catsbythetoryteller · 7 years
Lucy’s P.O.V. Ch. 8
by Catsby
I stop in the way of my door. It’s pink with the word princess pasted all over it, and tiaras all over the door. I take a step back to admire my pink and stickered door. I rest my hand on the crystal door knob just when I hear footsteps behind me. I take my hand off the door knob, and turn around to be surprised when I see Robert run towards me. I open my arms with a giant jolt as he slams into me. I know it hurts buddy. Yes I also know, but we have to do this. All we did was just hug for what seems like hours.    
“Are you okay? You know.”   
“Yeah I guess I have to be you know?”  
“Yeah did you pack?”  
“Alright go and hang out with dad before we leave alright?”   
When I let him go I felt the air come back to me, and the next thing I know he zoomed his way down the hall and the stairs to god knows where. I know he may be old enough to drive, but he is still MY younger brother. I’d do anything to protect him. I turn my crystal door knob, and walk inside shuffling my feet. I close my door quietly, and walk towards my closet. I shuffle some things around to look for a suitcase; preferably pink but any suitcase would do.    
I picked up my suitcase, and opened it on my bed revealing an empty suitcase. I walk over to my dresser, and pulled out all of my clothes that I had and I folded then up neatly as I placed them in there. Placing shirt after shirt in this big suitcase gets me to question myself do I really need all of these clothes? I shrug off that feeling, and I continued packing for my new future.
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catsbythetoryteller · 7 years
Lucy P.O.V. Ch. 7
By Catsby 
  “I know nothing of that. I swear.”
    “Okay well Robert, and I will move out then.”
    “What? Why?”
    “Because mom is threatening us. If she wasn’t then we would stay.”
    I go upstairs briskly to go approaching Roberts room. We have to get the fuck out of this place. I bust into a dark green room, and laying there in the corner of his bed… is Robert. I slowly approached him, and my brother looks up at me in all questioning. I feel bad, I mean we just met him. Our dad just a few years ago and now we have to leave him? Well I have to leave him. For my sake, and for him. My skimpy little brother.
    “Hey Robbie.”
    “Hey Lucy.”
    “Whatcha doin?”
    “Watchin youtube.”
    “Well buddy… I have to talk to you about something.”
    “What about?”
    “Us leaving.”
    Oh the look on his face said it all. I feel so bad. All he did was looked down all ashamed. It’s not my fault all I have to do is tell him about our mom. I look around looking for some courage to tell my brother.
    “We have to leave because oh mom.”
    “What did she do?”
    “She called me just to say ‘Happy Birthday’, and then she said that we couldn’t stay here.”
    “What do you mean ‘We couldn’t stay here’?”
    “She has set up a ‘surprise’ and I don’t know what that is.”
    “Oh okay.”
    “Please don’t be sad.”
    “Why? We just met our dad a few years ago, and just then what? We lose him due to our fucked up mother?”
    “We can’t do anything Robbie. We leave this house tomorrow morning. I suggest you start packing.”
    I get up, and walk towards his bedroom door that met the hallway of my dad's house. I turn around noticing my baby brother shlumped in his bed with his covers playing his game on his phone. I know how heart broken he is, but we can’t stay down here. Not for a day, not for a week. What my mother did to us is unbearable, and what's worst? She wants more. Oh hell no.
    I turn around gently closing the decorated door that was Roberts. I stand back to take a long but depressing look at the car stickers that have been mindlessly posted on there without care, peeling off. I breathed out a long and heavy sigh, and I didn’t look back as I headed to my room.
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catsbythetoryteller · 7 years
Lucy P.O.V. Ch. 6
By Catsby 
  “I didn’t have a choice, it was an arranged marriage but when I saw her I fell in love with her. On the day of our wedding when she came out with her dad on her arm she couldn’t stop smiling. The dress that she wore was amazing, and it fit her perfectly. The dress was just so her, so complicated yet so simple.”
    “Yes Lucy. I didn’t know she would turn on you guys.”
    When he said that tears started to fill my eyes again. When I looked at himI shun my eyes away from him. From this moment on I can feel a strong bond in us. Something was pulling us together, and I think it was history. I look at my dad all sweetly when he wraps his long, and warm arms around me. Only to be pulling me into a warm and welcoming bear hug. We both let out a big and lasting sign as we pull apart from each other.
    I get up to head for my room when I hear my cell phone ring. Who was it? Could it be that fag who was trying to ask me on a date? Nah, I’m sure it’s not him. I look at the phone to only realize the number on it; was a number from Detroit. I tap the answer button as I raise the phone to my ear.
    “Hello my dear.” I froze. Oh hell no.
    “Why are you calling?”
    “I want you to know that I wished you a happy birthday.”
    “Oh thank you.”
    “One more thing princess.”
    “Don’t stay there for much longer.”
    “It’s your surprise.”
    I ended the call immediately. How the fuck did she do that? Why? Is there cameras around the house? I highly doubt that. What does she mean by surprise? I don’t know but Robert and I can’t stay here for much longer. I turn around rapidly, and made my way down the stairs. I quickly turn the corner to the living room, and I see him all passed out. Poor guy. Should I wake him? No he is resting; I should get him up a little later. However this is important. He will understand I sure hope so. I falteringly walk over to him, and gently poke him.
    “Hmm what? What happened?”
    “Remember when you were talking to me about mom?”
    “Well she called. Saying that Robert and I shouldn’t stay here that much longer. She said that I also have a ‘surprise’. So if there is anything I should know tell me now.”
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catsbythetoryteller · 7 years
Lucys P.O.V. Ch 5
By Catsby
I come down the stairs to reveal a “Happy 15th Birthday Lucy” sign that was up across the kitchen entrance. When I walk to our big, and round circular table that Robert and my dad was sitting. Should I tell him about our super powers?
    “Hey guys,”
    “Happy birthday sis. I made them myself, well I helped.”
    “Thank you Robbie.”
    I look down to see to my surprise that there are purple pancakes that look like a small but few birthday cakes. They looked good I’m not going to lie, but my little brother made them. Should I be skeptical? Nah. I’m sure dad wouldn’t let him put anything obscure in there. Or would he? I shake my head at the thought and focused on the situation I am about to bring up.
    “Dad there is something that I should tell you. It’s about Robbie and I.”
    II look at him as he nodded, and I take a deep breath. Okay. Let’s get this thing done and over with. He looks so happy without knowing that we have superpowers.
    “Robbie and I have Superpowers.”
    “Are you sure sweetheart?”
    “No joke dad. Why would I lie?”
    I looked over at Robert who was staring at my dad, and my dad was staring at me in utter shock. I gave Robert the go ahead and tell him the story look and make him believe through our words. If we have to. We will show him, but only inside the house which would be difficult for me.
    “Yeah dad it was totally awesome because when we both got in her ‘layer’ and we were surrounded by weird soldiers. They seemed to be aliens mixed with being humans or animals. If you tried escaping you couldn’t their grasp was too tight, and then she put us in the weapon room to tidy it up when we really just escaped with the old sheets that were there. We would knot the sheet and that’s when Lucy found out she could fly, and I have super speed!” Said Robert.
    Holy crap. Robert made our dad believe in him; believe in us! Oh the look on his face is awesome. We didn’t have to show any evidence that we owned those powers. Then Robert got up, and walked all around the house trying to find something.
    “Robbie, what are you trying to find?”
    “Only my favorite food ever.”
    “We don’t have any popcorn.”
    “Damn. Well, guess I’ll be on my way to the grocery store to get some popcorn.”
    “Don’t get lost kido. Why don’t you go with your sister?”
    “Dad why did you marry mom?”
    When I asked that waiting for an answer; Robert snuck out without saying a word to my dad. When I heard the front door slam shut I roll my eyes thinking of course he will sneak out. Just then I hear him breathe in and out very harshly. I turn my attention to him as he looked defeated. I thought he would never be this way. I just had to know why would he marry her? Was it a forced marriage? Was all by will? Was it because of me and Robert? I shook my head at the thought, and brought my eyes to look at my father. This blonde haired guy, my father is in deep sorrow. I had to figure out why.
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catsbythetoryteller · 7 years
Lucys P.O.V. Ch 4
By Catsby
He hands me both birth certificates, and he looks at me all amazed of my dumb foundedness. I hand the paper that was decorated in blue around the border back to him in all haste. I swear if Robbie wasn’t standing here right now I’d kill him.
    “Robbie this is dad.”
    I look at him, and he just exploded with happiness. Could I ever trust him? With me? Let alone with Robbie? I hesitantly go up to him and gently put my arms around him as he pulled me in closer. We stood like this in a few moments, and then he put us at arm's length. I suddenly frowned a bit because that he let us go.
    “What ever happened to your mother?”
    Why the fuck would he ask that? I look at Robert, and he looks at me worriedly. All I could think about is how I could lie to him. If I was new to a brand new family would I want to be lied to? No. I had to tell him. I sent Robert to his room, and took my new dads hand. I safely lead him to our decent sofa, and made him sit down as I pace back and forth. What would I tell him? Could he know that his first love let alone his wife be dead possibly?
I took a deep breath, and trusted my instincts. I told him, everything that we did, and what she did to both of us. I didn’t tell him about the super powers, and this is because I saw the horror on his face already. It can wait. His facial expressions changed from happiness to sadness and then to concern. Once I was finished his hand briefly moved from his thigh to my knee. All I did was give a small but understanding smile towards him, and he nodded. I can already tell that I’ll be able to trust him with almost everything that has happened to us and what will happen to us.
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catsbythetoryteller · 7 years
Lucys P.O.V. Ch.3
By Catsby
  We flew through the Grand Canyon, and oh my is it beautiful. All I could think about is how pretty the red rock, and how far the drop can be. Just then I heard a scream, and I looked down only to see a couple having fun river rafting. As I quietly make my way to my house all I could do was replay the incident that happened with my mom. Why would our mother bring us to her work? Did she want us to know about what she did? How about my dad? Where is he?
Just then I almost passed my house, so I slowly circled back around. I slowly come back down to the ground that is now beneath Robert and I. When I try to shake my little brother off unfortunately he wouldn't budge. I signed from not only exhaustion but also from irritation that my little brother caused. I took my hands and placed them around his arms and shoved them off of my neck. When I got straightened out and my pesky little brother off of me I went over to the front of our newly painted sky blue house. Something isn't right. Why was this happening? This never happens. I slowly looked around for clues. Yes I'm at the right house, and yes I'm on the right yeah as well as the month and the day...I hope.
“Follow me quietly.”
I shushed him, and we slowly crept up the stairs that to lead our house. We both walked it our house, being careful and aware of who would be inside our house. I walk passed the sweet light blue livingroom with victorian furniture, and I walk through the dining room. Tip toeing around our white double french doors, and I stand there all frozen. This tall man had long blonde hair, and his jaw was chiseled. He looked over to me all frozen as well, and then his voice is smooth as ice cream melting on a hot day. Oh man, I melted. Then I picked up a picture frame that was on the fireplace mantel. I hold it up and compare it of this random blonde tall and skinny guy. Oh my-
“Who is that?” asked the long tall skinny man.
“It’s us, and who are you anyways?”
“I’m your dad, Michael. You two have grown up so much!”
I bet he could see the fear on my face how could anyone not see it. If not my face then maybe on Roberts? How? Why? I don’t understand. I have no idea why he would think this is a good idea.
“What’s wrong?”
“Are you this man in this picture?”
“Robbie go to your room. How do we trust you that you’re telling the truth?”
“Look I know that I’m you dad okay. I have the birth certificates of you two. Now do you trust me? Do you believe me now?”
“Yes, yes I do dad. ROBBIE COME HERE!”
I am furious right now. Why would I let him touch my brother let alone talk to him. That man doesn’t deserve my trust. Not yet. There is so much I have to learn from him. Just then I hear my little brother walk up great I have to introduce him. I shake my head at my brother.
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catsbythetoryteller · 7 years
Supergirl With Super Powers (Ch.2)
Supergirl With Super Powers (Ch.2)
By Catsby
  When my brother and I first walked into the weapon room I saw an old white window. It was strange actually with it looking old as hell. If I’m being honest I think that window sill is about to fall off the whole window. All I could think about is that would be our only way out of this hell hole. I rolled my eyes when I hear something rustling behind me. I turned around only to reveal that Robert, my younger brother, is calling my name. I slowly walk over to him, and to my own surprise I see that he is done sketching a plan that could work to get out of here. Yet again I roll my eye as I start to look around to start planning the escape plan in my head. I come to realize that the space that we have is too small, like the window is too small. Just then I froze when I hear a huge CLASH! I yelled his name to make his stop whatever that nasty kid is up to, but then I see him come practically skipping back with a hilarious grin on his face.
“Robbie why do you have-”
“I found it Lucy!”
“Found what exactly?”
“The force field!”
As I watch Robert pull on the rope that he found that was literally behind him. All I could think about was How the hell can he find this stuff? Is he a mastermind? Do we have super powers? I step back shaking my head and then slowly going up to my brother making sure we don’t make a sound to make our mother suspicious.
“Robert give that rope, and let me help you.”
“Okay, am I going first?”
“Well can you fly? No, so you will have to climb down safely to the ground while I jump down.”
I unleashed the rope gently making sure the rope has knots in the rope and making sure that it doesn’t hit the wall super hard. Then I pointed to the mysterious cannon that was just laying around in there and I had Robert push it towards me. When he does I had him put the brakes on it so it is up against the old white window, and tied the 100 foot rope to this strange cannon. With little time we did have I’d let my little brother down first. All of a sudden I see the rope being tugged. Thank god he made it down there safe. Now my turn; lets hope I dont break anything. I got on top of this sketchy window sill, and closed my eyes as I jump. Just then I open my eyes to find myself floating out of my hands? How is this even possible? I looked down at my brother, who by the way looked like he was going to lose his shit, in surprise as I lowered myself down safely.
“Thank god you are alive..”
“Now get off me and let's go!”
Once Robert's hands were completely off of me we both ran towards the broken shield. When we arrived we immediately went to work to finish taking this thing down. I ordered Robert I ordered Robert to grab me a wrench, and a screwdriver, and all I knew was that my little brother was watching me. Then a few long minutes later of banging on the damned thing I hear multiple beeping sounds. One low pitch, one high pitch and it just repeated over and over. This may sound completely insane, but I think I just disabled it. Oh hell yeah! Did I just did what I thought I did? Did I just save our asses? I quickly snapped out of it, and threw my little brother onto my back as we took off to get the hell out of that place.
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catsbythetoryteller · 7 years
Lucy the super girl ch.1
By Catsby
My heart is racing as I look at the huge red button that was before me. I look up all puzzled. What was I supposed to do? Save him? Let alone how do I even save myself? Hell how can I do that? Just then I hear my baby brother cry in despair.
    “Lucy… what are we going to do?! Mommy is keeping us here like hostages!”
    “Don’t worry Robbie, I will find a way to get us out of here. Robert what if we act like we're prisoners and you can destroy the button since you are small; while I distract mom! That idea will work!”
    “Ok Lucy, whatever you say because I have to go back home and call someone.”
    I look at him all in surprise. Robert got a number? From who? Who is this mysterious woman that I must meet. Knock it off Lucy I have to focus on getting us out of here. Then I’ll ask questions. I turn my attention to this weird red button, and don’t get me wrong I still am interested in his love life.
    “Wait you got a girls number? Oh my god my little brother is about to have a girlfriend?!”
    “Can we not focus on that right now? We have to get out of here so we can live our lives.”
    I secretly laugh at him as I walk through I can see from the corner of my eye that for some odd reason that Robert was smiling. Was it because I gave him a little taste of responsibility? Who knows really, but I do know that I was still suppose to take care of him even though he still thinks that he should take care of himself. When we walked through the creaky green door we see her. Our evil, evil mother because as soon as she gave us a hug, that I didn’t return, she turned around sharpening that wicked knife. My mother who is sharpening the red handled Japanese knife looked happy. All I could think about is why. Why was she happy? What is she going to do with that damned knife?
    My face turned white as a ghost when a smile came upon my mother. I nudged Robert pointing with my eyes at the knife. My brother returned the same look as we just stood there. Unable to moving. Just then my heart jumps a beat when my brother spoke.
    “Hey mom do you think we should clean up the weapon room?”
    “If you want to do that my sweets just be sure to be back before dinner.”
    “Alright Lucy let go clean up the weapon room, and then we can talk about life. You know?”
    When I looked at him nervously he gave me the let's get the fuck out of here. When we walk out all I could think about was how to get out of this damned haunted fucked up place. I know my little brother was thinking about the same thing because his face told it all.
    “Lucy, if we are going to clean the weapon room then how are we going to get out?”
    “Oh my sweet little brother, everyone knows that a villain needs a window in a weapon room. They need a place to find out if their new weapons work or not. Like duh! everyone knows that!”
    “Sorry I didn’t know that, so my bad Lucy..”
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catsbythetoryteller · 7 years
I Can’t Be.........P2
Sebastian: “Love I already told you what happened.”
Me: “Well I don’t believe you. I need to know the whole story.”
Sebastian: “What? Why don’t you believe in me?”
Me: “Come by my house, and I’ll explain everything okay?”
Sebastian: “Okay love. What time I should come over?”
Me: “At 5:00”
Just then I looked at my phone, and he left me on read with no response. Guys these days. They think that girls cause a lot of drama but guys do the same amount of damage as we do. On the way home I got anxious because I haven’t gotten a response from Sebastian. Aw my poor poor Sebastian. I know how my dad is with guys, and he will go all ape shit on Sebastian. Sebastian doesn’t stand a chance with my dad, and my solution is to be at the door first.
Thank god we are home, but when we stepped out of the car I ran up to my room while my dad trails behind me. All I was worrying about is what would Sebastian do? How do I tell him how I feel? I put on my music in my room, and started to jam to my music while I find a pair of pajamas to wear for the night. I hold up cupcake pajamas, and hold up another pair of pajamas that is my Bring me The Horizon pajama top, and bottoms. I put the cupcake ones away in my horrendous pajama drawer, and removed my clothing piece by piece. I stand in front of my full length mirror, and just stand there admiring the scares of my body. Only if people haven’t treated me as an object then I wouldn’t have this. I put on the BTH pajamas, and I sneak out of the house to get the pregnancy test.
I walk down the long and lengthy sidewalk in the 4:00 dusk. I already know I have to be home by the time Sebastian comes. I have an hour, and by the time I get to the drugstore it’s already 4:15. I look around and I take the first three that I can see. Once I got to the checkout area the lady at this registry just looked at me puzzled, and all I gave her was the I don’t give a fuck look. She scanned everything out of boredom while she was judging me intently.
“Your total is $8.93.”
“That’s a good deal. You know for all three.”
“Mhmm. Thank you for shopping at U-Mart”
I rolled my eyes at her response as I paid for those damned things. If this bitch was in the same place she would so the exact same thing. I went to grab the brown bag it was in, and walked the lonely and shameful walk home. Only if someone told me what happened at the damned party then I’ll be able to fix it. I get to my house, and I climb through my window because I don’t know if my dad will be up or not. I crawl through my window, and went to my room to pull out the three tests. I lay them out right next to each other on my bed, and then I take the first one. I put it in my dark blue fuzzy robe pocket, and hide the rest inside my underwear drawer. I already know my dad won’t ever go through my underwear drawer, and where I’ll say that’s where I keep all of my intimates.
I walk down the narrow and steep staircase. I approach my sleeping father, who by the way is pasted out, but I walk past him to get  my water bottle filled with water. As my 1 Liter water bottle was filling up my anxiety got more and more worse. I need to know if I’m pregnant or not so I can sue whoever took advantage of me.Once I got my water bottle filled I start to go upstairs while drinking my water when my dad starts to wake up a little then falls back asleep. Since 5:00 I started to watch youtube video’s to help pass the time. Then I get this sudden urge to go pee, and I start to panic. I got up from my comfy chair, and ran to the bathroom. All I had to do is pee on a tiny little stick that will determine the rest of my high school career. All I could think in this time was am I really pregnant.
Okay. Here I am standing before my fate before a small stick that may or may not determine if I have kids or not. If I did have kids I wouldn’t think I’d be a good mother. Pacing back and forth just hoping that I’m not what I fear I am. As 5 minutes passed away I went to go and check the small orange stick. Sudden shock and fear came to my face. I don’t remember doing anything with anyone, but how? Just then again the party that I went to crept into my mind, and all I kept saying was that I couldn’t have been raped. I put the caped orange stick test inside my robe, and slowly walk downstairs in disappointment. Why am I so scared? Am I going keep the baby? Whose is it first of all, and what will I tell my dad? I stop when I hear the conversation between my dad and someone else below.
“My name is Sebastian. I’m dating your daughter.”
“Do you know the reason why she is depressed?”
“Are you going to let me in?”
“Are you going to answer my question?”
“She is depressed because of-”
I spring into action cutting my dad off acting all surprise. I sprinted down and ran up to hug Sebastian, and to my liking surprising him. He pushes me off for a bit while I act like I’m excited.
“Sebastian? You’re here? How? When?”
Just then I saw him tense up when he took his gaze off me. And I knew exactly what he was looking at. He was looking and practically staring at my dad who I was assuming was giving him a horrible glare. To my disappointment he never loosened up to me. Was it because of my dad?
“Mair, I have to go.”
“What? Why?”
“You have to tell your dad why you’re sad.”
“But he won’t under-”
“Yes he will okay. I love you Mair. Talk to you later.”
When he comes close to kiss my on my forehead all I could feel is complete bliss. Then within a second he left not turning around, without saying another damn word to me. A frown came upon my face when I closed the door just then I take a quick look over at my dad who was grinning like a little boy in a fucking candy shop. Did me being alone make him happy? Why doesn’t he like Sebastian? I don’t know what happened, but a sudden feeling of anger came over  me.
“What the hell dad?”
“You didn’t tell me you were dating anyone, therefore, I had the right to send him away.”
“It’s not like he was going to rape me or anything.”
“Mair I don’t want you to get hurt that’s all.”
“Well I already am okay?”
“Why are you depressed honey?”
“Because of mom okay?”
“What do you know about her sweetie?”
I cross my arms, and start to cry. I can’t do this anymore, I can’t lie to him. Little does he know that his little princess is pregnant with some guy I don’t even know who owns it. I walk slowly, dragging my feet towards the couch. I sit on the couch crying my eyes out, and then my dad joins me. I feel warm arms wrap around me, and my thought go immediately to my dad. I embrace the feeling because what I tell him will ruin him forever. When I stop crying my dad tells me the story about my mother dying of cancer. The real story and not some bullshit story I heard from my grandma.
When he was done telling me the story all I could do is cry, and cry. Just because I feel like shit. I am a horrible daughter. His one and only daughter is going to be a teenage mom, and I don’t know what to do. I. Am. Stuck. When I breathe a few times I hug my knees to my chest and I rip the bandage off the wound.
“Dad I have to tell you something, and me being depressed about mom kind of is a cover up.”
“What do you mean Mair sweetie?”
I got up and ran over to the living room bathroom and started throwing up. What do I freaking smell that’s making me this sick. Fish. It has to be fish. God do I hate fish with a passion. I flush the toilet still hovering over it, and I walk back to the couch and hug my dad tightly. Knowing this might be the very last time he would be willing to hug me.
“By who? What? You can’t be your only 17.”
“Dad what I was telling my therapist was that I was rapped few months back.”
I could tell he was disappointed in me thanks to him shaking his head at me. All I wanted to do is cry, and cry for hours and hours. My dad looks so ashamed, and the worst part is that I don’t know who’s it is.
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catsbythetoryteller · 7 years
I Can’t Be… P1
By Catsby
I am in my dark blue room, and the walls are decorated with band posters. Music blaring through my walls that travels, and goes all the way down stairs. In the far corner of my room is my full size mattress with my black bedding. Next to my black bed is a cute little bedside table. This bedside table is a beautiful wood with one big drawer just for my night things. For an example, my sleeping mask, my medicine, a flashlight, my nook, and my most prized possession my charger. Then across from my bed and my door is my black desk. My desk is quite simple because all it has is binder paper, pens, pencils, and you know the “normal” stuff for an average high schooler.
Then I hear something like someone is calling my name. I open the door, all agitated I started to scream. Well it was more like yelling. I quickly run over to the top of our stairs, and I said “Okay dad I’ll go down now”. I run to my room to shut my music off, and grabbed my headphones. I smile as I look towards my phone to see a text message. It lit up showing a message from Sebastian. For some reason whenever he texts me I get this uneasy feeling inside me. It’s more like a butterfly feeling, and I can’t control it when he calls me his baby.
Sebastian: “Hello love I hope you stay safe on the way to your appointment.”
I smile, and giggled and Started to type. As I look up towards my dad I see him smiling so I let my smile fall. I put on my shoes, and as he goes away to go get something I reread my message that I was sending to Sebastian.
Me: “Thank you sweetie. For the record I’m telling my therapist about what we did ;)”
Sebastian: “What no hello?”
Me: “Hello my love how are you?”
Sebastian: “I’m doing okay thank your for that Hello, and what why? I thought that still stayed between us?”
Me: “Relax love. I won’t go into detail.”
I put my phone in my pocket with my headphones, and went inside my dads car. It was peaceful the majority of the time, and then out of nowhere I had the courage to ask him a question. With annoyance I looked at him, and snarled.
“Dad  why were you smiling like a baboon?”
“You just look like your mother sweetie.”
I got uncomfortable right away as he said that because I knew that my mom had died. I don’t know from what, but I know it was something terrible. I put earbuds in my ears and select “Alone” by I Prevail. I start to nod my head to the beat of the music, and throughout the album as I listened. I can feel my dad's eyes on me, and so I turn up my music as I dance to my hard core rock. I roll the window down in my dad's old Hummer as we make a turn. I don’t normally care for the direction as long as I make it to point A to point B.
We make our last turn into the parking lot, and my nerves are suddenly heightened. My heart is now beating for what it seems like a million times per a second. My anxiety starts to kick in as I close my dad's car, and lowered my music just a bit. When we check in the usual lady hands us this stupid survey that we are suppose to fill out. I don’t know about my dad, but I don’t normally fill it out because it’s a waste of time really. That’s what a meeting is for to talk out your emotions, and not put it on a damn piece of paper. I start to feel nauseous, but I had to take deep breaths. Before I could even find a bathroom my therapist came from behind the big metal door, and before she could say my name I got up and went to her. My dad saw my cautious loos as I went inside the long and lengthy hallway. I didn’t have to say anything that I don’t want to until we are inside her room.
I follow her to the room, and we both sit down across from each other. This lady who I’ve seen once before is checking something on the computer then turns towards me. How obscure.
“So what’s been happening?”
“Nothing I mean my dad and I, as usual, don’t talk as much. Though we have been talking just a tiny bit more.”
“How does that make you feel?”
“Like he cares about me. Also there was a setback on our talking thing.”
“How so?”
“He just said that I looked like my mother, and I know she died. But I don’t know what she died from or how she died.”
“Have you brought that up with him?”
“Once, but then he just blocked me out for a month. Like don’t get me wrong all it is is a one word or a few words just to answer. I love him but he is losing me.”
“What do you mean by that, he is starting to lose you?”
“I had sex, and I think I was raped. Though I don’t really know what happened because I was at a party, and I had a drink. The next thing I know I’m in my best friends bed passed out, and not to mention everytime I ask her what happened she won’t give me a straight answer.”
“First things first do you know if you are pregnant?”
“No, but I am having some nausea problems lately.”
“I’d say go get a pregnancy test done, and then have a talk with your dad.”
“Is there anything else that you would want to talk about?”
I shake my head in response to her question, and when she turned around I took my phone out only to see Sebastian's name on my lock screen. I put it away as we both say our goodbyes, and when I entered through that big metal door once again I put in my earbuds. I look at my dad full of hurt, and he gave me the exact look as we leave this horrid place. As we left the therapist office I got in the car, and started to play all songs of I Prevail that I have. The volume was loud, and I am happy. Just me, and my music together as one.When I switch my song I remember that I had a text from Sebastian.
Sebastian: “Hey love how did it go?”
Me: “Amazing. Hey I have a question.”
Sebastian: “Shoot love.”
Me: “What happened at the party?”
0 notes
catsbythetoryteller · 7 years
My Daughter Is What?
By Catsby
When I first looked into her eyes; I could immediately tell that she looked terrified. With everything that she had been through; who would’ve known that she had trouble with love? Mair is so sweet I, just don’t get how she can get depressed. Mair’s hairs reminds me of sand since it’s so blonde, and her skin is so fair. Yet, she look just like her mother; a spitting resemblance really.
“Mair, let's go to your therapy appointment!”
“I’m coming!”
As she hurries down the stairs, I saw that she is smiling. I crack a small smile in response. Just then she looks up at me, and she loses her lovely smile. Knowing that her smile won't come back we leave the house, all locked up. We both get inside my 2002 navy blue Hummer, and my one and only Mair followed along.
“Dad why were you smiling like a baboon earlier?”
“Just because you remind me of you mother.”
As I said that I noticed that she got uncomfortable, and something came over me. “You know it's not a shame to smile sweetie.” When I finished saying that she took her headphones out, and put her earbuds in. That gave me the signal to leave her alone. Why is she doing this to herself? We make another turn down the street, and there is a guy crossing the street. With me immediately slamming on the breaks we both jolted against the seat. Mair made the effort to just stare at him as he crossed the street. The poor boy looked both ways before putting his filthy hands back inside his pockets as he walked across the street really sketchy. After I stepped on the gas pedal to go forward again she looks at her phone and I just see her fingers tapping away.
As I turn our last right to go towards our destination; Mair put her phone away in shame. We parked the car, and she got out quickly. I got out of the car as I shut the car door, and followed Mair in. Even though Mair 17, and almost a young adult. She is still Daddy’s little girl, and her mother knew from the very start. Oh does Mair look like her mother; especially since Mair has her looks and attitude.
We check in; pay, and filled out our surveys of the St. Ham Hospital. Even before I filled my survey out a girl, who was wearing white and purple (which is their company colors). Mair and I stood up, and walk over to the door to greet her. As we exchange pleasantries, and handed my survey to this woman in the white and purple lab coat. I went back to sit down on the comfortable brown sofa while my young daughter goes with this woman. Here I am thinking thank god she isn’t with a guy therapist; otherwise I would’ve been in that same room with her.  I just don’t trust grown man with my precious daughter. Guess you can say I’m an overprotective father.
I pull out my iphone and started playing Candy Crush on my phone. Inside this silent cold waiting room; the walls are a cold white just like snow. Then I hear the big magnetic door close and I jumped. Going back to my game after adjusting myself from the chair I finally beat level 101. I cheer silently as everyone in the room look at me in disbelief, and then my Mair comes through that magnetic door. Again I jump, and this time I get up from it.
“What did she say?”
“Nothing that you should be concerned about.”
I walk out with Mair’s arms crossed as she follows me to the car. We both got in slamming the doors behind us simultaneously. Mair put her headphones in her ears, yet again and I drive the long way home. I put on some classical music as it fills the air with aroma. As I drive, and the music playing I start to think one day she will be comfortable enough to tell me. Just then I pull into our two car driveway, and we both got out of the car. We walk towards the house, but the only thing is that Mair is more depressed. She is always like this whenever she comes back from her therapist. I took my shoes off as I walked through the front door. Then I walk towards my couch that is sadly a cafe brown. I fall into it as I relaxed. I closed my eyes and started to dream.
I walk inside a hospital room with my love laying in bed. I slowly walk to her and I grabbed her hand when I sit down. She looks at me in all sadness. “Mike sweetie, whats wrong?”
“Nothing love, you should get some rest.”
“No I don’t believe you. Sweetie tell me.”
“You shouldn’t worry about Mair right now.”
“She is our daughter. I have to worry about her.”
“Do you want to see her? Cause I’ll call her Sadie, and all you have to do is tell me and I’ll call her.” I look at her like I’m willing to do anything to save her from this. Just them something changed, and I see her shake her head.
“Sweetie you know Mair can’t see me like this. It will ruin her. Can you not bring her inside please?”
“But Sadie- she’s your daughter. She has to have a mother figure, and not a one that is dying love.”
“Till death do us apart right Mike? She will always have me as a mother figure. I will just have cancer, and that’s the only thing that is different.” She hands me a locket with a picture of all of us as a family inside of it. “Take this to Mair, and let her wear it. So she can remember me.” All I did was nod at her response. I got up and walked over to put the necklace away when I heard what everyone doesn’t want to hear. The sound of death, and a panic came over me. I ran over to where the emergency button is and I pressed it. As soon as the nurses came in they had to get me out of the room. I pace back and forth repetitively waiting for the revival team to make my wife alive again.
I see a doctor is a white lab coat that reached the floor said to me that my wife is dead I crouched down and cried for what seemed like hours. I went inside the cold hospital room where the corpse of my wife, and the mother of Mair laid. I went to hold her hand and tears fell from my face like a waterfall. I finally got up from my sitting position, and kissed her on the lips. I went to get my belongings before turning around one last time to see her finally at rest. Her eyes closed. I turned around and walked out of that horrid room.
I walked inside the empty car garage getting an uneasy feeling, but I just continued to go to my car. Once I got in it; I cried. I start to drive away suffering from my loss. I drive down the long, and narrow road as the music is blaring through the speakers. All I can hear is the song “Bad Day” by Daniel Powter, and about half way through the song I start to sing it in a low husky voice. Just when the song had ended so was my journey. I pulled into our driveway, and stared outside of the huge house that belonged to a happy wife, father, and daughter. My mind replays that moment over and over again, and all I can think about is is this my fault? I put the car in park, and I just continued sitting there in the driver's seat as I turn off the car. Out of nowhere I jump towards someone knocking on my drivers side window. How is this possible? I tool out the window and I see Mair knocking, and I opened it asking her what she wanted. All she did was to continue to knock, and knock repetitively. It seems like no matter what I say Mair can’t hear me.
I jolt up from the couch, and realised it was the door that was making the sound. I walk over to the door and open it, and behind this cherry wood door is a scrawny boy. No more from what it seems like 18 years old. What is a “young man” doing here this late at night? I looked at my watch to only recognize its 5 in the afternoon. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him with full intent.
“Hello. Is Mair here by any chance?”
“Um, yeah, who are you exactly?”
“My name is Sebastian. I’m dating your daughter.”
“Do you know the reason why she is depressed?”
“Are you going to let me in?”
“Are you going to answer my question?”
“She is depressed because of-”
I heard Mair come down out steep wooden stairs, and she nearly jumped out of her own skin. The shock on her face, and her happiness means everything to me. Not right in this moment because she is in trouble. She should’ve told me about this damn Sebastian guy, and you know instead of keeping it a secret. That dirty blonde hair ragged looking boy is not trustworthy of my trust. Well not yet.
“Sebastian?! You here? How? When?”
He looked a little bothered as she ran up, and hugged him. All I could do at that moment is smile on the inside. I gave him a watch you ass stare, and he let her go immediately. Oh do I love the power to scare trashy boys like him. That small smile that was there before grew even bigger inside of me and my innerself jumped up and down for joy.
“Mair, I have to go.”
“What? Why?”
“You have to tell your dad why you’re sad.”
“But he won’t under-”
“Yes he will okay. I love you Mair. Talk to you later.”
Just as he kisses my daughter's head all I could think about is that he can not hurt her. If he does he. Will. Be Terminated. Poor Mair, only if she knew that her mother died. Mair turned around, and all I could think is sadness. Just then I see her face get all red, and with practically steam coming out her head with horns just like an angry bull. Just then she exploded like little kids hitting on a piñata.
“What the hell dad?”
“You didn’t tell me you were dating anyone, therefore, I had the right to send him away.”
“It’s not like he was going to rape me or anything.”
“Mair I don’t want you to get hurt that’s all.”
“Well I already am okay?”
“Why are you depressed honey?”
“Because of mom okay?”
“What do you know about her sweetie?”
Seeing her cry is like having your heart ripped out of your chest. I see her cross her arms all insecure like, and slowly walks over to our café brown sofa. I slowly follow het, and sat next to her as I embrace my arms around my hurting daughter. When our hug was over I start to explain that night.
“Mair, your mother had cancer when you were 14. She didn’t know what to do so I took her to the hospital that night when you were with your grandma,” she starts sobbing again, but this time it was a waterfall I tell myself over and over again be strong Mike, “and when I texted you moments before the cancer took over her body.”
“Dad I have to tell you something, and me being depressed about mom kind of is a cover up.”
“What do you mean Mair sweetie?” When I said that she got up, and ran over to the living room powder room and threw up there. Just then so many possibilities was going through my head. I never knew which one she was going to say when she is coming back. Once she is done with her business in the powder room she comes back over, and hugs me. The those words every father with a teenage daughter never wants to hear.
“By who? What? You can’t be your only 17.”
“Dad what I was telling my therapist was that I was rapped few months back.”
When she tells me this I shake my head over and over again. I;m not proud of her nor am I disappointed. At some point she got rapped, and it’s all my fault. Only if I was more protective over her. Was it that damned boy Sebastian? Or was it someone else? Only she could tell me, and that can only tell within time.
0 notes
catsbythetoryteller · 7 years
If Things Were Different…
By Catsby
I walked outside that yellow exterior building that I once called home. I snuck out through my large bay window. I wanted to run away with my boyfriend; Rowlan. Rowlan is perfect for me; with those adorable and trustworthy blue eyes that I love so much. We both wanted this; to run away from our families due to our love. It was our idea to do this; not anyone else's. Maybe we can finally live with each other. As he pulls up to the long and grey curb; I can see my Rowlan. I take my pink glittery backpack, and I make a run for the ‘97 teal thunderbird. I threw my backpack in the trunk of his car, and I hop right in it.
As we drove off all I could see is my house off in the distance, and then it vanished when he took the first left turn from my street to head to the freeway. All I could think is Why would my parents let me do this? If they would’ve done something different; would I still go down this path? Then I snap my head away from that thought. Thinking of that will make me tear up and wanting to go back; but I don’t after what they said to me. “Hey Lilly, are you okay? Like do you still want to do this?” my lovely Rowlan asks me. I nod slowly in response to his heavy hearted question; just then my attention goes to my hand. Where he put his hand on top of mine, and I blushed uncontrollably.
When Rowlan turn onto the freeway I watch the speedometer go from 25 miles per an hour all the way up to 80 miles per an hour. As we cruise down I-80; my favorite song just so  happens to come on. I gasp, and my hand goes to the volume knob and I immediately turn it up. I start singing the very begining of “Issues” by Julia Michaels. Rowlan takes a quick look at me dancing like a maniac. When his eyes turn back to the road; all he did is chuckle. I didn’t care that he is laughing at me; I only wanted to sing and dance my heart out. As the song ended; he turned the volume back down low as I turn to him looking puzzled.
“Nothing. You just look cute when you're doing whatever you're doing.” I scoffed at his remark, and I turned my head forward. Just then a smile crept on my face from his snarky comment. I turn to my side of the car, and I start to close my eyes, and fall asleep. My mind is replaying what happened that night.
I’m standing in the living room with a sectional couch that surrounded me and my family. Thankfully it’s just my mom, my brother, and I. “Mom; I like a guy at school who is a bad boy”
“Jasmina, if you can just turn off your wifi then we wouldn’t be in this problem. I couldn’t care any less if you died in a ditch you prick”
“You know what Damion I don’t care about your goddamn xbox.”
“You are selfish, ignorant, retarded, stupid bit-”
“Would you guys just stop it?”
I got mad and I ran off to my room and slam my door, and with that I woke up to the bright shining sun. I squint my eyes as we pull into the seaweed green motel. I look to my left, and guess who I saw? My poor sleep deprived Rowlan.
“Well good morning sunshine.”
“What city are we in?”
“We are in Mesa.”
“Yeah love you slept through the whole 8 hour through. I’m surprised you aren’t dead.” Again I scoff at his remark, and I got out of the car. I start to walk little faster than Rowlan, and I go towards the registration building. As I walk in this bizarre bearded man is looking at me; not to mention I physically see him look up and down like I’m some hooker. Thank god when he was done Rowlan saved the day. He nonchalantly put his arm around me, and I can see the utter shock in this guys face. When Rowlan kisses me on the cheek; I smile and we walk towards the the counter. As I am blushing from his peck on the cheek; he is getting us checked in and then the strange man gave us the key to the room we are staying in. When we were leaving i did a quiet whisper saying, “God what a creep”.
Once again we got inside my boys lovely prised possession, and drove to the very front of the room we paid for. Rowlan put his car in park, and we slowly got out of the car to our surprise we came in front of an aqua blue door. I put the key inside the slot as it turned green and opened the door with the seahorse door knob. Rowlan and I collectively push the door open, however, I wasn’t brave enough to take the first step into this horrid room. Rowlan takes a few steps in before he looks at me in disgust. I try talking to him but he doesn’t respond; he only respond by leaving the room taking the room key away from my hands. I walk in a few more steps than he did, and it was the worst thing I ever saw.
I try to turn on the light switch that is on the wall but the door, however, the lights start to flicker like a bomb went off. I quickly shut them off, and I went to grab my phone to look around this creepy room. I pulled out my phone, and turned on my flashlight. Just to my disappointment there is loose debris from the other rooms remodel. I frown in disgust, but I keep moving. I turned to my left, and to my surprise I see a single double sized queen bed. All I thought was That’s the ONLY thing that is good about this damned place. I got too creeped out to look at the rest; I turned around and started to walk faster towards the door just when Rowlan met me there.
“Are you okay love?”
“Yeah sweetie I just got scared. The mess in the right far corner of the room looked scary.” All Rowlan did is just nod; hold my hand as he lead me through the doorway. I wasn’t thinking clearly when he did what he did; what we did. It was intimate, yet it was nothing  could ever dreamed it would be. I bet you, the reader guessed what we did, and the answer is yes. It was amazing. Nether of us regret it after that night, and yes I did have a feeling that would happen. But who would have known it would happen last night.
The next morning I wake up to the sound of a drill going off. I try to go back asleep till Rowlan puts his arms around me and brings me close to his chest. Here I am with my backside against his bulge from his pants. I blush a little as I snuggle more into his arms. Luckily enough time has went by and the drilling has gotten louder; frustrated I got up and opened the front door. Just to my surprise the drilling has stopped. I looked confused; turned around and just then I see Rowlans back muscles flex back as he stretched. I smailed as I shut the door, and ran back to the bed. I wrapped my arms around him, and kissed his neck repeatedly. I hear him chuckle as he says, “Wanna give it another go”. To my own surprise I nod.
Despite the mess in the room; all I could think about is him. And. Me. In my bed. With every thrust that he did all I could do is moan over and over again. My hands went directly around his neck where the skin and his hair meet. When we both climax, at the same time by the way, he laid down on top of me. Looking into eachothers eyes; more like gazing actually. We both got in the shower feeling at ease; standing so far yet so close to our touch. Once we are out of the shower; we get out, and get dressed. We check out of the motel, and start driving down the narrow highway.
Rowlan speeds down; turns right into a small town. Cars are zooming by just then a tree appeared out of nowhere. I am sleeping; smiling at what happened in that grotesque motel room. Something has gotten into him; because just then I hear a crush. My eyes flew open; then they closed back down. Why can’t I move my legs? I look at my dead, and lifeless body. I look next to my body, and I saw Rowlan. Dead; no trace of life leading to his body. The paramedics came I tried saying, “Help Rowlan, help him instead of me” but they didn’t hear me. Just then that’s when they they pronounced him dead...and I too was pronounced dead also.
0 notes
catsbythetoryteller · 7 years
Why Is it Him?
By Catsby
Here I was with a tight skin tight yellow sparkly dress; standing in a crowd of people inside a huge gold room with high ceilings above me. The ceilings have engravings on it like they were from the time of the Romans. As I look to each corner of this humongous room there are chairs or a least a chair places in every corner in this horrific room. Why am I here? I am here because I am a friend of the bride, and the groom. Yes, I know double the trouble. Anyways; the purpose of these damned chairs is to help us, the guests, “mingle”. Trust me it’s the stupidest idea ever thought. In between these chairs, or right beside them,  are a simple glass table with a very colorful vases that are in various shades of reds, blues, and white for some reason. In these vases there are nothing, but varies colors of daisies.
I start to walk in my silver glittery 5 inch heels over to the lovely bride and groom. Right before I get to them a guy blocks my way to them. This guy is so hot; I mean with him being tall, black hair, with gorgeous hazel eyes. I just couldn’t to resist from his gaze. “Excuse me miss, but is your name Sadie?” ashed the total hunk. As I was blushing through his politeness, but it stopped when he called me Sadie. Something snapped between us I should my head viciously and said, “My name is Hale; not Sadie. I’m kind of friends with the bride.” I stated. Why in the hell would he want my name? Before I could say anymore he stuck his hand out like he was expecting me to take it. I don’t know what came over me but I had a sudden trust with this guy, and so I did.
We head to his car when I heard him ask me something. Was it if I wanted a drink? I politely declined, and he put me in his car. I’m sitting in the passenger seat; with some of my dress slipping off. That caught the mysterious man's attention, and I know that because I caught him looking at a glimpse of my shoulder straps slipping off. I blushed a little before putting it up slightly just then I heard him mumbling something. It was something like go ahead, and let it fall. I let it fall, and then I noticed him turning into a dark alleyway. “So what's your name; since I already told you mine mystery man.” I asked. I caught him smirking just as he says his name. Oh Arsen. Why do you look so sexy, however, your jerk material not boyfriend material. How on earth can a mysterious guy look so damn sexy?
We both go into the backseat, but I climb over first just to tease him a little bit. However I already knew he would be staring at my ass. We start to make out, and all I can think about is how soft his lips are against mine. Then I feel my hands unconsciously going behind his head where his hair is; just then his hands would do the same. The only difference is that he was laying me down on the black leather backseat. When he pulled on my hair gently a small moan escaped my mouth. As our kissing pace quickly speed up; we were left panting and wanting more of each other. We were about to take our clothes off hand have sex when his cell phone started to ring; then we stopped and I started to frown. What a shame the moment passed.
Once he was finishing up with his phone call he looked sorry and  said, “Want me to drive you home?”, and all I said was that I would like to go to home. Arsen turns on the radio, and we would laugh and talk about our past like we are best friends. I sing, and dance like I am in the fifth grade talent show again. We stop in front of my face, and we stare at each other with what seemed like minutes. Arsen comes close to me, and plants a soft yet gentle kiss on my lips like before. I smiled when he left my lips, and I jumped back at him; giving a hard yet meaningful kiss on his glorious lips. The most sexiest guy, sitting next to me, is going to be my boyfriend soon; if not then maybe a booty call. I grabbed his phone and typed in my number and all I had to say was text me; and I’m his.
I got out of the car, smiling, and walking away from him. My dream guy; why can’t he just come out of the car, and chase me down, and stay with me for the night? Just as I close the door; I take off my heels, and walk towards my kitchen. My kitchen has an island that is placed on the middle with white cabinets surrounding the island with sandstone counter tops. The back splash I fell in love with because it is a pattern of black and white tiles. It also matches the bathroom; no lie. I take my shoes of pain off my poor aching feet, and I stand in front of my black Samsung fridge. Staring in there with the thought I was going to eat something in there. Then my fridge start to beep at me so I got frustrated and got leftover Chinese food.
I walk over to my living room with the high heels, and my Chinese food in both hands. I struggle to walk over the sofa to sit down in my oh so tightly dress. I put the food down, and walk to my bedroom. My lovely bedroom with sacred stories. This lovely place has a full bed; with butterfly bed set, with butterfly pillows. For the longest time I remember that my mom would’ve always been a butterfly when she is dead. Just so she can land on people's hands, and “kiss” then repetitively. I put my heels into my walk-in closet, and took off my tight dress and put on a long sleeve with overalls. They are so comfortable, and I love them. As I watch CNN; I eat my somewhat cold noodles.
After watching CNN; with my fabulous date...my noodles. I got off my sofa, and start to walk over back towards the kitchen to throw away my leftover container of Chinese food. It wasn’t amazing Chinese food, however, it did it’s job. I open my tiny silver trash can, and threw it away. I closed my trash can and start to walk towards my room as I yawn repetitively. I walk down my long and lengthy hallway, and I pass the three doors that are on my right because well they are guest rooms with bathrooms. I turn left and then I make another left because that is my bedroom. As I open my double french white doors; with gold handles. I walked past my recliner that is on the right side of the door, and I picked up my shoes and put them inside my walk in closet. My closet is organized by color and my shoes by season. I lay down in my bed and dream; a very sexy dream…
I made the door swing wide open as I am kissing this man of my dream vigorously. He slams the door shut, and he puts my legs above his sexy hips and carries me to my room. He kisses up and down my neck and then nibbles on my ear a bit as I moan. He puts me on the floor; now I see his glorious black hair, and his soft hazel eyes. I am now standing in front of this man; who seemed to love what I am wearing. My mystery man, Arsen, came up to me kissing me so passionately. Once again our hands flew to each other hair as we played, and tugged on the hairs oh so gently. Then I took a step back to analyze what we are doing. Okay we are doing this now. I didn’t realize that I was backing all the way to the mattress, and I sit down immediately. Arsen follows my lead and lay on top of me making out. As things start to get heated up; my eyes flew open once his luscious lips left mine.
Arsen, my love, gets up and unbuttons his shirt slowly. Then he slowly, and teasingly undoes his pants. I never really paid attention of him taking off his pants because I was too busy staring at his sexy abs. My eyes travels down towards him removing his plaid fruit of the loom boxers, and I gasp at his lovely budge. Oh my, who knew a guy who looked a geeky cute could contain something that undeniable size. As my dream guy unleashed his surprise; I could feel my cheeks getting hotter. Oh my god is it noticeable? God I hope not. I get up, and I get out of my skin tight dress and my lovely precious heels. All I have on is my B cup push up bra that was a nude color, and my panties matched my bra. I pushed my nude color cheeky; as I slight pushed Arsen down on to the bed, and I climb up on top of him.
I am bouncing up and down; repetitively making my boobs bounce up and down hard. I took him hands and put them on my breasts as I continue to do my work. We both let out moans as we continued. All of a sudden I hear, “Babe turn around I wanna see you ass bounce” I did what I was told to do. I go even faster practically jumping up and down on him. He is out of me and I slam back into him; as I slow down to grind against him he releases his tension, and I do so together. Just as we moaned together; I woke up.
I sit up in my bed; pleased with the occurrence I just dreamed about. I can’t believe that I had a sex dream with someone I just basically met. Oh Arsen what are you doing to me? I have to get up; get ready for work; and pray to god I see him today. I go inside of my new car, and I drive off to Starbucks. As usual I get my iced coffee with out whip. Then I drive down to my work; I turn on my radio and I start to dance and sing “My Humps” by The Black Eyed Peas. I pull into the parking garage, shut off my car, and slowly walk to my office with my Iced coffee, and my briefcase.
My heels click against the tile of the huge building; just then the elevator stops and opens. I practically almost dropped my Starbucks and have my mouth wide open just as my sexiness dreamiest guy walk in. Holy. Shit. I try to act normal despite of my shock, and I work up the nerve. Just as the elevator door opens again, but with my floor. I write my number down and hand Arsen the paper with my number on it. “Here ya go Arsen call me for the ‘rain check’” as I said I walk out of that elevator swinging my hips; leaving him in awe. The note said: Hale Wright (856) 437-8465 ;) Call me!
0 notes
catsbythetoryteller · 7 years
A Life In Cherry Lane
By Catsby
When I first caught a glimpse at 305 Cherry Lane; all I thought is that this is my old but new rustic Victorian home. I start to walk inside this new house as I touch the cherry wood door, and I immediately saw the Victorian couch that the previous owners left me. I thought how perfect this is as I squealed in delight. Next to the couch; which was against the wall is a china cabinet. I wonder why they haven’t taken this beautiful piece of antiques. I knew this experience would be an amazing one; I twirled around and faced the three gentleman that were moving the boxes and the furniture. “Can you guys put the boxes in the kitchen, and those in the living-room?” I asked, and without question they did as they were told with no delays.
I tossed my barbie blonde full length hair, and slowly towards my big bay window and look over to the neighbors window. I start to squint my eyes I think I see something-is that..a little brunette girl in the window? What is she doing? Is she-she’s having blood spill from her neck?! I blinked and by my own amazement the little brunette girl was gone. Like completely gone. I gasp in shock and start to move away from the window, and I start to head for my huge master bedroom and bathroom. As I wonder going up the spiral staircase about how can the little brunette girl move so fast? She looked no younger than 11 years old I swear. Just as I entered my room the movers were not that far behind. “Oh good” I said. They were bringing my queen sized bed with my rustic bed frame that I paid too much for.
Arsen could you please put together my bed, and put it in the corner please?” I asked. Just as I finished my question Arsen was already on his way over to that corner. How in the hell would he know where I wanted that...weird. Why do I have a feeling like I’m being watched? Maybe I’m just being paranoid, but I don’t think I am. Then I start to look and some what unpack my master bath. Just then I get the coldest chills. The kind that make your hairs stand up; I’d thought it would pass like getting the chills when you are nervous or excited. That wasn’t my case. “Is it me or am I getting cold?” I asked. Arsen turned to me and said, “I think it’s you Miss”. I start to shrug it off’ let the movers finish getting me settled, then paying them; then closing the door as they leave.
I’m all alone in my new house, and something feels off. I start to unpack my kitchen when, like every person that moved will discover something broken, but not me. Everything. Is. Perfect.
As soon as I’m finished with the kitchen I walked out the front door, and I come to a screeching halt when I heard a very high pitched scream. Those damn teenagers; scaring little kids like that. It’s not even close to Halloween yet! I tried moving but I’m not. It’s like I’m trying to move, but my muscles won’t let me. Just then I see her. The brunette girl; standing in front of me. Wow I thought she was much shorter probably like 4 feet, but no she seem to be like 4 foot 8 inches. This young girl started to walk up to me and I’m just frozen. Like a Popsicle I know. For some obscure reason I got curious, and I wanted to go inside that creepy old bashed up house next door.
My mind is saying no, however, my body is saying yes. As this weird little girl is staring at me, I thought she would be able to help me. I asked, “Hey I’m your new neighbor. I was wondering if you could help me”. The brunette girl just stands there. Starring with those beady little eyes, and I stare her back. Just then she raises both of her arms, and slowly approaches me even closer than she really was. As she was coming closer and closer I was so scared I was speechless. This mysterious girl from earlier is not next to me. When she moves to the back of me; she put her tiny little hands on my shoulder. Pushing me forward, well it was more like shoving. Like a vacuum cleaner against a carpet or a wooden floor.
Now that I’m inside this old rustic horrid of a place I take a good quick and hard look about me and my surroundings. What’s in this creepy old house? If this is even a house that operates correctly. Most importantly why and am I even here? I start to move my feet then all of a sudden I hear voices of little girls. “No she’s here.” said one. Then I shook off the feeling, and continued walking around the big foyer.
Spiral staircase in the right corner of the foyer, and across the way is the kitchen. The wood is too dark for my taste, and the wooden floor is very squeaky whenever you walk on it. Then I heard, “How is she still alive?” asked one of the voices. Trust me I don’t know where they are talking about but I shrug it off, yet, again. I walk over the very tall dark oak door, and I try to open it. Why isn’t it opening? Maybe it’s locked. I try to look around for a lock for the door, however, this door doesn’t have one. I start to panic, and I slowly back up all the way till I hit a wall. I turned to my left, and I found a phone that was ringing, ringing, and ringing. I got annoyed so I answered it. “Hello?” I wait a few more seconds, “Hello? Please someone, whoever please help me I’m at 666 Cherry Lane”. Wow no one answered… how cliche. I rolled my eyes as I slam the phone shut on the wall. Dammit!
Just then I heard the door starting to open. I stood there a few minutes when I saw a piece of clothing; I walked fast. Well it was more like a sprint in my case. All the way down the long, dark, and lengthy hallway I start to say to myself “Oh…. crap…. Rachel why why why”. I took my very first left into a what it seems like a bedroom. I open the door, and close it gently. I bent down breathing heavily. Then I heard those damn voices again. “She’s in his bedroom-Arsen-In the bedroom.” thanks for the help mysterious voices. When I calmed myself down I took my phone, and turned on the flashlight, I looked around. Holy shit! It is a bedroom. I turn around to hear some steps coming to this room, and I am freaked.
I scanned the room and look for places to hide. Under his messy bed? No. Under his desk? Too obvious. Come on Rachel think. His closet! I ran in there and crouched down. In between the cracks I see him put a bloody knife down, and I see a guy that moved me yesterday. I’m getting angry, and upset. Why is he so damn adorable! Knock it off Rachel. Yes! He is leaving; as he closed the door I got out and I start to look around. I stare at the bloody knife that he left on his bed. How gross the blood looks fresh. His clothes look bloody from his shirt all the way down to his socks. Just everything was bloody. Yet it looked a little dry if I must admit. I stare at the bloody knife, and his clothes trying to give Arsen the benefit of the doubt when it came to this kind of thing.
Somehow I managed to walk towards his desk that was across from his bed. I start to open the desk drawer, and once it was fully out I was looking at this thing is horror. How is he able to do this? Inside this drawer of his desk was pictures of girls; little girls that he murdered in this house. I was horrified. I start to back up slowly; turn around, and ran for my life out of that damn house. Once I was out of the room I turned the next corner, and went down the spiral staircase as I dialed 911. I stopped when I see Arsen arguing with the TV about something that has to do with politics. I watched him as he slowly got up from his crappy felt recliner, and started to walk towards me. Crap crap think Rachel think. I crouched down under the staircase, and watch him open the door cautiously looking at my house. That serial killer will get what is coming to him. Just then Arsen leaves the door open; yes this is my chance. I quickly started to get up from under the staircase, and ran outside to his front yard and called 911.
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