calculatedchaotic · 2 months
Cruelty on a Cross
Real cruelty is how he’s glad she died before she lost all her hair I texted a  dead person and dreamt she read it. Real cruelty is wishing she didn’t die so I didn’t have to cover her shifts I never wished her  Merry Christmas at her shiva. Real cruelty is the crossing guard not helping me across the street what’s another one from a place for wayward people. Real cruelty is missing the memorial. Her hair would have grown back.  It would have grown back.
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calculatedchaotic · 2 months
Beached the first time you came to my house there was a mermaid painted on the wall my aunt never finished her before my sister moved out  and I chose a slate gray. I can still feel her beneath the paint in time I could recreate every brush stroke and unerased pencil line. you  make me want to  vomit  every cliche under your  driver's seat until the putrid scent  drives you off a  cliff into the sea  below. you’ll hear a siren– is that an ambulance  coming  for  You?
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calculatedchaotic · 7 months
Carmilla, I want… (v.2)
I want you to crash your car and climb from the wreckage
only to drag me in with you as the engine explodes;
the flames chill our bones and we will feel
what it's like to leave the house.
I want you to lie about your birthday
so I feel better lying about my name.
We are both terrible people deserving of hell
but no one deserves where we’ll end up.
I want you to grow your nails long
So I can paint them every color on the sidewalk.
I want puncture wounds on my cheeks
So people will stop looking at my eyes.
I want blood to pour from my skin
So I’ll never run out of blush.
I want to forget how to scab
because it's a useless skill anyway.
I want to know what it’s like for your hands to wring my neck and
I want to stop focusing on my breath and
I want you to want to kill me.
Nobody’s ever cared enough to kill me.
I want to stay home from school today
because I had a dream about the girl living in my wall.
She has a destiny laid out for me in the kitchen
and the steak knives would feel so
lovely in my chest.
My father carved a wooden knife just for you, Carmilla,
will you stay home too?
~ Ollie
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calculatedchaotic · 7 months
I’m waiting for the day
that dog runs to me and
jumps up into my arms.
They’ll all look at us,
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calculatedchaotic · 7 months
Carmilla, I want
I want you to crash your car and take me down with you I want blood to pour from my skin I want puncture wounds on my chest I want to know what it’s like for your hands to wring my neck I want you to want to kill me Nobody’s ever cared enough to kill me
~ Ollie
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calculatedchaotic · 8 months
writing about it
why can’t you see the bags under my eyes? i tried not to wear makeup today because i see roadkill now more than i ever used to and i can’t remember a time when my daydreams weren’t filled with ideas on how i could  kmhjsklahjskiw these words aren’t meant to be spoken they’re meant to be caught flying outside the car window  and scuttle in the corner of your bedroom. how can i die without making anyone else sad i'm thinking of flushing them so i can write a poem about it i’d be really sorry i did it because i was really happy and i loved my parents and i looked at the sunset everyday and i thought it was beautiful
~ Ollie
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calculatedchaotic · 8 months
My silver dollar arm floats up toward the ceiling,
it has watched me weave this web of lies and knows
the kind of person I am.
It wants to leave me, we have so much in common.
I’m Annabelle, we’re not real.
Fool’s gold on my fingers, heating up from the sun
my flesh is searing, I can smell it.
I can hear it. I can feel it.
Oh god, why is my body real?
Was it all the promises I never followed through with? 
Was it the desperation of a flushed child.
I hope you accept my apology
because you were right.
The foresight of books that i couldn’t get through
too dense, too stupid, too real.
A bottle’s not enough.
Aspartame fills my stomach;
I gag but nothing comes up.
Synthetic. Syntechtic. sythentic.
Sintencnic. Shynthectit. snityncic.
~ Ollie
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calculatedchaotic · 8 months
Violent Ends Her sunbeams fool you into thinking it’s alright— take your coat off and sit in the grass type of alright— but soon enough the shadows swallow you whole. Frost among flames, what a foolish way to die. Without your coat to break the fall she claims another. Raising you, it's no wonder she was forced to such violence. It’s almost cruel; your bittersweet ability to pour grains of sand and metal into your ears as she screams at you to stop. A scrap of something, now bankrupt, Carves flowers along the ridges of your brain She claims more.  Her tears won’t end, she has so little control, they claim more and more. Its starting to flood now; even sunshine is deadly. She grieves you though there is nothing to grieve. Poor girl. Awful girl. Malicious girl. She just wanted to say hello! The first day of spring is a disappointment, and the last day of fall sets your feet ablaze. She will claim everything until she has nothing left to kill.
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calculatedchaotic · 1 year
chase the person you want to see in your coffin.
don’t let them bury a stranger.
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calculatedchaotic · 1 year
There is a letter with your name scribbled at the bottom,
addressed to no one and to everything,
written by hubristic hands---
there, see the scorch marks?
But remember: to write is not to carve.
Take my eraser and make their lines illegible.
Make sure your own pencil does not fall into the divots you cannot erase.
And if they’ve used a blotchy black, take your red inked pen
and simply correct them.
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calculatedchaotic · 1 year
Universal Insanity
See this madman’s universe, physics turned upright! Wishes crash down from a curse as they fight for Most Painful Plight. A single dark red star in a sky of coffee-stained white, irrelevant from afar, tries to hide behind the night. Take haste when you see a star writing in sunlight, for a warning of fragility mocks the madman’s fragile might.
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calculatedchaotic · 1 year
get me out of here
this thing in my hands has poisoned my blood
i can feel a cold rushing numbness
as it creeps and creeps flowing up and up
into my brain (i think i’m going insane)
and seeps and seeps til there’s nothing but mush
all crud and i can’t think
a constant blink
pink and grey matter drips from my ears
pushing everything away
how does someone say they know
in a terrible world of comatose
this beautiful plan, unrepairable
i’m drowning in our sweat
i’d better not fight it
we’ll all be the same soon
can’t you see someone poisoned us?
i need to breathe please please
let me breathe without wires and nails
let me finally live on an exhale.
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calculatedchaotic · 1 year
The Masked Lady
I have done a terrible thing.
A hollow confession
falls on full hearts—
what a sound!
It's a small city.
i am guilty.
She walked, and i walked,
chasing and running,
growing and dying.
paper mache disguises
hiding what she was.
She was human.
alive. breathing.
dwelling in this city.
This is community!
our masks may look different
but they are all made from
Dead-trees and
poisonous glue.
We walk hand in hand,
fears on fears,
Toxic breath in a child’s death.
i am not scared of you.
You are my friend.
living in this little city
we cross paths.
i lost a baby tooth
tripping over a pothole,
but you blindly trust
a declining memory.
i have been rehabilitated.
but i remain guilty.
My galaxy,
flung fast from a bang
always collides
with you.
we are both forever changed,
and for that
I am sorry.
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calculatedchaotic · 1 year
Do you think in the underworld 
they are still in love?
Is there any point in the fields 
Of Elysium, where there is 
no reason to mourn what could but 
never will be. 
They only know the heartbreak of a 
fall unbroken by the sea.
Can unconditional love survive,
Tepid and gentle, free of conditions, 
lying soft, pillows of sublimity—
Can something so demented live 
in the fields of Elysium?
Even a king’s love is strangled,
Twisted off its branch before ripeness,
His subjects should fare no better. 
So are they there together? If 
love is the hand that placed the coins 
under their tongues and sent them off---
wretchedly, veritably,
Would they welcome it with open arms,
Open gates and no shoes, running free?
No deed bad enough to keep them 
from this eternity,
The torture comes from the absence of you. 
Would such a love be caught dead in
 the fields of Elysium?
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calculatedchaotic · 1 year
Her Statue
I spent years pressing the cold, wet, dirt into something lovable.
Does her flesh show approval?
I sculpted it that way.
Those curls defy gravity,
the stone is soft and bouncy on her head.
She is radiant,
like a sunbeam caught in stained glass.
She is stuck in a chapel window,
undecidedly holy.
She looks just like her statue.
She looks closer at the clay,
I must have made a mistake;
I hope she can forgive me.
She is as generous as solaris,
she is as grateful as me.
“Thank you,” thank you! 
She is good,
the protagonist, incapable of error.
She looks just like her statue.
We leave the garden together,
the hero and her sidekick,
when I return
she is broken on the ground
in a pile of dust and shards.
The sculptor and her statue.
I found dust in her hair.
She says she’s sorry.
She says her statue was perfect,
like a pond without wind 
and a mother without children—
she is wicked.
Like a witch, like a monster, 
like a mother.
Not like our mother.
She looks nothing like her statue.
Her thank yous lack the sincerity of
the clay stuck under my fingernails,
her sorrys are drowned out by
the dust in my ears.
Now I should try to scrape myself immaculate,
but skin and bones aren’t so malleable;
if I cover myself in clay,
can I be a statue too?
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calculatedchaotic · 1 year
won’t you please give my insanity a name
to wrap around its neck
and stop it’s growth?
i have 
intense alexithymia
tell me what i should already know
will you please stop watching me?
i’m a pot of water
boiling with ferocious rage
i know it’s
intense alexithymia
tell me what i should already know.
get it together
use so much tape
when they poke 
and prod
i won’t feel a thing.
its intense alexithymia,
tell me what i should already know.
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calculatedchaotic · 1 year
nuclear petals
her glow was drawn from her fingertips,
a fruit fertilized with nuclear waste
like a sunflower that licks her radiating lips
wishing for something else to taste.
they singed the moths that flocked to their light,
and their wings fell from ashes to dust.
the stars in the sky recognized their plight
and gave the moths their words of trust.
something stronger than welded metal.
something ablaze like a nuclear petal.
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