bunnycornpriestess · 4 years
Aphrodite’s dark side | Epithets
Evidence of a cult of a warrior and dark Aphrodite has been widely studied. Aphrodite had been depicted with armor and prayed to for martial assistance in many places from Syria, to Corinth, Sparta, Argos, the Attika, Kypris, Rome, Naxos, and many, many, other places (but mainly Sparta. Surprising, no?). The cult of a warrior Aphrodite has been suspected to have emerged from Aphrodite’s “ancestral” correspondents like Istar or Astarte, who were both goddesses of sex and war. However, the evidence of a dark face of Aphrodite is there, and it can be too called upon today, even if it wasn't as popular as her holy and hevenly aspects.
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Enoplios — weapon bearing
This is an epithet of Aphrodite attested by Plutarch, and is also epigraphically present in the Roman period. In the third century AD a priestess, Ponponia Kallistoneiké, set up a dedication to Artemis Ortheia in Lakonia attesting one of her fellow deities was Aphrodite Enoplios.
Summakhia — ally in war
Pausanias finds a cult of Aphrodite “ally in war” in Arkadia. This is all the comment I could find about it.
Nikephoros — victory bearer
In Argos, according to Pausanias, Aphrodite wore the epithet “victory-bearer”. Icons of Nikephoros and Hoplismene (armed) Aphrodite have been also attested in Syria and Eretria.
Areia — of Ares / war-like
At Sparta mainly, there is a lot of evidence of icons portraying an armed Aphrodite with inscriptions of this epithet. Pausanias tells us of one in a temple behind the Bronze House of Athena. There is another female wearing a peplos, a helmet and a spear, but without the aegis that characterizes Athena, thus many suspect it belongs to an armed Aphrodite.
HOWEVER Leonidas of Tarentum writes in the third century: “Eurotas once said to Kypris (Aphrodite), ‘Either take up arms, or quit Sparta, the polis mad for arms.’ She, laughing, replied, ‘I shall be ever unarmed.’ She said ‘and I shall dwell in Lakedaimonia.’ Our Kypris is unarmed. Shameful are those tale-tellers who say that our goddess bears arms!”
BUT from Antipater of Sidon, in the first century, there is a contradiction: “Even Kypris is Spartan. She is not dressed as in other towns in soft garments; But in full-force she has a helmet instead of a veil, instead of golden branches a spear-shaft. For it is not proper for her to be without arms, the consort of Thracian Enyalios and a Lakedaimonian.” And this is not the only record we have of an actual Aphrodite wearing armor in Sparta; Plutarch, Nonnos, Julianus of Egypt and perhaps others tells us about the Spartan tendency to portray Aphrodite wearing and armor; either bow and quiver, spear and helmet, a shield, and even a sword. So perhaps Leonidas was either being sarcastic or lying. This Epithet is thus related to Hoplismene. Julianus tells us that in the sanctuaries of armed Aphrodite girls revere her war-like nature and women give birth to courageous children.
Above all, Pausanias also claims that this Aphrodite was specifically worshipped as a female Ares. This gives us a clue whether this Aphrodite had been syncretized with Ares’ actual femenine counterpart, Enyo (Ares has an epithet related to her: Enyalios)
Androphonos — killer of men
This epithet is representative of her chthonic aspect. There is evidence if a sanctuary of hers and Aphrodite Anosia in Thessaly.
Anosia — the unholy
Aphrodite Anossia apparently was celebrated by women in Thessaly, and she is associated with homosexuality (although this is doubtful). Atheneus tells us a tale of a hetaira (courtesan) named Lais, that flee to Thessaly and fell in love with a man. A band of jealous women beat her to death at Aphrodite’s temple and thus the goddess in this temple became known as Anosia, the Unholy.
Tumborukhos — gravedigger
The Pythagoreans said there are two Aphrodites: one in heaven and one in the Underworld. Therefore she was called Tumborukhos as well.
Epitumbidia — she upon the graves
Couldn't find much information on this epithet either but it must be related to the previous one and representative of her Underworld connections.
Skotia — dark one
This epithet is referent of Aphrodite’s origins as a terrible goddess, and her associations with the planet venus, which were suppressed later by the pop cult (not the association with the planet, tho). This epithet appears to link her to the Erynies and Hekate, and may be referent of a “witch-star” (kakkab kassaptu in ancient Babylonian) nature. The lack of evidence for these type of epithets points at an unpopularity of them. It is important to highlight that some of them could be use against the goddess to give her a bad or “demonic” reputation in the christian sense so I suspect their suppression might have a relation to that.
Melanis — black
Related to the previous epithet. It appears that these “dark” and “unholy” aspects of her are related to the planet venus, as points her Ouraneia (“heavenly”) epithet as well. Venus was known as a “star of lamentation”.
Persephaessa — Queen of the Underworld
This epithet appears to be a syncretism between Aphrodite and Persephone. This is obviously mainly an epithet of Persephone. I could not find evidence for it being used to Aphrodite in the ancient world, just commentaries about it; however, by searching it on google you find an archeological source of it but sadly its written in german, and I have no idea how to read german.
Hoplismene — armed
Pausanias tells us about the sanctuary of Aphrodite at Kythera, saying that there “the goddess herself is an armed xoanon”. The xoanon were archaic wooden icons, and this one, according to Pausanias, was wearing an armor. Quintilian once asked why the Lakedaimonians (Spartans) have an armed Aphrodite, and Plutarch said that they like to portray every god in armor to show that all of them have excellence in warfare. This Aphrodite is present in Corinth as well.
Hegemone — leader (of the troops)
This Epithet of Aphrodite is found in the Athenian Agora, and their border fortress at Rhamnous. The city council also offered dedications to this Aphrodite. There are figures of her engaged in combat with the giant Mimos, and other portrays Aphrodite in a chariot wearing Athena's aegis (although it lacks the gorgon face), along with Poseidon. Hesikhios confirmed this epithet in the sixth century AD saying it applies to Artemis as well. This Aphrodite was also offered sacrifices with Themis and Nemesis, in honor of Aeneas, her son.
Strateia — campaigner
In the Hellenistic period, Aphrodite was called Strateia in western Asia Minor. There is an inscription from Mylasa refers to a priest of Aphrodite Strateia, and a calendar of offerings specifies sacrificing to Aphrodite Strateia along with Arete and Herakles. In Paros and Epiros, strategoi (military generals) are known to have sacrificed to Aphrodite, along with other deities.
Enkheios — spear-bearer
Hesikhios, an author from the 6th century AD, tells us about a terracotta Aphrodite in Cyprus depicted holding a helmet in one hand, a spear, and a shield leaning against one of her legs.
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Can we use these aspects of Aphrodite even if they have been exaggerated and weren't actually very much present in ancient cult? Of course. Because worship changes and evolves, if you find one of these epithets symbolic in your life and devotion, you can totally use them and even give them a different dimension. As a witch, for example, I could use the dark and unholy epithets of Aphrodite as a symbol of how witchcraft has been regarded as evil in superstition and a reminder of the persecution women have gone through, and it would be an act of devotion to the Goddess and an act of empowerment. The unpopularity of many of these epithets is also representative of stigma against women and thus using them today could be attested as an act of rebellion.
Stephanie L. Boudin, Aphrodite Enoplion
The Other Side of Aphrodite
William Manning, The Double Tradition of Aphrodite’s Birth and her Semitic Origins
Yulia Ustinova, The Supreme Gods of the Bosporan Kingdom: Celestial Aphrodite & the Most High God
Laura McClure, Courtesans at Tables: Gender and Greek Literary Culture in Athenaeus.
John Opsopaus, The Ancient Greek Esoteric Doctrine of the Elements: Water.
Aeon Journal, Aphrodite
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bunnycornpriestess · 4 years
Please help me move away from trauma.
Something really scary happened to me today… And after re-living the incident over and over, I’ve decided I need to take action.
I’ve managed to accumulate some savings of my own, but I could use a little help. Any donations will go toward my efforts in finding a safe place to live.
Thank you.
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bunnycornpriestess · 4 years
Reblog if you’re an Apollo worshipper and/or a Dionysus worshipper so I can follow!
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bunnycornpriestess · 4 years
Please help me move away from trauma.
Something really scary happened to me today... And after re-living the incident over and over, I’ve decided I need to take action.
I’ve managed to accumulate some savings of my own, but I could use a little help. Any donations will go toward my efforts in finding a safe place to live.
Thank you.
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bunnycornpriestess · 4 years
Reblog if you’re an Apollo worshipper and/or a Dionysus worshipper so I can follow!
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bunnycornpriestess · 4 years
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Small devotional acts. 
Drink some sparkling cider*
Take an improv class
Read/write more poetry
Watch an old musical
Stay up late enough that reality shifts a little
Attend Pride and support LGBT groups
Wear fruity scents
Take a writing class or continue your writing
Eat grapes or drink grape juice*
Be the light in the chaos
Find ways to add more ivy into your life
Get in the habit of asking for someone’s pronouns before assuming
Go to a party
Unapologetically blast your music
Stay hydrated
Use more vinegar in cooking
Work on your balance between chaos and organization (both are very important)
Make crafts using wine bottles/corks
Go to protests that are important to you
Witness the break of dawn - however you get there
Drink a sugary drink*
Play games that involve a bit of chance
Wear wine-colored things
Watch a drama show - it’s okay to get sucked into it!
Learn to say “No”
Attend a late-night movie showing
Support those who are overcoming/recovering from addiction
Explore in the woods
Embrace the liminal spaces in your life (there’s more than you think)
Many, many, many other things not said here
*This post doesn’t include alcohol because it’s a given, and many of you are minors.
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bunnycornpriestess · 4 years
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“I Am Adored”
Draw this sigil on a bottle of make-up or deodorant that you use regularly or Try charming a wearable object with this sigils ashes
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bunnycornpriestess · 4 years
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Fortune-telling set details ✨🔮🃏
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bunnycornpriestess · 4 years
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“I Can Trust”
Draw this sigil over your heart with henna or another non-toxic drawing alternative if possible. Even just carrying this with you on a piece of paper should do the trick.
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bunnycornpriestess · 4 years
Witch Alphabet 🖋️
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Recently, I created my own alphabet to use in my practice. It was an interesting exercice, and I would like to share my process.
I think most witches already saw at one point or another the Theban alphabet :
I planned to use it at first, but found out it didn’t really fit what I needed : I’m a slow writer by hand, and the letters are pretty complex, so much that they’re more drawn than written.
Why make your own alphabet?
It depends on what you need, but there can be multiple reasons. You might want to have a way to make your craft more personal by having a writing only you understand. You might use it for your coven, so you can write things only for your group. You can use it to obfuscate the contents of your grimoire to anyone else reading it.
How do you do that?
There is more than one way to do that, but here is how I proceeded :
• Decide which language you want to base it on (if you speak more than one). This is an important step, because then it might work for that one language only, depending on how you make your alphabet. (On a side note, you can also make your own language, but I absolutely do not have the time nor the skill to explain that)
• Choose what you want to base it on. The first system you can think of is simply basing it on the alphabet of your first language, but it’s not the only option : you can also base it on sounds, concepts, or syllables depending on how complex you want it to be. For example, I based mine on french sounds, with the main letters being the consonnants and the vowels being accents. That makes a bit more letters than if I based it on the alphabet, but on the other side it feels more personal (and makes much more sense in my opinion. If I don’t want any exceptions then I don’t have to put any exceptions! Looking at you, french language!).
• Make a reference. Usually, that will be a table which you can fill with your letters. For example, I made a table with the consonants as rows and the vowels as columns, but it can be as simple as having a list of letters and writing the corresponding symbol next to it.
• Choose your symbols. That’s the trickiest part. For each letter you want to have, you need to come up with a symbol. I suggest to make them simple, with only a few lines, so they are quick to write. Just keep in mind that you might end up writing it fast when you know it by heart, so make sure the symbols are different enough from each other, but don’t hesitate to base some of them on each other (for example, since the sounds /p/, /t/, and /k/ are similar, I based their symbols on the same shape, and since they’re also similar to the group /b/, /d/ and /g/, I made those the same symbols but mirrored.) Also, don’t forget about punctuation!
• Optional : You might want to ask yourself if you really want it to be written from left to right then top to bottom. Maybe it would look better in another direction! For example, I noticed that mine could look nice if it was written from bottom to top first then from left to right.
• Test it out. Take a chunk of text, and write it with your alphabet. You will have to peak often at your letters at first, but it will come more and more naturally the more you write.
• Repeat the last two steps over if you notice there are things you should change (if a letter is too hard to write, if it clashes with the rest, …)
And that’s it! The key after that is to keep using it regularly so you don’t lose it, and to make sur to also reread what you write to train yourself to read fast.
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bunnycornpriestess · 4 years
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After the Rain by Emyan
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bunnycornpriestess · 4 years
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some captures from the property <3 
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bunnycornpriestess · 4 years
you are loved. on quiet days that feel meaningless, during long nights when loneliness consumes you, when you’re reminiscing and grieving the past, on good days that feel like warmth and light, always remember that you are loved. 
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bunnycornpriestess · 4 years
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Remember this via /r/MadeMeSmile
Click here and follow to get more daily positivity on your dash!
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bunnycornpriestess · 4 years
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Apollo, great Healer, God of the Sun,
shine thy light on me.
Aim thine arrow into the darkness and pierce it with golden glory.
Warm my body, mind, and spirit,
allow me to heal.
Careen thy chariot through the sky,
trailing health, vitality, and joyfulness in thy wake.
Grant me thy strength, O Golden God,
to overcome and persist through the darkest of hours.
When the sun does rise, i give thanks for thine grace,
and know that a warm and watchful eye
will wink from the heavens,
strumming a joyous song
to celebrate.
(Tip Jar)
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bunnycornpriestess · 4 years
Apollo is not only the “Sun” or “The bright light”.
He is the joy of a trans boy when they get testosterone. He is the self-expression found in songs. He is the need to help a friend that is hurt. He can be found in the freckles on someone’s skin. He can be found in the beauty of the gold. He is the one that tells you to text him when you get home. He is every growing sunflower. He is your bright shield.
He will never leave you, Sunchild.
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bunnycornpriestess · 4 years
True Love Tarot Combinations My Grandma Taught Me
Death + Ace of Cups
Love that lasts a day after forever
Six of Pentacles + Five of Pentacles
Love that asks for nothing in return
Knight of Wands + King of Wands
Love that makes a boy into a man
The Tower + Four of Wands
Love that can withstand any earthquake
Seven of Wands + Knight of Swords
Love that will fight and die for you
Six of Wands + The World
Love that puts you on a pedestal
The Moon + The Sun
Love that consumes you night and day
The Devil + Four of Pentacles
Flaming love that engulfs you
Ace of Cups + Ten of Cups
Love you never have to shed tears for
Two of Cups + The High Priestess
Love you recognize at first sight
Six of Cups + Two of Cups
Friendship that blooms into love
The Hermit + The Fool
Love that outlasts time itself
Death + The Wheel of Fortune
Love that can resurrect a dying soul
Ace of Wands + The Sun
Lust that matures into love
The Hermit + Strength
Love that grows stronger each passing day
Five of Pentacles + Ten of Pentacles
Love that makes lords out of beggars
The Hierophant + Four of Wands
Love no storm can conquer
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