candrawithlove · 1 month
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They didn't have to make him like that.
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candrawithlove · 3 years
Sorry to the anon who sent “you’re both idiots you should shoot each other” or something, I have too many porn bot notifications on this blog that I don’t notice messages for awhile. It also doesn’t help that I barely interact with people directly on here, I think the last time was like three or four months ago and I have no recollection other than it happened so like... I have no idea who I’m supposed to be shooting.
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candrawithlove · 4 years
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Tumblr glitched and didn’t load any posts after this one for a solid 30 seconds and honestly if that isn’t a mood.
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candrawithlove · 5 years
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Keeta has always been a fan of Miku’s work.
(If I don’t play Minecraft as my OC when what sort of artist am I?)
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candrawithlove · 5 years
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How Times change, and yet the queen still reigns.
left (6/30/19) and right (6/13/13)
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candrawithlove · 5 years
Just stuck my head out the left door in one of the FNAF 1 levels in VR and might I just say HOLY FUCK.
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candrawithlove · 6 years
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I haven’t uploaded anything in a lo~ng time, so here’s some art of my Blade & Soul character Chetana!
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candrawithlove · 7 years
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oh, my aesthetic? X/X/X/X/X/X/X/X/X/X
I can’t promise you that these links are official. Some of these are stock, others are freely distributed wallpapers (though I have no idea if they were intended as such). I simply compiled these over time and decided to pose a few.
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candrawithlove · 7 years
It’s Halloween now.
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candrawithlove · 7 years
Excuse me, I was tracking your post/61553783163 in which you made a great tribute with Florence's "No light" to BCB, but I can't see it anymore. Do you have it online in another site? Or is there a chance that you can upload it again? Thank you!
Oh yes, that one has given me some trouble since there were so many images and it was made when I still had little experience with Tumblr. The audio is most likely still broken, but as of right now the pictures should be fixed! Thanks for letting me know.
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candrawithlove · 8 years
You know honestly I think the biggest problem SU has right now has got to be the loss of context for a lot of really relevant plot points. We’re constantly revolving around Steven and his perspective which is fine, but sometimes it just isn’t enough of an explanation for us as viewers.
Here’s an example: when Jasper showed back up in “Alone at Sea” and started groveling and begging to fuse, it came totally out of left field for me. Instead of developing that plot-point, the show just sort of implied that Jasper had developed Stockholm Syndrome and tossed out a metaphor or two. If you remember, the last time we had seen Jasper (conscious) she was absolutely LIVID about being part of a forced fusion. She was angry and she hated it. That’s where I was expecting Jasper’s narrative to pick back up, because that’s what we left on. Instead, the writers just sort of side-eyed the audience and said: yeah, that happened while you weren’t looking... don’t worry about it.
That wasn’t the end. It just keeps happening.
We have a romantic narrative between Lapis and Peridot that’s been brought forward by Lauren Zuke, but we have seen so little one-on-one interaction between them aside from the conversations that were orchestrated by Steven. I concede that since they moved into the barn there’s been more of that, but it’s long overdue. The huge milestones in their “relationship” happened when we weren’t there. Meep-Morp. Camp Pining Hearts. The barn renovation. When they originally planted the corn field. We got to see none of it, and again it was the same sort of situation: yeah, that happened while you weren’t looking.
Here’s another one: when Bismuth got bubbled! That’s a HUGE one! You’ve got this character with a reasonable narrative who’s been vilified for it and that’s not okay. They attempt to justify it by having Bismuth attack Steven, but when considering her circumstances it’s hardly worth the treatment she got in the end. I think the big question was how things originally played out with Rose, and we never got to see that. We just got to hear about it and that’s not enough. What happened? did she try to kill Rose as soon as she was told no? did Rose force a duel with her and just trap her in a bubble in the end? What was it like when she hadn’t been trapped in a bubble for over a thousand years and left to be forgotten? It probably wouldn’t make the conclusion good but it might have made more sense at least.
I see the same sort of thing happening again with the rubies, how they’re supposed to be bad guys but the only one who did literally anything to Steven was Eyeball and she was totally justified. She was in a bubble with what she believed to be the enemy general who killed Pink Diamond. Why do they deserve anything they got? What reason? Is it just gonna be another one of those moments where Navy says the others were mean to her and that’s it?
It’s frustrating when you’re expected to fill in the blanks without a reason.
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candrawithlove · 8 years
“Hello feelings. I see that I have unintentionally invited you into my house. I’m going to have to politely ask you to leave because whenever you come here you always bring depression along, and they’re kind of a third wheel.”
- probably the most relatable thing I’ve ever said
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candrawithlove · 8 years
I will overthink literally any situation or question I am presented with, I guarantee you.
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candrawithlove · 8 years
*zooms in so far on my eyelashes that they're the only thing visible* This is it... the only flattering picture of me in existence.
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candrawithlove · 8 years
Okay, holy shit, I think I just came up with a crazy theory that makes a lot of sense. Hear me out. So I was talking to my friends about how Homeworld wouldn’t be able to make a pact with the Crystal Gems without sacrificing their means of reproduction I.E. siphoning life from biological material (the earth). I said that the only way to overcome that would be for Steven to find another way to produce gems and then I was like:
Wait... wait a minute...
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Holy shit.
The gems talk about how Rose was able to manipulate plant life, which is absurd if you think about how Gems normally interact with anything and everything biological. It’s weird and unprecedented for a gem to form a mutually beneficial relationship with an organic life-form. What if Rose’s fascination with organic life wasn’t only about their unique traits and aesthetic? What if she was trying to use organic life to create gems without destroying it in the process? What if she saw the potential, and was trying to harness it?
It’s was more than just a ludicrous idea too: Steven is the proof that gems an organic life are compatible - mentally and physically. He’s literally a amalgam of gem and human anatomy, and although it’s not a perfect science, it’s something incredibly profound. Steven can fuse with humans, with plants (watermelon Steven), and with gems. They’re not mutually exclusive identities.
We always assumed that Lion was a corrupted gem or a regular lion that was given gem-like abilities from Rose's tears. However, what if that wasn't the case, and the Lion we know is actually a regular lion that has been combined with the shards of a shattered gem? If we reach even further, what if those gem shards are from someone incredibly important... someone capable of things normal gems aren't? It's kind of a stretch but I feel like it's worth mentioning.
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candrawithlove · 8 years
I had a dream last night that I saw a Christmas version of that horrible YouTube intro. You know the one... it’s like... LiKe a REInSToNe COWboi DEH DEEH. With the donkey? In any case I think the only change was that the donkey was dressed like Santa and the bottle that fell on it’s head was a little hat. Oh, and there were also sleigh bells playing behind the audio. I don’t think I’ll ever understand the things my brain chooses to gravitate to.
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candrawithlove · 8 years
*trips over the end of 2016 and gets carpet burn*
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