burntoutsensei · 5 years
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Found this while browsing instagram.
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burntoutsensei · 5 years
30.12.2019: Hot.
We went outside to do the shopping today. it was both a good idea and a bad one. When we left the house it was like stepping outside into an oven, the wall of heat hitting our faces.
We drove to the shops, trying to find a place to park with shade.
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Was too hot today.
Anyway, got some groceries that we desperately needed. Karate for cancelled because if the heat and how unpredictable and extreme the weather is today.
So because it was too hot, we didn't do much.
What did I do differently to keep myself on track?
- I tried to get up on time
- I left the house
- Tried to eat regularly
- Going to bed at a reasonable time.
Tomorrow I work, the temperature should be better.
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burntoutsensei · 5 years
29.12.19: Goals
In order to start making a difference, I need to layout goals for myself that will help build me up.
- Not feel tired all the time
- Exercising for 30 minutes every two to three days, excluding Karate.
- Lose some weight, say 10kg. (Currently 73.4kg, in 2014 I was 57kg, and mid year I was 75/76kg.)
- Attend Karate Classes three times a week.
- Gain back my flexibility
- Eating more wholesome food that will give me more energy.
- Reducing the amount of snacking I do.
- Enroll into the Masters of Teaching
- Try to find one positive thing that happened each day.
- Write more about Art and Art theory
- Do more Artwork and focus on my folio
- Finish my book and distribute it for proof reading.
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burntoutsensei · 5 years
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The Karate Dad
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burntoutsensei · 5 years
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burntoutsensei · 5 years
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burntoutsensei · 5 years
“Don’t ignore yourself. Restore yourself.”
— Bruce Adler
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burntoutsensei · 5 years
Yes please 👌👌
365 days of yoga.
I know not a lot of people are gonna see this, but those who do, do you want to try this out with me? A whole year of yoga starting next Wednesday, the first of January.
There's a 10 minute yoga for beginners video. I'm gonna keep y'all updated on this.
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burntoutsensei · 5 years
I found this article about identifying burnout and treating it. It is all simple things that I know I should be doing. I just can’t seem to actually do it.
I watched a video on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDvnw8eOjFQ
It came up on my news feed and it started playing (you know that new option that youtube has), I sat silently watching and reading the close captions, when I asked my partner if I was chronically fatigued, as mentioned in Point 1 of this video. He gave me that look and nodded slowly. I got to point 2 and asked him if I was taking care of myself, and he shook his head. I had admitted to him a few days ago that I don’t care about myself and that to look after myself was pointless and futile. After that, I clicked on the video and watched it.
Fast forward to today, and I was researching Burnout Syndrome and the ways to treat it because I had gotten more than eight hours sleep and within two hours of waking up today, I was ready to go back to sleep to keep sleeping. I couldn’t keep my eyes open. As I’m typing this now, I’m struggling to keep myself from wanting to sleep.
The article I have shared, linked some things that I have noticed about myself.
Physical signs and symptoms of burnout: Feeling tired and drained most of the time, Lowered immunity, frequent illnesses, Frequent headaches or muscle pain, Change in appetite or sleep habits
So I am all of those except for lowered immunity. I’ve only been sick twice this year and that’s because of the flu strand I caught.
Emotional signs and symptoms of burnout
Sense of failure and self-doubt
Feeling helpless, trapped, and defeated
Detachment, feeling alone in the world
Loss of motivation
Increasingly cynical and negative outlook
Decreased satisfaction and sense of accomplishment
I believe I display all of those symptoms. I feel like I walk through fuzzy flux and my head is a haze. I feel like everything I do isn’t go enough and therefore there is no point to anything. I want to run away and disappear but just cease to exist.
Behavioral signs and symptoms of burnout: Withdrawing from responsibilities, Isolating yourself from others, Procrastinating, taking longer to get things done
I neglect looking after myself and the house, I don’t go out with people or see my friends. I put off tasks because in my mind they are too overwhelming or there are too many steps. Take the dishes for example, I don’t do them because there are too many big things, I then don’t want to dry them but they won’t fit on the drying rack. If I do do the dishes I have to scrub the sink and then the counter tops and mop the floors because of all the water that’s been splashed on the ground. In my head, that’s about 2 hours works for 20 minute dishes.
The Difference Between Stress and Burnout:
Stress vs. Burnout Characterized by over-engagement vs. Characterized by disengagement Emotions are overreactive vs. Emotions are blunted Produces urgency and hyperactivity vs. Produces helplessness and hopelessness Loss of energy vs. Loss of motivation, ideals, and hope Leads to anxiety disorders vs. Leads to detachment and depression Primary damage is physical vs. Primary damage is emotional May kill you prematurely vs. May make life seem not worth living
Personality Traits that can contribute to Burnout:
Perfectionistic tendencies; nothing is ever good enough Pessimistic view of yourself and the world The need to be in control; reluctance to delegate to others High-achieving, Type A personality
I think that combined with an abusive work environment has brought me to where I am today.
Ways to Recover from Burnout:
The article emphasises the need to remain social and talking to those around you, integrating oneself outside of work and doing extracurricular activities.
If the people in your life are too negative, cut them out. Find positive, fun people to be around.
Try to find new meaning in one’s work. Take time off, try to find the correct work/life balance, make friends at work.
Exercise more. Be social. Try to find the good in life.
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