cadencebooker · 4 years
Growing up, Wren’s house had been filled with memories. Every inch of wall space was covered in photographs, stolen moments that were otherwise forgotten had they not been frozen in time. Her mother was a nostalgic person, valuing family and the love they brought, putting everything on display for visitors just to be given the opportunity to learn about their family. And while Wren respected that wasn’t the way Cade felt, she couldn’t help but feel curious; she’d never seen a picture of either of his parents, didn’t know what he looked like as a child, didn’t know anything, and that’s what had sent her on a spiral of wanting to peek into his storage unit. Her plan was to be respectful, even if Cade was looming in the corner with that same cold look on his face. 
“It’s not just about the baby photos,” she grumbled, a scowl on her face as she looked over at him. “It’s about learning about your life. I know everything you’ve told me, but I’m not dumb enough to think that’s everything, and you should know that by now.” With the final raise of her brow, she turned back to the scrapbook in her hands, her thumb running over a picture of a small Cade, standing next to a woman that he seemed to be the clone of. Wren knew immediately that she was his mother, though she chose not to say anything about finding the picture. “You could help me, y’know. It’d be nice to have things of yours around the apartment that don’t look like they’re from a high-end catalogue. You should dig around for a bit.”
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This was the exact kind of thing Cade had always feared about getting into a relationship. The fact that he would have to bare parts of himself and his heart that have been kept behind walls for years. Walls that were painstakingly built and would be no less painful being torn away. He kept all of his past locked up for a reason and, of course, he wanted Wren to know about him, to know whatever it is she wanted to know and see whatever it is she wanted to see, but it didn’t make it any less uncomfortable for him. Well, perhaps that was a lie. It was at least a little comforting to know that she was there, but not enough to make him feel comfortable. 
“I haven’t dug around in this place for nineteen years and I don’t intend to. I don’t need to see any of this. I know what is in here. I locked it away.” he swallowed, his back still against the metal wall of the storage container.That wasn’t the whole truth. He hadn’t started this unit, his father had. After his mother’s funeral, every photo and memento of hers was taken out of the house and locked away. All Cade had to remember her by were the faded memories of his eleven year old brain and the startling resemblance to her he saw when he looked in the mirror. The same resemblance that was the reason his father couldn’t look at him for years after the incident. So he didn’t know everything that was in there, he had just kept up the tradition. “Until my father died I thought he had just gotten rid of everything of my mother’s. I had just woken up one day and all of it was gone. It wasn’t until I inherited his estate that I learned about this locker. Ever since then, once part of my life ends, everything goes in here. All of my father’s stuff is back in the corner across from my mom’s. Everything from the air force academy and my time served is in that trunk. “ he pointed, his slender finger outstretched “Everything from the FBI academy is in that box. It’s all here.I don’t keep reminders around. “
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cadencebooker · 4 years
Your time has passed to win a real Stanley Cup, so I figured you could use the next best thing. Oddly enough, I believe you will enjoy this even more. I love you, you idiot. 
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cadencebooker · 4 years
I must admit, I find you difficult to shop for. However, in observing your bookshelves, I don’t believe I saw this volume. Hopefully it is halfway decent or of use. Merry Christmas, Circe. 
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cadencebooker · 4 years
My dearest Bird, Merry Christmas. Here is your gift, so that perhaps you can get the sensation of cuddling me without actually taking up all of my time. 
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(Wrapped up in the blanket are two first class round trip airline tickets to Vermont to stay at Magic Mountain Ski Area for a week, for the actual cuddling) 
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cadencebooker · 4 years
Merry Christmas, you absolute pain in the ass. I hope you spend some time with this as opposed to bothering me. 
Of course, I jest. Happy Holidays, Claudia 
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cadencebooker · 4 years
SO everything is now squared away laptop wise so I will be pushing through replies on all characters intermittently starting today! Hopefully now that the shitty laptop situation is taken care of and the holidays have passed I will be able to rekindle some of the muse I’ve been struggling with because I do really love all of my idiots. Once I get caught up on replies and starters I may start messaging people harassing asking you for new plots and threads as well.
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cadencebooker · 4 years
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@wrenonaryder: our first christmas together, and it definitely isn’t disappointing. he’s the best gift that I could ever ask for. happy holidays from the booker-whitewater household ♥
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cadencebooker · 4 years
Good news: I got a new laptop
Bad news: it’s taking a long time to migrate things over so until that is done I’m out of commission since they’re both unable to be used
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cadencebooker · 4 years
HEY friends sorry I’ve been AWOL. It’s partly the holidays and muse issues but also my laptop being a ~piece of shit~ again. I am getting a new one here soon though, so that problem will ag least be fixed. Please bear with me, I’ll be back soon to pester you all. I will try my laptop again tomorrow
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cadencebooker · 4 years
It had taken weeks of convincing, begging on Wren’s end with a sprinkle of whine here and there before her boyfriend finally gave in. He’d let it slip that there was a storage unit on the edge of town with things from Cade’s childhood hidden inside, and since then Wren had been obsessed with getting her hands on anything she could. That’s how she ended up in the spot she was in now, a paperboy cap that she’d taken from one of the trunk sat atop her head, her legs tucked up and under her as she dug around inside of it. She was looking for anything she could that pertained to Cade as a child, for photos of the mother she’d heard so much about but Cade kept no evidence of around the apartment. She was treating this mission like she did any other mission she went on, needing something solid in her hands before she believed any of it. And then, finally, her hands found what seemed to be a book, a large grin spreading over her features as she tugged it out.
“Ah hah!” she quipped, sitting back on her haunches and running her fingers over the cover to what looked like a scrap book. “I think I just hit the jackpot.”
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It was no secret that Cade was a private man. Even to those that knew him the best, there was much he kept hidden. All of his life when he had moved on to something, he had left everything behind it completely, shoving everything in his storage unit. Everything except for the necklace he never took off and the grande piano in his living room was there. Every single memory or memento was hidden there, every photograph and award was stashed away. He’d let it slip to Wren that it existed and, not at all to his surprise, she had started badgering him to see it. 
He didn’t want to. Not because he cared for Wren to see it or not, but because he didn’t want to stir up emotions. He kept everything locked away for a reason, he never visited that container. But he planned on spending his life with this girl, and if he was going to do that, he was going to have to do this sooner or later. So here they were, him standing stiffly against a wall watching her in his old hat as she uncovered the scrapbook. “All of this for some baby photos. Don’t worry, I look exactly the same just increasingly smaller as the years go back. “
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cadencebooker · 4 years
Claudia wasn’t expecting to laugh as hard as she did when Cade asked about the crawl spaces. “The long arms benefit this specific situation. I have short arms and can’t reach but you can stretch those fingers and get up in there.” She giggled and shook her head. “Hey at least people get your helping hand. I bet there are times when you want to not be Mr. Elastic. That’s perfect for you.” She couldn’t help but roll her eyes at him. “So modest too.” The brunet kid around and crossed her arms right over her chest and shook her head. The smile present as he mentioned his girlfriend. The way she was happy that he’d found someone to love made her little heart sing. “I will keep my eyes set on your head. Nothing below. I’d like to be in her good graces whenever I meet her. Which means every embarrassing story I’ve got of you will be spilled. Ok I have a law question for you. Why do you guys put so many flags up on a base. Is it to let other bases know how they measure up?”
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Many relationships with Cade only survived if there was able to be some sort of banter between him and the other person. For one, he was drawn to people who would challenge him just a little, keeping things exciting. And it also kept things fairly light, avoiding any sort of deep conversation or sensitive subjects. When he wasn’t have a conversation as an FBI agent, he preferred wit and sass over anything else.Luckily, Claudia was able to go back and forth with him and he knew it was the only way they were able to maintain a friendship, especially as someone that knows about his past. “I’m Elastagirl’s long lost sibling, actually. Just got the DNA test back a week ago.” he joked as he climbed the ladder, reaching out and grabbing the discarded flag easily before noticing there was another one hidden beneath it, grabbing that one too. “Oh I’m sure she will love all stories you have. She’s already been begging me for childhood photos.” he landed on the ground with ease, folding up the two flags “No, we do other things to show off. It all has to do with symbolism and honor. There’s country and state flags, branch flags, POW flags. Everything means something and flying them is how you show respect for it. It’s the same idea as flying flags have mast. Since they’re such strong symbols, using them to respect the dead or other things is a great honor. “ he sat both of the folded flags on a nearby table “It’s kind of the same idea as all of the different insignia you find on different military uniforms. Everything stands for something. Most civilians may not know the meaning, but other military would. They tell you a lot of things about a person without anyone opening their mouth.” He shrugged “Enough of my ranting, what can my long limbs do for you next?”
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cadencebooker · 4 years
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cadencebooker · 4 years
It was funny how when things worked, they just worked. The relationship, of course, took effort just like any did, but it didn’t take much. And it wasn’t grueling to put the effort in. Everything between the two of them felt so natural and correct that no one, not even Cade, could question it. While it brought with it a sea of new experiences and a lot of difficult emotional processing for Cade, he wouldn’t trade it for the world. Wren was worth it. The way his body felt now, with hers pressed against it, only amplified the feelings that were already there. He had found the right person, he knew without a doubt in his mind. 
Once her permission was granted, he slid the sweater smoothly up her torso and over her head, tossing it to the side as his eyes stayed glued to her, stepping back slightly so that he could admire every newfound inch of her body, warmth illuminating his gut. “Wow...” Cade whispered, unable to form any more complex words, his hands taking to traveling along the now bare skin, fingertips grazing lightly over the goosebumps they created, sending an electric current from her body through his. “You’re incredible, Wren Whitewater.”
Keep reading
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cadencebooker · 4 years
Colton nodded slightly as he listened to the male across from him.  “Yeah, I never got the whole alien thing you know? Like all the hype, just feels unwarranted. Maybe it’s just me.” Colton shrugged a little as he looked around the restaurant, watching people shuffle slowly forward in the line. “Basically, a burger is a burger. I dont think the change of location, makes the burger any better.”
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“Given my particular line of work, I find the glorification of aliens incredibly despicable. Not to mention they all run with the whole little-green-man thing and that just couldn’t be more untrue. Regardless, I don’t get the obsession. I think I wouldn’t get it even if I weren’t so terribly biased.” he made a face, not wanting to get too political with the man but never able to hide his disgust for the extra terrestrial “Precisely. I think the main appeal of this place is the touristy-ness of it all. The food is mediocre, at best. Like all diners. I will admit they make a pretty solid milkshake, though, if you’re in the mood for a sugar rush”
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cadencebooker · 4 years
“Afraid you’re not Tigger and aren’t the only one.” The teasing banter was easy, easier than she’d expect it to be. She had heard murmurs around town and even from some clients that he wasn’t very warm with them but Claudia always brushed those comments off. People loved to talk as she knew but also loved to judge based off a person’s cover. She didn’t know present Cade, so much time had passed but she knew younger Cade. A lot of things may change but at it’s foundation, she knew he was still him. Suit and all. Apparently. “You’re special.” She made a hand gesture against her head and smirked. “Wooow. So early and your mind is already in the gutter.” She shook her head looking over at the place. “Amazing. I was going to say that! It’s scary accurate. You know, I hate spaces that require a ladder. So you’re a godsend. How did you know what I was going to say? Yes, I actually need to reach that flag, is it a flag? I can’t tell from this angle. The less glamorous part of the job. We’re going into crawl spaces. So it’d be best to get into your gym clothes.” She was never one to hold back on her thoughts and now was no different. “Question, when you say gym clothes, are they, they are clean ones?” She was just messing with him. It was fun and why not. For outsiders looking in this would look like she was being a fool for talking back to an officer.
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It was true that in his adult years Cade had not taken kindly to the concept of friends. After losing so much so young he had closed off entirely to the idea of anyone being close enough to him that it would hurt when they were inevitably ripped away. He had colleagues, pals, people he’d nod to if he saw them on the street, but no friends. However, the beginning of his recent emotional evolution had changed that. So when he had seen his old friend Claudia, it had not been nearly as terrible to swing back into a natural friendship as it would have been had they re-crossed paths just a little sooner. Besides, anyone he could have witty banter with knew the way to his heart. “Do I look like I fit into a crawl space, Claudia?” he asked with a raised brow “And I knew you were going to need me to get something high up because almost any time someone asks me for a favor it has to do with my height. Besides my dazzlingly handsome good looks, it’s my most useful asset.” he ran outside, returning, fully changed, in near record time. “Do I strike you like the type to put on clean clothes?” Cade asked with a chuckle “And I’m not so sure about those crawl spaces. I’m not exactly crawl-space sized.” he slid the ladder over towards the flag-like object of her desire, beginning to climb. “Don’t stare at my ass, my girlfriend will sense it and come find you. She may be small, but she can do damage”
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cadencebooker · 4 years
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He’d been watching Cade work for about two hours, told to sit quietly in the corner with Shrimp while he wrapped up whatever he’d been focused on. But, with Casey’s attention span, that was a nearly impossible task, his foot bouncing wildly while he watched the older male move back and forth repeatedly. There had been a few moments when he wanted to interrupt, to ask the age-old question of “are you done yet”, but history showed that he would only get that cold stare that scared him out of his wits every single time. However, after the thousandth sigh that left the back of his throat, Casey lolled his head back to peer at the male that was practically an older brother to him, those puppy dog eyes ready to plead. “Hey, Cade? You think we can maybe go eat some food or something? Just watching you makes me feel like I’ve run three miles, and my stomach has been growling nonstop for like half an hour. I think it’s the least you can do, here.”
Cade wasn’t sure when he had gotten so soft or approachable. it was like all of the sudden, one day, he had looked up and suddenly he was surrounded by friends. For years now he’d been living off of acquaintances alone and now, suddenly, he had people he actually cared about in his life. Of whom the biggest mystery of all was the 24 year old sat in the corner. His hyperactivity wasn’t lost on cade, picking up in his periphery every time the young man starter to mutter something but stopped himself. Cade had to admit, he appreciated the effort.  When the voice finally called, the tall man spoke plainly “You know, I often wonder which ancient deity I pissed off that cursed me with you as my eternal punishment.” he said before turning on his heels, a smirk on his face. “Sure, we can eat, but I’m not doing the crashdown or the pizza joint. Wren already made me eat takeout chinese last night, I don’t want to push it. I don’t have your young, resiient metabolism.”
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cadencebooker · 4 years
HELLO I finished my semester so you should be seeing more of me around these parts
That said, most of my characters could use some new fresh stuff SO if you want a thread with one of my idiots or if we have a thread that’s got some age on it and you’d like a newer one, please harrass my dms or reply down below or send me a carrier pigeon or something
Xoxo gossip squirrel
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