caccienne · 6 years
Hello, after a long time...
Things were all over the place lately. I passed anatomy exam, which means I’ve started second year of medical school, which means I was in a hospital for the first time - nurses are angels in human form!
Otherwise I’ve been feeling very burnt out lately - I love the school and all, but also, I kinda feel like I should end it all and not be a burden to everyone around me. Literally, I went back to the same phase I was in about 4 years ago, feeling very suicidal and dangerous and just like shit.
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caccienne · 6 years
Just an experiment. Reblog if you actually give a fuck about male victims of domestic violence and rape.
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caccienne · 7 years
My instagram
I just created an account on instagram! It’s another_medstudent 😊 so go follow me if you would like to follow my road to be a doctor! ❤️
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caccienne · 7 years
About my exams and a bit about next semester
This semester I had 3 exams and few mid-term tests. I passed all of my mid-terms just fine, they were pretty easy and didn’t have much of a problem with them.
First and by far the worst exam was biophysics. It has two parts, written test and oral part. I passed the test with 14,5/25 points (I needed 14/25 to pass 😅). I failed the oral part, because the topics I got weren’t the best (laser microskopes and something with diffusion), so I had to retake the exam. This time I got better topics, optical microskopes and structure and biophysical characteristics of proteins and nucleic acids, so I got a B on that.
First aid was a breeze, we had to perform CPR, and then the doctor asked us a few questions about shock, bleeding etc. and done.
Public health is hell. Literally, hell. It’s pretty useless, it’s a part of one state exam, but why do we have it in the first year? I didn’t pass it (got 12/20, needed 14/20). I have to retake the exam in 3rd semester, fortunately not the whole course.
Anyways, I’m pretty excited about the next semester, we will have histology and embryology, which I look forward to so much. For the other subjects, we will continue with anatomy, latin, english and biology. Nothing else new.
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caccienne · 7 years
Sorry for being gone for this long!
I’ve been very busy with studying for exams. Also my parents are at vacation, so I clean the house and cook meals.
About exams, I didn’t pass the oral part of biophysics (but fortunately, I don’t have to take the test again). I passed English and first aid (these were pretty easy) and need to take test from Public health again.
Would you like me to write about my daily routine during exams? Or something like Q&A? Comment below!
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caccienne · 7 years
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Biophysics 😱 exam tomorrow, wish me luck!
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caccienne · 7 years
Christmas time!
First semester over, today is Christmas, and exams ahead. I passed all of my tests last week (anatomy, biophysics, latin and biology) and I’m so happy about that.
Now to get to Christmas mood, wrap the rest of the presents and relax for a bit with cup of hot chocolate before I have to study again for my biophysics exam.
We already had first part of Chrismas when my grandmother came for visit two days ago. Today (24th December) it’s Christmas day. We usually have lentil soup for lunch and fried fish with potato salad for dinner. We open our presents in the evening and do some traditions (like boats from walnuts shells, pour molten lead into cold water etc.) and tomorrow we will visit my other grandmother and great-grandmother.
What about Christmas in your country/family? How do you celebrate it (if you do)? Do you have any interesting traditions?
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caccienne · 7 years
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I passed my dissection exam. I got a C. :) So happy right now!
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caccienne · 7 years
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“Anatomy is the only science in which the dead teach the living.” Dissection week is over, now I only have to prepare for the exam on monday. It was great and at the same time kind of... creepy? Weird? Our body is just a shell that after some time just stops working. We are so fragile. What do you think about donating your body to science or university? Would you do that? Why yes/not? I think I would do it later in life.
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caccienne · 7 years
As a person who lives in country with free universal health care I was honestly shocked when I’ve heard that in the US you have to pay for health care. And even more when I was told that some people even refuse to get an ambulance because it’s too expensive, and they can’t afford it. Damn it, we had fees at the doctors for like 3 years (which were like, 1-2$ at GP and 6$ at most for ER - not sure, I was a child and we have different currency), which were to ensure that people would not visit doctors just so they don’t have to go to work/school, and after those 3 years they found out that it was causing people to refuse to seek treatment even when they needed it. For chronically ill or people with serious health problems the small amounts quickly added up and in some cases they ended up with great debts.
Of course we don’t have perfect health care system. But at least you don’t have to pay for visiting ER with serious condition, and then pay for hospital stay, medication and I don’t know what else.
I get really confused when americans, when talking about universal health care are like ‘yeh but it’s not free sweaty :) :) you have to pay it through taxes :) so gotcha!!’
and I’m like ….???? That’s the whole point??? Everyone pays their fair share so that no one has to be turned away because they don’t have insurance??? And no one has to set up a Fundraiser page just so that they DONT DIE???? So people don’t put off going to the doctor because they’re scared of going bankrupt?? Because healthcare is a RIGHT and should be free at the point of access?!?
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caccienne · 7 years
Thoughts before dissection week
I am in a group that starts with upper extremity. 2 days upper, 2 days lower and one day back.
I’m a bit afraid that I will pass out, or I will feel sick at least, because it’s different than having a part of the body in front of you and you are just describing (well, more like trying to describe) what you see. We will actually have to cut the skin of the deceased body, remove it and clean the nerves, arteries and veins. They said that on the first day many people cut themselves with scalpels. And apparently, one international student once cut tendons of his extensor muscle (which now I know where is, haha). I hope we will be alright.
The following week I will have some tests, biology, biophysics and latin. Then Christmas break (yaaay! 🎄💝) and after that my first exams.
I can’t believe this semester is almost over.
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Forearm muscles and brachial plexus.
What is it like in your country when you are university student? Do you have to pay scholarship? Or any type of fees? If so, how much?
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caccienne · 7 years
The irony of being a medical student
You get up early, dring litres of coffe, eat irregulary, and go to bed late. Every single day. You are learning how to save others while ruining your own health.
And then you hear people complaining about rising salaries of doctors and nurses, that they get too much money.
I don’t really know about healthcare in other countries, so I’m not saying it’s like that everwhere, but in Czech Republic it’s not good.
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caccienne · 7 years
Only 2 more weeks...
... till dissection week. I am very nervous and excited at the same time. We will dissect extremities and back, so I need to learn all of the muscles there. Which is not that bad, but you know, procrastination and shit.
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caccienne · 7 years
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I was learning how to change blades. It went well, I haven’t hurt myself (yet). 🔪
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caccienne · 7 years
7th week
Half a semester. I can’t believe it’s already november.
This week has been very busy. I had two quizes, latin and biology. I didn’t pass the latin, but it’s not a big deal. However, I did pass the biology, which is amazing.
On monday I’ll have another quiz, english, which is not a big deal either as its only purpose is to show us how are we doing so far.
And in 6th week we started to take small quizes in anatomy lessons. I got A and B on first two, which is nice, but nobody cares about it during exam.
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This GIF perfectly shows what it’s like to be medical student. I have to learn muscles and digestive system for Thursday.
But I love it.
7th week gone and I still enjoy it.
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caccienne · 7 years
What is your system with highlighters? There are some people out there you just use one color for every-single-line. Others just use whatever they have. What is your story?
Hi, I use three colors - first one for titles, second for keywords and third for anything else I find important. Also I change the colors for every chapter. :)
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caccienne · 7 years
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this is a step-by-step process that i have used for literally all of my papers in high school and college, including my ib extended essay and ia’s! it’s a way to help ensure you a good grade and to help you finish the paper without spending a whole lot of time on it.
if you have any questions or a suggestion for a post you want to see, you can message me, submit a question anonymously, or comment on any of my posts! i love helping you guys in any way that i can, school or life or anything in between, so don’t be shy!
- sam xx
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