cacofonyinfj-blog · 9 years
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http://www.cacofony.com/conflux/ Conflux… The path was not clear. The obstacles too near. Fears flowed in the air. I turned around — you were there. Recklessly steps were taken. Jitters of fear forsaken. No time to spare. I turned around — you were there. Frenzied distractions bouncing around. Grasping the vapors of disappearing ground. Quixotic windmills laid bare. I turned around — you weren’t there. Saint George’s dragon clawed the door. Hot breath roiled to the fore. Melted wings of Icarus’s heir. I looked up — you were there. Lines of synchronicity traced. A universal tributary embraced. A game of “truth or dare.” I turned around — you weren’t there. I looked inside. You were there. ~ By Keith Howell
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cacofonyinfj-blog · 9 years
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http://www.cacofony.com/hope-and-the-infj/ Hope and the INFJ… Stream of consciousness art creation in the digital age. It’s a funny thing. This INFJ self-portrait that I created using Photoshop and Illustrator was not where I was headed when I began. I had no destination, actually. I set off on a creative path with a simple goal of teaching myself a technique to sort-of replicate the look and style of the famous Obama “Hope” poster. Beyond that, everything from choosing the selfie to determining what parts got what colors and what details stayed and what was removed were directed and driven entirely by what buzzed through my intuition and my feelings. Even the decision to make it an “INFJ” portrait was not in my mind until I reached that final stage in the creation. I looked at the picture and I was diving inside myself to come up with something either meaningful or clever to throw in at the bottom riffing on “Hope.” What struck me instead was that I needed to take that bottom dark-blue bar and rearrange the piece so that it fit on the side instead and highlight INFJ in a more creative font and then toss in the cognitive functions as a design balance. Why? Because as I gazed at the piece of art and my heart and mind received whatever aesthetics I could from it, I felt it was illustrating an aspect of my personality that I do not necessarily try to highlight or broadcast to the world at large—melancholy (pensive sadness, often without obvious cause). I usually reserve this darker aspect of myself for those around me who fit within my circle of trust... [Read more on Cacofony.com - direct link at top of this post] #hope #infj
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cacofonyinfj-blog · 9 years
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http://www.cacofony.com/infx-do-you-feel-discredited-out-there-because-of-your-level-of-intuition/ INFx: Do you feel discredited “Out There” because of your level of intuition? It’s time to get the respect your skills and efforts deserve! It is an admirable INF quality to be able to intuit and support people around you, but unfortunately most people are completely oblivious to how much you are sensing and doing for them. My dear, precious fellow INF, Gaining intuitive respect from your peers may not be as hard as it seems right now. Oh, man, if I’d known then what I know now, I wouldn’t have spent years trying to prove myself right. Instead I would have just appreciated who I am, and learnt non-intuitive forms of deduction skills. But no. It was a battle ground of people trying to change my intuition into more acceptable forms of deduction, and in the meantime, I was drowning in the messages I was trying not to receive. You may have experienced something similar to me: in school I stood out as a “weirdo” and I didn’t have many friends. I did, of course get on with everybody in my class on a one-to-one basis, or so I thought… [Read full post on Cacofony.com - direct link at top of this post] #infj #infp
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cacofonyinfj-blog · 9 years
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http://www.cacofony.com/infj-hell/ MEPHISTO HAS NOTHING TO OFFER TO ME… EVEN IF MY NAME IS FAUST As I survey my life, I no longer am able to understand the periods of growth and fallow times nearly so clearly as before. Some of this is due to the fact that in my post cancer life my brain is less clear, I forget a great deal, and I have lost my ability to plan in depth nearly as well as before. This is all normal for a person who has gone through much of what I have, but, that doesn’t make it a good thing. It just means I don’t have to feel alone in it all. “What is the noble truth of suffering? Birth is suffering, aging is suffering and sorrow and lamentation, pain, grief and despair are suffering.” ~ Buddha But, after dislocating hips, micro-fracturing my tailbone, having an accident in my beloved car, losing my mother who had suffered from Alzheimer’s and was lost when colon cancer struck, and finally I got cancer, after all of that, what seems to have crushed me, was a loss of someone who I called my kindred spirit. I realize that everyone suffers loss, and that grieving doesn’t make me special. Many people go through much worse than I’ve had before me. But, the reason I say it was my greatest issue, and my worst loss is that my friend Cathy by committing suicide was doing something that has pursued me, and has nearly won many times. “The non permanent appearance of happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of summer and winter seasons.” ~ Bhagavad Gita [Read more on Cacofony.com - direct link at top of this post] #infj #Hell
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cacofonyinfj-blog · 9 years
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cacofonyinfj-blog · 9 years
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cacofonyinfj-blog · 9 years
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cacofonyinfj-blog · 9 years
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#Repost @la_passionate with @repostapp. ・・・ #infj
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cacofonyinfj-blog · 9 years
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We need more understanding of human nature, because the only real danger that exists is man himself . . . We know nothing of man, far too little. His psyche should be studied because we are the origin of all coming evil.” ~ Carl Gustav Jung #infj
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cacofonyinfj-blog · 9 years
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http://www.cacofony.com/the-secret-diary-of-an-infj-day-42/ The Secret Diary of an INFJ [Day 42] Feeling infuriated. Hormones tricking me into thinking that I’m worthless and that the world is against me. 3 days out of 28 – and today is day 2. I should shut myself out from the world, but not just for my benefit. It’s also for the benefit of the world. Why would my anger, rage, impatience and sensitive skin be the problem of the world? It shouldn’t. And isn’t it just one part of me – perhaps a part that is private and only shared with those who will not challenge my authenticity. I reserve the right to nurture myself in this time. Because if I don’t, I will not be of service to others either. I seek nurturing in people I trust and I try to accept it, but mostly I just want to be left alone. The pain intensifying, but I know these wounds will be healed the day after tomorrow, when the release begins. And next week I will be back under the influence of growth hormones. I’ll be happy again. But until then, I stay with this darkness and pain, and will just try to manage. #infj #secret #diary
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cacofonyinfj-blog · 9 years
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cacofonyinfj-blog · 9 years
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#Repost @r.h.sin with @repostapp. ・・・ #rhsin #Sinmantha
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cacofonyinfj-blog · 9 years
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'A man can stand anything except a succession of ordinary days..." ~ Goethe
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cacofonyinfj-blog · 9 years
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‘For having taken the side of mankind, solitude is his lot. With him the rebellion of reason ends in madness.' ~ Albert Camus, The Rebel
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cacofonyinfj-blog · 9 years
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http://www.cacofony.com/the-secret-diary-of-an-infj-day-41/ The Secret Diary of an INFJ [Day 41] Just make a fucking decision! How hard is it? Your indecisiveness is driving me insane. How many options do you need to look at? Can’t you see what’s obvious? Can’t you see what’s right in front of you?! Jay-sus!!!!! And then I remember: It’s not obvious to them. They need time to look at all angles and they don’t trust their intuition or their ability to make the most of their decision. Of course, I’m used to surviving and playing with the cards that I’ve been dealt. Not everyone is the same. Some of them just don’t have the INFJ resilience. #infj #secret #diary
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cacofonyinfj-blog · 9 years
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#Repost @renee592 with @repostapp. ・・・ Shot out to the ppl doing just that 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 #edwardnorton has been typed as #infj 🙌🏾👊🏾💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥 #morningmotivation #meaningful #mbti #ednorton #quoteoftheday #awakening #enlightenment #inspiration #inspiringquotes #mindfulness #motivate #motivation #newage #namaste #philosophy #personalgrowth #spirituality #spiritualquotes #spiritualthoughts #truth #transformation #wisdom #wordsofwisdom #wordstoliveby #zen #lifequotes
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cacofonyinfj-blog · 9 years
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http://www.cacofony.com/3-mistakes-most-inf-types-make-which-cause-them-unhappiness-in-relationships/ 3 mistakes most INF types make, which cause them unhappiness in relationships My precious fellow INF, You deserve to have deep and meaningful relationships. Imagine having people come to you and respectfully ask for your insight. Not because you’re always there for them, but because they deeply honor your level of intuition. What would it feel like? Imagine gazing into the eyes of a person who really sees you and the vast inner world that you hold close to your heart. Now imagine them wanting to be a part of it. Not because it amuses them or entertains them, but because you have a depth of understanding and wisdom that brings most people to their knees: They just want to experience your depth and celebrate it with you. [Read more on Cacofony.com - direct link at top of this post] #INFJ #INFP #Relationships
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