burntoashura · 3 years
I sent the ask but just so thread partners know, Asura has been dropped. While the activity requirements are low here and I’ve met them, irl is getting busier for me and his muse has fizzled out. Also, he and Taisha had previous muns, and I have felt since the day he was accepted that I stepped on some toes there due to timing.
All is well but since I am getting busy I don’t want to string anyone along 🙏
Thank you to my thread partners for a brief but nice time!
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burntoashura · 3 years
“ Ah so you really are… “ Seiichirou mumbles aloud.
Mortals, he says… Come to think of it there was something called Asura in the mythology of many countries. One iteration he recalled being multifaced demons with multiple hands… He looks at the stranger again as if to clarify the obvious lack of resemblance.
“ I’m Kondou Seiichirou “, he replies then continuing with a question:
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“ You’re some sort of god? The ones with the same name doesn’t quite…..match with your appearance. “ 
Ah. So, humans did know beings like him in other times, perhaps the future. Asura couldn’t summon all of his extra arms but he could summon one, for a sort time. A bonelike tentacle spouted from behind him, but he didn’t point it at Seiichirou, not wanting to frighten him.
“Yes, you’d be correct.” Asura hadn’t considered himself a traditional patron deity of anything, but if he was... “I was called a god of war, by some in my domain.”
He took his demonic arm in the palm of his hand, looking at it as though noticing the textures and crimson crackling energy on it for the first time. “Heh, even one such as myself was watered down by the powers that be here. I only have one, but I used to have many, you’d be correct in that vision. I am still me, however.”
He paused. What did humans think of spirits and the likes of him? Back in the demon domain, even those he hunted were called ‘gods’.
“There’s no need for formalities, though. I was never fond of them. I’m no noble or royal.”
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burntoashura · 3 years
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“I promise I’ll become strong for you”
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burntoashura · 3 years
Livin’ in the Fridge [Rook & Asura]
Starter for @lachasse
Asura had been surprised to have been given roommates of all things upon arrival. Certainly, Spirale was small enough that everyone couldn’t have their own house, and he had grown up in a village with small accommodations, but to take people from many worlds and mash them together? Even without his abilities, he was a demon, and he was being housed with someone totally random. Would the other person consent to this?
He opened the fridge (a curious, but efficient invention, one piece of modern technology he could appreciate) and decided his roommate was probably better prepared to live with him than most.
Asura closed it, pleased. Inside were the spoils of someone who was a hunter and caught their own food. Good.
Though he would have to take better stock of exactly what he had bought at a store and his housemate’s meats, there was plenty for meals for quite awhile. He got out a frying pan and oil, along with his peppers. He measured out jasmine rice and water in a pan and set it on a burner to cook and eventually simmer and settle.
While he rummaged around and got to cooking, a door creaked elsewhere in the small condo. He turned his head as someone approached. He took a break from chopping peppers. “Hey. That meat in the fridge yours? I can hunt myself, but if you wouldn’t mind, I could earn a bit of my own keep here by preparing it.
“I am Asura. You are the other person who lives here?”
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burntoashura · 3 years
🍁 +now that Asura has been stripped of his powers, how has he been adjusting to life in Spirale? How does it compare to the Celestial Realm and the Abyss? *whispers* does he miss taishakuten?
The most comparable experience he has is honestly when he was cast into Abyss- Spirale is a lot cushier than that of course, but the big picture is another place that's seemingly inescapable. He dislikes his lack of free will and anything material that he might gain here comes with a steep price. His abilities being diluted to heavily is also something familiar, and his goal is to just be patient until such a time comes where he can leave of his own volition, be it weeks or years.
As far as society goes, it isn’t too different from home, but he is a bit more welcome here from the get go. Without the extra context of the war, and so few knowing who he is, he can have a psuedo-normal life.
Ahhh.... he does miss Taishakuten. Dearly. At this time he mostly feels the sting of betrayal over what happened during Lotus Crown, but it’s such a loss because of the relationship they had and what they were together however it could be defined. He misses him yet also feels wrathful, yet also frustrated because of how he still couldn’t get Taishakuten to open up in the last time loop.
Taishakuten is many many things to him. Almost the entire scope of emotion Asura has could be directed towards him one way or another. To be cut off and taken away from such a core part of his life is difficult.
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burntoashura · 3 years
💭 + comfort
His mother had been his greatest comfort as a child. Running to her when he felt alone or had been tormented by other Celestials was as natural as running inside the house for shelter when it rained.
As a child, her presence had seemed as sturdy as that too, always there without an anxious doubt he could ever lose her, an unshakeable, permanent presence. She had used to be the only person he was close to, and the only source of real comfort he had for his early life after being shunned/bullied by his peers for apparent weakness.
To this day he makes sweet things he doesn't like but learned from her when he was young, small enough to have to tilt his head back to look into the eyes of adults. She had long hair and so does he, and the way he tends to it or sometimes has a few locks of it in braid once in awhile is a little piece of her.
Asura's emotions are as strong as his spirit, almost literally given his Spirit Essence, and although when he thinks of her it's bittersweet, a tremendous loss, and guilt laden from some angles, he may not see himself as a Celestial, but he is always his mother's son. Those tiny things from his roots that were good are still subtle comforts of the sort of life he always wanted to have again.
As he said, he could never be like the members of the Wings or army who left their families behind to fight in the war of Celestials and Demons had he still had his family, because she's that important to him.
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burntoashura · 3 years
💭+ tell us about the domestic life :)c goose must be included!
One hundred years, and there was one lesson his daily companion never seemed to learn.
"Trust is earned." Asura's mouth twitched as Taishakuten yelped as a goose tugged at his long flowing robes with its beak. Their small house just the right size for two people to be cozy in looked like a piece of paradise, because it was. In this pocket of a realm, a glimpse of Trayasmitra, everything was idyllic and peaceful- outside of their backyard. "Did you try cheating again?"
"Asura!" It was difficult to tell who was making more of a racket, the yard of geese or Taishakuten. Asura didn't rush to his aid. Actions had consequences, and his dear friend must learn them somehow, even if it was through a century of geese bites. In reality, he'd witnessed Taishakuten be able to mentally communicate with animals, enough to dissuade a viper from biting or other such basic expressions.
Geese were beyond him, apparently.
"Don't play with their minds. People don't like that." Asura allowed himself a laugh as another goose caught sight of Taishakuten and honked at him. "Hey, hey! It's me!" Asura made plenty of noise as he greeted the geese and reached into his pockets, tossing a handful of peas into their yard that never truly needed tending, but was still carefully kept tidy by Asura himself. With work came satisfaction, a sense of a life lived.
He had no love for things that were too easy- without a little effort, nothing was real.
Taishakuten brushed himself off, gentle features stuck in a comically concerned expression as the geese rushed for the peas. "It's different for you. Geese eat plants- they're practically my natural predators!"
"But you are a person, not a flower." You are a person, you fool, and people are not islands... Asura caved for a moment, giving in. "Come here, let me show you something. I'll do my best to teach someone as stubborn as you a thing or two in our time together."
Taishakuten followed him to another section of their grassy yard. Asura had insisted on raising geese and getting to enjoy their full lifespans. A couple geese had been laying recently, and he genuinely smiled as he spotted a few goslings waddling about by the pond. "Look, the hatchlings are friendly. How can you be in mortal peril from something so small?" Asura knelt down and carefully scooped up a fluffy baby goose in his hands, holding it out to Taishakuten. "Go on, pet."
"You're calling me pet, now?"
"In your dreams." The shared, charged look they had lingered, but dissipated in moments. Taishakuten turned his eyes back towards the tiny bird in Asura's hands.
Taishakuten hesitantly reached out to the gosling, and the moment before his hand made contact an adult goose from behind him honked. "Ah!"
"Don't be shy." Asura looked at the goose that was near them, its neck extended and wings slightly fluffed. "You have to be vocal with them, not just using your mind. It'll take time, but they'll come around. If you make noise, they won't think you're a predator. Predators are quiet."
"I see. Alright... I mean no harm," said Taishakuten to the goose, giving Asura a sidelong glance as if to ask, 'really?'. "I humbly request you acquiesce to my presence."
"What are they, noble geese?"
"I'm being careful is all!" Taishakuten reached into Asura's pocket, tossing the goose some peas. "There... maybe it won't try to eat me." He looked to Asura and raished his eyebrows. "What's that smile for?"
"You're trying so hard. Here, this liitte one is getting impatient."
Taishakuten leaned close to Asura and again reached out for the gosling. He finally pet it with a cautious touch, mouth falling open as he did so. "Oh... it's very soft."
"Geese are loving creatures when you understand them." Asura handed Taishakuten the gosling. "You see, you don't have to get rid of your differences- just be patient and work with them. Understand them. Make peace with each other. Let someone understand you, and that little bit will go a long way."
Let me understand you, he was saying. Begging, even. Desperate, to find some way in.
Taishakuten gave Asura one of his serene smiles that usually meant he'd heard every word Asura had said, and was about to disregard it. "Let's go have some soup you made."
A change of subject and another heavenly day, and another missed chance to get inside the mind that understood everything but himself.
The gosling pecked at Taishakuten's fingers and Asura shook his head, the cycle repeating.
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burntoashura · 3 years
Money Can Be Exchanged for Goods and Services [Girl & Asura]
It catches her eyes that he has the same shape of ears as her’s! First she’s met someone with horns and now someone with ears just like her own! With a free hand, she pokes at her own pointed ear and when the apple is offered to her, she holds it with both her hands as if it were the most precious thing in the world. 
It is. She loves apples so much. 
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“Name Girl.” She states, voice almost silent, but with ears like his, she’s sure he’ll be able to hear. Or…maybe he’s like her. Maybe he can’t hear a thing and he’s just reading lips! 
Thank you for the apple. 
She believes him when he says he’s not going to hurt her. She can tell that he is a good person. She hasn’t met a single bad person since arriving here after all!
Girl... well. Asura was also a description, in a sense. Maybe other names were also just as functional as a label, although if every boy and girl were simply named as such, things would get confusing.
Asura looked to his basket of goods, scanning over the peppers he’d settled on. A meal would need to be more than that. Rice, meat, whatever mortal spices they had.. “I see. When you’re older, you may find a more specific name for yourself,” he said.
He turned to go down other aisles. “I need more to cook with. Do you eat anything other than apples? Sweet is... an unusual taste preference for beings like us.” Taishakuten and other Celestials loved sweets. No, she had horns, no Celestial had those, not even a half demon Celestial.
“But there is nothing wrong with that.”
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burntoashura · 3 years
hope au lait [Ichimokuren & Asura]
Ichimokuren is by no means a ( former ) god possessed by earthly desires. He lives his life with altruistic purpose, giving to the decedents of those humans who built his shrine eons ago and gave life to him. He may not be able to offer much to them now that he has been sequestered away from his mountain, but he can at least honor their memory and watch over the people of Spirale.
Indeed Ichimokuren is no spirit driven by desire but..
But… when he heard tale of a cafe adorned with flowery bouquets and homey atmosphere that soothes the soul he couldn’t resist a little investigation. The aroma of coffee beans and tea, of freshly baked delights a culinary perfume that both entices and intrigues was something he couldn’t possibly pass up, and surly the tiny little critters that scampered about his feet was something he was weak to. Ichimokuren has found his Achilles heel!
Puppies, the lot of them, yipped at his feet and tugged at his tattered robes. Oh how his heart erupted in elation to be at the center of their attention! If he were able the old mountain spirit would cradle them all, alas.. he only has but two hands ( Which were already fast at work )
With his face thoroughly slobbered on and hair strewn, he managed to slip through the warzone that was a hoard of excitable puppies and lightly shuts the door behind him. He allows himself a moment of reprieve to compose his giddy smiles and blissed out laughter before noticing the presence of two others before him. His expression immediately retracts to something more serene and thoughtful. “That one is unique, are they not? Neither fox nor dog. I wonder, perhaps another great spirit?”
The small, high pitched but loud barking of excited puppies drew Asura’s attention even before the door to the shop in front of him opened and closed. For a moment he longed to go inside too (the shop did have an ad out asking for someone to help tend to their animals) but he stopped himself. One creature who could tolerate him was a miracle, it was best to not get greedy.
He raised his eyes and immediately had the sense the man before him was no human, just as Asura was. Asura carefully picked up Fou, supporting the fluffy white creature in his palm while still petting it.
“Indeed. There are many here who are more than meets the eye.” It would be easy to assume his sense of other supernatural beings was just going haywire in a place like this where so much of beings from multiple worlds were crammed together, but he was certain about the two in front of him.
Asura drew himself up, proud even while petting a fluffball. His goal wasn’t to intimidate, but he did not bow to anyone upon a first meeting. “I am Asura.”
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burntoashura · 3 years
“ ….well, you have a point there. “
Though there’s no false information  on the paper it’s easier to get a wider scope of things by talking to locals
“ I’ve been here for four months and I have heard some have left. “
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“ But I’m afraid not on their own conditions, as far as I’m aware. I hear some have stayed for years. “
The human seemed a bit startled, but the information he provided seemed accurate as far as Asura could tell. He nodded. He’d played a waiting game before, and escaped what had been impossible to escape. Here, in this softer realm than his home, he had little doubt he could do it again, even if it took centuries.
“I see. Years of a mortal’s life are not so long to me. I will find a way.”
He paused. “What’s your name? We are going to be here together for awhile, after all.”
(His counterpart had always been the more caring, attentive one, but he pushed such thoughts aside.) Asura was alone now, or perhaps always had been. It was up to him to settle in in a land without far reaches to live in isolation.
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burntoashura · 3 years
To see a glimpse into my muses past! Multimuses please specify!
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burntoashura · 3 years
Send 🍁 + Any question you’ve been curious to know about my muse!
Could be absolutely anything. Don’t be shy!
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burntoashura · 3 years
Asura had been wondering how demons might take to a domain shared with humans. Onmyoji had been the only pure humans he’d met before this place. Those onmyoji had been exceptionally strong, and used to wrangling the likes of troublemakers far beyond the ordinary human. So, when it came to average ones...
Now, his curiosity was sated. Should’ve expected it, honestly.
Such violence was nothing compared to Abyss. To his understanding, there was no escape from Spirale, including death. He wasn’t terribly concerned for the human, nor was he there to fan the flames.
“Ibaraki Doji.” He glanced around. “I see it’s just us.” To see Ibaraki without Shuten near.... The statement could’ve been heavy, but he pushed on. Asura summoned his demonic arm, the bonelike whip darting out to the human in question. However, rather than harm him, Asura only swiped the car keys from the man’s hand. “Get yourself to a medic. This is between powers beyond you.” With a jerk of his head, the signal to the human was clear and he ran for his life.
Asura tossed the keys into his own palm. “This world is not like our own. I’ve been trying to learn their ways. Here- this is not a live beast without a pilot.” Asura pointed the keys at the car and it made a dejected sounding beep. “It will not do anything without a master. Heh. Get in on the other side, I’ll demonstrate.”
Whether or not Ibaraki cooperated, this was his car for the moment. He’d only seen humans driving, and had a vague idea of what did what. Asura successfully put the key in the ignition and fired up the engine. “Everything here responds like we are a puppeteer. This one has taken a beating lately,” he glanced at Ibaraki, but it was less a scolding and more a tease.
Asura understood the concept of the gearshift, but not the meaning of every letter. “Ready...” That’s what the R was for, right? “Watch this.”
He backed the car directly into the car behind it.
great spirits.  — ibaraki & asura.
        he should be stronger than this. the thought plagues ibaraki doji, a curse more invasive to him than the sirens shrieking in his ears. he ignores the metallic beast that he had slain just moments ago to stare down at fists, down at his demonic arm. how many more times must this wretched limb inhibit him?! a growl rumbles in the oni’s throat as he continues to glare down at his useless limb. deeper than the scowl that plagues ibaraki doji’s lips is the feeling of despondency that sears him, the dreaded sensation of being weak.
        how could he stand proudly at shuten doji’s side, if some pathetic realm could easily seal away his power? could he truly serve as his friend’s equal, if his might was so easily suppressed? ibaraki doji sucks in a harsh breath, ignoring the shouts of some human that stood before him. he wasn’t going to dwell on such troublesome thoughts. no, for only the weak wallowed in their own pity!
  “ you insignificant creature! silence! ” a hand juts out to seize the human by their jugular, claws threatening to puncture as ibaraki doji slams the stranger against the mangled body of their metallic beast.  the rancor that the oni had directed at himself moments ago becomes fixed upon the human, who was too frightened to thrash in his grasp. ibaraki doji ignores their pleas and glowers downwards at their little frame, the demonic flames of his horn flickering into the night. “you dare raise your voice at me? my power may be stripped, but i still carry my demonic strength!”
        as if to make an example of this human’s insubordination, ibaraki doji was just moments away from snapping their neck. what had stopped the oni from carrying through with his action, however, was the scent of someone familiar. he slams the human against the broken side of the metallic beast once more, ignoring the sounds of a gruesome crack, and turns.
        “so you are here, too.” the oni greets, his gaze momentarily flickering to the side as if he would also see the approaching silhouette of his friend. alas, there was no one else but them. “asura.”
                –   ( come at me, @burntoashura ! ) 
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burntoashura · 3 years
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-The One in My Heart- 
 // Asura & Taishakuten from Onmyoji game.
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burntoashura · 3 years
Money Can Be Exchanged for Goods and Services [Girl & Asura]
Why were the apples out of reach? It was as if this world didn’t want her being happy! Last time, she had to watch as an apple split into thousands of pieces because of those big monsters with the wheels (she’s talking about a car). Another time was when she was able to bite into an apple only to have that apple snatched right out of her hands! WHAT is up with this place? She’s just about to give up, eyes watering when she realizes there’s no way for her to actually climb up the display to grab the gift from angels. 
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The Girl looks over her shoulder upon feeling someone approaching her. It’s too late, she is scared. Though the fright is short when she realizes HE can grab me some apples! With how tall he is, it wouldn’t be a problem at all! Quickly, she turns to point up at the stack full with much eagerness and says, “Apple!”
Asura kept his gaze with her level. So, beings such as themselves could wander into a place like this even with visible horns. He looked more foreign than inhuman, although his ears were a giveaway. Unless he was in battle, his flame markings could be passed over as just ink, although they did draw eyes.
That was fine. For all his life, demons and celestials alike had had their eyes on him. Her initial fright was no surprise.
“What’s your name?” Asura took an apple from the very top of the pyramid display, fresh and in hues of perfect autumn warmth, passing it to her in his palm. “I am Asura. I have no reason to harm you.”
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burntoashura · 3 years
A Stroll [Seiichirou & Asura]
There’s what seems almost a half-naked man standing there calling himself Asura.
“ ….. “
He’s reminded of the way some knights of higher position address him in the kingdom of Romani. Though naturally they’d just call him other worlder or The Saints extra. He decides not to take it heart though. This guy, this… being, just as he says, has arrived just now.
Well, manners aside he can just about imagine how he’s feeling. Seiichirou’s been to a new world at least twice now, the confusion is more than understandable, inevitable almost. 
“ My condolences. “
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“ The City or the Island?  I believed they handed you a pamphlet upon your arrival. Can you read? “
Hmmm. This man seemed to be something akin to nobility. A hard working noble was a rarity in Asura’s eyes, but it didn’t mean he was all that fond of them. Condolences were fine, but information was better.
Asura had the pamphlet in hand. Perhaps the human didn’t mean to sass him, but he still, relatively gently, took a swipe at his hair with the pamphlet like he was swatting at a fly.
“Yes, of course.” Asura folded his arms. He had read it, and he wasn’t impressed. “But a placating text handed out by the authorities is hardly a substitute for the knowledge of a native. It seems you aren’t from here either, but you seem settled in like you’ve been here awhile. Has anyone ever left?”
He had the sinking feeling the answer was no, but he’d strived for what was impossible for all others before.
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burntoashura · 3 years
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nestled within Cotes Fantasci, one will find a new sort of cafe that recently opened, lovingly called Hope au Lait. but rather than being your quick in and out sort of place, it’s a bit more homier than that. decorated on the outside with a variety of plants and wide open windows, the door is always open to welcome any who come inside. with an interior that is as bright and inviting as the name itself, you can’t help but to be drawn here. not to mention the two story cafe also doubles as an animal cafe! it’s the best of both worlds, so come on in, sit down, and relax for a little bit. with a menu that changes every season to fit the weather, you’re sure to find a favorite to keep coming back for all year round. or maybe you just want to say hi to the mascot everyday– either works!
                    INFORMATION.   FORMS.    EMPLOYEES.   SUBMIT.
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