cape-clad-camper · 8 years
Hey Issac!
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Come dance with me!
Well, I’ll be on the dance floor with you, at least…~
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And do my own attempt at “dancing”. ♥
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cape-clad-camper · 8 years
Hey Issac!
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Come dance with me!
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cape-clad-camper · 8 years
-groggily sits up and reaches for his glasses-
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.... I don’t see anything Ser..
Something wrong?
Mm… Woke up a little too early… Oops.
-scratches back-
…. -scratches a bit more-
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Must’ve got too close to a plant or something.
…Just to be safe…
-pulls shirt over his head-
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Wish there was a mirror around here.
-goes to Nerd’s bunk and nudges him awake-
Hey, hey Devin? Could you see if there’s anything on my back?
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cape-clad-camper · 8 years
*Gasp!* Your eyes are so cool! Like a kitty cats! *Desi smiles with sparkly eyes*
Thank you! 
Mama says it makes me special!
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cape-clad-camper · 8 years
.... I’m Devin
And if you insult me again I’m going to kick you in the face ♥
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Thank you for not wearing it ‘for me’. I’d NEVER allow you to go out in public like that if I were the cause of it ~ 
I’m Adrian. ‘Queen’ is preferred U 3U 
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cape-clad-camper · 8 years
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Well I guess it’s good that I’m wearing it then and not you.
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I really like my cape, that’s why I wear it. I don’t wear it for you.
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cape-clad-camper · 8 years
That was a year ago! I’ve changed!
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Besides, I forget stuff sometimes. It happens, and… I’m.. .sorry?
#not sure how apologies work especially since i'm not in the wrong here! #i'm naturally forgetful didn't mean to be rude! #anyway let's just start over i feel like we got off on the wrong foot
Ok! 8D
 My name is Devin~ I’m in cabin 6
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cape-clad-camper · 8 years
haha! I’m just kidding! I remember you!
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I never forget people who were rude to me.
Wow, rUDe. 
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cape-clad-camper · 8 years
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.... ummm
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and you arrreee....?
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cape-clad-camper · 9 years
Saaay hope you don’t mind me asking buuuut
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How do you see with all that hair in your face?
HI! I'm Devin! I like your hat! 8)
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Hm? O-oh, uh, h-hi. I-I’m Ryan.
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Th-thank you, u-uh– I like your cape.I-it, u-um, l-looks very cool.
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cape-clad-camper · 9 years
(( Hey guys! I’m finally going to be active again on this blog! Sorry, my time was eaten up by work and the only drawing I could do was for the challenge. But now that it’s over I’ll be back for camp! ))
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cape-clad-camper · 9 years
"Can I have a bandaid?"
Of course! You may be a meanie, but everyone deserves bandaids!
-carefully applies-
annnnd there 8)
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you look great 
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cape-clad-camper · 9 years
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Okaaay. Now, this is as done as it’s gonna get. [Had to get a few more details in…]
Also, have a bonus Game Boy Version of the two nerds.
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cape-clad-camper · 9 years
-falls over at the force-
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cape-clad-camper · 9 years
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What the heck?????
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cape-clad-camper · 9 years
Which counselors have you met so far? Which do you want to meet?
Hmmm... well.. I’ve met
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As for other adults to meet, I haven’t really seen any? But sure, I’d be happy to meet anyone
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cape-clad-camper · 9 years
Nerd and Inky sittin in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G
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It wasn’t like thatDon’t be gross.
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