bubchie · 3 years
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bubchie · 4 years
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bubchie · 4 years
Is your project going to be a little movie? I thought it was a series of illustrations. Whatever it is I’m so excited!!! As if it was official stuff
thank you, that’s so sweet of you!! our project is unfortunately not going to be a finished movie (we wish), but kind of mishmashed elements of pre-production for an imaginary feature film. our main focus is script writing, storyboard animations, visual development, and we hope to finish some character models and rig them for test animations.
a lot of the radio silence from us has been because stuff like writing, storyboarding, and modeling takes a lot of time and it's just the two of us chipping away at it, but our tentative goal is to have our first animatic (of this scene!) done by the end of the month, though don't quote me on that
we’ve played around with writing/visual development for years but never finished a complete story or made it accessible to public eyes so all of this is just kind of
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bubchie · 4 years
Hello :) first i wanted to tell i love your art it is truly awesome^^ all of this is very exciting 😍 any chance to have some design for the king and the queen of the southern isles or they are both already dead by the very start of your story ? 🙂
hello! thank you so much for your kind words!! unfortunately only the king has a very minor role in our story (mention only) with no on-screen appearances. that said, we’d like to do more environment/prop designs eventually, which could include some family portraits with designs for the parents. thank you for your interest! :^)
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bubchie · 4 years
Do you have instagram !!
not currently! we actually started there but found we were having issues being seen, and the aspect ratio of our illustrations was a poor fit for the website’s formatting requirements. if there’s enough interest we might consider revisiting the idea but for now we’ll probably just hang out here
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bubchie · 4 years
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Concept art (and one animation cel) of Ratigan, the villain in Disney’s The Great Mouse Detective (1986).
Ratigan never seems to make Great Disney Villains lists, but I remember I found him very scary. And he was; he was lethal. The film’s finale made a great impression on me when I was a kid.
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bubchie · 4 years
Will you post a synopsis of your project? That's what usually happens.
our story takes place after the events of frozen 2, and is set in motion when the king of the southern isles dies and hans's eldest brother ascends to the throne. the new king kaleb (changed to nordic spelling sorry) is brash and idealistic and has plans to revitalize his kingdom's diminishing power, but he wants hans far out of the way to do so given that his plan quite heavily involves arendelle
hans is packed onto a ship to be sent away, but in a last-ditch effort he manages to escape, getting marooned on a tiny islet off the coast of the main island
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the story follows as he tries to get the upperhand over kaleb to prove himself, struggles to avoid capture by the second eldest (bjorn), and grapples with his general feelings of anger and bitterness towards pretty much everyone while some family friendly disney jokes happen around him and ruin his vibe
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bubchie · 4 years
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a taste of what’s to come
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bubchie · 4 years
Wow wow wow, so excited for this and really glad you’re using so many resources (like a frozen heart!) I’ve been in the Hans fandom for a long, long, LONG LOOOOOONG time (over on my Literal Stan Blog princehans). The art is incredible and I’m excited to see where this goes!! ALSO LIKE.... if y’all want cash money at any point I and a lot of others would happily sign up for a patreon or buy prints or other merch!!!
woah!! that's incredibly sweet of you, thank you so much! we might someday look into a patreon if we can establish a steady workflow/feel confident we won't get sued (if anyone knows more about this feel free to enlighten us), but as it stands we're probably too unorganized/undisciplined to offer a membership in good conscience haha
we'll be more free to assess the situation with school wrapping up next month, HOWEVER... if you guys want to enable our antics in the meantime we did just set up a kofi page. 😳
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bubchie · 4 years
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Character Designs from Frozen by Minkyu Lee
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bubchie · 4 years
I would like to say you handled that situation with that extremely unnecessary hashtag comment on your taking a break post. I cringed seeing that someone thinks it’s appropriate to write something like that. This user appears to be desperate AF. I’m feel like apologising for that person’s behaviour on behalf of the Prince Hans fandom. We are not all like this.
It's okay! The majority of the responses to our project have been extremely sweet and encouraging, and the person mentioned has also had some kind things to say so we have no hard feelings. That said, we've had quite a few responses of that nature to our project and I think it's worth clarifying a few things about the way we're approaching this/who it's "for"/why people might not see everything they want to see in it
another essay under the cut because i have no chill
basically, before we started posting here we were in no way participants in this fandom (not even as lurkers), we had no idea what its tastes were or how large of a following the characters had. the idea for this project came about from complaining about Frozen's misuse of the "Freudian Excuse" trope in relation to Hans' actions, and the conflation of victims of violent abuse with "unredeemable monsters." That paired with some of the major themes of Frozen (and the original Snow Queen especially) made his character resolution feel especially tone-deaf and left us wondering why the movie didn't even try to open a discussion about the descent of his character rather than just jeering at it.
Subverting the derogatory implications of his character while keeping  him believably the same person (having previously displayed a plethora of unsavory traits) made writing the story an extremely fun challenge and prompted a lot of pretty intense character discussions, hence our maybe higher-than-average level of investment in this project and the quality of work we're putting in
THAT SAID, since we were never really anticipating getting involved with the fandom, we didn't approach writing this project as being for the "Hans fandom" or any other kind of in-group that would presume sympathetic traits for his character. We wrote this with the hypothetical question of "What if this were shown in theaters?" in mind, which meant that to be successful we had to start within the limits of the layperson's understanding of Hans (that he's a dick, basically) while also being tactful towards what most people like about the first two movies, hence our avoidance of fandom ships and the rest of the main cast. If we can persuade Hans skeptics to think differently, or at least more critically, about the character and representations of abuse victims in general, then we will have pretty much succeeded at what we set out to do
whether that makes people more or less wary of our project is something that remains to be seen, but hopefully that gives people a clearer idea of what to expect. it's essentially just a rigorous creative exercise that overlapped with a particular group's interests, and while we're very happy and flattered with the attention it's gotten, we also hope people will be willing to judge it objectively rather than for its capacity for wish fulfillment 😊
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bubchie · 4 years
it doesn’t, sorry! our project is almost totally independent from the protagonists of the movies. elsa and hans are in this one as reference for scale/proportions only. sorry if that was misleading to anyone, that wasn’t our intention
we’re taking a break from illustrations to do other things 👀
Keep reading
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bubchie · 4 years
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Visual Development from Frozen by Bill Perkins
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bubchie · 4 years
we’re taking a break from illustrations to do other things 👀
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(don’t sue us disney)
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bubchie · 4 years
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Layout and background painting I did for our short movie “01:08″. A step by step from colorscript to final rendering. FX animation was done by @miscdelusional, character animation is from @adahernaez and el famoso @quentin-rgx did the compositing. Teamwork.
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bubchie · 4 years
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(sorry i broke your ask so we had to screenshot it lolol)
thank you!! that’s so sweet of you to say! no one really understands why hans is our favorite either, i imagine in part because it’s more the byproduct of a lot of frustration and nitpicking rather than satisfaction with his actual character. 😅
explanation under the cut regarding this
i think part of the issue with hans is that a lot of what makes him compelling kind of lacks self awareness or intention within the actual text of the movies. there are a lot of paralleled struggles throughout the character arcs of the first movie (i.e. destructive coping mechanisms to deal with isolation/ostracization) that are only magnified every time they expand his backstory… and yet he’s the only one exempt from a compassionate examination of that struggle.
to us that kind of suggests an incomplete or conditional understanding of some of the themes present in their own movie, which is a problem totally unrelated to his function as the antagonist. he could have been every bit as “unredeemable” while still being a cohesive part of the film’s thesis had they made him lean more tragic rather than turning him into this victim-hating reverse-cinderella where the punchline is that he’s sent BACK to his abusive family and we as the audience are expected to vindictively cheer at his fate. it sucks for obvious reasons hence our desire to explore alternative narrative conclusions 😒
it’s not our intention to ignore or excuse the problematic traits of his character (we are not of the belief that he didn’t want to do the things he did) but more to expand the themes of the first movie so that he’s included in a more nuanced version of that discussion.
anyway sorry for the rant. thank you again for the ask, we hope our interpretation does your boy justice! 🥺💖
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bubchie · 4 years
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thanks fur all the interest in our project haha ha process for this
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