cantfightfate-rp · 11 years
Please bring this RP back. We'll work harder this time.
This must have been sent in ages ago, wow. You have no idea how much I would love to revamp and reopen some day. I miss this place a lot, even if it has been forever 3
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cantfightfate-rp · 12 years
We feel this was inevitable, so here goes...
We have, unfortunately, decided to close the RP. After speaking thoroughly about this and reflecting on possible scenarios, both of us feel this is the best option right now. We could stick around, reopen inactive roles and search for new potential members who'd be active, however, we'd just be doing exactly what we're doing now and it's getting us nowhere. The dash hasn't been nearly as active as it was when we first started out, which is a real shame. We'd really like to thank the few members who are active and have actually been on the dash. Most likely, we'll come to make a new RP in the future, since we think we'd be able to learn from the mistakes we've made when moderating this site. However, it's hard to tell when, and right now, we're not in any hurry. We'll take things as they come, but maybe we'll all get together when that time comes. Thanks for everything guys, it was fun while it lasted, even if only for a short while!
Terry and Miranda<3
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cantfightfate-rp · 12 years
Why the dead dashes lately? You two need to get right on that!
Yeah well, I know some people have been away lately, and stuff like that. Personally, I'm posting more or less every day and feel like I'm spamming the dash with Dean, haha. Can't really do much more than that. Then when it comes to plots, a lot of them have been delayed since we don't have the major characters, such as Klaus, Tyler, Mark, etc. If we did, we'd have some more things to work on... But I agree. And we're really doing our best to work against that.
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cantfightfate-rp · 12 years
I'd totally apply, but I think I'm applied before and I don't rejection to strike twice ;-;
Aw. Well, like we've said before, even if you didn't get accepted the first time, that doesn't have to mean anything. We have a few members that got accepted with their second character choices instead, so I'd say give it another try!
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cantfightfate-rp · 12 years
Hi, I'm filling out an app for Lydia Martin RIGHT now :)
Awesome! We'll be waiting with excitement!
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cantfightfate-rp · 12 years
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→ Amelia Wright | 19 | Werewolf (Beta) | (Shelley Hennig) | Open
“I've lost everything. I don't even know who I am anymore.”
In a small house in the country, Amelia grew up with her parents and little brother, having a rather calm, and satisfying life. They weren't rich nor poor, but simply had what they needed. Unknowingly inheriting the werewolf gene, no living relative before her had triggered the curse. It wasn't until the day she was in a car accident, hitting someone by mistake while distracted by her brother, taking a life. The next full moon she was put through so much pain that she felt the urge to kill herself afterwards, to make sure she'd never go through it again, but thinking of her family, she didn't. Instead running away, she wanted to protect them from the monster inside of her, soon bumping into the previous leader of Mark's pack, a girl that she quickly became friends with. Joining the pack, she was devastated to see Mark soon take over it, not only because she lost her closest friend, but because she had also come to like the boy the few days he had been there. But given no other choice than to follow his lead, she silently obeys and kills if that is her task, even if she doesn't enjoy it. She is all too aware that 'kill or be killed' applies for all of them, and therefore won't object. Despite not always approving of Mark's methods, the pack is the closest to friends and family that she has. So arriving in Mystic Falls with all of them, she's adjusting more easily to the new surroundings than most others.
Will always protect her pack and put them first, even if they don't always get along.
Knows that there's something good in Mark, and would give it a try to get it out of him if she wasn't still a bit angry over him killing the previous Alpha.
Randomly starts talking to Zane, and finds herself enjoying his company.
Gets along surprisingly well with Sarah, seeing as she is in fact a vampire, but they seem to have a lot in common.
Friends with → Andrea Hall, Mark Jordan, Sarah Winston, Scott McCall, Zane Walker, Tyler Lockwood Possible love interests → Mark Jordan, Zane Walker
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cantfightfate-rp · 12 years
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→ Sarah Winston | 17 | Vampire | (Jane Levy) | Open
“I am being consumed by my desire for something. Something that is not good for me.”
Living with her mum, dad and two siblings her whole life, Sarah was never really one to cause anyone much trouble. Walking around in school, she simply did what she had to, being the normal, average student. It wasn’t until her mother suddenly left their family, taking off without further notice with someone they didn’t even know the name of, things came to change abruptly. Her family was hit hard by the news, her father even worse, but still managed not to fall apart completely. Sarah wasn’t as lucky as her siblings though, one day walking home late at night, being attacked and used as someone’s temporarily dinner. But for some reason being fed vampire blood and left to die, she was instead forced to become the very same thing - a monster. At first not aware of the changes, she came to discover her new bloodlust when accidentally feeding on her always so friendly neighbour, therefore completing the transition. Leaving her family behind in a desperate attempt to isolate herself and avoid hurting more people, she spends a year on trying to find out her new choice of life. Stumbling over Mystic Falls by coincidence, she soon finds herself actually feeling comfortable in this town, and because of it deciding to stay. Meeting Stefan, they get along real well, him helping her to deal with the new side of her more. She isn't too aware of all the problems this town are really facing though, and will most likely not come to like them when she finds out.
Quickly becomes friends with both Stefan and Caroline, them being very helpful when it comes to finding her self-control.
Likes being around Sam, and despite him being a hunter she hopes that it won't become a problem, standing in their way.
Doesn't know of werewolves or hybrids yet, but will find it very confusing and unrealistic, shocked by all the things that lives in this world that she had never known of.
Starts talking to West, and with his fascination for supernatural creatures, he actually manages to make her feel a bit more comfortable with what she is.
Friends with → Stefan Salvatore, Sam Winchester, Caroline Forbes, Bonnie Bennett, Elena Gilbert, Scott McCall, Amelia Wright Possible love interests → Sam Winchester, Scott McCall, West Samuels
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cantfightfate-rp · 12 years
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→ Lydia Martin | 18 | Human | (Holland Roden) | Open
“Nobody likes a loser.”
Dating the captain of the lacrosse team, Lydia had quite the status when living in Beacon Hills, more or less seen as the 'queen' in High School. Though despite the fact that she often might seem shallow and fashionable, she is actually more intelligent than most others, however usually hiding this behind a well-trained facade. She had the perfect life, and never really got the supernatural world explained to her. Instead, Lydia was simply thrown into it when the previous alpha bit her, having her end up at the hospital more confused than ever. But for some unknown reason she appeared to be immune to the bite, her life continuing as normal to everyone's great relief. If you can really call her life normal, that is. Not being told the exact reason as to why her friends were leaving, she was instead given the simple words that she "couldn't stay", and that she had to come with because it would be "good for her". Despite how boring Mystic Falls tends to sound like, she allows herself to be convinced, desperately wanting to get out of Beacon Hills and everything that comes with. Managing to convince her mum that she needs it, her parents seem to buy the lie, worried about their daughter. After recently starting to send her to a therapist yet seeing no progress, that probably helped convincing them even more. So residing with Allison's family, Lydia's a bit hesitant about being in town, perhaps fearing that the supernatural world will finally catch up with her.
Gets even closer to Allison when now living with her, actually being grateful for her support and encouraging words. However, finds her family a little odd, accidentally finding their stack of weapons and equipment.
Takes a slight interest in Matt, thinking that he is just like Jackson, but soon proves to be wrong.
Quickly bonds with Caroline, and gets along really well with her, however is very much unaware of her species.
Gets a strange vibe from Damon as he seems to want to get to know her, but isn't able to read it as the 'stay-away-from-him'-vibe.
Friends with → Allison Argent, Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall, Matt Donovan, Caroline Forbes, Jackson Whittemore, Gemma Fields  Possible love interests → Stiles Stilinski, Jackson Whittemore, Matt Donovan, Scott McCall
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cantfightfate-rp · 12 years
Amelia Wright
Sarah Winston
Lydia Martin
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cantfightfate-rp · 12 years
Gonna be good now, and do some work.
Aka, reopen some roles, send out warning messages about inactivity, etc... We've both been kinda busy lately, therefore the lack of updates on the main. But hey - it's summer, right?
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cantfightfate-rp · 12 years
Do you usually wait for more auditions before you deliberate?
We prefer to have more than one audition before accepting anyone. But right now I'd say it's really more about both mods being on at the same time.
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cantfightfate-rp · 12 years
Hi! I've a question. If I submit an audition sample for Kol, will he be available for play?
Hi! If you submit a sample and we like it, then I'm sure we can work something out and write up Kol for you, yes!
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cantfightfate-rp · 12 years
Don't forget the full moon tonight!
Tonight, it's time for the town's first full moon since the werewolves arrived. The moon will reach its peak, and pull the worst out of everyone who has inherited the curse or was somehow bitten. All werewolves will turn. Hybrids, however, will not have to turn, but can choose to stay human if they want to.
Plots during the full moon are up to the rpers, and can be held in chatzys, paras etc - whatever fits the purpose best.
The current werewolves are:
Derek Hale
Erica Reyes
West Samuels
Amelia Wright
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cantfightfate-rp · 12 years
Will you be accepting Daphne and Isaac anytime soon?
I believe we still have to discuss Daphne, but both have read her, and as for Isaac, we're waiting for the roleplayer to submit an IC writing sample since the one we have now is OOC.
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cantfightfate-rp · 12 years
Ksenia Solo?
We've already said yes to her, but right now, I don't think we'll be making more characters until we've got the canon roles filled. 
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cantfightfate-rp · 12 years
Did you guys not like any of the Klaus or Tyler auditions?
We didn't feel like they were what we were looking for, so we unfortunately came to deny them, yes.
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cantfightfate-rp · 12 years
Can I reserve Andrea Hall please? :)
Of course! You'll have 24 hours to get in your audition!
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