bye-eric-blog · 12 years
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bye-eric-blog · 12 years
 I'm sorry guys. ❤ 
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bye-eric-blog · 12 years
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bye-eric-blog · 12 years
There is but one truly serious philosophical problem, and that is suicide. Judging whether life is or is not worth living amounts to answering the fundamental question of philosophy.
 Albert Camus (via eupraxsophy)
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bye-eric-blog · 12 years
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bye-eric-blog · 12 years
Eric had seen her from a mile away. Figuratively speaking, that was. He'd known from reading the roster that Fei was a teacher there at the institution; merely seeing her name had summoned up a mixture of emotions that he wasn't even sure he wanted to confront—everything from joy to pride to regret and sadness, it seemed—. Given their somewhat estranged relationship, it was hard to simply approach her and hope for the best.
But he was willing to give it a shot.
In the off chance she wanted to actually talk to him, he was going to open the door. He was the older one, between them. Any issues they had were his responsibility. Though all he could do at that point was try and reconnect.
"Hello," Finding his voice a little stifled, Eric fumbled over his words for a moment, clearing his throat quietly before trying again. But it was too late. He felt Fei collide with him before the word left his mouth, his hands automatically reaching out to steady her as he took a step back, examining her in a quiet, contemplative way.
Regardless of whether they were related fully by blood or not, there was a simple fact that couldn't be changed, hidden, or forgotten between them. This was his little sister.
"I'm sorry."
To See You Again
Fei took a couple of steps back, retracing her steps. She looked up the sky, captivated by the gaze. Now, she was in deep thought. A tear dripped from her right eye when she thought of one person, her step-brother. It had been awhile since she saw him, possibly years. Truthfully, she lost count. She couldn’t remember when was the last time she saw him.
What she hated the most, they never really talked. They were merely half-siblings related; nothing more than just blood, there was no bond between them, no interaction. Though really, no one was to blame other than their parents. Fei was always busy; spending most of her life in mental institutions, always diagnosed with a bunch of mental illnesses, one after another. Because of that, everyone she knew and loved resented her, causing her to withdraw from society, knowing she would never be looked at the same, ever again.
But where was he when she needed him? She didn’t know, she was completely unaware, so naive. No one was there for her, really.
However, once she heard news that he was around. It brought her joy, but a bit of disappointment as well. Disappointed at the fact they’ve never really talked, only knew each other by name. One thing for sure, it couldn’t hurt to talk to him, at least give him a warm greeting. The only thing she was worried about, if things got awkward. Fei wasn’t fond of awkward atmospheres, it gave her peculiar thoughts, and if thoughts were to be out of control, who knows what effect it’ll have on her power.
She then sighed, and headed back inside, but only to find herself bumping into an unfamiliar presence.
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bye-eric-blog · 12 years
Hello and welcome to the Institute! My name is Jaekyung, the secretary. If you have any problems, please feel free to come by my desk and ask (/bows and smiles)
I do apologize for my delayed reply. (/ smiles) Nice to meet you, Jaekyung-sshi. My name is Eric.
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bye-eric-blog · 12 years
Eric’s Self-Cam
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bye-eric-blog · 12 years
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be natural.
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bye-eric-blog · 12 years
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bye-eric-blog · 12 years
She looked stunning; the black dress hugged all of her curves in just the right way, tempting him to change their plans to stay inside to avoid all the eyes that would undoubtedly be following them around the resturaunt. But, there was something different that he couldn't quite put his finger on. Undoubtedly, she'd take it in an entirely different way if we were to ask, so Eric kept silent; mulling it over in his mind as he lead her back to his car, walking her to the passenger side before opening the door for her. It was an absent-minded habit on his part, the chivalry that his father insisted upon none too gently during his teenage years.
He wondered how the old man was doing.
As Jimin slid into her seat, gracefully adjusting her dress, Eric shut the door, taking the umbrella with him to the drivers side. It took a minute of figuring out how to close the thing, but he did, pulling open his own door and getting into the still warm car just as the sky seemed to open up, sending endless streams on rainwater cascading down his windshield. With a light laugh, he pushed his key into the ignition and turned it, listening as the engine roared to life. "Nice night for a shower, isn't it?" He turned on the wipers, resting his hand on the passenger seat headrest as he took a look over his shoulder.
All clear. He pulled out of the parking space, giving the woman next to him a smile, "You look fantastic."
` midnight girl `
“…I know we used to meet anyway but this time it’s different, okay? I don’t wanna mess around this time and you’re being annoyingly clingy so just fuck off.” 
Read More
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bye-eric-blog · 12 years
Okay, so I'm super low on energy and a little sick right now, but I'm looking for plots with Eric.
If I owe you a starter, please let me know... same with replies. If you'd like to plot, either send me a message or add me: [email protected]. Come on, loves. I know you can do it!
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bye-eric-blog · 12 years
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bye-eric-blog · 12 years
` the return `
It had been at least five years since Eric had seen the ocean in more than just a photograph, though he could remember this exact spot as if it'd been yesterday that he'd first stepped foot on the shore. At the time he'd been younger, a brand new teacher bought in as a potential assistant for an older professor. When he was told it was school for mutants, he could hardly believe what he was hearing, but five minutes in the place proved to the only proof he'd ever need.
Unfortunately, he'd been hired on at Seoul University before he'd even stepped foot on the island. Someone had heard of the bright philosopher given a full scholarship by a well-known politician, and word had spread like wildfire.
Sometimes, he wondered what it might have been like if he'd stayed with the institution and accepted their offer. Perhaps he'd still be standing on the shoreline, enjoying the spring sunset. Perhaps. With a soft laugh, Eric turned away from the sight, swinging his shoes from his fingertips as he made his way off the sand, intent on getting back to the institution to finish up his class preparations; technically, he wouldn't be using them for a while, but it always helped to plan ahead.
Caught up in his own thoughts, Eric nearly failed to notice someone approaching until they were no more than a few feet away, though he didn't show it, absently scanning the man's face until he realized that he recognized him, "Sungjoon?"
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bye-eric-blog · 12 years
I’ve got to love you, no one else above you.
E. R. I. C (via lovinglyai)
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bye-eric-blog · 12 years
Rolling his pen absently across his desk, he tossed a look at the black blazer hanging neatly on the coatrack behind the door before glancing at his rolled up sleeves. It would probably be better if he didn't look like he'd just rolled out of bed. Eric rose from his chair, walking around the furniture as he straightened his sleeves out, re-pinning the cufflinks before pulling the jacket and putting it on in a smooth motion.
Just as he did, a light knock sounded on the door. Smiling to himself, he opened the door, "Hello, there."
le godfather,
I’m here now, Rin - E.
Surprise and glee filled her as she read and reread the text message she had just received. Hyorin had changed her number after she entered the Brotherhood, leaving her current number to only a few trusted individuals. This person was one of them.
E stood for Eric, her Godfather. 
He was her godfather in a very unconventional way. It was only when she was 15, after her brother Minho had left did father decide to name Eric as her godfather. At that time she couldn’t understand why her father would do such a thing. Eric to her was an image of the perfect man to her, someone who she secretly admired. He was charming, polite, intelligent, goofy, tall, dark and handsome. But now as time had passed and she got older, she most likely understood why her father chose him and the reasons behind his actions.
Gathering her things, she called her oppa up asking if there was anyone new at the called Eric and apparently there was, he was the new Philosophy teacher apparently. A smile formed on her lips at the mental image of him teaching a class full of students. Grabbing her handbag, she was out the door and heading to the Institute. 
It looks like she was about to have another family reunion.
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bye-eric-blog · 12 years
/smiles/ Then I guess it would be a good thing! I look forward to having meaningful discussions with you and the rest of the class.
(/nods) That is a great attitude. I look forward to seeing you there.
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