Mobile Master List
Welcome to my mobile master list! In this post, you will be able to navigate my blog much easier, instead of having to scroll through all my posts to find a specific one you would like to read. 
A/N ~ I do not tolerate stealing at all. If I find out that anyone has stolen any of my work, posted it on their blog (reblogging is fine) or another site (ex: wattpad, archive of our own, etc.), they will be immediately blocked and reported on all platforms that I post on. I work very hard on everything that I write and it is just so shitty to see someone claiming that they wrote something I spent countless hours on. I do this for free and the only thing I expect in return is that you respect my wishes.
Ultimate Series Master List Ultimate One Shot Master List
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Ultimate One Shot Master List
Welcome to my one shot master list! In this post, you will be able to navigate my blog much easier, instead of having to scroll through all my posts to find a specific one you would like to read.
Back to Main Mobile Master List
A/N ~ I do not tolerate stealing at all. If I find out that anyone has stolen any of my work, posted it on their blog (reblogging is fine) or another site (ex: wattpad, archive of our own, etc.), they will be immediately blocked and reported on all platforms that I post on. I work very hard on everything that I write and it is just so shitty to see someone claiming that they wrote something I spent countless hours on. I do this for free and the only thing I expect in return is that you respect my wishes.
Sam x Reader
One Shot #3 ~ Drunk
One Shot #4 ~ Never Met You
Dean x Reader
Coming Soon...
Sam x Sister!Reader x Dean
One Shot #1 ~ Attack
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Ultimate Series Master List
Welcome to my series master list! In this post, you will be able to navigate my blog much easier, instead of having to scroll through all my posts to find a specific one you would like to read. I know that there is only one series displayed on here right now. I plan on adding more very, very soon! :)
Back to Main Mobile Master List
A/N ~ I do not tolerate stealing at all. If I find out that anyone has stolen any of my work, posted it on their blog (reblogging is fine) or another site (ex: wattpad, archive of our own, etc.), they will be immediately blocked and reported on all platforms that I post on. I work very hard on everything that I write and it is just so shitty to see someone claiming that they wrote something I spent countless hours on. I do this for free and the only thing I expect in return is that you respect my wishes.
Stalk Master List
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Guys, I am so sorry that I’ve been gone for so long (a couple months??)
I’ve been so busy with work and trying to make it out here in the real world...
I promise that one shots and new series will be beginning again :)
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Series Master List: Stalk
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Description: The reader returns home after a bad run in with a stalker only to find that Sam and Dean Winchester, her old childhood friends, are visiting her father as well. Dean vows to help (Y/N) after she confides in him about the incident.
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Unofficial Chapter
Ultimate Series Master List One Shots Master List
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One Shot #4
Title: Never Met You
Ship: Reader x Sam
Description: The Reader is tired of being used as bait for the Winchesters so she finally decides to speak up after a bad run in with a vampire.
Warnings: Argument; Swearing; Strangling
Word Count: 1,200
Master List
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The vampires grip around her neck was tightening by the second. The longer it kept its hold on her, the more her will to stop it diminished, the air and blood ceasing from traveling to her head. As she stared into the creature’s dark and determined eyes, her body started feeling heavier and heavier, her legs unable to support her weight anymore. The only thing holding her up was the arm across her chest and hand around her neck. Choking on her own waning breath, a voice disrupted the pair, their heads turning towards the source, “Get off her!” Her eyes rested on a tall man with dark hair and dark hazel eyes, catching him with an axe mid-air as he swung and cut off the vampire’s head in one swift move.
(Y/N) fell to her knees as blood splattered all over her face and in her mouth. She spat out as much as she could, gagging and trying to catch her breath all at the same time. “What… the fuck… Sam?!” she wheezed through coughs. “Are you okay, (Y/N)?” He knelt beside her and put his hand between her shoulder blades. “Do I fucking…” She coughed once more, “look okay?!” She shook off his hand as she gained back her composure and stood to her feet, glaring at the man as he mirrored her actions. “I just… I want to go home. Okay, Sam?” She finally turned to him and walked past towards the Impala that was parked at the end of the alley way. She swore that this was going to be the last time she would be used as bait for the Winchesters… she also swore that last time and hunt before that. Something about a vulnerable girl looks so appealing to monsters of all kinds. “(Y/N), wait.” Sam commanded as she stormed off to the Impala.
“No, you wait.” She turned around, spitting out her words, “This is the fifth time I’ve been close to death, Sam! I’m fucking sick of it. I’m sick of playing damsel in distress, I’m sick of being bait, and I’m sick of seeing you and your brother’s faces. I’m going home after this hunt. My mother needs me.” Silencing Sam, she climbed into the passenger seat of the Impala, Sam in the driver’s. “We’ll get you home by morning.” He was quiet as he turned the key in the ignition, the car roaring to life. It was a blessing that the motel was only two blocks away. Otherwise, they would be forced to sit in car in silence longer than they could ever bare to. As soon as ‘Baby’ pulled into the parking lot, (Y/N) shot out of the passenger’s seat and to her motel room, fumbling with the keys. She couldn’t bare holding in her hot tears any longer. Of course, she didn’t want to let the youngest Winchester see her cry since he would only get more concerned for her.
The tears clouding her eyes made it harder to get the key in the hole, dropping them in her fit, a sob escaping her mouth. “(Y/N)…” his voice was more soothing that she expected it to be. “No, you don’t get to comfort me, Sam. This is your fault.” She bent down and picked up the keys, dropping them when she tried to open the door again. “Just let me…” He bent down, picking them up and unlocking the door for her. (Y/N) didn’t turn toward him, not even a thank you leaving her lips as she stepped inside. Without warning, Sam stepped in after her, trapping her in her own room. “I want to be alone, don’t you understand that?” (Y/N) sniffled, sitting on her bed and folding her arms, eyes not even making an effort to look at the man. “I’m sorry, (Y/N).” He was quiet, leaning against the dresser across from her, taking in the tears that were falling from her face. “I want to go home. I hate this job, I hate this world.” She sniffled as she continued, “I wish I never met you, Sam. You make this so hard for me.” Sam didn’t even stop her from speaking, allowing her to get out everything that was on her mind.
“Every time I say I’m done with this job, you give me those stupid puppy dog eyes and you make me change my mind. Why the fuck do you have to be so cute?” (Y/N) picked up a pillow and threw it at the older man, only to have him catch it in the air. Sam attempted to stifle a chuckle, but to no avail, he let it rip. “Why are you laughing?” She finally looked up to him through teary eyes and stained cheeks. “You called me cute.” He smiled, preparing for the hits that were going to come his way.
“That’s not the point, Sam!” she stood up, her palms hitting his chest softly, a small smile crawling across her lips as she did, “Is that all you heard?” Sam looked away for a second, his smile growing bigger. “Might have been. And they’re barely puppy dog eyes.” He looked back into hers, eyes softening and smile waning away. “There they are. Those are the fucking puppy dog eyes.” She looked away and sat back on the bed, “Sam, I mean it. You and Dean are taking me home in the morning. I’m done with this life. I don’t want to be put on the line every other day.” (Y/N) looked down once again as Sam sat down next to her. “I’m not disagreeing to you going home. You were willing to help us at first and you can leave whenever you want. We’re not keeping you with us against your will. I’m not even going to beg you to stay this time because I can tell how upset you are.” His hand was on her back again, but this time she didn’t shake him away.
“You mean it?” her eyes finally looked up to his bright green ones that seemed to change color every day. Sam nodded, allowing the girl to lean into his body. “Thank you, Sam.” When she finally looked back up to him, his face was closer than she expected it to be, growing closer by the second. Closing her eyes, she filled the gap between them, their lips meeting and dancing together in the quiet motel room. After a few seconds of being together, Sam pulled away and shook his head. “I better get going. I’m so sorry, (Y/N).” He stood up, but (Y/N) only grabbed his hand, stopping him from leaving. “Stay, Sam. Please.” Her eyes were pleading, wanting more from him, her bare lips begging to be kissed once again. Sam considered shaking off her grip and just going back to his and his brother’s motel room, but the longing look on her face convinced him otherwise. Placing one knee between her legs, he pushed the girl down so that she was laying down as he climbed on top of her. “Okay.” His last word before bringing their lips together once again. (Y/N) couldn’t help but smile. She sure was considering staying for him.
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One Shot #3
Title: Drunk
Ship: Slight Sam x Drunk!Reader
Prompt: None
Description: The Reader and Dean are drinking at a bar close to the motel when they challenge each other to shots. Across the bar, a man notices her when she wins and makes his own challenge with her, leading her her intoxication. The man drops her off at her motel room and Sam has to take care of her.
Warnings: Intoxication, Mentions of the Daddy kink, drinking
Word Count: 2,092
Master List
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Ever since she began hunting with the Winchesters, she was going out to random bars with the oldest, Dean. Dean didn’t mind having a drinking buddy for a change and (Y/N) didn’t mind that Dean flirted with anything that walks when he was drunk. Of course, they had no attraction to each other whatsoever, it was still hilarious to hear the pickup lines Dean could come up with when he was completely hammered.
One time, around November, the two were at a bar connected to the motel together. For being a small bar, this thing was almost filled up to the brim with travelers, lonely men, and just people looking for a drink. It was loud but not the loudest bar that the pair had been to. Dean and (Y/N) were seated at the counter on stools, challenging each other to whiskey shots that Dean didn’t think (Y/N) could handle. “I’m going to make a bet right now,” (Y/N) began, picking up her first shot and holding it near her mouth, “If I can get all five of these done before you, you have to let me drive ‘Baby’ to the next hunt when we’re done with this one.”
Dean smirked, thinking she wouldn’t be able to. Every time they went to the bar, (Y/N) usual ordered “chick drinks”, as he put it. There was no way she would be able to handle whiskey shots, let alone five straight. With a chuckle, Dean picked up one of his shot glasses and mirrored it to (Y/N)’s. “Deal.” Was the last word before they downed their glasses, (Y/N) slamming hers down first and reaching for the second one. Not even a second later, Dean slammed down his and grabbed his second. Of course, (Y/N) shot that one faster than the first, ignoring the burning feeling traveling down her first.
As she moved onto her third and then fourth, Dean stared at her as he moved on to his third, definitely slower than her. Picking up her last and final shot, she downed it and slammed it on the table, meeting her eyes with Dean’s who just finished his fourth. “God d-,” Dean hickuped and covered his mouth, “God damn, woman. You hustled me!”
(Y/N) smirked, taking pride in her work. “The only reason I’ve been getting ‘chick drinks’ was so I could finally trick your ass.” Her words were slurred, leaning on the counter for support. Rolling his eyes, he took his final shot and laughed, “Well you did and it won’t happen again, I promise you that.” (Y/N) smiled, before placing her hand on Dean’s shoulder, “Okay, Winchester. I think we’ve had enough, let’s head back to the motel before we get completely hammered.” Just as she twirled around in her seat, a tall, handsome man walked up behind her, a sweet smile on his face. “Hey there.” She raised her eyebrows, trying to make it seem like she wasn’t as drunk as she really was.
“Hey, I saw you across the bar take those whiskey shots like water. That was… incredible.” He sat next to her in the stool, looking to Dean and smiling at him. “I’m Troy, by the way.” He held his hand out to the both of them and they shook it one by one. “I’m (Y/N) and this is my friend, Dean.” He brushed aside his dark hair revealing a set of deep brown eyes, ones you could get lost in if you looked for too long. “Nice to meet you, (Y/N).” He gave a little side smile before he began again, “Mind if I buy you a drink?” As nice as it sounded, (Y/N) shook her head and turned towards Dean. “I think I’ve had enough to drink for a while.” She chuckled, Dean smirking once he realized this guy was trying to pick her up.
“Well, I’m going to turn in.” Dean stood up and stretched, giving (Y/N) a little wink before leaving the bar, leaving her with the Troy guy. She turned back towards Troy, a smile across her lips, “I guess I could have another.” She sighed as Troy ordered another round of whiskey shots. “Oh come on, I’ve already had five, I can’t do ten! I’ll die of alcohol poisoning!” (Y/N) giggled, as he split up the ten shots and pushed five towards her.
“I want to see if you can win against me.” He smirked, fidgeting with a shot glass. “What do I get if I win?” She was already starting to feel the effects of her first five. If she has five more, she won’t be able to walk properly. “If you win, I’ll escort you back to your room and leave you alone for the rest of the night.”
“And if you win?” She knew there was going to be a catch with this guy. Troy leaned in to whisper in her ear. “We ditch this place and go back to my room.” As handsome as this guy was, (Y/N) wasn’t one to have one night stands. She had to be in a relationship with her partner and know if he had anything that could be spread to her. Being on the road with an itchy private area doesn’t really sound like a good time. Sighing, she thought for a second. As handsome as this guy was, she didn’t really want to spend the night with him. She had to win this even if it would kill her.
“Deal.” Her words left her lips and he began the countdown when she picked up the shot glass. Three… two… one.
She shot down the glass at the same time as him. This guy was definitely faster than Dean, challenging her to keep going. She slammed down her first glass and grabbed the second, slamming that down just a little faster than him. Her third went down roughly but she still put it down and moved onto her fourth by the time Troy was done with his third. The fourth was smoother, but still burned. The effects of the first round with Dean was really dawning on her, making this a little harder than it should be. When she slammed down her fifth and final shot, she looked up at Troy who was amazed by her, putting down his fifth a little after her.
“God damn girl, you really must not like me.” He chuckled. The contents of (Y/N)’s stomach threatened to make themselves visible. Cupping her mouth as to not puke all over this guy, Troy took it as a sign to take her back to her room so she wouldn’t be sick in the bar. “Why did you make me do that?” Her stomach churned as Troy hopped off the bar stool and paid the tender, helping her off.
She held onto his shoulder, her legs feeling like spaghetti as they walked out of the bar. “I didn’t make you do that, you agreed to it. Honestly, I thought I would be the one winning.” He laughed, his legs starting to shake as well. “God, I hate you right now.” She slurred. As they made their way to the strip of motel rooms, Troy turned to her, hoping he would get a proper answer out of her. “What’s your room number, sweetie?” He chuckled as (Y/N)’s hand traveled up to his neck. “But there’s people in my room, don’t you want to go somewhere more private.” The drink was definitely taking control of her mind.
Thinking about it for a second, Troy shook his head. “You’re too drunk. I wouldn’t forgive myself if we did anything, sweet cheeks.” (Y/N) frowned as she told him her room number and they stumbled down the walkway to it. Troy knocked on the door, Sam answered it not even a second later. “She belong to you?” Troy chuckled, motioning towards the girl leaning on his shoulder. “Sadly, yes.” Sam rolled his eyes and helped (Y/N) into the motel room, the darkness compared to the outside lights disorienting her. “Thank you so much for bringing her back.” Sam shook the man’s hand and smiled.
“No problem, Bud. It’s kind of my fault she’s this hammered anyways so it would only be fair if I got her home safe.” Troy smiled before turning away and walking back to his own room. Sam closed the motel room door, noticing that (Y/N) was already in his bed. “(Y/N), that’s… my bed.” Sam sighed, accepting that they were going to have to share even though it was agreed that he was have his own bed this trip. The trio usually switched off once in a while every trip so they wouldn’t go insane with the lack of space between them.
Rolling his eyes, he walked over to (Y/N)’s side of the bed, looking down at her. “Do you have to go to the bathroom?” He asked, this time more cautious of drunk (Y/N). Last time she got hammered, she ended up peeing in the bed, too drunk to even know what she was doing. (Y/N) looked up at the tall man and nodded. Sam chuckled before helping her up out of the bed and over to the bathroom on the other side of the motel room.
“I’m not pulling your pants down for you, so you’re going to have to figure that one out on your own.” Sam opened the bathroom door and helped her in, looking her in the eyes as she smiled. “Aw, I was sure you wanted to, Sammy.” She slurred, making Sam roll his eyes. He never liked drunk (Y/N). She was more flirty when she was drunk… and definitely more horny. Whenever she got drunk, she would unwillingly crawl into one of the boys beds and try to cuddle with them and touch them.
As much as Sam had a crush on (Y/N), he would never take advantage of the girl when she was intoxicated. “Just go to the bathroom so we can go to bed.” Just before he closed the door from the other side, he heard (Y/N) whisper something. “I’m sure you do want to get me in bed.” Sam scoffed. Her attempt at flirting when drunk was horrible, even worse than Dean probably.
Across the room, he heard Dean moan, waking up. “Sammy?” Dean sat up in the bed, not as drunk as (Y/N). “Yeah, Dean?” Although he was the youngest, Sam felt like a parent whenever his brother and friend got drunk. They always acted like children. Sam walked across the room and sat on his bed. “Is (Y/N) back? Please tell me she is.” Dean rubbed his forehead, worried about the girl.
“Yeah, she’s in the bathroom.” From the looks of it, Dean was beginning to sober up after a quick nap. “Okay, good. I kind of left her with that guy. Really stupid of me.” He sighed, “Is she okay?”
“Hammered out of her mind, but she’s good.”
“Oh, that’s bad.” Dean looked up at his brother’s face through the darkness. “Yeah, I know. She’s not going to want to sleep tonight. Meaning I’m not going to get any sleep tonight because she’ll be all up on me.” Sam rolled his eyes when he heard her yell come from the bathroom. “Saaaaaaaammmmm! I’m done!”
Dean chuckled and pointed towards the bathroom. “Better go get your girlfriend.” Sam scowled at his brother as he stood up from his bed and crossed the room to (Y/N) in the bathroom. Opening up the door just a crack, Sam didn’t look before asking is (Y/N) was decent. “Do you have your pants on?”
“Sadly.” She piped up, leaning against the sink as Sam stepped in and helped her out and to his bed, tucking her in. “You would be a good dad,” (Y/N) smiled before taking a second to think, “Daddy.” Dean erupted into howling laughter at her words, sending a red tint to Sam’s face. Thank god it was dark in the motel room because Dean would never let it go that Sam was blushing to being called ‘Daddy.’
“Just… go to bed, (Y/N).” Sam rolled his eyes and tried to shake off the blush before crawling into bed on the other side of her, hugging the edge of the bed as tightly as he could to prevent further awkwardness. But, it wasn’t long until (Y/N)’s body was up against his front, curling up and pulling his arm around her. The only thing he could do was hope that sleep would come and (Y/N) would be sobered up in the morning.
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Stalk (Part Five)
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Title: Goodnight (Part Five)
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Unofficial Chapter
Ship: Reader x Dean
Warnings: Fighting, choking, fighting
Word Count: 3,798
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After Sam discovered that Ginnette and Peter were buried at two different cemeteries, he printed off directions to both and headed out. Dean stayed with (Y/N) to keep her safe, just like Sam told him to, the awkwardness between the two diminishing as soon as they sat on the sofa to watch a little TV, waiting out the night together. The distance between them bothered (Y/N) immensely, so she slowly began to scoot next to Dean, who didn’t mind one bit she was getting closer. “Is there anything in particular that you want to watch?” She asked, taking him into consideration. “Whatever you want to watch, it doesn’t really matter to me.”
A memory crossed her mind, making (Y/N) giggle a little. Dean looked over to her, furrowing his eyebrows and smiling, “What are you laughing about?” (Y/N) smiled as she turned her head to him. “Remember when we were kids and had to mess with the antennas on my old TV just to get PBS on?” The memory sent them both into full blown laughter. “It took me like twenty minutes just to get a clear picture and it was usually something stupid.”
“Those were the good old days.” (Y/N) sighed, settling on one of her cop shows to watch with Dean. “Too bad Dr. Sexy MD isn’t running anymore.” (Y/N) sighed, her eyes focusing on the characters on the screen. “Wait, you watch that too?” Dean asked, surprised since he never knew that (Y/N) was into dramas and soap operas when they were younger. “Oh my god. Dean Winchester, you watch Dr. Sexy MD?” His eyes widened when he revealed himself to her. Dr. Sexy MD was one of his many guilty pleasures that not many knew about. “Don’t judge me. I’m not judging that you’re making me watch Criminal Minds.”
“That’s because Criminal Minds is an actual good show?” (Y/N) rolled her eyes and put her attention back on the TV. “What about Criminal Minds is good, (Y/N)?” Dean asked, making her pause the show and turn all the way in her seat towards him. “You want to know what’s good? The cases, the characters, the plot, everything is good about Criminal Minds. It’s my favorite show.” Dean smiled, a thought crossing his mind. When they were younger, he loved to make her flustered. Both Sam and (Y/N) thought it was because Dean liked to tease both of them, but honestly? It was because he thought she was cute when she was embarrassed. “I think I know the real reason why you like Criminal Minds.”
“And what is that?”
Dean motioned towards the TV, “Because you can’t take your eyes off of that guy’s ass.” Dean winked as (Y/N) turned her head towards the TV, her cheeks growing red. He accomplished her embarrassment successfully. “Who? Dr. Reid? Never!” Though her cheeks told a different story, “Besides, I’ve seen better.” She smirked. Dean knew where this was going, and he definitely wanted to go there. “Oh yeah? Who’s?” He challenged her, leaning his elbow on the arm of the sofa and placing his head in his hand. (Y/N) tightened her lips, not wanting to make things awkward if her attempt to flirt went wrong.
“Who’s, (Y/N)?” Dean pressed a little further, getting closer to her, faces inches from each other’s. (Y/N) shook her head and looked into his eyes. “Yours.” The single word made Dean grin and sit back in his seat. “I know. It’s great, isn’t it?” (Y/N) scoffed and hit him on the lap with a throw pillow. “Shut up, Butthead.”
“Hey, hey, hey. Wait a minute.” Dean put one finger up, signaling her to be quiet. “What, Dean?” She asked, rolling her eyes. “It’s shut up, Nice-Butt-Head.” He said, bracing for another hit with the pillow. “Get out of my house, asshole!” She joked, hitting him twice. “Nice-Ass-Hole!” he put his arms up in front of him to block the blow aimed at his face. After (Y/N) settled down a little, Dean leaned toward her a little as if he was about to tell her a secret. “Hey, I’m not the only one in this house with a nice ass.” He whispered into her ear, causing chills to go shoot down her spine. “Oh really?” she stuttered, nervously. “Yeah, I head old Ginnette had something great packing behind her!” He laughed harder than he has in a long time. “Oh my god, fuck you!” (Y/N) stood up and made her way over to the kitchen beside the living room.
“Come on, (Y/N)!” Dean laughed, standing up after her and following her to the kitchen, leaning against the island counter. “I’m only kidding around.” He sighed, studying her as she grabbed something from a cabinet and set it on the counter in front of him. A bottle of wine.
“Do you really think we should be drinking right now considering our situation?” Dean questioned, earning a smile and eyebrow raise from (Y/N). “It’s only a glass, will it hurt us?” Dean shook his head, “I only drink hard liquor. This is chick stuff.” Pouring the wine into two glasses, she handed one to Dean who stared at it before taking a sip. “Unlike you, Dean, I drink for taste instead of burn. Which is why I don’t get drunk at parties too much.”
“Hey, I like taste, too. I like tasting a lot of things.” He winked, making (Y/N)’s cheeks grow red. “I’m sure you do.” She rolled her eyes, trying to shake off the blush as she downed her entire glass of wine with one chug and refilling it. “Woah, woah. Slow down.” Setting her glass down on the counter a little hard, she leaned in towards Dean, licking her lips. “I don’t slow down, Dean. I like it hard, too.” Dean gulped, trying so hard not to grab her chin and kiss her. Kiss her hard. He turned his head away from her, smiling as he did. “You’re the worst. You know that, right?”
Dean turned his head back towards her, finding her still leaning over the counter. They stared into each other’s eyes intently before something behind Dean caught (Y/N)’s eyes off guard. “Dean, behind you!” (Y/N) backed up against the fridge behind her, pointing towards something behind Dean. Dean jumped at her yell, turning around to see a man standing behind him. His blonde curly hair got in the way of his face, but when he took a step towards Dean, it moved to the side a little revealing deep brown eyes. Dean’s eyes trailed down to the man’s neck, dark bruises covered almost all of his skin. “Leave.” The man groaned as Dean pulled out his hand gun full of rock salt and aimed at him. “No, that’s your job.” He pulled the trigger, causing the man to disappear and the salt hit against the door frame of the kitchen.
“It was…. That wasn’t who I saw the other night, Dean.” Turning toward her, he ushered her to come around the counter towards him. “It doesn’t really matter, he’s here now and we need to get a salt ring in here before one of us gets killed.” He said as she rounded the counter. Dean grabbed her hand to make sure she didn’t disappear as he searched her cabinets for salt. When he finally found a small can of it, he realized there wasn’t much in there to keep them both safe. “We could… huddle together.” She laughed, receiving a funny look from Dean. “Now’s not the time to flirt, (Y/N). Life or death here.”
He glanced over her shoulder to see the spirit had returned, reaching it’s hand out towards her shoulder. Moving (Y/N) to the side, he brought his pistol up and shot the ghost again, making it disappear faster than before. Pouring the salt into a small circle, he made sure that it would keep all of (Y/N) safe. “Get in.” (Y/N) looked down and noticed there wasn’t enough room for Dean. “No, no. No fucking way this is going to be a Titanic scene.”
Glancing up at her, he smirked, “You’re right, we didn’t even have sex in the back of a car yet.” (Y/N) scowled at Dean before stepping into the circle. “Stay here, I’m going to hold him off until Sam burns his damn bones.”
“Oh is that what you’re going to do? I thought you were going to draw me like one of your French girls.” She rolled her eyes. “I mean, if you want to take your clothes off for me, that wouldn’t be too bad of an idea.” (Y/N) hit Dean before noticing the spirit standing behind him. “Dean, he’s behind you!”
Dean turned his head towards the spirit, raising his gun once again, “You know, you’re really bad at this sneaking thing, kid.” He shot him in the chest and he was gone. Dialing Sam’s number, he handed his phone to (Y/N) so she could ask him where he was while Dean held off Peter.
It didn’t take long for Sam to answer, panting. “Did you dig him up yet?!” (Y/N) yelled through the phone, hoping that Sam heard her through Dean’s gun fire that was tearing up her home. “Just got to the coffin, hold tight.” He hung up on the girl, sending relief throughout her body. “What did he say?” Dean asked, shooting Peter one more time and turning towards her. “He just got to the coffin.” Dean sighed in relief before (Y/N) yelled at him, “Dean, turn around!” Before she could finish her sentence, Peter sent Dean flying towards her in the circle, making her fall backwards out of the salt circle. Peter disappeared from what she could see but reappeared on top of her, his hands digging into her neck. His tight grip cut off most of the circulation in her veins, causing pressure to build up in her head. “Get off of her!” Dean yelled before shooting Peter, making him disappear, relieving (Y/N) of the pressure.
She choked on her own breath, holding her neck. Noticing the salt circle was now messed up, she looked up at Dean who was holding his hand out to her. She took it and he helped her up. “What now? That was all the salt!” Dean held her to his chest as he pointed his gun out to the figure who appeared across the island. Right as he was about to pull the trigger, Peter’s body erupted in flames, causing Dean to jump back a little. “It’s over.” Dean whispered in the girl’s ear as she clung tightly to his body. She let go, tears trailing down her cheeks. Looking up at the man, a thought crossed her mind but she quickly shook it off. It would only make things more awkward.
But Dean had a different idea than her. Placing his fingers on the bottom of her chin, he tilted up towards his, bringing their lips together. As they did, that *familiar* spark erupted between them. They smiled between their kiss, not letting go of each other, not even for air. (Y/N) bit Dean’s lip, asking for entrance, complying, their tongues met, dancing together in a sea of fireworks. It wasn’t until they let go that Dean noticed a different spirit across the island, a girl with similar marks on her neck to Peter, but more like hand prints.
He raised his gun towards her, but she put her hand up as if to signal not to shoot her. “I’m sorry.” (Y/N) turned around as the girl spoke to her. Unable to speak herself, she allowed the spirit to explain herself. “Peter… Peter was very angry with me. I didn’t know what I did but he punished me anyways. It went too far, (Y/N).” Her name rolled off the girl’s way too easily, as if Ginette knew (Y/N) personally.
“He didn’t mean to kill me. He was just… he was just angry. And he was angry with you. I tried to warn you. I tried to warn you to leave, to stay away. Perhaps he wouldn’t be that mad if you left. It didn’t change anything. I’m sorry, (Y/N).” Tears rolled down the girl’s cheeks but all Dean and (Y/N) could do was watch her. “He came to you as that man because that’s who you feared. He needed to scare you and he was going to go too far with you as he did with me.” At this point, her words were through sobs as she began to fade away. The two looked at each other, concluding that she wasn’t going to be a problem as long as Sam gets to her bones. Turning away from Dean, (Y/N)’s eyes searched for her broom and dust pan. Grabbing it, she ushered Dean to move over while she swept up the salt on her tile floor.
“What are you doing?” Dean asked, confused. “What does it look like, Genius? I’m cleaning up.”
“Oh yeah, I forgot you’re kind of a neat freak.” Dean chuckled, placing his hand on her hip as she cleaned up the salt, tracing circles into her hip. “I can be another kind of freak, but I’m not going to get to that today, Dean.” After scooping up all the salt into the dust pan, she walked over to the trash can leaving Dean in awe.
Sam returned to her home an hour later. After hearing what Ginnette had to say, (Y/N) had no interest in Dean, only wanting to sit on the couch and think to herself. Though the kiss was nice and badly needed, too many things were going through her mind to even think about doing it again, among other things. “You guys okay?” Sam strolled into the living room, noticing the fresh bruises that were already forming on (Y/N)’s neck. “Peter kind of got rough.” She sighed, pausing the television and looking at the brothers, her legs across Dean’s lap as Sam sat down at the end of the sofa.
“Uh, wait, you need to shower before you even think about sitting on my furniture.” (Y/N) scolded him and kicked at the youngest Winchester. “That’s the thanks I get for digging not one, but two graves for you?” Sam laughed before standing back up from the sofa. “Hey, what can I say? I like my furniture clean, kid, I paid a lot for it. Bathrooms on the second floor, door right across from the stairs, you literally can’t miss it.”
Sam made his way out of the living room and up the stairs. When Dean knew that Sam was out of ear shot, he turned towards (Y/N) on the couch and locked eyes with her. “Hey, are you okay?” He asked, his emerald green eyes making butterflies form in her stomach. “I guess you can say that.” She sighed, moving her legs off of him and sitting like a normal person. “Tell me what’s on your mind.” He was sincere with his words.
“It’s really hard not to think about Peter choking me. I always knew that ghosts could harm people, but I never thought it would happen to me. Twice.” She sighed after she spoke. “It’s a hard thing to go through. I know if I was woken up by someone choking me, I wouldn’t want to be in my own bed alone either.”
“Sleep with me.” She blurted out the words, not even thinking about what she said. “Well, I mean, if you really want to!” He laughed. “Not like that, Dean. Just sleep in my bed tonight. Please?” she took ahold of his hand, almost like begging him. “How many times have we shared beds growing up, (Y/N)? I really don’t care. I’ll sleep in your bed with you tonight.” He chuckled.
As they settled into the bed together, at a comfortable distance from each other, (Y/N) moved to face Dean. “Thank you, Dean, for everything. I don’t know what I would have done without you.” She properly thanked him this time, placing a peck on his lips, the spark happening again. He looked at her in silence for a second, switching his gaze from eye to eye.
“Did you… did you feel that, too?” He whispered. (Y/N) nodded, knowing exactly what he was talking about. “Let’s feel it again.” She said before pressing her lips to his fully, the kiss more passionate than earlier, but much shorter. “It feels the same as the first time.” She sighed, before turning on her other side so Dean could pull her close to his body, arms engulfing her. “I know…” He smiled as he spoke. “Goodnight, Dean.”
“Goodnight, (Y/N).”
August of 2000
“Dad, I’m sorry, but I’ve already been accepted! I just can’t turn them down now.” (Y/N) felt the hot tears stream down her face as she studied her father, who was more worried than angry at her. “Why didn’t you choose a college closer to home?! Do you know how far (Y/C/N) is from here?” His voice was stern as he spoke. His tone reminded her of the first time he yelled at her for disobeying his orders, making her even more full of grief as she listened to him. “I… I’ve always wanted to go there. It’s the perfect college for me. It’s my life, Dad, I can choose where I want to go.”
Just as she spoke, the front door of the house opened and shut, two pairs of footsteps making their way down the hallway and into the living room towards the kitchen. John and Dean stood there watching them as they had their fight, awkwardly trying not to intervene, in fear of the backlash that would follow them. “So you choose to leave me?” His eyes grew red, as if he was fighting back tears as well. “God, you don’t even understand.” (Y/N) had enough. She couldn’t stand fighting with her father, especially about her life. Storming off, her shoulder hit Dean’s who turned around and watched her as she opened and slammed the front door once she was out of the house.
John turned to Bobby, a questionable look on his face, not even requiring him to answer to know it was just family drama. “What can I help you with?” Bobby muttered, turning to the younger man. John explained himself but Dean just tuned them out, his eyes staying with the door that just let (Y/N) out. ‘Is she okay?’ he asked himself, waiting for Bobby and John to make their ways upstairs to the study. Once the coast was clear, Dean made his way to the door and stepped outside, the cold night air engulfing him. The end of summer was the hottest in South Dakota, but at night, it got crazy cold.
Dean knew exactly where to find (Y/N), it was the place she went to cool off whenever she was angry. There was a particular car that she transfixed on, only because it was a convertible with comfortable leather seats. Missing an engine, (Y/N) made it her mission to make it her own little hideout from her father and all the problems that came with the hunting life he was involved with. Dean crossed the salvage yard to the car, finding her there laying on the hood, back to the windshield instead of her usual spot laying across the backseat. (Y/N) turned her head towards Dean as he approached. “What do you want?” She asked, obviously still angry, fresh tears staining her cheeks. The twenty-one-year-old joined her on the hood, crossing one leg over the other as he used his hands as a pillow.
“Somewhere else to be.” He sighed, “Kind of like you.”
“What do you mean?” she furrowed her eyebrows, turning her head towards him. His eyes studied the stars above them, a clear night sky revealing the beautiful millions and millions of stars in the galaxy. “I know you’re leaving. You’re going to college… but when?” His eyes finally met her (Y/E/C) ones. “Tomorrow.” Her voice was quiet as she spoke, sort of embarrassed to be abandoning her father. Dean nodded, not wanting to say anything that would upset her.
“You were right back there, you know.” He sighed as the both of them directed their attention back to the galaxy above them. “Which part? I said a lot of things that my dad disapproves of.”
“Bobby isn’t right for trying to keep you here. It’s your life and you can choose to do whatever you want to do.” They were quiet for a while, his words still lingering in the air when (Y/N) finally spoke, an obvious conversation change. “The galaxy is so beautiful.” She sighed, hoping her words would fill up the empty air between them. Dean thought for a second before speaking, “So are you, (Y/N).” He turned towards her again, finding that her eyes were already on him.
“What happened, Dean? That night that you hurt those two boys?” She asked, her eyes bloodshot from crying before. “Why are you asking?” He stated more than asked. It was something he never wanted to talk about. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to talk about it, it was that he taught himself not to, because if he brought it up he would feel the same heart break that he did that night. “We almost kissed and then we just never talked about it ever again. Like it never happened.” She whispered.
“Your dad told me to leave you alone.” He spoke quietly as he noticed the anger take place in her face. “Why? You saved me from that kid, it wasn’t your fault!” Her tone changed completely as she sat up on the hood of the car, “Do you understand how confused I was for a long time? I thought you didn’t care, Dean.” She sighed and laid back down. “I did and I still do, (Y/N).”
“You do?” It was a sigh of relief to know she wasn’t the only one who cared about the events of that night.
They were quiet as they looked into each other’s eyes again, but this time deeper, as if they were looking for each other’s souls. It happened so naturally, like they were used to doing it. He placed his hand on her cheek, bringing her closer to him as they closed their eyes and lips met, the kiss that just felt… right. It felt like nothing could hold them back anymore, even though the truth dawned on them quickly. They might never see each other again, which only prompted them to keep each other on lock, not letting go in fear that the moment would pass by too quickly.
But it was fate that they would meet again, even if they didn’t know it.
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One Shot #2
THIS IS RELATED TO STALK: You are not required to read it to progress in the story because its an unofficial chapter. But, if you really like the Stalk series, I highly recommend reading it because it will pull at your heart strings. 
Title: Kid’s Memories
Series Masterlist (in case you do want to read Stalk and you’re just now finding this)
Ship: Reader x Dean
Warnings: Violence, Heartbreak
Word Count: 3,794
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((Round of applause for young Jensen))
June of 1996
Being only fifteen has its downsides during the long summer months. She may have her driving permit, but that doesn’t mean that Bobby would let her go out driving whenever she wants – even though she’s been given plenty of practice since she was thirteen thanks to Dean “My Dad Could Care Less What I Do” Winchester. When she asked her dad to drop her off in town or at the mall a town over, he gave the excuse he was working and too busy to bother. So, there she sat on her bed, a book in her hand since it was the only thing she could do because it was too blazing hot to go outside.
The hum of the cars driving past the salvage yard was only background noise to her adventures the Grimm brothers supplied her. Even though she read and finished the book around ten times now, it still made her feel like she was going on a new adventure with each tale she read. As she turned the page, a familiar grumble alerted her outside her window, followed by the sound of car doors shutting. Glancing outside her window, she spotted her new source of entertainment: The Winchester boys; the kids she grew up with ever since the young age of four.
When the youngest, Sam, spotted her, (Y/N) waved at him earning a wide smile from him, obviously excited to see her after months of being on the road. This was the regular, unfortunately. Their father, John, left the boys at her father’s house when the hunts were too dangerous for the young ones. Dean, being seventeen, went with him more and more nowadays. This made (Y/N) upset with John. The boys were still too young to be hunting, though it’s been a part of their whole lives. Especially Sam, who was an infant when he was brought into the hunting world via his father.
Dean, on the other hand, didn’t look too happy to see Bobby’s house. This usually meant he would be grounded within a few seconds of stepping in. In Bobby’s home, half the things John thought were okay with Dean doing was considered a sin. When he was grounded, Bobby usually made him help him with his work, like researching for other hunters that need Bobby’s help with their cases. Sam thought of Bobby’s house as a vacation destination. Barely anything bad happened there, unless one of the three kids got hurt doing something stupid.
The trio disappeared under the porch roof and the sound of the door opening helped (Y/N) start the count down for when her door was going to open unexpectedly – but, very expected. Foot steps through the front door, ten. “Hey, Bobby! How are you doing?!” nine. Shoes being kicked off next to the door hitting the wall, eight. Footsteps leading up to the kitchen, seven. “Hey, John! What are you doing here?”, six. Separate footsteps going to the bathroom, five. The sound of a toilet flushing and the sink running, four. The sound of the fridge door opening and closing, along with various cabinets in the kitchen, three. Two sets of footsteps stomping up the stairs, two. “Dude, quit pushing me.”, one. The door knob rattles and the door bursts open, letting the two boys inside, boom.
“Hey, Dork.” Dean pulled out the desk chair and slumps in it. Whatever was in his hands was now on (Y/N)’s desk, notebooks and novels now buried under Dean’s bag and… her Twinkie box she was stashing in the cupboard from her father. “Hey, how the heck did you find those?” She shot up off the bed and grabbed them from the desk. “C’mon, (Y/N), I’ve known you for how many years? It’s pretty obvious where you hide things.”
“I’ll just have to think of another hiding place then…” She smirked at him and threw them on the bed beside her pillows. Sam jumped down on the bed behind her after stripping off his bag. “You know, it’s really nice to lay down in a bed that hasn’t been slept on by a hundred-other people.” The youngest one sighed, folding his hands behind his head and using them as a pillow.
“You don’t know if that beds been slept on by a hundred people, Sam.” Dean joked, earning smack from (Y/N). “Shut up, I’m more innocent than you so what does that make you?” She glared at him. “A sexy devil, sweetie.” He winked as (Y/N) rolled her eyes and sat next to Sam. “So, how’s your summers going?” She asked. The two groan in exhaustion, answering her question without any words. “That bad, huh? Mine isn’t that good either. Dad won’t let me go anywhere and all I have to do is sit in my room since it’s so dang hot outside.”
“At least you’re not being dragged across the country to kill things.” Sam sighed. “Are you kidding me? Exclude the killing part and that would literally be perfect.”
“Oh yeah? In a blazing hot car? Sounds amazing until you’re boiling in your own sweat because your dad refuses to put the AC on to save gas.” Dean scoffs, sneakily grabbing the box of Twinkies and taking one. “It’s better than being cooped up in a little room all day. It’s like I’m a dang kidnap victim!” (Y/N) threw her hands up into the air. “If only there was a way we could trade places.” Dean rolled his eyes and crossed one leg over the other.
“Are you guys staying the week like usual or are you heading out tomorrow morning?” (Y/N) asked, hoping it was the week. It was getting awfully boring being here all by herself. Not to mention lonely, too. “We don’t know yet. So far, Dad said he was just going to get information for his next hunt. But depending on how dangerous it is, he’s going to leave us here. You might be stuck with us, Dorkwad.” Dean answered, opening the package as quietly as he can on his lap so (Y/N) can’t see.
“Well, what do you want to do until dinner?” (Y/N) smiled, happy that she might not be alone all week. Even though Bobby disapproved of it, when the boys stayed over, they slept in her room with her. Dean would gladly take the blow-up mattress at the foot of her bed, Sam respectfully sleeping next to her on the full-size bed. Bobby suggested on multiple occasions when they were getting older that they both take the living room sofas for more comfort, but what’s the point of not spending as much time as you can with your childhood friend?
“Eh, well, I was thinking we try to get that TV working again and watch some stupid sitcom on PBS.” (((if you don’t know what PBS is, it stands for Public Broadcasting System. It’s a free channel for when you can’t afford actual cable. It plays the news, cartoons, and some stupid sitcoms. Perks of growing up poor right there))) Sam suggested. “Really? You think you can get that old thing working again?” (Y/N) sighed, standing up and walking over to her closet, where the mini box TV was stored.
“It’s worth a try, ain’t it?” Dean stood up and helped her wheel it out of the closet. As she plugged it in and turned it on, the black and white static showed up on the screen. “C’mon, Dean, you can do this.” Sam encouraged him as he began to mess with the antennas.” ((I swear if you guys have never seen a TV with antennas, I’m deleting my blog.))
“I know I can do this, Sammy, no need to tell me.” He said as he turned one antenna a certain way. After ten minutes of (Y/N) and Sam telling him if they see a picture appearing yet, which was most of the time a no, it finally happened. Through the static, they could barely make out the silhouette of their favorite aardvark from their childhood. It became clearer and clearer as Dean directed the antenna the correct direction. “The static is gone, Dean, you’re good.” (Y/N) smiled. She would never have that much patience to sit there and mess with the TV for that long, hence why it was sitting and collecting dust in her closet.
Turning around to see the screen, Dean scowled at the sight of the cartoon. “Ugh,” he groaned, “I did all that work for a damn kid’s show.” He sat down beside the other two and decided to watch. Why would he waste all that effort for nothing? They all sat there, of course getting comfortable on the bed together, watching cartoons until Bobby yelled up the steps that dinner was ready.
At dinner, it was just Sam, (Y/N), Dean, and Bobby. John was too busy doing research in the study to come down for dinner, which annoyed Bobby a little. He did this every time he would stop by for research and to drop the boys off. The least he could do was spend some time with them. The spaghetti was quickly whipped up, Bobby not bothering to cook a full-blown meal tonight.
“It’s really good, Uncle Bobby.” Sam said as he shoveled a meatball into his mouth. “Thank you, Sam. I tried my best not to accidentally poison it.” Dean stopped mid scoop and put his fork down. “You sure, Bobby?” A grin crawled across the old man’s face. “That’s for me to know, and you to find out.” He twisted his fork on the plate and brought it up in the air as if to toast. “That’s promising.” Dean chuckled.
After dinner, the three found themselves in (Y/N)’s bedroom once again, watching the news. As depressing as it was, it was still something to do. Around nine in the evening, (Y/N) and Dean discovered that Sam was already sleeping against the wall. “Let’s sneak out.” Dean whispered suddenly after the news reporter was done with the weather segment. “What?!” her whisper sounded more like a squeak.
“We don’t even have to leave the property, just walk around the yard. This is boring.” Dean turned on his side toward the girl who was sandwiched between the two brothers on her bed that definitely did not fit three people. “Dean, you’re forgetting that I live here and I’ll be grounded a lot longer than a week if Dad catches me outside of the house at…” she motioned towards the open window blowing in the cold night air, “this time of night.”
“You said you want to live a little. So, why not start with this?” Dean stood up off the bed, careful not to wake his sleeping little brother and draped one leg outside the window. “Dean! Stop!” She jumped off the bed and ran towards him, grabbing his arm and trying to pull him back. “Relax, Dork, the porch roof is right there, we can sneak out easily.” Dean continued to stick both legs out the window until the sound of the front door slamming alerted him to get down and hide on the roof. “John! You get right back there. You can’t just keep using me for my books. You can’t just leave your kids here and expect everything to be okay!” It was Bobby yelling at John as he stormed off to the Impala that was parked out front.
“Oh yeah, Bobby? Watch me. I have a case to work and it’s far too dangerous for those boys.” John got in his car and slammed the door, the car grumbled to life and like that, he was gone. Dean turned towards the open window where (Y/N) stood and sighed, “Looks like we’re staying, Sweetcheecks.”
When the coast was clear of (Y/N)’s father, Dean held his hand out to (Y/N), offering support so she could get out the window. But she only shook her head no to him. “I’m not doing this, Dean. If I get in trouble, it’ll be the end of me.” His eyes met with hers, something twinkling in his emerald green ones. “Part of living is taking risks.” Hesitating, she took his hand and slipped her first leg through the window, then the next. “Now what?” She asked, a little too close to Dean, her hand still in his hand. He winked and let go of her hand, sending chills she never expected to run down her spine.
Squatting down, Dean grabbed ahold of the roof, dangling himself down and jumping to the ground. “Jump, (Y/N).” Looking down at the boy who had his arms out, (Y/N) shook her head. “You have to be freaking crazy, there’s no way you can catch me.” Dean smiled and held his arms out further, “Want to make that bet?” Rolling her eyes, (Y/N) sat down on the roof and dangled her legs over so it wasn’t exactly jumping hard into his arms.
Closing her eyes, she pushed herself off the roof. To both of their surprise, Dean successfully caught her… which was before they both tumbled to the ground. “Where’s my money, Winchester?” (Y/N) groaned, quickly rolling off him. “In my pocket, want to get it for me?” He joked before standing up and offering her a hand. “Let’s get this show on the road.” He smiled as she took his hand and he hauled her up. Walking until they were out of ear shot of Bobby, Dean led (Y/N) to the old fort that she, him, and Sam made when they were younger. In an alcove of stacked cars, a blue, fabric tarp draped about 6 feet off the ground, tied to various cars to keep it up. Inside were old van seats and crates to make it look like a living room with a coffee table. Weathered posters stapled to the cars were still hung there even after all these years of collecting water and age. “God, remember this place? We used to stay out here all day long.” Dean stepped inside, looking around. “Yeah, that was before you were getting grounded constantly. To be honest, I think that’s why we stopped coming out here.” (Y/N) sat in a chair. Dean turned to her, a questionable expression on his face, “Why is that?”
“It just wasn’t that fun with just me and Sam. Everything you did pissed Dad off and he cooped you up in the house all day, working.” The tone of (Y/N)’s voice changed, the memory of when the boys’ father started rubbing off on Dean. “Eh, it’s not all that bad. It’s better than doing nothing all day in here.”
“C’mon, Dean. You can’t even lie. We didn’t just do nothing in here all day. We had the best adventures as kids.” (Y/N)’s smile returned. “Yeah, whatever you say. I’ve grown up, and clearly both you and Sam haven’t yet.” (Y/N) chuckled at his statement. Dean was just trying to act like he didn’t care – you know, the cool guy act. “I’m seventeen, (Y/N). Legally, I’m not an adult. But, the truth is that I’ve been an adult since…” He paused as he walked over to the van seat (Y/N) was sitting on and plumped down next to her, “I’ve been an adult since I was four years old.”
“I’m sorry, Dean.” (Y/N) sighed, placing her head on his shoulder, hoping the touch would help him relax, which only tensed him with the heat of her cheek making contact with his shoulder. “It’s not your fault. You shouldn’t feel sorry.” She lifted her head and turned towards him. They were closer than they thought they were. So close that they could easily reach their heads forward and connect their lips. Which Dean thought would be the best thing right now. His massive crush on this girl was getting too big to handle for him. Eventually he had to do something about it or the opportunity was going to disappear.
Bringing his hand up to (Y/N)’s face, he pushed a strand of hair behind her ear and placed his warm hand on her cheek. (Y/N)’s eyes sparkled as she realized what he was about to do. Closing her eyes, she leaned in at the same time as him. Just as their lips were about to touch, a rustling of leaves near the opening of the fort forced them apart, (Y/N)’s cheek burning hot. “What was that?” Dean asked, standing up out of the seat and reaching for the switch blade in his pocket. “I-I don’t know.” (Y/N) stuttered, sitting up a little straighter and turning around in her seat, attempting to find the source of the sound.
“Stay here.” He whispered to the scared girl as he disappeared outside of the tarped fort. “God, I knew I should have told him no. Frick.” ((Gotta love this fifteen year old’s language lmao)) (Y/N) whispered to herself, crossing her arms. As Dean rounded the corner outside of the alcove, two voices snickered. “Who’s out there? This is private property, I’m going to have to ask you to leave.” He said sternly. Two teenage boys, one older than him and one shorter and younger, stepped out from behind a car. “You and what army, lover boy?” the taller one asked, smirking.
“My uncle has a shot gun inside, if you really want to see that army.” Dean pointed to the house, where most of the lights were out. “Yeah, right. Singer is a drunk who don’t know the difference between a shotgun and his own dick.” The shorter one retorted. The two grew closer and closer to Dean, who’s hand was squeezing the switchblade, tightly. “Leave now or you’ll regret it.”
“Dean, who’s out there?” (Y/N) stepped out of the fort and stopped in her tracks when she spotted the two boys. “What are you doing here?!” She asked, stepping behind Dean. “I told you to stay put, (Y/N). What the fuck?”
“Yeah, (Y/N), why didn’t you listen to your boyfriend?” The tallest laughed, stepping closer to them and grabbing (Y/N) by the arm. She yelped as he pulled her over to him, hugging her close from behind. “Good catch… is it Dean?” He smirked, getting close to her neck. “Let her go, asshole.” Dean lunged forward, the knife digging into the teenager’s shoulder, making him yell in pain, letting go of (Y/N). “Go get Bobby! Go, go! Hurry!” Dean commanded her before receiving a punch to the cheek from the shorter teenager. “Fuck, now you’re in trouble.” Dean tackled the kid to the ground next to his friend who was trying to remove the knife from his shoulder. Blow after blow, the kid tried to fight back.
“Dad! Dad!” (Y/N) slammed the door open, yelling for her father. “(Y/N)? What the hell are you doing outside?! Bobby stepped out of the living room.” (Y/N) stepped forward towards him, grabbing his forearms. “Dean’s in trouble, get the shot gun, hurry! There’s two kids that attacked us, hurry!” (Y/N) yelled, frantically at the old man who rushed to get the shot gun that sat next to the sofa for emergencies like these. Footsteps pattered down the stairs and (Y/N) spotted Sam. “What is going on? Where the hell did you guys go?” He asked, rubbing his sleepy eyes. “Sam, go upstairs, it’s not safe.” (Y/N) commanded him.
By the time (Y/N) and Bobby made it out to where Dean and the teenagers were, the shortest one that Dean was beating on was knocked out cold. The other, clutching his shoulder, successfully pulled out the knife, only making him bleed out more. With the heart that Dean had, he couldn’t let a not-so-innocent teenager bleed to death because of him. Bobby ran up to the scene to see Dean holding the kid’s shoulder tight to stop the bleeding as much as he could. “Call 911!” He screamed. Bobby just stood there for a second, soaking up the scene.
“And it was self-defense, Mr. Winchester?” The police officer questioned him. Dean didn’t make eye contact as he nodded, blood still stained on his hands. “Okay, thank you, sir.” The officer patted his shoulder in comfort but walked away almost immediately after taking his statement. Meanwhile, Bobby was doing his own questioning to (Y/N).
“Did you get hurt? Did they touch you?!” Her father was being his old protective self, making sure his daughter was okay. “I’m fine, Dad. One grabbed me, but I’m not hurt.” She sighed. “Why the hell were you outside in the first place? You know what the hell happens when people go out after dark. Nowhere is safe, (Y/N)! Not even here.” He scolded her with folded arms. “I’m sorry.” Hot tears began to threaten to give way. “Just… go to your room, okay? And tell Sam to sleep in the living room tonight for God’s sakes.” Bobby rolled his eyes as (Y/N) walked up the stairs and to her bedroom. Dean began to follow her but just before he could place his foot on the first step, Bobby grabbed his arm and pulled him into the living room.
“What the hell were you doing with my daughter out there, boy?” His tone of voice changed to something more terrifying that it was with (Y/N). “I-I don’t know, sir. We just got bored and-“
“You got bored and almost got my daughter killed. What would I have done if I lost her, too? She’s all I have.” For the first time, Dean was witnessing Bobby shedding tears. “It’s not like it was a monster. It was just two kids that I could handle…”
“But what if it was, Dean? Are you going to kill a monster with a flimsy pocket knife, boy?” Dean grew quiet. It had crossed his mind the second he stepped his foot out the window that first time. While (Y/N) was worried about being caught, Dean was worried about being caught something totally different. “Leave. My. Daughter. Alone.” Bobby spat before storming off to his own bedroom, leaving Dean alone in the living room.
Footsteps behind him didn’t even make him turn. “Dean, what happened?” Sam’s soft voice questioned him, but Dean didn’t even have the will to answer.
“It’s fine, you don’t need to tell me.” Sam said, laying down on one sofa, saving the other for Dean. Dean laid down, his head facing the back of the sofa, not even bothering to cover himself or wash the blood off his hands.
That was the first time he ever hurt a girl without the intention. The first time it wasn’t because he was cheating or using her. The first time he wasn’t even with said girl. The first time he ever loved a girl. The first time he ever cried over a girl.
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I figured since its related to Stalk, I’d tag you guys :P
@spn-applepie-imagines  @xdifsx @spndeanlover1967 @sarcasticllamasarah
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Stalk (Part Four)
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Title: Stalk (Part Four)
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Unofficial Chapter
Part Four (Final)
Ship: Dean x Reader
Warnings: none that I can think of
Word Count: 2,986
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The entire day following the discovery of what Toby was – or what he was doing – was spent preparing for the kill. But, in (Y/N)’s case, it was spent dreading even coming to Sioux Falls. She should have never told the boys about Toby. She could have handled it herself and prevented his unnecessary death. As terrifying as her experiences had been, a spirit can’t kill you… can it? He did leave pretty mean marks all over her wrists and neck. If it can hurt her, bruise her, can it kill her? The questions were cemented in her mind the entire day, repeating themselves over and over. The boys used her bedroom to come up with a plan, so the only safe place for her to be away from their gory words was the study, where she sat all day.
While completely consumed in her thoughts, (Y/N) didn’t hear the knock at the study door. “(Y/N)?” It was her father’s voice that finally snapped her out of her trance. “Huh? Yeah, come in.” She permitted him and the door opened, the old man stepping inside. “Are you okay, sweetie?” he asked, his face full of concern. “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” She leaned forward in her seat, faking a smile. “You’re sure?” He sat across from her, studying her. She nodded quickly, though her blood shot eyes revealed themselves to Bobby. “The boys just informed me that they’re skipping town tonight to do a hunt near where you live. Do you know anything about that?”
‘Shit, he knows.’ (Y/N) thought to herself, letting out a little sigh that signaled her giving up the act. “How much did they tell you?” She put her head in her arms on the desk, ready to hear the whole story all over again through her father’s words. “Why didn’t you tell me, (Y/N)? As much as I love the boys, I’d rather hear it from my own daughter, for Christ’s sake.” The girl brought up her head so she could make eye contact with him, spotting the pain in his eyes. The man started again, “Well, I mean, I was kind of suspicious because you don’t usually ‘just swing by’. You haven’t been home for over two years. Not even a call.”
“I’m sorry, Dad.” (Y/N) mustered out, tears threatening to rise, “I don’t want to be part of this life anymore. Hunting is disgusting. The creatures are disgusting. I thought that if I just left, it would all just go away. But for some reason, everything likes to find its way to me. I can never get away.”
“Do me a favor?” He sat up in his chair and pointed towards a file cabinet, “Bottom drawer, grab me that whiskey bottle.” (Y/N) cocked an eyebrow but turned around and grabbed it and its corresponding glasses. “Now, I don’t think I’ve ever told you about your mom, have I?” He said as she placed the bottle and the two glasses in front of them. Bobby poured them both up halfway. (Y/N) nodded, eager to finally hear what he had to say about her. Her mother died a little bit after she was born. Of course, Bobby never told her the whole story of what happened to her. She grew up hearing little stories and memories that her father had of his wife, but that was about it.
“Your mother was a wonderful woman and I loved her very, very much. I just want you to know that before I continue, (Y/N).”
“I know, Dad. You said it every day when I was growing up.” She smiled at the mention of her mother. “You know how possession work, right? You were in the room for a couple exorcisms after you turned thirteen, I made sure of it so you would know what to do.” He answered his own question. “Your mother… your mother was possessed by a demon and she started to attack me out of nowhere. In self-defense, I stabbed her… many times. But, it didn’t really do anything, as you know how a demon keeps the vessels alive even after horrible injuries. Rufus came and performed an exorcism on her and that killed Karen.” Tears welled up in her father’s eyes, the memory too much to bare, “That was before I knew anything about the supernatural world.”
“Dad… I’m so sorry.” (Y/N) reached her hand across the desk and held his as he took a sip of the whiskey, the liquid burning down his throat. “It’s fine, (Y/N), really. The point I’m trying to make is you don’t know what you’re going up against. Don’t charge in blindly because you don’t know if your tactics are going to work. The dimwit brothers downstairs don’t understand that a person’s astral projection can’t even come close to hurting another person. This is not the kid that’s doing this. It must be something way different. You have a vengeful spirit in your home.”
Just as Bobby finished his sentence, which paused (Y/N)’s thoughts, the hum of the Impala could be heard outside. “Shit, are they leaving?” the girl shot out of her seat and raced to the window to see Sam and Dean in the Impala, getting ready to leave. “Dad, thank you so much for telling me this. You just saved someone’s life.” She hugged her father quickly before sprinting out of the room, running down the stairs, and out the door. (Y/) made it outside right before Dean put the Impala in drive. “Dean! Wait! Stop!” She yelled, panting as she ran up to Dean’s driver-side window. “Dean-“ she panted, attempting to catch her breath so she could speak.
“(Y/N)? What’s wrong?” He rolled down his window so he could hear the girl. “It’s not Toby. It’s-“ she took a long gasp, “God, I’m so out of fucking shape.”
“What? What is it then?” Dean furrowed his eyebrows, unlocking the Impala so (Y/N) could get in the backseat. She climbed in, finally catching her breath. “Dad said that someone’s astral projection can’t hurt anyone. This has to be an actual spirit.” The brothers exchange a look, confirming a change of plans. “The best bet is to just go to my house and do some research on it and try and figure out who this ghost is.” Her hunter mode finally kicked in. Dean raised his eyebrows, a smirk crawling across his lips. Something about (Y/N) showing her true hunter self made something inside him all happy and giddy.
The ride to (Y/N)’s house was filled with all kinds of conversations, catching up on all the happenings since they were kids. Dean was glad to discover that (Y/N) was still single as ever, never even had a boyfriend in the years of not seeing each other.  
Once they got there, everyone loaded out of the Impala and stretched their legs. “(Y/N), you have wifi at your place, right?” Sam turned to her and she nodded, walking up her driveway and to her front door. “Guys, please don’t mind the mess.”
“Please, it can’t be as bad as your father’s house.” Dean laughed as they stepped inside her home, looking around in awe. Paintings littered the walls of all types and genres, book cases were everywhere. It was like Sam’s Heaven. “A mess?” Sam scoffed, trailing further inside the home, his eyes glued to the collections of books along the walls. “Enough about my home, boys. Let’s get to work.” (Y/N) raised her eyebrows and led them to her study.
Dinner time rolled around faster than they had thought, their stomachs grumbling could be heard throughout the silent study. Only Dean thought to speak up about it, “God, I’m hungry.” He rolled the chair away from (Y/N)’s computer. “I know, I know.” (Y/N) groaned, turning off her tablet and setting it on the end table next to her lounge chair. “Take out?” Dean suggested, but (Y/N) only shook her head. “Nothing good delivers out this way.”
Dean smiled, “We can go pick it up if you put the order in. I don’t mind driving, I’m too hungry.” He chuckled, standing up and offering his hand to the girl. The pair looked at Sam, raising their eyebrows as if silently asking him if he wants to join. Sam shakes his head, “No, I’m fine. I’m going to stay behind and do some more research. I think I’m close to findings some info.”
“The usual chick salad I’m guessing?” Dean confirmed with Sam before following (Y/N) into the kitchen and leaning against the counter as she hopped up onto a stool. She grabbed her phone and dialed a number she had burned into her mind from calling when she was in college. Before pressing send, she turned to the oldest Winchester, who was standing a little too close than what she’s used to. It wasn’t like (Y/N) didn’t like it - she definitely did - this was just something that Dean treaded far from. “So, a salad for Jolly Green, and what do you want? It’s on me, so don’t worry about cost.”
“C’mon, (Y/N), you have to let me pay.” He insisted, leaning towards her a little more to grab his wallet, showing off all the stolen credit cards he collected over the years. “And let you commit a felony? No. Besides, you’re a guest in my home.”
“Why? You’re a poor college student, just let…” He looked at a random name on a credit card, “Matthew Reid pay for it. I’m sure he’s more than willing to.” He gave her a cheeky smile, a contagious one at that. “Fine…” she sighed, dramatically, “But only if you use your own money, Dean. I don’t want to be a part of credit card theft.”
“Good, I won. If they have any bacon cheese burgers, make sure that it has extra bacon on it. Get whatever you want.” (Y/N) rolled her eyes before pressing send and putting in their orders to the local pub. When she hung up, she turned her seat to him. “It’s former poor college student, by the way.” She smiled at the thought of her achievement. It took her six years to get where she was today, going beyond the normal four years. “Oh, I forgot. I don’t think I even congratulated you on that.”
“No, you didn’t, Dean. But don’t worry. I really don’t mind.”
“Yes, but I’m sure you worked hard for that degree and you deserve a congratulation. So…” He extended his arms and wrapped them around her. “Congratulations, (Y/N), I’m proud of you.” His warm arms enveloped her, making her feel safer than she has ever before in this house. His musky scent and body spray was only a plus side to it. As much as she didn’t want to let go of him, she had to to spare the awkwardness that could follow if they held each other a little longer than normal.
They let go of each other, Dean scratching the back of his head in nervousness. “Should we head out and grab the food?” He pointed his thumb over his shoulder towards the door. (Y/N) nodded, grabbing her wallet and heading out the door with Dean after saying her goodbyes and good lucks to Sam.
Once in the car, the tension from the hug died down a little. “You’re going to have to give me directions. I have no idea where I’m going.” Dean chuckled, buckling his seat belt and starting ‘Baby’. “Yeah, yeah, I know. This town is actually pretty easy to navigate, so you’re in luck, Mr. Winchester.” She laughed as they took off down the street. They were silent for a couple minutes, only directions leaving her mouth as they drove.
Dean cleared his throat before speaking, alerting (Y/N) to listen. “You know, you haven’t changed a bit for it being six years.” (Y/N)’s eyes widened at his sudden statement. “I haven’t? Are you sure? I thought I did quite a bit, but I guess I didn’t.” She laughed, looking at the man who had his eyes on the road. “It’s good, though, brings back memories. Being with you.” After realizing what he was saying, he quickly corrected himself, “Well, seeing you again…”
“You haven’t changed, yourself. You’re still the stubborn little boy that I grew up with. A dick at times, too.”
“How am I a dick?” He glanced at her, surprised to see her looking at him. “You’re argumentative, everything has to go your way, you treat everyone younger than you like children-“
“Okay, okay! I get it! I’m a dick, but you’re not perfect either.”
“How?! At least I’m not a dick, Dean.” She laughed and rolled her eyes, turning her attention to the road in front of them. “You act like a kid. I guess you’re a little bit like me because everything has to go your way, too.”
“How could I not be like you, I grew up with you for Christ’s sake.” She smiled, “Remember that time you climbed up the tallest pile of cars even though my dad told you not to and you fell when you were climbing down and you broke your foot?” Dean scoffed, “How could I not? It hurt like a bitch. It was also the day I let Bobby hear me curse for the first time and, boy, did he get an ear full. Remember that time me, you, and Sam were walking on the frozen creek behind Bobby’s house and you fell through the ice and I had to jump in and save you?”
“Are we just listing of times we had traumatic injuries?” She laughed, looking at the scar on her hand from cutting it on the ice. “You got hurt falling through the ice?” Dean turned to her for a second, furrowing his eyebrows. “Yeah, I cut my hand. How could you not remember that? You got my blood all over your clothes because you insisted on carrying me back to the house. Dad asked if you killed something and grabbed his shot gun!”
“Oh yeah! I think I was going through my superman phase then.” As he spoke, a particular memory crossed his mind, something that’s been rooted in since she left, not saying a word to anybody. It was one of his favorite memories with her and one of the only ones where they didn’t fight. “Remember…” He paused for a second, trying to decide if he should bring it up or not. “Remember the night before you moved? When me and my dad were visiting Bobby for something. When we got in the house, you and Bobby were fighting or something and you stormed out.”
“I do…” She sighed, remembering when she broke the news to her father about her leaving to go to college. At first, he wasn’t okay with it, but after a while, he finally understood that she wanted to do something different with her life. “You just barged out of the house and went to the yard…I was worried about you, you know.” She looked up at the man beside her, “I know, Dean. I know you did.”
Before they knew it, they were parked outside of the pub and exiting the Impala. They exchanged a few glances as they walked inside. “(Y/N)!” A familiar voice called out to her. (Y/N) completely forgot that (Y/B/F/N) was taking up shifts at the pub to get extra cash. (Y/B/F/N) turned to Dean, examining the man up and down. “Who’s this, (Y/N)? He’s a cute one.” She smirked, making (Y/N) feel a little awkward. ‘Oh she probably thinks I’m dating him.’ She thought to herself and quickly corrected her friend. “(Y/B/F/N), you remember me telling you about the boys I grew up with, right? Well, this is Dean.” She smiled, showing off her arm candy to (Y/B/F/N).
“Oh my gosh, really?! I’ve heard so much about you, Dean! It is so nice to finally meet you. I’m (Y/B/F/N).” She held out her hand to shake his. “It’s nice to meet you, too.” The three gave each other awkward smiles before (Y/B/F/N) pointed behind her, “Well, I better get back to work. Behave you two!” She turned around and went immediately to a table to take their orders. “She’s nice.” Dean turned to (Y/N), earning an eyeroll from her. “Yeah, she just acts like that when she meets guys. Around girls, she can be a damn lion.”
“I don’t want to think about the reason for that.” They continued to the counter and Dean paid for the order, receiving it in a big plastic bag and leaving the pub. The ride home was quiet only because Dean couldn’t help but eat his entire burger.
“Finally, you’re back. I found an old news article that you might want to read, (Y/N).” Sam looked up from his laptop and grabbed the styrofoam box that held his salad inside. “Hit me with it.” (Y/N) sat in her usual chair, waiting to listen to whatever Sam had to say.
“Okay, so during the nineties, a couple that used to go to the college lived here… until there was a murder- suicide. The man, Peter Allen, killed his girlfriend, Ginnette Collins, May 27, 1998. After he strangled her in their bed, he hung himself in the closet.”
“That’s… that’s fucking creepy. Why don’t realtors tell you this shit before you move in?!” (Y/N) folded her arms, letting her food rest on her thighs. “But can spirits take form as people who are alive?” She looked to the boys who exchanged glances. “Yeah… I think they can, at least. Maybe really powerful spirits?” Dean sighed.
“I guess burn the bones?” (Y/N) suggested the obvious, both the brothers nodding. “I’ll do it.” Sam suggested, “Dean, you stay here with (Y/N), in case it shows up.” He stood up as Dean tossed him the keys to the Impala. “Be careful, you two.”
@spn-applepie-imagines @xdifsx @spndeanlover1967
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One Shot #1
Title: Attack
Ship: Sister!Reader x Sam; Sister!Reader x Dean
Prompt: “Sorry, my first instinct was to attack.”
Description: The reader hasn’t returned to the motel in over three hours, worrying her older brother, Dean, to death. While searching for her, he is greeted with a surprise.
Warnings: Mentions of porn; mentions of gore; violence
Word Count: 1,106
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“She’s been gone for three hours, Sam. Are you sure that (Y/N) is okay?” Dean rocked his chair back and forth on it’s back legs. The brothers were waiting for their sister to return with evidence from a victim’s home. But, the only thing on Dean’s mind was going out to eat like his younger brother promised once (Y/N) returned. “(Y/N) can handle herself well. She probably went to the bar or something to hustle guys, you know her.” Sam didn’t look up from his laptop as he spoke, which annoyed the hell out of Dean. Something deep down inside him was telling him that (Y/N) was in trouble. Yes, Sam was correct that she could handle herself, but that doesn’t mean she could have been ambushed by whatever the trio was hunting.
“I’m going to find her.” Dean shot up out of his chair and grabbed the keys to the impala, finally making Sam look up from his computer. “Dean, she is fine. Give it ten more minutes, she’ll be back. You’ll see.” Sam’s persuasion only made the older Winchester more frantic with his thoughts. “Man, what the hell is wrong with you? That is our sister out there… on her own! We’ve only been letting her go alone for a couple weeks, Sam. What if she isn’t okay? What if she’s being torn apart as we speak?” Basically, raising his younger siblings at a young age didn’t help with his anxiety. He had responsibilities that no older brother should have had at his age and it only made him worry about the two even more when they weren’t in his line of sight. Dean didn’t say anything as he turned away from Sam and headed out the motel room door and straight to his impala which was parked right in front of the door.
As he drove toward the house the trio passed up earlier in the day, his fingers were sloppy at dialing his little sister’s number, something he’s been trying to do for hours back at the motel. The house seemed to be right around the corner and there, in the driveway, was (Y/N)’s rental car along with it. It was empty since the victim didn’t have any friends or family living with them, making it very easy to inspect the house for the usual things, which the brothers left to (Y/N) since it was the simplest part of the job aside from actually questioning witnesses.
Dean parked right behind (Y/N)’s car and turned off the engine. He didn’t like the sound that followed… which was nothing. Complete silence. To some, that would be good, maybe even peace upon their stress. But Dean knew (Y/N) and he knew that she wasn’t a quiet person. Wherever the girl went, she would wreak havoc. He stepped out of the car and immediately trotted to the side door of the house, not even bothering to knock. “(Y/N/N)?” Dean called out as he stepped into the dirty kitchen. A pungent smell hit his nose, making him take a step back. His eyes searched around the source, landing on the multitude of dirty dishes piled up in the sink. “I’ll take what’s a maid for $500.” He joked to himself as he continued his way into the house, which definitely wasn’t any better looking than the kitchen sink.
“(Y/N)?” Dean tried one more time, hoping that he would hear his sister’s voice calling out, even if it’s a cry for help. He just wanted to know she was okay and alive. As he rounded the living room, he found many  - interesting – magazines scattered all over the coffee table. “Ooh, Busty Asian Beauties. I’m goin’ to save this for later.” The man bent down and picked up one of his favorite erotic magazine, rolled it up and placed it in his back pocket. Just as he did, a rustling was heard in the basement, causing him to turn around quickly, gun pointed at the cellar door, ready to shoot whatever it was down there. Taking a deep breath, the man gained his confidence back after being startled and made his way to the doorway that lead to the stairs. Dean silently crept down the stairs, trying not to disturb whatever was making noise down there so he could sneak up on it.
When he reached the final step, his eyes searched for whatever was making the noise but to his surprise, there was nothing. That was until a hard punch landed directly on his jaw, making it click at the impact. Another hit was planted on his opposite cheek, making him take a few staggering steps backward, but immediately recovered and pushed his surprise opponent to the ground in a tackle, knees on either side of it’s stomach. “(Y/N)?!” Light from a cellar window shown on the figure’s face revealed it was who Dean was looking for this entire time. “Sorry, I saw you and my first instinct was to attack.”
“You didn’t hear me calling your damn name?” Dean rolled off of the girls stomach, standing and holding his hand out to her. “Oh, I did.” She smirked and began walking up the stairs, “I definitely did.”
“What? No sorry? Why can’t you pick up your fucking phone once in a while. I thought you were in trouble.” His hand made it’s way to his jaw, rubbing it as he felt a bump appearing where she had first struck him. “That fucking hurt.” He followed the girl upstairs and into the living room. “Well, it was kind of meant to hurt, right? That’s what you taught me.” (Y/N) sat on the couch across from the smut littered coffee table. “Hey, where’s the Busty Asian Beauties mag?” Her eyes met with Deans, who was still trying to calm down from being completely ambushed by his little sister.
“Why?” He cocked an eyebrow, hand running over the rolled up magazine in his back pocket. “Because, dummy, I was going to take it back. Obviously, Pete has no need for it anymore, does he?” She began to search through the magazines as a smile crept onto Dean’s face. “You’re just like me, aren’t you, (Y/N/N)?”
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Stalk (part three)
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Title: Stalk (part three)
Part One
Part Two
Part Four
Unofficial Chapter
Part Five (Final)
Ship: Dean x Reader
Warnings: mentions of murder
Word Count: 1,746
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The trio stayed up late after Sam and Dean returned to do research. Every bit of (Y/N)’s story was used to attempt to figure out what was happening between her and Toby. From what the girl explained, it was as if Toby was a vengeful spirit, only attacking her during the night and in her home. But there was no way that could be possible since the boy was very, very alive. Although, he almost wasn’t once Dean got done with him. But the question was stuck in their minds: How was he doing it and was it really him? It was already debunked that Toby wasn’t a shapeshifter. It’s not too often that you hear about a shapeshifter disappearing right in front of your eyes.
Sam and (Y/N) sat in her childhood bedroom, away from Bobby’s prying eyes. As much help the elder would be, Bobby wouldn’t care to do any research on the thing and immediately charge into battle – all because it was attacking his only child. They all agreed it would be safer to just keep it from Bobby until it was over. Sam sat in (Y/N)’s old desk, laptop in front of him and keys clacking as he searched for the answer. Meanwhile, (Y/N) was on her bed looking through the Winchester’s father’s notebook. Dean doubted they would find anything in the notebook but it didn’t hurt to look. Laying on her stomach, the girl flipped through the pages, trying to find anything that sounded familiar to her.
Looking up from his laptop, Sam got a weird feeling of déjà vu. The last time they were both in her bedroom was when they were children. Sam and Dean’s father dropped the boys off at Bobby’s house whenever he went on hunts that were far too dangerous for children to be involved. Dean was two years older than (Y/N), while in return, (Y/N) was two years older than Sam. The small age differences didn’t stop the three of them from having mini adventures all around the salvage yard. From pretending to go on road trips in decaying cars to making their own club house in an alcove of stacked cars with a tarp covering it (without Bobby’s approval, of course) to searching for random treasures in the trunks and glove boxes of the old cars, the kids had no limit to what they could do around the yard. But on particular days when it was storming, the kids usually sat up in (Y/N)’s room, reading, playing with board games or card games, or just talking.
The times that it was just Sam and (Y/N), they usually just read. Bobby and (Y/N) had more books than Sam could ever imagine. When Dean wasn’t there to judge him, Sam didn’t mind reading all day in (Y/N)’s room – and (Y/N) definitely didn’t mind having someone to discuss her favorite books with. Although they weren’t children anymore and reading fiction novels, it still made Sam’s usual stressed heart slow down and take a minute to reminisce. “You find anything?” (Y/N)’s question halted Sam’s trance, making him shake his head and frown at the girl. “No, I was just thinking.”
“About what?” She held up her head with her hands. Sam hesitated before speaking, fearing making the atmosphere awkward with the mention of their past. “Remember when we were kids and we used to sit… in these exact same spots, actually, and just read all day?” (Y/N) smiled and closed her eyes. “Those were the good ol’ days. Weren’t they, Sammy?” She adjusted her position on the bed, turning on her back and sitting up with her legs crossed. “It was fun growing up here – safe, even. It was like we were protected from all the monsters in the world. Is that why you came home, (Y/N)? Because you feel like home is where you’re safe?”
“I hardly call this place home anymore, but it’s a start to the reason. I miss this place mostly because I don’t have to worry about anything when I’m here, but it’s still just as dangerous as any other place in the world and all three of us seem to forget that.” (Y/N) sighed, picking up the journal and flipping through the pages before speaking again, “I thought when I left for college when I was younger that I was going out into the scary and dangerous world on my own but I seemed to forget that this house – this town – is a part of that world, too. Dad just knew how to kill the fuckers that bothered us.”
Sam was taken aback by her words, but she wasn’t done yet. “Nowhere is safe. You make as many devil or angel traps as you want, you can line all your windows and doors with salt, you can lock the doors and latch the windows but one way or another, something is always going to get in and you will be killed. It’s inevitable.” The door creaked open, Dean stood there with three beers in his hands as he stepped inside and one them both. “Woah, Downer Daisy, sounds like you need this.” A small laugh escaped the three of them as Dean sat down next to (Y/N). “It’s the truth.” Sam frowned as he popped open the beer and took a sip.
“Yeah, but we try to ignore that tiny detail in the hunting life.” Dean attempted to make them laugh again but not a sound came from the two. The three were silent for what seemed like a few minutes before Sam cleared his throat to get their attention, “I think I found something but you’re not going to like this.” (Y/N) turned her head towards him and smiled at the discovery, “Shoot.”
“Ask yourself this: How can Toby be a spirit but be alive at the same time?” Sam’s eyes flickered between the two, who were growing closer and closer by the second. Dean shifted in his spot on the bed, bumping his hip against (Y/N)’s. “I have no idea, Sam. What?” Dean asked Sam with a sarcastic tone. “Well, look no further.” The youngest Winchester chuckled as he opened a tab on his laptop, “Astral projection.”
“Astral what?” (Y/N) asked, leaning back on the bed with her arms, trying to remember where she heard the term from before. “Astral projection is where your spirit leaves your body while you sleep. Toby isn’t necessarily doing it, but his soul is. The only way we can fix this is if we kill Toby and burn his body to prevent further spiritual activity.”
“Wait, you guys aren’t actually going to kill him, are you?” She sat up immediately, looking between the brothers. They didn’t say anything, just gave the girl a sympathetic look. “You can’t be serious. This is murder we’re talking about!”
“Would you rather be felt up by a ghost, (Y/N)?” Dean’s words reached out and slapped her in the face, making tears threaten to break from her eyes. (Y/N) was silent as she stood up from her bed, turning to Dean who now just realized what he was saying. “Fuck you.” With that, she turned and left the room, making her way to the study.
All night long, (Y/N) studied astral projection on her father’s computer, attempting to find ways on how to prevent it. Of course, it’s up to the person who is doing it to stop. If she confronted Toby on what his spirit was doing, he would think she’s crazy. They didn’t exactly have a good reputation with each other and it would probably only lead to further problems if she did it by herself. In the middle of her research, a knock sounded on the study door, causing her to jump in her seat. “What do you want?” She asked as she grabbed a tissue and blew her nose.
“(Y/N), can I come in?” It was Dean. Of course, it’s Dean. After what he said, she was expecting him to be at the door sooner than this. He wasn’t one to say something and not apologize after hurting her feelings, it was the same way when they were younger. Dean was somewhat of a bully towards (Y/N) even though they got along most of the time. It must be something with being the oldest. He was nice at first when they kids, but as the years started rolling along and they got older, Dean started becoming more and more bossy and things always had to go his way. When they would fight, Dean would say things he didn’t mean just to win. This wasn’t any different from those times so, naturally, he came to apologize.
“Depends,” she stood up from her chair and walked towards the door, “Are you going to be a jerk?” Just as the oldest Winchester rested his head on the door, (Y/N) opened it up, welcoming him in. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say it like that…”
“Dean, I was scared half to death when that thing crawled into bed with me. I was scared when it was on top of me and I just want it to stop. But, I don’t want some kid to die over it. He can’t control what’s happening to him and he doesn’t deserve to die.” (Y/N) rounded the desk and sat back in her original spot, allowing Dean to close the door and take a seat in the chair across the desk. “That’s your problem, (Y/N),” He chuckled and shook his head, “You have too much sympathy in your heart. Why aren’t you anything like your dad?”
“Because I see the world differently from my dad, as you can probably tell.” (Y/N) smiled and turned back to the computer. “Did you find anything while you and Sam were alone?” She asked, skimming the website she was reading before Dean knocked at the door. “Nothing that doesn’t involve us. We can’t really do anything about it to stop him.” (Y/N) nodded as the description on the website matched up to Dean’s explanation. “So, what do we do?” she crossed her arms and turned towards Dean. The man sighed, lowering his gaze away from her eyes. “We just have to do it, unless you want to live in the safe room for the rest of your life.” (Y/N) thought for a moment just to humor herself but shook her head. “It smells weird in there.” She laughed, “But when do we do it?”
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Stalk (part two)
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Title: Stalker (part two)
Part One
Part Three
Part Four
Unofficial Chapter
Part Five (Final)
Ship: Dean x Reader
Warnings: Assault; Stalking; Yelling
Word Count: 2,253
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Toby was creepy at first, staring at her as soon as she got into class and not taking his eyes off her. He never even tried to talk to her and that was one of the reasons she thought it was so creepy. But, of course, she didn’t think anything of it until she spotted him in a car outside her home. Being the person she was, she gave the man a chance and made herself think that he knew someone in the neighborhood and was just waiting for them outside their home. That was until it was night after night after night after night. After a week of this happening, (Y/N) finally decided to call the cops, but Toby was gone before they even arrived. Nothing suspicious happened after that, the car was gone and (Y/N) could safely go to class without having to worry about the strange man mostly because he didn’t even put an effort into showing up. All seemed okay and good until the night of her graduation party.
(Y/N) had a mini party with all her friends at her house, celebrating her graduation. It was such a good night besides the fact that she kept seeing Toby out of the corner if her eyes wherever she went. She asked around to see if anyone invited him without asking her for permission, but everyone denied it, not even knowing who he was when she described him. (Y/N) thought that maybe she was just being paranoid because of the week prior, maybe it was a side effect of her new medication.
(Y/N) rinsed her face off before coming up and drying off with a small hand cloth. Tonight had been eventful. Even though all  her friends basically got smashed and high, she tried to stay away from everything. (Y/N) was never one to succumb to drugs or alcohol, but she still allowed her friends to do it in her home where she knew they were safe and not in public and in danger. It pays to be the mom of the group. Stripping down, she decided that a shower would be best to get rid of her small headache that was forming in the back of her head. (Y/N) adjusted the water temperature and stepped in, the hot water trickling down onto her body. After washing her body and getting all the shampoo out of her hair, she reached for the conditioner but was startled when she spotted a silhouette at the opening of her door through the shower curtain.
Freezing, she picked up the shampoo bottle and opened the curtain a little before hurling the half empty bottle in the direction of the figure. It disappeared almost immediately. “What the actual fuck?” She muttered to herself, turning off the water and grabbing a towel from outside of the shower. Her footsteps were quiet as she pattered to her bedroom, snatching her phone off of her bed. The first person she dialed was her best friend, (Y/B/F/N), who she has known for years, ever since she left Sioux Falls.
It didn’t take long until (Y/B/F/N) answered the phone, more concern in her voice than anything else. “(Y/N)? Are you okay?” From the sound of it, she was still a little tipsy from the party. “Yeah, I’m fine…” (Y/N) thought about what she was saying. She was in fact not fine. Figures kept appearing around corners at the party and spying on her in the shower. At this point, she didn’t care that it could be her medicine, she just wanted to be safe and not alone. “No, you’re not. What’s wrong?” Her friend’s voice was stern, not taking an ‘I’m okay’ for an answer. “You’ll think I’m crazy…” The girl sat on the bed, the towel still draped around her body. “When have I ever thought of you as crazy, (Y/N) Singer?!” A laugh erupted from the phone. “You’re right… I trust you.”
(Y/N) sighed before explaining everything to (Y/B/F/N), starting with when she first started noticing Toby staring at her in class, moving on to how he parked outside her house nearly every night, and how she thought she saw him in the party. “That’s fucking weird. Why didn’t you tell me all of this sooner?!” (Y/B/F/N) sounded personally offended that (Y/N) was keeping secrets from her, considering it was a secret about a stalker. “I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it. That’s probably what… that’s probably what he wants.” (Y/N) looked around her room, making sure no one was listening in on her conversation.
“Do you need me to come back there? I don’t mind, really, Michael is working the overnight shift at the hospital, so I’m alone, too.” (Y/B/F/N) offered, making (Y/N) smile. “Please! I don’t think I can stand being alone here any longer. I might be asleep by the time you get here, though, so just let yourself in and climb into bed.”
“Oooh, baby!” (Y/B/F/N) joked before the two said their goodbyes and hung up. (Y/N) immediately got ready for bed and got comfortable enough that she could close her eyes without having the feeling someone was watching her. She just had to keep telling herself that (Y/B/F/N) was going to be there soon and the feeling would go away eventually. It wasn’t long until she started drifting off to sleep, a dream lulling inside her head, sending relaxing feelings throughout her body.
Footsteps could be heard at her open bedroom door, slightly waking the sleeping girl. Assuming it was (Y/B/F/N), she let the panicked feeling pass through her. As the other bed lowered like someone was climbing in next to her, she turned on her side towards the other person. “Thank you so much for coming over.” (Y/N) whispered, keeping her eyes closed, not wanting to let the exhaustion leave her body. (Y/B/F/N) was silent as she got comfortable next to (Y/N), lightly brushing her arm against (Y/N)’s. Chills surged through her arm when she realized how cold her friend was. “Jesus, did it snow or something? You’re freezing.”
(Y/B/F/N)’s hand found its way to (Y/N)’s hand, taking it and holding it gently, letting her feel exactly how cold the girl was. “You know, I miss nights like these. Like when we used to share a dorm room when we first started college.” (Y/N) let out a tiny chuckle, “Now? Now we have our own homes. Can you believe that? You’re getting married next fa-“
“(Y/N)? Who are you talking to?” A voice was interrupted her at the entry way of the bedroom. (Y/B/F/N)’s voice. “What?” (Y/N)’s eyes shot open. No one was in front of her, no one’s hand was in hers. “What the fuck?!” She jumped out of bed and ran towards (Y/B/F/N), panic taking over her whole body as she realized that someone – no, something – was just in her bed with her, holding her hand. “(Y/N), what happened?” (Y/B/F/N) took ahold of (Y/N)’s arms, trying to calm the now shivering girl. “I need to get out of here. Now. We need to go.” (Y/N) didn’t care that she was only in her pajamas when she drug (Y/B/F/N) and herself down the stairs and out the door to (Y/B/F/N)’s car. That night, she was sleepless even though she wasn’t at home. When Michael got home from work, she begged him to sleep in the cramped queen bed with (Y/B/F/N) and herself. The more people the better. She didn’t want to return to her own home in the morning, making (Y/B/F/N) grab a bag of clothes and necessities for her, as much as (Y/B/F/N) didn’t want to be in the house either.
It took a full week until she had the courage to return to the house, making sure to have both (Y/B/F/N) and Michael spend the night the first night. Of course, no sleep came to her in fear that the figure might make its way back into her bed with her. Everything went well, with the knowledge that two other people were in the guest bedroom, only feet away. With every creak of her home, it took all (Y/N)’s self-control not to spring out of her bed and run into Michael and (Y/B/F/N)’s like a scared child running to their parent’s bedroom.
This entire thing wouldn’t be as terrifying if she didn’t know about the real world. Being Bobby Singer’s daughter came with it’s own terrible package. Knowledge of all the monsters, ghosts, and creatures out there plagued her brain on a daily basis. Though she knew how to kill almost every one of the bumps-in-the-night, she didn’t exactly have the proper training.
The second night, (Y/N) was alone in her big two-story home. (Y/B/F/N) and Michael had to return to their home eventually – without (Y/N) – and that was the reality of the situation. (Y/N)’s two crutches had real lives and real jobs. They couldn’t be with her 24/7 and she had to face that fact. A handgun full of rock-salt took its place on her nightstand, locked and loaded and ready to get rid of any spirit that tried to fuck with her. It occurred to her that a salt line surrounding her bed would be a good idea, but discovered she didn’t have nearly enough salt to make dinner with either.
As she laid down in bed, (Y/N) continually looked to the night stand, the gun comforting her more than anything could at this moment. She began to drift off to sleep, though this time, it was lacking a dream. Not even a nightmare could accompany her. Around 4:30 in the morning, (Y/N) woke abruptly, a force pushing down on her hips as if someone was straddling her. Her eyes opened, a man with dark hair was on top of her. She attempted to push the man off of her, but her hands only when through his chest. As loud as she could, (Y/N) let out a loud scream, hoping her neighbors – anyone - would hear her and come rushing to her aid. A smile curled across his face and (Y/N) realized who he was. Toby.
“Get off of me!” She yelled as Toby’s hands found their way to her neck and began to squeeze hard. Though she couldn’t stop him or hurt him in anyway, everything she was feeling was very real, his hands gripped tightly at her neck, cutting off oxygen and blood flow to her brain. Hot tears began to stream down her cheeks as she attempted to let out blood curdling screams that seemed like no one could hear. Toby’s hands loosened around her neck, allowing her to finally catch her breath. Toby licked his lips as he let out a “shhhh” noise. With a smirk, he disappeared into thin air. (Y/N) sat up in the bed, grabbing the gun, choking on her own sobs as she gathered herself out of bed and ran out of the home for a second time that month. This time taking her used clothes bag on the dining room from (Y/B/F/N)’s house and her keys and rushing out the door to her car. She started it and made her way to the highway, determined to get to her father’s home safely.
(Y/N) paced around her old childhood bedroom, waiting for Dean to return, scared to hear what happened. She let out one important detail in what she told the oldest Winchester – that Toby was a spirit. A living spirit? If he had died, she would have heard about it. Though he was creepy and pushy, Toby did have a lot of friends who loved him, who would be mourning. It was about seven in the morning when she heard the front door of the house open, two pairs of footsteps making their ways upstairs. Before long, both the Winchester brothers stood at her doorway. “Do you think this is a joke, (Y/N)?” Dean’s stern, angry face chilled her down to the bone. “W-what?”
“Toby genuinely didn’t know what I was talking about when I yelled at him to leave you alone. He’s never been near your house, (Y/N).” His words came out even colder than his expression. “That… that can’t be. He was there. He was there, Dean!” (Y/N) began to pace even faster in her bedroom, her breath quickening as the thoughts and questions raced through her mind as to what could have happened. “Well, I just beat up some kid because you’re paranoid.”
“I’m not paranoid! I’m not!” (Y/N) yelled through gritted teeth before the thought came to her mind. “Here, you can even see for yourself.” To Dean’s surprise, (Y/N) lifted off her long-sleeved tee right in front of both Sam and Dean, revealing a black bra. Something dark and purple caught his eyes. Bruises lined her neck and collarbone, her wrists a rainbow of black, blue, and purple, as if someone was holding her down. Sam’s jaw hung open as his eyes traced the bruises that were definitely weren’t made up. There was something that she didn’t tell them. “Oh… my god.” Dean stepped forward, grabbing the tee shirt out of her hands and pulling it back down as he pulled her into a tight hug. Tears rolled down her cheeks, a whimper of slight pain escaped her mouth as his chest rubbed against the still sore bruises on her chest and neck. “(Y/N), you need to tell me everything next time.” Dean whispered into the girl’s ear, holding her close as she cried. “Don’t say next time.”
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Stalk (part one)
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Title: Stalk (part one)
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Unofficial Chapter
Part Five (Final)
Ship: Dean x Reader
Description: The reader is in Sioux Falls visiting her father, Bobby, when her old childhood friends, Sam and Dean, stop by to do some research on a local monster. Dean becomes suspicious of the reader and questions her to find out she has a stalker.
Warnings: Threats; Lying; Stalking
Word Count: 1,975
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(Y/D/J) ~ Your Dream Job
(Y/C/N) ~ Your City Name
(Y/E/C) ~ Your Eye Color
It had been a long time since she’s been in Sioux Falls, nearly two and a half years. Hell, she was even beginning to miss it. “Dad!” (Y/N) smiled, enveloping her father into a big hug. “(Y/N), what are you doing here?” the older man wondered, but was still happy to see his daughter nevertheless. “I was just passing though and I thought that I should stop by to see you.” He welcomed her inside, leading her to the kitchen. “Would you like anything to drink? Water? A beer?” It was something he was still not used to but asked anyways. (Y/N) left home when she was nineteen… and that was six years ago. Occasionally she would stop by for little visits so she wasn’t totally cutting off her father. “No, no. I’m fine, Dad.” She smiled at the man as she sat down at the kitchen table. “So,” he grabbed a beer for himself from the fridge and sat across from her, “Tell me everything that’s happened since the last time I saw you and, please, don’t leave out any details.” He was more than eager to catch up with his only child.
“Well,” she thought for a moment, attempting to remember if anything interesting happened lately, “I finally got my degree for (Y/D/J).” His eyes widened, a grin crawling across his face. “That’s great, (Y/N)!” As much as he exposed (Y/N) to the hunting life when she was a little girl, he was kind of hoping that the girl would get a normal job and degree when she was older. The hunting life wasn’t for everyone and he had come to accept that once she left home for college. Just as the man placed his hand on his daughter’s, the front door of the house opened abruptly. “Hey Bobby?” A loud, husky voice called out and echoed throughout the home. A sigh escaped the older man's mouth as two significantly younger men entered the kitchen. “(Y/N), you remember Sam and Dean Winchester, don’t you?” She nodded, although she hadn’t seen the two since they were kids. Their father, John, was a good friend of her dad’s and would swing by every once in a while, and drop the boys off to stay the week. “How could I not?” (Y/N) stood up from her seat to get a good feel of how much the boys grew, Sam shooting almost as tall as a sky scraper. Dean? Not so much. Though he was taller than her, he didn’t look that way next to his younger brother.
“(Y/N), I thought I was never going to see you again!” The tallest one hugged her and let go after a couple seconds. Dean was more than eager to hug the younger girl. There was only a couple people that knew about his childhood crush on Bobby’s daughter and that was both Bobby and Sam. As much as he denied it, Sam still teased him about it whenever her name was brought up in a conversation. Once the Bobby learned of his crush, he immediately put an end to it. There was a long story behind it that the both of them just wanted to forget about. Dean’s hug was tighter, with more feeling, than Sam’s hug. “Well, I’m here guys. What are you two doing here?” As much as Dean didn’t want to, he let go of the girl and turned towards Bobby. The boys explained themselves, needing a little help with a hunt nearby and decided to stop by instead of calling to surprise the older man. As their conversations carried on, Dean stole as many glances at (Y/N) as he could when Bobby wasn’t looking. If he found out that Dean still liked her, he would get hung by his ass.
“So, (Y/N), what’re you doing here today?” Sam asked, a smile crawling across her lip as she explained that she was just passing through town and wanted to see her dad. But there was something about her story that was… a little off. A glimmer in her eye? A twitch of a face muscle? It was something Sam and Bobby did not catch, but Dean did the more he studied her. He went on listening to her reasoning, trying to absorb every twitch he could, picking out every little lie. The truth was something he was going to have to pick out of her sooner or later.
A little later in the day, (Y/N) was in the study rereading one of her favorite books when Dean strolled in and sat across from her. “Yes?” She looked up for half a second, not turning her head from the book. Dean leaned forward, his elbows on the top of his thighs as he sighed, “Sam’s boring and from the looks of it, so are you.” He teased the girl as she smiled as she set her book down on the desk. “Reading is boring?” She crossed her legs and folded her arms, eager to hear what the eldest Winchester had to say about her favorite past time. “It is when you’re doing research twenty-four-seven.” (Y/N) raised an eyebrow, releasing her arms and leaning on the desk. “What exactly are you guys researching?” A smile of curiosity found it’s way to her lips. “Oh, it’s nothing.” He shook it off, waving his hand in the air.
“Well, it’s obviously something if you’re both here bothering my father about it, isn’t it?” No one could fool her, not even the infamous Dean Winchester. The room became silent for a matter of seconds, (Y/N) considered picking the book up to make it less awkward in the room. Dean, on the other hand, had a different plan that he was going to set in motion. They kept eye contact as he opened his mouth, “I’ll tell you if you tell me the real reason why you’re in town.” Her heart beat began to quicken as the thought crossed her mind. ‘He knows. He knows. Oh shit.’ She silently panicked and looked away from the emerald eyes that stared at her intently. “I told you why downstairs. I was passing through.” Her voice was low and quiet, almost giving away the truth.
“(Y/N), you live in (Y/C/N), why would you just happen to be passing through Sioux Falls?” She felt the fear beginning to build up as he kept pressing her for more information. If Dean found out about what happened this morning, he would surely tell her father, who also wouldn’t take it too lightly. All she wanted was a weekend away from home to relax and feel safe in a house with a hunter who has many, many, many guns and weapons to choose from. Sweat beaded at the base of her forehead, making Dean believe was finally beginning to get her to crack. “I have my reasons, Dean. Now, if you’d excuse me, I have a book to read.” (Y/N) immediately picked up the novel and read the same words repeatedly for a few seconds, not able to concentrate when she glanced up and saw Dean still sitting in the chair, staring at her, studying her.
“Are you in trouble, (Y/N)?” His words came out softly and quietly. Her eyes reverted to the words. “Does it really matter?” she sighed, attempting to move onto the next sentence, but this one only seemed even more jumbling to her as the stress grew more and more out in the open. “It does. Obviously you’re running from something if you want to be in a house full of hunters. If you were visiting you dad for real, you would be downstairs with him, right now, in that kitchen chatting him up. Not… not in hiding in the study up here.” He cleared his throat before continuing, “So, are you going to tell me what you’re running from or do I have to go full interrogation on you?”
It was too much for her. “I have a fucking stalker, okay? Are you happy? I was trying not to think about it until I figured out a plan to get rid of him but you’re kind of fucking ruining that, Dean.” She slammed the book down on the desk before standing up from the chair and walking around the desk and heading for the door. It was only a diversion away from the real topic. The truth was that she thought she got rid of the stalker a couple weeks, but her mind was changed last night. Before she can even reach for the door handle, Dean gently grabs her wrist, prompting the girl to look at him. “I can help you, (Y/N). I just need his name and that’s it. No questions asked and it’ll be quick, I promise.” His emerald eyes stared into her (Y/E/C) which only widened in fear from his statement. “You’re not fucking killing him, Dean! What the fuck?!” She shook her wrist away from him, taking a step back. “Who said anything about killing? I have my ways to get him to leave you alone without harming him.” He rolled his eyes, standing up and stepping towards her and enveloping her in a big, warm hug.
“You promise that all he’s done is stalk you?” He pulled away slightly and looked down at the girl who seemed to be melting into his hug suddenly. “You… you said no questions asked, Dean.” She muttered into his chest.
“Come on, Sam.” Dean rushed out of the Impala, shot gun in hand. He didn’t care that he just left a creature behind in Sioux Falls. (Y/N) was in danger by a human, one of the worst monsters out there. They can be destructive, selfish, harmful… just down-right dangerous and Dean wasn’t going to let (Y/N) get hurt. The brothers went up the steps of the old colonial home, presumably owned by the boy’s parents. From what (Y/N) told him, this kid was only a couple years younger than her. He was smart, skipped a couple grades in intermediate school and graduated high school early. He just earned his degree the same time as (Y/N) and apparently couldn’t bare to face the fact that he’ll never see her again.
So naturally, his instinct told him that sending her a message on facebook wasn’t enough for him. He had to stand outside her house every night, watching her bedroom, watching her in her kitchen, watching her as she got out of the shower. This was punishable by death in Dean’s opinion, but since that wasn’t part of his and (Y/N)’s deal, he settled to just scaring the kid into confessing to the cops about what he’s done.
“Hopefully his mom and dad aren’t home, Dean. People don’t take too kindly to people knocking on their doors with freaking shot guns in their hands.” Sam looked to his older brother, nervously, taking out his hand gun. He was willing to do anything for his brother, even if that meant scaring the guy who was stalking his brother’s childhood crush. “I’m not knocking on the door.” Dean muttered as he pressed on the doorbell with the barrel of the shot gun, hiding it behind his back when he heard footsteps approaching the door. A kid about ten years younger than him answered it, rubbing his eyes. “Do you understand what time it is?” He groaned, studying the two suspicious brothers.
“Yeah, it’s time you leave (Y/N) alone.” Dean pumped the shotgun and aimed it at the kid. His eyes widened when he processed what Dean had in his hands. “Woah! Woah, dude, I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about!”
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