. “A cuddle emergency.”
You sighed, “How charged are you now?” Eyes still closed, Joshua pulled down the neckline of his shirt, revealing his chest. The bashful girl in you almost looked away, but the engineer in you tapped his chest and saw a faded digital “95%” appear. You tapped his chest again and the number disappeared. Knowing how exhausted he must’ve been, you gave in. Besides, you couldn’t deny how comfortable you were. “...When you're 100%, we'll get up immediately.” Joshua smiled and nodded.
It's been about two weeks since Joshua was activated, but in that short amount of time, he surely turned your life around. He became the reason you left your house to do fun stuff more often, ate more often, relaxed more often, and smiled and laughed more often. The more time you spent with Joshua, the less you thought about living in solitude without Jisoo.
Although your superiors were itching to meet Joshua, you told them that you still had a wide range of tests to conduct with him. Some you pushed off to later, some you did over and over again, some you made up last minute - you wouldn't admit it, but you were stalling the trip to headquarters.
Your most recent test, though, was an actual one. You needed to see how long Joshua could go on without charging. His record so far: five days. Even though he works fine for a few days without charging, once he hits low battery, he becomes... well... What he was last night...
... You were working on program compatibilities in your lab, seeing how quickly updates to Joshua can be uploaded. The android of topic was busy upstairs doing who knew what - you trusted him to be by himself, and you needed the concentration. 
Well, while it lasted. 
“Boo~” A soft voice whispered in your ear as two arms snaked around your waist. You jumped, but soon saw Joshua’s face nuzzle into your shoulder. 
“Josh, I’m busy,” You stated, going back to the laptop in front of you. 
“Then take a break,” Joshua mumbled.
“And do what?” You sidestepped to reach a flash drive, and he followed your movements as you did your back-and-forth.
“Play with me~” Joshua whined. You laughed and patted his cheek. 
“Later,” You answered, returning to your work. At that point, you didn’t realize the reason for Joshua’s behavior, or that he was even acting out of character.  
“How urgent is the work you’re doing?” Joshua asked. 
“Not so much now, but it’ll be super urgent later on. Better to be prepared early,” You answered. 
“Then... You can wait until later on,” Joshua suddenly twirled you around to face him. From the sudden movement, you dropped the flash drive in your hand, but he swiftly caught it and placed it on the desk behind you. 
He then held your chin and leaned forward with closed eyes, heading straight for your lips. 
Your eyes widened and you pushed him back. He opened his eyes, the color in his glass orbs darker than usual. “Joshua, what are you doing?” 
“Charging.” He was about to lean towards you again, but you stopped him and pulled down the neckline of his shirt to check his battery percentage.
“2%. Joshua, go to your charging port.” In defiance, he moved to your cheek, softly pecking your face as he traced circles with his thumbs on your waist. “Joshua, I’m serious.” 
“Don’t you know my third way of charging by now?” He said as he moved to your neck, planting feather-like kisses as he made his way down. He found your sweet spot and deepened the kiss, instantly turning your knees to jello. You hated to admit it, but you couldn’t deny that android or not, he knew what he was doing- 
“I don’t understand what you mean,” You forced yourself not to give in and stared at Joshua blankly. 
Joshua leaned back with what sounded like a frustrated sigh and explained, “I don’t use all parts of my machinery at the same time. There’s one part, in particular, I only used once, but not too much of. The gears that run that part of my system can actually generate internal charging because of the conduction the motion creates.”
“What? When did that...” You remembered the last piece of Joshua’s built, the one you didn’t examine as thoroughly because it was sent straight from headquarters and you didn’t feel the need to. You even thought of not wiring it in at all, ignorant of its essential use. The pieces started to fall into place.   
The first time he kissed you was when he first saw you. His charge must’ve been 98%, so that extra 2% must’ve come from the kiss. “Does this mean the part you’re talking about is...” You glanced down to Joshua’s lower half, then yelped and pushed him away. 
“Yeah. No. Charging port, now,” You dragged Joshua to his charging port with crimson cheeks. He whined and complained on the way, but you opened up the door to a large charging capsule and pushed him inside. 
“But wouldn’t you need to test--” Joshua's voice was cut off when you shut the capsule door. 
“We’re not charging that way, Joshua!” You turned on the charger, and Joshua immediately fell asleep. You fanned yourself, then decided you needed a cold glass of water before continuing your work.
Once you cooled down, you opened up your log file and began typing. 
“When Joshua hits low battery, he becomes... needy.”
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k-drabblebabbles · 7 years
Program Me To Love You (Pt. 4)
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Program Me To Love You: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 (Coming soon!)
❥ Fandom: Seventeen
❥ Pairing: Joshua x Reader
❥ Genre: Fluff, slight angst (Warnings: Mentions of death)
❥ Word Count: 1,263
❥ Synopsis: It’s been five years since the passing of your first love. Can the government’s newest technology and your advanced skills in computer science and engineering bring him back?
“Here you go,” Joshua ran up to with the football you just threw a moment ago. The two of you were at an empty park across the street from your house. With it being the dead of winter, all the little kids and their parents were indoors with their hot cocoas and fuzzy blankets.  
“O-Okay, there’s consistency with your speed. H-How about your strength?” Even though you wore three layers of coats, a scarf, hat, and gloves - you still shivered as you jotted down notes on your clipboard. Joshua, also bundled up thanks to the small closet of men clothing you had in your lab, noticed this and reached to remove his own scarf. “N-No! Don’t you dare take a layer off, I can’t have your system freeze up,” You ordered when he began to wrap the scarf around you. 
“I’ll be fine. You installed an extra heater for when I’m too cold and a fan for when I’m too hot in my chest, remember?” He reminded, tucking in the scarf and patting it gently. 
“Y-Yes. But they’re to be used for emergencies only.” You moved to remove the scarf, but he grabbed your hands and held them instead.
“If I get too cold, I’ll kindly ask for the scarf back. Until then, what test are we doing next?” You felt your cheeks heat up from the soft gaze he gave you, though you tried to convince yourself that it was from the extra warmth of his scarf. 
“Strength,” You answered, pulling your hands away to move past him and lead the way. Like a puppy, he followed you closely, and you had to bury your face in the two scarves to make sure he didn’t see your crimson face. 
Later on in the day, you and Joshua headed into a small cafe for a break. After paying for your drinks, you found a table next to a window and began to shed your layered clothing as Joshua retrieved the drinks. 
“One hot coffee for you and one hot cocoa for me,” Joshua said as he gave you your drink and sat across from you. 
“Thank you,” You cupped your drink to absorb the warmth. Joshua picked up his own drink to his lips and was about to take a sip. “Wait!” You called out, making him pause. “Be... Careful.” Joshua chuckled lightly and continued to try his first drink. 
“That’s delicious,” He smiled widely and set the drink down. 
“Taste sensors, activated,” You noted as you took a sip of your coffee. Joshua was able to consume food and drinks - though they wouldn’t be digested, just dumped into a storage bin inside the lower half of his body. He’d have to empty it each time it got full, but your superiors wanted him to be as realistic as possible so people wouldn’t be able to tell he was different. His senses were a difficult part for you to figure out before, so you couldn’t help but be nervous about his reactions to taste and smell. 
“So, when will I get to play guitar?” Joshua asked, taking another sip.
“Right, we’ll have to see how well you can play. I don’t have a guitar in my house though.” 
Which led the two of you to a guitar shop half an hour later. You looked at the wide range of guitars - all colors, types, and sizes. This place would’ve been heaven for Jisoo. He would’ve geeked out about which guitar suited each genre, the prices, and the difference between each sound they made.
... Which is exactly what Joshua was doing. 
“Oh, oh, oh! Can we try that one?” Joshua pointed at an acoustic guitar that hung on the second row of the displays. At that moment, your phone began to ring. You looked at the caller ID - Unknown - but knew exactly who it was. 
“Sure, try whichever you like. I’ll be right back,” You were about to head out, but sharply turned around with narrowed eyes. “Don’t go anywhere. If something doesn’t feel right, find me immediately.” 
“Of course,” Joshua said as he gazed at the guitar the employee handed him. You shook your head with a smile, then left the music-filled store to answer your call. 
“Is it true?” The question hit you as soon as you answered the call, your superior not waiting for a hello. 
“Yes.” You answered. “He woke up this morning. I’m running a series of tests on him to check how efficient and realistic he can be, but I’ll send reports twice a week instead of once.”
“Good. We’ll be ready to take him once he’s all set,” Your superior responded. 
"Of course, I’ll be sure to let you know when he is.” With that, the two of you hung up and you sighed, remembering the second half of your project.
“Well... At least I can take it easy on myself for the tests...” You thought as you returned inside. It’s been a while since you were outdoors, so testing Joshua’s capabilities could give you the break you desperately needed from all the intense lab hours you’ve dealt with recently.
♫ Time goes by. I look back on today, it seemed too long.  It was short, but I didn’t realize it All the things I passed by ♫
As soon as you entered, you heard a honey-sweet voice sing along to the smooth and soothing strum of a guitar.  You walked to where you last left Joshua, only to find him being the source of the melodious sounds as he serenaded a little girl. 
♫ I want to see the beautiful memories That can’t be turned back ♫
The little girl blushed and clapped along to the lyrics. You leaned against the wall and stared at Joshua in awe.
Once upon a time, you were that little girl, but it was a little boy with a squeaky voice who serenaded you instead. That little boy grew up to be a handsome and talented singer that performed at community events, wrote a cheesy love song to confess to you, and then recorded acoustic versions of all your favorite songs to listen to whenever you missed him. 
For the first time, a trip down Jisoo’s memory lane didn’t have you collapsing to your knees and choking with tears. You remembered debating for a long while whether or not to make a copy of the CD Jisoo gave you and install it into Joshua. Maybe it was the way the little girl smiled brightly at Joshua, and the way he returned it as he sang that had you proud of the decision you made.  
When the song was over, both you and the little girl applauded Joshua as he set the guitar down. “Do you feel all better?” He asked the little girl. 
“Yes, thank you, Mister!” The little girl giggled and hugged Joshua. 
He hugged her back and added, “If you feel angry at your big brother again, try singing a song to let the bad feelings out, okay?” 
“Okay, I will!” The girl saluted Joshua, who laughed and returned the salute. She then turned around and ran off, presumably to find the brother she must’ve been angry with.
“So I guess you’ve made your decision?” You stepped forward with an impressed grin, pointing at the guitar.
“Yup. Get ready, I don’t think I’ll be able to stop playing once we get home,” Joshua joked as he stood up. 
You playfully rolled your eyes. “As long as you’re not too distracting, it should be fine. Come on, let’s go pay.”     
(A/N: The song Joshua was singing in this part ^)
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k-drabblebabbles · 7 years
Program Me To Love You (Pt. 3)
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Program Me To Love You: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 (Coming soon!)
❥ Fandom: Seventeen
❥ Pairing: Joshua x Reader
❥ Genre: Fluff, slight angst (Warnings: Mentions of death)
❥ Word Count: 904
❥ Synopsis: It’s been five years since the passing of your first love. Can the government’s newest technology and your advanced skills in computer science and engineering bring him back?
“OW! Ow, ow, ow!” The suddenly bizarre kiss was cut short when your beautiful cup of coffee slipped out of your hands and spilled on the floor - a little of the hot beverage spilling on your feet. 
“Ah, that was hot coffee. Are you okay?” Jisoo-bot asked, his body tense with concern as he looked down at the damage. Some of the coffee spilled on him too, but you programmed him to feel and respond to sensations - but not in the way where he would feel actual pain like you currently were. “Oh no, you’re not!” 
“Of course not. I need to get tooth-” Before you knew it, he swept you off your feet and carried you to the operation table in under two seconds. 
“I’ll be right back,” He told you simply, then literally disappeared within a blink of the eye. Just as quickly, he returned with a tube of toothpaste and bent down in front of you. He slowly slipped off your slipper, earning a hiss of pain from you, until he gently blew air on the burned area. “This will sting a bit, but I promise I’ll be quick.” He squeezed out some toothpaste and proceeded to carefully spread it over the burned area while simultaneously blowing on it. 
Though the pain momentarily distracted you, you immediately went back to staring at the humanoid before with utter disbelief. The way he furrowed his eyebrows as he concentrated, the precise and careful movement of his fingers, the detailed outlines of his bare upper half...
You mentally slapped yourself. You built this robot yourself, you were not going to admire how toned or attractive he was just because he was moving, breathing, and blinking. Even if his face was the exact replica of your first real love. 
“There, all done,” He announced. You looked down at your foot, wondering when and how he managed to get a medical cloth and wrap it around your foot. “If you’re unable to walk, let me know so that I may help you.” 
“I think I’ll be-” You hopped off the operation table and almost lost your footing if Jisoo-bot hadn’t caught you. “Fine. I’m fine.” You stood up on your own, then proceeded to grab the humanoid’s chin and closely examine his features. “Eye movement, 98% accuracy. Air-flow, functioning. Texture,” You pinched his cheeks. “Elastic, but durable. Now for the memory test.”
“Ask me anything, Y/N. I know everything,” the bot even gave what looked like a cocky smirk. You remember inputting that HTML one late night, but you completely forgot about it until now. 
“Fine. Full bio.” You challenged. 
“Jisoo Hong. Born December 30th, 1995. Blood type A. Hobbies include playing guitar, singing, playing football, and reading. Earned straight As in school, volunteered twice every month, and is known for being a kind, sweet gentleman. Has never missed church. Has been Y/N’s best friend since elementary school and boyfriend since high school. Oh, is also modest, but knows his popularity is primarily thanks to his looks,” Jisoo-bot dutifully outlined with a proud grin. 
“Okay... Corny bio, but I’m glad you have a sense of humor,” You commented, noting how he combined the facts you inputted into his system and the memories you coded and downloaded into him. “Time for the tough questions. Why do we have seasons?”
“Because the Earth is tilted 23.4 degrees on its axis.” 
“Why are campfire flames visible?”
“Because of decaying electrons.” 
“Can getting a sunburn cause damage to DNA cells?”
“A bat and a ball cost one dollar and ten cents in total. The bat costs a dollar more than the ball. How much does the ball cost?“
“Five cents.” 
“Two plus two?”
“Alright. Let’s go outside to check your motor skills. But first, you’ll need some-” As you talked, you walked to where you dropped your coffee. However, instead of a mess of spilled coffee and broken cup pieces, all you saw was a clean tiled floor. 
“Where’d the mess go?” You stared down dumbfoundedly. 
“I cleaned it while getting toothpaste,” Jisoo-bot responded, appearing next to you. 
“I- We’ll probably need to slow down your speed. Now it’s just getting freaky,” You replied, shaking your head. “Come on, let’s go.”
“Wait,” He stopped you. You looked at him curiously. It was odd, you thought you’d be on your knees in tears, seeing how similar he looked to Jisoo. But the feeling you had with Jisoo... It wasn’t there. Or at least, it wasn’t yet. Your humanoid must’ve known as well. “You haven’t activated my response signal. Do I go by the name you programmed into my system?”
You faced him fully, looking into his eyes. They looked so close, so close, to his eyes - even the glint. But you knew better. You couldn’t help but know better. His eyes were a piece of glass that made any reflection look like the glint of an earnest heart. “I’m sorry... I thought you could use that name, but it doesn’t feel right to him...”
He took your hands with a reassuring smile. “I understand.” 
“But you do need a name. How about...” You knew of one other name he went by. He wanted you to call you by his birth name because of obvious reasons, but it was still a name that signified who he was. “Joshua.”
The robot, Joshua, grinned. “Joshua: response signal activated.”
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k-drabblebabbles · 7 years
Program Me To Love You (Pt. 2)
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Program Me To Love You: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 (Coming soon!) 
❥ Fandom: Seventeen
❥ Pairing: Joshua x Reader
❥ Genre: Heavy angst, slight fluff (Warnings: Death)
❥ Word Count: 1,844
❥ Synopsis: It’s been five years since the passing of your first love. Can the government’s newest technology and your advanced skills of computer science and engineering bring him back?
You woke up the next morning curled on your bed. Since you rarely ate dinner, the previous night being no exception, the growling of your stomach motivated you to get up. 
Despite still being an emotional mess, you were doing a lot better compared to the first year without Jisoo. That first year, you stuck to your bed and refused most meals. Your parents rushed you to the hospital almost every month from you dehydrating and starving yourself. Even though you found words of comfort from all corners, nothing could pull you out of the hollow shell you became.  
That was until a notice from the military came for you. 
Though it wasn’t a draft notice like Jisoo had received. Prior to the news of his passing, you were an exceptionally brilliant engineering student at your university, and you were all set to graduate at the top of your class and head straight to graduate school. Of course, all plans came to a halt when you lost the motivation to do your best. 
The military called for you because their current group of engineers was working day and night to build new weapons to combat foreign enemies. They wanted fresh faces to come onto the scene and help fill in the missing pieces to their plans. At first, you flat out rejected them, especially since you saw them as your enemy. However, they promised to pay for the rest of your education - including grad school - and provide plentiful benefits for you and your family.
At some point, you did come to realize how much of a burden you became on your parents. Jisoo’s parents moved away since their neighborhood reminded them too much of their son, and your parents were aging faster while figuring out how to pull you from your depression. As cliche as it sounded, you knew Jisoo wouldn’t have been happy with the way things were. 
In addition to that, if you were able to invent something that would end wars without as many casualties, another person wouldn’t have to suffer the loss of a loved one as you had. That was the introduction you were given to Project X. 
After washing up, you grabbed your notebook and went to your small-sized kitchen to pour yourself a bowl of cereal. As you ate, you reviewed the original notes you were given and the notes you made about Project X.
The purpose of this project was to build robot soldiers that looked like humans to save prisoners of war and fight the frontlines of battle. That way, the army wouldn’t lose much of their own men, and war could advance to something that wasn’t as bloody as it currently was. 
You knew there were cons, risks, and immoral decisions at hand. But the more you learned about Project X, the less you cared. All you could think was, “I could rebuild Jisoo.” 
As unrealistic as it first sounded, the technology the military exposed you to was beyond what you could’ve ever imagined. Robots can mimic human emotions, devices can go months without charging, reboots took seconds, and the line between real and fake blurred very quickly. When you finished graduate school, the military provided you with your own home in a quiet town for you to work on your own humanoid alone. They sent you the newest tech as soon as they test it and expected you to send weekly reports. Your job was to create a human, so that when you brought it back to headquarters, the specialists there would team up with you and help make it into a solider. You weren’t too fond of the idea at first, especially if you planned to make a replica of your former boyfriend. However, you were assured that you’d be part of every step of the process and if he was indestructible - you’d never have to worry about him leaving you. 
Although it’s been a year and a half since you started your solo work, you’ve advanced quickly but with many failed attempts. You became more obsessed with working than visiting or calling your parents. You ordered your food and groceries so you didn’t need to leave the house. Visitors were rare at your residence as well. 
It was just you and your machines - all day and all night. 
After eating breakfast, you walked to your front door to check for mail. Alas, a package small enough for the mail slot waited at your doorstep. No sender name, no address, just your own information on top of a brown box. You knew it was from the big guys when you opened the box to find three combinations and key lock on the enclosed package. 
You took the box downstairs and began unlocking it. It took a solid five minutes to get everything loose, but once the box snapped open, a small flash drive waited inside along with a letter. 
“Based on your last report, this might be the missing piece,” was all that was written. This would’ve excited you if it wasn’t the dozenth letter with the same words - plus, you didn’t have your coffee yet. 
With a yawn, you started up your systems and plugged the flash drive into the main CPU of your lab monitor. Once you typed in all your passwords and ID numbers, pressed all the buttons you needed to, and plugged in your wires - you clicked on the big, fat, ‘INITIATION START’ button.
You stretched your arms over your head and turned around to go back upstairs and make your coffee. “Hm... Caramel or french vanilla?” You knew how long it took just for the loading page to appear, so you didn’t bother to wait around and fall asleep. 
... It was a shame that you missed the first and only INITIATION SUCCESS - SYSTEM STARTUP page that appeared seconds after you left.  
“Okay, this creamer is goooood,” You thought to yourself as you sipped your freshly brewed coffee. You climbed back down to your lab, sniffing the sweetly caffeinated aroma of your coffee, and nonchalantly headed back to your monitor. 
To your surprise, the monitor was blank. “Heeeelllo?” You clicked around and typed on the screen, but the monitor refused to turn back on. “What the-” 
As you looked up to check the other parts of the main computer, you finally noticed your empty operation table. You eyes trailed down to the fallen gray cloth, then to the pile of unplugged wires, all the way up to a gray set of pants and a toned, bareback. 
The humanoid was up and running, carefully examining parts of your lab. It - he, looking very much like an actual person, a carbon copy of Jisoo - turned to you with a bright grin. 
You stood frozen in place as he walked up in confident strides. His hair, his face, his movements, they were all just like-
“Y/N,” He whispered softly with a voice as terrifyingly similar to the original human. Your rushing train of thoughts was very quickly cut off when he suddenly cupped your face and kissed your lips. 
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k-drabblebabbles · 7 years
Program Me To Love You (Pt. 1)
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Program Me To Love You: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 (Coming soon!)
❥ Fandom: Seventeen
❥ Pairing: Joshua x Reader
❥ Genre: Heavy angst, slight fluff (Warnings: Death)
❥ Word Count: 1,644
❥ Synopsis: It’s been five years since the passing of your first love. Can the government’s newest technology and your advanced skills of computer science and engineering bring him back?
“Almost there… Almost there… Come on…” You stared at the loading screen with wide eyes of hope and fear. The green loading bar of your lab’s computer monitor inched closer to the end. The racing of your heart increased with each passing second, and if you held your breath any longer, you would’ve passed out.
If this attempt was a success, not only would it mean the newest achievement in global technology, but it would also bring back the light that left your life. You didn’t care about the money, awards, or recognition that would come from a successful project - you only cared about what you were about to create, and what that creation can revive.
“Come on…!” The loading bar reached full capacity. For a moment, you felt your heart stop. Could it be…?
Your heart dropped with the umpteenth failure message you saw since you began this project. “Of course,” You let out with a disappointed sigh, then proceeded to shut down your computer.
With a quick glance at the clock, you decided that you reached your mental and physical limits for the day. You walked around your lab to do your routine disconnections, clean-ups, and inventory checks. In the middle of your lab, a long operation table stood with a large object covered by a gray cloth on top of it. That was always your last check of the day, only because it was your hardest.
You soon approached the table, always careful of the veiny wires that connected the object underneath the cloth to multiple CPUs and charging outlets in your lab. Once you stood right next to the table, you took a deep breath and unveiled the object.
At first sight, it would look like a beautiful, sleeping boy. At second sight, with attention to the unmoving chest, it would like a fresh corpse. But with the million sights you took, especially considering the hunk of metal and wires this body was originally, you knew it was only a half-completed android. You touched the cheek, partially with the hope of touching soft, tender flesh, but mainly to check if it’s internal CPU was overheating. When all you felt was the cold cushion of faux skin, you swiftly moved your hand back to the cloth to re-cover the imitation body.
With that, you coldly turned to the exit, shut off all the lights, and made your way out.
With your lab being your basement, you didn’t need to embrace the brisk, winter air outside and instead walked up a simple flight of steps to enter your home. However, you didn’t consider it as such - you preferred to call it your temporary living quarters.
Home was hundreds of miles away. Home was a small town where your classmates were your neighbors, every adult was a friendly aunt or uncle, and every occasion was like a grand holiday. Home was where you were just a young girl with dreams of moving to a big city to become an IT specialist. Home was where you fell in love with the boy-next-door, your best friend, the person you were meant to grow old with and make fond memories to pass on to future generations.
Now… Home was the only piece of decoration in your minimalistic bedroom: a small picture frame on your bedside table. As natural as it was to breathe, your hand automatically gripped the picture frame as your body collapsed on the bed.
The picture was of a young you with a young boy, one not too different from your slumbering project downstairs, smiling on top of a picnic blanket in the middle of a park. You held the camera phone to take the picture while the boy posed with the guitar on his lap. Both your smiles reached your eyes.
You stared at the picture with a blank expression, waiting for the tears to well up. Had you already numb yourself to the pain memories brought you? As usual, you followed through with the experiment…
It was a bright, beautiful, sunny afternoon in a luscious, green park. The air smelled of fresh picnic food and light sea water. The wind carried distant chatter, children’s laughter, and light guitar strumming of the boy seated across from you.
You leaned against the tree with your knees pulled up to your chest. Your nose was buried in your sketchbook, the tip of your pencil stroking the page with precision and gentleness. Your eyes darted between the boy strumming the guitar and the sketchbook, making it your mission to capture every little detail.
“I don’t think you’re doing your computer science homework anymore.” The strumming stopped. You curiously looked up to find the boy staring at you with a raised eyebrow, the hint of a smile playing on his lips.
“I’m just taking a doodling break, that’s all,” You shrugged innocently, trying to subtly close your sketchbook.
“Uh-huh. You’ve been doodling for quite a while, let’s see what’cha got~” The boy put down his guitar and crawled closer to you, one hand reaching for your sketchbook.
“Ah!” You quickly got up and pulled your sketchbook away, then stepped back while hugging the book to your chest. “You’re going to have to catch me first, Jisoo!”
“Challenge accepted!” The boy, Jisoo, jumped onto his own two feet and proceeded to chase you as you made a run for it. You were able to maintain a good distance from him, especially as you zigzagged around different trees, but his long legs were soon able to catch up with you.
With two arms reached out, he was able to hold you in place around the waist and pick you up to spin you around. You giggled and playfully begged him to put you down. “Alright, cough it up, Picasso,” Jisoo stated in your ear, putting you down to instead rest his chin on your shoulder and hug you from behind.
“Hey~ I’ve been drawing faces properly since I was nine, you can’t hold that one ‘second-grade art contest’ nickname forever,” You complained with a light tone.
“Alright, alright… I’ll be the judge of keeping or losing that nickname,” He nuzzled your ear and hugged you tighter, then looked down at your sketchbook with hopeful and curious eyes.
“Fine… If you make fun of me, I’ll beat you up.” You jokingly threatened.
“Hmm~ I’m not scared.” You lightly bumped your shoulder with his chin, earning a soft chuckle as he firmly re-planted his chin.
You carefully opened your sketchbook as your pulse picked up its pace. You couldn’t help the nerves from streaming in as you flipped to the page you were working on.
It was a sketch of Jisoo playing his guitar, the shading alluded to the sun streaming over his angelic form. Although you were getting better at drawing realistic portraits, you didn’t really show Jisoo your recent work since you felt they weren’t good enough. When Jisoo fell silent as he observed each line and stroke, you felt like your heart was going to stop.
“You hate it, don’t you?” You mumbled, ready to close the sketchbook. Jisoo immediately stopped you.
“No, no, I love it! I just…” He looked at you with eyes filled with admiration. “I’m always surprised at how talented and amazing you are.”
“Eyy, you’re just saying that to butter me up,” You teased, your cheeks reddening.
“Maybe~ But only because I’d like to keep the drawing. With your autograph, of course,” Jisoo replied, letting go of your waist to face you properly.  
“Now you’re pushing it.”
“I’m serious! I want to frame it in my room and show it off to all my friends and family when they come over,” Jisoo declared.
“Oh my gosh, no!” The idea had your face flame up.
“Come on,” Jisoo held your shoulders and looked deeply into your eyes. “If this sketch is the way you look at me… Then I want everyone to know that I’m the luckiest man in the world.”
“You really mean that?”
“Of course I do.” To further prove his sincerity, he leaned down to place a soft, affectionately sweet kiss on your lips. That was all you needed to later gently tear the page out of your sketchbook, scribble an exaggerated cursive of your name on the back, then hand it to Jisoo who proceeded to dramatically fanboy over it - all to get a laugh from you.
Little did you know as you two walked home, hand in hand, that a mandatory induction notice from the military waited on the doorstep of your beloved, guitar strumming boy-next-door…  
“Yup, there they are,” You touched your damp cheeks with a humorless chuckle. After placing the picture frame in its original position, you stood up and walked over to your dresser. Sliding open the very first drawer, you looked down at the only three contents of the drawer: a folded piece of old paper, an army tag, and a crumbled ball of another piece of paper.
You picked up the crumbled ball and army tag, briefly remembering how Jisoo’s sobbing mother hugged you as you screamed and grabbed the once pristine death notice. You angrily scrunched it up, refusing to believe anything she tried to tell you. Your shouts of disbelief were silenced only by a folded, slightly browned piece of paper that Jisoo’s father said was from your beloved’s bunk. Of course, it was your drawing - an inked version, as requested by Jisoo before he left to serve.
You now looked at the drawing, edges curled with dried tear stains. Your chest caved in with the gaping hole that felt like it only grew bigger - despite five years having passed. You returned the items inside the drawer and fell to your knees, proceeding to cry and gasp for air as painfully and brokenly as you did the day you heard Jisoo Hong was no longer in your life.
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k-drabblebabbles · 7 years
Popcorn Kiss
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❥ Fandom: Seventeen
❥ Pairing: Jeonghan x Reader
❥ Genre: Fluff, slightly suggestive [ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ]
❥ Word Count: 1,075
❥ Synopsis: Movie night, but your boyfriend Jeonghan has other plans.
❥ A/N: A quick drabble that might turn into a two-shot, short story, or nothing more? Who knows, muhahaha. But I hope you enjoy!
“I’m waiting~” Jeonghan sung impatiently, the piece of popcorn still held between his teeth.
“Jeonghan, I’m trying to focus on the movie,” You stated, stuffing your mouth with a handful of popcorn and keeping your eyes glued to the TV screen in front of you.
With Halloween approaching, you and your boyfriend - Jeonghan - agreed that a horror movie marathon was a must. However, only one of you seemed interested in actually watching the movies, which led to the current scene on the couch of your apartment.
Jeonghan whined again, dramatically shaking his shoulders and furrowing his eyebrows. Since an intense part of the movie was currently playing, you quickly glanced at him with an annoyed expression and crushed the piece of popcorn with two of your fingers. You then returned to watching the movie.
Jeonghan gasped, but didn’t give up. He picked up another piece of popcorn and placed it in the same position. “Do it,” He demanded again. He started poking your cheek with the popcorn piece.
“Why are you so obsessed with these dumb food kisses? They only look good in dramas,” You complained.
“Because.” Peck. “I.” Peck. “Wanna.” Peck. Normally his overtly cheesy displays of affection had your heart racing, but you were too sucked into the movie to pay attention.
“Fine!” You sighed loudly, finally giving in. You turned to him with narrowed eyes, but the excited expression he had on his face made your own face lighten with a small smile.
His eyes were closed with a wide grin, the popcorn piece patiently waiting between his teeth. He looked like such a youthful angel, you leaned forward with a quiet giggle and opened your mouth to take a bite of the other end of the piece.
Alas, you should’ve known better than to let the angelic appearance fool you and allow you to close your eyes. Jeonghan opened his own eyes with an evil smirk, sneakily removed the popcorn, then attacked your approaching lips with a full-on french. Your eyes shot open and you instinctively tried to move back from surprise, but Jeonghan wrapped his hand around the back of your neck and kept you in place.
“If you just wanted a regular kiss, you could’ve just asked,” You thought to yourself with a mental shake of your head before your eyes fluttered close and you responded with your lips. The kiss deepened as his other hand found and rested on your waist. Before you knew it, you were being gently laid down onto the couch, completely forgetting about the popcorn bowl on your lap.
THUCK! The sound of the bowl hitting the floor and dozens of popcorn being sprawled around broke the quickly advancing makeout session. Both you and Jeonghan looked at the mess with hazy eyes and reddened cheeks. “The… Extra butter…” You mumbled, sitting up on your elbows to look down with a pout.
“We’ll worry about it later,” Jeonghan replied quickly, climbing back on top of you and cupping your cheek to reclaim your lips. You fell back onto the couch and hummed in agreement before closing your eyes and letting your body respond to his. Your fingers reached up to comb through his hair as his own hand travelled your body. His fingers reached the hem of your shirt, playfully tugging the piece of fabric. His lips left yours to go down and worship your neck, leaving lingering pecks along the way.
As things began to really heat up- RIIIIIINNNG! Jeonghan stopped his kisses to let out a frustrated groan. He rested his forehead on the nape of your neck, not wanting to separate himself from you so soon.   
You sighed. “Why do you always insinuate the mood when you know you need to leave early?”
“You know…” Jeonghan looked up at you with a devious glint in his eyes. “I’ll stay if you beg me to.”
As much as the idea excited you, both you and him knew better. You pushed his forehead back with a mock look of disdain. “Get out of here, you creep.” Jeonghan lightly bit your finger and peeled himself off of you.
“Why can’t I come trick-or-treating with you and your little cousins tomorrow, again?” Jeonghan whined - back to his playfully annoying self - as he picked up his things.
“And have you be a cranky mess with a bunch of three-to-five year olds? No thank you. I’d rather you be fully rested after a long night of work so we can have our own Halloween fun at Ahreum’s party tomorrow night,” You reminded.
“Oho, our own Halloween fun in front of a bunch of party guests? I didn’t know you were into that,” Jeonghan teased with a wiggle of his eyebrows.
You widened your eyes and lightly slapped his shoulder, “I didn’t mean it like that! Get your mind out of the gutter.”
“But if I do that, who’ll keep our relationship exciting?” Jeonghan tilted his head innocently, followed by a mischievous smirk.
You rolled your eyes, though you couldn’t help but smile. “You’ll be late for work, Jeonghan.” You lightly pushed him towards the door.
“Fine, fine, I know how desperate you are to get rid of me. Ah, I feel like I’m losing a good girlfriend today~” He sighed dramatically and used exaggerated gestures to put on his shoes.
“If your boss doesn’t scold you, I will!” You exclaimed with what you thought was an angry and serious expression, but what he saw was an angry puppy face.
“Okay, okay, maybe I was stalling,” He held both your hands in his and interlaced your fingers. “It’s only because I really don’t want to leave you.” He looked into your eyes with profound affection, hints of sadness etched across face.
“Me neither, but we’ll see each other tomorrow,” You stepped onto your tippy-toes to press a quick peck on his lips.
He lightly scoffed and joked, “At least be sincere about it.” He bent down to give you a proper kiss, one that was longer than your peck, but shorter than what either of you wanted. “Love you,” he murmured against your lips before stepping back and releasing your hands.
“Love you too,” You responded naturally. He stepped out the door and you closed it behind him, still dazed from the kiss.  
As you turned back to your living room, you finally re-noticed the popcorn mess all over the carpet. The cloud you were on instantly vanished.
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