cassandra-nightshade · 20 days
Offerings Masterpost:
(Last updated: 9/7/2020)
Major Hellenic Deities:
Minor Hellenic Deities:
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cassandra-nightshade · 25 days
Please do @bardessofcerridwen
✨ Subtle Deity Worship Master List ✨
Greek Deities:
Subtle Aphrodite Worship
Subtle Ares Worship
Subtle Apollo Worship
Subtle Artemis Worship
Subtle Athena Worship
Subtle Dionysus Worship
Subtle Eros Worship
Subtle Hephaestus Worship
Subtle Hermes Worship
Subtle Demeter Worship
Subtle Hera Worship
Subtle Zeus Worship
Subtle Circe Worship
Subtle Hestia Worship
Subtle Helios Worship
Subtle Persephone Worship
Subtle Poseidon Worship
Subtle Hekate Worship
Subtle Nemesis Worship
Subtle Psyche Worship
Subtle Asklepios Worship
Subtle Haides Worship
Subtle Harpocrates Worship
Subtle Medea Worship
Subtle Lethe Worship
Subtle Selene Worship
Subtle Thanatos Worship
Subtle Nyx Worship
Subtle Hypnos Worship
Norse Deities:
Subtle Sigyn Worship
Subtle Loki Worship
Subtle Baldr Worship
Subtle Freyr Worship
Subtle Odin Worship
Subtle Freyja Worship
Subtle Thorr Worship
Subtle Jormungandr Worship
Subtle Hel Worship
Subtle Idunna Worship - created by @soil-and-stanzas :)
This list will be updated as I make more posts!
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cassandra-nightshade · 8 months
hey yall I'm looking for witch blogs that are active, if you are a witch please reblog this and I will follow you, I need mutuals ✨️
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cassandra-nightshade · 9 months
Everything You Need to Know About Crystals: Black Obsidian
Black Obsidian (The Regal Warrior of Stones)
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Color: Black, Dark Brown
Hardness: 5-5.5 (softer than quartz)
Rarity: Easy to Acquire
Type: Igneous Rock (Comes from a Volcano)
Chakra Association: Root
Angel: Uriel
Deities: Pele, Tezcatlipoca, Itzpapalotl and Sekhmet
Element: Fire, Earth
Astrological Signs: Sagittarius, Scorpio, Aries
Planet: Saturn, Pluto
Powers: Protection, Grounding, Clarity, Releasing Blockage, Drawing out Stress, Creativity, Divination and Scrying, Negativity Banishment, Transformation and Absorption
Crystals It Works Well With: Howlite, Malachite
How is it Created: Obsidian is a black volcanic glass, formed when molten lava hits cold water or air and solidifies. It is composed of silicon dioxide (quartz) and many impurities which allows it to take different shapes and colors. Black obsidian gets it coloring from iron and magnesium.
History: The earliest obsidian tools can be dated back to the Oldowan, at the dawn of the Paleolithic/Stone Age (2.6 million- 10,000 BCE). Different origins of this rock can be found in Britain, Italy, Mexico, and the USA. In Egypt, obsidian knives were used in ceremonial circumcisions, as well as making mirrors (scrying mirrors for most) and other decorations in tombs. The word “Obsidian” was first used by a Roman explorer, Obsius, who “discovered” it in Ethiopia. In the Americas, Obsidian was used as a symbol of Tezcatlipoca, the chief god of the Aztec religion. Tezcatlipoca means “smoking mirror” which is why a lot of the Mayan priest used the glass rock for scrying mirrors like the Egyptians did. On the Eastern Islands, obsidian was used to make the eyes of the Moai statues before they were lost. The indigenous tribes of North America used pieces of obsidian to make arrowheads, spears and even knives by using an antler in order to carefully form different shapes.
What It Can Do:
Grounds the soul and spiritual forces into the physical plane, making it possible to manifest more spiritual energy
Increases one’s self control
Forces you to face your true self
Brings imbalance and shadow qualities to the surface to release them
Repels negativity and disperses self-hating thoughts
Powerful meditation aid
Great for scrying and divination as the glass allows you to look to see the “clear truth”
Can heal you after a spiritual or mental attack
Was used in the past during ritual for healing physical disorders
How to Charge:
Sit with the stone in the palm of your hand and enter a light meditation. Use your thoughts to charge the stones with desires of protection and make sure the thoughts are clear and concise.
Use high vibration to amplify the crystal
Use a singing bowl to send sound energy into it
Place it in a bed of Himalayan salt and let it sit for 48 hours
If you work with a sun or moon deity, I have noticed charging it in the sun or moonlight with the idea of protection helps to charge it as well
How to Cleanse:
Run under water (not hot just lukewarm) for a minute
Create a saltwater solution and submerge it for up to 24 hours
Burn herbs or incense over the obsidian with the intention of cleansing (I personally use sandalwood incense for this)
Leave your stone under the full moon to cleanse and retrieve in the morning
Bury your obsidian in your garden for 48 hours
How to Get the Best Out of It:
Wear a black obsidian bracelet. The wrist area is a highly energetic zone because it has nearly direct access to the bloodstream. This (in my opinion) is the best place to have obsidian to create a powerful shield and help with manifestation.
For lighter dosage, use an obsidian ring.
Crystal Grid:
Letting Go (Triangle Grid)
Mantra: “I release everything that no longer serves me”
Center Stone: Smokey Quartz Tower
Secondary Stones: Obsidian, Malachite, Rhodonite, Citrine
Best Moon Phase: Waning or Dark Moon
Best Day: Saturday
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cassandra-nightshade · 10 months
Hi! I'm in love with your recipes and spells, and I was wondering if you had anything for success, specifically when it comes to jobs and job hunting? I've been doing small spells, but they've mostly been luck spells, just using moon salt to season my dishes and a couple other spices and herbs. My supplies and wallet are running low, and I've got what's potentially the most important interview in my career coming up.
The weather did not feel like being favorable when I asked for fair weather so there's that unfortunate already rip the universe decided to punish me for all my storm spells earlier in the month
Hi! Thank you so much! I wish you the best luck for your job interview ^_^
And I totally understand the weather thing, I live in a place that's always raining and storming haha.
The great thing about luck spells is they are very versatile, and heavily intention based. So whether you use a bunch of herbs and crystals or only a little. It usually has similar effects.
Here's a recipe!
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This recipe helps in a change of luck, or gives you that boost you need! Whether it be a job interview, a new work environment, an exam, or if you feel like you've been having terrible luck recently. Give this a try!
Olive Oil
1 yellow onion
1 cup chopped carrots
4 cloves garlic ~ Remove Negative Energy
1 lemon
Salt and pepper
Fresh chopped Dill ~ luck, abundance, success
1 potato, cubed
1 1/2 cup lentils, soaked
2 boxes of chicken stock/vegetable stock
Shredded Kale
Grated Ginger ~ luck, healing, protection, prosperity
Basil flakes or fresh basil ~ prosperity, money, protection, success
1 red bell pepper
One bay leaf ~ luck, protection, wisdom, strength
1 tsp turmeric ~ vitality
1/2 teaspoon ground coriander ~ longevity, prosperity
1 tsp cumin ~ protection
On medium heat, cook onion, garlic, red bell pepper, and carrots until fragrant and soft. Add broth, juice of half a lemon, potato, grated ginger (as much as you'd like), basil flakes, bay leaf, turmeric, coriander, salt, pepper, and cumin, along with your lentils. Let it come up to a slow boil, and then simmer for a little over half an hour on a lower heat with a lid on, or until lentils are cooked tender. You can add lemon slices to the top if desired.
Add in shredded kale, and cook until soft. About 3-5 minutes. Add more seasoning and lemon juice if desired.
Top with fresh dill. Enjoy!
Here are a bunch of little tips + a recipe that are pretty cheap to do:
Drinking Chai tea.
Draw some sigils of luck and success onto the fruit or food you are about to eat.
you can sew little sigils on the inside lining of your clothes (that way they stay hidden)
If you drink coffee, you could add a little cinnamon for good luck!
You can make makeshift spell jars with old empty jars, spice bottles, pencil lead containers, or empty mint boxes with anything that is green, a little bit of cinnamon, bay leaf, intention written down on paper, and your favorite crystal. Keep it in a pocket.
Ring magic is pretty nifty if it's subtle for a job interview. Simple things like wearing a ring on your middle(association with intelligence, rationality, and quick thinking), or thumb(Creativity, and inspiration). Bonus points if you give it an intention!
You could burn a green candle while thinking of your intentions.
Saturdays are the best day to cast luck spells
The afternoon is also a really good time for luck and career spells
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cassandra-nightshade · 11 months
Reblog if you’re an active witchcraft blog, if you support gender nonconformity, if you like herbs and other edible plants, if you support and welcome people of other religions who do witchcraft, if your favorite plant is dandelions, if you’re interested in learning more about divination, or if you have too many not enough candles
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cassandra-nightshade · 1 year
I'm new to learning sigils and I was wondering if you shared how you make your sigils more personal to you!
I haven’t made a post about my method yet, so here it is ! :)
My method has three different steps :
1 - Defining what will be the effect of the sigil
2 - Finding/choosing symbols and/or letters
3 - Designing the sigil
I took some pictures of my sketches for the “I meet/find my familiar” sigil.
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Since I wanted it to be about familiars, I tried to make simplified shapes of animals’ paws or bodies. Also, I often include stars, crescent moon or leaves to my sigils because I consider them as symbols of magic.
Then, there is the “designing” part :
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I sketch until I’m totally satisfied with the design.
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Then, I redraw the final version in my grimoire and I make a digital version for my Tumblr blog.
A good example of how I include letters is my sigil for plants :
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The G became the spiral, H and W are fused and so stylized that they are hard to find.
Well, that is a quick overview of how I make my sigils, maybe I’ll do a better tutorial one day. The most important thing about a sigil is that it feels right to you. Plus, like several other witches have written : “don’t underestimate the power of aesthetic”. If you like your design, chances are your sigil is powerful.
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cassandra-nightshade · 1 year
Just want to say it's been so helpful in the past, especially during math lessons
air cloaking glamour
a cloaking glamour that will allow to slip by undetected and unnoticed, and keep the stares and attention of others off of you.
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Personally, I use this glamour a lot in a school or group or crowd setting to draw the eyes of someone else off of me. Using the fluid and fleeting properties of air, I am able to almost erase their gaze, and remove my face and voice and name from their current focus.
This works for me so well during lessons when I just don’t know the answer or need to space out a bit but don’t want a teacher calling me out for it, and I am proud to say that this is tried, tested, and true.
step 1. feel the air around you and will it to start moving. there is air everywhere, this glamour can work with all kinds of states of air (stagnant, moving, freaking hurricane) but a sort of ventilation device like ceiling fans or air-conditioner would give it a boost.
step 2. start pulling the air into a casing around yourself, focus especially on your face. visualize the air moving against your skin and covering your face and tighten into a layer around you. here’s where handless energy work really comes into its own.
step 3. visualize your face, your name, your voice disappearing from their focus. visualize a blurry form every time they look at you, a muddled mess of words every time they try to say your name, and a static gurgle of noise when they you don’t want them to hear your voice and look your way.
step 4. maintain the glamour. the one thing about glamour magic is that it requires quite a feat to be able to maintain the illusion of it. the more you’re aware of it, the more you’re willing for it to happen, the more it will. however, obsessing and stressing over it is not the way to go. with practice, you’ll be able to find the right balance between the two, and eventually be able to keep it at the back of your mind while maintaining the cloaking.
remember to break the layer of air afterwards because it can accumulate and get icky or may cause you to feel ignored.
and that’s all I have for this cloaking glamour. I’ll definitely try to be writing up more on glamour and illusion magic as I go along. 
~ Raven
support me on ko-fi or paypal.
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cassandra-nightshade · 1 year
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Whimsigoth: Celestial | Camille Chew
Two color version of this pattern. Available on Society6 and Redbubble
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cassandra-nightshade · 1 year
POTS magic masterpost
(Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome)
A collection of tips and suggestions from and for magic practitioners who have POTS!
*To be used in addition to proper medical care, medication and mundane efforts, not as a sole alternative.*
Salt + electrolytes:
As you take salt pills, say a spell or blessing.
Incorporate salt into general health, wellness, and energy spells.
Draw sigils on your salt shakers.
“I drink a lot of electrolytes, and Pedialyte to help with orthostatic issues, and I will cast over my drink much the same as I do for tea, coffee, water, etc. So any spellwork for drinks could easily apply to one's electrolytes or water.” (x)
Tips and tricks:
Ask for specific strength to your blood vessels and brain.
Draw sigils on your medication bottles and mobility devices.
Carry around a resilience sigil or a sigil to keep your heart rate and blood pressure at a more average level.
Do little enchantments on your compression stockings and put them on a windowsill to charge with solar energy.
“Keeping all of my ingredients in easy to reach spots has also been a big help, specifically places that are low to the ground and don't require me to do much standing or walking around.” (x)
“When using counter maneuvers for POTS, visualize yourself being grounded & connected to the earth.” (x)
“I find time in nature also tends to ground me better, which can help if stress is a trigger for POTS.” (x)
“Pray to Apollon and Artemis for help at the start and end of the day. Again, this doesn't replace medical treatment, but it can certainly offer a lot of comfort, especially in the middle of a flare-up. For me, stress is a major trigger of my POTS, and I find that praying to my deities makes me calm down much faster, thereby allowing the flare-up to be a bit shorter.” (x)
“Keeping a lot of bloodstone and rose quartz around has been helpful to me.” (x)
“As far as wandwork correspondences go, I like to use my mangrove wand for POTS-related work, bc of its unique adaptations to a salty environment. (Mangrove has a lot of health correspondences for me, but POTS and menstruation related issues are the two biggest.) Aspen, bloodwood, ebony, lignum vitae, redheart, and willow also have various health-related meanings for me, so I sometimes use those too.” (x)
Balance my blood pressure
My blood pressure is a healthy level
My heart rate stays average
Ease my dizziness
Ease my lightheadedness
I remain conscious
People respect my diagnosis
Other posts:
Suggestions from @khaire-traveler
The post asking for contributions
Spoonie witch masterpost
Bedridden witch series
Witchcraft for the chronically fatigued
Spoonie sigils (pain + symptoms) (energy + mental illness) (healing + other)
With contributions from:
@moonshoesmoonshoes, @zazathehousewitch, @khaire-traveler, @templemarker, and @the-witch-of-wands thank you!
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cassandra-nightshade · 1 year
STFU Powder
Intent: To bind tongues, silence gossip, and get loud-mouthed jerks to SHUT THE FUCK UP. Ingredients:
Slippery Elm
Mortar & Pestle (or spice grinder)
Mesh Strainer
Collection Dish
Grind each ingredient separately for several minutes to produce fine powder. Sieve the material through the mesh strainer into the collection dish; this removes the larger ungrindable pieces and gives you cleaner powdered herb. (Pro-Tip: Putting a funnel under the strainer helps reduce lost material.) Combine the component powders in the collection dish, mix well, and bottle immediately. Sprinkle where you know the target will be, particularly in meeting places where you know the target will be tempted to ramble on. Add to any spellwork with similar intent.
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cassandra-nightshade · 1 year
Moonphas.es dot com or simply known as Moon when in app form, and StarTracker are two apps I keep around
Star Tracker allows you to watch the night sky, however not to the most accurate extent but really pretty and fun to scroll around.
Moon shows and predicts moon phases.
Witches' Calendar and Guide has a calendar of the sabbath and you can switch from southern hemisphere to northern hemisphere depending on your preferences. And many more functions
What are your favorite witchcraft/paganism/spirituality etc mobile apps?
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cassandra-nightshade · 1 year
🍽️Spell of Motivation to do the Dishes🍽️
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Spell Components Needed: +Sink full of Dishes +Incense & Lighter +Apron +Music playlist of your choosing
Steps: +See all the dishes in the dishwasher +Take the incense and light it +Put on the Apron and give the dishes in the sink a hard stare down and say:
“This is my gettin’ shit done Apron and you shits are getting done today.”
+Set up the tunes and show those dishes which witch is boss.
+Once the dishes are washed/rinsed and in the dish washer take your incense and perform a banishing, hereby banishing any further dishes from appearing in your sink.* (Note if your incense has run out while you’re doing the dishes you have my permission to light up another one.)
*This enchantment lasts until your next meal or until you remember you left pans on the stove and reluctantly leave them in the sink to “Soak” for a while.
Optional Steps: +Swear off dishes forever and eat directly from the pan +Use paper plates
2-2-2022 Please stay tuned for How to Enchant your Apron
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cassandra-nightshade · 2 years
Table of Plenty - A Spell of Providence
Then the wise woman said, “Wipe away thy tears, Two-eyes, and I will tell thee something to stop thee ever suffering from hunger again. Just say to thy goat “Bleat, my little goat, bleat. Cover the table with something to eat!” and then a clean well-spread little table will stand before thee, with the most delicious food upon it of which thou mayst eat as much as thou art inclined for. And when thou hast had enough, and hast no more need of the little table, just say “Bleat, bleat, my little goat, I pray, And take the table quite away. Then it will vanish again from thy sight.” Hereupon the wise woman departed.
- One-Eye, Two-Eyes, and Three-Eyes
Intent: To obtain needed money or provisions.
Paper and a writing utensil
A pinch or two of rice
A white candle (a taper or chime candle is best)
Ideal Timing: Waxing or Full Moon
This spell is not meant to bring great wealth or fancy possessions to the caster. It is to be used only to bring yourself or another something that is badly needed, particularly if unfortunate financial circumstances are making paying the bills or buying necessities difficult. It is meant to tide you over until your situation improves, and can be combined with or cast in addition to other money-drawing or prosperity spells where needed. As such, the materials are as simple as possible.
Write what you need on the paper. The list can be as long or as short as you need it to be, but the more specific you are, the better the spell will work. Be sure that you only ask for what you really need. A little excess is fine, in case of something unexpected, but don’t go overboard.
Fold the paper into a small packet with the rice inside and place it in a fire-safe dish. Light the white candle and carefully drip wax onto the packet, turning it until it is completely covered on all sides. (I suggest using tweezers or a pencil to turn the packet so you don’t burn your fingers.)
As you drip the wax onto the packet, chant seven times:
Blesséd rice and words of power, Aid me in my needful hour. Hear my cry, I pray you heed, The help I ask comes not from greed.
Hide the packet away somewhere it won’t be disturbed. If you have a few coins to hide with it in a jar or crock, so much the better.
Once your circumstances have improved and you are once more back on your feet, retrieve the packet and burn it in a fire-safe dish. Recite over the flames:
You gave me help when I had none; You have my thanks, your work is done.
The spell may be repeated as often as you have need.
- From The Sisters Grimmoire: Spells and Charms for Your Happily Ever After, © 2017 Bree NicGarran
(Thought everyone could use a little extra magical help these days. Hope it helps!)
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cassandra-nightshade · 2 years
Protection Magic & Baneful Protections⚡️
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What are Baneful Protections?
Baneful protections can be considered both a form of baneful magic and a form of protection magic. When beginning baneful work, this is usually what I recommend starting with. Baneful protections are protection spells that produce some sort of consequence when energy hits it. This can be done without the use of physical taglocks (like names or dates of birth) because energy is able to act like a taglock. For example, some of the baneful protections I have set up will reflect any energy that hits it back to its source while others trap that energy instead (so it can used later on).
It is very important that even though you are protecting yourself, you aren't accidentally tethering the energy to you. In my first baneful protection, I used my saliva to tether the protection to me but instead I tethered all the negative energy the spell had trapped to me and had a horrible case of bad luck for weeks before I realized what I had done. As a rule of thumb i personally don’t include any personal taglocks in baneful protections and always make sure to include a petition that details my exact intent for the spell.
When to use Baneful Protections:
Baneful protections can be used instead of or in conjunction with other forms of protection (see my blog posts for more information on alternative forms of protection magic). I personally didn't have any baneful protections before I was hexed (for the first time) and now I have some just as a precautionary measure. Baneful protections are most beneficial (in my opinion) if you are surrounded by a lot of negative energy or work in an environment that is mentally draining. These protections can help combat the toll that it takes and prevent much of that energy from staying with you for an extended period of time.
It is really up to you whether or not you choose to incorporate baneful protections into your practice. It is worth it to note that this spell work is considered baneful magic, so those who believe in "doing no harm" may choose to forgo this and stick to regular protections instead. Whatever you choose, be sure to do your own research before attempting any new forms of spell work.
Return-to-Sender Spells:
Mirrors- mirrors have the ability to reflect an image so they are also able to reflect energy. Putting up a mirror on your altar or incorporating a piece of a mirror into a spell is very effective at returning energy to its source.
Burning the bottom of a candle- this is a common one and it is also my preferred method at returning energy. The way I do it is by burning the top of the candle like normal and visualizing the energy that you wish to return. Once the candle is flat, I will flip it upside down and light the other end of the wick, symbolizing the return of that energy to its source. This can be done many different ways so check out what other practitioners do to come up with your own method.
Petitions- petitioning is a really great tool that I utilize in most of my spell work because it is an effective way at manifesting a specific intent. It helps if you know the name of the person who sent you the energy for this method but it is not necessary. As long as you have a clear intention and some return-to-sender oil you can make an effective spell.
Running water or rivers- running water has been viewed as being able to carry energy from place to place so it is possible to use it to return energy to its source. In the shower, you can imagine the energy running off of you, down the drain and back to the person who sent it. Another method is throwing your petition into a river and having the river carry it back to its source. (This method also works with a toilet if you are feeling especially feisty!)
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*All images are from Pinterest*
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cassandra-nightshade · 2 years
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Tasseomancy symbols and meanings
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cassandra-nightshade · 2 years
Associations of Dirt
I've determined these correspondences based on where the dirt I'd found and how the environment affected the vibe of the material
Labyrinth: many possibilities, mystery, confusion, misdirection, being lost
Cemetery: endings, deaths, rest, spirit work, spirit communication
Garden (Food/Herbs): practicality, self sustenance, food security, health
Flower Garden: aesthetic, glamor magic, beauty, self expression, outward beauty
Construction Site: change, industry, human made, structure, innovation
Home: hearth, nostalgia, childhood memories, familiarity, family
Potted Plant (Alive): nurturing, friendship, green energy
Dead Potted Plant: passing, goodbyes, incompatibility, negative energy
Campground: impermanent living, new scenery, exploration, discovery
Forest: earth energy, ancient knowledge, survival, practicality, communication with the planet
Orchard: plentiful food, success, romantic meetings
Shrine: deity work, communication with higher powers
Side of the Road: travel, commerce, trade
Farm: family, cooperation, teamwork, hard work, manual labor, animal energy
Crossroads: decisions, the cardinal directions, openings between worlds
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