Cal woke up from a nightmare.  He had been back for weeks thanks to Sophie’s bravery and strength.  He was alone in the bed although he smelled Sophie all over him and bed.  She had probably woken up and gone to find Jason in the kitchen.  But everywhere he went, he didn’t see anyone.  “No!”  He was not back in that nightmare where he was all alone!  No, this couldn’t be!  “SOPHIE!”  He called out.  
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Cal grinned at his mate’s request.  “Of course my love.  I”ll pop open a bottle.”  He chuckled at her demands to be ready.  “Promise I’ll have everything ready for the wonderful dinner you’ve cooked.”  He lay a peck on her cheks and then went to tend the fire and make the space comfortable for them to eat and drink champagne.  
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I’m Coming Home || Cal and Sophie ||
Sighing softly, she pulled away from the kiss long enough to giggle at the idea of them having such a romantic evening. “Can we have champagne instead of wine? Because that sounds super fancy.” A small blush settled on her cheeks just from the request and the idea of sipping champagne from her Daddy’s belly button. “Dinner is almost ready. So make sure that you are ready with it.”
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Cal shook his head out as the ghost of his wife was gone.  But as he shook his head he was already convincing himself that it had just been a crazy dream.  He needed to get out of the office for a bit.  But instead of going home, he just went upstairs to the top floor of the building where they had an indoor gym and swimming pool.  It was only there for the executives of the company.  He pulled on his bathing suit in the locker room, setting his suit properly on hangers inside of the locker and with a towel in his hand he went out to the pool.  He set the towel near the end of the pool and then he dove into the water, swimming laps back and forth.  
A Christmas Carol - Holiday Movie AU - Calhoun and Sophie
“I took a lot from you, Calhoun, but this can’t be about me at all. You need to decide tonight what you really want to do with your life.” Moira managed a chuckle as she slowly started to fade from the world of the living. “The answer to that question will be figured out at the end of the night. Everything…my love���will be up to you.” With that Moira MacAlister faded into the black of the room.
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Cal looked slightly ashamed as Moira chastised him.  “Moira, you didn’t take anything from me.  You made my life whole and without you I’m nothing.  I miss you.”  He frowned at her words.  “I don’t understand,” Cal said with a shake of his head.  “What does Sophie Teller have to do with anything?”  He frowned.  “How is Sophie the answer to anything?  She’s just my secretary.”  
A Christmas Carol - Holiday Movie AU - Calhoun and Sophie
Moira shook her head at his words because she remembered that he had more feelings than what he was showing. What he even knew. “She trusted you to be compassionate during the holidays. For the first time in her life she took a chance to trust someone and you let her down. You’ve let yourself down.” Then she got mad since he was lying to her face. “DON’T YOU DARE LIE TO ME! Not to me, Cal. You gave up on your friends. There is no work that is worth missing the closeness of family time.” He couldn’t be like this with her anymore. “No, Cal, where I am is cold and dead. Because I lived my life the way that you are. Ignoring the rest of the world. Only caring about myself. I took so much away from you when I was alive. You need to rediscover your heart, Calhoun. Sophie Teller will be the way for you to get that back.”
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First can I just say, WOW!  That’s a lot of questions.  LOL.  Here goes nothing.
1. What tends to feel better for you, sex or masturbation?  Sex.
2. Your 5 favorite spots to be stimulated. The spot on my neck where my shoulder meets my neck, my palm, obviously my dick (specially the underside), the spot between my belly button and my dick, and the back of my neck.  
3. Have you ever had your prostate stimulated? No.  
4. Have you ever had an orgasm from anywhere other than your genitals? I’m not entirely sure how that would work.  So I’m going to say no. 
5. Do you prefer clitoral or vaginal stimulation? Odd question and I think this one is meant to be answered for a woman.  But I like to stimulate a woman’s clitoris.  
6. Can you touch your clitoris directly, or does that hurt? I don’t have a clitoris last I checked. But if you mean Sophie’s clitoris, I can touch it and do, frequently. 
7. Are you well-acquainted with your G-spot?  I don’t have a G-Spot, but I am very well acquainted with Sophie’s.  
8. Are handjobs boring, or underrated? I’m not sure I would call it boring, but it’s not my favorite.  There are other things I like to do with my dick.
9. Do you like having your balls touched? Yes I do.  
10. Do you like having your nipples touched? No, I don’t really see the point in it.  
11. Do you like having your anus touched? No.  
12. Have you ever been fisted (anally or vaginally)? FUCK NO.
13. Do you like mild roughness (scratching, spanking, hair-pulling, etc.)? Love it. 
14. Do you have any kinks? I have lots of kinks.  While prior to meeting Sophie I never was interested in daddy/little kink, with Sophie I find that’s my biggest kink.  I love being her daddy and taking care of her.  For us it’s not about age play.  It’s about the level of security and safety I offer her.  
15. Are you into anything under the BDSM umbrella? Oh yes.  I love bondage, specially with rope play.  We also do a lot of candle play, whipping, flogging, spanking.  And my Sophie is a perfect submissive for me, very eager to please and obey and try new things. 
27. Do you care if a partner sees you going to the bathroom? I grew up in a time where we weren’t too embarrassed over nudity and bodily function.  That being said, I don’t go to the bathroom in front of Sophie.  
29. How many sexual partners have you had? Too many to count.  Although there have only ever been two women that have made any impact on my life and have been more than a one night stand to scratch and itch.  Moira and Sophie.  
30. How often do you masturbate? Since meeting Sophie, almost never.  Before Sophie, maybe once every couple of days.  
32. What position do you typically masturbate in (laying on back, on stomach, sitting up, etc.)? Laying on my back, but propped up a bit.  
41. How big is your penis? Well I haven’t measured, but it’s about 9 inches long and thick.  
49. What are you more into (or like more about yourself), boobs or butts? I love Sophie’s breast, specially when her nipples harden and with her new nipple piercings.  
54. What do you do with your pubic hair (shave, trim, wax, nothing, etc.) I like being bare in my pelvic region.  I’ve been shaving it with a knife or straight razor for thousands of years.  
55. Do you care/have a preference what partners do with their pubic hair? I don’t like a lot of hair in a women’s pelvic region, so i prefer trimmed at least or waxed.
57. Do you have or want any genital piercings? Do you like any on other people? I have none and I want none.  But I love piercings on Sophie.  Perhaps in the future we might consider a clit ring or labia piercings, but for now, I’m happy with her nipple rings.  
60. What's the longest masturbation session you've had? Longest sex session?  My masturbation sessions were never more than a couple of minutes long.  They were just quick itch scratchers.  Longest sex... I’d have to check with Sophie but I think we went 11 hours straight once and just passed the fuck out and didn’t wake up for at least a day.  
63. Spit or swallow?  I prefer my woman swallows my seed.  I don’t need to spit or swallow.
64. When you ejaculate, do you more shoot or dribble? I shoot.  I don’t think I ever dribble.  
71. Have you ever had sex/masturbated while somebody was sleeping near you? Sure all the time when I was fighting wars back in Scotland.  
75. Are you particularly "vocal" when masturbating/having sex? I’m not very vocal, but I do growl quite a bit and grunt out at the end when I find my release.
78. Do you own any sex toys? We have a whole playroom full of them.  
79. Have you ever used a homemade sex toy, or a regular object as a sex toy? Oh Sophie and I do that all the time.  Don’t tell Sophie but I have plans of carving ginger root into a plug so that we can try figging.  Besides that we’ve used hair brushes or wooden spoons if we’re not close enough to the playroom.  My ties make wonderful bondage rope for Sophe’s wrists or blindfolds for her eyes.  
80. Can a dildo feel as good as a penis (assuming the person with the penis is good at what they do)? Hmmm, I think that’s a question I’ll have to ask my mate.  But I know that whether or not It’s me fucking her with my dick or me fucking her with a dildo, I know she cums every time. So perhaps it’s not about the instrument but the wielder of the instrument that matters.
81. What are your favorite positions? This would be a very long list because I love a number of different postion.  However my favorite would be face to face with Sophie’s legs on my shoulders.  Fuck, it’s so intimate.
89. Do you think you're "good" at sex, or your performance/skill could use improvement? I think I’m wonderful at it.  Just ask my mate.  I’m certain she is very pleased.  
93. If you had the opposite set of genitals for a day, name 5 things you would do. Odd question.  Erm.  Sophie and I would have a lot of fun.  I’d make Sophie eat my pussy.  I’ve seen her do this to Valandra Watson, and I would enjoy having her skillful tongue on my newfound clit.  I would also enjoy pissing sitting down in the middle of the night.  I hate having to turn on the light when I’m half asleep, just sit and piss, it’s easy.  I would be interested to try horseback riding without a dick and balls.  I’d be interested to try a dildo or a vibrator.  And I don’t know what the last thing would be.  Maybe Sophie and I would go buy lacy underwear.  
95. What's something you dislike about your body? I hate that I’m shorter than my brother.  I mean I’ve never let my height impact my ability to lead or rule, but it’s something on conscious of when he’s near me.
96. What body parts do you find the sexiest? I love Sophie’s beautiful pussy.  It’s perfect and I love exploring it with my fingers and tongue and looking at it and fucking it and everything.  
97. What was your most recent sexual thought? That I can’t wait to fig Sophie’s adorable ass.
98. Do you ever just play with your boobs, penis, labia, etc.? Sure who doesn’t?  But since mating, I don’t bother playing with myself much.  Although I often stroke myself while I have Sophie tied up and waiting for my touch.  Love making her wait in anticipation for her daddy.
99. When was the last time you touched your genitals? I’m assuming you mean other than to piss or shower.  Erm.. Friday?  I came home from work and my bad princess was touching herself without me.  I stroked myself from the doorway while I watched for a few minutes before I moved in to take over.  
100. Do you often imagine people naked? Only Sophie.  Quite often.  Specially when I’m at work and imagining going home to her.
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Calhoun stared at the ghost, feeling the cold in the room from the wind and he was finally starting to believe that this was really happening and it wasn’t just a dream.  Shit.  “I’m a businessman, Moira.  I’m not in the business of charity.  I don’t care about her plan.  I’m her boss, not her friend.”  He took a deep breath and let it out.  “I don’t have any plans.  After you died, I didn’t really care about Christmas anymore and our friends turned their backs on me.  Besides, I have work to do.  Moira, tell me about your afterlife.. is it really so cold and awful?  I always imagined you somewhere beautiful and warm where you could be at peace.”  
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A Christmas Carol - Holiday Movie AU - Calhoun and Sophie
“You have been living your life colder than my afterlife has been.” She stated clearly before she made the lights flicker in the whole office. “THIS IS NOT A DREAM CALHOUN MACALISTER! YOUR DOWNFALL WILL COME IF YOU DO NOT CHANGE!” A strong wind blew the windows open. “You do not understand the ramifications of what you have done. What happened to you my love? The man that I knew would never have fired his secretary just because she wanted to spend Christmas doing something that was important to her. You didn’t even talk to the girl about her plans. And what about your plans? Why are you here on Christmas Eve by yourself?”
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Cal moaned against Sophie’s lips, kissing her back deeply.  “i’m sure I’ll love every bite of it.”  He smiled at his lovely mate.  She made him so happy.  “Let me go tend the fire and get the wine and everything set up for us.”  And he had plans of shoving the plates and glasses aside and making love to her on that rug.  
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I’m Coming Home || Cal and Sophie ||
She giggled before nodding her head excitedly at his idea. “That sounds like a perfect way to eat!” Wrapping her arms around his neck, she kissed him deeply with a soft moan then she pulled away to smile at him sweetly. “I hope that you don’t mind what I have planned for dinner.”
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“I really like this idea of yours, my sweet Sophie.  How about I open up a bottle of wine and pour us each a glass while you cook.  And I can set the table for the two of us.  Shall we eat in front of the fireplace on the rug?”
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I’m Coming Home || Cal and Sophie ||
“I gave them the evening off!” She giggled as she turned around to him with a bright smile. “Tonight we are going to be a normal couple and be alone.” Sophie gasped at the small kiss to her nose then sighed softly as they kissed. This was what she had been waiting for this whole entire day. Just to have this moment with her Daddy.”
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Calhoun stared at Moira.  “Tonight was the last straw?  What do you mean?”  He sighed irritated with his own stupid dream.  “This is not a productive dream, Moira.”  He clapped his hands.  “Change into that pretty dress I bought you for your birthday and we’ll dance and then make love in front of the fireplace.”
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A Christmas Carol - Holiday Movie AU - Calhoun and Sophie
Moira stared at her still alive husband before she smiled at him with a sad look on her face. “I am here to tell you that you are on a wrong path, Cal. Something has to change in your life and tonight that is going to happen. What you did tonight is the last straw.” She shook her head at him slowly. “At each strike of the clock you will be visited by three ghosts. You have lost the Christmas spirit. Let them help you lead you back to the right way.”
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Calhoun came into the kitchen, surprised to find Sophie alone and cooking.  “Sophie, where’s Jason and all the staff?  What is all of this, love?”  But realizing she was cooking up a storm for him, he smiled brightly.  “It smells delicious.  Can I have a kiss?”  He didn’t wait for her response, he press a gentle little kiss to her adorable button nose and then gave her a full kiss on her lips.  
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I’m Coming Home || Cal and Sophie ||
Sophie was dancing around the kitchen, singing her heart out to Wouldn’t It Be Nice by the Beach Boys with the radio, and making a mess as she followed the directions. She was making Daddy a wonderful dinner while she gave the rest of the servants the night off. Tonight it would just be her and Daddy while they had a date night. Everything was going to go perfectly tonight so that he would see what a great wife she would make. Then suddenly she heard him calling out for her. “I’m in the kitchen!”
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Calhoun stirred awake, confused.  “Moira?”  He looked at the beautiful woman who used to be his wife.  She was dead.  Was he dreaming?  If he was dreaming he didn’t want to wake up.  He reached out to touch her.  “Moira, my love...”  
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A Christmas Carol - Holiday Movie AU - Calhoun and Sophie
It was past midnight when suddenly the lights in the office flickered and a woman entered through the window. “Cal…Cal…wake up…” The ghost of his dead wife ran a hand through his short hair. “Wake up, silly. We need to get this over with.”
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I’m Coming Home || Cal and Sophie ||
Calhoun had a long annoying day of negotiations and things he didn’t really care about but did because he was the First Wolf and he had to take care of his people.  Even if the negotiations were for the werewolves having a turf war with the witches in Oregon.  “Sophie, I’m home.”  He came in looking for his mate.  Where was everyone?  He followed the scent of his mate.  
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Clahoun watched his ex-secretary leave.  He didn’t feel regret, he just turned back to his work.  However it was a long day and soon he drifted off to sleep in his chair, his file still clutched in his hand. 
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A Christmas Carol - Holiday Movie AU - Calhoun and Sophie
Her eyes filled with tears at his words as she nodded her head in understanding. “I…I apologize, Sir. I don’t mean to waste your time.” Sophie sniffled before walking out of his office. Quickly, she gathered up all her personal belongings before starting to walk toward the elevator. Just after pressing the button for the door she looked back at his office door and whispered softly. “I just wish you knew what it meant to have a real Christmas.”
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“You should have thought about that before you tried crying to me about Christmas.  Get out, Ms. Teller.  I don’t need whiners in my office.  I have work to do and you’re a waste of my time.”  
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A Christmas Carol - Holiday Movie AU - Calhoun and Sophie
She had opened her mouth to assure him that she was fine most days, but then suddenly he was speaking those awful words. “S-Sir, please…I…I really need this job.” Clutching the hem of her shirt, she had to stop herself from crying for fear of making the situation worse. “I’ll do anything, Mr. MacAlister, please don’t fire me. This job means the world to me.”
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“I’m sorry, is your job interfering with you social life, Ms. Teller?  I had no idea I was keeping you from your plans and the people relying on you.”  He glanced up at her setting his pen down.  “You’re fired.  Clear out your belongings and turn in your security badge to the front desk on your way out.”  He returned his attention to the file she brought in.  
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A Christmas Carol - Holiday Movie AU - Calhoun and Sophie
Sophie had been so excited to finally be spending Christmas in an actual exciting manor. When she walked into her boss’s office she had been expecting him to let her off for the next two days. But then he said those terrible words. “But Sir…I…I have plans. There are people depending on me to have the afternoon off.” Slowly, she placed the file he had asked for on his desk before chewing on her lip a little nervously. “B-Besides…there will be no one to do business with today or tomorrow. Everywhere else is closed.”
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A Christmas Carol - Holiday Movie AU - Calhoun and Sophie
Calhoun MacAlister was a charming man and a business tycoon.  He had no plans for Christmas and he thought Christmas was a waste of time.  No family, no friends, no silly romance, he planned to work through Christmas and enjoy his millions later.  As he sat in his office and his secretary, Sophie, came in to ask to leave early, he didn’t even bother looking up from his work.  “Today is a working day, Ms. Teller, I don’t care if it’s Christmas Eve.  You are not to leave early unless you want to return Monday to find you have no job.  Now, bring me the file I asked for.”  
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