catgirlblogging · 10 months
like I could write about it but I'm too lazy rn but it's like... there's also that official art of Dazai dressed in traditional clothing like Fukuzawa often is, and Chuuya with like some other fuckass outfit I can't recall at the moment but I'm pretty sure shared some similarities with Mori's usual attire.
And like the wholeass thing of a former Port Mafia member taking the President's place... the President who use to be an assassin. It is the ultimate symbol of hope for everyone who seeks light in the agency. It's why even if they knew Dazai was in the Port Mafia, they didn't treat him based on who he used to be but who he is becoming.
Kunikida is a lovely character but he is not what I envision the future president of the agency to be.
Besides, if abilities can evolve... then Dazai's ability could probably come to can become something akin to Fukuzawa's, which I may remind that is one of the reasons why people with little to no control over their ability (Atsushi, Kyouka) can become in control of them...
The people want Kunikida as a leader but the people NEED Dazai as a president.
I refuse to believe I'm the only one that would want Dazai to become the ADA president like there is no way I'm the only one. Kunikida would run that shit like the navy and the ADA is what it is mainly because everyone mostly does their thing.
Besides we'd get elevated 双黒 taking after 双壁。。。 yall just don't get it, I fear...
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catgirlblogging · 10 months
I refuse to believe I'm the only one that would want Dazai to become the ADA president like there is no way I'm the only one. Kunikida would run that shit like the navy and the ADA is what it is mainly because everyone mostly does their thing.
Besides we'd get elevated 双黒 taking after 双壁。。。 yall just don't get it, I fear...
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catgirlblogging · 11 months
"good person, bad environment" is for someone like Oda... not like, fuckass Chuuya... like I love homeboy and all but damn yall really romanticising the fuck out of this grown ass mafioso man
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catgirlblogging · 1 year
watering down everything dazai has done since he left the mafia to "he's just fulfilling a promise to Oda" is such a damaging mindset considering he's such a pivotal part of what is BSD; like we're talking about Dazai "I like using my mind for justice" Osamu.
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catgirlblogging · 1 year
transmasc dazai is something that can be SO personal
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catgirlblogging · 1 year
when you want to get better but you feel empty because you don't know what you're alive for and you are compassionate with others and genuinely believe they can be alive without having a mission or a certain fate to fulfill but you can't be understanding when it comes to yourself. you want to find something to live for, you need something to live for and you crave a life worth living for. and it feels like everyone can do their mundane little tasks and live their lives just fine, and talk to others and interact with people and it's you, who's the weird one, because it's a sense of inherent sadness that no antidepressant will manage to fix. you're empty, your soul is painfully hollow as you fill and help others. you think you want death but you just want to put an end to your miserable search for a reason to stay alive so you try to kill yourself, over and over as a coping mechanism because you don't know how to go day by day without feeling the need to vanish, you resort to suicide because you don't know how to cope with the mere fact that you're alive. and it's so painful.
you don't want to die, you want something to make you stop craving death.
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catgirlblogging · 1 year
chuuya is the "wear whatever you want in the club, i can fight" type of boyfriend
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catgirlblogging · 1 year
if you ever think your parents are weird just remember i tried to kill myself in january and my dad took me on a world tour for three months
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catgirlblogging · 1 year
going to my first concert in like three years . a win for 2ars, D2T and me
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catgirlblogging · 1 year
me, hyping myself up: youre going to make the best drrr! au the world has ever seen
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catgirlblogging · 1 year
i actually didn't realise drrr! had fallen into obscurity lmao its actually the main reason why i started bsd at all
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catgirlblogging · 1 year
fanart companion to "he would not fucking say that." he does not fucking look like that
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catgirlblogging · 1 year
ranpo only enjoys playing card games with three people: fukuzawa, yosano and dazai.
fukuzawa always tries his best, whereas other people, when going against ranpo tend to give up halfway. ranpo admires his personality and revels in the praise he receives after a game of go with him.
yosano's reactions are alluring, she tries hard to not show her feelings on her face but ranpo always ends up enjoying way more the spectacle she becomes rather than the actual game itself.
dazai has a mysterious streak to him that is difficult to study even for someone like ranpo. games with dazai are interesting and thrilling, he can appreciate the other's talents.
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catgirlblogging · 1 year
to add to this, chuuya finds akutagawa's dog-like behaviour endearing while dazai thinks atsushi's cat-like tendencies are adorable
skk dynamic as dazai who hates dogs but is loved by them and chuuya who doesn't fuck with cats but is always being followed by them.
dazai invites chuuya to cat cafes to hang out with cats and chuuya takes him to parks so dogs approach them
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catgirlblogging · 1 year
skk dynamic as dazai who hates dogs but is loved by them and chuuya who doesn't fuck with cats but is always being followed by them.
dazai invites chuuya to cat cafes to hang out with cats and chuuya takes him to parks so dogs approach them
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catgirlblogging · 1 year
lowkey hate this fandom sometimes like yall really be expecting traumatized people who have never received any sort of appropriate help to suddenly have masters in child rearing and parenting like 😭😭 stop expecting mary poppins behaviour from mafiosos
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catgirlblogging · 1 year
i swear i dont want to be a hater but like ughhh ranpoe ruins my day sawrry. like ranposano is right there you people are just misogynists
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