candracandor · 13 days
people who put their gum under tables are wild animals they literally do not have higher level cognitive functions. they live in nature.
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candracandor · 21 days
rip to all the “fuckyeah___” blogs that carried our society at one point </3
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candracandor · 28 days
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candracandor · 29 days
In light of recent events, I decided to go check out Wildbrain's website for more information on what their 2D works are usually like.
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These are the same people involved in the making of Carmen Sandiego
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A show that, like some of their other 2D works, actually benefits from a choppier, more puppet-like animation style.
It's safe to say that it's the type that's worked well for them up to this point, with a couple exceptions. (See: The Snoopy Show)
And much as I'm disappointed with the quality downgrade of the new LMK season, well...
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...Keep in mind that this studio has loads of talented people who are trying their best to fill the big shoes left behind by Flying Bark.
LEGO made the decision of what studio should step in next, and attacking the actual studio for it just makes you an asshole.
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candracandor · 30 days
Update: all the animation is being done by Wildbrain. The writers and show-runners are still the same and putting their all into the writing.
LMK fans are currently dying because official Lego channel just dropped a S5 trailer and there’s SIGNIFICANT change in the animation quality and m a a a an
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candracandor · 30 days
So to anyone not in the loop, the trailer does appear to be official. It was uploaded by the official sources on Weibo and BilliBilli so we can probably assume it’s not a hoax or a prank and is something official.
WITH THAT SAID. We don’t know much about the trailer or the actual situation between Wildbrain (the studio that worked on the animation in the trailer) and Flying Bark studios. David Breen (one of the show-runners) has stated that he was working on Season 5 in previous posts on X, so the previous team hasn’t jumped ship and is still on board with both the writing and storyboarding.
There’s a possibility that Wildbrain was just more open with their segments of animation, and they’re only responsible for some of the animation in the new season, and both studios are collaborating (this might be why we’re actually getting a trailer this time). It could also be possible that all the animation is being outsourced to Wildbrain, and Flying Bark is responsible for boarding and writing. We’ll just have to wait and see.
LMK fans are currently dying because official Lego channel just dropped a S5 trailer and there’s SIGNIFICANT change in the animation quality and m a a a an
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candracandor · 1 month
if you wanna peek into my freaky world im stuck on the phrase "literally 1984, this is" in response to epic games temporarily disabling Yoda in Fortnite (he's a back bling accessory item) because if you did the dr. zoidberg woop woop woop emote his facial rig would freak out and crash entire servers
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candracandor · 1 month
i was cuddling with my boyfriend last night when his shoulder started tensing up (like he was readjusting or gently pushing me off) and when i asked him if he was okay or needed me to move or something he went “no you’re fine, i was just imagining myself pulling a large rope. i didn’t even realize my shoulder was doing that lmao” then refused to elaborate and i have never been as attracted to him as i was in that moment.
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candracandor · 1 month
i have done nothing but watch this clip for 5 hours. he becomes pants. why is he pants.
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candracandor · 1 month
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op turned reblogs off but this post must live. it must live and spread malignantly .
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candracandor · 1 month
sound on
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candracandor · 1 month
Do y'all remember that Looney Tunes Show where Elmer Fudd did an overtly sexual musical number about grilled cheese?
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candracandor · 1 month
Unmute !
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candracandor · 1 month
My 11-month male cat lets my foster kittens nurse on him.
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candracandor · 1 month
i love that i sometimes think of a really funny post in bed and then quickly grab my phone and attempt to find the assets to create it but give up because im so sleepy, and then i check my browser the next day and i have shit like this open like
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where the fuck was i going with this. what was the plan alice. you shouldve left me some more clues
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candracandor · 1 month
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This is so precious oh my god. There’s more under the cut. Also click HERE for full-sized pics and also a vid of a chicken screaming at the wind XD 
Keep reading
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candracandor · 1 month
I had a very interesting discussion about theater and film the other day. My parents and I were talking about Little Shop of Horrors and, specifically, about the ending of the musical versus the ending of the (1986) movie. In the musical, the story ends with the main characters getting eaten by the plant and everybody dying. The movie was originally going to end the same way, but audience reactions were so negative that they were forced to shoot a happy ending where the plant is destroyed and the main characters survive. Frank Oz, who directed the movie, later said something I think is very interesting:
I learned a lesson: in a stage play, you kill the leads and they come out for a bow — in a movie, they don’t come out for a bow, they’re dead. They’re gone and so the audience lost the people they loved, as opposed to the theater audience where they knew the two people who played Audrey and Seymour were still alive. They loved those people, and they hated us for it.
That’s a real gem of a thought in and of itself, a really interesting consequence of the fact that theater is alive in a way that film isn’t. A stage play always ends with a tangible reminder that it’s all just fiction, just a performance, and this serves to gently return the audience to the real world. Movies don’t have that, which really changes the way you’re affected by the story’s conclusion. Neat!
But here’s what’s really cool: I asked my dad (who is a dramaturge) what he had to say about it, and he pointed out that there is actually an equivalent technique in film: the blooper reel. When a movie plays bloopers while the credits are rolling, it’s accomplishing the exact same thing: it reminds you that the characters are actually just played by actors, who are alive and well and probably having a lot of fun, even if the fictional characters suffered. How cool is that!?
Now I’m really fascinated by the possibility of using bloopers to lessen the impact of a tragic ending in a tragicomedy…
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