capes-and-cowls · 3 years
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·         Created just east of Faultline, this area is a reclaimed area after the quakes that ravaged Faultline.  The idea was to create a hybrid neighborhood of shopping and housing.  It has grown over the last two years, with some shops thriving, while others have faltered.
·         The area begins with Paragon Pizza. This was opened well before the quakes, but never seemed to be opened.  It seemed strange, but now with a new owner, who apparently is the niece of the original, she has made it a point to make it successful with the opening of Stonewood.
·         There is a small playground area next door, which Paragon Pizza shares with Grab-n-Go Grill, also locally referred to as Triple G.  The Romanesque inspired building provides excellent quick service food, provided you can get service.  There is some lovely outdoor seating directly in front of the store.
·         Rhapsody is a small, but delightful boutique for women. The shop seems to excel in Bohemian styles, making the name a terrible pun.
·         Stone Book prides itself on a high-quality assortment of books for you. The coffee is free, the seating is welcome, and the assortment of books is sadly, not in alphabetical order.
·         Sitting above Rhapsody and Stone Book are two loft apartments.  They provide a nice overlook of the city, which looks beautiful at sunset.
·         The next two shops are connected by their owner.  First is Quen Comic and Games. The man-child who owns these wanted to make sure there was a quality place to get the best in graphic novels, as well as a place for up-and-coming gamers to have a safe place to play anytime. Quen has been known to keep the shop open late, especially when the games are getting good.
·         Quen’s Arcade is a haven for the electronic mind.  With the purchase of a card, you can play as many games as you’d like per hour.  There is no telling how much he makes from the arcade, but it’s common knowledge that Quen uses that money to keep the comic book shop alive.
·         For men’s fashion, look no further than Blue Eyed Wolf.  This men’s shop deals with custom made looks, and has a very fast turnaround.
·         Arcania is the home for magic users.  This is the place to go for your magical needs.  They have issues with their neighbors, in light of their product.
·         Technique is the place for high tech toys.  They also have an issue with their neighbors at Arcania.
·         Above Arcania and Technique are two more condos. They are slightly larger than the lofts nearby, but still provide nice places to live and the overlook goes right onto the square from the balcony.
·         The Paragon is the home to both the Paragon Players Guild, a fine troupe of actors who perform a new show every month, and a young Improv group who gets to perform every Thursday night.  The improv group seems to change their name monthly, and are currently the Paragon Improv Superstars on Stage, which sadly is referred to as PISS.  Still, it beats being Stonewood Hottest Improv Troupe. They made it to the t-shirt stage on that one…
·         The center of the town features Eagle Bank, which helped fund the birth of Stonewood. Naturally it has taken the helm of the “centerpiece” of the square.
·         If you fancy a little something with an alcoholic kick, Stonewood features Tiki-La’s, a frozen drink place. Live acoustic music is played nightly, and if anyone asks why there would be tequila in the frozen drinks the bartender is usually quick to ask, “Look, you want the shot or not?”
·         If food trucks suit your fancy, check out Bandit.  Bandit was built in the back of a semi-truck, which is rumored to have been a part of a bet involving alcohol cross country (there is some question as to whether this is true).  What is true is the burgers are good, and the service is always friendly.  But since they only serve burgers, you will need to get a drink elsewhere (the staff recommends Tiki-La’s).
·         Behind Bandit is Janelle’s Sweet. This is a little candy store, which provides something that will make your heart melt.
·         The Range is proud to be named on of Paragon City’s finest high-profile restaurants. Seating is comfortable, the staff is excellent, and the menus have no pricing on it.  If you have to ask how much the steak is, you should go to Bandit. That said, Eagle Bank is always willing to give you a loan to eat here.  It’s on the menu!
·         Wasteland almost seems out of place in the middle of this growing square.  The punk rock bar provides live music whenever someone is in town, and provides enough noise to have actually caused structural damage.  But if you are looking for a place to rock, and a place to drink…and possibly throw a punch, then Wasteland is the place for you.
·         Stonewood Antiques recently shut its doors, and there is no timetable for it to reopen. The condo above it was recently purchased in cash by a Johnathan Doe, and his new bride, Janet. They took to completely refurbishing of the condo, and rumor has it they added their own little additions.
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capes-and-cowls · 3 years
Profile: Peregrine Falcon
Vital Statistics
Name: Ava Gentil
Nickname: Peregrine Falcon
Reasons for name: Name given to her by her Warrior     family
Age: 21
Sex: Female
Nationality: American
Disabilities (if any) None
Glasses/contact lenses wearer? No.
Physical Appearance
Height: 5’0”
Build: Athletic
Weight: 110lbs
Complexion: Fair
Color of hair: Blonde, with streaks of brown
Quality of hair: Shoulder length, thick.
Usual hairstyle: Let down, unless pulled into a battle     helm
Color of eyes: brown
Facial features: Longer nose, larger eyes, full lips
Distinguishing features: Wings
Scars/birthmarks (if any): Many scars from various     battles.  She has a lotion that she     uses to cover these.  From a distance,     nothing can be seen, close up, she’s definitely seen war.
General health: Excellent health
Style of dress: Usually dressed for combat. Even in casual     wear, it still has a combat feel to it.
Grooming: Well groomed.
Early Childhood
Birthplace: Paragon City, the Faultline district
Father occupation/attitude: Howard Gentil, Lawyer, aloof     in his parenting
Mother occupation/attitude: Amber Hurley-Gentil, Stay     at home Mother, strong bound with daughter
Siblings (if any): None
Relationships with family members: Distant from father,     learned everything from her mother, including magic.
Family feuds (if any): None
Financial situation: Family is well off. She is looking     to make it on her own.
Happiest memory: Spending time and learning magic from     her mother.
Childhood traumas: Lacked real friends in school as she     was “different” from everyone else. Never fit into the schools and     livestyle her father expected them to have.
Childhood event that still affects him/her: Her first     fight, leading to her learning her magic leanings.
Biographical Details
Education: Private school training, until she was homeschooled.
Occupation history: Worked at her father’s lawfirm     during the summer while in high school.
Personal Life
Past key relationships:
Marriages/divorces: None
Sexual orientation: Open
Why did relationships end? Her school relationships     ended after being bullied, and she was pulled out of the private school     for homeschooling instead.
Any recurrent themes
Past convictions (if any): None, kept her nose clean,     aside from a few fights from time to time.
Hobbies: Music, both listening to and playing. Loves     flying over the city to just experience the city.
Favorite food/drink: Salad, black cherry soda
Usual haunts: Spends time either in the forest, or at     Paragon Pizza.
Philosophy in life (carefree, cautious?): Everything is     possible with the right attitude.
Religion (if any): Mother is a witch, and she is     magical. Draw your own conclusions.
Present Situation
Marital status: Single
Quality of marriage/partnership: N/A
Issues in marriage/partnership (infidelities?): N/A
Occupation: College student, superhero
Is s/he happy in occupation? Very.
Relationship with work colleagues: Likes her colleagues,     and hopes that they like her as well.
Issues at work (if any): None so far.
Secret Life
Phobias: Afraid of being left alone, left out of     things.
What is the worst thing that could happen to her?  Being isolated, not being allowed to be     with her friends.
What is the best thing that could happen to     him/her? Acceptance
Addictive behavior: Bites her nails, possibly ADHD
Personal detail most ashamed of: Her nose is a little     longer than most. Was nicknamed “The Falcon” as a child.
What she mostly wants from life: Acceptance, and free     living.
Personal strengths: Magical attraction to fire and     radiates energy.
Personal weaknesses: Does not like going solo, not a     leader in any way.
Sexual transgressions: None to speak of yet, but she is     curious in experimenting with the right person, someone she trusts.
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capes-and-cowls · 3 years
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10 posts!
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capes-and-cowls · 3 years
The Hacker Finds Her Way
Naomi Dela Cruz clicked away on the keyboard.  The computer she was on was good, but not quite as good as the one in her apartment. Mind you, that one was now behind a lock along with an eviction notice.
Instead she typed away on the computer she had from Benjamin Montague.  He paced behind her.
“Cowboy, if you keep that pacing up, you’re going to wear a hole in that carpet,” she said, never once looking beyond the computer screen.
“You are taking your time getting things done, my little dancer,” he responded.
“I’m as tall as you, hardly a little dancer.”
“The way your fingers work the keyboards, I would say that you…”
Bethany Wright, better known as Silver Fox cleared her throat, looking at Benjamin.  He cracked his neck and sighed.
“I know things take time, in this case, as this is a sensitive subject, you can understand my desire to have this done quickly.”
Her fingers were delicate as they flew across the keyboard.
“Crey are smart, that last thing we need is for our information to wind up in their hands, while we’re trying to get their information in ours, Cowboy.”
She’d called him “Cowboy” since he appeared in her club.  It was a pet name she would give to her clients, so she didn’t have to call them by name.
Her eyes flashed on something, and she stopped.  She was in the system now, with her signal bouncing all around Paragon City.  By the time The Crey would be able to trace them, she’d already change their IP address.  But something caught her eye about this Crey warehouse.
“Faultline, just like you said,” she said, but she wasn’t looking at her nanotech project she had built, instead it was a name.
“Cowboy, have you ever heard of an Antonia Castilla?”
Benjamin stopped and looked at her.
“No,” he said rather matter of fact. “So, unless they are a guard, they don’t concern us.  Why?”
“Because she’s listed as an asset in this warehouse.”
“Well, now you have my attention,” he said as he leaned over her shoulder. “What can you tell me about her?”
“Massive cybernetic testing…blah blah blah ‘previous attempt to create Crey Cyborg unsuccessful’, well that sounds interesting, would hate to meet that guy in a dark alley.”
“So, she’s being held there?” His question was almost of an incredulous nature.
“She’s hyperbaric,” she looked back at him.  “She’s asleep, Cowboy.  Like they want to use her on missions, but first have to fuck up her brain, so she’ll do what they tell her to do.  Fuckin criminal.”
Benjamin nodded.  “Is she dangerous?”
Naomi continued typing, looking at the screen.  “Not in her current state,” she said. “They implant into her brain, and she could be a Hell of an assassin.” Another Crey move to exploit someone.  Not on her watch.
“We gotta break her out.”
Benjamin looked at her, and even Bethany looked up, and looked him dead in the eye.
“Absolutely not, our job is to get your tech out of there.”
She stopped typing and dropped one of their protective walls on the scan.
“Well, Cowboy,” she said flatly. “Her tech is my tech. So, if you don’t want to save her, I will. But then you don’t get my tech at all.  This way, Cowboy, you get the tech, and another soldier.”
“We have zero proof that would be the case, Benji,” Bethany was in full protection mode.
Naomi turned and looked at Benjamin, crossing her long legs in front of him.  He stood there, considering his move.  She reached over and turned off another protective wall.
“Ten seconds and The Crey knows you’ve been looking around,” she said softly, almost teasing him.  “Do you really want that to happen, Cowboy.”
He shrugged his shoulders. “I guess you win this round, little dancer.  Lead the way and tell me what needs to be done.”
Bethany stared daggers at him. Naomi had gotten her way, and this no doubt could be the beginning of many times she would do that to him.  First, there was the girl from the Club, and now the stripper was calling the shots.  He liked being around strong women, but this was becoming too much.
She made her way towards the kitchen.
“You’re leaving in a hurry,” he said.
“Someone has to get the car ready, Benji.  We’ll need something larger than the norm, since we’ll need not only something for the hardware, but also for the new software we’ll be bringing back with us. Oh, and before I forget…”
She flipped him off. He laughed as she did, while he sat on the corner of the desk, looking down at the hacker he brought home.
“I think she likes you,” he said.  “I know I certainly enjoy your company.”
“That so, Cowboy,” she asked, her cool blue eyes looking up to him, before she stood up.  “That’s too bad…because I’m here to get my tech back, and then I am out of here.  I have people to prove wrong, and I intend on doing just that.  You’re a means to an end, Cowboy.  Nothing personal, like all things, it’s just business.”
He looked at her, before slipping on a pair of sunglasses.  “Sometimes business can still be fun,” he said, his classic smirk returning. “Just consider your options, after we get your tech.”  He slipped past her, and she just rolled her eyes, and followed.
“Your computers suck, by the way,” she called to him.  “First chance I get, I’m swiping some Crey hardware.”
“Only fair, since they swiped yours” came his reply.
Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad afterall.  Just need to survive stealing from a major corporation’s warehouse, along with rescuing a woman on the verge of brainwashing.
She stopped at the thought of this.  She could be dancing right now. She could be studying. She could be doing anything, anywhere.
Why was this seeming like the most fun option?
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capes-and-cowls · 3 years
Meeting the Hacker
As the car pulled away from the limo, the driver, Bethany Wright, known to some as the elusive Silver Fox, had a quiet frown on her face. Her passenger was quick to notice.
“Would you like to tell me why you have decided that the bitch face is necessary?” Benjamin Montague, also known as Pyromeo asked.
“You left her alone in the mansion. She just stole a crazy orb that allows places to just disappear…and you left her at the mansion…alone.” Her voice was calm, questioning and firm.
Benjamin took a sip from his drink and relaxed in the back of the car.
“She’s not going to take anything. She understands who she’d be stealing from, and she knows a good thing when she sees it.”
“Do you mean you, or the offer?” Bethany looked at him in the rear-view mirror, an eyebrow cocked.
“I mean the offer,” he said quietly. “Besides, no time to think about that…”
“He says as we drive to a strip club.”
“It’s an adult establishment for dancers.”
“Who remove their clothes.”
“Who remove their clothes, yes.”
“Strip. Club.”
“You really are in full on bitch mode tonight. You upset that someone else might be snuggling up to me this evening?” Benjamin’s smile was charismatic, and charming. He was smooth.
“Not on your best day, and my worst.”
Bethany was consistently immune to his ways. She had seen it all before, and if she wanted some, she’d take it. Her father had taught her well. Even after his parents died, her father remained loyal to the Montague family. She had been trained to do the same. Always be ready to serve. Her mother taught her not to take any shit from the Montague Family.
Bethany could only cock a half-smile as she heard her boss laugh in the back seat. The Paragon Pony was St. Martial’s premiere adult entertainment club. The gaudy neon shined like the sun and reflected off the polished black metal of the car. The valet came to the door, only to come to a sudden stop as the driver door opened. She looked at him and he quickly backed away, his hands in the air.
The Paragon Pony had a lot of things going for it. Valet parking was not one of them.
She opened the back door of the car, allowing her charge to step out. He adjusted his jacket and nodded to her. She shut the door, before climbing back into the car, leaving him to enter the Gentleman’s club alone. The doorman merely nodded as he held the door open and Benjamin lifted his arms for the mandatory weapon’s search.
“We keep things safe around here, sir,” the security guard said. Benjamin laughed to himself. These guys were by the hour hacks and were clearly getting a cut of that “valet” service outside. If he needed to bring a gun in, he’d be able to do without trying. Still, the moment passed, and he walked into the main hall.
The pyramid building was a centerpiece of the city, and the large opening in the center featured multiple stages. The dancers were all in fine form, and there were numerous couches where non-featured dancers were talking up patrons and hoping to empty some wallets. Benjamin walked over to a black leather lounger, raising a hand to call over a waitress.
“Jameson, straight, and I’d like to see Naomi, please.” His words were quiet, and the waitress leaned in to show off her ample cleavage.
“Naomi ain’t nuthin, baby,” the waitress said. “I can show you a real good time that punker couldn’t. What’s she got that I don’t, hrm?”
“My attention,” he replied. He dropped a hundred-dollar bill between her mounds. “There’s no change necessary if you get me my drink, and the girl.”
The waitress stood up, grabbing the money, and turning in a huff. “Muthafucka think he was getting some change; I’d show him some change that bastard…” Her words trailed off as she left.
Five minutes later, as he looked at his Rolex, and leggy woman, quickly approaching 6 feet, with mocha skin, and green mohawk approached with his drink. She straddled him, placing his drink in his hand.
“Heard you were looking for me,” Naomi Dela Cruz said, her pale blue eyes a sharp contradiction to everything else about her. “You aren’t one of the regulars, cowboy. I would ask if you were lost, but you asked for me by name. Makes me wonder about you…makes me wonder really hard. You looking for a dance partner, cowboy?”
Benjamin took a sip of his whiskey. It was watered down, clearly not what he had ordered, and was probably a house brand, at best. He put it to the side and looked at the woman half-heartedly attempting to seduce him.
“Your name is Naomi Dela Cruz, and you’re a student at Paragon University,” he said flatly. He wasn’t telling her anything she didn’t already know, but the fact that he knew it made her pause. He continued.
“You major in nanotech studies, and minor in cybernetics. 4.0 grade point average, and you are a shoo-in to graduate at the top of your class…providing you can afford to continue your studies.”
She sat back on his knees, her eyes attempting to read him. Every word was true. Every. Word.
“Who the fuck are you,” she asked. “Are you a cop? You better not be one of those Crey assholes. Already had enough of those bastards.”
He raised his hand cooly.
“A Crey Tech came to you, asking about some equipment you were developing, while you presented at a science fair. You were on the verge of winning a huge scholarship when the building was attacked. In the confusion, your equipment suddenly went missing. Tell me when I’m wrong.”
She looked at him, silent. He nodded.
“When you told the police, they seemed to not care. The school informed you that without seeing your tech, they couldn’t award you anything. No scholarship. No tech. So, you started dancing here to keep the money coming in. You picked this place, because it was far enough from campus to not see a professor or fellow student recognize you.”
“And because the drunks here are easier to roll.” He smiled at her comment.
“I can’t imagine anyone getting drunk off this watered-down shit,” he responded.
She looked behind him at a bouncer, and began to move on his lap, her arms wrapped around his neck. “I gotta play like you’re gonna pay, or we are both in trouble. But keep talking. You know a lot, but I figure there’s more you aren’t saying.”
He nodded and started to move his hands to her hips. She quickly grabbed his forearms and lowered them to the arms of the chair. The bouncer recognized that she was enforcing the no-touch rule, just as Benjamin predicted.
“So, tell me, Cowboy,” she whispered in his ear. “Would you like to tell me what is so special about you knowing all this information about me, and my tech?”
She threw her head back, gyrating in an overexaggerated way.
“I know where they are hiding your tech,” he said. She stopped cold and looked him in the eye. Again, she could see he wasn’t lying.
“They haven’t broken your code, to figure out how to duplicate it. The word is coming in from the underground that Crey are looking for people to crack some new tech. Your tech.”
She started moving quietly on his lap again. “So? What makes you think I care about that?”
“Because you do, and you need my help getting it, and I need your help using it,” he said, his voice continuing to be calm.
“Why would I help you,” she asked.
“Because you have people who think you’re a liar. Because you’re better than wearing a g-string and gyrating for twenty bucks at a time. Because people like us don’t take the house. The house takes us. Unless, when that perfect hand comes along, you bet big, and then you take the house. I’m betting big on you.”
She cocked her head.
“You’re going to butcher a quote from Ocean’s Eleven, and think that’s going to sway me,” she asked matter of factly, starting to get out of his lap. He simply shrugged.
“Kind of hoped it would,” he replied. “Figured it was better than saying because tomorrow morning you’re not going to have enough to pay your bills and keep your schooling going. Figured it was better than saying that you were about to be homeless and heading towards six months to a year of being a stripper before having to start shooting movies to make ends meet. And during that time, your tech would get hacked, and become Crey property. So, which sounds better to you?”
She lowered herself back onto his lap.
“So,” she popped a crooked smile. “You’re looking to bet on me, then?”
He nodded.
“What do you need my tech for?”
He smiled. “Because if I want to run this city, I want to look good doing it. I want people to know that Benjamin Montague is Pyromeo, and he’s the man who slowed the Crey, and l want them to know not to mess with the people who are associated with me. Yourself included.”
He began to rise out of the chair, and she slipped off his lap. He pulled out his wallet, handing her a large number of bills.
“Tell your boss you’ve been hired for a private party,” he said. “There will be a limo waiting outside for you. It leaves in ten minutes. If you aren’t in it, I’ll assume you’d rather be grinding against paupers, instead of living in a mansion, and continuing your studies.”
He walked towards the exit. She looked over at his barely touched whiskey, and then the load of money in her hand. She had ten minutes to clear her locker, and get her life back on track.
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capes-and-cowls · 3 years
A Hero and a Pizza Place
Jenna Young looked at the address on letter. She had received it shortly after starting classes at Paragon University. It meant a lot to her to be going to school in the same city her parents had met. Now, after spending her time at uni in Sussex, she was living in the city that meant so much to her parents.
The letter was older, crumpled, and looked a mess. The letter said little, only that this address was now her property, and had been left to her as a gift from her father. Paragon Pizza and Sandwiches might have been something at one time, but it looked pretty run down now. Her uncle had been a hero in Paragon, known as Knight Bird. He knew at one point that he had worked in a coffee shop, as that was where his parents had met. Could this rundown pizza place be that coffee shop?
She looked at the letter. It didn’t say much.
“Paragon City is filled with wonder and excitement. Also, danger. It is not to be taken lightly, and everything you could need for your time here lies inside. Trust me, kiddo, you’re going to do great things.”
She took the key that was with the letter. It slid easily into the metal door of the pizza shop, and turned with ease. The small building appeared slightly larger than she expected. Still, it was not the biggest building she had ever seen. A few tables, a pizza oven, some old video games, a large freezer, a microwave, cash register, a walk-in freezer, a couple of pay phones…
She stopped. Why was there a large freezer and a walk-in freezer? She checked the power to the large freezer, and it was connected.  She opened it. For a place that looked so run down, the freezer was nicely stacked with plenty of pizza products. So…why the large walk-in?
She approached the door and pulled the handle. No movement, magnetic lock. Odd. She looked to the right and noticed a handprint area. Awful bit of security for a pizza place.
“No…this can’t be,” she said. She placed her hand on the print. It glowed green.
“Authorized,” came a voice, and the door popped open. An excited grin appeared on Jenna’s face.
“Everything I could need for my time here,” she said. “Thank you Uncle Steven.”
She pulled open the door and stepped inside to find a larger metal room, broken up with computers, monitor equipment, teleport, hospital, and more.
Jenna Young looked at the new equipment in front of her, and the pizza place behind her. Hide in plain sight. She couldn’t wait to explore, and begin her life as Knight Byrd.
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capes-and-cowls · 3 years
Pyromeo’s Return
“It’s been just over 11 years since the events of the ‘Faultline Burn’, when Benjamin ‘Ben’ Montague exploded in a fit of rage the triggered his mutant power. The explosion took the lives of dozens including Montague’s parents was seen as a triggering mechanism for the need for better policing of mutants in Paragon City. However, as Benjamin was a minor at the time, and a mutant who had not been properly trained in his powers, he was only sentenced to 30 years in prison. Now, after spending a decade in the Zig, Paragon City’s super structure, Benjamin sees today as his first day as a free man.
“The Zig’s psychologist has indicated that Montague has shown great remorse and a desire to show the world the good he can do. In a message to the parole board, she indicated that Montague, quote, ‘Has seen the error of his ways, and should be allowed a second chance at the life he was destined to live. He is no danger to anyone and will only become a beacon for the community.’  Some question the words of Dr. Emily Dawes, as Montague’s family were known in darker circles as a criminal underboss in the Faultline and Skyway territories. However, at Dr. Dawes’ request, Benjamin Montague is being released, his remainder of his sentence being erased.
“We stand outside the Zig, waiting for his exit. There are protestors, some family members of the deceased, and a disturbing number of young women trying to catch a glimpse of the man known as Pyromeo, as the defense indicated that his fiery outburst was that of rejection from a spurred lover.
“We hope to have more for you as we await the release of Benjamin Montague in just a few moments. Until then, it’s back to you in the Skybox. I’m Shelby Martin, Skybox News One.”
Benjamin sat in his cell; his orange jumpsuit only accented by the black collar around his neck. A tool to suppress his mutant powers. While on the inside, he had learned to control them, but the collar was put in place after a few incidents where his rage had taken issue. A smirk on his lips as he held Dr. Dawes’ head while she completed her morning job. The doctor, like so many others, had taken to the young man’s charm and attractiveness. As she accepted his seed in her mouth, as she had many, many times before, he released her, and stood, adjusting his fly, and walking to the mirror.
“A little going away present for you,” Dr. Dawes said cheekily.
“Going to miss these visits, Doc,” he said, checking his hair in the mirror.
“We don’t have to stop seeing each other, I could visit whenever you wanted,” she said.
Ben shook his head. “How will it look, when the doctor who said I should be freed was seen in public with me?”  He gave a tsk at the Doctor. She was older, mid-thirties, blonde hair, sky blue eyes. She was smart, well-spoken, and easily manipulated.
“But,” she said. “I would do anything you asked, whenever you wanted me to.”
Ben adjusted his collar around the piece affixed to neck. He looked forward to it being removed before he left. “Whenever I wanted you to,” he questioned. “Who said I wanted you to?”
She shot up towards him, her nails going for his face. He was too strong for that and held her by her wrists. She’d felt him do that before, but this time, no pleasure was in it for her. “You piece of shit! Without me, you’d be stuck in this cell for another twenty years! What’s stopping me from going to the board, and telling them what you’ve done?”
Ben pushed her off and took his middle finger and thumb pressing down his eyebrows.
“Your love for your job.”
His words were cold, and she sat on his bed, a look of fear in his eyes.
“You tell them that you’ve changed your mind, or worse, that I seduced you into regular morning blowjobs, while you disabled the cameras in my cell, all so that you could get me out of here early, and you become ‘Doctor Blowjob’, criminal whore. This is one instance where you are going to keep your mouth shut, and I am not going to tell a soul what you did, or how often you did it.”
He turned away from her.
“And I definitely won’t mention that you’ve been doing it since I was 16, and a minor.”
Her mind went numb. She’d fallen for the easiest trip. Young, scared and confused boy, looking at her with those eyes.  Those fucking eyes. It went from comforting him, and child in a maximum-security cell, to teaching him how to please her, to him finding out about her love of fellatio. In her mind he was a harmless boy. She could not believe how foolish she felt. He turned toward her and blew her a kiss.
“You really gave the term ‘doctor-patient privilege’ a whole new meaning, Doc,” he said as he walked out of his cell. “I’ll be sure to look up your sister while I’m out. Never enjoyed twins before.”
He walked down the corridor, flanked by security. Heavy steel doors were banged on as he passed. The inmates were impressed by Pyromeo. They figured he’d snap and hang himself in prison. Instead, he had done a dime, and was walking out not only a free man, but a celebrity. The collar removed off his neck, a new suit waiting for him, and the larger world beyond those doors.
A blue Corvette roared to a stop in front of the long bridge that signified the entrance to the Zig, as its massive doors opened. Benjamin stepped out, feeling the sun on his face, he walked confidently towards the car. A few of the protestors began yelling loudly, but were drowned out by the young women screaming, and attempting to get a look at their Pyromeo.
A Welsh woman stepped out from the car, and walked around, opening the door for him.
“You must be Bethany,” he said, seeing the woman for the first time.
“And you must be the sniveling prick who pays so well from behind a prison wall,” she retorted. He could only laugh. It was amazing the things he was able to learn while in jail. He made connections, found who was able to assist him, and he became a made man while behind the concrete walls. It was a connection on the inside that introduced him to Silver Foxx, the name given to Bethany Wright upon coming to the States to take up her family’s criminal path. She had been hired by Montague while on the inside to gets his affairs in order. It had taken a year of planning, but now it was coming together nicely.
“Is my house ready,” he asked as he slipped into the Corvette. He cockily waved his hand toward the protestors, his smile ever present just to troll them. The mob of women who wanted to see “the young lover” were even louder at this point, many pushing the protestors out of the way with signs reading “I’m your Juliet” and “Free Love” along with a couple of “marry me” signs.  Bethany walked around the car and got into the driver’s seat.
“House Montague is all set up, sir,” she said with a perturbed look on her face.
“Ben, or Benjamin,” he responded. “I’m not about that ‘sir’ shit. Just because I’m paying you doesn’t mean you work for me. You work with me, and you can leave whenever you’d like. I just think you’re not going to want to go, after all I have planned.
The engine roared to life as they sped away from the towering concrete structure. “Where to, first, Benny boy?” Oh, she was going to love poking at him. She was his hired muscle. If he was strong enough to stop her, he wouldn’t need her. So she knew what she could get away with.
Ben unfastened his seat belt and adjusted himself in his chair.
“Talos,” he said. “There’s a dance club there. If my hunch is right, there’s a leggy punker who is dying to be met by me.”
0 notes
capes-and-cowls · 3 years
Profile: Scrapbuster Sparrow
Vital Statistics
Name: Olivia Duncan
Nickname: Scrapbuster Sparrow
Reasons for name: Hero Callsign given by MATTER
Age:  21
Sex: Female
Nationality: American
Disabilities (if any) None
Glasses/contact lenses wearer? No.
Physical Appearance
Height: 5’3"
Build: Average
Weight: 115lbs
Complexion: Clear
Color of hair: Red/Purple mix
Quality of hair: Thick
Usual hairstyle: Cut short, professional
Color of eyes: Green
Facial features: Sharp features
Distinguishing features: Young looking, attractive, but     always a serious look
Scars/birthmarks (if any) None seen.
General health: Excellent health
Style of dress: Professional, always
Grooming: Well groomed
Early Childhood
Birthplace: King’s Row, Peregrine Island
Father’s parenting style/occupation/attitude: Sgt.     Michael Duncan, Retired PIPD
Mother’s parenting style/occupation/attitude: Helen     Tyler Duncan, Teacher
If no parents, why?
Siblings (if any): None
Relationships with family members: Due to nature of MATTER,     is unable to see her family.
Family feuds (if any): None
Financial situation: Grew up in a middle income family.
Happiest memory: Graduating Academy with honors
Childhood traumas: None
Childhood even that still affects him/her: Being selected     to join MATTER, plucked out of her class.
Biographical Details
Education: Private school trained through MATTER, has a     degree in criminology through MATTER
Occupation history: Raised by MATTER after the age of     10, and an employee since that time.
Successes/achievements: Graduated honors from Academy,     only winner of triple bullseye award in archery
Failures: None on record.
Obstacles in life (a disability or family commitments):     Constantly striving to become the alpha of MATTER
Special skills (if any): Special training through     MATTER, and excels with the use of archery in combat.
Personal Life
Past key relationships: Spent her entire life within     the MATTER frame.  Had not had a     relationship outside of the organization.
Marriages/divorces None
Sexual orientation: Straight
Why did relationships end? No relationships at this     time.
Any recurrent themes
Past convictions (if any): None
Hobbies: Archery, strategy  training
Favorite food/drink: Pizza, no pineapple, that’s     weird.  Loves a Hanks Genuine Black     Cherry Soda
Usual haunts: Can usually be found at the barracks for     MATTER
Philosophy in life (carefree, cautious?): Business is     business.  Life comes after.
Religion (if any): Raised Christian, until MATTER     training began.
Present Situation
Marital status: Single
Quality of marriage/partnership: N/A
Issues in marriage/partnership (infidelities?): N/A
Occupation: Operative, and strategist for MATTER
Is s/he happy in occupation? If not, why? Been with the     organization since he was 10 years old, this is all she knows.
Relationship with work colleagues: Scrapbusters are     family.  You live and die based on     their moves and mistakes.  So     mistakes are out of the question.
Issues at work (if any): Seen as both a strong soldier.
Secret Life
Phobias: Claustrophobic
What is the worst thing that could happen to him/her?     Failure at her job
What is the best thing that could happen to him/her? Being     seen as the alpha of MATTER.
Addictive behavior: Headstrong.
Personal detail most ashamed of: 21 years old, never     been kissed.
What s/he mostly wants from life: Acceptance and     approval
Personal strengths Strong leader, limitless potential
Personal weaknesses: Blind follower of the keys within     MATTER
Sexual transgressions: None yet.
0 notes
capes-and-cowls · 4 years
PROFILE: Scrapbuster Ace
Profile: Scrapbuster Ace
Vital Statistics
Name: Thomas Steven Avery
Nickname: Scrapbuster Ace
Reasons for name: Hero Callsign given by MATTER
Age:  29
Sex Male
Nationality: American
Disabilities (if any) None
Glasses/contact lenses wearer? No.
Physical Appearance
Height: 6'2"
Build: Well built
Weight: 215lbs
Complexion: Clear
Color of hair: Brown
Quality of hair: Thick
Usual hairstyle: Cut short, professional
Color of eyes: Dark Green
Facial features: Cleancut
Distinguishing features: Skull tattoos from a previous     assignment.  Handsome features, but     otherwise nondescript.
Scars/birthmarks (if any) Back is scarred from barbwire     issue as a youth. Arms also show scarring from fighting.
General health: Excellent health
Style of dress: Depending on assignment, but tends to     be more fashionable.
Grooming: Well groomed
Early Childhood
Birthplace: Detroit, Michigan
Father’s parenting style/occupation/attitude: Officer     James Avery, Deceased
Mother’s parenting style/occupation/attitude: Kelly     Avery, Stay at home mom
If no parents, why?
Siblings (if any): None
Relationships with family members: Due to nature of     MATTER, is unable to see his family.
Family feuds (if any): None
Financial situation: Grew up in a middle income family.
Happiest memory: Going to the movies with his cousins
Childhood traumas: None
Childhood even that still affects him/her: Being     selected to join MATTER, plucked out of his class.
Biographical Details
Education: Private school trained through MATTER, has a     degree in criminology through MATTER
Occupation history: Raised by MATTER after the age of     10, and an employee since that time.
Successes/achievements: Trained Scrapbuster Sapphire,     teams often with Allyson Stanhope as she watches over him through his     undercover work.  Field leader of     MATTER.
Failures: Broke away from an undercover assignment to     rescue his partner Allyson Stanhope in her first undercover mission.  Defeated by members of the Family and     Carnies, who then kidnapped his girlfriend/charge.
Obstacles in life (a disability or family commitments):     Professionalism that seems to contradict with his own emotions.
Special skills (if any): Special training through     MATTER, and excels with the use of claws in combat strategies.
Personal Life
Past key relationships: Had a one week affair with     co-worker Allyson Stanhope, which did not end well.
Marriages/divorces None
Sexual orientation: Straight
Why did relationships end? Relationship ended due to it     being purely physical.
Any recurrent themes
Past convictions (if any): None
Hobbies: Working out
Favorite food/drink: Chicken wings, if he's drinking,     it's whiskey.
Usual haunts: The Indy, a local dive bar in     Independence Port
Philosophy in life (carefree, cautious?):  Work-life balance
Religion (if any): Raised Christian, until MATTER     training began.
Present Situation
Marital status: Single, but devoted and dating Catarina     Davis
Quality of marriage/partnership: Strong
Issues in marriage/partnership (infidelities?): Cat     Davis is the daughter of a high profile Family Boss.
Occupation: Undercover operative, and field leader for     MATTER
Is s/he happy in occupation? If not, why? Has been with     this organization since he was 10 years old, this is all he knows.  New information has made him question     the leadership, but not the ideas of the group.
Relationship with work colleagues: Sees Scrapbuster     Sapphire as his younger sister, and loves Wynter as a friend.  Previously saw his Commander Roger     Stevens as a father figure, but new information has caused his thoughts to     change.
Issues at work (if any): Seen as both a strong leader,     and a bit of a legend for his work.
Secret Life
Phobias: Concerns with magic, as he has no defense     against psionics
What is the worst thing that could happen to him/her? Failure
What is the best thing that could happen to     him/her? Continuing to be a strong leader for MATTER, as well as     continuing his relationship with Cat Davis.
Addictive behavior: None
Personal detail most ashamed of: Leaving her family     behind, especially after learning some of the leadership issues within     MATTER.
What s/he mostly wants from life Balance and control
Personal strengths Strong leader, limitless potential
Personal weaknesses: Blind follower of the keys within     MATTER
Sexual transgressions Flirty, fun.
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capes-and-cowls · 5 years
2am, Wynter
Wynter slid out of bed, and walked quietly to a small bag in her apartment.
It wasn't really an apartment, though.  She had previously had an apartment.  This was something different.  This was a tent.  A tent, or perhaps an old makeup car.  There was magic about in this place.  The whole place felt so much bigger than it could absolutely be.  Still, in her mind, it was a one bedroom flat, with a kitchen, a bathroom, a bedroom and an office area.  She grabbed the bag, and placed it quietly on the desk.  She opened it up, and slid out her laptop, firing it up.
It had been almost two weeks since the incident.  She had opened her door, and saw Skyy standing there.  They had a series of passionate moments, but then, well, then, the moment when she realized her lover was working with a man she'd known as both an ally and then an enemy.
She couldn't help herself, as she rubbed the spot on her chest where he had branded her.  The pain was long gone, but the memory was still there, she couldn't help that.  This was just something there for her.  Sort of like what she was about to do.
She opened up a program on the computer, and began to write.  It was built in her training.  Have a day, log the day, it was standard MATTER training, and some things never changed.  And unlike the old MATTER debriefings, the logs allowed the agents to write freely.
"Two in the morning. I still have the nightmare.  I can't tell Skyy about it, but I know she knows. They all know.  I don't feel the pain anymore, the memory is just a memory, but I still have the nightmare.
I'm frozen in time, unable to move.  He walks up, a man I used to call an ally.  He rips open my outfit, callously.  He grabs my chest, and he burns his brand into me.  Then, he ruthlessly shoves a Carnival Mask on my face.  I go from struggling to no movement at all.  I am a blank slate.
Funny thing...now when I see the dream, it isn't Connor who burns me.  It isn't Connor who puts me in my place.  It isn't Connor who locks me in a state, and causes me to become a blank slate.  It's Tommy.
Thomas Avery, that bastard. He could have loved me, but chose not to.  He could have protected me from guys like Connor, just like he did all those times before.  But no. No, instead, he was off playing footsie with that Family Princess Bitch, because of her big tits and blonde hair.
And left me to die.
I still don't want to be around Connor anymore, though.  Connor's brand still itches from where he put it on me, but I wear it because it is a part of me. Vanessa and Skyy both say they can use their magic to remove it.  But I keep it because I know it defines who I am now.
Weird that I wrote Vanessa's name before Skyy's.  I love Skyy, she's my other half.  She's Mine.
Vanessa is a crush, I know it.  But it's one that not only Skyy but also Vanessa seem to be encouraging.  Even Cody, that beefcake guy who Vanessa has on a leash seems to be encouraging me.  I bet Vanessa has a good time with him...
Shit, and now I feel a little jealous of Cody.
What is wrong with me?
Change of subject. While Skyy has been dealing with Connor and whatever his plan has been, I've taken to wearing the mask...their mask...my mask?  I do see myself as stronger when I am behind it, and my strength is growing day by day. I'm probably more powerful than any member of MATTER, and that includes people who aren't here anymore...like Connor.
Something strange happened the other day.  I was patrolling.  Vanessa said it was smart to do, to really stretch myself, and see I was capable of doing good for the city.  That my place was to be beneath her...
Shit I could a drink.
My place was to serve her...
Well, that doesn't sound much better either, does it?
To be one of her soldiers, protecting the city, protecting the Carnival.
So, I did.  I went out into the streets.  Something, a voice, Vanessa?  I don't know, but something led me to a group on Peregrine Island.  They were good people, no one questioned my appearance, and while beating up Council, we actually had time to loosen up and laugh.  But then...then something happened.  It was a large group of Council.  Maybe enough for two mobs.  Big crowd. And they were coming at us hard. I didn't panic, but something inside me saw these men, and I wanted to hurt them.  A darkness opened in me that I was not prepared for.
I've always been proud of my mutant power, even when it got me kicked out of my home.  I am who I am, and that is good enough for me.
But this?  This scared me.  When 8 people are charging your group, and you want them to stop, and your mind opens up to the darkness....and tendrils appear and engulf every one of them?
I honestly didn't even know where this came from.  Was this Carnival magic?  Was this something I had just been able to do, and had just never bothered?
I don't know where this came from, and it scares me.  I know I'm going to have to show Skyy, Vanessa likes us going out together on missions, and I admit I enjoy it too, even if Skyy stays behind me where I can't stare at her ass...
But she's going to see what I can do.  And I don't know how she's going to feel about it.  She hasn't spoken about me still having the nightmares, maybe she already knows about this, and just hasn't said anything.
We'll find out, soon enough.   I can already tell that we have some more time on the streets together.  And I'm looking forward to it.
I can hear her in the next room, mumbling.  Better get back to her.  If she notices I'm gone, she'll know I've woken up.  I don't want her to worry.  She means too much to me."
Wynter closed the computer, and slid it back into her bag.  She walked on bare feet back into her bedroom, and slid back into bed, curling her Skyy in her arms.  The nightmares may still be there, but the warmth of her Skyy would fix everything.
0 notes
capes-and-cowls · 5 years
Profile: Wynter
Vital Statistics
Name: Allyson Stanhope
Nickname: Wynter
Reasons for name: Hero Callsign given by MATTER
Age:  25
Sex Female
Nationality Canadian
Disabilities (if any) None
Glasses/contact lenses wearer? Glasses for computer and     reading
Physical Appearance
Height: 5'0"
Build: Average
Weight: 110lbs
Complexion: Clear
Color of hair: White, sometimes dyed red
Quality of hair: Fine
Usual hairstyle: Cute short, pulled back, and spikey
Color of eyes: pale blue
Facial features: Clean, eyes flow white with frost when combative
Distinguishing features Full tattoo on her back, and down her arms of an oriental nature.  A kiss tattoo on her right chest reads "Mine"
Scars/birthmarks (if any) Left breast has a burned in brand of the Greek letter Omega.
General health: Excellent health
Style of dress: Flashy and revealing
Grooming: Well groomed
Early Childhood
Birthplace: Calgary, Canada
Father’s parenting style/occupation/attitude: Minister Michael Stanhope, deceased
Mother’s parenting style/occupation/attitude: Wendy Stanhope, widow
If no parents, why?
Siblings (if any): None
Relationships with family members: Not on speaking terms with the family, after recruitment into MATTER
Family feuds (if any): None
Financial situation: Grew up in a middle income family.
Happiest memory: Skating on the frozen lakes of Calgary
Childhood traumas: None
Childhood even that still affects him/her: Her first kisses, the brother and sister neighbors before her mutant power manifested
Biographical Details
Education: Private school trained, has a degree in criminology through MATTER
Occupation history: Raised by MATTER after the age of 10, and an employee since that time.
Successes/achievements: Been the partner of Thomas  Avery inside many MATTER operations, assisted in training Scrapbuster Sapphire
Failures: Cover blown on first undercover mission, still seen as her biggest failure.
Obstacles in life (a disability or family commitments): Constantly intimidated and infatuated with people in a higher power than her own.
Special skills (if any): Mutant, blessed with a  regenerative body and the ability to manipulate ice.
Personal Life
Past key relationships: First kisses were the brother and sister neighbors she had in Canada  Had a brief relationship in Academy with a boy named Rory (who would later become the villain Pyromeo)  Had a one week affair with co-worker Thomas Avery, which did not end well.  
Marriages/divorces None
Sexual orientation: Bisexual
Why did relationships end? Lack of personal self strength
Any recurrent themes
Past convictions (if any): None
Hobbies: Reading
Favorite food/drink: Love of alcohol, pizza
Usual haunts: The Indy, a local dive bar in Independence Port
Philosophy in life (carefree, cautious?)
Religion (if any): Grew up Christian, but after mutation, and sexual orientation came about, left it behind.
Present Situation
Marital status: Single, but committed to Skyy, but there is a physical and mental connection with Vanessa DeVore that Skyy  openly welcomes
Quality of marriage/partnership: Strong, she would do anything for Skyy
Issues in marriage/partnership (infidelities?): Skyy is a member of the Carnival of Shadows, something she wants Wynter to join.
Occupation: Watcher for Thomas Avery
Is s/he happy in occupation? If not, why? She wants more, she wants to be in the field
Relationship with work colleagues: Linked to Thomas Avery, and likes many of her co-workers.
Issues at work (if any): Known for her failure, and that seems to follow her around.
Secret Life
Phobias: Fear of being alone
What is the worst thing that could happen to him/her? Having Skyy leave her, or worse, lead her towards Connor
What is the best thing that could happen to him/her?  Being able to live her life with her girlfriend Skyy
Addictive behavior: Alcoholic tendencies
Personal detail most ashamed of: Her failure with the Yakuza haunts her to this day.
What s/he would most like to change about them self.  Why?  To be stronger about herself.
What s/he mostly wants from life Love and Happiness
Personal strengths Compassion, a strong leader, limitless potential
Personal weaknesses: No self assurance
Sexual transgressions Flirty, fun, but when attracted to someone becomes meek and a little unsure.
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capes-and-cowls · 5 years
The Academy 2006
Thomas Shawn Avery pushed himself through the obstacle course, the hard rain coming down.  He was a boy, merely 14, and was pushing himself harder than many of the older senior men and women.  He dove beneath a batch of the hard barbwire.  Would it cut him open?  Most definitely, but he kept going.
From the viewing tower, Roger Stevens stood next to his top agent, Connor.
“He has heart, he would be an excellent Patrioteen.  We could make him a bigger star, and a real poster boy for the organization.”  Stevens’ hated the idea of losing the mantle himself, but that was a long time ago.  He had adopted a position in the ranks of MATTER, but the mantle must continue on.  Connor was less likely to think the same way.
“This kid is soft.  He’s doing this to impress.  When the going were to get really tough, he’s going to crumble,” Connor scoffed.  He was only 22, and had already seen enough action to know see talent.  It was there in the kid, but how much?
“You could raise this kid into a position, yes,” he reasoned.  “But the first time he has a crack in his armor, so does the mantle of Patrioteen.  You were unblemished, Roger, you set the bar.  But even you took the helm at 16, this kid is two years younger, and nowhere near the kind of level you were.  No, let one of the seniors take your place, maybe bring this kid up.”
Roger shook his head.  “No,” he stated, firmly.  “This is the one I want.  He’s smart, he’s talented, and he could bring the name to a whole other level. Right now, he’s perfect for the position.”
Connor looked at Roger, drew his gun, and fired a shot at the young man on the training course.  The others on the course took a moment to scatter, as the bullet flew through the air, and split through the muscle of the young man’s forearm, and came out the other side.  Connor as cooly as he exhaled, lowered the gun into his holster.
“Your pick is damaged goods.  He’s a broken Thomas.”  His words were cold, flat.  Once again, he had a mission and a vision, nothing would change that. It’s what made him a good soldier.  “Pick one of the seniors, or a junior for all I care.  Just pick someone.”  He turned and walked off.  Roger looked at the young man on the ground, his arm bleeding as he lay beneath the 20 yards of barbwire.  The med crew would port him for recovery.
Or they would if he was officially defeated.  Instead, he began to stir, he began to move forward.  His right arm would need care, but Roger watched him.  He dug his feet into the mud, and lunged forward.  His good arm clutching at whatever was in front of him, to keep moving forward.  After a few minutes, a trail of blood following him, he rolled out from under the wire.  He grabbed his shirt, tattered from the wire and the few times he raised up higher than he should.  He tore a strip from it, and wrapped it around his arm.  When he pulled it tight, it was easy to tell the tear drops from the rain drops.  His knees buckled a bit, and he proceeded to the next obstacle.  The rope swing.
Others had long gotten past him, and one man stood at the end, clapping for him, cheering him on.  A junior, just a couple of years older, but showed the same determination and drive.  And here he was cheering his younger counterpart on.
Thomas jumped up onto the rope, grabbing as well as he could.  He swung as hard as he could, but his right arm completely gave way, and he fell off the rope.  He fell hard to the ground, his body bouncing in an unfortunate way. Roger slowly shook his head.  The meds rushed over to the now unconscious boy.  He looked to a man standing behind him.
“Davis will be our next Patrioteen,” Roger said quietly.  “Avery will be reassigned to undercover, with Connor.  Perhaps this way, Connor will learn what this young man can do.”
In the shadows, Connor gave a curt smile.  Avery would be moved to his division, just like he wanted.  The kid was a natural talent, and wouldn’t give up until he couldn’t go any more.  That’s what he wanted to get into the minds of the Skulls, the Hellions, and more.  Thomas Avery was his Alpha…he was the Ace he was looking for, and was young enough to be molded properly.  The bullet holes would heal, and he knew he wouldn’t have hit the muscle.  It was too clean a shot.
Yes, MATTER would have his undercover division, and they would fix the problems that came up, and create the proper balance needed.
0 notes
capes-and-cowls · 5 years
Flashback 2002
"Can someone tell me about the first Metahuman?”
The teacher looked around the room, and one hand shot up in the middle of a sea of hands.  It was a ten year old boy, fresh faced, hair cut in a short spike.  The teacher, Ms Johnson smiled.  “Yes, Thomas?”
“The first known Meta was Blitzkrieg, a German tanker, known for incredible strength.  When the German forces discovered his abilities, they proceeded a march through Europe, taking many countries, and ultimately started the second world war.”
Thomas Avery had always been fascinated by Metahuman activities.  When his school suddenly had a Metahuman studies class appear, his parents quickly made sure he was enrolled.
Ms Johnson smiled at him.  “That is correct.  Now, who was the first American born Metahuman, according to record?”
This was an easy answer.  The room of students were suddenly a flurry of hands in the air.   Ms Johnson waved everyone’s hands down, and again allowed young Mr. Avery the chance to answer.
“Roger Stevens, the original Patrioteen!”  Thomas Avery beamed with joy.
“During the atom bomb testing in Roswell, he and his friend were camping near the site for a Scout Badge, having no idea of what would happen.  When the bomb went off, the radiation destroyed everything in the area, except Roger Stevens.  He came out of the blast, was given the classic shield and title of Patrioteen, All-American Boy!”
The original Patrioteen had been long retired by this point, as he had been first appeared 61 years beforehand.  After him there were a couple of decades of new Patrioteens, until the 1970s, when suddenly it was not cool to be patriotic.
But now, in 2002, the nation was still being rocked from a new wave of patriotism after attacks on New York.  Paragon City was not unlike the other cities of the country, and wanted to see the country get back on top.  And Patrioteen’s name was suddenly bantered around again.
There was even talk about a new reality series that would take young teen men, and put them against each other in honorable games, to see who could be the next Patrioteen.  Thomas Avery had never hidden his appreciation for the hero, and thought that with enough dedication, even he could hold the shield of justice.
“That is also correct, Mr. Avery.”  Ms Johnson had a good eye for smart, young talent.  She could see there was potential in young Thomas Avery.
“Since Mr. Avery, and the rest of you seem so energetic about Metahumans, let’s take a little quiz, and see who really knows their stuff!”  Ms Johnson always put so much energy in her classes, as she passed out quiz sheets, the kids began immediately getting to work on them.  This wasn’t busy work, or the sort of thing that most students rolled their eyes at.  No, in fact it was as if Ms Johnson had a way of getting her entire class to do whatever she told them.
This was her power, and why she was such an excellent teacher.  When MATTER, the Metahuman Advance Tactical Training and Emergency Rescue was first formed, they were built to be like any other government organization.  It wasn’t until a few years later that they became more of an undercover organization, still working for the government, but realizing that to truly get what they needed out of their recruits, they needed to get them younger and younger.  Cadets were usually pulled out classes like Ms Johnson’s and others. She was a recruiter, and in times like these, it was important to find the brightest young faces.  Faces like Thomas Avery.
Thomas was born to a fine family, his father an advertiser who started in sales, and his mother a former actress.  The two had met while putting together an ad campaign, fallen in love rather quickly, and got married, shortly before Thomas was born.  The first baby sometimes does not wait until the 9th month of marriage, Thomas’ grandmother used to say.
Thomas was talented at sports, but enjoyed the time of reading and studying. He enjoyed games like chess, because it forced him to think moves ahead of his opponent.  Ms Johnson considered that these things would be the sort of thing that would be required of him, should he be selected.
Young Thomas Avery finished his test first, and proceeded to double-check everything.  He knew all the answers of course, this was his favorite class, and Ms Johnson was his favorite teacher.  He always knew she would have a lovely smile for him, her long blonde hair cascading off her shoulders, and blue eyes shining in the sunlight.  It might be fair to say that young Mr. Avery might have had a crush on her, but she never acknowledged it, and would just smile at him when he lingered at her desk longer than necessary.
Once Thomas determined that he had gotten yet another 100 on his quiz, he raised his hand, as if to ask if he could bring it to her desk.  She smiled, and nodded, and he walked towards the front.  A couple of the kids would snicker or groan at him as he did so.  He was a bit of a boy scout, both figuratively and literally.  He brought his quiz to the front, and handed it to her.  She smiled at him.
“Is it another 100, Mr. Avery?” She asked.
“I think so,” he said, his voice squeaking just a bit.  
She nodded knowingly.  “You think so?”
Thomas shrugged his shoulders.  “Okay, so I kind of know so.  Nice trick question on number 15, by the way.”
His statement caused three members of the class to immediately look at each other, and flip back to that question.  He smirked a little.  15 was the easiest question, and everyone should know the answer, but to say it was a trick question would certainly get some folks wondering.  She shook her head at her smart little “bad boy”, and gave him a tsk.
It was then she knew.  She took out a permission slip, and signed it, handing it to him.
“Mr. Avery, I need a favor from you,” she said.  “I want you to take this slip, and give it the principal.  From there, he will know what to do.  Oh, and take your books with you, you might not make it back to class.”
Thomas took the paper without a second thought, grabbed his books, and headed out the door.  He gave a small salute to Ms Johnson, not noticing the tear welling up in her eye.  It would be the last time he would be in her class.  It would be the last time any of his classmates would see him.  She would miss Thomas Avery, and would miss his bright fresh face.  But MATTER called, and without his even knowing it, he had been recruited into a larger organization, and a much bigger world.
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