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the clickhole people take no prisoners yet again
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Heavy rain leaves trail under crystalline water and creates rare, beautiful scene. This scene is located in Bonito, MS, Brazil.
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“The Vizier’s Daughter”
Shahryar, a powerful king of an ancient land, had become so enraged by his first wife’s unfaithfulness to him, that he beheaded her, and began wedding a new woman every night, only to behead her the next day so that no woman could ever be unfaithful to him again. This went on for 1,000 days, until he met his vizier’s daughter, Scheherazade. She was clever and engaging, having spent her days reading many books on history, philosophy, poetry, and other arts.
Scheherazade volunteered to spend a night with the king, and kept him occupied by telling him a thrilling tale. She stopped in the midst of the story, prompting the king to spare her life so that she could continue the following night. The next night came, and when Scheherazade finished the story, the king asked her if she knew any more, to which Scheherazade replied that yes, she had many more stories to tell. Every night she would weave a new tale for the king, and stop in the middle, assuring her survival for another day. This went on for 1,001 nights, during which time the king had fallen in love with Scheherazade, and at the end of her final tale, he made her his queen.
The collected stories are known as “One Thousand and One Nights” (also titled “Arabian Nights”) with Scheherazade as the narrator. It’s been widely translated and adapted in many cultures through the years, and most noted for containing the tales of “Aladdin,” “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves,” and “Sinbad the Sailor,” though some of the more famous tales were added in later adaptions.
Prints are available here!
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#illustration #original
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Rt0no  -   https://twitter.com/rt0no  -  http://rt0no.deviantart.com  -  http://otakumode.com/rt0no  -  http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=1552606
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Newest art! Another piece that wasn’t a great fit for The Sketchbook of Loish because it’s not a sketch, haha :) So it ended up being cut out of the book! She’s a mushroomy witch 🍄
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after dying god informs you that hell is a myth, and “everyone sins, its ok”. instead the dead are sorted into six “houses of heaven” based on the sins they chose.
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This is beautiful.
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Cards Against Humanity just murdered every company that gender markets
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Mirai Nagasu, Adam Rippon, + Alex & Maia Shibutani leave it all out on the ice on the last day of the Team Event, giving stellar and history-making free performances. Their combined efforts resulted in an Olympic Bronze for Team USA. (Pyeongchang 2018)
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Inflation is honestly the strangest shit. Like someone rn is thinking of getting blown up like a balloon and they’ve got a boner.
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An all new “PUTITTO Figurine Collection Vol. 3” will be released on February 24th, 2018, in capsule toys across Japan. This set consists of Rowlet, Litten, Popplio, Alolan Vulpix, Bewear, Pyukumuku, and Salandit. They will be sold for the usual 300 yen (tax included) per figure.
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オニボラ 学名:Ellochelon vaigiensis 分類:ボラ目 ボラ科
[memo(アクア・トトの解説より引用)] ”鬼” 魚類は一般的に側線鱗とよばれる穴のあいたウロコが一列あり、そこで水中の振動を感じ取ります。しかし、ボラの仲間は全身のウロコに穴が開いており、まさに全身で振動を感じ取ることができます。
アクア・トトぎふ 1F マンスリー水槽『せつぶんすいそう』(2013年2月)
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We built this world together. A world where dreams come true, a world where you can be free. But this world is a lie. This world deserves to die. Because this is your world. (x)
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someone caption this
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Mirai Nagasu is the first USA female figure skater to land the triple axel at Winter Olympics @ Pyeongchang 2018 (and Team USA being the cutest cheering section ever)
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