List of Black Lives Matter and Racial Equality Petitions to sign:
Justice for George Floyd
Justice for George Floyd 2
Justice for George Floyd 3
Charge the Officers Responsible for George Floyd’s Murder 
Charge the Officers Responsible for George Floyd’s Murder 2
Justice For Ahmuad Arbery
Justice For Ahmuad Arbery 2
Justice for Breonna Taylor
Stand with Breonna
Charge Officers Responsible for Breonna Taylor’s Murder
Justice For Tamir Rice
Justice For Joāo Pedro
Justice for Alejandro Vargas Martinez
Justice for Belly Mujinga.
Justice for Rashad Cunningham
Justice For Tony McDade
Justice for Dion Johnson
Justice for Jennifer Jeffley
Justice for Young Uwa
Justice for Elijah Nichols
Justice for Tete Gulley
Justice for Tazne Van Wyk
Justice for Michael Dean
Justice For Amari Boone
Justice for Darrius Stewart
Justice for Shukri Abdi
Justice for Ashton Dickson
Justice For Darrius Stewart
Justice for David McAtee
Justice for Cameron Green
Justice for Crystal Mason
Justice For Zinedine
Justice for Regis Korchinski-Paquet
Justice for Christopher Josey
Justice for Amiya Braxton
Justice For Emerald Black
Justice for Andile Mchunu
Justice for Cameron Green
Justice for Tamla Horsford
Justice for Collins Khosa
Free Siyanda
Reopen Sandra Bland’s Case 
Free Willie Simmons who has served 38 years for a $9 robbery
Get Washington State to Hold Police Officers Accountable for Police Brutality
Arrest Officer Jared Campbell for macing a child 
Demand Jail Time for Dylan Mota and Jacob Robles
Demand Jail Time for All Police who Murder Innocent People
Fire Racist Criminal Michael J Reynolds from the NYPD
Petition for Nationwide Police De-Escalation Training
Petition for Nationwide Police Required Racial Bias Test
stop immigrants being poisoned by ICEBan the use of inhumane rubber bullets
Demand a retrial for Angel Bumpass wrongfully convicted 13 year old with a life sentence
End Police Brutality and Violence Against BIPOC in the USA
Ban the use of rubber bullets for crowd control
Join Campaign Zero
Drop All Charges Against Incarcerated Trafficking Survivor Chrystul Kizer!
Reopen Kendrick Johnson’s Case
Abolish Prison Labour in the USA
Require Dash and Body Cameras for the King County Sheriff’s Office
Donation Links
A thread of Youtuve videos you can stream to donate to BLM
Official George Floyd Memorial Fund
OFFICIAL Gianna Floyd Fund (George Floyd’s child)
Black Lives Matter
We Cant Breathe
43 Bail Funds to Support
Homeless Black Trans women fund
Split a donation between 70+ community bail funds, mutual aid funds, and racial justice organizers
Minnesota Healing Justice Network
Women for Political Change
Spiral Collective
When We All Vote
National List of Bail and Mutual Aid Funds/Organizers/Black Owned Businesses
Venmo names of black trans people that need help
Latino Community on Lake Street
Black Immigrant Collective
Centro de Trabajadores Unidos en Lucha
Atlanta Black Owned Business Relief
Al Maa'uun
Remembering Shana Isuroon 
Fundraising for destroyed black owned businesses
Joyce Preschool
Black Table Arts
Northside business support
Du Nord Riot Recovery Fund
Unicorn Riot
Donate to Destiny Harrison & her daughter Dream’s Legacy
Pimento Relief Fund
Southside Harm Reduction
West Broadway Business and Area Coalition
Division of Indian Work
TC Care Collective
Justice for Breonna Taylor
Justice for Jamee
Justice for David McAtee
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My childhood sketchpad
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it’s crazy that im alive to witness major effects of climate change. like it always seemed super vague and it was always ‘the polar bears won’t have anywhere to live’ but this shit is going to fuck everything up bigtime.
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Here you go with another post with some words in Korean ! Hope I hadn’t already posted these in my three other posts !
Ships requests are still open as well as the imagines requests !
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Give It Back
Give it back.
The words fell off your lips jokingly as he held the shirt you needed out of reach from your hands.
No because then you’ll leave and won’t be back till later
I need to go to work though. I have an important meeting today and they need me there
But i need you here with me
The words shot through you and you smiled at him. It was impossible to find the words adorable as they slipped through his lips.
I’m sorry sweetheart but I have to go, so you can either give me the shirt or I’ll pick out a new one. Also when I get home we can cuddle all you want
Okay I give just come back as soon as possible
I will don’t worry
Give it Back
He said as I took his phone from his hand. I knew something was up when he spent all his time on it by texting and making calls when he thought I was sleeping. He would leave sometimes and you finally had enough. you ran into the bathroom and locked it before he could get in and looked through his messages.
The most recent was to the contact ‘revol’. It didn’t take but a second to understand it was lover backwards, and it definitely wasn’t you because your name was the second on the list.
Looking through the messages made your fears come true. He was cheating on you. The messages went back two months and a few tears fell from your eyes.
“Y/N can you open the door?” His voice asked and in anger you through his phone at the door and listened to the satisfying crack it made as it made contact.
You heard a shit outside the door and you knew that he knew he had been caught.
“Y/N you have to listen to me. I ju-”
You cut him off by ripping open the door and pushing him backwards.
“No I don’t have to listen to your excuses. I won’t listen to your bullshit excuses about why you decided to cheat on me. I get that I haven’t been around as often because of work but that doesn’t give you the right to take my trust and love and smash it under your feet as you enjoy another woman’s body. I hope she was worth it because we are through.” You walked to the closet and threw all his stuff towards him.
“Y/N what are you doing?” He asked as he tried to pick up his clothes before more of his stuff was thrown towards the pile
“I want you out. I don’t want you here anymore, so take your stuff and get out. I’ll give you 15 minutes before I throw it out the window.”
“Y/N please li-”
“14 minutes now” you walked out of the room after that and into the kitchen where you sat at the kitchen island and stared at the clock counting down the minutes.
Give it Back
You asked for the key before he left. You didn’t want him to be able to get back in the house or back in your life. If he was so adamant about not wanting you then you would gladly oblige by making sure he wasn’t able to get back in.
He hesitantly gave you the key from his keychain and he had tears in his eyes.
“Wipe your eyes. You never would have done this if you truly loved me. You brought this upon yourself so deal with the consequences. Go be with ‘Revol’ for all I care” You spat the words at him and forced him out of the house before locking the door and sliding down until your butt hit the ground.
Give it Back
You had yelled tearfully when you got the invitation. The wedding invitation. He had moved on like you told him to but you still weren’t over him. Sure you had dated as well but they all ended horribly and you went back to your thoughts of him and realized how much you missed him.
You had stupidly sent the invitation back with an RSVP for the wedding. You didn’t know why you did it, maybe it was the need to see him one more time or maybe you just liked the pain you felt every time you thought of him.
You were crying now because you wished that things would go back to how they were when you first started dating and you were deeply in love with each other.
And all you could get out was the same sentence as you cried
“Give me back  my heart.”
0 notes
If I started series on here would you read it? Would you prefer a fiction piece or a fanfiction series? let me know and I’ll work on it
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Wolflet- Nightmares
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Fandom- Lunar Chronicles
Word Count-  2112
Description- Scarlet has nightmares and Wolf helps her through them
Even the strongest people fall to their knees. Scarlet knew this all to well. She had always been known as the strong one, the person who was strong when everyone else would have been weak. She kept up this facade during the day, but when it came down to going to sleep she was as weak as a porcelain doll hitting the ground. In the weeks after finally leaving Artemisia she began having nightmares. Her nightmares so vivid that when she woke she never wanted to go back to sleep. She even stalled going to bed as long as she could before Wolf came and carried her upstairs to their bed. Wolf caught onto this and the fact that she would sneak out of bed once he was asleep so he would make sure to wrap his arms around her before going to bed.
Wolf helped keep the nightmares at bay most of the time but tonight was an exception. There was other times when the memories of her time in Artemisia came back but tonight had to be the worst yet.  
~~~~~~ Nightmare ~~~~~~
The dream started with her standing in the throne room with the lunars watching her in entertainment as she was interogated by the Queen and Sybil. They stood before her with cruel smirks plastered on their faces as they looked down on her like she was the dirt on their shoes. When she couldn't answer the question they wanted answered she felt a cold presence taking over her mind and forcing her to cut off her pinkie. The pain shot through her in an instant but while she was trying her hardest not to scream out in pain the lunars were all laughing at her punishment. Their faces continued to taunt her as they laughed and laughed as she blacked out partially from pain and partially from blood loss.
As soon as she blacked out her eyes reopened and she found herself once again chained to the little boys floor as he continued to practice his gift on her. She didn't understand how such a young child could come up with all the gruesome things that she saw for those 2 long weeks. It was almost unbearable to go through the same things over again. This time though it felt more real than when the boy was doing it. She felt all the tiny hairs of the insects as they crawled around her and inside of her. She was sick to her stomach but could not force anything up because there was nothing there. The 2 weeks went by all at once as if the boy was giving her all the torture at once instead of spread over a 2 week period. After what felt like forever the dream once again changed but she could still feel the mental torture from the little boy.
As she blinked she was brought to the district where she was infected with the plague. She was truly terrified then because she thought she was going to die without telling Wolf how much she loved him. She was alone here in this district because she didn't know any of the people here. Winter was in a suspended animation chamber and she was basically the only person she even slightly knew. Now she knew she was most likely going to die before seeing Wolf because the disease had evolved and the disease took less time to kill someone than before.
There was no way to stop the disease from progressing in her and she began to accept the fact she wouldn't make it, and instead put on a brave face and helped the others when they began to show symptoms. She grew weaker but she still kept helping because if she was going to die then she was going to die helping the people that needed it. In her nightmare Cinder did make it to her but she was still so weak and could barely fight as the revolution started.
As the fight raged on it seemed like things were going well on her side until more and more of the people fighting for Cinder's cause started falling. Cress was the first to be taken by the guards and Thorne got taken soon after as he was fighting for Cress. Winter was taken off guard since Jacin was knocked out and couldn't guide her. Kai was brought out from the castle chained and Cinder immediately tried to run to his aid but got apprehended as well. The last person to be taken was Wolf. He was dragged onto the palace steps where the others were lined by about 6 guards and was forced to stay in his spot, they all were. From the grand entrance of the palace the queen walked as gracefully as ever to stand behind the group that had led the revolution.
"Citizens of Artemesia. I stand before you to punish the leaders of your revolution against me. I stand before you to deliver the final blow and end this revolution here. These who kneel before me are sentenced to death on the charge of crimes against the throne." She walked back and forth behind the group until she stopped at Cinder. She gave a slight wave of the hand before a guard handed her a sword. she took the sword and with one swift movement cut the life from Cinder. She continued with killing her friends one by one until she got to Wolf. A sinister grin made its way onto her face.
"This is for you Scarlett. I let you live but your love must die." She spoke and the noise resonated throughout the courtyard before she took the sword and took the life from Wolf. He fell to the ground and Scarlett sobbed. Before anything else the world went black.
~~~~~~~~~ Nightmare Over ~~~~~~~~~
Scarlet shot up in bed sobbing. The dream shook her to her core and she scrambled to get out of the bed, but fell off the side of the bed instead. She landed on the ground harshly and the noise she made as she fell woke up the sleeping Wolf and he was immediately alert. He noticed how distraught she looked and jumped off the bed and went to comfort her. She was sobbing and when she felt the familiar arms around her she turned and buried her face into Wolf's chest as she cried. Wolf pulled her in closer and the position reminded Scarlet of the time they were on the train.
"Scarlet what happened in your dream?" Wolf asked concerned for her as she shook like a leaf in his arm. He took her face into his hands and made her look at him. Her blue eyes were filled with tears and her red curly hair was falling around her face. He kept her face in her hands as he caressed her cheeks with the pads of his thumbs. They were in no means smooth on her skin but the contact with Wolf made her feel better.
"Wolf, Wolf she killed you. I couldn't help you and she killed you. She killed all of you guys and I couldn't stop her. You were dead Wolf." she sobbed again and Wolf dropped his hands from her face and held her in his embrace again. "Scarlet she can't hurt us anymore, she's gone." Scarlet stopped sobbing but she was still sniffling which hurt Wolf to his core.
" That wasn't the only thing I dreamed of Wolf. I remembered everything that happened while I was stuck there. I know I haven't told you everything but Wolf everything came back. All the times the little boy used me as a test dummy, when they forced e to cut off my finger, when I had the disease and almost died, everything came back Wolf. I was all alone Wolf and nobody really helped me. Sure Winter was there along with Jacin but they couldn't fully help me without getting killed for treason. I was actually a caged animal to them. I was put i a cage where they kept animals and it was filthy. There was't any clean water and they rarely brought me food. The only companion I had was a Wolf but he was weak and ended up having to be killed to save the princess. I could've died so many times Wolf, so many times. I am lucky to be sitting here because I almost didn't have the chance to tell you that I love you again and I don't think I would've made it as far as I did without the thought of coming back to you running through my head." more tears slipped from Scarlet's eyes as she had to once again had to relive her experiences.
At this point Wolf also had tears running from his eyes. She was hurt and he wasn't here when she needed him the most because he was stuck on the spaceship waiting to act. He knew that he couldn't of gone for her or she would have been dead but he couldn't help but wish he was there to help her when she needed him, to save her from going through what she had to. He wanted to make her happy so he stood up with Scarlet in his arms and placed her on the bed. He said he'd be back and ran out of the room and into the kitchen. He raided the pantry for the item he wanted and when he found it he went straight back to his and Scarlet's room where she still sat. Scarlet looked up when she heard him renter the room and saw him sit on the  bed next to her.  She saw an object in his hand and was going to ask what it was but he placed it in her hands before she could. She looked down at the object and saw a perfectly red tomato in her hand.
Scarlet couldn't help herself and let out a teary eyed smile. " Wolf you brought me a tomato?" She asked him with soft amusement and he nodded and gave her a genuine smile.
"Well tomatoes make me happy so I thought maybe if I gave you a tomato you would be happy too." Wolf pulled an innocent face as he stared at the redhead and her smile grew larger. He really did make it easy for her to love him.
"Wolf you are the sweetest. I love you so much." she placed the tomato on the nightstand beside the bed before turning back and hugging Wolf. Wolf rested his head on top of hers as she rested hers on his chest.
" I am definitely not the sweetest but for you my alpha I'll make an exception." She laughed at his statement and she felt him smile softly against the top of her head.
" I love you Wolf, so much." she told him and she felt herself being pulled from Wolf's chest  and looking straight into his eyes. " I love you so much as well Scarlet." He then took Scarlet's face again into his hands and kissed his girlfriend gently.
~~~ Few Weeks Later ~~~
The amount of nightmares Scarlet had decreased over the weeks but they were still ever present i the back of her mind.  Tonight though Wolf had gone into town after dinner to run an errand and told her not to wait up for him since it was late. Unfortunately once she fell asleep she had a really bad nightmare and woke up panting. She looked to Wolf's side of the bed to realize that he wasn't there but fate must have been taking it easy on Scarlet because only a minute after she had woken up panting the front door was unlocked and opened before closing again. Rapid and heavy footsteps were heard through the house as Wolf ran to the room with a bag in his hand.
"I have something for you." he said in between pants before walking over and shoving the bag into her hands excitedly. She grabbed the bag and opened the bag curiously. Inside was a tomato plush toy.
"Now you'll always have a happy thing with you whenever you have your nightmares just in case I can't be there for you." Scarlet smiled and got up quickly before wrapping her arms around Wolf's neck and bringing him in for a passionate kiss.
"Wolf you are my happy thing." Scarlet said as they pulled away and Wolf let out a huge wolfish grin and brought her in for another kiss that held the same passion as before.
"You're my happy thing to." Wolf said and they both smiled at each other and laid down. They both fell shortly after and Scarlet didn't have any more nightmares that night
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My puppy sleeps with me every night
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the director of god of war 2 and god of war 2018 really just has a tiny horse in his bed
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Steve/Bucky- Misunderstanding
In a briefing
Bucky walks in late and sits at the table.
“Okay, give me the dope”
Tony spits out his coffee and chokes on a laugh
Clint tries his hardest to keep a laugh in but fails miserablely
Natasha snickers under her breath
Bruce just shakes his head and wears a smirk
Thor is confused
Steve just looks at Bucky and gives him the information
Everyone looks at Steve like he’s crazy
Steve just shrugs and says,
“What he asked for the information. What do you think he meant?”
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tag yourself i’m the one holding the bucky bear 
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This is exactly how we are rn.
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“You Either Die A Hero, Or You Live Long Enough To See Yourself Become The Villain.“
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My childhood
Anyone remember these shows
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so beautiful
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Big uwu energy
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the director of god of war 2 and god of war 2018 really just has a tiny horse in his bed
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if this isn’t me
Me, watching myself procrastinate on assignments up until last minute:
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Me, when everything works out in the end:
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