bubblyprettybunny · 1 month
To Lady Athena.
Oh Lady Athena, Goddess of wisdom, military strategy and the art of craftsmanship.
Oh Goddess, I hope that I did you honour, when today I protected the ones I cared about, when today I showed my courage and fought back with my words rather than my body.
Oh Athena Atritonia, please, look down to me, when you can, and help me stop shaking, teach me how to be stronger, how to stop all of this.
I am sorry, lady Athena, if I am not actively praying like before, but thank you, Lady Athena, because if today I didn’t cry, it was thank for what you taught me in the last months.
Thank you, again, Lady Athena, for letting us mortal worship you.
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bubblyprettybunny · 5 months
Silly post per cercare l'attenzione dei giocatori di DND italiani, ma anche semplicemente roleplayers;; io e il mio ragazzo stavamo pensando di indire una campagna tema poema-omerico, Iliade/Odissea, ci stiamo ancora lavorando, per beginners:D Era per farci due risate, sarebbe una cosa tutto tranne che seria, però se qualcuno dovrebbe essere interessato, fatemi un dmmino:D Sarebbe divertente, per ora siamo solo io e lei, che facciamo rispettivamente Omero e Odisseo :D Vi amo, mwha<3 (va capisc se qualcuno vedrà mai sto post ngl)
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bubblyprettybunny · 5 months
Isn’t it great to wake up and know that our deities see us, love us and care about us, just the way we are?
Isn’t it great that they help us become better people? and i’m sure majority of the time we don’t even notice it
Isn’t it great how out of all the people alive in this space rock we call earth, our deities chose us?
Isn’t it great to have a parental/friendly/warm/partner-in-chaotic-crime figure that will always understand you?
Isn’t it great how these ancient deities that have been existed for yonks, are pleased with trinkets and items that remind us of them?
There is nothing greater than the love between a deity and their devotees and i think that’s fucking gorgeous.
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bubblyprettybunny · 6 months
This!! I just love how I can sit there and pray and try to formulate the right words in an almost informal but full of respect way. I know that as long as I respect them, they won’t get mad if I don’t speak like a priestess or if sometimes a word of my native dialect slips from my lips.
And I love how Athena especially is really patient, waiting for me to ask the same question two, three times “just to be sure I didn’t interpret anything wrong” when asking a question. 
And I love how She answers my “what should I do”s with phrases that don’t need interpretation, so I can get the point right away- like:
“Make the 1st step or you won’t go anywhere”
“The problem is you need to focus and don’t lose time”
“Crying and self pity won’t serve you good.”
Praises to the Immortal Gods, a very sweet thanks to Them.
Kind of a rant, but I'm so happy that the gods are so loving and accepting.
As someone with a lot of anxiety issues, it's so nice to know that my deities are there for me and won't abandon me if I make a mistake.
I'm really not used to having people who completely understand my special needs and my struggles. They've helped me so much!
I've been struggling a lot with motivation recently, so I haven't been doing as many devotional acts, but they understand and still care for me.
I love them, and they love me too.
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bubblyprettybunny · 7 months
When you step into sunlight, you honor Apollo. When you admire the moon, you honor Artemis. When you admire cloud shapes, you honor Hera. When you smell petrichor, you honor Zeus. When you laugh at a joke, you honor Hermes. When your body twitches to dance at a particularly upbeat music, you honor Dinoysus. When you enjoy the first bite of your breakfast, you honor Demeter. When you choose your peace over any conflict, you honor Athena. When you warm yourself up by sheltering yourself in blanket, you honor Hestia. When you listen to Ocean sounds, you honor Poseidon. When you smell flowers, you honor Persephone. When you admire the coolness of first day of Autumn, you honor Hades. When you wear your favourite jewellery, you honor Hephaestus. When you smile, you honor Aphrodite. When you exercise, you honor Ares. When you light a torch in a dark room, you honor Hekate.
Your body is a shrine to Gods, your being an act of devotion for them. You, by yourself, are enough for them.
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bubblyprettybunny · 7 months
Hellenism in italy
I was just chilling, but then I wanted to ask around: there are any people here, in this community, that are from Italy-speak Italian?
I never met someone that prayed to the Theoi, just an ex friend that used to, so I just wanted to know if there was someone else out here :D
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bubblyprettybunny · 7 months
I'm an Athene worshipper, of course I love museums
I'm an Athene worshipper, of course I'm always trying to learn.
I'm an Athene worshipper, of course I watch educational videos for fun.
I'm an Athene worshipper, of course I'm always expanding my vocabulary.
I'm an Athene worshipper, of course I've ranted about the Ovid's Medusa myth retelling a few hundred times.
I'm an Athene worshipper, of course I'm always giving my friends advice.
I'm an Athene worshipper, of course I want to learn cross-stich and embroidery and crochet and -
I'm an Athene worshipper, of course I ramble to her about my day.
I'm an Athene worshipper, of course I get excited about owl imagery.
I'm an Athene worshipper, of course I'm interested in history and political science.
I'm an Athene worshipper, of course I will always defend her <3
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bubblyprettybunny · 7 months
Love love to you all, but someone here knows what aromatic herb should I use to make Khernips if I am about to pray to Lady Athena?
And maybe, someone here knows anything that might help someone who’s just starting worshiping the Hellenistic deities? Especially someone who is already used with worshipping Lady Athena?
Love love to you all;;<3
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bubblyprettybunny · 1 year
What should I call my Scaramouche?
I procrastinated Scaramouche quest because I didn’t know what to name him. Today, since Fontaine is finally out, I decided to start the quest.
I’m at the ending and I spent the last hour thinking about a name;;
Those are now my suggestions:
-Ulysses: I am an archeology student and Greek Mythology is very dear to me, so I choose two names that fit this request. Ulysses is for the long journey that he has to do to improve himself- and for the link between Ulysses and Ajax; the latter, indeed, becomes crazy because Ulysses gets with a trick Achilles’s weapons that were designated for him to keep.
-Soter: is a minor god of protection, there is not a real significance behind the choice of this name, I just thought it sounds cool and I used it for a Scara ff earlier this year.
Do you have any other suggestions? Plz help me!
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bubblyprettybunny · 1 year
Scara five minutes before: ohhh you are feeling unwell…ohhh if you feel bad lesser lord Kussnali will kill me for good…ohhh drink this water rn or I’ll kill you myself…ohhhh nvm ur bf is coming.
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Cyno in Parade of Providence (Day 2)
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bubblyprettybunny · 2 years
The unusual hilichurl will say “Quaso” while leaving.
In Fontaine Hilichurls beat you up with a baguette.
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bubblyprettybunny · 2 years
When the city where you’re spending the erasmus looks like a back-room scenario, so you start to wonder if they’re real and if you’re just trapped in one of the levels-
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bubblyprettybunny · 3 years
This man- bear- robot- HIM. He mains Thoma. 100/100. I can easily picture him playing in co-op as a support for his friends. He also plays with Noelle a lot: she’s an healer and a shielder! Maybe her aesthetic doesn’t fit his vibes a lot, but hey! She’s great! Maybe his party would be: Diluc as a Main DPS, Itto as a Sub DPS, Thoma as a Support/Shielder and Noelle as the Healer.
OHHH THIS IS HARD. I think her party would have Xiangling for sure and and Barbara. She wouldn’t be really good at the game, but I can see her as someone who plays for the character. So her party wouldn’t be focussed on the dmg or er- so maybe Xiangling as a DPS, Xinyan as a Sub DPS, yunjin as a support and Barbara as the Healer!
Electro main. She’s an electro main. 100/100. Her Keqing is OP! Maybe she kinda ignores the others characters of the party- but anyway, she’d be the strongest player of the team (I can see her arguing with Monty about the builds and the dmg). Her team would be: Keqing as the main DPS, Mona as BURST DPS, Sara as Support and Yun Jin as Shielder/Support. Yes, this girl plays without an healer.
My man Monty plays with Itto. He doesn’t like his character that much, but his E, Ult and appearance did the job. Also, he loves playing with Beidou. Maybe he mains more Beidou more than Itto- He just doesn’t like the fact that she’s a four star- But anyway, his party would be Itto as a main DPS, Beidou as a Sub DPS, Gorou as a Support/Shielder and Noelle as an Healer (only when not in co-op, he doesn’t want the others to know that he plays with her). Beidou doesn’t not fit the party very well, but he loves her too much to switch her with a more fitting character.
Klee. He LOVES playing with klee. He mains her since her 1st banner. He also has Qiqi as the healer- The fact that she’s a Zombie made him upset -he cried;;- at first but then it made love her more! He also plays with Venti as a Support and Yoimiya as the second Pyro (Sub DPS)!
He mains Diluc. I don’t know why, but he mains him. Also has Xingqiu as healer/support and he’s the character he usually play with in co-op. In solo he plays with Chongyun as sub-dps and has shenhe as support for him. Maybe when not using the letter, he plays with Bennett, even not liking that much the character in se.
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bubblyprettybunny · 3 years
To save the unsavable.
Hi! An Angsty scenario with my beloved Xiao;; I hope you like it<3
Pardonne moi if there’s any mistake;;
Once again he came back home covered in blood. His breath short and his limbs trembling. As a beast, he growled, wiping is mouth. Shaking, you got closer, removing the Primordial Jade Spear from his hands. You wanted to hide in the closet or run away from home, but, as always, you were too worried for leaving him like that. Xiao stared at you behind his mask: you gulped, trying to show yourself calm, and started to sing a sweet lullaby a young lady taught you long ago. The young adepti did away his mask, closing his eyes as he felt the calming warmth of your voice melting his heart. He hugged you, resting his head on your shoulder: you were still shaking, on the verge of crying your eyes out. “I’m- I’m sorry…” said the adepti, hugging you tightly as he noticed your terror. “Maybe…maybe I should leave..we should…we should break up” said, softly petting your hairs. You didn’t respond, sobbing in his chest. When you calmed down, you both accomodate for dinner, no one dared speak a word: the only sound that could’ve been heard was the rattle of the chopsticks on the plate. “I love you, I don’t want to break-up” you said, getting up from your seat only to ho wash your plate. Xiao was still eating, not feeling hungry anymore when you said those words. So it was time to talk about it, uh? Still facing the plate, suddenly interesting, he shook his head. “You can’t handle anymore the effects of my karmic debt.” - “And who says that, you?” - “Yes. I saw it. With my own eyes”. At that point he got up, staring at you. “Stop choosing for me. I’m a grown adult, you know? I’m older than you!” You yelled back as e took a step back, staying silent. “I have to be there for you when you are at your worse, but when I complain a little you immediately want to run away from me.” Xiao looked at you dead in the eyes, nodding. Then, he gazed at the flowerpot. “Qingxin…” he muttered “you’re prettier”. You stared at him, speechless: the started laughing, obtaining a soft smile from him. “I’m sorry.” He added, biting his lower lip. You offered him a bittersweet smile “It’ll get better- or at least we have to try, no?”. Oh, trying to save the unsavable; but the stars are prettier from down here.
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bubblyprettybunny · 3 years
Sleeping together!
Yay! There’s nothing cuter than sleeping together!<3 I hope you enjoy!<3 !!Hurt to comfort!!
Pardonne moi if there’s any mistake!<3
Kazuha showed you his cabine: “I must confess that this may be awkward. You’ll sleep here with me and there’s only one cot that can accommodate two people.” said before turning around to face you. “If indeed this is a problem to you, I’ll find another place to rest.” Claimed, with his soft look. You shook your head and gave him a gently smile: the white-haired boy then left, allowing you to change in your night attire. Later that night, when it was time to get some rest, you calmly sit on the bed, looking at him. Kazuha blushed softly on his cheeks, nose and ears, doing the same: it’s been a while since you two shared a bed. When the boy heard from Beidou that she’ll help you reaching Inazuma, he crossed his arms, displeased: it’s not like he hated you or something like that, it was more of a fear to fall in love with you, again. To be honest, he never ceased loving you: he changed life, living like a pirate, adventuring in new lands- but he still thought of you when he laid in bed, tired. You, on the other hand, were glad to see him once again: when he asked you to break up because he needed more space for himself, you couldn’t say no, you wanted him to feel happy, so your paths parted. But now both of you sat on the same bed, looking at each other: Kazuha ears, cheeks and nose were as red as the could be and he couldn’t keep the eye contact for too long. The young boy untied slowly the bandages on his hand, in silence: you got closer, taking his hand, helping him. It was a little but intimate gesture. Kazuha started tearing a little, hugging you tightly. “I- I Miss you.” Sobbed as you hugged him back. “But…but I know that if I ask you to get together once again, it will..it will end badly, even worse than how it went the first time.” You sighed, pulling away and cupping his cheeks with your hands “I’d do everything for you. Ok?” You kissed his nose as he started to calm down. “Let’s not worry about tomorrow, ok? Come here, let’s sleep together like we used to.” And as you said so, tu both lied down, sleeping while hugging each other for the last time.
“I brought you dangos! And they were made by Yoimiya!” Said Thoma, knocking at your door. You opened the door, looking at the blond boy “Oh y/n, I’m so sorry you had a bad day…let’s have some fun, ok?” Continued, looking at you really worried. You let him in, wiping your eyes. Thoma put down the plate with dangos on the Kototsu and looked around. “You still keep all his things?” Said, pointing out that everything still was where your brother left it. “What if he returns to Inazuma?” - “Oh y/n, Kazuha won’t return to Inazuma..” said Thoma, hugging you as you started to cry again. It was since the day before Kazuha left that you didn’t feel so happy: you ate sweets, played and had a really good time with Thoma. When the night fell, the blond boy was a little resilient to leave you alone. “Uhm..can I spend the night with you?” asked “I am just a little worried”. You nodded: his idea wasn’t that bad- Or rather, it wasn’t bad at all. Thoma smiled and caressed your hair softly. Oh, how much he cared for you. Later, when you were laying in bed, he looked a little less confident than his usual self: you turned around facing him. “Thanks. You always know what I need. You know me better than anyone else” you peaceful said: Thoma looked down at you, laying down as well. “You don’t have to thank me..well..I” he paused, you started to worry more “I just care for you a lot. I know it’s not the right time and I know I shouldn’t say that now, but I like you, a lot. And I want to make sure you are feeling well. Now and forever.” The confident and cheerful Thoma you knew was back, like he lift a burden from his shoulders. You covered your face in embarrassment: of all the things, you didn’t expect that. It was a pleasant surprise tho. “I-I like you too.” You said and Thoma pulled you closer, kissing your now uncovered face with small kisses: the nose, the cheeks, the forehead. And you felt a little less lonely with him by your side.
Ok, to be honest, I don’t really like the Thoma’s one, but anyway- Have a nice day<3
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bubblyprettybunny · 3 years
I love you.
Yay!! Some “I Love you” scenarios!! There may be some angst in some scenarios but I promise it is all fluff in the end!<3
Have fun!!<3
Pardonne moi if there’s any mistake!!<3
As you walked by the path in the vineyard, the nice fragrance of ripe grape inebriated your nostrils. The nice weather framed that late September night; the crystalflies fluttered around both of you gently emphasising your face already slightly visible by the dim lights of the lanterns. Diluc looked at you astonished: how cold a human being be so beautiful? He met many people in his life, but none of them was as beautiful as you. He took your hand, gently intertwining his finger with yours. “Y/n..” he said. The look on his face made you worry: it was clear that he was anxious. “I’ve…I’ve fallen helplessly in love with you.” He said, his cheeks almost as red as his hair. You smiled, gently squeezing his soft hand. Oh, the desire to stop the time and live in that moment forever.
Kaeya (tw: cheating)
You slammed the door as you entered into the office. Kaeya looked at you puzzled, getting up from his chair. “Y/N? Is everything ok?” - “How may it be ok, Kaeya?” you responded, angrily walking toward him. “I met the bard. What was his name? Venti? Well I met Venti. He was still drunk and he told me that «I must not tell the lover of the Khaenri’ah that he kissed another maiden»” You paused. Kaeya face fell: “Do you believe to a drunk bard? The same one that claims to be the Anemo Archon?” Said Kaeya, biting his lip. He did kiss another girl: he was drunk and scared because his dear brother told him that you wouldn’t wait for him forever: that you deserved better than a back and forth. “As for me, he can be whoever he wants, I just say that I wouldn’t be surprised if you flirted with another chick last night!”. Kaeya sighed, admitting his guilt. “It just…I am scared.” He stated, sighing and looking at you. “I’m scared because I fear that once we get in a relationship, it will all fade. Or worse, I’ll do something that will make you hate me like Diluc does…”. You’d lie if you said that you wasn’t mad at him, but how could you yell at someone who’s feeling bad? “Look, I love you. Ok? You. You and only you y/n” ended. His tone wasn’t the usually flirty one, it was more serious. You could feel it in your heart. And as he started to wonder if you hate him already, you got closer, kissing him gently on your tiptoes. Kaeya’s smile could be felt in the kiss.
Thoma (Tw: injuries?? || Spoiler on Inazuma Archeon Quest??)
You entered the tea house sobbing: as he saw you, Thoma rushed at the entrance, worried. “W-What happened?” Said the blond young man cupping your cheeks with his hands. “T-the guards, they tried to confiscate my vision…” He made you sit down and started treating your wounds. “Maybe..you should hide here for some time..Miss Ayaka and Taroumaru would approve without any doubt..” said the young man: his voice and his hands were shaking. After bandaging your injuries, he sighed and made a cup of tea. You didn’t stop tearing yet, scared by what just happened. “Hey…there there..” said Thoma handling you the cup of tea: he caressed your hair and got closer putting his forehead on yours. “Everything is ok, got it? I’ll protect you…” whispered the man, moving then away. “I care for you, I love you, ok?”
You both lied on the soft grass of Lyue. The last warm light of the sun caressing your face as your heavy breath escaped your mouths. It was a nice match: you knew for sure that he let you win this time -in any case, the victory was yours. Childe got closer, tenderly running his tires fingers through your hairs: “It’s getting late- since you won, wanna go out with me? My treat” said, chuckling. You nodded, turning around to face him: the redhead hair were all messy and he had a little cut on his bottom lip -your fault, you didn’t mean to hit him on the face. Childe cheered, getting up and stretching. As you did the same, the strange urge to pick you up got in his mind- And so he did. “Next time I’ll win! And you’ll have to kiss me!” Said, sweetly messing with you: oh, such a long time since he had such a good time.
Zhongli (tw: overprotective boyfriend.)
As a living being, a human, Zhongli feared a lot for your life. Usually he’d warn out the listener and then continue with his own life, but not with you. Once, you wanted to go play with the snow with his adepti and he stopped you: “too cold, you’d get sick” - let alone that Lyue mountains were as dangerous as it can be. “You know I only say that because I care for thou.” Again, when you wanted to go playing outside with the traveller and their floating friend, he was always quite resilient: Aether would protect you, but must be said that he hadn’t the best of luck- and the Archon didn’t want you ti end up fighting with some people straight from the abyss. “You know I only say that because I care for thou”. And then also that time when he had a brutal argument with his friend of a life, Venti, just because one it was too windy and you could catch a cold. And as always he said “You know I only say that because I love thou”. Zhongli meant no harm and you were aware of that, but you’d lie if you say that it was inopportune: you were an adult, you knew how to protect yourself- and you wanted to have fun. And so it happened, the great fight- to him, worse than the Archons War or the fall of Khaenri’ah: it was a nice weather and you wanted to swim; it was sudden, so you didn’t have a swimsuit. He said that it wasn’t the right thing to do since Lyue was far from there and if you’d walk all wet you’ll catch a fever. Maybe he was right, ok? But you couldn’t handle that behaviour anymore: you ranted, almost tearing, toward the man- even if he was at least six thousand years old, in proportions with your age and the lifespan of a human being, you had the same age. Maybe it didn’t made sense, but you were tired to be treated like a child. And as he saw your tearing eyes, he understood many things: you’d die anyway, so at least let’s spend some time together. Zhongli removed his cog and untied his belt, slowly undressing himself just to remain in shirt and pants. “We’ll then, what are you waiting for? The waters of Lyue are nicer now than this night. They’re a little warmer and you can se some pufferfishes or medium koi swimming around there” - he said so, but in his heart he wished to not se a single fish. You smiled, knowing how much it meant for him, quickly undressing yourself and bathing with him in the nice waters of Lyue.
Xiao wasn’t…the best with words. He never said that he loved you directly- even when you got together, he didn’t really confess, it was more the “consequence” of a kiss you gave him. Yes, physical touch was the only way he could show you his love and affection. Although today it was your first anniversary: he wanted to do something special for you. It was quite a while he was spending part of his precious time taking flute and poetry lessons from Venti. If the bard would have been honest, he wasn’t that good, but when he spied on the two of you the night of “Xiao performance”, he heard the most sweet melody he’ll ever listen to. It was a song from Orpheus and Euridice, Gluck: it was so sweet, so well played. Your heart melted as you saw his pretty face all focused on what note play next. At the end of the song, he got a piece of paper and looked you in the eyes, then down again at the note. “My love, you've captured my heart in ways beyond comprehension.” Muttered shyly looking at you, his precious lover. Maybe he exaggerated, maybe you didn’t like it- Xiao was rather surprised when he felt your soft lips on his; he kissed back with a new warmth in his heart, his cheeks and ears as red as they can be. And that weird bard will sing about the purest love of Lyue for years and years.
You rested your head on Kazhua lap as he calmly played the Zither. He hummed quietly, closing his eyes, enjoying the perfect pace of that nice evening. You gazed up at him, smiling softly. The white-haired boy stopped playing and glanced at you. “The dove cross the sky, cumulonimbus clouds cry on their wings, the sea welcomes new pearls”. You reach out and caressed his soft cheek: “we’re late..Beidou must be searching for us..but your gorgeous figure makes me want to stay here longer.” Stated firmly and gently. You chuckled, getting up only to leave a little perk on his lips. “i love you...” spoke him: his eyes shut and his tone comforting. He breathed softly, holding you closer. “I love you more than anything else on this planet…more than the wind, more than the mountains, the flowers, the sea…”
“Ok ok, but you can’t know everything.” You said as you laid on the snow while was painting the landscape. “I never said that, that’s why I pursued my studies” remarked Albedo, whiteout glancing at you. “Ok, so you don’t know how to make a snowman? Right?” - “wrong.” - “I don’t believe you!”. Albedo sighed putting his art supplies in the bag and coming closer to you. He sat down in the snow next to you. “If you wanted to build a snowman you could have asked, you know?” said ad he glared at you petting you on the head. You smiled and nodded, but instead to get up you pushed him down, taking him by surprise: he stared at you puzzled and you smirked, starting to make a snow Angel. Albedo rolled his eyes, smiling a little, and started to make one as well. And when you both were covered in snow, still hand in hand, you laughed happily. He smiled with the most lovable smile he could ever give to someone. “I may not know everything about this world, but I know for sure that I love you”
The Bard pulled you closer: “Ok ok, it’s not wine, nor tavern…can you give me another hint?”. You puffed your cheeks. “What’s something you love Venti?” You added at your previous conversation. He giggled playing with your hair “I got it: music!”. You got up, crossing your arms “ok! I’ll return to the city then”, you affirmed, messing around with him. “Ok, ok, you won. I love you. I love you so much.” Claimed the bard, getting up as well and hugging you tightly.
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bubblyprettybunny · 3 years
You’ve changed my life.
Yay! A short Albedo scenario because his caring for the traveller in the event has melted my heart<3
Have fun<3
Albedo looked down at you a bit insicure, then kissed you tenderly. His lips had the calming taste of pinenuts and the softness of the freshly fallen snow. As you pulled away, you caressed gently his hair, looking at him with the most lovefull gaze a human could ever give to someone. For a single moment, he forgot about his nature and let his mind envisioned a possible future with you. He felt warmth inside his body, he felt love. And even if his “birthmark” suggested you that he will never give the life you deserved nor enough love to you, he couldn’t help but seem the most beautiful and lovable person in the whole world: someone who’d give up his life for you. And indeed this was the case. “You’ve changed my life…for better” he said, looking in your eyes with his blue/azzurrine ones. “You’ve changed my sight of the world…” The young man continued as he nuzzled against your neck. Albedo breathed softly, calmly smiling at your perfume: Cecilias and honey. “You’ve changed my opinion on many things..this feeling…” he stopped, hugging you tightly. “I just want to say that I love you.” You played with his hair as he closed his eyes. “I’ll protect you, I’ll make you happy. I promise.” And as he said so, he felt lighter, he felt happier. Oh, how much he feared the day you’d return home.
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