dont--think-too--much · 10 years
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Balance every thought with its opposition. Because the marriage of them is the destruction of illusion.
Aleister Crowley
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dont--think-too--much · 10 years
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There's life; there's change. If you stop the change, the time is over. the permanent change is what gives us the illusion of time.
Alejandro Jodorowsky
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dont--think-too--much · 10 years
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The pentagram is the simplest possible map of the universe, even the Chaos from which it phenomenizes has been omitted. The pentagram is also a symbol of magic, for it shows ether and matter interacting.
- Peter Carroll
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dont--think-too--much · 10 years
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When they originally told those stories, that wasn't how their minds worked. They weren't as nitpicky as we are. The American Indians have these great creation stories about the origins of the earth, and they don’t hold up to a lot of questions. They had this one great story about the rabbit and the fox who were living in the void and they decided they wanted some land to stand on so blah blah blah. The anthropologist hears this and asks, “Well, where did the rabbit and the fox come from?” And the Indian says, “I don't know, doc. Do you want to hear the fucking story or not?” - Robert Crumb
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dont--think-too--much · 11 years
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“You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you”  ― Ray Bradbury
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dont--think-too--much · 11 years
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When the conspiracy has been scrutinised with real effort, it's shown to be so vast and fractal in nature that it can only be an organic result of divinity. Or rather, it is the shadow cast as a natural consequence as the light of creation forms into mass.  It's a tough job to take on the shadow of the divine and it would take many lifetimes to pour light into every global shadow, so the best course is to pour light into your own shadow and illuminate the darkness immediately around you.
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dont--think-too--much · 11 years
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"We only have to send a few thoughts around and the entire face of common sense is altered" Manly P Hall
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dont--think-too--much · 11 years
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Under the microscope, I found that snowflakes were miracles of beauty; and it seemed a shame that this beauty should not be seen and appreciated by others. Every crystal was a masterpiece of design and no one design was ever repeated. When a snowflake melted, that design was forever lost. Just that much beauty was gone, without leaving any record behind."  Wilson "Snowflake" Bentley 1925
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dont--think-too--much · 11 years
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Be careful what you say to yourself. Thoughts are things and words are deeds as far as the back of your mind is concerned. Just like the moon, the mind has its dark side, but it's not the kind of dark you have to be afraid of. It's true that monsters live there in the recesses, amongst all that matter, as well as angels - but they're all gifts, in their own way. You've been given helpers and they are all there as guides. It's true to say that some are more unforgiving with their methods than others. Some are unspeakably ugly and some are unhinged or unkind It's wise to monitor their behaviour as they steer you zigzag across your path. When the helpers back there behind your ears hear you speak, they will take you on your word. They tend not to appreciate sarcasm and they disregard irony. Self deprecation is accepted factotum and overstatement treated as factual. When somebody explains about their nature that they are always late, can't keep secrets or have a big mouth, they unwittingly issue commands to the creatures they cannot see. Instantly the spirits set to work making the declaration a reality. 'I am always late' becomes priority and they will stop at nothing to make the statement concrete, proud of their work and oblivious to their host's suffering.  They are simply following orders. Orders delivered from you.
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dont--think-too--much · 11 years
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I'm torn between the light and dark Where others see their target's Divine symmetry.  Should I kiss the viper's fang Or herald loud the death of Man? I'm sinking in the quicksand of my thought And I ain't got the power any more. Don't believe in yourself Don't deceive with belief Knowledge comes with death's release
David Bowie
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dont--think-too--much · 11 years
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When Kether in the crown bursts forth with the birth of a new, internal, energetic revolution, the energy must pass down through the individual before it can manifest in his actions on the earth below his feet. By necessity it must pass through the general outlook of the person, past experience and commitments, the beating of their hearts, the reaction of their gut and the hurdle of their sexuality. Once it has passed through those channels and if any is left at all, a result will come about. How beneficial the result turns out to be is reliant on the state in which those channels are in.
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dont--think-too--much · 11 years
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When a man's genius touches his consciousness, his immediate reaction - rather than shrieking 'Eureka!' or thanking the heavens above him - is to turn pale, tear out his hair and start fretting 'why now?', 'why me?', 'where do I start?', 'what if I fail?' and, after a short while, 'what if I'm beginning to go quite mad?'
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dont--think-too--much · 11 years
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- Dion Fortune
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dont--think-too--much · 11 years
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- Philip Farber
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dont--think-too--much · 11 years
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dont--think-too--much · 11 years
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“If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you.  If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.”
― Gospel of Thomas
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dont--think-too--much · 11 years
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"We’re developing a new kind of citizenry - one that will be very selective about cereals and automobiles, but won’t be able to think."
- Rod Serling, 1957
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