bunnydasnowman · 1 year
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Monster girl designs because why not?
Heyyyyyy... It's been a hot minute... uh yeahhhh, but I'm back! Hi guys, or I guess literally anyone who may come across this post, how's it going? Today I bring to you some more spooky stuff, this time in the form of one of my monster girl OCs Candy!
For a while now, one of the staples of my art has been monster girls. When I was younger (and honestly even now) I loved monster high dolls and their movies. Since I could remember I have always loved the more macabre and spooky, and the idea of combining scary with cute is ingenious and scratches my brain very good good.
So recently, I've decided to create some of my own monster girl ocs, and the designing process has been really fun! Candy here was one of the first girls I designed, and I love her so much.
I based Candy off of Frankenstein's monster and the like, as she's a kinda zombie girl. As her name implies, I based her hair off of different candies, mainly multicolored lolly pops (with swirled colors) and candy corn. For her design as a whole, she's based on more modern traditions of Halloween and depictions of such with a more trick or treat type motif. (unofficially almost all of my monster girl designs are based on different Halloween or Halloween adjacent traditions, holidays, and celebrations).
For now, Candy is the only girl whose design is done and hopefully I can show off the rest of my ideas soon!
Until then, drink some water, eat something, or just take a moment to rest and recharge. Please take care of yourself, if I have to do it, id rather not do it alone! Thank you for reading/viewing! :D
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bunnydasnowman · 1 year
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AY, its ya boy, uh, skinny p-
Anyway what's up? I'm back from the pits of the great beyond to deliver you a post, and today I bring you some spooky stuff.
I love Halloween, it's my favorite holiday. One of my fondest early memories was when I was about 8, dressing up as a cat and trick or treating with my dad, grandpa, and younger brother. When we finally got home after a night of fun, I sat on the floor by my mother and combed through my candy for the good stuff for what felt like hours.
Sorry about the tangent, but as I said, I've always loved Halloween. When I was deciding what to draw a couple months back, I was inspired by Over The Garden Wall and Americana folk art centered around fall, harvest, and the good old hallow's eve.
This guy started out as an old doodle of mine, but he kinda got a life of his own as time went on. He still doesn't have a name, maybe I'll give him one in the future, but for now he is immortalized in this here drawing of mine.
I made this drawing a good while back, but it's never too late to post some of your wacky scribbles and I might as well, Spooky Season knows no bonds and all.
I hope you enjoyed my crazed ramblings, at least I hope you did if you've read this far, and I wish you, dear viewer, a very good day or night.
Life is fragile, but that's what makes it so special. Take care of yourself, more people care than you'll ever realize, and maybe one day you'll finally find what you're looking for.
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bunnydasnowman · 2 years
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Yooooo guess who posted a reasonable time after my last postttt.
Anyway I'm back at posting some of my older art, today I bring you "Whale having an underwater birthday party"
Why is a whale having a birthday party you may ask? I don't know actually, a bit ago I was possessed by some sort of demon Shane Madej style one night that demanded I draw a whale having a birthday party underwater... so here we are I guess. Whales are actually pretty hard to draw, this guy here took me forever, this one's specifically a humpback whale!
Fun Fact! Humpback whales hate killer whales with a passion! Killer whales tend to kill humpbacks mainly for fun, so humpback whales will create groups to protect other mother humpback whales and babies just to make sure killer whales don't try anything. Humpback whales hate killer whales so much that they'll create territories where they specifically chase out any and all killer whales. Humpbacks have even been known to adopt orphaned babies of killer whale attacks, both whale, seal, and porpoise alike and will raise the young to the best of their abilities! Very wholesome and sad.
On a lighter note, go have a snack you old Velcro shoe, make sure to take brakes too, got it? If not, I'll be in your hallway closet.
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bunnydasnowman · 2 years
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Fun fact: I love Pokemon! (Shocker I know, my layout is based off of vanillite... a pokemon)
Anyway, one of my favorite pokemon is Grubbin, this little guy here! In the meantime that I have been gone, my style has changed a good bit, more story book looking and stiff, and I've finally got myself a watermark! They are surprisingly easy to make. (I drew this drawing a while back actually)
Back on the Pokemon bit, Sun and Moon were the first ever pokemon games I ever played, seeing as I got my first 3DS in like... 2019... yeah. I've loved pokemon since I was pretty little, watching the show religiously, but I was never able to get a DS or Game Boy, and now I finally have one! Better late than never I guess.
Anyway enjoy my little drawing of Grubbin!
(Remember to drink water! You're getting headaches from being dehydrated! Take care of yourself you old coffee strainer)
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bunnydasnowman · 2 years
It's been a long time, hasn't it?
Hi there, guess who's back? Gosh, it's almost been a year since I last posted, huh. A lot has happened since then, to me, my life, my art, everything really.
I guess I'll take it from the top a bit, hi, I'm Bunny. I like to draw sometimes, mainly for fun, and I have bipolar disorder. My mental health issues and my bipolar are the main reasons I don't post much, on any platform really. If you honestly wanna see more from me, I'm most active overall on Instagram. If you've read this far, how are you? Is your day going well, is it crap? I hope it is good, if not, I hope it gets better for you, in all ways really.
Thanks for reading and being on this wild ride, I'll try to post more, but mental health is unpredictable, and we'll see how far that goes, even if this message is just me talking into the void.
I hope everything gets better for you, and everyone you care about,
-Bunny s.
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bunnydasnowman · 2 years
I sometimes just look back on the art I decided to post and think, dang, where did that talent go? Like dude give me that art style back I want a refund on my skills please :/
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bunnydasnowman · 2 years
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Ayyy, guess who didn't die! it's me, again. Anyway I have returned from my watery grave to give you some more art! today I bring you a drawing of a kookaburra but cute because that is all I can draw.
They were one of my random interests I gained over night like a month ago. Turkey Vultures are my current random interest, however these bad boys have to be one of my favorites.
I just find birds neat.
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bunnydasnowman · 3 years
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I have risen from the grave to give content. Take these cursed emoji cats I made a while back. Once again I forgot I had a tumblr account, so here we are. Anyway have a nice day whoever reads this, I'd give you a hug if I could, so instead here is some kind words: you're valid
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bunnydasnowman · 3 years
*coughing* I'M NOT DEAD! *more coughing*
*clears throat* so I'm not dead! Thats cool! (I think) I literally just keep forgetting I have an account, so I just don't post. Wow yeah... How long has it been? You know what? Don't tell me. Ah anyway, if anyone remembers me, I'm back!(?) and I'm here and... yeah. I don't know what else to say. Oh! I've gotten better at art while away, so that's a big change. Um... yeah! Anyway I'm gonna just vibe, and we'll see if I post! Have a good day everyone!
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bunnydasnowman · 3 years
I’m alive!
I didn’t die don’t worry, I just forgot that I had a tumblr account and forgot to post. So, i’m gonna try posting more (the key word here is try)
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bunnydasnowman · 4 years
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Hey look, a new profile pic! (It’s literally just the lineless frog drawing with a different background because I’m lazy)
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bunnydasnowman · 4 years
I’m sorry I keep disappearing
I keep forgetting to post, or I just don’t draw for like weeks because I am depressed and I don’t know how to socialize on the internet... yeah... anyway how is everyone’s day going?
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bunnydasnowman · 4 years
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I’ve been trying to show more emotion in my art, so here is a fear. “why do they have cloud hair” I hear you ask? well I was bored and I wanted to make them look cool and I haven’t drawn clouds in awhile. Anyway have a nice day! 
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bunnydasnowman · 4 years
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Here’s a frog drawing dump! I love frogs, so here are some frog related drawings I did recently! We got lineless frog with scarf, we got melting snowman frog, and we got person in frog outfit! Hope everyone has a nice day!
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bunnydasnowman · 4 years
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Hey, I’m back! sorry I just kinda left without saying anything, things have been rough... anyway here is my original character Poe Bean (I’m still working out some things about his character) in a space suit! 
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bunnydasnowman · 4 years
I can’t sleep
It’s 4am and I am playing minecraft. I need sleep. Help.
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bunnydasnowman · 4 years
Drawing suggestions?
I am bored and don’t know what to draw... does anyone have any suggestions? I don’t do fan art that often so that’s a possibility, but I’m still not sure.
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