builderon · 5 months
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My reading list for the summer.
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builderon · 2 years
The 99 Tragedies of Nikolas E. I. Nolan (Complete)
1.) “You never joke about anything!”
“Last time I made a joke a man’s head exploded.”
“It was a sunny day and a large crowd came out to watch a handsome man and his sister in pink drive down the street slowly. The handsome man was smiling at everybody and to keep his good mood I told him a joke. What did the fish say to the deaf man… Exactly! The sister in pink didn’t find it funny, but the handsome man thought it was so good that his head exploded. After that, the car drew away really fast and the crowd went wild, but I felt bad because I didn’t want that handsome man’s head to explode, so I vowed to never make a joke again.”
2.) Nolan was walking down the street when he saw a person that looked like one of those people he went to school with. They locked eyes and as the inevitable passing by of each other happened Nolan and the man looked at each other closely. Nolan wanted to say something, but failed to and continued walking while tormenting himself for failing another interaction. The man continued walking, thinking where he could have seen this strange fellow before, and then a sudden flash of his father’s face came to his mind, making all the good memories of his now passed pa come back. The man was happy for the rest of his walk.
3.) Nolan’s father used to tell Nolan stories about cowboys. Nolan always felt a little sad for his father who could never become a cowboy because he spent all day milking.
4.) Nolan was asked to complete a survey for a company that seemed to want to get a new logo. The options were a donkey and an elephant. Nolan thought the design of the elephant was better so he chose that.
5.) Nolan watched a dog be put to sleep today. He sang a lullaby.
6.) “No I can not tell you a joke. I am sorry. Please just leave!”
“Not even a yo mama joke?”
“What are those?”
“Well… look I tell you one. Sorry teach but I couldn’t do my homework, because I was doing Nolan’s mom! BAAAM!!!”
7.) Nolan always liked to walk around alone. However, his fun was always ruined when a police officer escorted him back to his mother. Fortunately, Nolan’s mother was always nice and she always encouraged him to do the things he liked to do.
8.) Nolan wasn’t bullied in school anymore. He felt unwanted now because all the big bullies bullied the kids who got bullied big. They never noticed him.
9.) The weather report said that there will be a heatwave today so Nolan gave triple the usual amount of water to his favourite plant, but the weather report was wrong and it decided to rain heavily that day which made the plant die. However, when Nolan got back he saw that his favourite pot had finally been cleaned.
10.) An old man told Nolan that “Life will go on with or without you.” which made Nolan happy because he felt it would be quite inconvenient for everybody if he ended the world.
11.) Today Nolan did an IQ test and he was happy to see he got his favourite number as a result.
12.) Today Nolan’s family decorated a tree with balls. Nolan decided to decorate the floor with the balls.
13.) “Recount the votes. They can NOT win with only one more vote!” shouted the man with long hair who claimed to be the bringer of peace. “You are stopping the Age of Aquarius, you monsters!” 
This made Nolan wonder what was the difference between monsters and animals. Nolan ended up asking the man with long hair who claimed to be the bringer of peace. 
“If you keep asking me these stupid questions I will stab you to death with a dandelion!” Answered the man with long hair who claimed to be the bringer of peace.
14.) “Why would a fish want to talk to a deaf man?” asked the man in the comically large tophat. Then his head exploded. Nolan realized the mistake he made and learned from this experience.
15.) Nolan had to pay 9 more coins for butter today. He then realized this made his purse so much easier to carry and hopped all the way home with his weightless pants.  
16.) Nolan was talking to this black guy who had a way of talking.
“But really how can one express these feelings only in a few minutes.”
Nolan was confused about the matter.
“What is love?” Nolan asked.
The man burst up with energy and started writing something. Nolan felt sad for not being able to help.
17.) Nolan saw a child today with really blond hair and blue eyes. The child came up to Nolan and said “Hide this!” and handed him a doll. Nolan then went home and forgot he had the doll with him. He knew he can never give it back now and that made him sad.
18.) Nolan met himself today and did not like what he saw.
19.) It always annoyed Nolan when people repeated unnecessary things and then skipped over important stuff.
19.) Nolan was annoyed today.
21.) Today Nolan was told off for missing a day at work and got fired. He wasn’t sad about this because he couldn’t really understand why more work-free days were a punishment. 
22.) Nolan’s bank told him today that they have collapsed because of the recent economic crisis, but Nolan was happy because now all the sad and grumpy bank workers had work-free days too.
23.) “Schützen Sie irgendwelche Juden?”
“Ist das Englisch!? Du bist ein Spion gegen den Führer!”
“Hey stop touching me, please!”
“Sie sind wegen Spionage des Dritten Reiches verhaftet!”
24.) Nolan was relentlessly tortured by Nazies but he didn’t know it was Nazies so he felt happy that the big bullies noticed him again.
25.) Nolan decided to not use THE MACHINE ever again. He instead made it into a pot for his favourite plant but felt bad for the plant because the new pot was dirty.
26.) Nolan saw a picture of sunflowers in a yellow vase being burned in a dumpster today. It was a cold day for sure.
27.) Nolan was walking around the city with the doll trying to find the bond child with blue eyes. Unfortunately, he left the doll at the restaurant he was eating at and he saw a man with blond hair and blue eyes take it. They both cried.
28.) Nolan decided to go on a walk today. On the way to the shop, he saw people parading and dressing up in costumes. He met his friend Eduardo.
“Hello, Eduardo!” Nolan said the way Nolan usually says hello to Eduardo.
Eduardo was an interesting guy. He seemed to care an awful lot about things Nolan could not understand. 
“What a shit day to you too!”
This was Eduardo’s usual way of greeting people. 
“Seems people are quite active today, did I miss something in my calendar?”
Eduardo knew the way Nolan saw the world. His childish perspectives on current events always entertained Eduardo and gave him a spec of hope in between the news articles he is constantly bombarded with. Nolan was the break from the world Eduardo needed every now and then to keep himself sane.
“Well let’s just say this is not the Mardi Gras.”
“Aww… I was getting excited about nothing then.”
29.) Bill was waiting at the bus station. He went asleep for a few minutes so he missed his early bus, which mean an extra 20 minutes needed to be wasted away before he could get home. Nolan saw the tired Bill sitting there by himself and decided to sit next to him.
“Hello.” said Nolan cheerfully.
“...Hi..?” answered Bill in a confused manner. Not too confused though because he was still way too tired to get really confused.
“You seem tired. You should sleep more!”
“Ah,” Bill chuckled “ in my work, sleep is considered the coffee for the weak.”
“What are you doing?”
“Waiting for the 252.”
“No, I mean like generally.”
“Oh, Security Testing. I am actively trying to put myself out of a job and seem to be good at it considering it has been a while since I got paid right.”
“It sounds interesting!”
“It really isn’t.”
“I don’t do much with my time. Just wonder about.”
“I wish I could do that sometimes,” said Bill in a sarcastic tone. He had that kind of personality to make sarcastic remarks feel natural. Practice makes the master after all.
“You can.”
“Are you a slave?”
This gave Bill quite a shock. He was black, so the confusion was almost justified, but he was never politely asked if he was a slave or not. He couldn’t quite say it was racism because it didn’t feel like that, but it also somewhat fit the criteria to be racist.
“... No.”
“Oh no I said something stupid again didn’t I?”
Nolan felt really bad and wanted to bury himself in the concrete pavement or become the curb and get splashed on by busses all day so he could understand not to do this. But Bill was interested now. He wanted to learn more about the strange guy who he just stumbled across.
“Hey isn’t that your bus? Go catch it!”
But Bill didn’t budge.
“Who are you?” asked Bill from Nolan who was feeling worse and worse from making Bill miss another bus.
30.) Nolan saw a poster that showed a bunch of men wearing bicycle helmets. He thought this was a very funny picture. 
31.) Nolan tried to kill a fly today. He was trying to hit it with a rolled-up newspaper but missed. Then missed again. Then missed AGAIN. Then Nolan hit his mother with full power.
32.) Nolan decided to go on a walk today. As he walked past a flower shop a pretty girl with red hair bumped into Nolan. She nearly fell, but Nolan caught her while knocking over the flowers. They both looked into each other’s eyes while covered in roses. Then Nolan realized touching a woman without consent is wrong so he dropped her.
33.) Nolan smoked a cigarette today for the first time. As he inhaled the smoke, his body felt the strange gas go through his entire body, from throat to lung to back to the throat and finally out. As if something finally scratched an itch he never knew he had. Letting the little white tube in his hand, filled with devil grass slowly disintegrate he watched as the sparkles of fire burned the paper away in a slow, methodical fashion. Nolan hoped this will help her mother connect to him. It did because her mother was happy.
34.) Today Nolan learned that notebooks are made of notes in a book. He never looked at butterflies the same way again.
35.) Nolan got a letter today. It said it was a draft so Nolan threw it away because he wanted to read the complete version. He never got the complete version.
36.) “Hello.”
“Welcome back to GoodMart”
“Did the butter get changed?”
“Yeah… you know due to recent events many companies have stopped shipping to our stores.”
“Finally, I can try some other kind of butter!”
37.) Nolan self-reflected today. Looking at his past he felt the existence of both pain and joy.
The decision was his to decide how he shall use those experiences and move forward to an undetermined future. He looked at his mother and chose. 
38.) “What a shit day to you too!”
“Why, it’s sunny?”
“Yeah… knowing what has been going on I wouldn’t be surprised if one day it wasn’t the sun that shined across the sky.”
Nolan then explained what the moon is to Eduardo.
39.) “Ah good to see you again!” said Bill with a bit of enthusiasm in his voice that he had to conjure up from somewhere very deep and cold… and lonely.
“Hello there!”
“What has become of the world heh?”
“Oh no, the trees do that every winter. It's sunny today though, which is nice!”
Bill rolled his eyes at that comment. It wasn’t a sarcastic eye roll, more like the kind that you do when you can not quite believe what you have just heard.
“I wasn’t talking about the weather or the season.”
“Sorry, I can be such a stupid man someti-”
“Stupidity is gender neutral.” Cut in Bill with a dry tone in his voice that showed how many times this statement had to be repeated.
“Yeah… okay.” Answered Nolan who was confused about what did he mess up this time. He was usually confused when he messed up something so this did not phase him as much, but he is still perplexed now and then about what he can mess up.
They both sat at the bus station silently. Nolan decided to break the silence.
“You don’t look happy? Anything happened?”
“A person's face is naturally down, so it is very annoying to hear from people why you don’t smile. Like this is my neutral face, sorry it doesn’t make you feel good, if it helps neither does me. No, by the way, nothing really happened. Just, you know. Life.” Bill said that last word with a little chuckle as if saying, life was bad, was funny somehow. This broke Nolan and he felt that he had enough of people like these.
“I just can’t keep listening to you, people. Always gloomy and sad about, what? I see nothing wrong yet you keep making me feel like the world is awful! I don’t know much, but even I know that you won’t bring me joy.” Nolan blasted off from the bus station and decided to walk today because it was sunny. He did not make a new friend today.
40.) Nolan was walking on a crossroad when his ice cream fell on the ground. He wished he had a time machine so he could go back and prevent this tragedy.
41.) A pigeon with interesting blue feathers on its neck started eating the ice cream Nolan dropped at the crossroads. The scene filled Nolan’s heart with love. Then the pigeon with interesting blue feathers on its neck got hit by a truck and Nolan didn’t really know how to feel about that. He wished he had a time machine so he could go back and prevent this tragedy.
42.) Nolan was sitting on the bus today. He saw the pretty girl with red hair had an empty seat next to her.
“Hi!” The pretty girl with red hair said to Nolan with cheerful positivity in her voice.
“Hello.” answered Nolan.
They both sat silently next to each other as the rain poured down on the bus windows. The pretty girl with red hair slowly fell asleep on his shoulder. They both sat there in silence and both of them missed their stops.
43.) People were cheering on the streets. Nolan didn’t know why they were cheering but decided to join in and shouted “I got those guys here!” When asked why he was cheering, people decided to boo him and kicked him in the stomach. They said something like “You didn’t earn to be happy about this! Your vote got us here in the first place scum!” Nolan walked to the hospital where they rolled their eyes at him. He was bleeding a lot and felt like he was seeing the light. Nobody helped Nolan and he could not understand why? Did he ever do something wrong? What was it? Could he apologise? 
44.) “I can’t believe it.”
“Hi, Eduardo!”
“They got away with it. They really just did all of that and got away with it.”
Nolan looked at the newspaper Eduardo was reading.
“Hey, my old butter is back!”
45.) Nolan lost his purse today. His pants were even lighter now.
46.) Nolan’s mother always pushed Nolan. Nolan tried to appreciate that.
47.) Nolan went out to his balcony. He looked down at the people as he was lighting his cigarette. There were days when Nolan was also just done with things. Today was one of those days. When you have to make up reasons that other people like to say, just to keep going… Nolan looked down again. Just looked.
48.) Nolan decided to take a walk today. As he was slowly swaying through the park as the autumn leaves were falling from the trees, covering the crass in that seasonal orange blanket, Nolan was hit in the head with a pineapple and got knocked out instantly. He got to take the pineapple home and made a wonderful dessert out of it, even though he kept losing his vision. 
49.) Nolan remembered a story his mother used to tell him when he could not fall asleep. It was about a princess who didn’t wanna become a queen and an evil queen who wanted to keep the royal family going. The queen wasn’t the real mother of the princess. She died in childbirth of a brother the princess never got the chance to see. The queen was a mean old woman who married the princess’ gullible father who never had to think for himself. That kind of personality comes with royalty. The princess also had a grandma who supported the princess in her decision to leave but she got poisoned one day and the princess believes that it was not his father, but the evil queen who accused him in the first place. This drama meant that now it was only the two of them living in the castle together. The queen wanted to have an exemplary princess, but the real princess never wanted any of that. This meant that the queen was forced to use force and threaten the pets, the princess had, with the royal guard. So the princess wore all the dresses, did all the dances, smiled at all the people she had to. The one thing the queen could not get her to do was cut her hair because whenever the royal barber came around the princess would always move her head constantly making the queen's image of “a real queen having short hair” only be a fantasy. She also didn’t want the princess’ pearly skin to be scarred so she always made her pin her hair up really tight, which hurt the princess a lot. The queen was an awful ruler, selfish and arrogant, so an uprising from the people was on the horizon. The revolution was at a boiling point when the queen passed away, leaving her place to be only taken by the princess. Before the queen passed she made sure that all the coronation plans were done. This meant that against the princess’ wishes the coronation was extravagant with golden flowers and great cuisine from all around the world. Important people in expensive dresses are all attending. However, thinking that this is what the new queen wanted was the last straw that the people could take and the raging public outside stormed the castle. The princess, now queen, was crowned and she went out on the balcony to look at the kingdom she had just inherited. She saw the raging public outside. She felt their pain. Their anger. She didn’t want this evil cycle to continue. The new queen looked at the people and gave them what they wanted. She pulled her pin out, letting her long hair fly in the wind and she cut her throat. Her body fell from the balcony right into the masses who then ripped her clothes apart and cut her body in pieces. The End.
50.) “What a shit day to you too! Haven’t seen you in a while…”
“Anything interesting you have read recently?”
“Just the usual. People who can not understand the public, ruling over them.”
“Well, I have read a book.”
“Oh no. Really?”
“Yeah, it was given to me by the bald gentleman.”
“How was the book?”
“Well… I didn’t really understand it. I don’t speak German after all.”
“Nolan… was the book red?”
“Yeah! Did you read it too?”
“Oh boy…”
51.) A child in a red shirt walks up to Nolan.
“Quickly, sir, I need to hide, do you know a good place?”
Nolan thought about this for a second.
“The janitor's room is open next to the elevator on the third floor.”
“Thank you, sir!”
52.) A child in a blue shirt walks up to Nolan.
“Quickly, sir, I need to hide, do you know a good place?”
Nolan thought about this for a second.
“The janitor's room is open next to the elevator on the third floor.”
“Thank you, sir!”
53.) A child in a pink shirt walks up to Nolan.
“Quickly, sir, I need to hide, do you know a good place?”
Nolan thought about this for a second.
“The janitor's room is open next to the elevator on the third floor.”
“Thank you, sir!”
54.) A child in a yellow shirt walks up to Nolan.
“Quickly, sir, I need to hide, do you know a good place?”
Nolan thought about this for a second.
“The janitor's room is open next to the elevator on the third floor.”
“Thank you, sir!”
55.) A child in a green shirt walks up to Nolan.
“Quickly, sir, I need to hide, do you know a good place?”
Nolan thought about this for a second.
“The janitor's room is open next to the elevator on the third floor.”
“Ha! I tricked you I am the seeker, now I know where to look.”
Nolan felt betrayed.
56.) Today Nolan thought about the fact that if God created everything in his small little world then will one day God run out of creativity and stop creating things. After thaaaat… a… a… a… a cat got hit by a truck in Lithuania which made Nolan inexplicably sad even though he had no idea who the cat was or what was Lithuania.
57.) Nolan thought about Hell today. It was a cold day again.
58.) Nolan heard Eduardo is going back to Spain to see his family although Nolan also felt guilty for this because he feared that he was the one who drove Eduardo away from this country that seemed like he knew a lot about.
59.) “Hi!” said the pretty girl with red hair to Nolan.
“Hi!” answered Nolan cheerfully.
They were both sitting on the bus in the same places as last time, but it wasn’t raining today. Today was sunny.
“Good weather today…” said the pretty girl with red hair, while trying to hide her shy personality.
“Yeah… I have the best view today.” said Nolan looking out the window past the extremely blushing passenger next to him.
60.) “Hey…” said the man in flitters to Nolan.
“Hi!” answered Nolan to the man in flitters. The man in flitters was sitting under the roof of the entrance of GoodMart. He seemed to be listening to the rain and the cars moving. His makeup melted from his eyes.
“Do you have a moment?” the man in flitters asked Nolan.
“They said it will be warm today. The TV liars. So I need to wait for the rain to stop.”
“Can I tell you my sorrows?” the man in flitters asked Nolan in a voice that carried the pains of the hearth with it. Nolan nodded, although he didn’t quite know what “sorrows” were.
“I used to live with my parents. Shouldn’t be at 23 but still, sometimes you don’t get to choose. Today as you can see, my parents found out about the real me and kicked me out. So… I am homeless.” the man in flitters stared at the passing cars for a few seconds. “The prejudice of man is truly the most unbeatable evil.”
Nolan just sat there and could not understand what the man was talking about. He noticed this before. He seems to not understand a lot of things people say. He learned to cope with it but it does get to him in these solemn moments. Nolan looked at the man in flitters and told him the truth he could offer. “I don’t get it.”
Nolan felt sad not being able to help the man in flitters. He wanted to but felt he was too far from the answers that are lost in the fog. The man in flitters smiled at Nolan and told him. “No need to get it.” They both listened to the wind. And the cars. And the rain.
61.) “Hey…Nolan. So. I think I got the message. You aren’t the first one who got sick of my “If life gives you lemons, stay sour” mentality.” Bill chuckled a little, but he felt bad after that and looked disappointed “I don’t know. I think I just finally got the message to enjoy every moment for what it has to offer and not for what it can’t…”
Nolan looked at the man sitting next to him for the first time and pulled out his headphones.
62.) Eduardo committed suicide today but before he did so made sure Nolan will never know.
63.) “Have you seen my cat, young man?” asked the old lady who lived in the same apartment complex Nolan did. Nolan felt an inexplicable sadness come over him… again.
64.) Nolan sat down next to the pretty girl with red hair on the bus.
“Hi!” said Nolan, but the pretty girl with red hair seemed to be a bit anxious today.
“Hey, so maybe would… would you wanna go out and get a coffee tomorrow?” asked the girl, trembling.
“Why, do you need somebody to help you get coffee?”
“No, you silly.” said the pretty girl with red hair, while chuckling a little. This seems to have lifted her anxiety. She smiled.
“Yes… if I won’t forget it.” answered Nolan. This made the pretty girl with red hair happy.
65.) Nolan forgot it…
66.) Nolan felt that something was wrong, but he didn’t know why. He then remembered that a movie director once told him “The greatest horror is the fear of the unknown” which made Nolan even more scared.
67.) A child in a black shirt walked up to Nolan.
“Quick, sir, I-”
“I am not gonna get tricked again!” shouted Nolan and ran away from the child. The poor kid never found the way to his father’s funeral.
68.) Nolan’s vision was getting worse by the day. He decided to go to a doctor but the doctor just stole his teeth, so he had to go see another doctor to get new teeth, but that doctor stole his kidney so Nolan ended up just buying a random pair of glasses in a store and hoped his eyes will adjust to the lenses.
69.) “No, I’m a Virgin.” Nolan answered the kind lady of the street. “My mother is a Cancer and my father is an Ox.”
70.) Nolan signed up for a psychology experiment. He was due to appear today. He was sitting in the waiting room. Some other people arrived and they all waited for hours before one of them got sick and wanted to leave. The door was locked. The girls started screaming. Days went by. Nobody came for them. Nolan slowly learned the names of the others. Nikki, Jenna and Johnny. Johnny has been trying to break out while Jenna and Nikki were slowly losing their minds. “HELP!” shouted Johnny “We are starving here, please!” All of a sudden the floorboards came up. There seems to have been food stuck there. There was also a notebook. Everybody jumped on the food and Nikki opened the notebook while she was eating. “What the fuck IS this?” then she threw it away. Johnny picked up the notebook and sounded more and more distressed with every page. His voice echoed in the brown and beige hell of the waiting room. The only light coming from an old and yellowing lightbulb. “It's a journal.” Johnny was going through the journal when a man in a suit and sunglasses came through the door. “Hi!” said Nolan greeting the man. “Welcome, hello all, let me just yoink that real quickie.” the man in the suit just ripped the notebook out of Johnny’s hands.
“What is going on!?” shouted Johnny in a very inappropriate way.
“Well, we are gathering data obviously. So how is the vacation going?”
 “Vacation! We have been locked here for days! There are no clocks or windows! We need water!”
“Oh yeah sorry, that must have been a minor oversight we will fix that.”
“Who are you?” asked Jenna.
“Well, the host. Obviously. Oh, you must be the dumb one honey.”
“Go fuck yourself!” said Jenna and started to walk out the door. The second she stepped out a man in a black suit punched Jenna in the face. Jenna fell on the floor, her nose bleeding heavily.
“Now, let's not do that.” said the host, expecting laughter.
“What the!” Nikki ran to help the seemingly unconscious Jenna. “She needs medical attention. Her nose seems to be broken, I think.”
“What the fuck man!” said Johnny, pushing the host.
“Now, now.” the host started walking out the door “See you guys soon.”
Jenna seemed to be fine, but her nose was indeed broken. She also bled a lot. The food was nowhere enough for the 4 of them. The water came days after they promised and they were on the brink of dying of thirst when they just literally opened a ceiling tile and dumped a bucket of water on them. They had to lick it up from the floor. The heating was off too so they ripped up the couches and made sleeping bags from them. Jenna’s nose was swelling up rapidly and it looked more and more purple. Suddenly a voice came from an unidentifiable place. “Do 700 jumping jacks.”
“Why?” asked Nikki
“Data.” said the voice.
“No.” answered Nikki
“Let the Carbon Monoxide in.”
Suddenly mechanical pipe sounds started going and the sound of some kind of gas being pumped out from a container started going off. Johnny jumped up immediately, seemingly very stressed and crying a little and started doing jumping jacks.
“Everybody.” said the voice. So all of them stood up and started doing jumping jacks. When they go to 200 the mechanical sound stopped, but they continued until 700 was done.
Jenna died. Her body was slowly getting mouldy and some small bugs seem to have come out of her. Johnny was trying to count the days, but he ran out of space on the wall, and he wasn’t even sure if he was counting it right, so they started counting the periods of sleep. 2586 periods of sleep. The skin of all 3 of them was turning pale. Eyes shadowy. They barely got food. They tried to eat Jenna, but she was too rotten to be consumed. The bi-weekly dose of water was still dumped from the ceiling as well as slugs that have been the main food source for the group. The voice hasn’t spoken a single word for at least 1500 periods of sleep, even though Johnny was shouting at it for weeks. The 3 of them were just sitting  in silence doing nothing when suddenly the voice just broke its silence and said “Data gathered.” The doors opened. The 3 of them could barely walk. Johnny tried to bring Jenna’s body, but the smell of her was unbearable and Johnny was too weak to even stand for more than a few seconds. When they crawled out and nobody was in the building. It seems to have been abandoned for months. They all just left. Nobody was paid. 
71.) Nolan stumbled on the pavement today when he was picking flowers and hurt his knee. The flowers were crushed.
72.) Nolan saw a bunch of small green gnomes today in shiny outfits. He accidentally slipped on one, but the gnome was fine if a little angry. After that Nolan noticed that the little gnomes slipped a very glittery ring into his pocket and for the first time in his life Nolan accessorized. 
73.) Nolan met himself today and did not like what he saw.
74.) Nolan really didn’t like eating mush. It was tasteless and really made him sad that he had lost all his teeth. So he got up and decided to try again and go to a doctor. Nolan was really cautious now and so he made sure to look out for any potential red flags. He ran away the second he entered the examination room. The Chinese doctor was really confused.
75.) A person tried to mug Nolan today, but Nolan already lost all his money so he managed to not get mugged, but the mugger was not satisfied so he stole Nolan’s ring, but Nolan still felt superior for not getting his money taken.
76.) There are days when you can sense the calmness in the air. Nolan always had this feeling that people seem to be down for reasons he can not grasp. When Nolan decided to go on a walk today he felt these tensions in the air gone.
77.) Nolan woke up…
78.) Nolan was sitting on the bus. The pretty girl with red hair got on the bus and walked up to Nolan.
“You didn’t show up…” The pretty girl with red hair fell silent for a while. She looked at Nolan and then said. “I really wanted to meet somebody nice you know and you seemed to have a positive energy, which felt nice for a change considering all the negative people I have dated just brought me misery.”
Nolan looked at the pretty girl with red hair and pulled his headphones out.
79.) “Hey…”
“Fuck off.”
Bill was a little sad.
80.) Nolan decided to go on a walk today. He saw a headline that says “Dandelion killer strikes again!”. Reading a newspaper reminded Nolan of Eduardo. Nolan hasn’t seen him in a while but thought, he should be fine.
81.) Nolan watched a bird take off from its nest today. Nolan felt happy. The bird was screaming though because a cat caught him instantly, even though that cat got hit by a truck in Lithuania.
82.) Nolan was smoking at a bus stop. He was thinking about what quest he should do today, and then the thoughts of what the hell is he actually doing came to him and he just could not really understand what was going on. Was he losing himself? Who was he? What has he been doing all these years? Why did that cat lead him to that flower pot? What the hell do people steel teeth for? Who threw that pineapple? What do the green gnomes want from him? What data did those guys want? Then all of a sudden he forgot all these questions and walked happily to the next bus stop to see if there were any buses there.
83.) Nolan found a suspicious needle on the floor today. He grabbed the glass tube and decided to just squirt the content into his mouth because he was really hungry. Nolan started seeing things. A dragon attacked him and Nolan stole the moon and showed it up the dragon’s ass which made the dragon into an egg that looked like his father saying “I love you, my daughter!” then the egg exploded into a million horses that all looked like Adam Sandler, but Nolan could not figure out why he thought they looked like Adam Sandler, they just did. The Adam Sandler horses all melted and became one giant Adam Sandler horse that had long magical rainbow hair. The Ultimate Adam Sandler horse looked down at Nolan and spoke thus “My child, the end is nigh. You shall complete the prophecy or this planet will fall into doom!”
“What prophecy, Ultimate Adam Sadler horse?” shouted Nolan in an attempt to understand what was happening, but the floor turned into jello and he sunk into it. Nolan woke up covered in a suspicious goo and was missing all his clothes with no idea where he was.
84.) A crazy homeless guy attacked Nolan today. Johnny is doing bad, Nolan guessed.
85.) The little green gnomes in shiny outfits came to visit Nolan again. They were very respectful this time and gave him a bunch of presents with the exception of the gnome who Nolan slipped on last time. That gnome was pissed and shouted at the sky before storming off and flying away.
86.) Nolan saw the guy who mugged him a few days ago being lifted up into the sky. He felt sad for him because he had no wings that will help him take off.
87.) Nolan was sitting on the bus. Alone… It was raining again.
88.) “Where are you going, sir?” asked the taxi driver
Nolan thought about this. “You know I don’t actually really know. I just saw people were always going somewhere so I just do the same, but I am yet to figure out why are we all just moving about.”
The taxi driver just looked at Nolan and then decided to drop him off at the hospital.
89.) Nolan was waiting at the train station. He sat down on a bench and waited for the train. On the bench right behind him sat the pretty girl with red hair and Bill. The pretty girl with red hair laughed and Bill seemed to have been smiling too. However, Nolan was oblivious to this, because he had his headphones in.
90.) Nolan enjoyed even numbers. He loved any number with a 0 and had a deep hatred for any number with a 9 because it always stopped the number from becoming better and bigger.
91.) When Nolan and his family were travelling to Africa he gave an encouraging push to his father who then finally became a cowboy.
92.) Nolan all of a sudden remembered that moment when he saw his school bully run out of his parent’s bedroom. Nolan then said to the bully “Could you tell me another yo mama joke?” The bully didn’t say a word and ran off crying. Nolan never saw him again.
93.) Over the years Nolan’s mother grew fat and old. Every day when she rolled into the elevator on her wheelchair so that her son could take her to the hospital for cancer treatment, she thought about how she could no longer strangle the boy to death like she used to.
94.) “Harold I can’t keep doing this!”
“Calm down honey. You are a fine mother.”
“Hey! Don’t call OUR son an idiot!”
“Honey, calm down, you are being hysterical. The other room will call the police.”
“I- I don’t care. I hate him so much…”
“Why do you say that? He’s still very young you know.”
“Is it weird that I wanna kill him?”
“What the fuck did you just say?”
“I honestly mean it because I would be genuinely okay with that.”
“Why are you so silent?”
“Look. I had to go through a divorce when I was young and it messed me up for life. I wanted to hang around you for just a little longer, so he can be a little more mature when I eventually divorce you-”
“Harold, what are you saying?”
“I can’t keep doing this. If you hate him so much I will take him, but after this trip, I am handing in the divorce papers.”
“Harold… you can’t. HAROLD I LOVE YOU!”
“You just said you wanna kill our child!”
“Where are you going?”
“Are you calm now?”
“He did not separate us. You will. Trust me I will grant you your wish and you will never see him again. You crazy bitch. Be happy that I don’t report you to a psycho ward or some shit.”
95.) Nolan’s mother was such a caring and kindhearted person that she left all of her will to be given to a charity for cancer treatment.
96.) Nolan got a letter from somebody. It had large red letters on it saying “FIRST NOTICE” which made Nolan even happier because this was also the first time in his life that somebody noticed him first.
97.) Nolan felt that today seemed to be unimportant so all day he stared out the window because he really wanted the day to end so he could do important things.
98.) Nolan decided to take a walk today. As he was leaving his apartment he saw two people in the hallway hugging each other in silence. Nolan couldn’t really understand what they were doing. Feelings of both happiness and sadness filled him but he could not figure out why these 2 feelings, things that he has always thought of as separate, now clashed together. Nolan thought of the pretty girl with red hair and felt changed. 
99.) Nolan was always proud of the fact that he never used an elevator because he always feared that one day one of them will kill him. So when he heard that the elevator in his apartment crashed and the old lady next door with her 5 grandchildren died he felt happy that for once, he was right. As Nolan was walking down the stairs the sound of a parade going wild outside snuck into the building. He thought “Finally the Mardi Gras is here!” and started running down the stairs, but in a corner slipped on something green. This slip made Nolan’s head bump into the handrails that knocked him out instantly and his now lumpy body slowly rolled to the open elevator shaft and fell down killing Nolan instantly.
The End
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builderon · 2 years
The 99 Tragedies of Nikolas E. I. Nolan
43.) People were cheering on the streets. Nolan didn’t know why they were cheering but decided to join in and shouted “I got those guys here!” When asked why he was cheering, people decided to boo him and kicked him in the stomach. They said something like “You didn’t earn to be happy about this! Your vote got us here in the first place scum!” Nolan walked to the hospital where they rolled their eyes at him. He was bleeding a lot and felt like he was seeing the light. Nobody helped Nolan and he could not understand why? Did he ever do something wrong? What was it? Could he apologise? 
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builderon · 2 years
The 99 Tragedies of Nikolas E. I. Nolan
42.) Nolan was sitting on the bus today. He saw the pretty girl with red hair had an empty seat next to her.
“Hi!” The pretty girl with red hair said to Nolan with cheerful positivity in her voice.
“Hello.” answered Nolan.
They both sat silently next to each other as the rain poured down on the bus windows. The pretty girl with red hair slowly fell asleep on his shoulder. They both sat there in silence and both of them missed their stops.
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builderon · 2 years
The 99 Tragedies of Nikolas E. I. Nolan
41.) A pigeon with interesting blue feathers on its neck started eating the ice cream Nolan dropped at the crossroads. The scene filled Nolan’s heart with love. Then the pigeon with interesting blue feathers on its neck got hit by a truck and Nolan didn’t really know how to feel about that. He wished he had a time machine so he could go back and prevent this tragedy.
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builderon · 2 years
The 99 Tragedies of Nikolas E. I. Nolan
40.) Nolan was walking on a crossroad when his ice cream fell on the ground. He wished he had a time machine so he could go back and prevent this tragedy.
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builderon · 2 years
The 99 Tragedies of Nikolas E. I. Nolan
39.) “Ah good to see you again!” said Bill with a bit of enthusiasm in his voice that he had to conjure up from somewhere very deep and cold… and lonely.
“Hello there!”
“What has become of the world heh?”
“Oh no, the trees do that every winter. It's sunny today though, which is nice!”
Bill rolled his eyes at that comment. It wasn’t a sarcastic eye roll, more like the kind that you do when you can not quite believe what you have just heard.
“I wasn’t talking about the weather or the season.”
“Sorry, I can be such a stupid man someti-”
“Stupidity is gender neutral.” Cut in Bill with a dry tone in his voice that showed how many times this statement had to be repeated.
“Yeah… okay.” Answered Nolan who was confused about what did he mess up this time. He was usually confused when he messed up something so this did not phase him as much, but he is still perplexed now and then about what he can mess up.
They both sat at the bus station silently. Nolan decided to break the silence.
“You don’t look happy? Anything happened?”
“A person's face is naturally down, so it is very annoying to hear from people why you don’t smile. Like this is my neutral face, sorry it doesn’t make you feel good, if it helps neither does me. No, by the way, nothing really happened. Just, you know. Life.” Bill said that last word with a little chuckle as if saying, life was bad, was funny somehow. This broke Nolan and he felt that he had enough of people like these.
“I just can’t keep listening to you, people. Always gloomy and sad about, what? I see nothing wrong yet you keep making me feel like the world is awful! I don’t know much, but even I know that you won’t bring me joy.” Nolan blasted off from the bus station and decided to walk today because it was sunny. He did not make a new friend today.
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builderon · 2 years
The 99 Tragedies of Nikolas E. I. Nolan
38.) “What a shit day to you too!”
“Why, it’s sunny?”
“Yeah… knowing what has been going on I wouldn’t be surprised if one day it wasn’t the sun that shined across the sky.”
Nolan then explained what the moon is to Eduardo.
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builderon · 2 years
The 99 Tragedies of Nikolas E. I. Nolan
37.) Nolan self-reflected today. Looking at his past he felt the existence of both pain and joy.
The decision was his to decide how he shall use those experiences and move forward to an undetermined future. He looked at his mother and chose.
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builderon · 2 years
The 99 Tragedies of Nikolas E. I. Nolan
36.) “Hello.”
“Welcome back to GoodMart”
“Did the butter get changed?”
“Yeah… you know due to recent events many companies have stopped shipping to our stores.”
“Finally, I can try some other kind of butter!”
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builderon · 2 years
The 99 Tragedis of Nikolas E. I. Nolan
35.) Nolan got a letter today. It said it was a draft so Nolan threw it away because he wanted to read the complete version. He never got the complete version.
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builderon · 2 years
The 99 Tragedies of Nikolas E. I. Nolan
34.) Today Nolan learned that notebooks are made of notes in a book. He never looked at butterflies the same way again.
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builderon · 2 years
The 99 Tragedies of Nikolas E. I. Nolan
33.) Nolan smoked a cigarette today for the first time. As he inhaled the smoke, his body felt the strange gas go through his entire body, from throat to lung to back to the throat and finally out. As if something finally scratched an itch he never knew he had. Letting the little white tube in his hand, filled with devil grass slowly disintegrate he watched as the sparkles of fire burned the paper away in a slow, methodical fashion. Nolan hoped this will help her mother connect to him. It did because her mother was happy.
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builderon · 2 years
The 99 Tragedies of Nikolas E. I. Nolan
32.) Nolan decided to go on a walk today. As he walked past a flower shop a pretty girl with red hair bumped into Nolan. She nearly fell, but Nolan caught her while knocking over the flowers. They both looked into each other’s eyes while covered in roses. Then Nolan realized touching a woman without consent is wrong so he dropped her.
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builderon · 2 years
The 99 Tragedies of Nikolas E. I. Nolan
31.) Nolan tried to kill a fly today. He was trying to hit it with a rolled-up newspaper but missed. Then missed again. Then missed AGAIN. Then Nolan hit his mother with full power.
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builderon · 2 years
The 99 Tragedies of Nikolas E. I. Nolan
30.) Nolan saw a poster that showed a bunch of men wearing bicycle helmets. He thought this was a very funny picture.
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builderon · 2 years
The 99 Tragedies of Nikolas E. I. Nolan
29.) Bill was waiting at the bus station. He went asleep for a few minutes so he missed his early bus, which mean an extra 20 minutes needed to be wasted away before he could get home. Nolan saw the tired Bill sitting there by himself and decided to sit next to him.
“Hello.” said Nolan cheerfully.
“...Hi..?” answered Bill in a confused manner. Not too confused though because he was still way too tired to get really confused.
“You seem tired. You should sleep more!”
“Ah,” Bill chuckled “ in my work sleep is considered coffee for the weak.”
“What are you doing?”
“Waiting for the 252.”
“No, I mean like generally.”
“Oh, Security Testing. I am actively trying to put myself out of a job and seem to be good at it considering it has been a while since I got paid right.”
“It sounds interesting!”
“It really isn’t.”
“I don’t do much with my time. Just wonder about.”
“I wish I could do that sometimes,” said Bill in a sarcastic tone. He had that kind of personality to make sarcastic remarks feel natural. Practice makes the master after all.
“You can.”
“Are you a slave?”
This gave Bill quite a shock. He was black, so the confusion was almost justified, but he was never politely asked if he was a slave or not. He couldn’t quite say it was racism because it didn’t feel like that, but it also somewhat fit the criteria to be racist.
“... No.”
“Oh no I said something stupid again didn’t I?”
Nolan felt really bad and wanted to bury himself in the concrete pavement or become the curb and get splashed on by busses all day so he could understand not to do this. But Bill was interested now. He wanted to learn more about the strange guy who he just stumbled across.
“Hey isn’t that your bus? Go catch it!”
But Bill didn’t budge.
“Who are you?” asked Bill from Nolan who was feeling worse and worse from making Bill miss another bus.
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