The duo nodded along, as Aisen explained the establishment’s purpose. Not so difficult to understand, nor all that surprising that there was a market for it. Hell, they could think of no small handful of people who’d have loved this place. ...One Pirate King in particular. Better for everyone involved, that he hadn’t been summoned. 
Hard to call it fully on-the-level, between the comparisons that Aisen had drawn and her own personal quips besides, but they were the last people who’d judge. ...At least in that sense. 
Mary sighed inwardly, as their hostess seemed to single her out. How very forward... Whether it was her earnest personality, or just routine, she couldn’t quite say. The latter wouldn’t have been odd, considering the place and the profession; but then, Aisen also seemed to take a certain pleasure in it. Like it wasn’t just business. 
...It was going to be a long night, wasn’t it? Mary wasn’t even sure whether it was a good thing or a bad thing, that it was hardly a new experience.
Still, it was hard not to change one’s opinion of Aisen, at least somewhat, once the hostess started talking about herself.
That she was a mage... sure, that was something they could accept without much issue. Disregarding the possibility that anyone knew magic, was often a mistake. Mages were the very textbook example of how deceiving looks could be. Then, though, there was everything which came after that. The whole, dragonslaying, army stomping, divine champion part. It was... unexpected, to say the least. To say the absolute least.
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║...Eh? Are you for real?║ She stared at Aisen, trying to tell whether or not she was outright lying. 
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«I’m inclined to agree. That’s...» Anne trailed off, uncertain as to what to even say,
Honestly, that was more impressive than the repertoire of many Servants, themselves included. Not that they were particularly strong, but... Well, if they ever got back to Chaldea, presumably they’d be able to add “saving the world” onto their list of achievements.
«Are you going to - I mean you can’t just - You can’t just say things like that and then not elaborate.»
The hostess was probably exaggerating somewhat. I mean, those weren’t the sorts of accomplishments that most people would rattle off nonchalantly. 
“Well, whoever this ‘friend’ is has most excellent taste, in my humble opinion.” She slightly chuckled, seemingly at her slight wit, but also potentially at the smaller woman’s flustered response. Not only was it somewhat ‘cute’, but all too obvious. 
“To help elaborate, this place is something of a hospitality establishment; customers employ hosts or hostesses such as I, so that we may entertain them with the pleasure of our company, whatever they wish that entail in this setting. As I have heard it described, we are to casual ‘dates’ what ladies of the night are to conjugal activities. Although, of course, our time together means whatever you wish. The customer is always right, I believe the phrase goes?”
She nods toward each of them. “A pleasure. Fine names for fine women. And sailors, eh? How exciting. I have met a decent few in my own travels and at the very least, one quickly hears intriguing things. Tales of the high seas
and plundering fine ‘booty’, and whatnot~” She casually smiles at them both, but a particular little wink goes towards Mary. There was distinctly a story they were not telling her behind that explanation, but she supposed that was their prerogative at the moment.
“Ah, of course. I became so easily enamored with you two, my apologies.” She situates herself more forward, resting her elbows (and generous chest) on the table in front of her. “My lifestyle was also fairly adventurous, something of a traveler. I am a sorceress, a type of mage back in my realm. Ever since I finished my studies once I became a woman, I have voyaged across the planes, employing my craft alongside other warriors and champions seeking to establish themselves in life. I have laid dragons low, challenged armies, and aided those from peasant to the ranks of the divine. I sometimes find it difficult to believe I have only walked this life for as relatively youthful years as I have, at times. And yet, getting to know such charming individuals will always delight me.”
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@apteros-pouli From: Here
He had a point. Maybe they had been thinking about things all wrong. Instead of looking for something totally new, why not just build upon what they already had? Take something that was out of style, (if unjustly so), and making it modern. That was kind of “new retro”, right? Seemed close enough to “punk”, and if nothing else it all sounded cool!
Still, the more she thought about it...
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 Are you really sure that’d work? I just mean
 Is it that simple? Can we just put wings on it and go?║
She was eager to give it a shot, but wasn’t it usually something of a complex process? 
║Not that I doubt your expertise!║  Mary clarified.
If anyone would know about wings, it’d be him. ...Right? 
Truth be told, she was only vaguely aware of his history, but still... she felt fairly confident that wings were involved somewhere in there. 
║I guess it’s just
 flying, huh?║
Magic sure was incredible.  
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Her ‘natural charm’, huh? 
«Yes, yes, you sweet talker.»  She chuckled. «I suppose I’ve misjudged you after all. When the lighting is just right, I can almost make out the image of a dashing, young gentleman.»
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«Though... I wouldn’t be able to fault even someone like that, for not realizing how many of us are out and about these days. It’s not we eat meals together, or train in groups, anymore.»
There was just nothing to hold them together anymore. Chaldea, and it’s mission, had kept them in sync, if not tight-knight. Focused, if not self-sacrificing.
 «It might just be what happens when you take a large group of Servants and give them free reign of a city. No master to command them, and no grail to goad them. ...We’re hardly a unified front these days, more like a ragtag crew of misfits, just chasing personal interests.»
«I think some of us are also popping in and out? I couldn’t tell you how though, and honestly I’d love to know myself... Happy as I am to be a free woman, I can’t say this city is high up on my list of favorite places.»
It wasn’t so bad, either; but a bit too restricting when all was said and done.
«As for Mary... Well, she’s out and about somewhere.» She waved her hand at him, dismissing any concerns he might have had, though clearly pleased by his thoughtfulness. “Even we need some personal time every now and then, you know?»
«How about you, though? Have you been lonely?» 
Turning his head, Hector was greeted by quite the voluminous visage. Anne had so much hair it was like a mane, he can only imagine what taking showers and waiting for all that to dry would be like.
The “old man” let out a light chuckle. While sitting leaned forward resting his arms on his knees caps. “Is that so? I haven’t come across even a handful but maybe it’s just the poor eyesight of age missing them?” He played along with her teasing, talking in his usual mellow manner.
Straightening up his back he looked at her with his droopy eyes and faint, forever apparent smile.
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“It’s good to see you, Anne-chan. I see your natural charm is still a sight for sore eyes.” 
Looking around them, something seemed amiss. His head turned left and right before back to Anne as he laid his arms behind the bench’s backrest.
“Where’s the little lady? You two were always such an item.” While not expressing it, Hector hoped Mary was well and the two had’t ended up separated.
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send one for my muse’s reaction to your muse ---
alternatively send ‘ + ‘ after the symbol for the roles to be reversed where possible !
✘ = hugging them . Δ = playing with their hair .  ❀ = kissing them .  â‚Ș =  asking them out for dinner . ☀ = giving them a gift of ___ ( asker’s choice ) . ♘ = stabbing them . ♕ = bowing down before them . ♒ = lying to them .   ✿ = buying them flowers . ☟ = being found shirtless . ♱ = reading them a story . ☂ = giving them their jumper to keep warm . ✎ = speaking in a different language . ✏ = teaching them a different language . ▄ = telling them a joke . ♬ = singing to them . â˜č = insulting a loved one . àź = slapping them . ✂ = threatening them . ❃ = dancing with them . â–€ = falling asleep on them . ☟ = waking them up after a nightmare .  ♣ = discovering them crying .  曞 = patching a wound .  ✼ = stargazing . ▓ = caught stealing their belongings . ☜ = wandering alone at night . ♡ = complimenting them . ≡ = offering a place to stay overnight . ☹ = falling over . ✩ = being well-dressed . ❂ = wiping blood off their face . ◎ = taking care of them while ill . ☁ = being caught in the middle a storm with them . ⇕ = holding their hand . ↱ = being lost with them . ☠ = pushing them against a wall .
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"I hope it brings you happiness."
Google Translate Sings {Sentence Starters}
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«Of course, Captain Drake. Thank you very much for the autographed portrait of yourself.» 
“To Eine & Marty - Fight to the death, for a true villain never surrenders their dreams! - Francis Drake”
With a stiff, mechanical motion, Anne pressed the gift against her chest.
 «Mary and I shall treasure it for the rest of our days. 
We are absolutely not still bitter over what happened in Okeanos, either.» 
She let her words hang about the air, for a solid minute or so, before Mary finally broke the silence.
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With a voice devoid of enthusiasm, she slowly raised an arm in the least energetic show of celebration she could possibly have mustered.
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“if it makes you feel better, i think you’re 100% punk”
shit my girlfriend has said to me
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Ah. Um. Thank you.║
That was surprising, to say the least. In a good way, though. Probably. Mary hadn’t been aware that her concerns had gotten out like that, but was thankful for the support at least.
║But still, I’m not sure that I’ll ever be able to match Kintoki. His motorcycle is
 really cool.║ 
║’Golden’.║ She muttered. ║That’s what he would say.║
║Of course, Anne and I won’t lose as Riders when it comes to the sea! 
On the sea. On land though, it’s a different story. We need an edge! We need to be ‘punk’! We need to be ‘golden’!║
I don’t suppose you’d have any ideas?║
She wasn’t usually one to solicit others for help, but it was worth a shot, considering who she was speaking to.
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[[Gotta be honest, I’m not used to writing this much sass and outright rudeness in such a short span of time.]]
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"I do not think clams stop rusting."
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║Nah. As an experienced sailor and world-traveler I can tell you otherwise. Clams don’t even rust in the first place.║ 
She paused.
Those aren’t sentences I ever thought I’d speak.║
║Actually... I think that if you had told me years ago that this is where a life of freedom and adventure would have me end up - explaining basic clam facts to people while trapped in a giant cage of a city - well
 I think I’d honestly be upset.║
0 notes
avxsta replied to your post:"Muscle time." [flexes]
-here lies Angry Mayo’s self esteem-
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«People die when they are killed, Avenger, but minds... minds become steel. Overcome the trial I have set before you, and aspire to be something more. Level 70 max cap or bust!»
«Even though it won’t help your Noble Phantasm’s damage.»
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"Now is the time to try ignoring gravity."
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«While you’re correct that there are few better times for trying to ‘ignore gravity’ then when falling off a cliff, I still doubt it will help.» 
Anne spoke calmly, despite the severity of the situation. Her face the very picture of serenity, she clutched tightly to her hat as they fell.
«Mind you, I’m not terribly worried. If dying is never pleasant, you end up losing your fear of it after the first few occasions. The whole ‘eternal spirit’ part helps, too.»
She paused for a moment, as if considering something.
«You, though
 Well, I hope you have a backup plan. Provided of course, that the whole trying to ignore gravity thing doesn’t work out.»
«Honestly, I’d like to assuage your fears. To tell you that you fought your hardest, and that this was a worthy end, but
 Well, let’s be honest. This was all entirely avoidable.»
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"This is contrary to the plot."
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Mary shrugged.
║Not gonna complain though. Being trapped in this city means more screen time than we were ever gonna get otherwise. Anne and I died - what - three chapters ago? Like hell we’ll ever show up in the main story again.║
║What, were you doing anything more important?║
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"Muscle time." [flexes]
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«Ah, I see I see
 You’re trying to be humorous.»
«Indeed, if being All the World’s Evilsℱ doesn’t work out in the long run, you may well have what it takes to become a comedian.»
«Unless you’re being serious, in which case I’ll laugh even harder.»
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Google Translate Sings {Sentence Starters}
"Muscle time."
"I do not think clams stop rusting."
"Honey, I am very angry!"
"I will be on the table."
"But I will have a guy shortly."
"I can give you a nice taste."
"I should make more sense, and I understand that."
"And I heard you didn't know about me."
"I cannot live today."
"This is a very deep wound."
"I do not want a child who loves trees."
"We will not solve the crisis."
"Well, honey, I'm a nightmare dressed like a screensaver."
"That is a deep neckline."
"This is contrary to the plot."
"I thought that you could count."
"Do I wanna share a wall?"
"I hope it brings you happiness."
"I like the ball in the sink."
"And are you lo?"
"Do not ask why we were not omitted."
"Look at it, it's ugly."
"I'm not saying just to go out."
"I am the wind and the weather."
"I would like to wear a mask."
"You are not a small problem."
"Do not let them, do not let them see."
"So go home, in a six pack, up yours!"
"Why can you not keep your cool?"
"You are a depressed banana."
"Plasters fix bullet rumps."
"Now is the time to try ignoring gravity."
"They do not know me at all."
"Too bad, such a beautiful moon!"
"I cannot understand you."
"I've been scared for too long."
785 notes · View notes
As their hostess made her way into the booth, Mary squirmed in her seat; very eager, all of a sudden, to look anywhere but at their new companion. 
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Yeah, first time.║ She muttered, pulling her collar up over her mouth. Hardly an effective method for hiding her embarrassment, but it was all she could think to do. ║A friend recommended this place.║ 
“Friend” was perhaps a strong word, better to call them an acquaintance. Or maybe not even that. Honestly, it was a whole big thing... Still, she felt no need to elaborate beyond what she had already said. Especially not with her voice slightly muffled by the fabric of her coat. 
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«He was rather vague though, honestly.» Anne chimed in, eager to alleviate her companion’s awkwardness. «Some talk of glamour and fun, but that was about as descriptive as he got.»
Which wasn’t surprising really, considering he had been dead drunk.
«Not that we were hard sells.» 
They had gotten a few more words at the door, too, but not enough to really understand just yet. Best to ask their hostess herself, perhaps. For she’d known better than anyone else.
Ah, but before anything else, introductions were well past due... 
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║I’m Mary.║ 
«And I’m Anne! A pleasure to make your acquaintance.» 
«Stories though » Anne briefly paused to ponder over the statement, uncertain of how to respond. «I suppose it’s fair to say we’ve seen our fair share of things. Comes with the territory though. We’re sailors you see. Well, former sailors, as the case may be.»  
Regarding the truth of their profession
 It was probably best not to say too much, right? It wasn’t as though referring to themselves as sailors was such an outrageous lie, either. Not even a lie at all, really; provided of course, that they were speaking in broad terms.
That said... it was somewhat limiting narrative where swapping stories was concerned. Most normal sailors didn’t ransack other ships, or hunt for treasure. Ah... and then there was the post-mortem period of their lives. That was a whole different beast itself.
║More than a few adventures, yeah. But aren’t you the one entertaining us?║ Best, perhaps, to have their new acquaintance do the talking. At least for the time being. ║So
 What about you?║
The woman - Aisen, as she called herself - she didn’t necessarily seem like the traveled sort, but there was no sense in judging a book by its cover either.
Perhaps they’d be pleasantly surprised. 
The migrant residents of the Hive all naturally had a variety of responses to their current status as subjects under the scientists machinations, disconnected as they were from that which they held dear and familiar, or dealt with and striven against in their lives. From those who embraced the multidimensional diversity offered by their situation, to ones alienated by the disparate environment, so removed from what things they knew, and what duties they may have back home, and everything in between.
Aisen was quite distinctly in the former category; to move forward onto new and greater horizons was a natural part of one who chose the life of adventuring. Her priorities, such as they were in her bleak heart, leaned more toward knowledge and discovery, so to reside in a place of such tantalizing change and possibility was hardly any real punishment.
Besides, some things were familiar, despite their uniqueness, at least. Such as when she was informed that she would be entertaining two women at the same time this evening. She had let a smirk appear, replying that was hardly unfamiliar territory. Her mind had been recalling, among others, a particularly delightful pair of halfling rogues she spent a good period of time in acquaintance with back in her realm, and they certainly had not regretted getting to know her, and neither would this pair.
“Yes, I am indeed. My, two lovely ladies to spend time with this fine evening. I am most fortunate indeed, and hope I can adequately reciprocate.” Aisen smiles charmingly as she gives a slight bow to each of them, giving an practiced appraising eye in the process. “Please allow me to take a seat.”
She eases her way past the short, white haired woman, any view afforded by such diminutive stature in relation to the not-terribly-long uniform skirt on her quite healthy rear curve seemingly quite incidental, as she takes a free space inbetween the two, situating her generous form in the space provided.
“I take it this is likely your first encounter with such a place, I could not help overhear. I hope I can live up to any expectations you may have.” The sorceress crosses a leg over the other, hands gently resting together on it.
“May I have the pleasure of an introduction? I thought I heard talk of past exploits, and you two certainly seem the type to have wonderful tales behind you. You may call me Aisen, and I hope we become nicely acquainted.”
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Meeting new people was usually an exciting experience for the two pirates, but
 this time? Much less so. From the moment she had approached, there had been something unsettling about the stranger. The way she strutted about them, as if examining a curiosity, had only made things worse.
If it wasn’t as though they could see her eyes through the mess of hair she called bangs, they still felt the intensity of the woman’s gaze; the way she seemed to be sizing them carefully. That there was something predatory about the whole thing went without saying, and indeed, that alone was reason to be cautious. Yet sill... there was something more to it which set them on edge. 
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║Mother and child, huh? That’s a new one.║  Mary shrugged, aloofly looking off towards the side. ║Still, I can’t see that we owe you any answers.║
Honestly... what else was there to say to someone like that? Even among all the eccentrics at Chaldea, most of them had some regard for personal space. ...Most. 
Yet before she could voice any further thoughts, and perhaps an untoward remark suggesting that the woman not pry, she felt the the hand of her taller companion pat against her shoulder.
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«Now now, Mary, there’s no need for rudeness. Not everyone understands proper etiquette.» Anne smiled sweetly despite the implications of her words, hiding insult behind paper-thin cordiality. «Ah, but we shouldn’t hold that against you, either. Here, I’ll even help you out. Making a show out of looking people over is usually considered bad manners. All the more so, when it’s out of the blue. Consider instead: polite introductions; they tend to be the right way of greeting others.»
A fair bit of hypocrisy, for a pirate to lecture another about their conduct, yet she paid it no mind.
«...Now, perhaps you’d care to begin again?»
Unusually forward, and unusually standoffish? Absolutely. On both of their parts. Somehow though, it didn’t feel undue.
「 █ ψ █ 」 the smell of the sea assaulted her nose. a scent that belonged to most pirates and marines alike. the mistress immediately ceased her movements as she whipped her head back. carefully, she observed a comely woman and a petite girl, not recognizing them at all. “mmm~~,” she started, absentmindedly ran a tongue over her reddened lips. they most likely weren’t from her world. maybe she imagined the scent. 
was this place, the hive, already messing with her head? 
the inward question lingered, quickly she disregarded it as she circled the two females like a hawk. with her spork, she tapped on the palm of her other hand. “you two certainly don’t like like
 mmm~~ mother and child. perhaps
 something else. but what, i wonder?” 
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the awkward silence was finally broken.
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║Omnipotent super library... Got it...║
Sort of. The whole concept was still a bit baffling to her, but at least now he was explaining things in terms she could understand. Sort of like the way the Throne of Heroes granted knowledge to it’s dwellers. But then... not really at all. ...False information?
║I think I’ll just leave it to the modern pirates. For now at least. They can have their turf, the old ways are more than good enough for me.║
Curious as she was... Mary couldn’t help but feel that it was far more of an intellectual endeavor, than an adventurous one; despite any initial eagerness, it was looking far, far less exciting than she would have hoped. 
Sticking to her strengths had worked well enough at Chaldea. No reason to mix things up now.
Ah... but then there was the matter of his figuring her out...
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║My subtlety needs some work, huh? Fine. Being discreet isn’t my thing anyway... Yeah, that’s about the right of things.║ At least, once you set aside the whole “called forth from ages past in order to defend humanity” part. Which, honestly, wasn’t a problem. Her and Anne’s “duties” had been put on hold from the moment they had entered Hive City. ║Is it gonna be a problem for you?║
Mary eyed him carefully, all too aware of how many viewed their kind. Rightfully so, but nevertheless... 
“It’s a confusing yet marvelous piece of technology that these humans developed. Like a network of information that can be accessed with ease. Like a library you can access anywhere or something,” from his manner of speaking, he was obviously from the older days. He did try to explain to the best of his ability but that was it. “It’s a bit confusing as since can be accessed by the public, some information may be false. A bit inefficient kind of information sharing, if you ask me.”
Seeing as he was comparing it with a library that he could access anytime if he had his abilities back, his perspective may be a bit skewed. After all, he was the keeper of the legendary archives known by many names. Such a thing as the internet was convenient but inefficient.
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“I suppose so,” he figured. “Venturing into unknown waters are certainly dangerous. If you don’t mind me asking, from what you’ve asked me, would it be safe to assume you are a pirate?” That would not be strange for him to come across female pirates. Hell, his army was entirely female and they were notorious for their skills. Although that’s not something he openly speaks about, the whole thing about the army being female.
Some might find that weird.
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So... this was a Host Club.
It was certainly something different, as far as the two Servants were concerned, though perhaps not wholly unfamiliar. An atmosphere of class, muddied by something sleazy just beneath the surface, like a pirate strutting proud after a king’s pardon. 
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║Not bad.║ Kicking her feet up onto their small table, Mary leaned back against the booth’s cushioned walls. ║Way better than anywhere we used to end up, back when we went pub crawling.║
Not that it was a terribly difficult claim to make. Anything but the shadiest pubs Hive City had to offer were like fine dining, compared to the places they had been.
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«Is that really a positive though? Weren’t the old days so much fun?» Anne laughed as she leaned forward against the table, a single hand propped against her chin. «The camaraderie... the bar fights... the way you didn’t even know what you were drinking just as often as not... There was a certain kind of energy in it all.»
Sure, the club seemed exciting, but it was a totally different sort of appeal. Something cordial, and contained, rather than something raw.
«Well, I suppose I’ll hold onto final judgments for the time being.»
After all, they had only just arrived, and it wasn’t as though either of them really understood just what a host club was.
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║Mm?║ As a shadow suddenly loomed over her, Mary looked up at hostess who had appeared to wait on them. ║Ah, evening. You’re the one who’s... hosting us? Or... whatever...?║
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