Update, MOVED
Hello! I decided i will be moving to a new account under the same name: Eternal-Mikrokosmos
I also thought it'd be more convenient for you guys so that you don't see you're getting tagged by some random acc rather than the actual acc itself,,
Nothing will be deleted (by me, idk about Tumblr it's been acting up lately just making the new acc)
But I'll be continuing the stories there!
See you all there! 💜💜
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If you're a fanfiction author and you haven't done this already, start backing up all of your fics on a Google Drive.
When Post+ goes live (it will despite the backlash - Tumblr is owned by Automattic who also owns WordPress), it's going to be mass purge of fandom accounts.
You've probably already seen the posts going around stating that if you make fanworks, you legally cannot monetize (EDIT 2: APPARENTLY THIS IS FALSE. EXPLAINED HERE. Check sources and come to your own conclusions. I've been getting messages with different takes on this). As soon as the idiots at Automattic realize this (EDIT: actually, they definitely know this), they're going to purge fan creators. Why? Because they're also going to be dealing with lawsuits, not just the creators.
And they can write out all of the rules and terms and warnings they want before a user signs up for Post+, but that isn't gonna stop all of the fandom babies from Wattpad coming in thinking they can make money off of writing fanfiction. So the solution? Shadow banning all people who create for fandoms, driving us into a dark corner, and ultimately kicking us off the platform so it can bring in more outsiders and normies, therefore becoming more appealing to investors and advertisers.
I implore you, please read up on the history of fandoms and the great purges of fan content here and try to tell me that's not where we're headed.
(EDIT 3: What I'm trying to say is, I'm pretty sure that the big men up top want us gone so they can try to make this site profitable. Back your works up. Let your voice be heard. Know your roots as a fan. All hail AO3.)
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WAIT WTF WTF WHATS HAPPENING Why did Hoseok do that at the end? Is he mad 😟
no no no he's not mad ajksenfk he just pretended not to notice you silenly asking for help to get you out of the situation because he knows he wouldn't win against yoongi in an argument over you
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I've been thinking. It's been bothering me at the fact that I have to reply to you guys in my primary blog because this account was unknowingly made into a secondary blog and I thought i could still talk to you guys from this account.
So, I was thinking of making a primary account thats basically this account, just in a seperate blog.
This account won't be erased, I couldn't do that to myself. Everything that was previously made on this account will just be linked to the new account if I decided to make a new acc but i would be conintuing the series on the new acc. How does that sound?
Basically, i suck at explaining, but I would make the new acc, keep this acc alive for the posts that have already been made, then on the new acc i would link all the old posts, and just continue posting on the new one.
I wouldn't want to make a new account without you guys knowing about it
please comment and give me your thoughts!
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the way your update just gave me all the energy I need for the rest of the week. Thank you sm you’re literally perfect
You're so sweet your ask made my week thank you for enjoying 🥺💜
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Stubborn Hugs pt. 20
Pairing: : Hybrid Namjoon x Reader, Occasional OT7 x Reader, Occasional character x character ✨🤗💥
Warnings: Angst
Word count: 3k
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“Jeon Jungkook?” A lady dressed in black comes out of a hallway, looking around.
Jungkook’s bunny ears freeze midair. You stand and hold out a hand for him. He doesn’t take it.
“It’s okay, she’s going to let you talk about whatever you want.”
“But I don’t know her.”
“That could help, she has no reason to judge you because she doesn’t know you.”
“That gives her all the more reason to judge me, because she doesn’t know me.”
“You wanted to come, and I’m proud you suggested it. But you’re not going to get the help you need by staying in this waiting room.” You keep your hand held out for him and he glances between your hand and the therapist looking around.
He grasps your hand and you smile at him, walking him to the therapist.
“You’ll have to stay out here.” The lady says, scaring Jungkook.
“But-” Jungkook starts and you nod.
“It’s alright, I’ll stay out here. I’ll be staying by the door in case you need anything. This is your first step to being independent, Kook.” You smile at him and rub the back of his hand, feeling his heart beating out of his chest.
He cautiously steps in, letting go of your hand.
You give him another reassuring smile as the door closes behind him.
“I’m Yoohyeon.” The dog hybrid introduces herself and Jungkook bows slightly.
He takes a seat and so does she, pulling out her phone and placing it on the table. He stares at it.
“It’s alright, I’m just recording to analyze deeper on your words to find better ways to help you.” She leans back in her seat and he nods.
“I won’t be sharing this with anyone, not even (Y/n).”
He nods again.
“I wanted to ask you about your childhood, if that’s a good spot for you.”
He shrugs.
“I don’t remember much of it.”
“Were you born a hybrid or turned into one?”
“Born, I think.”
“Why do you say that?”
He frowns.
“My mom had bunny ears, but my dad didn’t.”
“Did this affect any identity issues growing up?”
“I don’t remember. All I remember is bits and pieces of my childhood but nothing too important. I didn’t go to school, my parents taught me basic reading skills, then I was alone for some time. Then, I found Namjoon hyung.”
“You don’t remember anything in between that?” She sits up and he shakes his head.
“Were your parents caring?”
“Yeah, they were. We didn’t have much, and looking back now, I guess it wasn’t seen as… appropriate for humans and hybrids to intermix at the time.”
“What year were you born in?”
“So, you’re 23?”
“22. My birthday is in September, we're in April.” He plays with a pillow next to him and she nods.
“I’m older than you by a few months then, my birthday just passed.”
“When was it?”
“January 7th.”
“Maybe you knew about it, then?” He asks.
“The intermix?”
“I knew it wasn’t allowed for some time, but some people found their other halves in the other species due to the lack of knowledge of how reproduction would affect them and the offspring. That, and the probable identity crisis.”
“I didn’t have one.”
“But you did wonder why your father didn’t have any animal features.”
He taps his fingers on his knee and takes a deep breath to speak, but closes his mouth.
“If, I get my animal features removed, do you think my life would be easier?” He asks and waits for a horrified expression from her, but only receives an ear flick instead as if she’s immune to this question.
“I think it would seem easier at first, but then as time goes on, you’d have an identity crisis.”
“How so?”
“You’re used to touching your ears and your reactions come solely from them. If you get them removed, you’d probably wonder why your reactions aren’t the same. If you get your bunny sense of smell removed, you’ll only be able to smell like a human. There would be repercussions to you getting them removed, and would make your life a little more difficult. But there’s only one person you could ask for proper advice over that.”
When Jungkook comes out of the room, he thanks Yoohyeon for their session and sees you’re wide awake, sitting on the ground.
You quickly stand and stumble back slightly when he engulfs you in a tight hug.
You hug him back and rub his back comfortingly.
“Are you okay?” You ask quietly and he nods.
“Can I come back again..?” He asks you and you smile, hugging him closer.
“Of course.”
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“We’re not going home?” He asks when you start driving towards the mall.
“Not yet, you need to buy some clothes.”
“But I have enough.”
“Like, underwear and all that?”
He pouts.
“Let’s go then.”
He watches you park and get out of the car, putting on your bag.
“Come.” You wave him out the car and shut your door, opening his side.
“Can I ask you something?” He steps out and shuts his door, the wind whipping your hair around.
“Do… you miss them?”
“Miss what?”
“Your ears, tail..” He kicks at pebbles he finds nearby and shoves his hands into his sweater.
You squint, the wind burning your eyes slightly.
“A little, I don’t like the idea of just having holes in my head, if that makes sense. Along with the patch on my back.”
“Would you get them back if you could?” His eyes squint as well, the sun bothering him as he looks down at you.
You tilt your head side to side, unsure.
“I don’t know. I never really thought about it. But, if it got rid of my confusion of who I am, I would get them.”
“You’re confused? Like, identity crisis confused?”
“Yeah, something like that. Before you knew what I was, I would forget I still had wolf features in me, so when I would wake up and my fangs would be out but no ears, I would be terrified. My brain would think I was back at the hospital again. I don’t know if I would want them back, since I would have to go back to the hospital and that’s the least I wanna do.” You hide your hands in your pocket from the cold wind.
“If you’re thinking about it, I don’t suggest it. Your life may seem complicated now, but once you get rid of them, everything gets worse.”
You shiver and nod your head in the direction of the mall.
“Let’s go in, it’s getting cold and you haven’t eaten anything.” You loop your hand around his arm and pull him inside.
“Jimin, leave him alone.” Hoseok pulls Jimin’s shirt gently as Jimin continues to sniff Namjoon.
“He smells like noona.”
“We all smell like her.” Taehyung puts down his phone and Jimin crosses his arms.
“Well, yeah. But this is different.” He continues to sniff him and gets close to his neck, making Namjoon flinch away.
“Jimin.” Hoseok picks him up and tosses him onto the couch.
“Sorry.” Jimin pouts and Namjoon rubs at his neck where Jimin touched with his nose.
“You got a sensitive neck?” Taehyung asks and Namjoon glances at him.
“Something like that.”
“I can help with that.” Taehyung looks at him evilly and Namjoon scoots away.
“I’m alright.”
“You sure? I got (y/n) desensitized to me being on her neck all the time.” Taehyung starts crawling to Namjoon and Namjoon frowns.
“I’m sure.”
Yoongi suddenly throws a pillow at Taehyung, stopping him.
“Knock it off. You’re gonna scare him away.” Yoongi defends and Taehyung sits back down, rolling his eyes.
“They’re home.” Jin walks out of his room and opens the door for the both of you.
“Thank you.” You smile and bring in one bag full of food.
“(Y/n) your arm!” Yoongi shoots up and Jin takes the bag from you before he can.
“I’m fine, I already got a lecture from Jungkook.” You go to help Jungkook who’s carrying at least 5 other bags but Hoseok beats you to it.
“Besides, it’s just one bag and it’s food for you guys.”
Yoongi digs through the bag and finds boxes of noodles and sushi. Namjoon scrunches his nose in distaste.
You carry a separate bag of food and hand it to him.
“I’m okay-”
“It’s not seafood, if that’s what you’re worried about.” You place it on the couch next to him and he chuckles, digging through the bag.
“Thanks. Did you get anything for yourself? I only saw 5 other plates.”
“I already ate with Jungkook, I’ll be okay.” You tug at your sweater and Hoseok smiles at Jin when overhearing your interaction.
“How far are you with the book?” You sit next to him and he places the bag on the table.
“I’m almost done, I wanted to borrow the second one, if that’s okay with you.”
“Of course!” You say a little too enthusiastically. You clear your throat and try again.
“Of course, but I want to read it with you.”
“To see your reaction, so you can talk about it, too.”
His heart beats a little harder than it should.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
If you had your wolf ears, they’d be drooping right now.
“Oh, that’s fine.”
He senses your hesitation and cringes, closing the book.
“That’s not what I meant.”
“It’s okay, just let me know when you want the book, okay?” You smile at him and head toward the kitchen.
He grabs your wrist and pulls you a little too hard, causing you to fall on him with a yelp.
“I-I meant, some scenes are a little too… intimate… to have you read with me.” His cheeks and ears turn red at the thought of him exposing his perverted reactions right in front of you.
That, and your body is a little too closely pressed against his.
He can feel the movement of your chest from your breathing, pressing you closer to him only momentarily. The feeling of your heart beating faster than usual and your body shaking to keep itself composed and not entirely on him.
He stares at your blushing cheeks, the ones he grew up with now slightly scarred with the past, trying to find a new future.
Your hair covers the side of his face like a curtain, hiding his vulnerable stare as if it was only made for you.
You whisper something that doesn’t get to his ears but sees your lips moving.
“You’re squeezing me.” You whisper out again and his hands suddenly let go of your waist, which were pressing you closer to his hips.
“I-I’m sorry.” He hides his face with his hands and you giggle, getting up off him.
“It’s okay, I don’t mind.” You take his hands off his face and he sees your flushed cheeks, smiling so plump and prettily at him.
“It’s not the first time that’s happened, not to me at least.” You reassure him and take a seat next to his side. He blushes more, struggling to tug his hands away from your grasp out of embarrassment.
You laugh and his heart flutters in a way it used to when you were younger.
“I won’t read those parts with you, but I wanted to read everything else with you. If you will allow me to do so.” You whisper and he covers the bottom half of his face with his arm, looking away.
“No?” You lean away and he grabs your wrist again, not letting you leave. Leaning back closer he releases you, glancing at your face.
You giggle at his hesitation and he watches as you walk away from him to the boys, who were oblivious to your interaction.
Taehyung holds you close and you laugh at something Hoseok says, Jungkook joining in.
His body still feels like you’re on him and Jin walks over to Namjoon.
“Something you wanna say?” He sits down at the foot of the couch and Namjoon sits up.
“Whatever that was?” He raises a brow and Namjoon scoffs.
“I’m not going to be sharing my interests with someone who I used to like.”
Jin looks at him devilishly.
“Interests? You’re interested in her?” He picks up and Namjoon’s head whips in the sugar glider’s direction at lightning speed.
“I never said that.”
“But you implied it.”
“No, I didn’t.”
“Shall I refresh your memory? I'm not going to share my interests-”
Namjoon cuts him off by throwing a pillow in Jin’s face, the pillow falling to the ground and revealing his look of shock.
“Excuse me?”
Namjoon mouths out shut up and you turn to look at them, raising a brow.
Jin turns and smiles at you, letting you know everything is alright.
When he turns back around, he throws the same pillow in Namjoon’s face, startling him.
Namjoon grabs the pillow and starts hitting him with it, Jin grabbing a nearby pillow and hitting him as well.
You all look at them and watch as they hit each other, blocking each other off when hit.
“Are you gonna stop this?” Yoongi asks and you shake your head.
“No, they’re just being kids. I have no reason to stop them.” You smile as they start laughing, grabbing each other's shoulders and pushing against each other.
“Give up!” Namjoon growls out.
“Not until you admit it!” Jin bares his teeth and Namjoon pushes him hard enough that he lands on the couch with a loud thump.
Namjoon laughs out of breath and throws a pillow at him as his final victory hit.
“I win.”
Jin suddenly swipes the back of Namjoon’s legs with his foot, causing him to lose balance and fall over on his butt.
“I win.” Jin sits up victoriously.
Namjoon scoffs, mouth wide open in disbelief at Jin's actions.
Jin turns his nose up into the air in a snobby way, his face being rid of all pride and replaced with shock and fear when Namjoon grabs his ankles and drags him off the couch onto the floor with him.
"Augh!" Jin makes a loud noise when he hits the floor, looking up when Namjoon climbs over him with an evil stare.
"Say I won." He says.
"Ha! What a sore loser you are!" Jin crossed his arms and Namjoon raises his hands, startling Jin into a defensive position.
"Say it." He says one last time and Jin stares him down.
You all jump and turn to the living room when Jin starts screaming and cackling, writhing with uncontrollable laughter as Namjoon tickles his sides mercilessly.
You all stand there in shock as Jin wiggles his legs furiously, struggling to form sentences.
"O-okay!" Jin shouts and Namjoon halts his assault.
"You win! " Jin takes a deep inhale and catches his breath as Namjoon climbs off him, raising his arms in victory.
As soon as Jin can breathe properly, he takes another big inhale and covers his face.
Another pillow square in the face by Namjoon.
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“I don’t feel like babysitting those kids anyway.” Yoongi rolls his eyes and you hum in amusement.
“Aren’t those ‘kids’ like twenty by now?” Namjoon asks, making you all look at him.
“Well, yeah but compared to my age? They’re kids.” Yoongi crosses his arms and you blink.
“Are you calling yourself old-”
“No!” Yoongi defends, cheeks dusting pink.
“Aahh you’re old.” Hoseok pokes fun at him and you snort, turning away into Namjoon’s arm.
“You three are literally next in line to me! Who are you calling old?!”
“You-” You say, dipping your head forward when he throws a plastic fork at you, hitting Namjoon’s arm.
“Alright, alright, enough with the old jokes.” Jin waves everyone down and you smile at him.
“Jimin, we wanted to say that you’re finally healthy! You’ve fully recovered!” He announces and you all clap for him, exciting him.
You get up and everyone except Namjoon and Jungkook get in a line based on who got here first, with you being last.
He looks up at Yoongi and Yoongi shuffles, kissing the top of his head quickly and walking away.
Jimin jumps and blushes, looking at Jin next.
Jin kisses his forehead and stands next to Yoongi behind Namjoon.
Hoseok smiles and holds his cheeks, kissing him on the bridge of his nose, then stands next to Jin.
Taehyung holds his cheeks as well and gives him a kiss on the nose, smiling his boxy smile when Jimin’s face turns a darker shade of red with every kiss.
When he walks away, JImin wiggles happily in his seat.
“And for being so good during your recovery,” You hold his cheeks softly and pet his hair, making his eyes flutter closed at your touch.
Namjoon’s eyes widen when Jimin leans in desperately for your touch, purring loudly.
You give him a soft kiss on his lips, making him melt in your hands.
Namjoon stares at your eyelashes as they rest on your cheeks, how your hands hold Jimin’s face so delicately as if he might fall apart on contact.
When you pull away, Jimin’s smile is so content and full of love.
“We’re so happy you finally made a full recovery.” You kiss his forehead and his tail wiggles in happiness.
“Thank you, Noona.”
“Alright, let’s go take a celebratory nap.” Hoseok walks over to him and picks him up, walking to his bedroom.
“Do, you do that for everyone’s recovery? Namjoon taps the counter with his finger and Jungkook glances at him.
“We do, but only if they come in really injured. Why?” Jin wiggles his eyebrows and Namjoon squints at him, ears turning pink.
“Just asking.” He responds through gritted teeth and you walk behind him.
“It’s already been at least 7 months since we got him..” You pout and Yoongi pets your hair.
“He’s come a long way.” He leans his head on yours and you smile.
"I'm happy. He's gotten a little more confident, too." You hold his hand, playing with his fingers.
"You’re not going out tomorrow, are you?” Yoongi questions and you stiffen.
“He’s asleep.” Hoseok comes out of the room and avoids your direction when you’re giving him a help me stare.
Your mouth drops when he takes his seat on the couch and keeps his eyes on the tv.
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Happy birthday to this blog! Thank you so much for enjoying my stories and staying since the beginning 🥺💜
I hope you make many more stories and keep finding inspiration 💜
To many more years on this blog! 🎉🎉🍾
it’s been a year!
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HAPPY 1ST BIRTHDAY TO THIS BLOG!! (sorry for the long post!! I ramble…)
Keep reading
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Unfair Game pt. 10
Pairing: Shinsou x Reader 🤗✨
Warnings: swearing
Summary: YouTube is filled with creative people and collabs to bring more creativity. But when you want to try to collab with a particular tired youtuber, things get a little messy. Hopefully he doesn't regret it in the end.
Taglist: @cloudie-skay @yikes-buddy @im-seriously-in-love-with-you @daninaninani @sunshine-skz @bored--v @ohnosiren @krxstynnn @justhaikyuufan @rubyrubyruuu @anintrovertedecho @cookiecat15
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hello, i hope you are having a wonderful day. i wanted to ask if you have a certain schedule you go by to post the chapters of your stories? i love fallen stars, frozen hearts it's beautifully written. i can't wait for more chapters to come <3 stay safe and wear a mask!
Hello I hope you're staying safe and having a nice day too!
Thank you so much for enjoying it I hope I can keep your attention with it 🥺🤍❤
I don't have a certain schedule for that one, I try to spread out the amount of stories I have for each one so it's even
But I can put you on the tag list if you wanted to DM me so no one knows who you are!
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HI sorry not trying to be rude but please put a read more on your fics, it'd just make scrolling through tags easier tyty
I'll be honest, I don't know how to do that and I've tried it before and it didn't work on both my systems and I asked someone to help me but they never got back to me.
It's not that I don't want to, it's just I genuinely can't figure it out, sorry!
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Stubborn Hugs Pt. 19
Pairing: Hybrid Namjoon x Reader, Occasional OT7 x Reader, Occasional character x character ✨🤗💥
Warnings: Angst
Word count: 3k
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“Jungkook, you can’t ignore me forever.” Yoongi crosses his arms.
He leans over and looks under the bed, Jungkook along with most of your blankets hiding with him.
“Especially under (Y/n)’s bed with all her shit.” Yoongi kneels and pulls out one of your blankets.
“Did you at least eat the food?” He raises a brow and Jungkook pushes out the empty plate, snatching back the blanket Yoongi took from him.
“Okay.” Yoongi takes the plate and places it on your desk.
“Noona hates me..” Jungkook whimpers out and Yoongi sighs.
“She never said that.”
“She’s going to kick me out..”
“She didn’t say that, either.”
“I hurt Noona..”
“She- okay you did. But she’d rather you face the consequences than to be cooped up in her room. She didn’t want you to be depressed.”
“She didn’t adopt me to almost kill her either..”
“I-” Yoongi puts his hands on his hips sassily and frowns.
“I’m trying to help you here. She hasn’t picked your punishment, anyway.” Yoongi sits up by the bed and leans on it.
“She hasn’t..?”
“No, she hasn’t. She’s not one for...punishments. She’s one for making you learn your lesson your own way.”
He whimpers and curls up farther away from Yoongi.
His panther ears flick at the sound of you laughing, Namjoon defending himself over something embarrassing he just mentioned.
“Yoongi-hyung..” Jungkook sniffles out. Yoongi keeps his arms crossed and only glances down at the bunny’s ears poking out from under the bed.
“Where did you learn all that stuff..?”
“What stuff?”
“Don’t ask me something you’re not ready for.” Yoongi watches the door.
“No buts, Jungkook. You’re still recovering. I don’t need to make you worse than I already have.”
Jungkook looks down and paws at the carpet.
“Quit being mopey and go properly apologize to (Y/n). Namjoon, too.”
“No.” Yoongi interrupts and sticks a finger in his face.
“You’re a grown ass man, start acting like it. You can’t just almost kill someone, then give someone a severe panic attack with your words and just leave. You’re gonna lose people that way.” Yoongi pulls Jungkook out from under and Jungkook tries wiggling away.
“No more hiding. You did that shit for most of your life and now you live somewhere new. And unluckily for you, you live with me.” He picks him up, sliding his arms under Jungkook’s and dragging him out of the bedroom.
“You either start walking, or I’m dragging your ass downstairs.” Yoongi threatens. Jungkook jumps up and lands his feet on either side of the wall, his feet landing on the railings.
Yoongi grunts and starts dragging him down the railing, landing with a loud oof at the bottom of the stairs.
Both you and Namjoon shoot up out of your seats and run to the stairs, finding Yoongi under Jungkook’s large frame.
Jungkook’s hips landed on top of Yoongi’s, making him unsure of how to remove himself. He moves upward above Yoongi and Yoongi whines loudly, his face turning red when you all look at him.
“Don’t look at me!” Yoongi hides his face in his shirt and you help Jungkook roll away from the poor panther.
“Take him over there.” You tell Namjoon, climbing over Yoongi and rubbing your cheek above his. His shirt gets in the way and you place your forehead on his, letting him know it’s you.
“Uh, come on.” Namjoon looks away from Jungkook and walks to the living room where you both were. He sits at one couch and Jungkook sits at the other, across from one another.
“(Y/n)!” Yoongi whines out and Namjoon scratches his neck, going back to the book you let him borrow.
He carefully opens the pages, afraid the creases you’ve previously left from reading it so often would be replaced by the ones he’d make, memories and cherished moments blurred by his own hand.
“W-what are you reading?” Jungkook tries striking up a conversation but Namjoon is already so immersed in the story he doesn’t hear him.
“Um, Namjoon?” Jungkook stands, tapping the book softly.
Namjoon startles and suddenly grabs Jungkook’s wrist harshly, ripping it away from your book.
“Ah, sorry.” He immediately lets go once he sees it’s just his old friend. Jungkook’s used to this reaction, but it feels different this time.
He knows Namjoon takes his books seriously. Never opening the book wide enough to crease the spine, keeping it away from anything that could dirty it, not letting anyone touch his books without him keeping a close eye on how they treat the pages, so on.
Namjoon’s only escape growing up in the hospital were the books you’d read to him over, and over, and over, until you disappeared. He’d still read the same book even after you left, reading it in your tone of voice and reminiscing the way you would hold him close when reading it.
Of course, reading it now, it seems a little different than he remembers-
“It’s alright..” Jungkook takes a step back and looks at the blue cover, a blue eye crying a waterfall and the trees for eyelashes.
“It’s called Shatter Me.” Namjoon places a bookmark in between the pages, one you had bought for him just before he moved in.
A little golden moon, sleeping at the top of the bookmark with the words, “When Moon rise, it’s your time.”
“It..sounds interesting.” Jungkook musters a smile and Namjoon’s cheeks tinge pink.
“(Y/n) used to read this for me when we were in the hospital together..” He mentions, scratching at his cheek.
“It’s..a little different than I remember.”
“Why do you say that?”
“Lots of...nevermind.” He closes the book softly and places it on the arm of the couch.
“Oh.” Jungkook stands there awkwardly in front of Namjoon and you drag a flushed Yoongi to his blanket nest, turning on his sunlight lamp and covering him with another blanket.
“Um, I wanted to say, I’m sorry.” Jungkook stares as Yoongi happily squints under the artificial light.
Namjoon stays silent. Jungkook turns to face him.
“For, hurting you..” He whispers out. Namjoon just clears his throat.
“You’re not going to say it’s okay?”
“Do I have to?” Namjoon seems taken aback by Jungkook’s question.
“Jungkook.” You call out, catching his attention. Giving him a pointed look, he huffs and walks away from Namjoon.
“I don’t have to.” Namjoon rolls his eyes and crosses his arms, thinking back to Jungkook’s words.
“Do I?” He asks you.
“Not if you’re not ready, no. You unknowingly hurt yourself, so it’s fair you don’t have a response right now.” You pet Yoongi’s ears and then it’s Namjoon’s turn to huff.
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Namjoon has still been keeping his distance from you since the incident, but he’s also been approaching you more than he has before. To which you consider good progress.
“Can...can you open this..?” Namjoon stares at the object before him, afraid of breaking it.
“The fridge?” You ask, walking up to him. He nods.
“I don’t want to break it again.” He states, glancing at the window.
Just yesterday, he was sitting on the window sill, the window being open other than the screen so nothing came in. You had passed him and he wanted to give you space, but instead leaned back too far and fell out the window, screen and all.
Needless to say, you weren’t gonna open that window anytime soon.
You kindly open the door for him and Taehyung pushes his way through, getting his frozen coconut blueberry popsicle out.
“The book is different than when you read it for me, by the way.” Namjoon mentions once Taehyung leaves and he’s getting out a watermelon.
“Is it?” You pout, cutting fruits for the boys.
“It seems longer than I remember. I don’t remember the whole, being used part.”
“You don’t?”
He squints.
“You told me she got invited in, not tricked.”
“I never said that. I said she was brought in.”
“By force?”
“I-” You freeze and turn to him.
“What are you trying to say?”
“I don’t remember most of the book because you changed the plot.”
“I made it friendlier for you.”
“It’s about humans being killed off while a new government is being renewed.”
“And that’s why we never finished.”
“You know that’s not why we never finished.” He whispers and you put down your knife.
“I know..”
He rubs his neck and stands up, walking next to you.
“GIve me one or else you’re gonna take forever.” He points to a knife in the knife holder and you give him a small one.
“I’m almost done reading it, I don’t know how they’re gonna fix everything in just one book.” He starts carefully cutting apples and you frown.
“They don’t.”
“What? But it’s just that book and there’s so much conflict.”
“It’s not just one book.” You look up at him and his eyes widen.
“It’s not?!” He turns to you, dropping the knife on the counter.
“No, there’s like 10.”
“There’s 10?!” He places his hands on your shoulders and you nod.
“There’s also like, 4 diaries in it to go in between certain books.”
“Do you have them?!” He holds your cheeks excitedly and you blush, nodding slightly.
Jin suddenly opens the door and Namjoon jumps, holding you close to his chest.
Jin sighs and stops mid-sigh when he sees the both of you.
“Books!” You both shout at the same time, pulling away from each other as fast as possible.
“Yoongi I wanna move out.” Jin tosses his sweater onto the rack nearby and Yoongi stirs, turning his back on Jin.
“Hm, how rude.” Jin places his hands on his hips and you go up to greet him, kissing his cheek.
“How was work?”
“Long, slow, annoying.” He smiles and kisses your hair. His nose scrunches up distastefully and you frown.
“You smell like him.”
You take a strand of your hair and sniff it.
“No I don’t.”
“Yes, you do.” Taehyung walks past you and takes a seat in the living room.
“I guess I’ve been hanging around him a lot more lately..” You play with your hair, afraid of what he might say.
“It’s alright, you’re both getting along for once, it’s good.” He pets your hair and you blush.
“Do you still like him?”
“Jin!” You startle, smacking his hands away and glancing back at Namjoon.
He raises a brow with a small smile on his lips and your heart melts, looking back to Jin.
“You’re shaking.”
“Shush!” You swat at him and he screams, running away.
Walking back to Namjoon, his koala ears flick at your arrival.
“I’ll let you borrow the books when you’re done.” You continue your conversation and he nods.
“Thanks.” He smiles and you look away.
“Do you want to go out today?” You ask.
“No, I don’t want you to strain yourself.” He nods towards your arm and you look down at it.
“It doesn’t hurt as much anymore, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“I’m not worried. But if you put enough pressure on it again, it could reopen.” He reminds you and you sigh.
“I’m tired of being inside all the time.”
“You get used to it.” He comments and you flinch.
“You’re fine. At least we’re even, now.” He chuckles and you smile softly, feeling your cheeks warm when you look at him.
“I guess so.”
He turns to look at you and you immediately look away.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, just- yeah.” You don’t look at him and he frowns, placing his knife down.
“You don’t smell okay.”
“I smell stale?”
“No, sad.” He looks you up and down and you shake your head.
“I always smell like this.”
“So, you’re always sad?”
“Then you don’t always smell like this.”
You hesitate.
“I’ve just been thinking, is all.”
“About?” He leans over and gets closer to your face.
“We’re not there, yet. Don’t pry.” You push him away with a single finger on his forehead.
“Mh..” He keeps his eyes on you and you try your best not to look at him.
“I’m making you uncomfortable, aren’t I?”
“No! No, no. Not at all. I’m..just trying my best to keep you comfortable.”
“Is it that hard for you?” He takes a step back and you try not to flinch.
“No, it isn’t.”
“I just don’t know what will make you uncomfortable, yet. Not entirely, at least.”
“You’re walking on eggshells with me?”
“With myself, more like it..”
He kicks at the floor with his sock covered foot, his ears turning pink.
“You don’t have to..”
“I’m..I-” He scratches at his cheek.
“I’ve..been getting comfortable with you, since that day..” He mumbles but you hear it loud and clear, your heart somersaulting into your throat and turning on the faucet to your eyes without your consent.
He frowns when he sees water fall onto the floor in front of him, lifting his head to see tears falling down your cheeks at rapid speed.
“Woah, hey, hey!” He grabs your hands and you hiccup, squeezing him.
“Why are you crying?” He asks, concerned. Had he said something wrong?
“I’m so happy..” You hiccup, covering your mouth when you let out a breathless laugh.
“You’re no longer scared..” You laugh and start crying more, covering your eyes with your sleeve.
Yoongi wakes up and Taehyung stares at you from the couch.
Namjoon stands there holding your hands as you sob in front of him, letting yourself be vulnerable to him.
He slowly starts sliding his hands up your arms and pulls your arms down, engulfing you in a tight hug. You cry harder and grip at the back of his sweater, hugging him so close you're afraid this might be a dream.
He leans over and places his chin on your head, rubbing your back the way he would do to Jungkook when he was crying. You're leaving tear stains on his gray sweater but he doesn't care, only wanting you to get out all your emotions.
He didn't think you knew one of the true meanings behind his words when he had said he wasn't comfortable with you.
At the time, yes, he wasn't comfortable with you. But as time went on, and the incident happened, you proved to him he has no reason to be afraid. He had been afraid you were either just planning to send him back to the hospital when you had first remembered him when he realized who you were, or you were only doing this to get to Jungkook. He thought you were lying to him about your identity to take advantage of him, or to see how you could trick another hybrid.
The reason you were able to take any hybrid from the shelter and do whatever you pleased was because you're not human but pass for one, which terrified him more when he thought about it.
But he realized you could get more good things out of it, and if you wanted, you could have been a horrible person. But you're not, you get confused, too, about who you are and who you should be. What you should look like to the world and what you should look like to yourself and family.
Namjoon hears your cries die down into sniffles and soft hiccups. He grabs a napkin and leans back, seeing your cute, puffy and tear stained cheeks.
He wipes your face and your nose scrunches away from him.
"I'm sorry.." You rasp out. He shakes his head.
"Don't be, I know it took you a while to get here. It's only fair." He rubs your back and you sniffle.
"You go sit down. I'll finish the fruit." He nudges you in the direction of the living room and you protest.
"No, go." He gives a soft push and you hiccup, walking into the living room and sitting next to Taehyung. He leans over and rubs his cheek into your hair for comfort, rubbing his scent all over you.
When Namjoon finishes the fruit, he puts them in everyone's respective plates and hands a plate to the three of you.
You watch him walk up the stairs towards Jin's room, knocking twice.
Jin opens the door and his eyebrows shoot up.
"(Y/n) made you fruit." Namjoon hands him the bowl and Jin slowly takes it, looking at it.
"Oh, thank you."
Namjoon nods once and takes his leave, heading back to the other bowls and covering them with saran wrap and placing them in the fridge.
He walks to you and takes a gentle seat next to you, opening his book and reading.
You tap his wrist with the bowl and he stops, watching as you continuously tap him with it.
He takes a piece of watermelon and shoves it into his cheek, going back to his book without dirtying the sheet.
“Jimin, Mina is shy, too. You have to be gentle or else she’s gonna freeze up.” Hoseok comes in, tossing his bag and sweater on the coat rack.
“Is..is that a penguin joke..?” Jimin asks and Hoseok stops moving.
“No, not intentionally anyway.” He walks into the living room and spots Namjoon sitting close to you, you reading with him.
Namjoon clears his throat and jumps when he sees you’re reading with him.
“I see it’s quiet time today.” Hoseok sits next to Yoongi’s nest on the couch, watching Jimin follow him.
Namjoon passes you the book and you look up at him as he walks into the kitchen, taking out their fruit bowls and walking back.
He hands both of them their bowls and they slowly take it, surprised.
“(Y/n) made them for you.” He takes his seat and they thank the both of you as he takes back the book.
“Noona?” Jungkook comes downstairs fully dressed with a small book bag you had gifted him when he got here.
You sit up and he tilts his head.
“OH!” You slap a hand to your forehead and shoot up from the couch, scaring the bear and koala away from you.
“I’m sorry! I forgot it was today!” You rush upstairs and quickly change clothes.
Everyone stares as you grab your keys and Jin’s pink sweater, letting Jungkook go out first.
“I’ll be back soon!” You announce, shutting the door behind you.
“Do you have your bracelet?” You ask, getting in the car with him. He nods.
“I didn’t think time went by so fast your first day would be here already.” You start driving out and he plays with his fingers.
“What’s happening today?” Namjoon suddenly asks. Yoongi wakes up and yawns, stretching so far he bumps into Hobi’s arm.
“It’s his first day of therapy. He had asked her if it was a good idea and she said it was, so she set him up for it.” Taehyung plays with his phone and Namjoon’s eyebrows furrow.
“Yes, therapy. Something you need, too.” Yoongi turns around in his nest and yawns again.
“I don’t want it.”
“You need it.” Yoongi sits up.
“If it’s anything like what they did in the hospital, I’d rather suffer with how I am now.” Namjoon goes back to his book and shivers when he gets a glimpse of his past.
202 notes · View notes
Soul Lily Pt. 1
Pairing: Mafia!Tattoo!Soulmate! Dabi x reader ✨☁️💥🤗💦👀🍑
Warnings: Cursing
Summary: Where quirks and soulmates exist, you're lucky enough to not be wanted by your soulmate. Not knowing who he is, or what he does other than being a tattoo artist, you will try to convince him that you're meant to be with him, only after convincing yourself first, of course. He doesn't know you're trying to become a hero, and you don't know he's a villain in a mafia group.
Word count: 4k
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Walking to the train station, your group of friends had already saved you a spot to sit by them, eager to congratulate you for when you came in.
When the train stopped in front of you, you and a few other people walked in, others getting off.
“(Y/n)!” Nejire rose from her seat, startling a few of the passengers around her. You smiled. Getting to see your best friends early every morning was a blessing, already making your day before it even started.
You walk over and let her engulf you in a hug, apologising for the public affection to the bystanders around you.
“Happy birthday.” She whispers, releasing you and letting you take your spot in between her and Tamaki.
“Happy birthday.” Both Mirio and Tamaki congratulate, one a little more enthusiastic than the other.
“Thank you. I wish we didn’t have to go to school today for my birthday but a hero never quits, even on her birthday.” You smile at them and Mirio laughs.
“That’s the spirit! Maybe you’ll even beat me in our sparring today with your birthday luck!” He sits up proudly, making you giggle.
“Maybe I will. You better watch your back.”
The train stops again and you watch as your juniors Kirishima and Katsuki walk in together, stopping in front of you and holding onto a pole once the train begins moving again.
“Happy birthday, (L/n) Senpai.” Kirishima smiles and you thank him.
Katsuki looks away from you when you continuously stare at him, waiting.
“Quit looking at me, you sponge. I’m not gonna fucking say it.”
“Bakugou, quit being mean to your sister, it’s her birthday!”
“And I don’t give a shit.” Katsuki spits and you kick his leg softly, gaining his attention.
You smile personally at him and he ‘tsks’ at you, turning away when he sees the silver necklace with your representative flower he had tossed in a box at you the day before he slept over at Kirishima’s house.
In this world, quirks and soulmates exist. When you are born, the outline of your representative flower will appear on the back of your neck in your representative color. If something were to happen to the area where the flower should be, it will appear in a different area where it is visible. When you reach a certain age, you are able to find your soulmate, whether it be as early as 15 or as late as 30, the flower being filled in of what it is. Some people however, do not get a soulmate, nor a flower. If you were to pass by your soulmate, knowingly or not, their representative flower will appear in an intricate way as if it were a tattoo, blooming based on your trust and emotions with them.
The flowers will stay on your body so long as you’re near your soulmate. If you separate from each other, they disappear. If you decide you don’t want to be with your soulmate and there must have been a mistake, the flowers will stay on your body, wilted and dead, a sign of your refusal for the person who was made for you.
Second chances are rare.
You look down at Tamaki’s forearm to his palm, which is delicately littered in Hypericum monogynum, glowing softly whenever Mirio touches him. Mirio’s hand touches Tamaki’s softly, tracing the pattern of his representative flower.
Mirio looks back out the window, the back of his head facing you. Looking on his neck, you see a big blue columbine, surrounded by smaller ones leading a row down his back.
They found each other when they were kids, but only realised they were soulmates when they turned 15.
Katsuki found his soulmate when he entered highschool during the entrance exam. He was fighting robots and his left arm had suddenly bloomed full of red dragon fire flowers up to his shoulder, glowing brightly. Then it disappeared as soon as it came.
He didn’t care for soulmates, but he wanted to see if the person he was mated with was worthy of his time.
Unfortunately, he never found him. Until they met in class together, and now they’re standing next to each other on the train with you.
He wears a protective sleeve to cover his flower tattoos, and so does Kirishima on his right so they won’t be questioned since Katsuki isn’t comfortable with it yet, even if you’re a few weeks into school.
He catches you staring at his arm and you gesture to pull the sleeve down a little for his safety. He does so and checks on Kirishima’s arm, pulling the sleeve down for him, covering the Desert rose golden carrot flowers on his right arm.
Kirishima smiles at him and Katsuki’s ears turn red as he angrily turns away, muttering something about not being careful and being an idiot.
“I can’t believe you’re already 20, (Y/n).” Nejire holds onto your arm and you turn to her.
“You’re old.” Katsuki comments, receiving a kick in the leg. He growls at you and you smile at him.
“Watch it.” You warn, still smiling.
“I can’t wait for you to meet your soulmate, if they’re anything like you, the world will be so full of heroes and peace.” She lays her head on your shoulder, rambling about how perfect they’d be for you.
You got your ability to find your soulmate at 14, which is rare and gave you hope for you to find them a lot sooner, but nothing has come up since. You entered school a little late at the age of 8, when you were brought into the Bakugou household at 7, the school that you entered had accidentally placed you in a class full of 6-7 year olds and wasn’t moved out since you didn’t have any knowledge other than basic reading.
That’s when you met Nejire.
“Class, this is Bakugou (Y/n), she’ll be in our class now.” The teacher had introduced you to class.
Nejire’s big eyes stared at you in wonder, wondering why you looked so sad and confused.
“Go ahead and introduce yourself.” The tall lady tapped your shoulder softly. You kept your eyes on the ground.
“I’m Bakugou (Y/n)... I just moved here..” You play with your sweater and the teacher nods, leading you next to Nejire’s seat.
“Be nice with her, okay? She’s still a little new to all of you.” The teacher pointed at Nejire and the big eyed girl nodded enthusiastically.
“I’ll take care of her!” She took your hand and smiled excitedly at you, which in turn, made you cry at the sudden contact.
“Hey, hey, (Y/n) are you listening?” She continues to poke your arm and you nod, looking down at her.
“Just thinking about how bold you were when we met, is all.” You smile and she tilts her head.
“You were such a crybaby when we met.” She says and you laugh, swatting her away.
“I wasn’t the one who declared our friendship as soon as we met. I was new, I had the right to be a crybaby.”
“You still are a crybaby.” Katsuki rolls his eyes and you glance at him.
“Do you want me to say your reaction when I came into the house for the first time?” You raise a brow and his eyes widen.
“Don’t you dare.”
“Take it back.”
“Like hell I will.”
“FINE! I TAKE IT BACK.” He crosses his arms and you smile in victory.
When the train stops, the three of you get up and walk out after Katsuki and Kirishima.
Only Kirishima knows you’re his older sister, along with just the three of your friends.
And Midoriya, of course.
You knew he didn’t want anyone to know or for him to be compared to you, but the same goes for you. He knew you didn’t want to be compared to him. Although you both had the same last name, no one assumed you were siblings since 1) You didn’t look anything alike and 2)a lot of people have the same last name.
Walking to the school together, you see a few other of Katsuki’s friends walking towards him. He groans and you look at Tamaki who’s unknowingly getting closer to you since he tends to sway when he walks. He bumps into your shoulder and he jumps, apologizing.
“You’re okay. Is everything alright?” You ask him, looking up.
“I have to go to Fatgum’s agency today and Miruko is gonna be there, she makes me nervous..”
“I like Miruko.” You smile to yourself and he starts shaking.
“She won’t hurt you, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“No, i-it’s just she is very, out there.” He’s suddenly holding your sleeve for support and you pat his hand softly.
“Fatgum is out there, too. Although I think it’s a more comforting type of out there, for you.” You rub the back of his hand and he suddenly hugs his arm, hiding his face in your shoulder even though he has to lean over.
“Ah! (Y/n) senpai!” Midoriya walks over to you and you rub Tamaki’s back as he stands in front of you.
“Happy birthday!” He smiles at you and you squint, his smile too bright for your eyes.
“Thank you.” You watch as a few of his other classmates pass by you, saying happy birthday.
They only know you since you tend to come into their class a lot whenever Aizawa asks you to.
When you came in the first time, it didn’t go too well.
“We’re having a visitor today, she was in my class once before and now she’s at the top of her class along with 3 of her classmates.” Aizawa introduced as you walked in through the door, all the kids staring at you in amazement.
Katsuki suddenly stood up and slammed his fists onto the table.
Aizawa immediately captured him in his scarf, silencing the loud boy.
“Hello, I’m Bakugou (Y/n), no I’m not related to this Bakugou.” You bowed your head slightly, lifting your head and shaking your hair away from your face softly.
Everyone began whispering and one girl raised her green, flower covered hand.
“Are you here to teach us about fighting techniques with quirks we can’t see physically?” The girl with the round brown hair asked.
“Yes, I am.”
“Your quirk is invisible?” The boy with bright yellow hair and a black streak asked.
“No, my quirk is hard to explain, and even I’m still learning how to make it better or what it could do.”
“Even as a third year?” He asked and you nod.
“Even as a third year. Your quirk will continue to grow so long as you grow and adapt, push yourself farther than you ever thought you ever could. Always go plus ultra and you’ll even surprise yourself.” You smile at them and everyone smiles at each other, excited to become heroes.
Katsuki tsks and rolls his eyes.
“Do you have a question?” You call him out, catching his attention.
“You should already know what your quirk can do, especially as a third year.”
“Yes, but it’s good to improve it, or do you not plan on doing so?” You ask and it irks him.
“Of course I do!”
“Then you don’t know how far your limits are and what you could do in the future.” You wave a finger at him and he growls.
“Anyway, I will show you what my quirk is.” You walk over to the window and open it.
“Can I ask for a volunteer?” You look for Aizawa’s approval. He walks over to you and you smile.
“Now, since he is a lot stronger than me, this won’t affect him too much.” You explain and turn to him.
Everyone stares as you rear your arm and punch him as hard as possible in the shoulder, making him flinch and close his eyes. Everyone gasps and you hover your hands over his shoulder, watching him relax instantly.
You open your hands and a (f/c) ball of swirling light floats above them.
“You can heal people’s pain and turn it into light?” A boy with black hair and thick elbows asks.
You toss the ball softly out the window and it explodes, a flash of light blinding you momentarily.
“How do you feel?” You ask Aizawa and he takes a seat in his sleeping bag.
“I’m fine now.”
You turn to the class and they all stare at you confused.
“I,” You walk up to the front of the class.
“Can steal your pain. If you break a bone,” You quickly glance at Midoriya and back, making a few of the students snicker.
“I can make you stop feeling it. Your bone will still be broken, but you won’t feel it. I can take your pain away and use it as a power source. Whether it be as a weapon and let it explode like a time bomb or set something on fire, or even relight a whole building that had a power outage. I can heal small injuries like the one I caused Aizawa sensei to have or even a cut on your arm. I, however, will feel all of it.” You show your red shoulder as if someone punched you like you did to your teacher.
“Woah!” Everyone sits up to get a look and you fix your sleeve.
“I wanna try next!” The same yellow haired boy stood up along with the one with black hair.
“Can you steal pleasure, too?” A short purple haired(?) boy asked, staring at you a little too closely.
You suddenly hit the podium with a smile, scaring them.
“Now now, behave yourselves. One, no, I will not be trying it on any of you. And two, don’t come near me within a 20 mile radius.” You clap your hands together, keeping your smile.
You all walk into the building together but you pull Katsuki aside.
“What.” He tugs his sleeve out of your grip and you dig out an envelope.
He raises a brow.
“What’s this for?”
“It’s money.” You say. He scoffs and smacks it away from you.
“I don’t want-”
“I’m not asking if you want it.” You shove it into his chest long enough for him to hold it.
“Mom gets worried and you haven’t texted her back. She wanted to give you some but I told her not to.” You hold onto your bag and he squeezes it.
“It’s your money?” He asks. You nod. He shoves it back into your stomach but you don’t take it back.
“Don’t waste your shitty money on me.”
“I’m not wasting it if it’s on you. Just take it and come back home tomorrow, you know how she gets.” You walk away and let the envelope fall to the floor. He growls and picks it up from the floor, ripping it open, eyes widening when he finds 10,000 yen inside and a note.
He takes out the note and reads it.
“Thank you for the necklace, I love it. As always you have good taste. I hope you’re eating well and I miss arguing with you back home. But I do hope your relationship is going well, Kirishima is perfect for you. And don’t you dare think about paying me back or else I’m not taking care of your All Might figures while you’re gone :))”
He sighs and puts the note back in carefully, placing it in his bag and heading to class.
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“Wah, I’m so sleepy.~” You stretch out with a yawn and Tamaki jumps away from you when you almost hit him.
“Oh, sorry.” You put your arms back down and Nejire suddenly hugs your neck.
“Do you really have to go work after school today?” She pouts and you place your hand on her wrists.
“Unfortunately, I do. If I’m gonna get that Miruko figure I still have to work. I don’t mind, really.” You look up at Mirio who hands you a muffin and you gladly take it.
“But you said you asked for the day..” Tamaki sits in front of you and you sigh.
“I did, and at the last minute they took it away from me. But I need the money.”
“Do you really need it? You don’t pay any bills.” Yuyu walks into the class and salmon guinea flowers bloom in all different sizes around Nejire’s left thigh, stopping at her knee.
“You don’t know that.” You keep your attention on your muffin when Nejire releases you, running to Yuyu.
Tamaki looks at you sourly eating your muffin, scrolling through your phone. He pulls out his own and sends you a text.
Tama🐙: Are you alright?
You: I’m fine
Tama🐙: ..that sounds like a lie
you: I-
 You look up at him and he blushes, then looks away. You smile.
You: How do you know that sounds like a lie if we’re not speaking vocally?
Tama🐙: you looked droopy when nejire left
You: I always look droopy
Tama🐙:...that’s a really big lie 
You: :')
“I hope they’re okay.” Mirio sits next to you and you glance at Tamaki’s tattoos that glow slightly the closer Mirio gets to him.
“Hope who’s okay?” You ask.
“The 1-A kids.”
“Why wouldn’t they be?”
“They got attacked at the USJ, remember?”
“Ah, right.” You finish your muffin and Mirio tilts his head.
“Something wrong?”
“No, no I just.. I forgot that happened since everything went back to normal.”
Mirio blinks.
“It’s about your tattoo, isn’t it?”
“No!” You shout abruptly and scare a few of your classmates.
“No, no, no. I’m over that. I’ve already accepted the fact that I might never find them..” You whisper. Their eyes widen.
“Nothing. I’m gonna go to the bathroom.” You stand and so do they, trying to go after them but Nejire stops them.
“Leave her be, it’s best for her.”
You walk into the girls bathroom and stand in front of the long horizontal mirror, staring at your face.
“He might be dead..” You think and your hands suddenly shoot up in defense as if someone insulted your mother.
“Woah, woah. Let’s not get too hasty now.” You say to yourself, putting your hands down.
“Maybe, they just moved away.”
“You only have 10 years left..”
“Well that’s a bit dramatic.” You cross your arms and think.
“Now that I think about it, that’s really not a lot of time.” You tap your chin and the bathroom door suddenly opens, making you jump.
You pretend you finished fixing your hair and walk out, touching the back of your neck where your flower is.
“I don’t want to give up, but time is going by too quickly for me not to..”
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“I’ll get your coffee in one second.” You smile at a customer, walking away.
The doorbell rings as someone comes in and you welcome them, making the coffee behind the counter.
They take a seat in the booth in the far back where the lights are dimmed and there’s no windows. They keep their mask up along with their hood, waiting.
As you bring the cup of coffee to the customer from earlier, you walk over to the man dressed in all black with a small menu.
“Hello, how are you doing today?” You ask, adjusting your long puffed sleeves as you place down the menu in front of him.
He stays silent as he opens the menu. You nod.
“Was there anything I can get you started with?” You ask.
“A water.” His deep voice makes you jump and you push your hair behind your ear, a gesture he stares at for a little too long.
“Alright, I’ll be right back.” You excuse yourself and go behind the counter again.
The man stares as you walk away, watching your sleeve as you move around fixing a few things.
“Bakugou, what’s on your neck?” Your coworker asks and you smile, touching your neck.
“My necklace.” You take the glass along with a coaster and walk back, gently placing the coaster down and the cup atop.
“There you go. Are you ready to order or did you need a little more time?” You tilt your head, taking out a notepad from your pocket and a pen.
Rolling up your sleeve, you see your entire arm covered in lionheart tango lilies and eyeliner lilies, startling you to dropping your items.
“Bakugou?” Your coworker walks over to you and you let her take you to the back, her excusing the both of you as you rush away.
“Bakugou what is going on?” She checks you for any sign of injury and you keep rolling your sleeve up until it can’t roll up any higher, running to the bathroom and checking the mirror as you rip off your button up.
You gasp and touch the right side of your neck, the lilies leading from your neck until your wrist all around in different sizes around a few of them, overlapping and hugging each other desperately for contact.
They suddenly disappear and you gasp louder, quickly putting on your shirt and running out into the cafe.
“No, no, no! They were here and I didn’t even get to meet them!” You run outside and look around desperately trying to find your soulmate.
“Bakugou!” She runs out to get you and you start shaking when she pulls you back inside, collecting your things you dropped.
“Come on.” She takes the money the customer left for the water and leads you to the back again.
“It’s slow and Mona is coming in 10 minutes. You’re obviously not okay and I don’t want you getting sick over this.” She hands you your bag and you look down at your hands when you grab it.
“I’m sorry, I’ll come back better..” You put on your bag and make your way back home on the train.
They were so beautiful, you can’t believe you didn’t get to look at them any longer.
Sitting in the train, you remembered how they looked as much as you could, disappointed that you’re already forgetting them.
You touch the back of your neck and sigh when you go over your flower in disappointment.
“Maybe they didn’t like my flower or the color and ran away..” You sigh again, looking outside the window, trying not to let your emotions get the best of you in public.
When the train gets to your stop, you step out and stop when you see Katsuki waiting on a bench.
You rush over and wait in front of him.
“Why are you here? I thought you were with Kirishima..” You look around him with just your eyes to check if he’s free of injury, not that he’d let himself get any.
“Mafia’s wandering out. And knowing you, you’d be coming out late and tired, vulnerable.” He starts walking away and you follow him with a frown.
“How did you know I left early?”
“That stupid location app the old hag made us get in case of emergency.” He raises his phone and shows your location next to his.
“She told you to come get me?”
“No, the fuck do I look like listening to her?!” He walks faster and you smile, walking faster next to him.
“You left Kirishima alone.”
“He had shit to do and I don’t wanna be staying at his house all the damn time. Quit being on my ass.” He complains and you smile more, wrapping an arm around his shoulder, to which he stiffens and growls at.
“Thanks.” You whisper and he rolls his eyes.
“Tell the old hag the store closed early, don’t tell her about the Mafia being out or she won’t let you work until they’re gone.”
“I know.”
“Not that I give a fuck, but why did you leave early?”
“(Y/n)! Katsuki!” Your mom is already running out the house when she sees the both of you on her sidewalk.
“Hurry up and get inside!” She yells, dragging the both of you in and slamming the door.
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@orenjineki @shadoweepingscream
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Soul Lily
Pairing: Mafia! Tattoo! Dabi x reader
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Summary: Where quirks and soulmates exist, you're lucky enough to not be wanted by your soulmate. Not knowing who he is, or what he does other than being a tattoo artist, you will try to convince him that you're meant to be with him, only after convincing yourself first, of course. He doesn't know you're trying to become a hero, and you don't know he's a villain in a mafia group.
Part 1
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KEY: ✨= Alternate Universe | ☁ = Fluff | 💦 = Smut | 💥 = Angst | 🤗 = X Reader | 🍑 = Character x Character | 👀 = Suggestive
You baby (One shot) 🤗✨☁
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Honey and Bandages (Complete) 🤗✨☁
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Honey and Bandages Masterlist
Pairing: Pairing: Bad Boy Joohoney x Reader✨☁️🤗👀
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Summary: You're going to college to study for art and meet a mysterious boy on your way. He takes interest in you and doesn't let you out of his sights.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
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Stubborn Hugs pt.18
Pairing: Hybrid Namjoon x Reader, Occasional OT7 x Reader, Occasional character x character ✨🤗💥
Warnings: Angst
Word count: 3k
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The next morning, you wake up to Yoongi staring at you with a tired face, full of worry.
“Yoongi? What’s wrong?”
“You’ve been asleep for two days..” He inhales shakily, squeezing your hand softly.
“I-I have?”
“It was the stress.” Jin pushes himself off the wall and sits next to your blanket covered legs, placing a gentle hand on your knee.
“What stress?” You ask.
They both stare at you as if you’ve grown another set of eyes on your neck.
“I’m not going to argue with you, only because you’re still healing.” Yoongi puts his hands up and stands.
“Come, now that you’re awake, you can go shower.” He watches you slowly sit up, wincing at your arm touching the bed.
“Careful.” He helps you up and you follow him into the bathroom.
Passing by the kitchen, you see the others sitting at the island.
“Noona, how are you feeling?” Jimin sits up close to Taehyung and you smile.
“I’m okay. I’ve been better.” You lift your arm slightly and he scrunches his nose at you.
“He’s been guarding your door from the boys for the past few days.” Jin suddenly appears beside you, lowering to your height and whispering in your ear.
“He has?” You ask and his tail stiffens whenever Namjoon or Jungkook move. You wave him over and he happily trots in your direction.
Stopping in front of you, he looks down at you and you wave him down to crouch.
He leans over to your height and you kiss his forehead, brushing his hair away from his face.
“Thank you for keeping me safe.” You whisper and he blushes, looking everywhere but at you. He suddenly turns away and scampers to his seat, hiding his face in Taehyung’s shoulder. Taehyung chuckles and leans on the counter, staring at you.
“Come.” Yoongi gently pulls your shoulder and leads you to the bathroom again, leaving you on the toilet to get your clothes.
Jin stays in the bathroom with you and you tilt your head slightly.
“What is it?” He asks.
“Ah, nothing.” You turn your head and he raises a brow.
“Say it.”
“Mh, you guys don’t have to do all this. I’m not immobile..”
“We know. We-”
“Just don’t want me to do this all on my own, I know..” You take a deep breath and he crouches in front of you.
“I don’t like it when you think you’re on your own.”
“I don’t think that.”
“You sure act like it.” Yoongi comes back into the bathroom with your towel and fresh clothes. And a bag.
“I don’t want you guys to have to worry about stuff like that anymore.” You let Jin cover your arm in the bag and Yoongi closes the door behind him.
“Don’t get involved with that anymore and we won’t worry about it.” Yoongi counteracts and you decide it’s best not to continue the conversation.
Jin puts on a white alpaca facial headband and covers his eyes. You cover your mouth and turn away, holding in your laughter.
“I can hear you.” He sassily places his hands on his hips and you clear your throat.
“Sorry.” You turn to Yoongi and choke when you see him wearing a brown cookie character headband over his eyes as well.
“Let’s get started.” He says with no tone of humor in him whatsoever. You nod and agree outloud when you remember they can’t see you. 
The kitchen is silent except for Jimin’s fingernails clinking on his glass cup. Taehyung suddenly grabs the cup and throws it out the window next to Hoseok’s head.
“You’re paying for that.” Hoseok scrolls through his phone and takes a sip of his water.
Jungkook hasn’t moved a single inch since he took a seat and his neck is starting to hurt. Namjoon is asleep sitting up.
“Jungkook, crack your neck before I crack it for you. I can smell your discomfort from here.” Taehyung crosses his arms and Jungkook does as he’s told. Placing his hands back down, he glances at Namjoon, then at Hoseok. He jumps when he sees he’s staring back at him, looking back at the same black spot on the marble counter he’s been staring at since he sat down this morning.
Namjoon's head keeps threatening to fall and Jimin’s tail keeps stiffening every time it does.
“I have to go to the farm today.” Taehyung sighs and stands, leaving the room.
“I have to go to the studio today.” Hoseok gets up and waves Jimin over. He gets up and follows Hoseok out of the kitchen.
Namjoon’s head falls and Jungkook catches him before he hits the counter, startling him awake.
“They’re gone.” Jungkook doesn’t move his eyes and Namjoon sits up, stretching out his arms.
“Hm..” He yawns and hears you giggling from the bathroom.
“She’s awake?”
“Mm..” Jungkook responds and Namjoon looks down at him.
“How’s your heart?”
“I’m fine..”
Namjoon looks up and sees you walk out of the bathroom fully dressed and in new bandages. He looks away when you look at him.
“Can I have a minute?” You look towards Yoongi and Jin, who shake their heads.
“I’ll stay here. Jin, go.” Yoongi crosses his arms and Jin takes his leave.
You don’t force Yoongi to leave, but let him sit behind you on the counter as you take a seat in front of them.
“How are you?” You look at Jungkook and he starts shaking.
“I’m sorry…” He whispers. Namjoon holds out a hand for him, so do you.
He shakes his head.
“I don’t want to hurt you again…”
“You won’t, I’m okay.”
“No, you’re not!” Jungkook’s chair screeches against the floor as he stands up, startling Namjoon.
“You could have died! Look at your arm! You’re gonna be stuck with that forever!” His eyes are full of tears, each drop following each other down his soft cheeks.
“Jungkook-” Namjoon reaches for him and Jungkook steps away.
“This wouldn’t have happened if you didn’t keep pressing me for answers!” Jungkook shouts in his face, his tears jumping off his cheeks onto Namjoon’s jeans.
“I wanted to be happy with Noona but you ruined it! I was finally fitting in and you ruined it! Just like always! I don‘t even know why I ever stayed with you!!” Jungkook storms off in the direction to your bedroom and Yoongi jumps off the counter in case he tries running out again.
You close your eyes and Namjoon hiccups, your eyes snap open.
He suddenly grabs at his hair, tugging harshly and breathing heavily. You sit up and he starts choking on his own sobs, his eyes squeezing so tight you're worried he might hurt himself.
His world is frozen and barren and so lonely and so utterly terrifying and he’s hoping his world won’t go back to what it once was before he met Jungkook.
He’s crying and choking, internally begging with his whole heart, asking the world to make it stop, make it stop, please make it stop-
He jumps when he feels warm, soft hands touch his wet cheeks, bringing him out of his panic attack.
“Look at me, everything is okay. You’re here, you’re alive, you’re breathing, you’re safe.” You don’t let go of him or lose your eye contact when you slowly remove his hands from his hair.
His eyes stare in yours when you remind him how to breathe, fear or rage nowhere present.
“That’s good, keep breathing like that, okay? You’re doing so well.” You smile softly and hold his hands close to your heart.
“Keep going until your heart feels like this, okay?” You caress the back of his hands and keep them on you. He sniffles, nodding slightly.
“Good, you’re doing good.” You brush his koala ears and hair, holding a hand on his cheek and wiping his tears away.
“There you go, you’re getting there.”
He hiccups again and his once frozen, barren and lonely inner world, is not so lonely or cold anymore.
“Can you do something for me?” You ask in a whisper. He nods again.
Reaching for the counter, you don’t lose your eye contact with him. You slide him a glass of water and hold it with him.
“Drink this for me, hm?” You hold his left hand as he holds it with his right, taking slow sips but never looking away in fear you’d suddenly disappear and he’d be alone and frozen again.
When he finishes drinking, he hands you the glass and you smile, putting the cup down on the counter for him.
“Thank you, you’re breathing well. I’m proud of you.” You kiss his forehead and his cheeks dust pink. He squeezes your hand and looks behind you for a split second.
Everyone had entered the room with worried faces, Jin covering Jimin’s ears.
He realized he screamed the words he was thinking.
Everyone had fear or worry on their faces and he didn’t like it, but when he looked down at you, he saw warmth and pride and care.
“Can you say something?” You brush his hair off his forehead and he shakes his head.
“No? That’s okay.” You smile at him again and he blushes at the way you stare at him as if he was the only human in the world, eyes only for him.
“You want to sit somewhere else?”
He nods again.
“Okay, do you want to go on the couch? Do you want more water?” Continuing to make sure he’s okay, he glances at the empty glass. Yoongi puts down another one quietly along with a disinfectant wipe packet.
“Here.” You pass him the glass and he keeps his eyes on the water as he drinks.
You rip the packet open and push the wipe out, unfolding it and dabbing his cheeks gently.
He flinches away from you and you stop. You knew he wasn’t drinking, just trying to keep himself distracted.
“I’m sorry, I have to clean your cheeks.” You sit up and he puts his cup down.
“Can I?”
He turns his head and you continue cleaning his cheeks from the scratches he gave himself unknowingly.
He doesn’t understand why you don’t just use a regular tissue, or why his cheeks burn when you touch them with the disinfectant.
“There. You want to go on the couch?” You don’t let go of him as you slowly rise from your seat, him following.
“Mm…” He responds and you smile at him again.
“There’s a response, thank you.” You lead him carefully to the living room, walking backwards and reaching out behind you to feel where you’re going.
“Let’s sit here, yeah?” You take him to the couch and he sits close to you, shivering when your arms brush against each other.
You hold his hand and cover him with a couch blanket, letting him hiccup every now and then until he falls asleep.
“Why did he suddenly start acting like that?” Jimin asks Hoseok as they drive to Hoseok’s dance studio.
“When the brain is hurt enough, some people go into shock and don’t know how to cope. When (Y/n) touched him, he went back into a safe space into his brain because she brought him out of the bad space that made him go into shock in the first place.” He glances around the street as he drives, looking down to his phone in case either you or Yoongi text him.
“Does that mean Noona is his safe space?” Jimin asks and Hoseok stops at a stoplight, now contemplating.
“Hm..I guess you could say it like that.”
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 “No, you’re not gonna go to work like this. Especially not, that.” Yoongi gestures to Namjoon who's currently sleeping on the couch.
“I’m fine, Yoongi. Namjoon’s attachment will go away when he wakes up.” You glance at him and Yoongi runs a frustrated hand through his hair.
“I don’t understand why you have to take care of him when you’re the one who’s injured.”
“I’m not injured.”
“And if I punch your injured arm, are you gonna say the same thing?”
“No.. But mental injuries stick longer than physical.”
“Not when there’s a scar left behind.”
“But it doesn’t hurt anymore, mental scars still hurt after your brain chooses to ignore it, if at all.” You wag a finger at his face and he tries to bite it, scaring you.
“Yoongi!” You whisper shout, swatting at him when he grabs your hand and tries biting you, mouth wide open.
“Oh, great.” Yoongi rolls his eyes when Namjoon starts stirring awake.
“Sh, go rest. You haven’t slept in two days.”
“I wonder why.” He crosses his arms and you push him out of the room, following him into the bedroom.
“Shh.” You press a finger to your lips and lean your ear against the door, listening.
“Mh..” He rubs his head against the couch and sits up, his hair now a mess.
You move from the door and look at Yoongi.
“Did he just-”
“Did I just-”
“Namjoon?” Jin walks down the stairs and stops by the front door.
“How are you feeling?” He asks quietly.
“Uh, I’m alright..” He rubs at the back of his neck and Jin nods.
“Don’t forget to drink water, okay? (Y/n) can’t take as much care of you today because of her health, so behave.” He points a stern finger in his direction, then walks out the door.
“He’s acting weird..”
He stands up and sees his glass of water on the coffee table next to his seat.
“Stay in here.” Yoongi pleads, tugging on your shirt softly.
“I can’t do that, you know that.” You kiss his cheek and open the door, making Namjoon freeze.
“Uh, hey.” You walk over to him and he puts his now finished glass back on the table.
“How’s your head?” You ask.
“I have a small headache.” He rubs his arm awkwardly, unsure of how to continue.
“Have you eaten?”
He shakes his head.
“That’s why, stay here.” You walk away from him into the kitchen, bringing out a large pot from the fridge.
He follows you into the kitchen and sits in his usual spot at the island.
“What is that?” He asks, picking at his fingers.
“It’s rice and something Jin made, I can never remember the name.”
“Tinga.” Yoongi comes into the kitchen and takes his seat.
“I don’t know what that is..” Namjoon looks between you and Yoongi.
“It's shredded chicken with like… I don’t know, spicy chipotle? I don’t know. Jin always finds dishes from his friends which are from different cultures. But since both of you haven’t eaten, I’m serving you both.” You smile at him and he looks away.
“Have you eaten?” Yoongi asks Jungkook mentally, startling the bunny.
“I’ll do my own.” Yoongi suddenly gets up and you frown at him.
“Doesn’t matter, just still make 3. I’m gonna want seconds.” Yoongi starts serving himself and you smile, knowing what he meant.
“Alright.” You lean your head on his shoulder and Namjoon stares at you, the way your hair leans in Yoongi’s direction along with the rest of your body.
Yoongi starts heating his food and checking your arm as you start flipping tortillas on the stove.
“Jin didn’t wrap it too tight, did he?”
“No, I would have said something.” You rub at the bandage and Namjoon watches as your eyes light up whenever Yoongi checks for your wellbeing.
He fidgets with a napkin nearby and looks away, finding the walls more interesting.
“I’ll be back.” Yoongi kisses your hair and takes his bowl upstairs along with a few tortillas. You start heating Namjoon’s.
“Um… Uh…” He starts, sitting up. You give him your attention. He clears his throat, covering his mouth.
He mumbles something and you tilt your head.
“I said,” He says a little louder than he intended, flinching at his own volume. Your eyebrows raise in amusement.
“Sorry..I said, thanks..”
Your heart picks up.
“O-oh..” You don’t know what to say, looking around.
You both stay in silence for a while until the microwave beeps loudly, scaring the both of you.
You take his plate out and hand it to him, putting a few tortillas in a napkin in front of him.
“You can start.” You smile at him and he nods, digging in.
His eyebrows raise in surprise at the flavor of the sauce and spices, the rice and chicken complimenting each other.
“Jin made this?” He asks after he swallows.
“He did.” You turn to him as you heat Yoongi’s plate.
“Wow..” He continues eating and you can’t seem to stop smiling, turning back to flipping tortillas.
He hasn’t had a fully homecooked meal like this in so long. He doesn’t count when he ate breakfast with you or when you got takeout, because it’s not the same.
Yoongi comes down empty handed and you put his plate down along with yours, turning off the stove and taking your seat.
“Ready for seconds?” You ask playfully.
“As if I’m gonna eat like my first.” He smiles at you and you start eating after him.
He’s learned to not even wait for you since you’ll starve yourself waiting for him to take the first bite. He doesn’t like it when you do that, but he knows he would do the same for his family.
When Namjoon finishes, you pass him a drink and he hisses from the spice of the food. You laugh.
“A little.” He takes a drink and chugs it, Yoongi watching him.
“Dude, you’re gonna choke.” Yoongi sets down his cup and Namjoon puts down his drink, taking a long exhale.
“I’m alive.” His eyes squeeze together as he laughs and you try not to choke as you laugh mid chew.
“Oh my god.” Yoongi pats your back and you swallow, quickly taking a drink of your own.
“Alive?” Namjoon asks and you let out a breathless laugh when you’re done.
“Just barely.” You reply.
“(Y/n) you’re gonna throw up if you don’t quit burping.” Yoongi hovers his hand over your back and you cover your mouth with your arm every time you do.
“Quit making me laugh and we won’t have this problem.”
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